(well, Rikarah isn't BAD to her core...she's just...very shadowed. She can flit one way or the other by her mood or current influence...she has some good to her but she has a lot of dark too. She's sort of a empty vessel that could be filled with one thing or the other)

Seeing Christian indicate to her that he wishes to talk to Caroline alone, Rikarah backs off into one of the living areas, glad that he doesn't want to thrust the child off onto her now or to include her in any heart to hearts he might have planned. In the kitchen, Sheena hears him come in and his voice talking to Caroline and looks up, curious as to what Caroline is doing downstairs and what Christian wants to talk to her about, but she doesn't follow. She still feels self-conscious facing him after the events of last night, though he had only been kind to her since.

As Caroline follows Christian, seeing the wine, flowers, and cheese he has for Rikarah in his arms, she eyes it with curiosity, wondering who it's intended for. She hasn't yet made the connection between him and Rikarah dating and so asks with curiosity, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

She herself has never had a boyfriend or even thought at all seriously about boys; Lewis had been very adamant to her about keeping away from them, about all the dangers they could cause her, about how they would "steal her specialness" away. She nevertheless associated "boys" with being teenagers rather than grown men, and so had no association with his dire warnings having anything to do with Christian or the other men of the pack.

Listening to Christian with increasing soberness as he began to speak with her, Caroline dropped her eyes, her shoulders slumping as she didn't reply for some time. She didn't think it was possible not to want Lewis or to want to be with could she forget him? How could she forget anything from before?

But it was the part about her being a danger to him, to the others she had known, that really concerned her. Looking up at him, she swallowed, saying uncertainly, "I don't want to hurt anyone...just....they're wrong. Those other people here. They don't know what they're talking about. I don't like them talking like that when they don't know."
Are you talking about the man that you were with before us? Besides knowing he's not your real father, no we don't know him in fact besides you and him no one knows exactly what your relationship was but I can tell you this, you're part of my pack now, you're my family and I'd like to think my friend. I will never hurt you or lie to you, and I will also not let anyone here do that, I do not judge your past as I hope you won't judge mine. You Little One are one of the few people on the planet that has been given the rare gift of a fresh start and you have the good fortune to have met the man that can give you everything you need to make the most of it.
Andrea tilted her head as she heard Christian's voice, she closed her eyes with a sigh, she knew he wasn't talking to her, so she wasn't going to listen in. She glanced at Sheena, noticing that she was staying put as well, which she considered a good thing, if Christian wanted to talk to her as well, he would have called her in there. She went back to playing with her hair, just playing with the tip of the braid, by now there were a few loose strands of hair falling around her face, it never seemed to want to stay where she put it, though she was used to that by now.

(Andrea doesn't really care about the relationship between Lewis and Caroline, for all she knows he MIGHT have been a good guy. What she cares about is the damage he's done to her, and the fact that she sees it as Lewis's fault that Caroline is where she is today. <- I are just pointing this out 'cause I want to)

Caroline eyed Christian with some doubt, but some hope as well, considering what he was telling her. She didn't know anyone who had never lied to her...she had even lied to her own self. It seemed that everyone in her life had done something to hurt her, whether or not they meant it or used their fists to do so. But if he could really give her what she needed...

What did she need? She had thought what she needed was Lewis, to be with him again. To get all the answers she wanted from him. She thought she needed a home, a family, somewhere to be wanted and safe and to feel that she belonged. Christian was offering all of this except Lewis...could she accept the possibility of losing him forever? Could she accept that maybe she would never have answers?

She didn't know, but it seemed smartest to nod and agree. She felt too tired and confused by now to want to go anywhere, and it was true that she hadn't had any destination in particular in mind.

In the kitchen Sheena is listening in the best she is able to, frowning as she comes to the conclusion that Caroline had somehow been trying to run. Sighing, she looks up at Andrea, lets her forehead drop to the cabinet behind her, and lightly bangs it a few times before straightening.

