Esme growled softly. "F***! We so do not need's too f****** much right now, with the hunters and now this? The last thing we need are more humans poking around here..." Grinding her teeth together, she looks around the phone, then grabs her cellphone, hitting the speed dial, and waits impatiently as it rings a few times before going to voicemail. "Jason!" She growled again. "Look, I don't know what's going on with you...or me, us whatever...but...I need you, now, please...we have a problem..." her eyes glowed red slightly, and she looked over at Rikarah as she hanged up her phone.

"I need you to let me know the second that Christian and that kid get back here, and if you see my cousin or Jason let them know I'm looking for them alright?"
Rikarah watches Esme's outburst impassively, backing away from her to give her space. She nods, backing out of the room as she replies. "I will tell you, yes."

As she re-enters the kitchen, seeing Andrea, Sheena, and Caroline all present, she does not speak to any of them, her jaw tensing as she makes brief eye contact with Sheena. Sheena looks away quickly and busies herself getting a glass, and Rikarah backs out of the room and returns to Esme, saying with clear tension, "The child and your cousin are in the kitchen. They are all yours. Or do you want me to be there as well?"

(Sorry for crap post)
((lol It's oay, kinda sleepy here so my post was a bit crap to, not sure what I want to do at the moment, at least not until Jason is back around, figured those two would go into town and do some digging, then I want to work on some sort of ceremony later on to make Rika Pack beta if that's cool))
Andrea smiled at their replies, then she glanced around the kitchen seeing that everyone else had finished off the breakfast she cooked, she started gathering up dishes so that she could wash them. She didn't have to work today, so she could do the dishes without a problem. "Just give me your dishes when you're done with them." she said to Caroline. She chuckled some, back when she was younger she had started out washing dishes in the back of a diner, now she was doing it just to help out even on her day off, it seemed that she just couldn't escape the dishes.

She turned some as she noticed Rikarah come into the room and then leave, she tilted her head, wondering what was going on and if there was trouble. She frowned some, she remembered Christian mentioning someone needed to look into Caroline the night before and couldn't help but wonder if something had been found and what it was. She went back to the dishes, she figured that either she would be included, or she wouldn't, maybe the girl did have family that was looking for her and she wondered for a moment if her own family had given up looking for her after three years. It didn't seem like them to just give up, but three years was a long time to be missing.

(Andrea is perfectly fine with not being a beta
xD She has only been here a few months, and doesn't really know much about what a Beta's job would be, plus she's not a very strong person, and probably wouldn't want the responsibility.)

{Jason just now getting back, even he didn't know Christian was so darn fast, even in his wolf form he couldn't even see Christian when he took off he knew it was his own fault today he was to busy thinking about Esme to concentrate on his job, he needed to put this to rest once and for all so he can concentrate on his job. Jason push the backdoor open and walked in, still as the large black wolf, he stops and looks around at everyone, when he sees Caroline he stares at her then walks pass and out the kitchen, from there he returns upstairs and changes back into human and gets dress.

Making his way down to Esme's office at first when he saw Rikarah there he pauses but he shakes it off, not caring if she hears what he's going to say. Now standing in front of Esme's desk with nothing but determination in his eyes he says to her with complete confidence.} Esme, have dinner with me, tomorrow night 8pm and I'm not talking about here or at the club, I want to take you to an actual restaurant, someplace that will over charges with insanely small portions and stuck up snobbish wait staff, that will cater and look down at us at the same time so that we'll tip them for service that was sub-par at best. {He said all that really fast and now out of breath he looks at her and waits but his confidence is slipping now that he's gotten all that off his chest.}

(Sorry everyone I've been sick the past 3 days and just now starting to feel better.)
Patrick nodded at Christian when he asked him if he knew how to shoot a gun. He looked at it and checked the clip and chamber. After checking, Patrick smiled at Christian when he explained that some humans knew about them. He put the gun in the glove compartment again and started the car back up. He did what Christian told him and they were off towards town again to "rip his official a new one." After a bit of time Patrick and Christian rolled into town. Patrick stopped at he curb of the place Christian told him to and let Christian out as if he were a chauffeur (which he actually kinda was). Patrick closed the car door and turned to Christian. "Go get 'em, boss."
Esme was about to ask Rikarah to keep an eye on her cousin and Caroline, when the door to her office burst open and Jason was suddenly in front of her, asking her out.

