Patrick looked at Esme with amusement in his eyes when she said that they wouldn't be alone. Jason was someone that Patrick already a fair amount of respect for. He took himself seriously and he cared for the pack. He seemed that he is a bit of a loner, too. Maybe he and Jason could be friends. "Jason coming along sounds perfect actually. I like him. He seems like a good person. Has a good heart, I mean. And he is probably a well decorated warrior." Patrick looked at himself again and felt his muscles twitch with excitement. "And as for us getting rid of the hunters.. I am ready for anything. The bastard who took a shot at me will pay dearly." He felt himself become rigid, hate ebbing throughout his body for the hunter who tried to kill him. "Killing is not new to me Esme. And as for the gun..." Patrick went over to his new suits and pulled the gun that Christian gave him out of a holster, "I'm covered for that too." He walked over to Esme and fel his anger recede away and be replaced with a happiness. But the he felt himself grow more serious. "When do we head out?"
"Good, good..." Esme hadn't realized that Patrick and Jason had even met yet. His description of Jason surprised her a bit, most people found him too intimidating at first glance. She just hoped that they got along. "Well Jason was picking up another member of the Pack, I haven't even talked to him about the patrol just yet, so not until long after you ah..." she blushed again and laughed softly. "You might want to finish getting dressed. Dark clothes are best, things you won't mind getting dirty or possibly ruined if we have to shift...I'm hoping to just catch a few rogues tonight if anything, or at least figure out where thy're coming onto the territory from..."

"I might go train, while I wait for Jason to get back...if you'd like to come with?"
*After Esme left, Christian got up and headed back to the garage, as much as he wanted to be there to see Claire's return, he had business to take care of and the truth is, if Jason knew where he was going he would insist on coming, which could make things difficult. The problem is as Christian is pulling out Jason is pulling in passing each other but Christian doesn't stop or say a word to him.

Christian drives towards the edge of town a small dive bar that used to have all the town's business before the Blue Moon took most of it, now only the less them productive members of the town go there, Christian's Mercedes SUV in the parking lot is completely out of place when he parks among the pickups, and other in expensive cars, with the exception of 2 tricked out black trucks with tinted windows, he had seen them before when those hunters drove through town. After he parks he heads inside walking pass a group of bikers that must have about 130 pounds each on him but at the sight of him they avert their eyes from him, a true sign of stray lycans, but not the ones that have been causing trouble and apparently to stupid to realize they're drinking at a bar with a bunch of hunters, chances are they'll probably be dead by morning.

Inside Christian spots Joseph sitting at a table with a girl and another guy, it's not clear how they know each other, perhaps it's just some Alpha male thing but they both lock eyes and just know. As Christian steps to the table people behind him start slowly clearing out of the bar, the two people with Joseph stand ready to make a move, but are waved off by Joseph.* You two wait at the truck. *The two hunters only nod and leave, eyeing Christian as he sits at the table.* I see you run a tight ship, the way they take orders reminds me of a well tuned team. *Joseph nods and smiles at Christian.* They're the best at what we do. *Christian smiles back* I'm Christian and you're in my territory I want to try to be civil and politely ask you to leave, my pack doesn't harm humans and live in peace in this town. And what you do is hunt and kill my kind...I'm afraid that statement of you being the best won't fit you anymore if you stay here and come after my pack. *Joseph, reaching into his jacket and pulls out a silver plated colt 45 and lays it on the table.* I'm afraid you're wasting your breath, we can't be scared off or bribed we leave when the job is done and that's only when everyone of you is mounted on the front of my truck. *Christian reaches behind him and pulls the black Sig Saur 224 lays it on the table.* I'm afraid that isn't going to happen, see I know who you are and what you've done and if you think that killing those weaklings means you're ready to take on me and my pack you're sadly mistaken..What is the oldest Alpha you've killed..I believe it was a 40 year old mutt! I have new for you I'm a whole different league I was running the woods of Europe hundreds of years before your mother made the mistake of not swallowing you. I'm what legends are made from! Generations wake up in cold sweats after having nightmares of me coming for them in the night!

*Joseph sits there and listens all the time smiling, as one of his hunters tries to sneak up on Christian with the barrel of a shotgun before he can press it to his head, Christian moves, in a blur he appears behind the man and shoves him into the table, pointing his gun at Joseph and the other hunter.* I came here wanting to spare you a violent death but you can't even talk in good faith..Fine have it your way. *As Christian backs out of the bar the two men watch till he vanishes.* Did you see that? He's afraid of you, that's why he came here to beg you to spare his life? *Joseph grabs the shotgun and smashes it to the man's head then stands over him.* YOU JACKASS, WHEN I GIVE YOU AN ORDER YOU OBEY IT! Next time I tell you to wait outside you wait outside! And he's not scared he just forgot that he's a monster, we're gonna remind him of that! Then I'll kill him..I don't care how old he is!
Patrick looked at himself and noticed he, in fact, was not wearing a shirt. He grabbed a new shirt from a pile of clothes in the corner of the room and put it on. It was a black sleeveless tee shirt. Before coming back to the mansion, Patrick went and got some clothes from his hotel room. Then he returned the key to the room and left it behind. Patrick finished getting dressed, even changing his pants to a black instead of dark blue. Patrick looked dangerous and felt like he could take on an army. But he just went out of the room and accompanied Esme to go train woth one another. He smiled at her. She didn't look like a soldier, but Patrick had been wrong before too.


