Where do the elves sleep? [Inactive]

"but..if i dont know your age how will i know its ok to flirt more" he winked and laughed, "besides i age differently then you so wouldnt it be better? i can tell you im 72" he liked being around this girl but she was pretty stubborn and well..he kinda liked that. all other girls were all the same simple talkers, polite, swooning maidens all to easy to impress.
Hazel bit her lip. "Hmmm... fine. I'm..." She paused for a painfully long time before saying. "Not gonna tell you. Again. You must first earn it." She laughed and let go of his arm. The wind made the leaves fall out of the trees. She spun around and tripped over a fallen branch. She was quick to move her tail and luckily she had already put on his coat the right way so it wouldn't fall off.
he huffed and crossed his arms, "your going to make me feel like a perv until the end arent you?" he was about to make a smart ass joke but he saw her trip over a branch and he was quickly by her side on one knee holding her up with one arm. "are you alright?" he tipped his head down to look her in the eyes and he moved some hair out of her face to make sure she didnt hit a tree or anything.
"Ah! Y-yes i'm fine." She looked straight into his eyes and he could see the hint of a blush on her cheeks. "Your not going to kiss me are you?" She asked slightly nervous. She had never been kissed before and didn't think she was ready for it now.
He pet her head gently and stood her up. "Nah for all I know if be kissing a minor" he smiled at her and dusted his pant legs off. He picked a leaf from her hair and dropped it.
"I'm over 19 if that helps." She laughed softly and bbegan to walk again stopping to play in the leaves every once in a while. "Are we close? I now know that pine trees seem to hate me." She said and looked at her slightly bleeding foot. She rubbed it abit trying to make the pain go away as she continued on.
"In human years?" He arched his brow and grinned some as they continued walking. He knew they were almost to the cottage maybe a few feet away at most. He knew her feet were probably hurting but she didn't like when he picked her up.
"No in elf!" She said sarcastically and playfully pushed him. She walked a head of him with her tail confidently swaying behind her. She looked back at him and suddenly turned. She hid behind a tree until he came close and she pounced on him. "Why do you want to know my age? Won't you just find another girl like me later on?" She asked not realizing how unique she was.
he laughed lightly and sensed she hid behind something but lost her fo a moment. "oof!" he stumbled forward a bit but held his ground while he scoffed, "like you? my dear i guarantee no one out there is anything like you and i believe one of you is all i need so who wouldnt want to search for a second?" he shrugged as the light of his home came to view and the smell of oak burning in the fireplace billowed gently.
Hazel smiled cheerfully. "Aw have you grown attached to me?" She asked and nuzzled into his neck gently before she saw the light. She perked up her ears but didn't leave his arms until he move her away.
he couldnt hide the fact that he blushed a bit and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "oh well um..we are here now. dont mind my sister she should be held up in her room with her babies" he set her down gently on the porch as he opened the door. "im home!" from somewhere in the house a female voice replied, "about time! i thought maybe you had been eaten or murdered!" the holder of the voice never showed but keiran thought it was for the best.
Hazel looked up at him curiouslywhen he avoided her question. She brushed it off though when the warmth of the fire greeted her. She quickly stood and rushed inside falling to her knees before the fire. For the first time she realized just how cold she was and looked over at him. "What are you gonna do with me now?" She asked tiltingher head and ears.
Keiran walked in and shook his head at his sisters yelling. "Well first I'm getting you some clothes, you can't wear my hunting coat around naked" he wandered around and opened a closet door with some boxes in it.
"Hmm... but i kinda like your coat. It smells like you." She said happily and watched him as she cuddled closer to his coat. She yawned softly and waited for him to find some clothes. "Where will i sleep?" She asked rubbing her tiered eyes.
During the time the Halfface was watching the madding crowd Alec decided it was safer to stay next to him. Of course she smelled Elron being in trouble, but she also knew the reason: Ardetha the nymphe. There was no way a wolf like her was able help a lovestruck elf like him. The only one who could heal him was Ardetha. Grunting she laid down her head on her paws sniffing in the air. Elron and Ardetha had left into the woods. She thought wether the Nymphe would heal him or let him stay like this.

Elron groaned when he felt the Nymphe being just nearby. Slowly he appeared between the bushes his eyes glimmering in the sinking sun and a a light wisp of his hair waving in front of his head. Still holding the dress he looked at the pretty woman his face full of sadness. "Please," he whispered and looked at her sitting under the tree having tears in her face. " do not leave me again."

( I should call this rp elves in love :D )
keiran huffed as he lifted a box and put it outside the closet. opening up dust from the top scattered and he coughed a few times as it got in his face, "here we go..these were my sisters old clothes. they should fit you fine." he dug around for a bit until he found a black shirt with long flowing sleeves and a shirt with tattered ends that was a deep shade of purple. he tossed them to hazel, "you can change in the bathroom if you wish..its right around the corner" putting the box back he pointed in the direction of the bathroom.

ardetha felt the aura around her becoming electric again but not in a bad way this time, but more in a familiar way. "elron?" she opened her eyes and wiped the tears from her face as she scanned around the forest, she attempted to stand but she had been sitting so long that her legs gave out when she did. she fell to the ground and her hair swept out all around her as her legs shook in the grass, "im sorry elron...i swear i did nothing on purpose. i wanted to tell you i did! if you hadnt already known..."
Aenor saw the young she-wolf follow, but after awhile of walking around, it didn't seem like she knew anyone in the marketplace. He frowned a bit wondering if she didn't care much for her owner, was upset with them, or really liked him. He seriously doubted the last.

