OOC Thread [Dude, where's my daiklave?]


Luna's Concubine
Roleplay Availability
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First off, welcome to the game.

A quick summary of the creation rules.

You are all a Circle of the newly Exalted. As such, you do not as yet have any artifacts, manses, or magic items of any kind. Any background that would apply to you (such as Reputation) will not apply to your Exalted status, since you haven't had enough time to make a rep for yourselves - unless you Exalted in the middle of the main square in Nexus in front of a few thousand people and are taking the Known Anathama flaw.

Merits and Flaws are allowed within reason. Just remember that whatever flaw you take will come back to bite you on the ass someday.

Character creation rules are straight from the book, and you are starting out with no additional expierence points.

Any questions?
Only if its blue. Red ones are clear out of bounds.
Are we going to have an opportunity to do any seafaring early on or should I drop the priority on the sail charms I'm considering?
Am considering taking the Enemy flaw, for the Cynis DBs that are after my character, but unsure how many points to put into it.
Here's what I did: conceptualize how much power and numbers that the Enemy(ies) has. In my case, I figured Ledaal Moran was old enough a Dragon-Blooded that he's more than a match for Rowan starting out, so 2 dots.

In your case, if we're talking multiple Cynis DBs... depending on how dedicated and powerful they are... 3-4 dots?
Well, that is what you changing moon types do. :-P

I'm still on the fence if I want to make something that errs more on the talky side or more on the fighty side. I admit I'm waiting a bit to see what other people are going for before finalizing my ideas, in the interest of variety.
Are we going to have an opportunity to do any seafaring early on or should I drop the priority on the sail charms I'm considering?
I have no short term plans for any major water action. The closest you might come to that is river travel, but that is not required. You can go overland to get where you need to.
Zoronos said:
Well, that is what you changing moon types do. :-P
I'm still on the fence if I want to make something that errs more on the talky side or more on the fighty side. I admit I'm waiting a bit to see what other people are going for before finalizing my ideas, in the interest of variety.
I'm working on a Necromancer with limited social Abilities if that helps. So far it looks like we haven't that many sorcerers.

Edit: And it will be a Lunar with a jackal as totem.
Besserwisser said:
I'm working on a Necromancer with limited social Abilities if that helps. So far it looks like we haven't that many sorcerers.
Edit: And it will be a Lunar with a jackal as totem.
I was thinking on taking Sorcery, but too many cool Charms I wanted to take, and not enough Charm slots to put them in, so it got left out, for the time being, but my character would be more of a dabbler anyway most likely. :mrgreen:
I'm going to do a changing moon archer with some survival & stealth

Also' date=' interesting to see that the Changing Moon is so far the best at social combat, even if it's mainly lying and cheating...[/quote']
Full Moon = Dawn Caste

Changing Moon = Night/Zenith/Eclipse

No Moon = Twilight Caste

Basically that
NeoNinja said:
Also' date=' interesting to see that the Changing Moon is so far the best at social combat, even if it's mainly lying and cheating...[/quote']
Full Moon = Dawn Caste

Changing Moon = Night/Zenith/Eclipse

No Moon = Twilight Caste

Basically that
I'm well aware of that fact, but the Eclipse we have has no Social Charms whatsoever, which puts me with a Manipulation Excellency and high Presence, as the best. 13 dice to be precise, without charm use, if he's lying.
The characters are starting to shape up well. We should be able to start posting in the storyboard soon.
the Eclipse we have has no Social Charms whatsoever
Not only are presence and performance out of caste for him, Jenai is really more of a traveler/generalist Eclipse than a talker/face. Modern media aside, pirates aren't exactly known for being the most personable folks to be around. Jen's still getting used to the whole "influencing others" part of his powers. :wink:

And, barring any math mistakes, my sheet should be done.
Sherwood: So as a group, what do we know about the Wyld Hunt coming after us... other than that it's coming after us?
You have all had encounters with the Wyld Hunt (mostly mortals), and after your successful escapes the Hunt has decided to pull out their first string players and go after you with real pros. A dynast named Peleps Ragarin is leading the lynch squad, a vicious bastard that is very good at his job. He is one reason for you to form up in a circle; so far his fellowship of hunters have never missed a target.

The good news for you is that you have found documents that tell about a complex of hidden manses in the area. The documents you have tell you that a local savant named Dexter Hax has actually been there. Your first step in getting your artifacts is to find this man and convince him to take you to the complex.
Sorry for the delay. Family in town this weekend taking up all my time. I'll try to have a near final draft tomorrow.
You guys are certainly going to keep me on my toes with this collection of characters. :roll:
So, I have encountered a minor roadblock.

I had forgotten the degree of limitation of Abyssal essence respiration in creation.

Long story short, Abyssals can't gain essence back except from a) stunts b) Hearthstones c) Eating people or d) essence-sucking charms while they are out of the underworld.

Since we are starting without hearthstones, and I'd rather not have my character go on frequent extra-feasting sidetrips, anyone want to volunteer as an essence battery if I pick up the charm that siphons essence?

If not, no big deal. I have a backup character idea ready.

Edit: Essence battery was the wrong term.

Basically, the character would just need a contrivance to reset himself to full motes between scenes / over night. The abyssal wouldn't be draining off motes mid-combat or during social functions or any such. Just needs a way to reset himself every night (like normal Exalts do).

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