*Christian continues to walk and talk to Caroline, when a small breeze carries in the scent from the road, someone he hasn't seen in some time is coming, he also catches Esme and Jason coming back also, he taps Caroline on the shoulder and turns back towards the house.* We should head back, so you and Sheena can go shopping before it's gets to late. One more thing Caroline, please before you ever decide to run away again, find me and we'll talk and try to solve whatever is bothering you. *Back inside Christian looks at Esme and smirks* Sheena, would you mind taking Caroline shopping so she can get somethings for her room and some clothes, you can take my car if you like. Esme you want to talk about what you've learned here or in my office? *He looks around Esme because he can smell Jason on her, despite what all may think Christian doesn't care about Jason and Esme dating, he's hardly her father and Jason has been a loyal friend and bodyguard for nearly 70 years so if they can find some comfort in each others arms it's fine with him.*
"Did you not hear the part about how I made her run from the room with her hands over her ears? And how Rikarah made her cry? And how she lived with a total pedo and she still thinks he's a great guy and that she LOVES him?" Sheena said to Esme incredulously, amazed she could even ask. "I mean, I guess she liked me, she was sort of hanging all over me, and she's sweet and everything, but...tell me I wasn't that screwed up when I showed up here. I mean, I know I was, I guess...just...whatever. I don't know."

She sighed, leaning back against the stairway as Esme's and Andrea's exchange and its meaning sank in. Claire- she had only met her a few times, but her coming could be good for Caroline. Claire was her age, and she'd been kidnapped too, though it was a long time ago. Starting to smile, Sheena straightens slightly.

"Claire can play with her or something, right? Do twelve-year-olds play? I remember being 12 but I also remember I was living on the streets at the time more often than not, so I'm not sure I'm an accurate one to hold the measuring stick against."

As Christian and Caroline enter the house again, Sheena is glad to see that Caroline looks composed again, though her hair is mussed from the wind. She nods, though somewhat reluctantly, when Christian asks her to take the girl shopping. Shopping and clothes are very much uninteresting to Sheena, but since Caroline is looking at her like she'll do it, like she isn't really mad at her anymore, she can't say no.

" who actually knows anything about clothes want to come too?"


Rikarah changed into a short black dress and patterned leggings, checking her makeup in a mirror before heading back downstairs. Just as she reaches the front door, Christian opens it, returning with Caroline, but she barely has time to lock eyes with him before he is turning to Esme and the others, giving them instructions.

"I will be at the Blue Moon," she tells him shortly before continuing to walk out the door and to her car. Once at the Blue Moon, she gives a small smile when she sees Alice sitting waiting for her. At least someone wants to spend time with her and is allowing nothing else to be a distraction. Sure, it may be petty and not quite fair to think in that manner, but Rikarah is not in the mood to be generous today.

Sliding across from her, she gives Alessandra a quick peck on the cheek first. "Good timing in your call. The child was arriving back as I was leaving."
She was about to respond to her cousin when the other wolf entered the room.

Esme blinks and turns to look at Christian. "Um, yeah..." she follows him to the one office and closes the door behind them, leaning against them.

"Jason and I went to see Alice...I think we have bigger problems then Sheena turning the girl. Getting her a new identity, get the heat off from her...but according to her, there's been a bunch of animal attacks in the nearby towns...and they're just getting closer..." Esme frowned and ran a hand through her hair. "Sounds like rogues and mutt attacks to me...we're gonna have to start patrols, chase them off...the last thing we need right now are wanna be Hunters showing up..."
*Christian can tell that suddenly Rika is pissed at him again, she must think she's being taken for granted but she knew that he had responsibilities when she and he became a couple, taking care of Caroline is just the tip of the iceberg of his daily duties, still she doesn't get many days off and he did make promises to take care of her today but if she had checked she would have seen that he brought home everything and had fully intended on spending time with her, it's not his fault he caught the kid climbing out of the window and was going to run away. He sighs deeply knowing he still has to talk to Esme, so basically he's pretty much screwed at least for today. Then again it could be good for her to go out and have some fun, probably complain about what a jerk he is and come home feeling much better about him.* Maybe Andrea will go with you? Don't you want to get out of this stuffy manor for a bit Andrea, I feel like you're becoming a hermit.

(Crap you must have posted just as I did so lets just say he said that before your post)
Smiling softly at the kiss, Alice motioned to the bartender for some drinks before turning to face Rikarah. " are things back home?"

The last word comes out rather sarcastic, and on purpose of course. That place had never felt like home to her, that had been the main reason Alice had moved out in the first place. She missed their old home. When it had just been the five of them. Her, Christian, Rikarah, Jason....and Nathan.