"So much for me straightening up and not having sex for the past few months...I /would/ make sure I ended up with a kid anyway."
{Jason followed behind Esme, he hesitated before reaching for her hand and stopped her just as they reached his parked motocycle.} You really can't blame her, this situation has put her in a difficult position, she's only angry because she cares, I think if she didn't act the way she did would be cause for us to worry. As far as I'm concern any day I don't have to kill someone is a good day, so lets just count our blessings. And talk about the fact that you kissed me, was that something you've been holding back or was it just to shut me up with I started babbling about my feelings? Because if you really wanted to kiss me, you wouldn't mind me kissing you now, while we're in public. {Jason could normally be considered arrogant and over confident, the fact that he doubts himself around Esme, disturbs him to his core. No one should have this kind of effect on him.} I just need to know if you're playing with me Esme.
Glancing back behind her once more, Esme eyed the police station before looking back up at Jason. It was funny how just looking up at his eyes made her flutter to the point where she couldn't think for a few moments. But the second he questioned her about their kiss, she felt her heart drop and she quickly looked away.

"I...I'm sorry if you feel that way..." she glanced back up at Jason, her eyes narrowing slightly. "I thought you knew me better then that..." her voice was soft, but firm a bit of her Alpha-ness creeping into her tone. "I really did..."

She walked past him, letting go of his arm and grabbed at his extra helmet angrily, tears stinging her eyes.
{Jason reached out for Esme and turned her towards him, he looks down into her eyes for a moment reading the emotion behind them, gently he wipes the tears out of her eyes, then kisses her, it's not a long kiss but he tries to show her that he shares her feelings but he knows that isn't enough he has to actually speak the words.} I know you better then you know, it's me that I have doubts about, I don't know if I deserve to be as happy as you will make me but I'm trying Esme, I'm trying really hard to be worthy of you. You just knock me off my feet when ever I'm near you.

(I was on MSN but you didn't see me)
((grrrr...I keep missing you, ya should've messaged me. It never popped up that you came online :/ ))

" don't make any sense...why shouldn't you be happy?" Esme doesn't react to the kiss, but her cheeks have colored slightly. She wipes at her face with the back of her hand and looks up at him curiously. "Is it because of your past? What the council made you do? Jason...that was years're a part of a totally different pack now..."
*Christian, playfully nudges Caroline as they walk* By the way you asked me if I had a girlfriend, well believe it or not Rika is my mate, I know it's hard to believe, she's so short but she's really cute when she gets angry at me. And in private she's a sweet person and she keeps me from forgetting what it is I'm fighting for, this place took me centuries to get everything right, believe me I've tried a few times before and this time I think I finally have it right. Anyway we need to think of what color to paint your room, what do you think about green poka dots on lemon yellow? *He looks down at her and grins* Or perhaps Purple and Orange with blue monkeys throwing their poop at each other? Or perhaps I'll let you pick something.
Patrick walks inside the Manor and walks straight up into his room so he could put his new clothes away and just lie down for a bit. His head produced a small throbbing pain starting from between his eyes. Patrick didnt think twice about it though. It didnt really bother him. About five minutes later, his head began to throb with a larger, more prominent pain. It was enough to make Patrick howl with pain. Almost like someone was taking a knife and stabbing him multiple times rigt in the middle of his head.

Patrick stood up and began to pace his room, hoping for the pain to subside and go away completely. But, of course, it didnt. It kept on throbbig and pounding at his cranial cavity until Patrick finally, carefully but swiftly, removed the clothes that Christian loaned him. He just stood in his room, in his underwear. Patrick went to bis window and opened it, inhaling the fresh air ofthe wild forest around him. Eventually his head pain diminished to a low rhythmic pulse. Two minutes later Patrick fell onto his bed like a sack of potatoes. He didn't mean to but he evidently fell asleep. Nothing like a mid day nap, he thought as he fell asleep.

(Wake him up if need be)
Rikarah was CHRISTIAN'S girlfriend? Rikarah who hated her? But...Christian was way older, wasn't he? He was definitely way taller. Why would he like HER?

Caroline frowned at this news, trying to imagine the two of them together, and having a difficult time with it. Rikarah, nice? Really? The thought of them even holding hands was more than she could imagine, and for them to do more...

"How do you kiss her? Does she stand on a stool, or do you pick her up or something? Or does she not like kissing? I bet she doesn't, she doesn't seem like she would like people hugging or kissing her," she muses aloud, completely earnest in this. "Do you have to bend to hold her hand?"

When he begins to comment about her possible room decor choices, Caroline stops and frowns at him, confused. She cannot tell yet when he's teasing her and when he's serious, so she shakes her head uncertainly.

