Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

Haruhi sat at the back of the classroom, trying to pay attention to the teacher. It was nearly impossible though, with all the noise her classmates were making. She saw one of her regular 'clients' from the host club turn around and wave. Haruhi waved back and watched as the girl giggled and blushed. She just didn't get why so many of the girls liked her.
Yuuki watched as the girl left the room, confused as to where she was going. The twins who had been messing around with her before seemed to instinctively know where the girl had wandered off to. She looked back at them and suddenly realized how cute they were. Blushing, she quickly turned back around and sunk deeper into her chair.
Hey guys I know I havnt posted for a while. My sister just had her baby so I'mat the hospital I jump back in as soon as can sorry.))
((Thank you for the update! I was actually waiting on you since kyoya is the only other second yyear next to my characters.))
Caid rushed into his classroom, giving the teacher a quiet excuse about some family emergancy when in reality, he was sleeping the morning away while his maids shouted at him. he looked around, sighing before skulking over and sitting in front of a rather talkative group. After pulling out a book and reading for a while, he couldn't take the noise, turning and seeing Hikaru and Kaoru with some girls. Being one of the very, very, very few males who regularly came to the host club, he knew them pretty well. "Hikaru, Kaoru, can you quit flirting with every skirt you see? It's annoying." He whined, a grumpy look set on his face. This just goes to show that Caid is not by any means a morning person.
Haruhi looked up from her textbook and at the group. She laughed at what Caid said and then quickly turned her attention back to the book. "It seems this is going to be a very long day,"​ she thought.
The twins pouted,"don't be so gready Caid-kun!"Hikaru said pouting,"yeah besides it's not our fault that you slept in"Kauro said pouting."or is it?"Chiro said walking back into the class room eatting pockey.

Chiro sat down the teacher glared but didn't say anything due to the rumors about Chiro.
Akina took a long deep breath, leaning back in her chair and staring towards the front of the classroom. Her eyes turned away and looked at the clock, and she sighed.

"Finally.. 5 more minutes left until lunch." She muttered as her stomach growled slightly. After about five minutes had passed, the bell rang, and the other students arose out of there seats.

"Have a good day!" The teacher called as everyone walked out of the classroom. Akina followed behind, gripping one of her books in her left hand. She past the room with the piano, and couldn't help but peek in. Her eyes widened, and she rose an eyebrow. There were girl's everywhere in there!

What is going on? She asked herself, stepping into the room and glancing around curiously.
"Here we are Lya, welcome to Ouran High!" Tamaki proclaimed and threw his arms up in the air as if it would show off the school better. I sighed, I really didn't want to be here, it was bad enough I had moved from America when I was in sixth grade, and now my father wanted to stop homeschooling and send me to some prestigious school for rich brats my age. I never actually met anyone my age, and if it was up to me, I never would. I gave another distraught sigh.

Just then Tamaki broke my thoughts, pulling the hood off my light brown hair he said "Lya, why are you hiding your beautiful face?", he placed his cool hand on my chin and his face hovered inches away from mine. "You must show the world your dazzling good looks, show them how amazing you are as Lya Lyndel". His eyes sparkled passionately and I blushed. He held me there for a second before he released me.

"Now come! I must show you the ways of this school" He skipped off happily and I followed him. "Okay...I guess", Tamaki was the first person I met here, at first I was a bit guarded, but something about him just makes it easier to be here. I skulked behind him, the bell had just rung, the halls would be flooded yet again with people and I'd be one in the masses following the lavishly popular Tamaki behind as we made our way to eat.
As the bell rang, Serenity closed her book and made her way out into the enormous halls. she never understood the rich peoples need to have everything so lavishly decorated. they all just seemed so snobbish and better-then-you. she let out a sigh as she reached the cafeteria. she quickly grabbed her meal, payed and looked about for somewhere to sit. she spotted Honey and Mori at a table near the middle of the cafeteria. Honey gave her an enthusiastic wave, Mori nodding, and she went over and sat with them. by the stares she was getting from the other girls, she had to assume that these two must be extremely popular.

"Hey Seri-chan!! hows your first day at Ouran going? want some cake?" Honey gave her a grin and offered her one of the many cakes he had sitting in front of him.

"no thanks." She turned down his cake offer, "my day? oh you know, a quiet intellectual at a school for noisy rich people. sure im rich, but if my mother hadnt have re-married i would have been a scholarship student. and what is with all the girls? its like they are staring daggers at me." she started nibbling at her food as Honey and Mori looked at the other girls at the tables around them. "anyway, why are you two by yourselves?"

"our friends will be here soon! you should meet them Seri!" Honey said before stuffing a large chunk of cake in his mouth.