Eric just watched the whole thing go down with this so called Christian fellow. He didn't look too tough though. Eric wanted a piece of him though. Even if it were just a scrap, he wanted to fight him. Eric may have been an older man but he was in his physical prime. He didn't f*** around when it came to hunting Lycans. And maybe I'll get lucky enough to kill the other one, Eric thought to himself, which brought him a small rough laugh. A moment later he went to his truck to put all of his weapons in working order. But Eric carefully put together his compound bow and strung it. He put silver tipped arrows in a quiver and slung it over his back. He felt like a Lycan killig Robin Hood. After polishing them, Eric grabbed two pistols and put them in the leg holsters on his lower calves. Then he put some silver kunai throwin knives into a sheath made to hold six around each of his forearms. "Now we're ready for war."
I don't think I'll be joining that dinner, I usually prefer to eat alone. It makes some of the pack uneasy, when I'm around.{As Jason sees Christian pulling out he can't resist saying it in front of Claire.} SON OF A *****! Crap I'm sorry Claire, I didn't mean to say that in front of you but that man is trying to make me insane, how can I protect him if he doesn't stay close to me? {Parking the car in the garage, he jumps out and grabs Claire's bags and carries them inside.} No one has been in your room since you left. Well they may have borrowed some of your clothes for the new girl, I don't think she had anything except the shredded bloody clothes on her back. I'm sure you two will get along and look at it like this, finally you're the older sister. Well I have to go find Esme and find out if she knows where Christian is going. {After leaving her bags in her room Jason starts looking for Esme.} Hey everyone Claire is home. Where is everyone? Don't be rude come and say hello.

{Nathan spent his time since Spain, traveling through Asia, mostly wandering through Tibet, something about the mountains made his feel comfortable, of course being Nathan, he always seems to find trouble, pissing off a vampire clan here, a wolf pack there. Always managing to slither his way clear, usually turning his enemies on each other. One night while sleeping in a temple he was rudely awaken by he assumes are Council Enforcers, he's knocked out and dragged onto a cargo plane heading back to Italy, finding himself on his knees in front of the council. Being ordered back to the US as a spy for them, seems Christian hasn't been a good wolf. Of course Nathan wouldn't betray Christian like this, but Nathan is foremost a survivor and given the history of the council he knows it's agree or die right then and there. Nathan is petty, selfish and generally untrustworthy, to anyone that isn't his pack, Nathan will steal and kill but he'll do it for his pack, even if he doesn't really consider himself still a part of that pack. Not since Christian and Theon merged their packs, Theon is a monster that will smile at you while he eats your heart out of your chest, the tension between Theon, Christian and Nathan goes back centuries, there is so much bad blood there, the fact Christian and Theon can manage to not kill each other is beyond Nathan, something he could not do is co-exist with Theon. So he left when the packs merged. So when the council ask, no demanded that he returns and becomes their spy the thought makes him laugh. But sure he'll go back and then he'll disappear, it took the council 5 years to find him this time and he wasn't even trying to hide from them so if he decided to run for real it could be decades or centuries before they find him again. Beside Alice is going to be so so so so pissed off he hasn't tried to reach her in half a decade.}

(Sorry been seriously busy at work lately, I've barely had much time to get on here unless I do it when I get off work at 1am)
((LOL i dont think anyones home. Sheena, Caroline and one other are shopping. Rikarah is with alice. Chris is at he bar. I think only Esme, Patrick Jason and myself are home? Am i wrong?))

Claire was a little stunned for his spontaneous outburst. Her eyes grew wide but mostly with surprise. Language was not that big of a factor for her. People cussed. The world moves on, doesnt mean she had a desire to use that type of language herself. Plus she knew it would only lead to her getting into trouble. Jason once again seemed to rush her. Before she even opened the door, Jason had already jumped out, gotten her bags and headed for the house.

Opening the door, before getting out, she checked her phone. It made her smile seeing the two pictures as her wallpaper. Half of it was her clan she had now, the other half was her biological parents. The girl put it away before finally jumped out and racing to the door after bumping the car door shut. As she charged in behind he, quietly she watched his actions and listened to him carefully.

She was quite alright with the idea of her room being untouched, but then knowing they may have taken her things for this other girl? She couldn't help but feel jealous. It was in her to be helpful and always care for those who needed it but did the clan try to replace her? This new girl was her exact age. And she didn't know of the trauma if any sustained to this "new girl" Jason spoke of, but then his words caught her.

Shredded bloody clothes. His words brought horrifying flashes of that night. Claire hesitated for a second as her heart instant began to race. It felt like it was going to burst out of her chest and even her lungs couldn't seem to grip the air inside of them. But she continued to walk and follow Jason. Trying not to lead on to those feelings.

Older sister? Claire never wanted a sister. Deep inside if she couldn't protect herself, how could she protect someone else. As much as she tried not to lead on about it, Being away from loved ones terrified her. Knowing that she would see them again is the only motivation she keeps to go on. But finally they came to the door of her room. She stepped inside and to the side, Jason set the bags down and proceeded to leave as he spoke about finding Esme. This was fine. As he left she shut the door behind him. Pausing for a second she couldnt resist; Giggled loudly she pranced over and jumped on her bed. It was like landing on a pillow. Her queen size bed, plush and soft. Her biological parents house was good and she really enjoyed seeing her old room for the first time that she remembered. But this manor here; this was her home, As long as she could, this would always be her home and she never wanted to leave.