"Um...I like blue...I don't like monkeys that much. Unless they're real. Or on a shirt or something."
Andrea blinked and looked at her, "Um... Well, you could have left her, but then she would be dead." She said quietly, she shook her head, she thought that Sheena made the right choice, it was the choice that she would have made. "I doubt I will ever have any children." she said, she really felt that it was the truth. She knew that she was considered 'mousy' for a lycan, she didn't care about being strong, she cared about being smart and surviving. That was how she had made it so long on her own, she was careful, it wasn't that she was strong, it was because she was careful and smart about the things that she did. Or maybe she was just lucky, she managed to make it away from that one pack that she had found, and she hadn't encountered hunters until they showed up here.

*Christian laughs* A gentlemen does not speak about such things Caroline but I will say she makes me happy, so blue huh? I like blue to, so we'll paint your room blue and get you a few other things to make you feel at home. *Again he laughs* You know I tried to buy you something today to welcome you to the pack but after about an hour of walking around looking at way more pink stuff then I want to admit to, it hit me that I have no clue what a 12 year old girl like, besides ponies and that's a no brainer all girls like ponies. So you want to go into town with me and shopping for some clothes and stuff?
Sheena sighed, nodding slightly as she again ran her fingers through her hair. Still, even as she nodded again, more slowly the second time, her face remained pensive, faintly troubled. "I'm not sorry I saved her...I mean, obviously Riddian was wrong, she's not trying to kill us or anything...I think she'll be okay. Eventually.'s a lot. Hell, I'm still a kid, practically, and now I've sort of got a kid. It's weird...I'm never gonna have a kid, ever, and here she is anyway."

She sighed again, then gave Andrea a slight, hesitant smile, as though she is practicing it on her. "Thanks...for, like, listening to me and stuff. Um...maybe one time...we could go out or something? Not as a date!" she said quickly, though when she looked Andrea over again, she realized that, though she had not paid the girl much notice before tonight, she was kind of pretty. "Just like...well, whatever. You know."


Caroline gave Macal another small smile, looking away briefly before nodding. She did like the thought of being able to design her own room. She hadn't had a room of her own with Lewis, since they'd had to move so often. She didn't even always have her own bed. In the home with her parents they had chosen the things in her room, and as recently as yesterday she hadn't had a house or room or bed at all. This might be sort of nice, to be able to pick stuff herself. To have clothes she liked that fit her, and maybe some other things too, things she wouldn't have ever thought of buying herself on her own.

"Um, okay," she said finally. "Uh...I like horses kind of. But I like dogs better. Um...I like fairies...and Tinker Bell. And, uh, those M&M guys...rainbows...we don't have to get that stuff though. Blue is good." She paused, then said with little hope to her tone, "Is Rikarah coming too?"
Brakes screeched and the sound of air releasing filled the area of the small town roughly 15 miles out from the manor. Everyone had long since gotten off the bus and all that was left was 1 little 12 year old red head with her backpack and a somewhat large duffel bag nearly the size of her. Taking three large steps down, this was her first official step back in New York. The air was unlike anything else. Taking in a deep breath, her lungs filled with happiness, fond memories and the recollection of her new family that she loved so dearly. It was great to return.

For the last 6 weeks, she had been living in California, off a little town called Little Grass Valley. Up in those mountains it was much similar to the manor in which her new family resided. But there were many Lycan families and clans and it was mostly a closed community with some humans who actually knew of the werewolves but somehow they lived in harmony. Her parents were proud of her, she had found her own family, new blood ties and they were not of old times. They were good with the changing era. It was sad to see her go but at the same time they were happy for her, even proud of Claire for being so strong.