Swallowing hard, Alice forced herself not to get too upset at the thought of her old mate. Downing get drink, she instead focused on the woman in front of her.

"How's the kid doing? I mean besides this whole mess...Esme pulling her weight as Alpha?"

((sorry, at work, trying to post as much as I can here))
Chase them off? I don't think so, this is a violation that puts of all in danger, we'll patrol but I want their heads! *He's rather calm considering what they're talking about.* I'll leave this to you Esme, I know you're fully capable of handling this, and since you and my bodyguard seem to enjoy working together then I'll have Jason as your second. But kiddo you really need to pick a second, I would suggest Rika but you know I can't be bias on this decision, cause I'm always gonna put her name up first. Take the new guy with you too. He looks pretty strong. (Oh that's gonna be fun) I'll have to figure out how to deal with the hunters on my own since Conner feels like he's on vacation.

(Hey that's right, what happened to Nathan? Will he be coming back because wasn't he Christian's Beta?)
(Ah, I bet he lost Nathan's character sheet and decided to start over, so many changes you even changed Alice, maybe he can remake Nathan with that dude from True Blood, that guy is a freaking tank.)
Esme blushed when Christian brought up Jason. "I'll take care of it...I'll get a small team together. See where they're coming from, and why...wipe them all out..."

At the mention of Rikarah, she stills, feeling bad about how she had treated her earlier. "I was actually considering asking her to be my beta...I just wanted to get to know her more..."

((or that guy from Beauty and the beast...goes with Alice. Alcide is huge!))
"Andrea go with Rikarah?" Sheena said uncertainly as Rikarah is already out the door, either not hearing Christian or ignoring his suggestion. "Um...I was gonna see if she wanted to come with me and Caroline, maybe...if she wants to...or...we could do something by ourselves later, or...something..."

She trails off, her eyes flitting to Christian to see that he won't be angry by the semi request. Normally she wouldn't ask or care if he wanted her to go out or not, she would just do it without a thought. But today doesn't seem the day to be pushing her luck with anything, and it definitely won't hurt to continue to be submissive to him for a bit.

Caroline isn't standing as close to her as usual, and appears more reserved in demeanor than earlier, but she does come to stand beside Sheena, again reassuring Sheena that she can't completely hate her as she looks to the others to decide what's going on.


Rikarah waits until her drink has been served to her and she has taken several long swallows before she bothers to answer Alice. Exhaling, she lets her eyes roll up to the ceiling before looking across the table to her again.

"There are entirely too many people running in and out of that house with new ones staggering in all the time, if you ask me. Which no one is, of course. They just admitted a homeless bum into the pack who vomited all over the floor. They have the child, Esme's cousin, aka the other child, and then that other little girl is also coming in today at some point, though I suspect they've forgotten. Entirely too many people with too much going on and not enough of it responsible or sane."

She rolls her eyes again before addressing her question about Esme. "She is doing what she can, but it seems she cannot control the manor's operations at the moment. Too many people and she has too little experience, if I am to be honest. I respect her and her efforts but there are far too many people of too little merit there...and since apparently I have again been demoted to babysitter, I take it I would not be her choice to be her beta."

She took another swallow of her her drink, her shoulders very straight as she asked her, "And you? Have you heard from Nathan?"

(Why do we need Nathan? We already have like fifteen pack members. you guys are going so fast I cannot keep up!)
((OK because im new to this RP but my character is supposedly well known to the clan. I'm waiting till i get to the manor for others to decide their relationship to Claire. I don't want to assume anything as they are YOUR characters. Except i know christian is an obvious friend. Also, unless otherwise stated. Claire is going to refer to Christian as Dad. If your not OK with that, then let me know and ill edit my posts. Also i agree with Eliza im having troubles keeping track of whos who. xD i think every so many posts we need to do an OCC of whos talking to who and whos doing what? or something here soon to get everyone organized or is chaos all part of the plan > :D i see a brawl breaking out. ))

Hooooly crap. She was freakin tired. Nearly passing out from the trek she stopped for a breather. It had been what? Maybe two hours, two and a half hours since she got off the bus? Why did she pack so much clothing. It felt like a dead weight. So... she dropped it and it poofed up dust as it landed in the dry dirt on the shoulder of the path slash road that lead all the way up to the manor. She sighed.

Carefully she removed one strap of her backpack, then the other and placed the bag on the back sit of her buffel bag before plopping down her butt on the duffel. She was sweating profusely. More so then a girl EVER should. And her breathing. This was harder work than running wild on a full moon and definitely not as fun. Reaching into her pocket, the young girl pulled out her new toy her Biological parents had bought her. It was nearly the size of two of her hands, shiny white with a smiley face on the other side of it; It was a Nokia Lumia 920. Claire flipped the lock screen with a swipe and checked her messages. No one sent her anything. Opening her text messages, she flipped her phone sideways and typed one out. She sent one to Christian.