Now? Of all the times to ask her?

Blinking rapidly, she looked between Rika and Jason a few times, feeling her mouth drop slightly. It only took her another moment to regain her composure. Smoothing her hands down her sides, she looked down at her desk before locking eyes with Jason.

"I was just trying to reach you, we have an issue with the little girl my cousin saved. You and I need to drive into town..." She swallowed hard, and pushed a stand of hair behind one ear. "Your timing sucks by the way..." Esme smiled softly, so he'd know she was joking. "If we can take care of things here first, then yes...I'll...go to dinner with you....but only after we take care of this Caroline issue...I'll brief you in the car, you're driving..."

She blushed, realizing she was still in her pajamas. "Um....hold that thought...give me a minute..."

Looking at Rika as she passed her, she whispered again to watch the two girls for her and ran up to her room, taking the stairs two at a time. She returned a few minutes later in tight jeans, and a white tee, her leather jacket in one hand. "Ready?" she asked him.
Caroline nodded, still too shy around the people she hasn't yet spent time with to talk to them very much, and goes to sit at the table to eat, making sure to sit by Sheena. Sheena meets Andrea's eyes, already having a feeling that the child isn't going to be letting her walk too far away from her any time soon. On one hand, Sheena can understand and sympathize with this; she had remained pretty glued to Esme's side when she first joined the pack, and even now she feels most comfortable around her. Rikarah certainly seems to prefer to be near Christian most of the time too. But though she can feel sorry for Caroline, and she knows the girl is her responsibility, at the same time, the thought of spending every waking moment with a twelve-year-old is already draining.

One of the things Sheena had liked about being Lycan is her freedom, and now it seems Caroline will be cramping it considerably.

Then something occurs to her, and she almost grins as she says to Caroline, "You'll be needing to go to school once you're adjusted here, huh?"


Rikarah had known for some time that Jason liked Esme. It was clear from the way he watched only her, not seeming to even notice the other females of the pack. Esme, however, didn't seem to have been quite as aware, for she appeared almost flustered as she knew Rikarah to be watching. When Esme asks Rikarah to keep an eye on Sheena and Caroline, Rikarah doesn't let her irritation show in her face, but her fists clinch.

Another person telling her to babysit. Another person heading off and leaving her behind. Hadn't she and ESME been supposed to find out about Caroline, together?

Without a word she left the room, remaining in the kitchen, but not speaking to either Sheena or Caroline. She knows that Caroline is looking at her, that Sheena is avoiding looking at her, but doesn't much care in the moment. Several minutes pass before she says to Caroline, "We know who you really are, you know."
*Christian steps out of the car again adjusting his jacket, he turns to Patrick and casually taps him on the shoulder.* Not bad, you got me here and didn't get us killed, keep that up. I won't be long so keep your eyes open for trouble. Why don't you hang out across the street at that coffee shop. *reaching into his pocket and pulls out a 50 dollar bill* Grab me a large coffee, 2 sugars, half and half. Get yourself something and leave a nice tip.

Inside the station, everyone is polite and either smile or nod at Christian, it seems that none of them have any knowledge of what went down the night before, which is fine only a few here are on Christian's payroll. As Christian steps into the Chief Lync's office again greeted with a smile. * Christian it's good to see you. What brings you down here to mingle with us commoners? I'm just kidding olf friend, now how are you doing today? *Normally Lync and Christian kid around like this because they have a friendly relationship but today Christian wasn't really in the mood* Well Daniel I'd be doing fine if two members of my pack weren't attacked by some hunters and I don't mean Uncle Jeb and his cousins, I'm talking about armed with silver laced weapons hunting my pack kind of hunters. *Daniel's eyes avert from Christian* I'm really sorry about that Christian I really hope no one was hurt, I'm afraid a couple of my boys caught them coming into town, warned them off, they were trying to pretend they were hunting bucks but they're a full 4 weeks late for that. I'm afraid if they ignored that warning...No I can't let it get to that just yet, can you give me till sunset to get them to move on, if they don't I will turn a blind eye and let you take care of it. Of course we can't have them disturbing the peace of our town.

