On the Run [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

The sun shines brightly, showing the promise of a pleasant day compared to the dreary atmosphere that hung around with the rain. A few clouds drift slowly across the sky, but it looks like the worst of the rain has passed. You should be able to make decent time down the road, even with the wagon. But it will take most of the day before you find the valley with cache, giving you plenty of time to get to know each other.
Knaff sits next to Rowan on the wagon, his eyes constantly moving, as he cocks his head, and turns to the DB. "So lady, can you tell us who you are, and why you've come oh so far to save the poor Anathema from the Wyld Hunt?" The sarcasm dripping heavily from his words.
Slip pads along at the edge of the road keeping one ear to the conversation and the other to the wilderness. Occasionally the pard melts into the brush to hunt some small prey and returns.
Crimson Dove

The woman nods in greeting to those who address her at least neutrally, though she gives Knaff an appraising look and a thin smile. She had been called, and treated, far worse, though it didn't hurt to make it clear she was not under the Solar's sway. "A presumptive one you are, suggesting you might leave me here. I am not your ward Solar, and I travel where I will, so unless you intend to bind me - or attempt to evade both myself and the Wyld Hunt, it is not really your choice to make, is it? Especially as you seem to be having difficulty with the first already."

She smiles at Rowan, cupping his cheek for a moment and flicking a bit of dirt off it. "You are too young for me dear, though if you keep running afoul of the Hunt, that will never change now will it?"

She rides slightly to the side of the fleeing circle of Solars, a look of studied contentment - an expression she had been taught to assume under very nearly any circumstance - on her sculpted face. Once Knaff finally broaches the topic they've all been pondering, she smiles sweetly, her tone faintly amused.

"Who I am is many things. A daughter of the Threshold. An orphan as far as I'm aware. A Princess of Earth. A whore. A friend - for the moment at least, as you seem to be doing your level best to bring that last one to an end. A woman who wishes she had invested in a more comfortable saddle."

She pats her horse's rear affably. "If you are asking my name, it is Crimson Dove."

"And let me make one thing very clear. I came to warn you, and aid you how I can. I did not come here to save you - I have no intention of dying that you might live, for example. As for the why, is there a reason I should not? I am a member of no Great House, nor a peer of the Realm. Mighty Lookshy does not always hunt you - and if that is the case, why should other Dragon Blooded not do the same?" Her voice switches to the same sarcastic tone he used.

"Perhaps I seek to study under the might Anathema, to learn their dark and terrible secrets, to sup with them on feasts of infant flesh and the blood of Immaculate Priests." Turning away, her expression turns to boredom. "Or perhaps I owe a friend a favor."
Mordant Xane

Mordant cocked his head. This woman was very confusing; he couldn't tell if she was mocking him or Knaff.

"A point of order," Mordant waves his right hand at Knaff, keeping his left on the reins of the wagon, "That is Knaff, and he is no Solar. A Lunar, specifically. A good friend of your apparent acquaintance, Rowan."

Mordant extends his free hand again, leaning slightly off the wagon seat to partially bridge the distance, "I am Mordant, pleased to meet you, Dove."

At her complaint about her saddle, Mordant gives the wagon a quick glance, "If your saddle is bothering you so, there is plenty of room either in the wagon, or here on the bench." Mordant smiles wryly, "Though I doubt you trust us enough to accept such an offer. In fairness, I would not either in your position. Anyway, we are fresh out of infant flesh and immaculate blood. I think Knaff had our last of it for breakfast. We have some fresh fruit though, if you'd like some."
Knaff's laughter is booming at Crimson Dove's words. And as he speaks the next words, his entire body begins to show tattoos of a silvery flowing metal etched into his flesh. "I think this will convince our Dove better about my nature."

dropping the motes committed to Hide of the Cunning Hunter
To those who noticed, Rowan's eyes grew cool at Knaff, and rather quietly staring in a steely fashion at him. Knaff went on, not noticing the look, and then Rowan sighed. "Knaff? Shut up." Before anyone could respond, least of all Knaff, Rowan had moved forward and grabbed Knaff, yanking him forward. "What those tattoos don't show, is that you are a deceitful, weaselly, incorrigible liar. Furthermore, you aren't my friend, no matter what Xane thinks. After all... I remember precisely the circumstances that led us to meet. No one but us know the story. Let's keep it that way. I doubt they're as forgiving as I am."

He released Knaff and went back to his spot. "Now, you said you had the location of the valley learned from Hax? Because"- his turned gaze showed he was speaking to Dove, "there's quite the First Age Essence trap-rigged cache down there."
At mention of the valley, Slip hops into the wagon with a pair of rabbits and shifts into the trapper's form. Setting the rabbits aside for later he clambers up to the front with Mordant.