Claire took a few more steps onto the sidewalk. Life was normal. People wandered aimlessly, passing drama and gossip, shopping, and for the most part ignoring the young girl, not even realizing who she was, or what she was. This did not bother her though and she didn't even give it a second thought. However, she did give thought at the fact no one was there to pick her up. But she couldn't complain, she was a few hours early. So like the adventurer she was. Even if overburdened by gear, she set off for the manor. There was a long walk ahead of her. Even through it all, her smile never faded. This was the happiest she had ever been.
{Jason took Esme's hand and held it up to his heart} That's the problem with the past, no matter how hard you try to leave it behind, it's always there, things that you can never undo, even if I was tricked into doing some of the things I did, I still did them and there are families out there that can never be whole again because of my blind devotion to leaders that didn't deserve it. But maybe I need to focus on what, I mean who's right in front of me. {Jason glances at his motorcycle then back to Esme} You want to drive us back? I know you can ride, and I've seen you admire my bike, so you want to drive us back home? {He gets on the bike but slides back so she could sit in front} I'm just warning you this bike is a beast, it may be to much for you to handle. {He grins at her letting her know it's a challenge and then slips his helmet on} My best time back is 13 mins 35 seconds, if you beat that I'll pay for dinner tomorrow but if you don't, well you pay, so you wanna bet me?

(Whew I thought Patrick was about to die, I'm glad he didn't.)
Andrea looked at her, tilting her head, "As long as you aren't sorry for saving her, and as long as you care for her, you will be alright. Besides, you won't be alone in this." she said, reminding her that she did have the pack, they would help, even if some of them didn't care about what she had done. Of course with luck, most of them would never even know that she turned the girl, just that she was taking care of her, this was kind of a mess, she wondered about the fact that they were to keep secrets from the rest of the pack, it seemed wrong in a way. She was sure that if they ever found out the truth they would be upset at being kept out of the loop, especially since Andrea knew, considering that she had only been there a few months while most of them had been there years.

She smiled a little as Sheena asked if they could go out, then blushed lightly as she added in the 'not a date' part. Andrea wasn't interested in women, but the fact that Sheena felt she had to point it out did make her blush, plus the fact that she noticed Sheena looking her over after saying it. "As friends, yes, I would like to go out sometime." she said, making herself smile again.

Esme smiled when he placed her hand over his heart but for a quick moment the slightest bit of doubt crept into her mind, knowing all too well that her father would never approve jason as her choice of a life-mate should things even get to that. She was letting her mind rush ahead to things, and giving her head a tiny shake she snapped out of thoughts of the future in time to catch him asking her about driving his bike home. Her eyebrows arched at the simple challenge and eyed the bike as Jason got on behind it, focusing on the spot in front of him.

"Oh you're so on..." Grinning, to the point where her teeth way in the back showed, Esme slipped on in front of him, feeling her cheeks warm as his arms went aound her waist and revved the engine to life, quickly pulling her own helmet on.

She got lost in the sound of the wind, whipping away at them as the bike zoomed down the main road, urging the bike to go to it's limits and further as they neared the hidden path off the exit, leading them back up to the manor. The scenery went by in a blur of colors and shapes and under her helmet, Esme could feel her cheeks starting to hurt from all the grinning. He was right about the bike, it really was fast...and it glided and took every sharp turn with ease, she was amazed a few times when they just missed toppling over. As they pulled into the driveway, she killed the engine, quickly checking her watch. She had just missed breaking Jason's record by a few seconds. Damn...

She hated losing.

Getting off from the bike, she stared at it longingly for a second before turning to Jason, grinning as she tossed him her helmet. "Well that was fun...looks like I'll be paying...could always cook you something instead..." trailing off, her eyes narrowed slightly, realizing that things had to go back to buisness now. Sighing softly, she went over to him, and leaned up, kising him quickly. "I have to go take care of things me inside? Maybe when things die down tonight, we could watch a movie or something?" She groaned inwardly, realizing how lame that might have sounded. Kissing him again, she winked and quickly ran up the path to the main house, throwing open the doors, letting her return be known.

Sniffing the air, she decided to go find Sheena and the kid first, before going to apologize for just abandoning Rikarah like that earlier. She winced as she took the stairs two at a time, knowing how pissed the other wolf was going to be. Esme really did mean what she had said earlier, about being friends. But she had a feeling that leaving her to "babysit" like that was going to set that back a bit.

"Sheena?" She called once she hit the hallway. "Hello? Anyone home?"
Sheena nodded, knowing that what Andrea said was true; it was difficult at times still for her to remember that she was no longer alone or having to rely on her own self with no back up anymore. Even if they were angry at her, she was pretty sure the pack wouldn’t kick her out unless she did something really, really horrible. Esme wouldn’t let them, and Andrea would probably speak up for her too. They would probably help. Maybe they would even like Caroline. She was sort of cute, right? She could be like, their mascot or something.