*Christian listens patiently and waits for his friend to finish* You mean to tell me your men knew hunters were in my territory and you failed to inform me! They they could have killed one of mine pack and you were here doing what sitting on your hands! This is now how your father or your grandfather did business Daniel, our arrangement is that you cut these hunters off before I have to get involve and things get bloody. Do you want things to get bloody? *Daniel stands up quickly and slams his fist on his desk* DAMMIT CHRISTIAN YOU KNOW I DON'T WANT THAT!. *Christian continues to be calm* Then I suggest my friend you send them on there way. Or I WILL RAIN DOWN HELLFIRE ON ANY AND ALL THAT HARM MY PACK! Or allow them to harm my pack. I will wait for your call that they are gone exactly at sunset. *Standing up and adjusting his suit's jacket and reaches for the door.* I swear Christian I will do all that is in my power to get rid of them. *Christian turns back towards him, his eyes had shifted showing his lycan side* I know you will Daniel, despite this little hic-up you've never let me down.

*Having exited the station, Christian leans against the car waiting for Patrick to see him and come back to the car, he was looking at his phone about to dial Rika to make plans for tonight when he looks up to see a black ford explorer with blacked out windows, driving by like in the movies the whole scene moves in slow motion, and both parties know what each other is, despite them being behind blackout windows Christian can smell the gun powder and the silver nitrate on them, they must load their own ammo he thinks. Inside the SUV both passengers look at Christian and just know, they've hunted enough of his kind to just know.*
Patrick felt a sense of pride as Christian congratulated him. Patrick watched Christian go inside the station. After checking both sides of the street Patrick got to the café. He made bis way up to the counter and was greeted by an over eager, too happy teenage girl who still may be in college. Maybe even high school. Patrick an the girl traded pleasantries and Patrick ordered Christians coffee along with an iced tea for himself. After he got what he came to get, Patrick said good bye and headed backto the car. He saw Christian leaving the building as he approached the car. As Patrick gave Christian the coffee, he got a whiff of a metallic scent. And something else. Sweeter. He also smelled excitement. Turning, a black SUV passed them. Patrick recognized the scent of one of the people in the car though. The man from the night before. It was all he could do to not lose his control in town in broad daylight. He swallowed his pride and turned to Christian. "One of the men in that vehicle that kust passed was the one who jumped me." He opened the door for Christian and shut it after he got in. Patrick circled around and got into the drivers side. He started up the car and headed back to the mansion.


Eric jut sat in the passenger seat as he saw the two Lycans standing outside the police station. He remembered faintly of a cop trying to get them to leave to no avail. He looked at the driver through the corner of his eye and he knew he saw them. Eric just laughed to himself quietly. "There's always tonight. Plenty of time left." Eric just continued to polish his pistol and load up the magazines for the gun.
Andrea finished washing the dishes except for Caroline's, she left the water in the sink, figuring that it wouldn't take the girl too long to eat. She sat down at the table, drying her hands on a towel. She met Sheena's eyes as she had seemed to be trying to get something across to her. She had noticed that Caroline seemed pretty attached to her. That was something that was different about Andrea, she hadn't attached herself to anyone in the pack upon joining. After three years of living on her own and taking care of herself, she was used to privacy and silence, joining the pack was a very big change for her, and she had stayed away from people, and stayed silent for the most part, until last night when she finally really had something to say.

Andrea couldn't help smiling some as Sheena mentioned school, though she was talking to Caroline, "I wish I could go back to school." she said with a small chuckle, she would have three years to catch up on, but she was starting to want to follow her original dream again, "I was planning to be a doctor some day, follow in my mother's footsteps." she said, then she bowed her head some, she knew that wishing for that life was pointless, it was gone.

She looked up as she heard Rikarah enter the room, she frowned some, noticing the look of agitation in her eyes, then sighed a little, it seemed that she wasn't going to be having a simple day off. She closed her eyes, then tilted her head when she heard her say 'we know who you really are, you know.' She opened her eyes and looked at her, tilting her head, "Wonderful, cryptic messages. I'm guessing that means you found out something about Caroline. Are you going to share, or just leave it at the cryptic?" she asked quietly, she didn't sound as if she was trying to be sarcastic, though it might have come off as that.