"Dad, Im bout 37 miles from home. Where r u guys?"

A sigh escaped as she rested. Had they really forgotten her. Then it really set in... was everything ok? Now she was starting to worry and think about bad scenarios. Her head fell into one palm as the other palm rested on her lap waiting for a reply.
((If you get confused as to who is who just go back to the character sheets thread I'm Esme and Alessandra (Alice) There's a few of us with several characters
Andrea shook her head some, she didn't think that she really needed to be thanked, "I'm glad I could help." she said quietly. She tilted her head and blushed lightly as Esme said she was impressed, "Well.... He made me mad." she said. It was the truth, she had been angry that Christian had just barged into her room without any warning at all. She bit her lip lightly, she was a little surprised that she hadn't been punished for it. She had also stood up to Jason when she found him in her room standing over Patrick when he was still injured, she didn't think that injured people should be bothered, they should be allowed to rest, plus he had been in her room without her permission.

She looked up at Christian when he came back, she frowned some, though not a very serious one, "I'm not a hermit. I have a job, is it so bad that I want to sit at home on my day off?" she asked, trying to make her voice sound a bit comical to go with the frown on her face. Then she shrugged some, becoming serious again, "I guess I could go with Sheena and Caroline, though." she said, she had heard Rikarah leave already, so she knew she wouldn't be going with her, she also had the feeling that the older woman didn't really like her much.

She watched as Esme and Christian walked away, then she looked at Sheena, "So... shopping... Do you happen to know how to drive? 'Cause I never learned." she said quietly. Carrying everything that they might buy would be tiring for sure. She felt that she needed to learn how to drive, it would be good to learn, she just hadn't had the chance since she left at fifteen, and then never had the money to buy a car, she also had no one to teach her to drive.

(o-o When I went to bed last night there were 30 pages, now there are 32 O_O! )

{Jason still in the garage wiping down his motorcycle getting all the dust from the road off of it, well aware of the comings and goings of everyone in the house, now that he's settled the matter of rather or not Esme liked him, was a weight lifted off his mind, allowing him to focus on his job and not his doubts. When a small breeze brings in the scent of a wolf from the road, he knows that scent, it's been a bit of time since he last saw the wolf it belongs to and from the intensity of it, she's moving rather slowly. That can't be good Claire has no idea what has been going on around here lately, there is to much danger out there for her to be on the road by herself. Besides with that girls history we can't have a repeat of the past with her getting grabbed again. Damn why didn't someone pick her up or tell him she was coming and he would meet her in town?

Looking down at his bike seeing it nice and shiny, he decides that there is no way he was going to get it dirty again. He moves to the wall were the pack keeps the keys for the cars they own and takes the keys to the grey Dodge Challenger. He drives down the side road that leads back to the main road after about 10 mins he sees the small figure on the road, dragging her bags behind her. As he pulls up to her and stops, he gets out of the car, rolling his eyes at her.} You knuckle head what are you doing walking with all this stuff are you trying to kill yourself? Didn't anyone tell you not to be on the road by yourself? {Question after question he fires at her, it may seem harsh to her but these are real concerns of his. He may not trust most females of the pack but it still bothers him if any of them are in any kind of trouble.} Of all the stupid, misguided. {He suddenly stops and takes a deep breath.} I'm sorry Claire, it's just not safe to be out here, I'm sure Christian and Esme will fill you in when they see. So lets get you home and something to eat. {He loads her bags into the trunk and then opens her door for her.} You may wish you had picked another time to come here.
*Christian pulls out his phone and reads the text from Claire, then holds it out to Esme.* Did you know she was coming back today? How come no one mentioned it to me or arranged for a car to pick her up? *He sighs when he notices the Dad part, its funny she calls him that, since he had nothing to do with her birth or being a lycan, still if it comforts her he won't deny her calling him that, although Rika might get upset by it, he'll have to talk to her about holding back calling him that in front of Rika.* Anyway, I want you and Jason to wear some protection, just in case you come across those hunters while tracking the rouge wolves. We know they're using silver weapons.
Sheena is gratified when Andrea agrees to go with her and Caroline, meaning that she will have someone to keep her from falling asleep in boredom with the experience. Hopefully Andrea will have some interest in the experience and will have an idea of what Caroline might like or need, more so than Sheena, who often simply grabbed the first few items that looked remotely near her size from the teen boys' section and called her shopping experience done.