She looks up quickly, a little awkward, a little hopeful when she sees Andrea blushing in response to her question about going out. Sheis pretty sure the other girl is straight, and when she sees that she looks uncomfortable,for a moment Sheena too blushes, afraid that the girl will tell her no. Sheena hasn’t shared her own sexual orientation with the rest of the pack, except for hints to Esme, but she suspects that some of them might already know. It’s not that she’s ashamed of it; it’s just something she hasn’t yet found a way to bring up without it seeming out of place.

But Andrea agrees to go out with her, though she gently clarifies as a friend. Oh well…Sheena can’t hurt her by looking at her, anyway,right?

“Good,” she smiles, genuine but slightly shy. When she hears Esme calling her name, surpassing the kitchento go upstairs, she stands, glad to hear her, and goes to stand at the foot ofthe stairs. “Esme! Good, you’re back…um, Christian took Caroline out? To get clothes or something?”

Rikarah too hears Esme calling, but she doesn’t respond. If the woman has anything to say about her lack of attending to Sheena or Caroline, she could not possibly care less. She slips into her and Christian’s room to avoid passing her in the hallway upstairs, pretending to straighten things. She didn’t know when Christian would return with Caroline, but she hopes it won’t be long. If he takes too long, she just might have to leave the house without him, whatever his warnings. She didn’t want to be stuck here any longer than she had to be.
Shortly after Esme and Jason left her office, Alice was left feeling a bit on edge. Picking up her cellphone, she typed out a quick text message to Theon, telling him to call her. Out of the two adult Danvers, it was Esme's father that Alice felt comfortable going to when in need of advice. It wasn't that she didn't like Izabella. Actually, no, it was that. Alice could hardly stand her, not to mention the short fling she and Theon had had years back before he had run off and married the b****. Swallowing hard, Alice's vision blurred for a moment, but cleared just as quickly.

Scrolling through her contacts, she paused over Christian's name before continuing down the list. Hitting the call button next to Rikarah's name, she waited while it rang a few times, and at the click, she didn't even give her friend enough time to speak before blurting out her greeting.

"Did you know about any of this? I could kill that kid, her and her cousin...what the Hell is Christian thinking allowing this to go on? Doesn;t he realize what this could do?! And with all these attacks recently...this is the last f****** thing that we need right now..." Alice paused and released a tiny sigh. "Can you come meet me in town? I need a drink..."


Without skipping a beat, Esme reached out and pulled her cousin stifly against her, hugging her tight."I am so, so sorry for leaving you like that...there was just so much that had to be done and when I found out Caroline had been kidnapped..." she trailed off, hugging Sheena tighter. "How is she? Id she adjusting okay?"

Esme awkwardly pulls back, looking sheepish and runs a hand through her hair. "I...I went in to town...talked to Alice. I think she's going to take care of covering everything up for us..."
When her cell phone rang, Rikarah expected it to be Christian who called her. After all, not many others did, or ever had. When she sees that it is Alessandra's name that is flashing across its screen, she smiles, unexpectedly surprised and pleased by this. Alessandra is one of the few other Lycans Rikarah knows who genuinely seems to like and accept her for who she is, who Rikarah respects and enjoys being around. She didn't know why it was that she hadn't called Alessandra herself earlier.

Picking up the receiver, she is not surprised when Alessandra launches directly into a tirade. If she had found out about Sheena and Caroline, it was no wonder that she would be furious, as Rikarah herself had been. Rikarah finds herself relaxing as she listens, then replies in an equally contemptuous tone.

"Of course I knew. I was the one who was with her at the time, Alessandra. I agreed to go with that ridiculous little girl to do Christian a favor, and what do I get out of it? The fool turns a child before my eyes, despite all advice to the contrary. I did what I could to stop her, but she has even fewer brain cells than she has fitting clothing items, and she ignored me. Christian, of course, decided that I was from then on both children's designated babysitter, and Esme appears to be thinking along the same lines."

At Alessandra's offer of a drink, Rikarah releases a breath of her own, then straightens as she speaks with relief into the phone. "Yes. A drink is long past due."

Christian can just find her. He knows how to search minds, and he has a phone.


