Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

(("should I be worried that he has that expression?"-LOL, I love that part xD ))

I nodded, "Sure okay." I felt a bit apprehensive, and the thing is, I don't usually wear dresses. So the idea of going to a fancy party like this was kind of strange, but I was also really excited at the same time.

Tamaki makes his way over to his vice president. "Hey Kyoya, so I got this brilliant idea. What if we have a dance party at the host club? It'll be perfect. We can get a whole bunch of visitors, huh?". He nudges Kyoya with his elbow a bit. He looks over at Serenity "You're invited, everyone's invited"
Maro noticed that Mori had glanced towards the young man that was running around. "I agree with that. It seems that they do nothing productive." She enjoyed having an intelligent conversation for once. Most of the people here seemed to only care about looks or products. She felt that Mori was the first person without a selfish reason behind what he did.

Kyoya didn't answer Serenity's question with words but instead he gave her a look that could be interpreted as "Is there a reason for you to be?" He looked up to Tamaki with a bit of a smile tracing his lips. "Hmm? That would bring profit up trimendously." He said a bit unlike an answer but from how well Tamaki knew him it would be a yes.

I don't know if you were told but I will be gone for a while (hopefully I'll be back on Friday) and I wont be able to post.... I shall inform you when I get back! Sorry...))
((thats ok [MENTION=3558]Seiko-kun[/MENTION], we will just say that Kyoya is planning for the dance in the backround, and Maro is off doing her own thing. Im thinking of time skipping to the the next school day anyway, then we can just hangout in classes till you get back))

Serenity gave a graceful smile, "it sounds like a lovely idea. " she agreed, "i would most definitely come, and if i could say, im rather talented at formal dancing."

Mori shook his head, "it may seem that way, but Tamaki often helps people who really need it, and this club has a way of bringing smiles to peoples faces. i imagine that sometimes we have things on our minds that we dont wish to speak of, and sometimes sinmple things such as conversation, coffee, tea and good company can lift someones spirits without us even knowing."

((just thought that Lya and Hani dancing would be totally awkward cuz he is so short xD ))
(Hahahah! IKR xD , but damn, that would be so awkwardly kawaii! <3)


I looked at my classes, I didn't actually get to meet the hosts yesterday. My father told our servant to contact me to come home, so that was a bummer. But I told them I'd be home later today for...school stuff. Not that it would matter, they didn't actually mind where I was so long as I told them, and as long as it wasn't some 'hooligan activity'.

Anyways, I got my schedule and today would be the first day that I'd be attending all my classes today. Yesterday I only attended classes after lunch. Now, here goes, a whole day of school. I took in a sharp breath as I watched all the regal, wealthy kids line the hallways and talk about formal stuff. Suddenly I felt self conscious again, around all these strange people. But as soon Tamaki runs up to me "Lya! There you are! Are you ready for another day of Ouran?" he literally was bouncing off the walls. Again. I sighed, and mumbled "Yeah, sure" but I smiled a bit, at least I had him here.

"Tamaki, do you guys hang out, like, outside the host club also?" Tamaki was leading the way to an unknown destination. "Of course, we hosts always stick together, for better or for worse. We consummate ourselves to each other in..." Tamaki blabbered on in some extremely weird form of speech that sounded like the hosts were married to one another or something. It was weird, but he spoke victoriously like he was exciting people for some cause. Funny how Tamaki spoke everything he said in this manner.

I looked around, wondering if I'd see Haruhi, Serenity, Mori, or even Hani before the bell rings.

(Speaking of Haruhi, where is she, or him/her?)
((Skaterjuliet always seems to be busy))

Serenity walked the halls ealry in the morning, of course arriving earlier most. She was quite looking forward to visiting the host club later. Although it was noisy, she had enjoyed her conersation with Kyoya. She was glad he had not mentioned herself esteem when she had denied Tamakis claims about her "beauty" she felt that perhaps someday she may eventually see her self as plain and ordinary.