At some point, having made several circles around the marketplace, he sat down under a shady tree near the waterfall, not too far from the marketplace, and stared up at the sky. It was a long, boring day. Just like most of his others. He had done far too much elf-watching than he was used to, mostly because the wolf tied him down and he wanted to keep her safe until her owner returned. She'd probably leave him when her owner returned anyways.
Hazel smiled and stood running off to change. The clothes fit her pretty well and she walked back out looking at herself as she showed him."Hm... i like them!" She smiled cheerfully and hugged him. "Thanks... i owe you now. So what do you want? " She asked happily.
Keiran nodded in approval at the clothes, they fit her well and look very nice on her. He was abit surprised when she hugged him and he laughed because this girl just didn't care and in a way he liked that. "You don't owe me anything, but if you see me dying somewhere why not use your priestess powers?"
The way Ardetha was sitting at the ground and looking up to Elron defenselessy made his heart heart melt. He looked at her face the green color of his eyes shining in the dusk and gave her a crooked smile. She was so beautiful with her long, white hair surrounding her body and her teary, purple but still gorgous eyes watching him. "That's in the past, I don't mind if your powers hurt me, I want to be with you Ardetha. There is an unvisible bond between us, I do not know how you did this, but your magic is amazing! I'm able to identify your scent, I can even project your thoughts!"

( I want to change Alec a little bit, as I'm planning something with that wolf. Alec is now a male wolf and a little bit younger ( about 17 in elf years ). So don't scare if I write "he" instead of "her" and try to act like he had been male for the whole time. Ahh ... maybe I should also choose a different name. I'll call him Darius 8). )

http://www.rpnation.com/threads/where-do-the-elves-sleep.20317/ (changed his appearance & things like this oh and I also changed Elrons job, because I don't thing that to be a hunter would fit to his love to animals xD )

When Aenor left the young wolf and sat down under the tree Darius was not sure wether he should join the Halfface or stay there and wait for his owner. Elron stayed away for quite a long time and he was sure the elf was just trying to convince Ardetha.
Stupid and deep in Love. Darius knew that the Nymphe would come to a right decision, she was not as stupid as most of the other elves and had been through a lot. Yawning he laid down at the floor and watched the Halfface. Nice guy, but sadly a little bit bored. Why did he not join the other elves? After thinking for a while Darius decided to join him.
Hazel seemed to like his answer and nuzzled into his neck. Her ears gently brushed over his right cheek and the soft fur created warmth like a blanket. "I will be sure to not let you suffer to long." She giggled and moved away. She sat by the fireplace and let the dim light radiate off her skin.
ardetha shook her head, "what if its not what you think? the powers that come with being my race is allure...what if its not real" she looked away from him with an ache to her heart. she felt it to the connection they had and she knew at this rate her love for him would keep her connected to him for a life time, but the fear of hurt was so over powering that it confused her instinct and her will. she had that feeling to go to him and take shelter in him, so much so it felt like denying her purpose to just sit there. "you had just met me..what if im not what you really think elron?"

keiran chuckled and pet her ear as it tickled his face, when she went to go sit by the fire he joined her. "dont be afraid to stay here when you need..new company is a bit refreshing after spending so much time with your sibling" he leaned back on his arms and sighed as the warmth of the fire warmed his skin from the chilling night air. he was sure that fur that she had kept her warm at times, the tail was big enough to cover a good amount of her body. "are you hungry?" he looked over to her awaiting a response
Hazel shook her head. "No just a bit tiered. " She gave him a softly smile before laying down and letting her head rest on his leg. With a soft yawn she peeked up at him with one eye. "Speak to me until i fall asleep?" She said and cuddled close to him. "I like the fire... it looks like it's dancing wildly on the wood."
Kieran poet her ears as she lie there, "you really like a little girl sometimes.." he teased and smiled while he liked at the fire. "I'm not sure what to say really..I don't normally talk so much." He pondered for a moment as to what to talk about. "I was raised in the mountains, this courage is in fact mine my sister is just a longer" loudly his sister protested that fact.
Elron looked at Ardetha, partly confused and partly distressed he answered: "Look Ardetha, I want you with every part of my body. Why should I imagine this love? Today I did not speak to you, because you are a Nymphe - I talked with you, because you seemed so lonely and vulnerable. When we danced I realized that I had been never happier before. When we sat under the tree and talked to each other I thought that I never enjoyed any conversation in my life as much as I did today. Please Ardetha. I do not love you, because of your magic. I love you, because you are Ardetha."

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