Claire rolled over, arms spread, legs spread and stared at the roof. It was a high room but they did her room very teenager like and girly but not in a way you expect. Her color tones where baby blue and white and on the wall behind her bed was a picture, well a poster of this beautiful wolf. It was a high quality photo. Little did anyone know besides those who had seen it is that the wolf was actually her. But even knowing that, to her it was a wild creature. It wasn't like looking at a portrait of herself. It was her favorite.

Sitting back up, she pulled her bags in close and began to unload them. The majority of her clothing was dirty. She didnt have time to do them before leaving and she didn't feel like it right now so into a pile in her floor they went, over by the door. Claire giggled at the thought of spreading her clothing everywhere. She know the adults hated it cause it made her room look like a sty.

Finally she came to a few boxes. Most of them were gifts. Reopening the first few. to check was Christians. Not knowing what to get him or what he would like, she simply bought him a snow globe. In it had a beach, and a sign with a surf board that said, "Welcome to California". Which was kind of lame cause her parents lived so far inland in the forests of NorCal. Next was a gift for Esme. This was a white gold necklace with a pendant that said "Love" and had Claire's Birthstone in it. It was simple but she hoped she would like it. It meant a lot for her to buy it. Jasons gift was a little less flashy. She had gotten him a decorative knife with a few wolves on it. She figured it was symbolic of their clan. Lastly she bought a gift for Rikarah. This was she chose carefully. The young girl know that choosing a gift for her had to be particular. Nothing too flashy. Nothing to masculine. So she had the perfect idea. It was something very girly, but could be used in her own personal time when no one was around. A bath set was perfect. The set had bath salts, candles, body wash, body scrub, body butter, body lotion, and much more. And it was a soft citrus scent. She hoped it wouldn't of been to much but Claire thought for sure she would like it.

Finally Claire came to the last box. Well, it was more of a case. After setting the other presents back in the boxes and either on her bed or on the ground, she brought this one up in her lap. It was small. About the size of a large hardback book, but about the thickness of a book with 1500 pages. The red head eyed it before running her hands gently over it to the front and flipping both the latches. Hesitant, she listened for a second and it sounded clear as if no one would enter her room unexpectedly. Slowly she opened the box and within it was clear; Black foam with a sitting for four things, a small pistol, 2 magazines, and a box of ammuntion. It was a Beretta Nano 9mm; better known as a micro glock.

She took a soft breath. Being so young, she wasnt real fond of the idea of having "protection" but her parents insisted. What she feared most was Esme and Christian finding out. Though it wasnt like they just randomly gave it too her. While she was back home, they had planned for it. They ran her through the basics, then a course, then training and honestly, she could use it. Very well in fact. She passed the class with a marksman rating. Only a few can do that and with the size of the pistol, it actually fit her hand size perfectly. What worried her even more was the load out. Her parents were worried about protection, not killing. Each magazine holds 5 rounds. The first four being standard hollowpoint, with the last one being a silver hollowpoint. But after thinking it all over, in Cali, she was excited, now that she was at home and looking at it. She panicked. Shutting it and latching it quickly, she stuffed it in down underneath of her bed, shifting the blankets so it would look undisturbed. With it out of sight she relaxed a little.

What a day. She let out a huge sigh and fell back on her bed. She needed to do something refreshing.

((Sorry for epic post. Are there any rules to going out alone or transforming during the day. Also wolf form is big right? and does it destroy your clothing? Also thank you for posting Jirro, been waiting al day and im always up this late ;) ))
Andrea looked at Sheena when she said that Caroline was going to grow up, her own eyes widened in disbelief that she would be telling the girl this now. She sighed some, bringing her head down into her hand for a second, then she moved, she knelt down in front of Caroline. She reached out and gently cupped Caroline's face in her hands, making her look into her eyes, "Breathe, Caro, take deep breaths, in and out." she said, adopting Sheena's nickname for the girl for a moment.

She continued to keep Caroline's eyes trained on hers, "It's alright, you will grow up, but you get to enjoy being a child longer. Trust me... being an adult is not as fun as you always think when you are a child. When you grow up you have a lot of responsibility that you don't have as a child, bills to pay, a job to go to... And unlike school, you don't get any breaks from this job. Trust me... you will grow up, and then you'll probably look back and think that you wish you were a child again." she said.

She dropped her hands from Caroline's face and very gently took one of her hands as she slowly stood again, "Come on... let's get the clothes shopping out of the way... and then we can look at books, and games. Maybe if you want when we get back home we can play a few games together." she said, then she smiled and looked at Caroline, "Or... Claire might be home by now, you can play with her... won't it be nice to play with someone that's the same age as you?" she asked, hoping that the idea of another child being at the manor would brighten Caroline's day and help push away what she was thinking about.