Sheena hugged Esme back just as tightly, her body relaxing into hers as she lays her head on her shoulder, sighing. Her relief at having Esme there and obviously not mad at her, giving her physical assurance of it, slows her heartbeat and loosens her muscles, along with the small knot that had remained clinched in her stomach. She is slow to pull away when Esme does, and remains standing close to her as she replies.

"She was really upset because me and Andrea were talking about Lewis, the guy that kidnapped her...she still loves him, and he was so obviously a sick perve! She wants us to think he really did love her or something, it's so sick, Esme...I kinda made her run out the room, and RIKARAH made her cry!"
((Not sure but i think esme would of passed claire lol xD . Not sure though as im not familiar if there are multiple ways to the manor. I think Claire is on the Other side in the Other town close-ish to the manor loooool ))

After walking quite a ways, Claire was still no where even remotely close to the manor. Still, pacing her speed, she was most definitely working up a sweat. 5 miles down, 10 to go; give or take.

She set her duffel bag down and paused. Even though the hike was excruciating with the bags, the fresh air alone kept her going. Claire was so excited to get back. Missing her friends and her family was the worst part of traveling. But now... Now she had returned and a few miles would not stop her. Wiping the sweat from her brow onto the wrist portion of her hoody, the girl hardened her resolve to pick the pace up and make it home soon. In only another hour, it would arrive at the time for them to pick her up and if she was not within the town, they may get worried. Or worse, she would get scolded. That kind of frightened her more. So, picking her bag back up and positioning it up her other shoulder, she set off again.

She would make it!
Andrea stayed in the kitchen for a while, then she tilted her head as if she were thinking about something, she checked the time, and then stood quickly, she went upstairs and stopped near Sheena and Esme. She really didn't want to bother them, but she had remembered something. "Um... Esme...? Isn't someone supposed to be picking Claire up soon...?" she asked, with all the confusion of everything that had happened it seemed the other twelve year old girl had been forgotten about.

Andrea didn't really know the girl very well, she had only been there a few months, and when she first showed up she was very quiet, the fact that she had been speaking out as much as she had recently has even surprised her. Though she did remember the girl leaving, and that she was supposed to be back today, or at least she thought it was today. She wasn't very sure if Esme was going to listen to her, though she didn't see why she wouldn't at least think about it for a moment to remember if she was right or not. She couldn't help feeling a little unsure about talking with Esme, since she was the alpha. The only time she had really bothered to talk to her before was when she first joined, and when she had spoken out to Christian the night before she had been angry about him barging into her room, and that made her a little more brave than she normally would have been.

Alice smiled softly and nodded even though she knew her friend couldn't see her. "Alright, meet me at Blue Moon? Twenty minutes okay?"

Saying her goodbyes, her eyes scanned her desk, resting on her badge and gun. In the beginingo they had seemed somewhat pointless. A cover...but over the years the position had started to grow on her, her tie to this small town growing stronger. Everytime another one of these 'animal attacks' landed on her desk, the feeling grew even more. She hated the thought of someone out there attacking her town...

Grabbing her long black leather jacket, she slipped her badge back onto the pocket of her jeans, glock going back in it's holster. Saying a few goodbyes, she clocked out and headed out to the Danvers' bar, slipping inside quietly, waving to the bartender, another member of her Pack.

As she sat and waited for Rikarah, she thought back to how far they had become. When Christian had first turned her, Alice hadn't been too sure about the other woman. Chris was like an older brother to Alice, a brother that she was very protective of. Jason too...and no woman was good enough as far as she was concerned. Until she actually got to know Rika. She was probably the first and only ever female that Alice had trusted. The only female friend she had...

She was one of the few things Alice missed about living in the manor.

The bell over the door jingled and she looked up, seeing Rikarah walk in and she smiled, waving her over.


"F***! Claire!" Esme groaned, smacking her forehead. "I...wasn't Connor supposed to pick her up?" Frowning, she pulled out her cell and shot him a quick text.

Turning to Andrea, she smiled warmly at her. "I haven't gotten the chance to thank you...for everything. I've heard you've been helping out a lot here. And you stood up to Chris to right?" She eyed the younger girl and laughed softly, shaking her head. "I'm impressed..."

Looking at her cousin again, she gave her shoulder a squeeze. "So, things with're doing okay?"

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