"Seri-chan!" Hani approached her, Mori following silently. Serenity smile, and saw Lya and Tamaki out of the corner of her eye. She pointed in their direction, and she, Hani and Mori walked over to greet them. Hani gave Lya a hug. "Morning Lya-chan! Are you coming to the host club today?" He asked with excitmemt.
I embraced Hani for a few moments before letting go and a rosy tinge colored my face. "Of course Hani-kun, it's not like Tamaki would let me miss out anyways" I added the last part so I.wouldn't appear overly enthusiastic to be there but a smile crepy on my face. Tamakilaughed "You sure are right about that". I looked at Mori and Serenity and realized I momentarily forgot them because of Hani, well, Mori was pretty easy to forget since he's so quiet but nonetheless I still felt guilty "So you guys excited for the host club dance?"
Serenity nodded, "I'm quite looking forward to it, as its been awhile since I've been able to do any formal dancing." She smiled slightly, wondering who she would dance with.

Hani nodded, " of course! We get to see cousin Seri in a dress and Lya-chan in a dress!" He smiled, more specifically at Lya. Mori gave a silent nod, knowing he would probably be alone that night.
[MENTION=3396]WolfnightV4X1[/MENTION], [MENTION=3558]Seiko-kun[/MENTION], where are you please dont leave meeeeeeee
(I'm sorry. I haven't been able to post lately)

I nodded and blushed. I couldn't wait for the time to come. "I think it sounds like fun" I said. I wondered how long until school was over. In fact, I hadn't attended all my classes yet, maybe I might share a class with one of the hosts. "By the way, what class do you guys have? I might share one with you" I really hope I had a class with Hani. (Meh Sry short)
I'm sorry!!!! I'm back!!! Don't die!!!))

Maro walked through the halls glancing around at the students. She was a bit annoied that they found her so interesting when she really wasn't. Just when she was about to bark at a group of girls that had been following her for an hour she noticed Tamaki pulling away a girl. She sighed a bit and decided to follow. At least she could have am intellegent converstion with Mori if everyone else was just going to gawk at her.
((Yay! I am happy once more!))

Serenity simply stood and listened to them chat, they all seemed to be having fun and she wasn't sure exactly what to say. Hani appeared excited, "Does Lya-chan have a pretty dress to wear?" He asked happily. Mori looked over and spotted Maro,and quietly waved her over. "Good morning" he said with a small smile.
I shook my head "Uh...no actually. I haven't ever really needed one. Should I...get one?" Where would I get a dress. "Can you help me out"?" I wonder if I would be asking too much of my friends. Tamaki burst out. "Oh Lya, of course! We absolutely MUST give you a gorgeous dress to accentuate your beauty". His eyes.sparkled and he held both my hands in his. "uh...yeah" I blushed, looking at my hands and wondering if I could get them free from Tamaki's excited grasp. Luckily he released me and I looked at the others "So...that's a yes".
Maro nodded letting a similar smile form and walked over to Mori. "Morning." She noticed that there was a bit of commotion going on. "What's going on?" She asked him curious. She noted that there was a little boy among them and was a bit confused.

Kyoya watching the Host Club over his black note book. He noticed that there were only three people within the conversations that weren't part of the club. Serenity, a feminine looking young man talking to Mori, and a young blonde haired girl that seemed to interact with Tamaki and Honey rather well.
Hani grinned again, "cant wait to see your dress!" he said. he noticed Mori talking to the person from yesterday. "Takashi did you make another friend? who is this guy?" Mori simply patted Hani on the head, and he went back to chatting with Tamaki and Lya. Mori turned towards Maro. "would you like to attend the dance party? all are welcome." he said quietly.

Serenity spotted Kyoya and went over to say hello. "good morning. not going to join the conversation? or perhaps youre too busy planning for the party?" she asked, wondering why he watched instead of participated in the conversation.
Well that was random... Maro thought thinking about Hani's outburst. She looked back up at Mori a bit surprised that he was asking her. "Oh, I'm not one for dancing." She rubbed the back of her neck.

Kyoya gave Serenity a small smirk. "You could say that." He was planing more of fiances then the events though. He had already sold Haruhi's pencil and was planing to auction off some of the pictures the twins had taken and Photoshopped.
"Not everyone is a dancer." Mori pointed out, "but there will also be food and games. I do hope you consider it." He smiled in a gentlemanly fashion.

