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  1. MegaPatman

    BLOODY MOON (Lycan Pack Manor) ROLEPLAY

    Patrick stopped what he was doing and quickly followed Esme and Jason. He felt his body tingling for a chance top take down some hunters as well as just shift for the thrill of it. Patrick noticed some tension in Esme's words, but decided against saying anything about it. Cracking his neck and...
  2. MegaPatman

    BLOODY MOON (Lycan Pack Manor) ROLEPLAY

    (I am so sorry!!! I've been away from the world and I didn't expect it to be this long. I won't let this happen again without warning. I promise)
  3. MegaPatman

    The Fear principle (Accepting)

    Alex looked Sven over a couple of times while debating what to tell him. Alex grabbed a cup as well and filled it with black coffee and took a small swig of the bitter liquid, almost burning himself. He decided it wouldn't hurt to let know a tad from his past. Alex knew he was never the type...
  4. MegaPatman

    BLOODY MOON (Lycan Pack Manor) ROLEPLAY

    This girl is smarter than she looks, Eric thought. He let her walk off a little ways, but he jumped up into a tree and quietly followed her to see if she'd slip up and change. He may be a killer but he didn't kill humans without a reason. Without much thought Eric sheathed the dagger and pulled...
  5. MegaPatman

    BLOODY MOON (Lycan Pack Manor) ROLEPLAY

    Eric looked at her and his smile completely faded, only to be replaced by his signiture scowl. Eric reached down and picked her up with one hand by the shoulder. "Too bad. Why are you out here all alone? Didn't you know it's dangerous? Especially for a kid, such as yourself." He let go of her...
  6. MegaPatman

    BLOODY MOON (Lycan Pack Manor) ROLEPLAY

    Eric began patrolling a small time after sunset, trying to cover enough ground before the mutts began to prowl. Eric had on his custom made archery style lycan hunting garb, trying to remain fully functional with his array of ranged weapons and look menacing as well. He made his way through the...
  7. MegaPatman

    After the Flock (A Max Ride RP)

    Actually, even though I fussed over it, I can't join the RP.... Soooooo yeah. Sorry.
  8. MegaPatman

    BLOODY MOON (Lycan Pack Manor) ROLEPLAY

    Patrick walked in and saw Esme going to town on the punching bag, mostly working on quick jabs made to disorient foes. He started walking in when Esme kicked the bag and broke the chain holding it up. Patrick smiled, now very interested in Esme's combat skills. Lazily walking over to pick up the...
  9. MegaPatman

    BLOODY MOON (Lycan Pack Manor) ROLEPLAY and accompanied Esme to go train woth one another. He smiled at her. She didn't look like a soldier, but Patrick had been wrong before too. *** Eric just watched the whole thing go down with this so called Christian fellow. He didn't look too tough though. Eric wanted a piece of him...
  10. MegaPatman

    BLOODY MOON (Lycan Pack Manor) ROLEPLAY

    Patrick looked at Esme with amusement in his eyes when she said that they wouldn't be alone. Jason was someone that Patrick already a fair amount of respect for. He took himself seriously and he cared for the pack. He seemed that he is a bit of a loner, too. Maybe he and Jason could be friends...
  11. MegaPatman

    The Fear principle (Accepting)

    Alex tilted his head in thought when Sven explained he new inmate to him. A strong, silent type, eh? This could prove a nice challenge. He shrugged after thinking about it for a small while and hanged the subject. "So Sven. What's your story? Why do you work here and do what you do?" Alex...
  12. MegaPatman

    BLOODY MOON (Lycan Pack Manor) ROLEPLAY

    Patrick jumped up into an offensive position when he heard someone come into his room. He saw a silhouetted outline of a figure standing in the door way to his room. His vision cleared up and he saw Esme standing there. Quickly standing straight, he looked himself over once and saw that he...
  13. MegaPatman

    BLOODY MOON (Lycan Pack Manor) ROLEPLAY

    (Is there anybody else playing a hunter?)
  14. MegaPatman

    After the Flock (A Max Ride RP)

    Shouldn't there be a bad guy? Like Eraser-esque type characters? Ari-esque even?? Cause if so, I am your man! Bad guys are essential to Maximum Ride. Please?! Please please please?!
  15. MegaPatman

    Sorry. I've got a bit mch going on at the moment

    Sorry. I've got a bit mch going on at the moment
  16. MegaPatman

    The Fear principle (Accepting)

    Alex looked at Sven when he heard him talking to him. He didn't know Sven or anybody else besides Jaguar knew his name. Alex tried to compose himself and mot make an ass out of himself. His expression brightened when Sven asked him to join him. "Sure, I'll join. I'd enjoy getting to know the...
  17. MegaPatman

    BLOODY MOON (Lycan Pack Manor) ROLEPLAY

    Patrick walks inside the Manor and walks straight up into his room so he could put his new clothes away and just lie down for a bit. His head produced a small throbbing pain starting from between his eyes. Patrick didnt think twice about it though. It didnt really bother him. About five minutes...
  18. MegaPatman

    The Fear principle (Accepting)

    Alex Simpson walked through the doors of the "behavioral facility" of which he worked. It was actually a prison made to detain specially gifted people. To help them cope with he outside world as well as cope with themselves. Alex didn't like to think of these people as criminals though. Thinking...
  19. MegaPatman

    The War of the New World (Shape shifters vs vampires)

    Stier walked back to the encampment after failing to find Hakidonmuya. Thats when he smelled Vampires. More in the direction he had just come from. Slowly, still week from his last encounter, he took to the trees, jumping from banch to branch. After a few minutes of doing this he found three...
  20. MegaPatman

    BLOODY MOON (Lycan Pack Manor) ROLEPLAY

    (Sorry. I've been having a rough weekend with my partner and such.) Patrick nods as Christian left and took the car with him. Patrick turned his attention to Mario and let him finish up with his work. After a few hours, his suits were done and it was about midday out when he went outside...