On the Run [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

Jenai Orlais

With a gasp of pain, Jenai jerks his arm away from the snapping jaws and stumbles back. While his arm is up there, he takes the opportunity to draw another blade from his collar. Taking a deep breath to steady himself and close his wounds, he pitches the weapon into the thing at point-blank range.

Stamina/Resistance to stop bleeding:

[4,3,9,3] = (1) Success, not enough this tick.

Thrown attack at number 1; DV -1 (4), Speed 5:

[6,8,5,4,4,7,1,3] = (2) Successes.


[6,2,3,4,2,10,5,3] = (1) Success. Bleh.

Also going to be using Seven-Shadow Evasion against attacks, after that hit.


Personal: 14/15

Peripheral 33/36

Familiar: 5/5


-0 [X], -1 [X], -1 [X], -2 [ ], -2 [ ], -4 [ ], I [ ]
With a snarl, Knaff closes the small distance to the hound that's facing Jenai, ducking down, assuming a posture not unlike the rat that is his totem. Lacking a bite, Knaff waits for the hound to expose a weakness and then lashes out with his kick, enhancing his strike with his essence, and manages to land a strike to it's flank.

13d10 → [10,7,10,3,8,2,10,10,2,6,6,6,1] = (81)

10 suxxes, assuming it's DV is now 3 since it attacked, that's 7 over suxxes, for 13 presoak damage, down to 6 due to it's soak.

6d10 → [2,9,9,4,1,8] = (33)

for 3 Bashing damage

If they attack him he'll use his First Dexterity Excellency to up his DV. Hid Dodge DV is now 4.

Personal Essence 13/18

Peripheral Essence 40/40
Rowan's blades strike home and bite deep, but once again, the hound shows no signs of being affected by pain, so you have little idea on how well or how little your strike has done. But, dispite its large size, it is quite nimble, and is able to dodge the weakly thrown knives hurled by Jenai. Knaff's roundhouse kick makes the hound blink, then growl. You have gotten its attention.

0 - [Jenai]

1 -

2 - [Hound 1]

3 - [Rowan], [Jenai]

4 - Mordant, [Knaff], [slip] <-----

5 - Hound 2

6 - Taizo, Hound 1

7 - Slip

8 - Rowan, Jenai

9 - Knaff
Mordant Xane

Xane pulled the knife he had acquired from the doctor's study, and prepared to fight. He'd have preferred his sword, but that was sitting in the pile of his gear in the wagon; no time to dig that out now. He hated fighting with a knife, but when hounds are at your throat, what else are you going to do?

Still, weapons are weapons. Pointy end in the other guy. Two quick steps forward, pivot on left heel, overhand swing with right arm, and downward stab into the hound's back, right behind the shoulder blade. An economy of movement was important in combat, Mordant thought to himself, as he wedged the knife into the shoulder of the second hound.


2 Action flurry; Ready Weapon to pull out the switchklave and then an attack. Speed 4, so up again on Tick 8.

Attack: 1d10=9, 1d10=10, 1d10=10, 1d10=8, 1d10=7, 1d10=5, 1d10=9, 1d10=7, 1d10=5, 1d10=7, 1d10=4 - 8 (That is overly lucky... waiting for the dog to roll like 10 successes on his counter attack now.)

Base damage is 6 L - Piercing, since I'm not positive on their DV's, I'll leave the damage calc to Sherwood.

Charm activation saved for Seven Shadow Evasion (unless someone sneak attacks me first, then RST) against the counter.


Personal: 15 | 15

Peripheral: 26 | 32 (6 committed to the knife)

WP: 9 | 9

Current DV's: Dodge 4 Parry 4
With the artifact blade that was found in the doctors study, the hound recieves a mortal blow, and instead of just dropping dead, it explodes in a flash of wind, knocking Mordant back from the force of the blast. Take 5B that soaks normally with armor and stamina.

4 - [Mordant], [Knaff], [slip]

5 - Hound 2

6 - Taizo, [Hound 1 - dead]

7 - Slip

8 - Rowan, Jenai, Mordant

9 - Knaff

Crimson Dove

Under the direction of your Sifu, you have been sent out to help guide a group of Exalts away from the tender clutches of the Bronze Faction and their teams of killers. One of the Solars, Lujan Rowan, has already crossed your path when you warned him about the Wyld Hunt just a few minutes before they were on him. Given that encounter, you should be given enough time to talk to them and convince them that you are a ally in the battle they are waging against the Isle.

As you ride on the trail of the fleeing Exalts, you know that they are going to be out here somewhere. A sudden explosion, like a sonic boom, catches your attention, followed by shouts and sounds of a fight. That must be the circle you are looking for.
Mordant Xane

Mordant dodges artfully away from the exploding hound..


Seven shadow evasion it is! 0 damage for me.

