Taizo "Hawkeye" Wolfstein [Dude, where's my daiklave?]


New Member
Name: Taizo "" Wolfstein

Concept: Farmboy hunter

Type: Full Moon Lunar exalt

Spirit Shape: Black Falcon (Falco subniger)

Motivation: Create a stable power in the threshold


Taizo grew up in a small farm between Charak, Rubylak and Sijan. Being the middle of 7 children is never easy, and he was often overlooked. Not wanting to exactly be the farmer type, Taizo took up the bow when he met a wanderer who taught him how to use one properly. After the wanderer left, Taizo started hunting the local woods, and bringing game for the family.

Not being content with just local game, Taizo started going after more challenging game, and eventually got tired of that as well. It was then that he decided to go after one of the elder animals of the area, which was a bad mistake, since after killing one, he angered the local god. The angered god began chasing Taizo through the forest, and after Taizo tripped, he awoke to see a beautiful woman, wearing moonsilver armor, and holding a moonsilver bow. The woman told him to follow the next people who are coming for him. When he awoke, he had realized that almost no time had passed and continued to run. Amazed that he was running faster and not tiring as much, he runs into a group of tattooed men, who chased off the god.

Following his vision, Taizo followed the tattooed men who, while traveling, told him what he had become, and that they were taking him to the elder who told them to retrieve him. Before they made it halfway to the wyld, The group had decided to stop, and during this break, Taizo was tattooed as a Full Moon caste of Luna.

After being tattooed, Taizo’s new mentor, who had been teaching him the spear, had given him a pack of items and told him to run. Run Taizo did, and after a few minutes, wonder what exactly he had been given, he looked inside the pack to find items to help him live in the wild for a couple days, a spear, and something that had surprised him, a moonsilver powerbow.

Feeling touched by receiving such a powerful item, Taizo looked back at the camp and saw a horrible scene. Where he once was, was a battle taking place between two groups. One was his new friends, and fellow lunars, the others were a group he could only guess was the wyld hunt, which he had heard stories about. Knowing he could do nothing, he clenched his fist and ran for all he was worth, not wanting to be caught by the hunt, he swore revenge for his fallen comrades.

Character Sheet:


â—Strength â—â—â—â—

â—Dexterity â—â—â—â—â—

â—Stamina â—â—â—

Charisma â—

Manipulation â—â—

â—Appearance â—â—â—â—

Perception â—â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—

Wits â—â—â—


Archery â—â—â—â—â—

Athletics â—

Awareness â—â—â—

Dodge â—â—â—â—

Integrity â—

â—Melee â—â—

Resistance â—â—

Larceny â—â—

Stealth â—â—â—â—

â—Survival â—â—â—

Lore â—

Medicine â—


Powerbows â—â—

Spears â—



Heart’s Bloods â—â—

Mentor â—â—â—

Resources â—â—â—


[Knack]Deadly Beastman Transformation

[Knack]Prey’s Skin Disguise

Hide of the Cunning Hunter

2nd Dexterity Excellency

Wasp Sting Blur

Graceful Crane Stance

Lodestone Reckoning Manor

Ox Body Technique


Compassion â—

Temperance â—â—â—

Conviction â—â—

Valor u]Essence[/u]





-0 []

-1 [][]

-2 [][][][][][]

-4 []

Incapacitated []

You have 2 more BP to spend by my count:

Archery 5 (2)

Dodge 4 (2)

Stealth 4 (2)

Specialties (2)

Backgrounds (3)

Willpower (2)


13 total

Also, as Shadow Red Claws mentioned, Sherwood said no artifacts or manses, so you have to drop the powerbow. Which frees up another 2 BP.
Still two problems with your stat block then:

1) We start with no Artifacts, so no powerbow, yet.

2) It's always good to note which abilities are Favored.
Ah, my mistake. Since you get Survival and one other ability, I guessed you were putting it on Archery, my mistake. My apologies.

Regardless, as SRC mentioned, you still have 2 bp free since we're not allowed artifacts.

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