Caroline looks back at Christian and gives a tentative wave before following them outside to select one of the cars the pack jointly owns. At Andrea's question to her, Sheena shrugs, considering. She does know how to drive a car. "Well" and "safely" might be another question, considering the last time she drove, she ended up crashing it, and the time before that, she also ended up crashing and got herself in juvie as well for her trouble. Still, this hardly seems a pattern worth mentioning to Andrea, and so she nods.

"Yeah, I can. Caro, you're in the backseat, all right? Buckle up."
It had been a little bit but after while a car could be heard with a roar. She tilted her head towards the sound of the vehicle coming but she did not recognize it. Claire just kinda had a blank look on her face and she jumped up about to get excited but Jason jumped out and started to scold her. Her head tilted down and and she listened patiently. He took her bag and her backpack and loaded them into the trunk. Moving over quietly she mumbled "Thank You" as she slipped into the vehicle.

Pulling out her phone after the door shut she text Christian again.

"Jason got me. Cya soon."

When Jason came around the other side and she tried to defend herself.

"I just wanted to surprise everyone since I'd been gone for so long. I didn't mean to make everyone mad." She still had her head down as she put the phone back into her pocket and waited for them to continue.
Andrea looked at her and tilted her head some as she followed them, "Well, I'll trust you to get us there and back again, safely. 'Cause I've never driven a car in my life." she said, once the car that they are taken was picked out she got into the passenger seat and buckled in. She glanced back into the back seat to make sure that Caroline was buckled in as well, that was something that she wanted to make sure did happen.

Once everyone was in the car she tilted her head, wondering if they could make a stop at the bookstore, she really wanted to get some more books. Andrea did want to dress in clothes that fit, but books were important to her as well, and if she could get to go back to school, they would become more important to her, she made a mental note to ask Esme if something could be done about that when they got home. She looked into the back seat again and smiled, "What kind of things do you like Caroline? Colors and what types of clothes? Since you are going to wear them, you might as well like them." she said, she figured that having an idea before going into the store would be a good thing.

{Jason takes a deep breath, then turns to Claire and tries to smile at her, but it's a difficult task for him so he ends up looking a bit insane at first but eventually he manages to pull it off.} I'm sorry Claire, I'm not mad at you or anything, there has been a lot of trouble lately and two new members of the pack were attacked last night. One by a bunch of mutts and the other by a hunter with silver weapons, so we know he wasn't after deer. Anyway it's good to see you again and when we get home I bet they'll make you a big dinner and maybe even a cake! {Jason knows that he needs to seem more compassionate and kind if he's to keep Esme's affections but he's also doing this because he doesn't really want to be hated by anyone anymore, it's a lonely feeling when his own pack is either hating or fearing him. He'll pretend like it doesn't bother him, sometimes he really believes that is true, but Esme keeps trying to remind him that his past is the past and the things he's done because the council lied to him doesn't define him anymore.}
Sheena wasn't about to buckle her seatbelt, despite having twice been in serious car accidents and having a few scars to show for it. But seeing that Andrea was, and having just instructed Caroline to, she hesitated, then shrugged, buckling up herself. She was planning on being careful, but you never knew.

As she set the car into motion, she had to stop and think for a second about which pedal was gas and brake, with one false start that made the car jolt and widened Caroline's eyes. "Oops," Sheena muttered, giving a slightly embarrassed smile, as Caroline sat up straight, blurting out to her, "Are you SURE you know how to drive?"

"Yes," Sheena said with as much dignity as she could muster, considering that she was trying to remember still where to put her foot, and whether she should use both feet or just her right. "It's just...been a while."

Almost a year, in fact, but she saw no need to mention that. Once she got the car going, she was a little better with it, though she still was hardly smooth in her execution.

Caroline considered Andrea's question to her about clothes, pleased that someone would even ask her. When she had gone shopping for clothes with Lewis, he usually selected what he wanted for her and would only ask her to try them on, not whether she personally approved of them. For her to have the opportunity to pick all on her own with no one telling her what she was getting was very exciting for her, and she considered her response carefully.

"Um...I don't know. I kinda want some of those pink shoes. With the stars on the sides? Oh, and maybe high heels, Dad- I mean Lewis- never let me have those. He said I had to wait until I was fourteen. Um, makeup? He said I had to wait for that a little while too. Shirts...I don't like dresses that much. Jeans and stuff...oh! Can I get a real bra?! He only got me a training bra, he said I'd grow into the real ones and he didn't think I needed one yet....can I get a real one?"