(she's trying to keep her calm and get her back to a good mood
xD )

Esmewas already going at the punching bag by the time Patrick joined her. She almost didn't notice at first as she jabbed at it, practicing her right hook, then her left...ducking and dodging as the bag swung violently on it's chain, missing her a few times. She could take care of herself, there wasn't a question about that. Since she could walk really, her father would take her out, taught her the basic defensive moves she might need growing up. Once she hit her teens, more was added to her daily training. Weapon skills: knives, swords, guns, the time she was thirteen Esme could disassemble and put her father's pistol back together in seconds. Theon was the kind of father who had always wanted a son, but would make sure his daughter was the best fighter there was.

When she moved to the left, she caught Patrick's sent as she spun, hitting the top of the bag with a roundhouse kick. There was a metalic moaning sound and the chain snapped, the bag falling to the ground at her feet with a loud thud. Blushing slightly, she wiped at her brow as she turned to Patrick, smiling sheepishly.

Hope you didn't plan on using that today..."

Smoothing her hands down her tank top, she went over to her towel and water bottle, dabbing at the sweat before splashing water on her face. The training room was the entire basement of the Manor. Therefore, it was relatively huge. Machines lined the far wall, there was a weaponry cage in the back. Even a small shooting range further off.

"Pick your poison..." she waved her arms around. "Just don't over do it..." she smiled at him again, freeing her hair from it's ponytail and shook it out. She could hear a car pulling in above them and smiled softly as the sound of Claire running inside reached her ears. "I'll be right back...someone I have to go say hello to..."

Draping her towel over her shoulders, she headed back upstairs and into the foyer, hearing the door to Claire's room slam shut behind her. Turning to go to the stairs, she nearly bumped into Jason as he came inside. "Hey!" She backed away a bit, before shrugging and leaned up to kiss him. "You're back..."

((@Kaine:You can go out alone as long as you stay on the grounds surrounding the Manor, and yo can shift during the day, HOWEVER considering the things thta have been going on in the thread with the hunters and rogues, Claire might be better off going with someone, or if she did go alone might get into some trouble with the Alpha's (out of concern though) As far as their wolf form goes, think Underworld meets Twilight, they look like wolves, but they're huge. Clothing would be destroyed, that's why most shift naked (if you read my first post, Esme was in the woods and had folded her clothes, leaving them under a bush while she shifted. Nudity isn't a problem with Packs, no matter the age/sex. It happens, everyone is used to it pretty much

[MENTION=1442]Jirro Mochizuki[/MENTION]: do you want Nathan to come and find Alice, or should she find him? Would probably be better if he came to her since I have no idea where you are
:P ))
She had to admit that Alice had a point there. If it was true that she had always “caved” before, seeking out Nathan before he would look for her in turn, then it seemed as though it were a game of Nathan’s, some sort of point he had to repeatedly prove- that he could live without Alice for longer than she could live without him. Or perhaps it was pride, his way of saying that he did not need her if she did not wish to have him. Rikarah could understand that sort of reasoning. She herself, she supposed, would behave in a similar fashion with Christian, had he left her. She would not wish to chase after him and give him the satisfaction of knowing her need for him, the hurt he had caused her. She would wish him to find her, to show that he was the one who was wrong, who needed her.

Hadn’t she done this herself before? Yes, she could understand why both would behave in this way. But meanwhile, neither were together, and if both held out, they may never be.

“I can understand,” she said to Alice quietly. “I would do the same. But you do miss him. And if he is thinking as you do, you may never again have him, due to stubbornness and pride. It has been five years, Alice. That is quite some time to carry out this sort of game.”

Then she smiled. “But if you do want to give him a push…I would start paying attention to another guy. That might give him the shove in your direction he needs.”


One thing was for sure, Andrea was way better with kids than Sheena was. Every time she opened her mouth around Caroline, she might as well stick her foot in it rather than say anything, because that seemed to be what it was amounting to.

Sheena stays quiet as Andrea reassures her, deciding not to say anything about how childhood had been no picnic for her and she'd been impatient to grow up. Honestly, it did suck in her opinion, the situation Caroline was in. But at least she would have support, unlike Sheena had. At least she would have people looking out for her.

Caroline took deep breaths as Andrea directed, closing her eyes as she tried to calm herself. Finally she nodded slightly, mumbling back to her. "Okay...I guess...I like games and stuff, but...I just really do want to grow up. I don't want to be a kid forever...that's just...not right, and there's a lot of fun stuff about being grown up I wouldn't be able to do..."

She lets this trail off, interested in spite of herself when Andrea mentions another kid her age. "There is? Another kid? Really?" She hopes this kid won't be bigger than she is. That would be embarrassing...

"I don't play," she said with dignity in response to Andrea's mention of this as they began to walk again, entering one of the preteen stores Caroline has chosen. "Much, anyway. I'm too old for dolls and stuff."
Alice shrugged again. No one really came to mind that she felt was worthy enough of her time even if it was just to get Nathan knowing him and how well her knew her, he would see right through the charade and mock her unconditionally. Something she would never allow him to be able to dangle over her. "We'll see...if news of what's going on travels far enough, maybe he'll have a change of heart and come check on everyone here...his relationship with Chris goes back farther then our own, so he should at least come to the aid of his friend if anything..."

Finishing off the last fry from her plate, she pouts slightly, looking around the bar. "Do ever think that maybe we made the wrong choice, coming here...joining this pack? I mean, sure things were a bit rocky at the old place, dealing with those vampires and all that that one time...but at least we were children to babysit, no one bossing us around..." she shrugged, looking back at Rikarah, smiling sheepishly. "I guess I'm still not used to it...mingling and working with these meat sacks...working for the Danvers...maybe I never will be..."