(Hope you feel better soon)

{Jason doesn't know if she actually wants to go out with him or if she's just trying to humor him so that he'll drive her but either way he'll accept the chance and since Christian decided to lose him today, he doesn't have anything else to do and he'll still be protecting his Alpha sorta. When Esme leaves the room to change taking Rikarah with her Jason lets out the deep breath he was holding while waiting for her answer.

When Esme comes back down, he tries not to fall over himself when he sees how great she looks, he walks with her into the garage pass the fleet of the cars they keep there to a black and blue Ninja motorcycle, pulling a helmet off the shelf and handing it to her.} I hope this is ok, I like to keep my options open and cars are kind of hard to do that with.
Esme wasn't oblivious to the way Jason was staring at her. And as she headed back outside with him, she tried not to focus on it too much, otherwise she knew that she was going to start blushing again. Her hand going to take the helmet, she focused on the Ninja, smiling softly. She had admired it for years, always wanting a go on it, but never working up the nerve to ask him. She had always found Jason a bit intimidating, despite the friendship they seemed to have. She plays with the helmet in her hands, passing it back and forth, her nails clicking against the hard plastic and finally sighs, giving up with holding her thoughts back. yes, they had matters that needed to be tended to, but he couldn't just dump a dinner date on her out of the blue.

"Why now?" she turned on him, one eyebrow arched, her steel eyes staring his down. "i mean, you've known me like my whole life, you watched over me as a kid, you've been the one person I'd go to to confide in for...years...and now...the sudden interest? i mean..." she paused, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Is it because of the new wolf, Patrick? is this your way of marking your territory? What?" She felt bad, knowing that she was basically attacking him with this, but with everything going on, she didn't want to add a piss fight to it, if that's all this really was.

Standing up straighter, Esme rolled her shoulders back and put the helmet on the bike's seat, crossing her arms over her chest. "Why now Jason? I have to know...and've had to have known how I've felt...I mean the way I've looked at you in the past, how it's always you I run to...I mean, didn't you know?" She was showing him her weaker side, but she didn't care, the words were flowing out and she couldn't stop them now even if she tried.

"I...I have to know..." Before she could really even stop herself, or focus on what she was doing, she was suddenly standing right in front of him, her body a mere inches from his. Reaching up (and there was a bit of a height difference) she grasped his chin gently, and tugged his face down to hers, and leaned up on tip toe, her lips quickly covering his.
Caroline's eating stopped abruptly as Rikarah addressed her, and her face froze, her mouth slightly open. She blinked, staring at Rikarah, and then her face slowly reddened as she looked back down at her plate. Confused, and instinctively protective of her as well, Sheena looked between the two, backing Andrea up in her irritation with the other woman.

"Yeah, Riki, what the hell are you talking about? Either say it or don't, don't just half say it."

Rikarah turned on her, her eyes narrowing now at Sheena as well as she said to her, "Sheena, I would not be giving orders of any kind to anyone if I were you, given your decisions recently." Then, turning back to Caroline, she pauses, leaving the child in suspense for several moments. Ordinarily she would not be so cold towards the girl; ordinarily she would have some sympathy for her, and she does. But between Christian and now what she sees as Esme's slight of her, as well as Sheena's behavior, she is in no mood to play nice, and Caroline is an easy target.

"Your name is Madeline, not Caroline," she says to the girl directly. "You have lied about your identity. Why would you do such a thing? What is it you hope to gain from that?"

She expected a fight, angry defiance and defensiveness from the girl, something she could play off of. What she didn't expect was for the girl to sag in her seat and then burst into tears.
Andrea frowned at Rikarah, there was obvious disappointment in her brown eyes, she stood up, looking at her, then she moved to Caroline, her face softening, "Shhh... it's alright, don't cry." she said to her, she remembered back when she was younger, how easy it was to make her brother cry just by speaking too harshly. She looked at Rikarah and shook her head, the woman obviously didn't know how to deal with children, the only reason she really remembered was because she cherished the memories of her family, even the ones she felt bad about.