Serenity had a thoughtful expression, "well, at least someone is serious, although, I do hope you take some time to enjoy yourself every once in awhile." She smiled.
Maro smiled a bit. "I'll be stopping by then. That is if you don't mind." She didn't like to impose on those that were nice to her, but those that annoyed her always got punched.

Kyoya shut his book to hide both the photos and his plans. He reminded himself that he would need to speak with Tamaki about the decor and snacks. "I have little time to be enjoying myself." He said his smirk never faltering but a flat tone in his voice.
I smiled as the group chattered away with one another. I noticed the person from the other day showed up as well. I looked over at her and studied her...or him. It was hard to tell. I could feel myself closing up again at the arrival of a new person. "Oh...hi" I managed a weak greeting. Tamaki pushed through and managed a better one "Hello, yes it would be great if you could come to the party. This gorgeous girl here is Lya and I am the one and only Tamaki!" He held a vain hand to his chest. I blushed a bit, as usual, to Tamaki's usual serenade. I nodded, "Yeah, the whole thing sounds like fun".

Just then I heard the bell ring. I sighed, great, I really didn't want to go to class.

(I figured we should move it along, I can retract the last statement if its not okay. Otherwise, I think we should move along from class day to party. And where r twins n Haruhi.....!)
Maro's smile dropped and she had a bit of an annoyed expression as the bell rang. "I'll see you later Mori." She said looking back to Mori with a faint smile in her eyes. She then looked to Lya and gave a nod of greeting. "I guess I'll see you there too." A thin smile appearing on her face for a millisecond before she walked past Tamaki with out giving him a second thought.
"later" Mori replied. Hani gave Lya a quick hug, "by Lya-chan, see you later!" he waved before he walked off, Mori following close behind. Serenity gave one last smile before saying a quick goodbye as well. "hope to chat later Ootori-san" as she walked towards her first class, wondering if she was too formal with his name.
Kyoya nodded once with a smirk before turning to the ignored king of the Host Club who was probably dramatically dieing. He sighed and waited patiently for Tamaki to calm down so he could discus the party that they had yet to plan.

Maro walked quickly to class not wanting to be late or have classmates try to strike up conversations with her. She noticed that the same group from before was following her again and groaned inwardly stepping into the class. She hoped they would dissipate instead of following her so she could study in peace for a few minutes.
I hugged Hani back as he ran off to his class, I was going on my way to my own class, and pulling out my schedule to see where to go. I had no idea what I was in for, really. Behind me, Tamaki seemed to cool down, apparently flustered. Oops, it appears we'd ignored him. Oh well, he should be fine now, I walked off before I could hear the conversation between the two of them.

Tamaki returned to an excited state as he saw Kyoya "Oh, Kyoya, this shall be grand! We need amazing music! Amazing dining! Beautiful decorations" he put a hand to his chin and his eyes sparkled as his mind ran through the possibilities "Walk with me Kyoya-San, we'll discuss this on the way to class. Then some more later".
Hani and Mori sat down in their first class, Hani wriggling in his seat with excitment, Mori sitting behind him quietly.

Serenity sat in her class and flipped open the new book she had bought before school that morning. her eyes crossed the pages as she visiualize the world that was layed out across the paper. Her mind flicked to Kyoya, hoping that, although it was good that he was serious about the finances, he would be able to have some fun. Perhaps she would keeo him com.pany. Hani and Mori would be busy since they were hosts, so she wouldn't have anyone to talk to anyway.
I tried to follow the room number that was on the paper, it was a little bit hard to follow, since I knew virtually nothing about schools and classes. I paced the hallways, it was minutes until finally the late bell rang, "Oh great!" I huffed as I walked the empty halls for a few minutes before finding the class I was meant to be in. Opening the door, I realized that none of the faces seemed familiar until I saw Serenity, I sighed a breath of relief and took a seat beside her.
Maro sighed as class started and her teacher began to lecture. She wasn't taking notes but she had sharpened her memory so she could hear something and remember it at least until she had a chance to focus and write it legibly. The first few days of school teachers had caught her looking out the window only to make her stand and tell them what they were talking about. She had embarrassed all of her teachers except one and wasn't looking forward to that. She preferred not to have to do that but if she had too she would.

Kyoya smirked at Tamaki. "Yes this shall be a great experience for the guests." He was writing in his notebook as they walked silently planning everything and the funds at once.

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