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  1. NeoNinja

    OOC Thread [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    Being hunted generally doesn't give much time to chat though
  2. NeoNinja

    On the Run [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    Taizo, looks around, paying attention to every detail for signs of more pursuers. "Listen, whatever we decide, we should leave, and soon. Whatever sent those dogs shouldn't be too far behind, we don't don't want to be beaten to our treasure either." He then jumps onto the wagon, ready to...
  3. NeoNinja

    On the Run [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    Relieved that the newcomer isn't an enemy, Taizo focuses his attention to the remaining hound. He tightens his grip on his spear, Taizo lashes out at the hound, striking quickly, and readies himself after his attack, preparing to hit again...
  4. NeoNinja

    OOC Thread [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    Sorry, I was waiting for my turn, but I wasn't able to post yesterday, or today until now, damn job!
  5. NeoNinja

    On the Run [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    Taizo, still a little groggy, he searches around for his spear. Finally finding it, he readies himself for action. [spoiler=]7d10.hits(7)=1
  6. NeoNinja

    [The Black Watch] [Act 1, Part 1] Blood and Noh

    "Not to interrupt, while my stay here hasn't been the most I had hoped, until now" Kanade speaks as she sneaks a quick glance to Tamoha, "Some of us seem to be out of place here."
  7. NeoNinja

    Back at the Dancing Gryffon [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    Taizo, following Slip, saw him go into the cell with Hax. Taking up perch on a roof not far away, he transforms back into his human form, readies his bow, and draws an arrow pointing at Hax, waiting for a reason or signal to fire.
  8. NeoNinja

    OOC Thread [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    As long as he isn't going to try and kill me, I don't mind it
  9. NeoNinja

    Dancing Gryffon Inn [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    Taizo stands up before Knaff leaves. "I'll go with him to try and make sure he doesn't do anything that will get us into more trouble" Before leaving the room, he transforms into his animal shape and rides on Knaff shoulder outside.
  10. NeoNinja

    [The Black Watch] [Act 1, Part 1] Blood and Noh

    Kanade walks in with a bit of annoyed face, lingering from her recent encounter. She walks over to the table, noticing that she seems to be the last person there, and grows slightly even more annoyed. When she approaches, she bows to her fellow magistrates, and quietly apologizes for her...
  11. NeoNinja

    Dancing Gryffon Inn [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    After following behind everyone into the room, and listening as to what they have found out he speaks up: "Getting in will be easier for some of us" Taizo says as he looks to his fellow lunars in the party. "I think the biggest issue will be getting him out un-noticed until we're away from...
  12. NeoNinja

    Taizo "Hawkeye" Wolfstein [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    all fixed
  13. NeoNinja

    The Story Begins [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    Still feeling uncomfortable by all the people in the city Taizo decides to chime in saying: "Um, since I'm not much into gambling or medicine, I think I'll go with Jenai to the docks. I've never seen the ocean before."
  14. NeoNinja

    Taizo "Hawkeye" Wolfstein [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    Archery isn't a favored ability
  15. NeoNinja

    [The Black Watch] [Prologue] The Lion and the Imp (Kanade)

    Annoyed with this disembodied voice, Kanade decided to leave the alley and return to her business, still frustrated.
  16. NeoNinja

    The Story Begins [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    Taizo stood amazed at the gates of Great Forks, never seeing such a large collection of people, not to mention all the other creatures there. He gazed at the people coming in an out of the gates to city amazed at how many different types of people there could be. Although he was a little sad at...
  17. NeoNinja

    Taizo "Hawkeye" Wolfstein [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    Name: Taizo "" Wolfstein Concept: Farmboy hunter Type: Full Moon Lunar exalt Spirit Shape: Black Falcon (Falco subniger) Motivation: Create a stable power in the threshold Backstory:
  18. NeoNinja

    OOC Thread [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    I'm going to do a changing moon archer with some survival & stealth
  19. NeoNinja

    OOC Thread [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    Alright, I eat its heart
  20. NeoNinja

    OOC Thread [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

    Can I have a blue platypus?