"Caroline..." she said, since she was more used to that name, "It's alright, can you tell us why you said what you did?" she asked gently, she knelt down so that she could look into Caroline's face easier, "We won't be mad, alright? Just explain it to us." she said, she was truthful that she wouldn't be mad at the girl, though it would probably be easier to get across to her if Rikarah wasn't in the room.

Sheena didn't know what it was Rikarah was talking about, nor did she care. Obviously it was distressing Caroline, little Caroline who had already been through so much for one day, and that made whatever Rikarah thought she was accomplishing by this confrontation completely unacceptable for her. She was up and out of her seat and standing behind Caroline's in a shot, wrapping her arms around the girl from behind in a protective fashion as she rubbed her hand over her shoulder, glaring fiercely at Rikarah over Caroline's head.

"What does it matter?! She wants to be called Caroline, let her go by Caroline! Didn't YOU change your name anyway, your name isn't really RIKARAH! My name isn't really SHEENA, so what the hell does it matter?!"

"We have a right to know information about someone who is to be part of our pack, Margaret," Rikarah said in turn to her, resentful of the earlier "Riki" jibe and not yet backing down, though her expression has softened slightly as she looks at the crying Caroline. "If someone is to join us, and if we are to protect them and make them our own, we have a right to know if we will be in danger as a result. If someone is going to come looking for this child by another name, or if she is going to shield pieces of herself from us that are necessary to our understanding-"

"It's not your business!" Sheena shot back, tightening her arms around Caroline, but Rikarah did not let this go.

"It was not our business yesterday. Because of you, everything about this child is our business today." She attempted to make her voice more civil as she addressed Caroline directly, moving closer to her and trying to meet her eyes. "Will someone be coming for you who will mean us harm?"

"I don't know!" the girl wept, shaking her head, and she shrank back against Sheena in her chair, lowering her face from Rikarah's intent gaze. "My daddy changed my name...he's not my daddy but it still feels like he is, even though I guess he must have been bad, because he took me, it doesn't feel like he was feels like he loved me. I think he did love me even though he lied. And I still love him, I'll always love him, he feels like my daddy and Caroline feels like my name, even though it's not. My other mom and dad, they don't feel like they are anymore and I don't even care, I don't feel like Maddie anymore. I just feel like Caroline even though I'm not, and I still want him. I still want him to be my real dad."

To Sheena, this was all new and somewhat confusing information, and as she looked up at Rikarah, still glowering at her, expecting her to fill in the blanks, Rikarah's expression offers her no clues. The older woman's expression is strange...was that a flicker of sadness in her eyes, or just pity? Was Rikarah capable of sad?

(heh I just realized that is perfectly true, all three characters don't go by their real names!)
*Christian gets back into the car, he can't help but grind his teeth at the arrogance these hunters are showing, driver though his territory like they own the place after attacking Patrick. Oh how he sometimes wish these were the old days, back then he would gather the strongest of the pack and cut a bloody path to those hunters and eat their hearts. But these are suppose to peaceful times, yeah so much for that.* Patrick, you know anyone of us that has lived as long as I have must have a long bloody past, one I try to keep from coming back and tearing this pack apart. I like to think despite my past I'm now a rather peaceful man. But those hunters were warned by the constable to move on, still they attacked you and now they drive through my town almost daring me to do anything about it. I'm afraid my forgive and forget mode of thinking no longer fits the situation. So I'm sorry my friend I know you didn't want any drama when you joined us but it seems you picked a very bad time to be a lycan in this town...No that's not right...They picked a bad time to be hunters in my town! *Pulling a pair of sunglasses out of his jacket and sliding them on* Anyway we have an appointment with my tailor and I'd like to get something for Caroline, perhaps something stuffed? Wait do kids her age still like stuffed animals? It's been a few decades since I've been exposed to any kids.
Patrick listened to Christian, agreeing wih him when he says that the hunters chose the wrong time to be here. After he heard his next stop, Patrick started up the car but didnt go anywhere. He sat there for a moment or two before asking Christian where the tailor was. He'd never been here before but he still felt embarrassed to not know where to go in the town. Christian gave Patrick the directions to the tailor and they were on their way. "Christian. I think Caroline will appreciate whatever gift you get for her. But, just between you and I, I've never been around children for any extended amount of time since I was a child myself." Yawning a bit, he turned a corner and found the tailor not long after. Patrick turned around to look at Christian again. "I recommend something pink, sir. Just saying." Patrick turned back around in the seat and killed the engine. He just wanted the day to be over so he could go for the run Esme invited him on.
Andrea frowned as she listened to the exchange between Rika and Sheena, the yelling really wasn't helping anything at all. She listened as Caroline spoke through her tears, it was stuff that Andrea didn't understand since she was obviously missing important pieces of information. "Caroline... next time you need to be completely honest with us, alright? We are trying to help you, and to do that we do need to know certain things, and it's easier if you just tell them to us." she said.