Sheena whipped her head around, making the car swerve dangerously, at this request, and her eyes fell to Caroline's noticeably flat chest before she turned her attention back to the road. The thought of the girl going bra shopping with the man who had kidnapped her and him looking at her long enough to notice and comment and make judgments about something like her underclothing physically sickened her, so she almost yelled her response without thinking about how it would sound.

"Why do you want THAT?!"

"Everyone has one," was Caroline's response, and all Sheena could think about that was, how in the world did a kid who had been isolated from everyone still feel the effects of peer pressure?
The poor girl could tell she wasn't necessarily in trouble but it was still a scolding none the less. She looked up at Jason. The news he had just surprising was surprising. When she left everything was OK. Yeah Lycan existence was a secret one and had to be carefully kept but why would there be such trouble. Someone attack wolves, and her clan at that? She knew of the attack on here many years ago, but she didn't remember but bits of what happened and honestly the slight recall of it horrified her. Quickly she changed the subject.

Speaking kind of quietly, "Cake would be good. I'll prolly make it though, you know I like baking. And dinner would be for you as well. Don't act like your not family. Sounds like everyone will..." She paused mid sentence. How had she not realized what he said sooner.

Claire turned in her seat, still unbuckled; with her small stature, bringing one leg to rest in the seat with her. The girls face lit up but in a confused as well as excited way. "There are two new members?! Really? When do i get to meet them? Who are they and how come they came?" It had been awhile since she had met anyone knew. Her time in Cali was spent with her biological family.

Her fingers came up and swept the hair from the left side of her cheek back behind her ear, then came down to grasp the center console of the car. Claire's beautiful blue eyes gazing into Jason's soul, trying to make him give up the truth; all of it. "Common, spill the beans!!" Giggling as she continued.
Andrea quickly looked at Sheena as the car jolted, she looked a little surprised and a little worried, "Just take it easy." she said, she didn't want to be in a wreck, she didn't like pain, even if she would heal kind of quickly. She moved so that she could look back at Caroline, listening as she told what she liked.

Andrea tilted her head, then smiled a little, "How about a compromise?" she asked gently. She then started to explain what she was wanting to compromise on, "We'll get you one pair of shoes with a heel, but it won't be a very tall one, and they probably won't be what you are thinking of. But, you should take the chance to get used to wearing a heel before suddenly wearing high heels, there is also the fact that wearing high heels too often can cause permanent damage to your feet. So, we'll go slow. Make up... You can buy some lip gloss, but sometime soon I'll give you a make over and let you wear full make up and fix your hair, but you have to remember to wash the make up off that night." she said, she was about to respond to the bra question, since she glanced the child over and noticed that there really wasn't a need to have one when the car swerved dangerously.

She looked at Sheena with wide eyes, "Eyes on the road, Sheena!" she said, sounding more alarmed than upset, once the car was back on track and things calmed down a bit, she heaved a sigh of relief. Andrea moved to look at Caroline again, "You really don't need a bra yet, but when you do, we will make sure that you have bras that fit you properly, does all of that sound fair?" she asked quietly.

((I could have sworn I replied to Rikah :/ ))

Alice listened closely as Rika talked, twirling her mini straw in her jack and coke, her mouth firmly pressed in a thin line. She had never felt at home in the Danvers Pack, a part of her always longed for the days where they had a smalled knit group, nothing crazy, no outsiders. There wasn't a permanent welcome mat outside their door.

Sighing softly, she felt herself shrug. "Yeah well...I still think she's just a kid, regardless...I mean I guess she can't screw up too badly with Christian close by but still..."

Finally taking a sip from her glass, she almost chokes at the mention of her old mate and stills, eyes widening slightly. Quickly recovering, she gently puts her glass back down and coughs softly. "Nathan who?" her voice is even, despite her hand shaking under the table. "No, I haven't heard from him, not since we all came up here...why?" Alice arched an eyebrow. "Have you?"


Esme shook her head when Chris questioned her about Claire. "I had no idea...someone might have told me, but with everything going on..." she sighed, looking sheepish. "But honestly, I can;t remember the last time I heard from that kid...wait..." She brightened suddenly. "This is perfect...she's twelve right? Same age at the newbie....that could make things easier I bet...if the kid had someone her own age to shift with a few times, at least in the you think Claire would be alright with that?"

When he mentions wearing protection, she holds in a laugh. "Hey, we've been through worse...I've trained before with you guys firing silver rounds at me before...pretty sure I can handle it..." She smiles softly. "But if you're okay with me going with Jason to check things out...." she trailed off, trying to figure out how he really felt about her being with his second.

((Oh and i know i changed Alice's avatar...I honestly don't even know who I used for her it's been so long :/ ))

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