The Story Begins [Dude, where's my daiklave?]


Luna's Concubine
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Pheleps Ragarin was not a happy man, but you couldn’t tell by looking at him. He seemed to be a man without a care in the world, calmly sipping at a mug of the local brew. His companions, however, showed enough of their ire that the other customers of the hostel wordlessly rose and made more room around their table. The tall, broad-shouldered man in the heavy cloak and the shaved head looked daggers at his companions. “We missed them by minutes. Minutes! Signs of them were all over. Somehow they knew we were coming and they left just before we arrived.â€

A woman with bright green hair violently shakes her head. “There is no way we were seen. Someone must have tipped them off.†“What are you saying? One of us? We are all sworn to kill anathema, not let them go! How dare you –“

Ragarin speaks for the first time with his quiet voice, “No one tipped them off. They left on their own.†All eyes turn to him. “What makes you say that, Ragarin?†“Simple. They came here searching for something. After hitting all the savants in the area and spending time at the various libraries, they found what they were looking for and left, conveniently just before we were about to strike. We just need to track their trail, find out what they now know, and then we will have them.â€

Elsewhere in Creation…

An early morning chill still hangs on the air as the Circle approaches the gates of Great Forks. After months of being on the run from the Wyld Hunt, you are on the verge of being able to stop running and stand and fight. An ancient cache of weapons was hidden away in the area in the First Age, buried and forgotten, but traces of memories linger in your Exaltations enough to give you the clues you needed to look in the right places. Now, you have narrowed down your search area. You have the choice of either spending the next several years searching for the cache, or find the one man that has actually been to the site, Dexter Hax. You know his last place of residence was at Great Forks, so now all you need to do is find him, and convince him by one means or another to guide you to the cache.

The city gates stand open, and already the morning traffic making its way in and out of the city starts to crowd the street. Where do you go from here?
Finally, a city! was the first thought in Knaff's mind. He didn't mind the road, but there weren't many people to beffudle and swindle on the way from one place to another, except for those persistent DBs.

Taking a deep breath of the city's smells, Knaff began to consider what plots to hatch while they were here. He couldn't help but wink at Lujan Rowan. He still didn't understand the bond between them, but for now it will have to wait, he's got a whole new city to explore.
Taizo stood amazed at the gates of Great Forks, never seeing such a large collection of people, not to mention all the other creatures there. He gazed at the people coming in an out of the gates to city amazed at how many different types of people there could be. Although he was a little sad at leaving the forests and plains he was used to, he was excited to see a bustling city.

After collecting himself, he realized what might be a problem with what such a large city would bring, he then turned to his new comrades and asked:

"Uh, guys, I maybe new to large cities, but, how are we going to find this guy with all these people?"
Right, they came here for a purpose, Malfeas! Knaff thought at Taizo's words.

"Well, that depends my friend, we can all go in there and ask questions, or we can send in just one or a few of us in, to find this person." He rests his hand on Taizo's shoulder, while turning to the other members "Why, some of us do seem to blend in better with the city than others, and we all remember what happened the last time Taizo here tried to ask the barkeep a question..." The words hanging in the air, letting them remember how Taizo's booming voice made all patrons turn their heads towards the group. Not to mention ruining Knaff's attempt to woo the comely barmaid. Apparently mentioning First Age ruins wasn't taken kindly in that village.
Slip looked up from adjusting a ring of furs with a jovial grin and apologetic eyes. "It may take some time, but don't worry this throng can also be our disguise. Just remember not all questions need to be asked to get an answer. We can listen and watch for answers as well as Knaff can weedle them out of people." With a wink he gave the ring a last turn and turned an appraising eye to the city. Here was a place Juro might be able to make some coin as well.
One thing that you do know about Dexter is that he is supposed to be a fairly skilled physician with the interest in things of the First Age. You have also heard rumors that he has a bit of a gambling habit that has gotten him into trouble before.
Mordant Xane

Mordant rubbed his hands together. A city! With a market! An oasis of stability in a land of chaos. It was about time they got to a real city. Who knows when they'd see one again; best to conduct business while we were here... oh wait, important things to do.

Mordant piped up at the questions being thrown about, "Simple my friends, simple. This is a city, and the one truism of all people, exalts and humans, is that they need stuff. Food, water, a place to sleep. And who better to know where Mr. Hax is then the people that sell him that stuff."