Ordering another round of drinks, she watched as a few of her officers walked in, waving at her as they settled down at the bar. "God I hate those guys...what I wouldn't kill for the old days..."
*Christian stops just at his car and opens the door, he pauses for a second and turns he looks not back at the bar but at the tree line a good 4 or 5 hundred yards away to a small figure dress in black high in the trees, to him he can clearly see her the slender figure shadowing him, so well that she even evades the heighten senses of Jason.* Stay with them and out of sight Miyako, if they make a move towards the Manor, I want to know. *He pauses as if he's listening then speaks again.* No, I don't want you exposed yet, no one knows you're here yet, not even my own pack, I'd like to keep it that way so no you take no actions, not even to defend yourself, if you are discovered I want you to retreat and evade are we clear? *Again he's silent then nods getting back into his car, he drives back through town and sees Rika's car parked in front of the Blue Moon, well at least she's safe, no one would dare do anything in there so with his mind settled that she's ok he continues home.

It's only a short drive for him before he's pulling back into the garage, the sun should be setting in a couple of hours, he hopes that his mate won't be foolish enough to stay outside the grounds after dark. Inside he steps into the main foyer, laying his jacket on the arm of the couch and plops down on it, laying back and closing his eyes.* Man what a long long day.
Patrick walked in and saw Esme going to town on the punching bag, mostly working on quick jabs made to disorient foes. He started walking in when Esme kicked the bag and broke the chain holding it up. Patrick smiled, now very interested in Esme's combat skills. Lazily walking over to pick up the bag, Patrick answered Esme, "I'm sure I'll find other uses for this lump of canvas." He watched her leave for the car that just pulled in. Without much effort Patrick tossed the punching bag into the air and drove his fist square in the center of it and it exploded in padding and canvas.

While he was waiting for Esme, Patrick walked around the room and noticed that there was a wide array of weapons ranging from throwing knives to fully automatic weapons. Patrick's eyes widened as he saw some of the most beautiful blades he had ever seen. When Patrick was a teenager he traveled all of Europe and some of China. Amongst his travels he learned various styles of martial arts to make him deadly without transforming into his wolf form. He was also trained in swordplay. He had mastered twin sword fighting at an early age of forty. But he was a bit rusty since he hadn't picked one up in quite a few decades. He may not be too old, but he was a skilled fighter.

With delicate fingers, Patrick picked up a long sword and tested the weight in his hands gingerly. It felt good in his hands as well as he felt that it complemented him in a way. He began to swing the sword around the area, making slashing motions as well as jabs and parry's. he felt his old training coming back to him as he began to jump around in the air and make cutting motions as he spun. It felt good to hold the weapon again. If any hunters tried to mess with him, they would certainly piss themselves before he cut them down to size.
Rikarah tilted her head as she considered Alice's thoughts about Nathan. It was true that if he heard what Sheena had done, as well as the news of the hunters and the deaths of humans in their territory by other pack members, he would likely be infuriated, perhaps enough so to return. Still, for him to return for the sake of Christian rather than for Alice would hardly be a victory for her.

Still, she doesn't voice this, deciding to allow Alice space to have optimism, to at least pretend to believe she feels it, at any rate, as she returns her attention to her foot, still picking at it more than eating it. Alice's second question causes her to frown as she thinks carefully about her response, examining her feelings in regards to it before looking up at her to reply, her voice slow, thoughtful. "I do think so sometimes, yes. I am not used to children. I do not dislike them, necessarily, unless they are interfering with my life. And my being assigned BABYSITTER is certainly interfering with my life."

She exhales as the drinks arrive, picking up her second and taking a swallow before turning her attention back to Alice. "I do not know. I still feel as though I am not quite part of things. I suppose I may not be trying hard enough to ingratiate myself, but then with many of them, it is difficult to care. And...I am different than most. You know that. I do not seem to fit in well."

She shrugs as though this does not concern her, but Alice knows her well enough to know otherwise. "I am mostly thought of as Christian's mate who is to be put up with, I suspect. So I do not know. I suppose I do regret it, at times."
Alice takes this all in quietly, staring at her new drink before taking a sip from it, then another, before finishing it off. As she placed the glass back down on their table, she twirled it thoughtfully, chewing on her lower lip. "You know, before we left, before everything changed...I thought we had the makings of our own Pack ya know? She frowned slightly, then shrugged, leaning back in her seat.

"I mean, I wanted to make you my second...I know Vitani thought it was going to be her...but'd make a great Beta Rikarah...maybe even a great Alpha...why don't you try to be the Danvers' girl's second? I mean, it'll never be me despite what Theon might as well be you, no it should be you..." she looked up at her friend and smiled. "Keep all those wacky pups in more babysitting if you're'll get upgraded to ass kicker..." she stuck her tongue out playfully at her.
Andrea smiled a little as Caroline calmed down, at least she wouldn't be causing a scene about being a lycan in public, that wouldn't have been good. She was also glad that she wasn't going to hyperventilate, which was why she had told her to breathe first off, breathing was very important. "Trust me, you will grow up, but just try to enjoy your childhood, because being an adult isn't all it's cracked up to be." she said with a gentle smile. "As for games, it can be whatever you want to play."