"Haven't seen any signs of pursuit or anyone ranging ahead of us. You have one of those maps around? I managed to get the details out of Hax before he started feeling ill."

"Oh, and nice to meet you miss, you can call me Slip,"
Slip adds partly remembering his manners and nodding to her.
Blackadder said:
To those who noticed, Rowan's eyes grew cool at Knaff, and rather quietly staring in a steely fashion at him. Knaff went on, not noticing the look, and then Rowan sighed. "Knaff? Shut up." Before anyone could respond, least of all Knaff, Rowan had moved forward and grabbed Knaff, yanking him forward. "What those tattoos don't show, is that you are a deceitful, weaselly, incorrigible liar. Furthermore, you aren't my friend, no matter what Xane thinks. After all... I remember precisely the circumstances that led us to meet. No one but us know the story. Let's keep it that way. I doubt they're as forgiving as I am."
Knaff dismisses Rowan's claims with a wave of his hand, while his tattoos disappear again. "No need to compliment me, and as for our meeting, we both know that you weren't exactly a paragon of truth yourself, so let's not start with that. As for this lady, if you are all intent on letting her join us, then be my guest, after all, who am I to stand in the way of Solars?"

If Mordant has his Judge's Ear Technique still up, there are some half-lies in there, but Knaff will use Mask of the White Jade on this, and on any lies that will follow on this subject.
Jenai Orlais

Jenai opens his eyes with a deep breath after drawing his wound closed. Shaking his head to wake himself, he gives a lazy wave to Dove, "Jenai Orlais. Apologies for the late introduction, miss. I hope you understand that I had somewhat more pressing concerns and won't hold my impropriety against me." He squints strangely at her and eventually shrugs, evidently dismissing some train of thought, "If you're who I think you are, then I for one welcome you. I sincerely doubt we'll be able to provide all your usual comforts, though as Mordant said, you are welcome to what there is."
Crimson Dove

Dove raises an eyebrow at the exchange between Knaff and Rowan, filing the exchange away for later. "My apologies. I've only met one of your kind before. Though, to be fair, my assumption about your nature was considerably more charitable than your assumptions about mine."

Easing her horse closer, she shakes Mordant's hand, smiling at his offer. "Generous, though forgive me if I keep my own mount for the moment. As for breakfast, I would take you up on a bit of fruit."

She nods politely to Slip -two Luanrs in one day it seemed, and gives Jenai a slight smile. "No offense taken - if anything, you benefit in comparison to some the company you keep. Being hunted brings out the worst in all of us, I suspect. " Her voice, oddly, sounds like she's familiar with the idea. "As for comforts, I can live for awhile without a feather bed, if I must."

Her expression grows a bit more serious. "Now, what was this about a treasure? Is it possible the Wyld Hunt knows your destination? It would be...trivial...to arrive there before us, if they have a sorcerer in tow."
Mordant has Judge's Ear up for the rest of the scene (and at the rate we're going, he may leave it up for future scenes. Man, nobody wants to just have a friendly conversation. /sadpanda)

Since White Jade is being opposed by a charm, the increased wp cost kicks in.

So spend your motes and wp and lets see if Mordant sees through it...

1d10=1, 1d10=5, 1d10=9, 1d10=4 - 1 success (+3 auto successes from the charm) = 4. Ties Manipulation + Socialize / 2, ergo, this half truth goes undetected.

On related news, it took me an hour of tracking down all the fiddly variants of the charm roll-off rules to ensure I had the functioning correct.
After several hours of travel and sniping conversation, you find the entrance to the valley that, if your information is correct, should lead you to the cache at the far end. It is a beautiful pastoral scene, with a sparkling stream flowing through the valley with groves of trees on either side. The grass and trees look well manicured and cared for; probably by spirits tasked to do just that by the Solars that build the cache in the first place.

As the afternoon sun slowly sinks down towards the horizon, you come to a part of the valley that widens up and reveal a series of low hills. The three hills are in a straight line to one another, and all are the same size. Knowing what you are looking for, it seems clear that these are a series of buildings that have been covered up by dirt and debris over the centuries.

At the base of one of the hills you see signs of a long abandoned campsite. Probably the one used by Hax and his expedition to the area. There is a faint path leading up the slope of the middle hill to what appears to be a small cave about 3/4ths of the way up the slope, just like you were told.
Mordant Xane

Mordant reins the horses to a walk at the abandoned campsite, then gives the reins a shake to urge the horses on further. Taking the wagon half-way around the hill, he reins the horses to a stop. "Not that I expect it to fool anyone, but no sense making camp in plain view. Maybe we'll get lucky and if somebody comes by they won't check behind the hill."

Mordant hops down from the wagon seat, "And on that note, ladies and gentlemen, we are here."

The merchant pauses for a moment beside the wagon, "Do we want to start exploring tonight or tomorrow morning? I have lanterns, since I figured either way it would be dark inside the cavern, so what time we get going probably doesn't matter."