Mordant took a deep breath, reminding himself to be patient, "He is a noted physician; if he treats the sick, then people will know his name. The local apothecaries that sell him his herbs, for example. The best way to find a man is to find the people that he owes money. They always keep track of their debts."

The merchant snorted, "Of course, we could just look for his bookie, but that's not really my area of expertise."
Rowan snorted amusedly, "Leave the gambling dens to me and Knaff. We can find him in any one of them, and heck, why not earn some of his debts and make him pay it back to us by taking us toward our destination? And yes, Knaff, you're coming with me. I'm not about to let you get us into an trouble, and you'll do well to make Hax accept our proffered deal more easily."
"Well, sounds like Mordant and I are headed for the market while Knaff and Rowan sniff out the gamblers. How about the rest of you?"
Knaff nodded at Rowan's words. Let him think what he will. Now, gambling halls sounded like they could be lots of fun, and a way to find this missing person.
Listens to the talking, while looking into the city, an unusual unease in his look. He's not used to be around that many people and even if it does not frigthen him, the prospect does not seem to his liking.

"I never tried gambling. It eludes me why to put yourself at risk should be on purpose. It happens anyway, one way or the other", he throws in, while facing the group again.

"I would rather go search a doctor who came new to this town. That way I can gather some herbs and the like for myself, too."
The Circle hardly gets a second look from the gate guards as you make your way inside the city walls. While not as large as some of the city in the River Province, Great Forks is a impressive river port city. The main commercial district of the town is located nearby the docks, displaying wares from all across Creation. For those willing to spend the cash, almost anything can be found, illeagal or not.

For those heading to look for our good doctor in the gambling dens, give me a Manipulation + Larceny roll.

For those searching the medical side, give me a Int + Medicine roll.
Mordant Xane

Xane rubs his chin, and then decides that clearly the market is the best chance to find the man.

"Well then, I shall leave the gambling and doings of dubious legality to you gentlemen. I shall inquire with the local merchants. After all, though I am no doctor, the doctors must buy from the apothecaries, and the apothecaries must in turn buy from a merchant.

Find the merchant, and we can walk the trail right to our man. As they say, follow the ledgers and you shall always find your quarry. Anyhow..."
Mordant stops for a moment to rap his walking stick on the flagstones of the road, listening to the sound that it makes, "I shall be off to the market then. Anything anyone wants picked up while I happen to be there?" The merchant gives a mischievous smile to the others, clearly happy at the idea of having an excuse to bargain or trade.

The merchant turns to the Lunar Khem, "Oh, yes, Khem, you were just saying you needed some herbs, weren't you? We could find some as we track the good Doctor. Come along then."

Mordant shifts his hat slightly forward on his head, and begins striding off in the direction of the market, eager to find any information on Dexter Hax.


Any chance of a Bureaucracy roll (it's the catch-all mercantile skill!) to give a hand to the people actually competent at searching for this fellow? Perhaps Mordant can find a merchant to point them on the start of the trail. >.>
Jenai Orlais

Jenai follows the group off to one side, absently feeding Eiran as he goes. He'd been to Great Forks before, but somehow this time felt strange. Nothing had changed; the merchants plied their ill-bought wares, the gamblers frittered their money away, and all around the people acted as if all this was normal. He realizes the change as looks back toward the gates; He'd entered on foot. Merchant or pirate, he'd always come into the city from the docks.

As the group begins to split, Jenai hesitates. He had no wish to get near the degenerates in the gambling dens, but without medical experience he'd give no help to those searching there. On sudden inspiration the young captain announces his intention to ask around the docks. If Hax was interested in First Age artifacts, it was likely any in the town would have been shipped/smuggled to him rather than carted. It may be a long shot, but it was the most likely way for him to help. The fact that it would get him into familiar territory was just a bonus.
Zoronos said:
Any chance of a Bureaucracy roll (it's the catch-all mercantile skill!) to give a hand to the people actually competent at searching for this fellow? Perhaps Mordant can find a merchant to point them on the start of the trail. >.>
Go ahead and post a roll.
Still feeling uncomfortable by all the people in the city Taizo decides to chime in saying: "Um, since I'm not much into gambling or medicine, I think I'll go with Jenai to the docks. I've never seen the ocean before."

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