As they stared walking again she nodded a little, "Yes, there is another girl, her name is Claire. She was already here when I got here a few months ago. I can't tell you too much about her since I don't really know her. I barely had anything to do with anyone when I first got here." she said, trying to explain why she couldn't tell Caroline too much about Claire. She wouldn't be surprised if Caroline didn't believe that she had refused to talk before hand, especially with how much she had been talking with people since Caroline showed up.

Andrea chuckled some, "Well, I never mentioned dolls, I expect that you two will probably play a variety of games, just as long as you are safe about it." she said, she also figured they would go for runs together, it would be good for Caroline to have someone her own age to run with.

As they walked inside Andrea looked around, this was going to be up to Caroline, though she would make sure that she got what she needed, and not just the types of clothes that she wanted. She couldn't help but look forward to going to the bookstore, but she wouldn't rush Caroline in her decisions.

Rikarah nods, understanding what Alice meant. She had also been, as their former small pack had just begun to gel, to feel that it was in fact a place she did belong and was appreciated in, perhaps the first place and time in her life where this was so. She had enjoyed Alice and Vitani in a manner she had never really enjoyed other females, having never come across any she found to be her equals. She had liked Nathan well enough, when he was not fighting with Alice, and Christian...well, though she still sometimes had a difficult time in saying it, and they did have their frequent ups and downs, she loved Christian. She had been beginning to love her life with them.

But with Nathan and Vitani gone, and Alice no longer living with her and Christian, their pack of before was scattered, and Rikarah missed it. This new pack seemed to be bound more loosely than the last, and it was unsettling to her to feel she had to define herself among them continually rather than to already automatically be known by them.

As Alice too endorsed her being Esme's beta, playfully encouraging, Rikarah smiled, tilting her head as she considered, pushing the rest of her drink aside. It was true that to be beta would secure her more firmly among the pack. And it sure as hell would beat Sheena being made beta, a possibility given her closeness to Esme that Rikarah shuddered to consider.

"I believe I will ask," she said. "And if it turns out she choose that child over me...perhaps we should start a pack of our own, because you know that would only go downhill from there." She rolled her eyes at Alice before smiling again. "So...if you will not chase Nathan...would you then be opposed to me contacting him? I would gladly tell him he is a fool to leave a woman as hot as you are for so long."


"Claire's sort of cool, Caroline," Sheena took up Andrea's reassurance, glad to have something she could latch onto that she did actually know what to say about. "I like her, she's kind of neat for a kid. I don't know her that much either since I'm new too, sort of, but she seems nice. You should like her."

Once inside the store, she hung back, slouching, hands in her pockets. She was embarrassed to even be in the bright, extremely girly store with the loud colors splashed across the walls and preteen accessories scattered about. Standing 5'9 and in obviously androgynous clothing, with no makeup or jewelry, Sheena felt conspicuous and strange to be there, almost convinced that the salespeople were staring at her, wondering how a girl that tall would even think she could fit into clothing of this size.

Caroline, meanwhile, was in her glory. Already she had piled up a towering stack of jeans, shirts, underwear, leggings, and jackets in her arms, barely able to see past it as she staggered towards a display of cutesy items like daisy pens and Flarp.

"I want all this," she announced before disappearing into the dressing room. An excruciating amount of time later, at least in Sheena's mind, she had tried on everything and displayed them all to her and Andrea before they finally paid for what worked out and headed out to the next.
Andrea smiled some, she was glad to hear Sheena adding her own reassurances to what she was already saying. Once inside the store Andrea took on the role of the parent who was taking her daughter shopping, even though she certainly didn't look the part, she did do her best to be fair toward Caroline. Saying no to clothes that didn't fit right and helping her pick out the clothes that did, that were of the same style and design that she wanted. Andrea also helped to carry the clothes considering how many Caroline was picking out.

Andrea continued to help Caroline with her clothes, though she did let her pick out what she wanted until they were finished with the shopping, then it was off to the bookstore and Andrea went to buy some books for herself, letting Caroline and Sheena wander around getting what they wanted.

(sorry so short.)

After a few moments of relaxing, she could feel how tired she was. Any longer and she would fall asleep. So she sat up, kind of bounced and got up off her bed. Scuttling across the floor she opened the door to her room and peeked outside. First the the right, which was clear, then to the left, and she saw Esme. Her face lit up.

Esme was kind of like a Big sister but also a mother to Claire. More so a big sister. All of these rankings justified in the 12 year old's head... somehow. Silently she spun around and raced back over to her bed, scooting the other packages aside, she clamped onto Esme's small gift and Jason's small-medium sized box. Holding the one against her chest, and back to the door she went. Trying to stop she ended up sliding out her door and ran out behind Esme. Before she got their she realized Jason was standing there as well so it would all work out well.

Spreading her arms out and basically, she ran into Esme. Wrapping her arms around Esme's waist and squeezed her as hard as she could. Claire had missed her fiercely. Peeking her head around she spoke. "I really missed you. I also got you a present." With the package in her hand she held it up on the other side of the woman. Then turning to Jason, Claire's hair kind of over her face wildly from the impact, she replied to him as well, "Thank you for the ride Jayjay. Here's your gift!" She held out his box. Patiently she waited for them to take the gifts and open the boxes they were in.
Esme was just getting ready to tell Jason more about their patrol with Patrick arranged for that night, when a force knocked into the lower part of her body, nearly causing her to topple over. Looking down, her face broke out into a tiny grin as she noticed the child clutching at her, arms around her middle and filled with packages. "Hey Claire..." she chuckled softly, pushing the wild hair out of the girls face so she could see her better. "Had a nice trip?"