((@♥Lost_In_Paradise♥ the Host club actually eats lunch in the cafeteria, not music room 3, if you remember the episode when Hikaru and Kaoru were arguing.))

(([MENTION=3396]WolfnightV4X1[/MENTION] not that it matters, but you switched from 3rd person to 1st person after your first paragraph in your last post.))
Yuuki stood up and left the room quickly, suddenly not wanting to draw any more attention to herself. She quickly dropped off her school things and headed down to the cafeteria. All the loud rich kids seemed to have beaten her here, but she found a table in the back of the cafeteria and sat alone.
(Oh crap.. LOL I totally forgot about that. Sorry, forget Akina went into the music room:)

Akina steps were slow as she peeked into the cafeteria room. Her bright colored eyes grew a little bit afraid and nervous while she sat down at a table with her lunch. She wasn't trying to seem like an innocent girl, but she was only acting this way because it was her first day. Once she got used to this school, she would express her true self more.

She took a bite into her salad, and than lifted her gaze upwards. She saw the girl from earlier who she saw in the music room sitting with two handsome guys. She couldn't help but feel a little bit left out. Blinking her eyes, she looked away and pushed the thoughts out of her mind.
Haruhi walked slowly and reluctantly to the cafeteria. She usually sat in the classroom to eat her boxed lunch, but wanted to sit with the rest of the host club today. As she entered the cafeteria, Haruhi spotted Honey and Mori sitting with a girl. She walked over and sat next to Mori. "Hey Mori. Hi Honey." Haruhi then looked at the girl as she unwrapped her lunch. "Hello miss. I'm Haruhi."
Serenity gave Haruhi an odd look. "im Serenity" she looked from Haruhi to Mori, then back again. "may i ask why your wear the mhhff" she was stopped as Mori put his hand over her mouth.

"i can explain later" he said in a low voice. he removed his hand, and Serenity shrugged, before going back to her lunch.
Haruhi looked at Mori, slightly confused, but then shrugged and got back to her food. It was just some leftover sushi she had made for dinner last night. It was no fancy tuna, but it was good food. It was one of her moms recipes that she had left for Haruhi. She picked up her chopsticks and started eating.
Tamaki made his way into the lunch room, girls stared and whispered as he made his way through the lunch line, and he gladly winked and blew kisses at them causing them to swoon and faint. I shot Tamaki a look "Is it always like that with you?" Tamaki laughed "But of course Lya, these wonderful ladies can't resist my dashing good looks, you'll understand once you come to the host club." I raised an eyebrow "Once I come? I never said I wanted to come.What is the host club anyways?"

Tamaki's eyes sparkled "The Ouran host club is where the school's handsomest boys with way too much time on their hands entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands" he beamed with pride. I shook my head and couldn't help a smile "Riiiiight, I'll consider going there...probably" I stifled a giggle at Tamaki's overly dramatic demeaner.

Just then Tamaki waved over at some people "Mori-Kun, Honey-chan" he looked back at me "Come Lya, you shall meet my family" he skipped off and I sucked a deep breath. The cafeteria was crowded with people, better to sit with people I know and not strangers...or at least one person I know. I pulled the dark hood over my head and followed.

"Greetings friends, allow me to introduce you to Lya!" He grinned psychotically and I only managed a mumbled "H-Hi" There was a reserved guy, some little kid, and a girl here. I took a seat quietly and ate my lunch while I watched the others warily.

(I'm going to first person, that okay?))
((It updated as I was typing))

"Oh Haruhi!" gasped Tamaki, regretting not acknowledging her prescenvce "I am so sorry, that was inconcievably horrible of me" His heart skipped a beat. Him of all people should know better, being her father figure and all. He slid in his seag to be in front of her and looked at her lunch "You are eating peasant food!" he gave another gasp "I will not allow my Haruhi to eat such commoner meal" From his platter he piled onto her plate some of his expensive delicacy.
Haruhi looked at the food being put in the box then up at Tamaki, a slight blush on her face. "Tamaki-senpai, you don't have to do that. I'm fine with the food I have." She looked back down at the food. "Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it," she mumbled to herself. She picked up some with her chopsticks and ate it. Overcome with the flavor of the food, she practically froze.
"I see you are enjoying it, Haruhi" he grinned "Indeed, I am a host in and out of the club, that is what it means to be a true host Lya" Tamaki suddenly remembered that Lya was new here "Oh yes, Lya, this is the lovely Haruhi, he's Mori, that's Honey, and she is Serenity" he introduced her to everyone "Alas, poor old Lya had been banished from going to school, and only until now, She had been locked away. Homeschooled! How tragic". Lya gave him another look "I enjoyed homeschool actually, its here I don't like", Lya looked down at her food, she missed the times where she could sit at home, read a book, and listen to music in peaceful solitude in between studies

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