Mordant shrugs, looking around, "Beyond that, we can probably gather water or bathe in that stream, but there doesn't seem to be much game around. Good thing I brought food."
Knaff hops down from the wagon, and surveys the area. "Let's build up camp first, and then explore. If we need food, we can hunt, and as for lighting, remember that our caste marks can light up, so we don't really need the lamps. Besides, maybe some of these traps activated because Hax and his team didn't have caste marks."

I assume that last time we set up camp since I failed to respond in time, that the Illusion effect I wanted to put on the camp didn't happen.

Slip made a quick circuit of the immediate area before starting to build a well banked fire and skinning and dressing the rabbits. "Stew?" He asked to no one in particular.
Mordant Xane

Mordant shrugs, "You have a point. Still, I'd feel better with a lantern than without one. If things are as dangerous as the late doctor indicated, I wouldn't want end up somewhere without any remaining essence and without a light."

Mordant begins to unpack the wagon, "I do agree though, some dinner would be nice before we delve into the ruins."
Knowing that two rabbits will not be enough to feed them all, Knaff asks Rowan to help set up the camp, while he goes off to see if he can find more food, as well as to brood on his Solar mate's strange behavior earlier.
Examining the area leads you to the discovery that lack of food will not be a problem. The trees in the area all have a variety of different fruits, even some that you have never seen before. Also, there are signs of larger wildlife in the area; deer. Apparently the Solar that built the place had a fondness for venison.
"Ah, now venison will provide more food than the two rabbits." Marking where they roam, Knaff takes one down quickly in his war form, and carry it back to the camp, aware that his human form will have a hard time dragging the corpse. I should probably train my muscles, and make a point to do the sacred hunt on these deer, and some carnivores.

While the food is cooking Knaff will sit a distance away. Still unsure on how to act with Rowan.
After some initial effort at setting up the camp, Rowan broodingly chose to pick up the notes and began searching for the information on what traps had been found- set off- by Hax's crew. Better now, to reduce the risk, and hopefully making the effort faster. If the Wyld Hunt was clever enough to figure out where they were going... they'd have to make a stand here. At the same time, he focused on the orichalum knife he'd been given... the feeling of connection thrummed as he infused it with his energies.


Attuned to switchklave.
Mordant Xane

Mordant hands over his notes to Rowan with a smile, "We went through them rather quickly at the doctor's estate; we were in rather a hurry. If you can make some further details, you're welcome to it."

With that, Mordant walks over to the fire to begin cooking dinner. He hums a tune to himself as he cooks.


That's right, it's time for Craft: Water. Which Mordant has all of 0 in. (I observe further that *none* of us have Craft: Water. Good thing the Lunars like their food raw)

Time to roll unskilled. 1d10=6, 1d10=1, 1d10=9 - 1! Good enough not to kill anybody. Yum yum.

As Mordant seemed intent on taking over with the food, Slip wandered over to Crimson Dove. "Don't worry about them much. An encounter with the Hunt has made them a bit paranoid." Slip smiles warmly. "Tomorrow promises to be a good bit of fun trying to figure out what insane traps those solars left behind."

"Well, at least you have graced us with your company. Amid the dangers there is beauty. Creation itself plays along."
Slip looks up to watch the sunset spread dark hues across the sky.
Crimson Dove

The Dragon Blooded woman settles near the edge of camp, smiling slightly as Slip comes to keep her company. She nods slightly, offering him a small, foil wrapped sweet from her saddle bag.

"I do not begrudge them - I have been called far worse in my time. As I said, being hunted brings out the worst in all of us." She lays out a simple mat on the ground, sitting on it a position that involves a considerable amount of grace, and far more folding of limbs than is strictly necessary. She blushes slightly at the complement. "I would play something, but I worry the wind will carry it." She looks at the Lunar curiously. "Tell me, what is it you wish to find in the ruins? Your former selves? Some long hidden tomb?"
Making a circuit around their encampment, Knaff makes sure to arrange things so there is little to see from a distance. As he does so he also spreads bits of his moonsilver essence around, making the place appear deserted, though his caste mark begins to glow slightly. His concentration is great, as he does not want a repeat of the other night's debacle.

After doing his work, Knaff takes wing as a crow, and goes to sleep up on the branches of a nearby tree.

Spending and committing the 4 peripheral motes to The Spider's Trap Door, as well as a Willpower and Conviction channel to improve the Wits + Survival roll, making our camp immune to detection by natural senses, and putting an Illusion effect on it.

11d10 → [5,8,1,4,1,7,10,6,8,3,6] = (59)

Anyone with an MDV of 6 or less will see the place as completely deserted, unless they spend Willpower to see through the Illusion, but even then they need something other than mortal senses to see the camp.

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