Her eyebrows rose slightly at Claire's nickname for Jason and she looked over at him, smirking at his reaction, mouthing "JayJay" at him playfully, knowing the older wolf was not too fond of nicknames, but also knowing he would never tell that to a child, especially Claire. Though he'd never admit it, Esme knew he had a soft spot for the young pup.

Detangling herself from Claire, she accepted the small box she handed to her, carefully opening it, and gasping in both surprise and delight at the necklace inside. "Oh sweetie...this is so pretty..." she quickly undid the clasp, and put it on, her one hand going to play with the heart charm dangling down from the chain. "I love it, thank you!" She leaned down to hug Claire, and waited for Jason to open his present.


Swallowing hard, Alice pushed back the sudden lump in her throat that had formed after Rikarah's suggestion of trying to get in contact with Nathan herself. "I...I'm not so sure that's a good idea..." her eyes dropped down to her hands in her lap and her shoulders rose and fell as she let out a loud sigh. "I mean, if he doesn't want to talk to me, but would talk to you...I don't know if I could stand it...but if he didn't talk to you, or anyone for that matter and I never found out if he was okay..." she trailed off, going silent for a few moments.

"Well, I don't know if I could stand that either..."

Running a hand through her hair, she looked back at her empty glass thoughtfully, before looking back over at Rikarah. "You know what...maybe I'll come back with you to the Manor tonight...see some of the Pack, show Chris some of these files they've been bringing me...maybe there's things I've been missing he could point out...then if you do get a hold of Nathan...I could be there..." she shrugged. "I mean, Esme did say my old room was still up right? Not like I'd need someone to pull out the couch or something..."
Alice's discomfort at her suggestion is obvious to Rikarah. She can understand why the woman would be upset if Nathan continued to avoid her but not Rikarah. Rikarah would be upset as well if Christian avoided her for five days, let alone five years, but would talk to other women of the pack. Still, this prolonged period of absence with both sides not making moves to correct it is puzzling and strange to her, even if she can understand Alice's view. She shrugs, exhaling herself as she watches Alice.

"He is a man, Alessandra, and a stubborn one. He will not break this, and you will not do anything to nudge him into doing so, nor allow me to do so...yet you will not do so yourself. I do not know how you expect to get what you want without making a move to obtain it."

She lets it drop then, smiling and nodding slightly when Alice suggests coming back with her. "I think this would be a good idea. I would not mind your presence, certainly...and I would also not mind if you showed the Sadovsky girl what a woman Lycan SHOULD be." She smirks at the thought of the two having a "conversation." "I do think that I will try with Nathan, Alice, if you are willing. Although supposedly, Christian is to take me out...if he doesn't have another orphan child or death to attend to, of course."


Shopping is not Sheena's thing, and so she is relieved when Caroline finally seems to have tapered off in her selections. Their arms are loaded with so many bags they've already had to take some to the car, and Sheena too has with great disinterest selected a few items she herself needs. They are almost in the clear, almost ready to head back, when Sheena notices it.

They were all growing hungry by the time they passed the food court, and they stopped to order some food. Beside the restrooms near the last vendor's area stretched out a large bulletin board with a variety of flyers and posters tacked up to it. Sheena would normally hardly glance at it, let alone stop to read, but one flyer in particular caught her eye.

It was a missing child poster, with a picture of Caroline printed clearly beneath it, along with her name, age, identifying marks, and location last seen at. As Sheena stared at the poster for "Madeline Brinkerman," her lips thinning until they were almost white, she couldn't keep from muttering "Shit," under her breath.

Caroline, seeing that she had stopped, came up alongside her, curious. "What are you looking at, Sheena?"

When her eyes came to rest on the poster, as Sheena's was, she froze, her body going rigid as she too stared, catching her lower lip between her teeth. Her face pales as she backs away from it slowly, then turns away entirely, looking between Sheena and Andrea in a panic.

"They're still looking! They're gonna find me and make me go back, and then they'll see what happened to me and they'll hate me, and probably lock me away somewhere in jail, or...that's my picture!"

"Caro, shh!" Sheena hisses, looking around them anxiously to make sure no one is looking at them, that no one has heard. She grabs and lowers Caroline's pointing hand as she starts to drag her away, the girl's words shaking her out of her inertia. "Shh, we just...should probably go or something...and...keep your face down..."
Alice smirked slightly. "Yeah, he's a man alright...and men have needs don't they...I'd love to get my claws into whatever piece of tail he's probably been shacking up with these last few years..." she grinned, a hint of her canines showing. Rolling her eyes, she sighed, leaning back in her booth and motioned their waiter for the bill.

"Has she had any training, Sheena I mean? Has she gone against any of the other females in the Pack? Figured out just where she stands?" When their waiter brought them their reciept, she snatched it before Rikarah could, eyed it then snorted, balling the tiny slip of paper up in her hands, tossing it into the middle of their table. "Put this on the Danvers tab..." she yelled after him.