Personal: 12 | 15

Peripheral: 26 | 32 (6 committed to the knife)

Also, that's the wrong hound. It was somewhat buried in the post, but Mordant attacked the unengaged hound.

Doesn't make a huge difference, in the end.
Sherwood said:
Crimson Dove

Under the direction of your Sifu, you have been sent out to help guide a group of Exalts away from the tender clutches of the Bronze Faction and their teams of killers. One of the Solars, Lujan Rowan, has already crossed your path when you warned him about the Wyld Hunt just a few minutes before they were on him. Given that encounter, you should be given enough time to talk to them and convince them that you are a ally in the battle they are waging against the Isle.

As you ride on the trail of the fleeing Exalts, you know that they are going to be out here somewhere. A sudden explosion, like a sonic boom, catches your attention, followed by shouts and sounds of a fight. That must be the circle you are looking for.

Patting the neck of her horse for a moment, reassuring it as she eyes the direction of the boom, and the chaos that followed, Dove sighs, drawing her cloak closer about herself.

"What have you gotten me into Night? Riding about in the dead of night when I should be in a warm room somewhere enjoying an overly rich dinner. After Solars of all things."

The sound of battle meant some element of the Wyld Hunt had caught up with them - perhaps the entire group, perhaps merely a scout. Regardless, she should go investigate. Perhaps she would be of use, and if not...she had entertained more than one member of the Wyld Hunt before. She spoke their language. It would be easy enough to pretend she was a local Outcaste on the trail of the Anathema until she could slip away.

Sliding one of her fans from where it rested on her hip, Dove tapped it thoughtfully against her thigh before urging her horse forward, toward the noise.
The second of the hunting dogs see that Mordant dispatched his partner, and turns on him. With a giant mouth full of sharp teeth, it snaps at the Exalt twice.

As the fight continues, from the opposite direction down the trail comes a woman on horseback at a gallop, armed with some sort of warfan. She looks familar to Rowan, but this time, its in a good way. She warned you about a hit attempt made by the Wyld Hunt several weeks ago. You don't know who she is, but if she wanted you dead, all she would have had to do is let the Hunt take you down. Even with her heads up, you nearly didn't make it away from that encounter alive, but if it wasn't for her, you'd be in your next Exaltation by now.

First attack is only 3 successes vs your DV - miss

Second attack gets 7 vs your DV - hit for 3 successes with a total of 8L against your soak. Ouch.

4 - [Mordant], [Knaff], [slip]

5 - [Hound 2]

6 - Taizo

7 - Slip

8 - Rowan, Jenai, Mordant

9 - Knaff

10 - Hound 2

Dove can now make a Join Battle roll to engage
Mordant Xane

Mordant continues merrily skipping away from danger. As he twirls away from the hounds teeth, he nonchalently doffs his cap to the newcomer.

"Good evening Mam. I do hope you are not another of these unfriendly cads."


SSE'ing both attacks, since I can't tell ahead of time which will hit and which miss.

Personal: 6 | 15

Peripheral: 26 | 32 (6 committed to the knife)
Crimson Dove

Pulling her horse up to a stop in the embattled camp, Dove slides rather easily from her mount, fan in hand, though she does not yet attack, content for the moment to gauge the competence of the Anathema she's been sent to find - and that of their opponents.

After all, she was told to find them. Not to die for them.

She narrows her eyes at the combatant skipping back from the jaws of a massive warhound.

"Another? Was it your intention to compare me to a dog?"
Mordant Xane

Mordant smiles as he leaps away from the dog's followup attack, this dodge much narrower than the first, "My my, someone is prickly, considering I only asked if you were unfriendly. I observe further that you didn't answer the question." He flashes a winning smile, taking a moment to look away from the dog snapping at his heels, "Though I would not even consider comparing such a beauty as yourself to this inartful canine."


Hey, there were two attacks, I can stunt twice. I promise it's not just an excuse to continue talking during combat.
Rowan caught the glimpse of--her? Apparently he or the group had developed a friend on their side... though more likely she had ulterior motives. Still, it was clear that she wasn't going to betray them, there were better ways that didn't involve her coming here. Still, it meant Wyld Hunt trouble coming again.

"Hoy, Dove! Coming back so soon as you are, if it weren't when these mutts were around, I'd say I was too young for you. The Hunt breathing down our necks again?"


It's fine. This is entertaining, Zoronos. Also, is it alright if Rowan knows the 'Dove' part of her name, but as Sherwood said, not more? I'll edit if not.
Crimson Dove

The woman nods at Rowan. "Running across you with danger nipping at your heels is becoming a habit Rowan. And yes, the Hunt is following you again, and presumably your allies. I must say, this...display...will not help."

She flicks her warfan open, the metallic blades catching the moonlight as she advances. "So we had best deal with this distraction quickly."