Andrea looked at Rika after speaking to Caroline, "So, are you going to fill in the blank, Rikarah?" she asked, she was still calm, though she was unhappy with the older woman for making the girl cry, there were easier ways to find out what you needed to know, without hurting her. "Considering that you decided to say something in front of us, then we should have the right to know."

(Andrea could probably be friends with Rikarah, she doesn't have anything against her, she just wishes that she would kind of calm down, she gets angry easily
xD .)

{Jason looked at Esme's eyes and sighed} You know traditionally we, I mean our kind mate for life. It's rare that we ever change mates unless they die or something horrible like a betrayal that is unforgivable. So why now? Am I doing this because of Patrick? I guess I'd be lying to you if I said it's not because of him but I could never lie to you Esme. I'm not like everyone else in this pack, my sole purpose in life was, I mean should be to eliminate all of this packs enemies. I'm a bullet that you or Christian can fire over and over. Look I know you're above me and I should know my place and if after tomorrow if you don't like what you see or enjoy yourself with me I'll leave you alone and go back to my duties. I just need to know, I can't focus on what I need to do and have this hanging over me. And in the end if you pick Patrick over me, I will continue to protect you, not because it's my duty, I'll do it because I never want to see you hurt.

{Pulling on his helmet, he gets on his bike and waits for her, looking over his shoulder at her.} I guess I sound pretty lame but that's how I feel about you.
"It's not lame..." She turns quickly and pulls her helmet on so he can't see the dissapointment in her eyes at how he barely reacted to her kiss. "Let's just go get this done first alright?" She slips onto the bike behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and tries not to let it get to her as they zoom through the woods and back into town.

'We're going to have to get access to whatever records we can on this guy who Caroline claimed was her father' she said, speaking into his mind. 'I don't know how easy that's going to be, but we need to cover our tracks, leave no trace of her having been in this town..."
Rikarah's eyes shift to Andrea, and she notes the other woman's calm, nonjudgmental tone towards both her and Caroline. Slightly mollified, she turns towards her, addressing her rather than Caroline or Sheena now.

"She was kidnapped as a younger child by a man who presumably was a pedophile or insane-"

"He was not! He NEVER TOUCHED ME!" Caroline blurted, indignant for his sake. Sheena, horrified by the implication, backs away from Caroline slightly, her mouth open as her eyes fly up to Rikarah's.

"What? Seriously? Caroline-"

"He wouldn't have done that, everyone was wrong! I don't know why he took me but it wasn't because of that! He would never do that! He loved me!" Caroline insisted, her voice rising. "You didn't know him, no one knew him like me!"

The thoughts coming to Sheena now from this conversation, bred of her own experiences with abusive men, are more than she wants to handle, and she backs another step away, shaking her head. "Damn..."

"He is in prison now," Rikarah finished quietly. "I am assuming that she must have ran away from her parents' home. Though why she would call herself by his name, and that false name, rather than by her own, I do not understand."

"It's not my name anymore," Caroline whispered, clinching and unclinching her hands slowly at the tabletop. "They aren't my parents anymore. I don't know. You don't get it, you don't know, I don't even know."

"Are they looking for you? Your parents? The police?" Rikarah pressed, though she did not raise or harden her voice, and Caroline shrugged miserably.

"I don't know!"

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