"I mean, that could be your chance to put the kid in her place, and to show the Alphas as well as the rest of the pack that you'd be the right choice as a Beta. They need someone strong Rik...someone who won't let them down. I honestly have nothing against Esme's cousin...I barely even know the kid...but that's just it, she's a kid...a kid can't lead...something Theon should have brought uo when that b**** of a wife made him name his daughter as the stand in B****..."

Standing up, she grabbed her coat and slipped it on, fishing into one of the pockets for the keys. "I'll follow you back...we can continue this at the Manor...I need to get a run out of my system too..."
If Nathan has in fact been "shacking up," Rikarah, regardless of whether or not Alice has, or whether or not Alice wants her to contact him, is definitely going to let him have it. She doesn't ask Alice whether she has been with other guys. She knows better than that; she would have known immediately, with one look at her face, if this were the case. But Nathan could very well be a different story, and if he has been with other women while ignoring Alice, Rikarah will make sure he hears her view on this.

"Sheena, training? It's all she can do to manage her shifts. She runs about like a wild beast, no pun intended, at night, with no one safeguarding her comings and goings, until recently," Rikarah rolled her eyes when the conversation shifted back to this particularly sore topic. "The only female she will go against is me, and that is not in a physical manner. She has not suggested that she should lead, but I could see her getting bent out of joint and perhaps deciding to challenge my right if I were to announce my intention to prove myself as Esme's beta. Not, of course, that this would be an issue for myself, as I would clearly best her, whether or not she's practically an Amazon. But if I were to injure her, I am not sure what Esme's reaction would be. She cares for her as I am sure she never will for me. I am not blaming her for it, as she is her blood; it is just a fact."

As she too stands, preparing her keys, she nods in response to Alice. "I would like to run as well. However Christian is stating that we should not do so due to the hunters nearby. But perhaps safety in numbers he cannot protest."

When she arrives at the manor a few minutes later, pulling in and making room for Alice to pull in alongside her in one of their several garages, she remembers as she waits for her to join her at the front entrance that this is the day that Claire is supposed to arrive. As if there was not enough confusion already without another added in. Rikarah does not dislike Claire, but she is a child, and children take up much group focus and attention. And the way that the child calls Christian her father...Rikarah had once feared that she was in fact his child, that he had fathered her with another. Christian claimed this not to be the case, but still it bothered her to hear the child say otherwise in her title for him.
Alice smirked at Rikarah's comment about Sheena being an Amazon, knowing she herself was one of the few remaining wolvess from her time with actual Amazonian blood in their system. Shrugging, she follows her friend outside and gets into her car, a sleek black Mercedes, and starts up it's engine, pulling out of the parkway, keeping close behind Rikarah's own car.

As she's driving, she can feel her heart racing slightly at the thought of returning to the manor. It had only been a few months since she had moved out, yet it felt much longer. As she pulled along the winding path, the crystal wolf charm dangling from her mirror swung violently and she caught it quickly, steadying it. Alice smiled softly, her fingers tracing against it's bumpy surface. It had been a gift from Nathan, one of his first to her. She supposed it had been a joke at the time, the fact that it was a wolf and all. But it had slowly become a treasured possession. Especially now...

Her engagement ring practically burned against her skin. It had been hanging from it's chain since the night Nathan had proposed, back when it was just the six of them. Some days she couldn't bare to look at it, keeping it hidden under her shirt. She hated when people would question her as to where her fiance was, who he was, what he did....

Growling softly, her hands tightened on the steering wheel and she jerked her car sharply as she pulled in besides Rika. The more she thought about Nathan, the more it hurt...the more she wished he was here. He'd know what to do with these cases...she was lost without him.

Killing the engine, she got out of the car, her heeled boots digging into the gravel there, her lips finally tugging upwards. In a way, it felt good to be back here. So close to Rikarah and Christian. They were her only family now.

"Let's go find your hubby..." She teased gently as she came up besides her friend, linking arms with her, kissing the top of the shorter girl's head playfully. "I want this run...he can't tell me no..."

Giggling, she led her towards the manor.
Andrea joined them at the bulletin board, looking at the same poster, she frowned some, but otherwise seemed to remain calm. She glanced at Sheena as she muttered something under her breath, then at Caroline as she started to panic. This time she didn't kneel down to her, seeing as they really didn't want to call attention to themselves. "Caro.... breathe. In and out. Calm down." she said just loud enough that the young lycan would be able to hear her.

She sighed some, closing her eyes, she still seemed to remain calm, although all of it was an act, inside her heart was racing as was her mind. She had been in Caroline's position a few times before she managed to get far enough away that the posters weren't there. It was a terrible feeling staring at your own face on a bulletin board with the words 'missing child' above your picture, her heart had been racing then as well, but she had found that the best thing to do in that situation was to appear calm, if someone noticed your reaction and what you were looking at then you were caught.

She watched as Sheena pushed Caroline's pointing hand down, she agreed with Sheena, though she did gently stop her from pulling Caroline. She shook her head slightly at the older woman. "Calmly. The last thing we need is to be noticed, act as if everything is normal and walk slowly outside and to our car." she said, still talking quietly where no one else would hear her except those she wanted, and then she started to walk, seeming as if nothing had bothered her at all, even though inside her heart was still pounding.


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