Join Battle on 6 dice: 4,6,4,8,2,3 - 1 success
6 - Taizo <-----

7 - Slip

8 - Rowan, Jenai, Mordant

9 - Knaff, Dove

10 - Hound 2
Relieved that the newcomer isn't an enemy, Taizo focuses his attention to the remaining hound.

He tightens his grip on his spear, Taizo lashes out at the hound, striking quickly, and readies himself after his attack, preparing to hit again.


Using two personal motes I use Wasp Sting Blur charm making the attack speed 4

1d10.hits(7)=1, 1d10.hits(7)=1, 1d10.hits(7)=0, 1d10.hits(7)=0, 1d10.hits(7)=0, 1d10.hits(7)=0, 1d10.hits(7)=1, 1d10.hits(7)=0

Using a spear makes 5 hits. Base damage is 8L


Personal 14/16 (Wasp Sting Blur)

Peripheral 32/34 (Hide of the Cunning Hunter)
The spear strike bites deep into the shoulder of the hound, but it does little more than snarl and snap at you.

6 - [Taizo]

7 - Slip <----

8 - Rowan, Jenai, Mordant

9 - Knaff, Dove

10 - Hound 2, Taizo

Remaining hidden in the tree, Slip shifted his aim from the newcomer to the hound. He let the arrow fly with a nudge of essence and readied another just in case.

speed 6, dex+archery+2m 1st ex = 8

8d10.hits(7) → [8,9,10,6,6,5,9,2] = (4)

5 hits

+4L (str 2, broadhead)

Personal: 11/14

Peripheral: 36/36
Slip's arrow flies true and strikes a mortal blow into the heart of the hound. Like its twin, it explodes in a blast of air, catching Taizo in the area effect. Looking around now, you appear to be in the clear, with no new foes visible.

Taizo takes 3B that he is able to soak with his armor normally, just leaving you with a bit of a ringing in the ears.
Mordant Xane

Mordant wipes his hands, and flips the knife blade back into the curio. He sighs and tosses the knife to Lujan Rowan as he buckles his sword back around his waist. "While I do appreciate a magical weapon, I am not a fan of knives. I'll take my trusty sword any day."

Mordant turns back to the newcomer and gives a short bow and a smile, "Good morning. I am Mordant, and it is a pleasure to meet you."

The sudden presence of this stranger worried Mordant. Messengers bringing warnings of the Wyld Hunt were at best bearers of ill tidings, and at worst members of the hunt themselves.


Withdrawing the commitment to the switchklave.

Activating Judge's Ear for the rest of the scene. Feel free to lie, just make sure to indicate any lies or half-truths.
Knaff stands up, his eyes darting around, but he considers the situation before he finally begins to talk "Gee guys, don't you think it might be best to first get the Malfeas away from here before the Wyld Hunt appears? I'm not in the mood for more battle, thank you very much. I do not know this lady, though I'm of half a mind to leave her here. I don't want any Dragon-Blood going with us." And as he says that he points to the bits of Jade that can be seen.

Knaff is surprisingly not lying about this, though if he were, he'd most definitiely would have turned on Mask of the White Jade.
"Then by all means, let's go." Rowan announced, catching the knife and pocketing it with his other. "But if Dove wants to go with us, she can. I know her well enough that she didn't need to come here if she wanted us dead. But I would like to hear her reasons for helping out soon enough. In the meantime, let's be off first."

Truth, from Rowan's perspective anyway.

Slip eyed the woman warily. He couldn't let her compromise the mission, but if she was able to warn them about their persuers she could be very helpful. Still, best to keep an eye on the wolf bearing gifts. Slip put his bow away, shifted into a tree pard and bounded down out of the tree.

Personal: 8/14

Peripheral: 36/36
Mordant Xane

Mordant nods to his companions, "A capitol idea. We can chat while we travel."

The merchant quickly reattaches the horses to the wagon, even though they give him a bit of a grumpy look after not getting their full night's sleep.

Xane smiles at the others as he hops up into the cart, "I am inclined to agree with Rowan; if this woman wants to travel with us, we can at least oblige her until we have given her a chance to tell her story. If she wanted to harm us immediately, she'd have done so while the dogs were upon us."

Xane gives the horses each a carrot from the back of the wagon, hoping it will sooth their distress at having to move again so soon. "Well, whenever the lot of you are ready, hop in."


You guys don't need to note when you're telling the truth, just lying. :-P

Maybe a bad assumption on my part, I assume you guys aren't lying normally.
Taizo, looks around, paying attention to every detail for signs of more pursuers.

"Listen, whatever we decide, we should leave, and soon. Whatever sent those dogs shouldn't be too far behind, we don't don't want to be beaten to our treasure either."

He then jumps onto the wagon, ready to leave this area.

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