"You met Jason?" she winced softly, knowing how he could sometimes be around newcomers, especially other males. Anyone that could be a threat to either Christian or the Pack really. He was pretty much the best muscle they had. "Yeah...he's an... acquired taste really...but I'm sure once he accepts that you're part of this Pack he'll warm up to you a bit..." she smiled softly. "Just give it some time...Jason...he's a really good wolf once you get to know him..."

Looking off, she shrugged, her nose twitching slightly as she picked up Jason's scent coming from behind her. She hears the faint growl but when she goes to look behind her, he;s already gone. 'What is his deal?' she wonders, frowning. "Anyways," she turns back to Patrick, forcing a smile on her face again. "I have a few things that I still need to finish up're not the only new member of this Pack, although I'm sure you must have heard by now...but I'll check up on you a few hours. If you're up to it and all the silver is out from your system, you should come run with me tonight, second night of the full moon and all, we have all this should take advantage of it..."

She offers him another smile, before turning and heading back down the hallway. Jason is now nowhere to be seen, and she has a feeling that he's out tracking Chris. Heading back in the direction of her office, she tries to call her mother or father again, but again no answer. This was getting to be a bit much. Rubbing the bridge of her nose, she fires up the computer, and hacks into the local police department's database. She types in Caroline's name and starts doing some digging, wondering what all she might find.
(Because Caroline Danson is not her real name, she would find no information on her. However, her actual information is: Name: Madeline Brinkerman, age 12, kidnapped at age 8 by Lewis Danson, Lewis is currently being held in Rykor Prison. Parents are Eleanor and Paul Brinkerman. Madeline would be listed as a runaway right now most likely)
((Something about Danson might pop up. If there was a report done after they found her and she was claining to be his daughter Caroline, that would pop up too I think))
Andrea went back to the kitchen after leaving the plate of food for Patrick, she ate some breakfast, then she made sure to give Patrick some time to eat before heading to her room. She glanced into the room, then walked in, she pulled open a few drawers in her dresser, pulling out some clothes. She held them to her chest and glanced at Patrick and went to pick up the plate with her other hand since he seemed to be done. "How are you feeling?" She asked him.

Patrick nodded at her. "I would enjoy that very much, Esme." Patrick watched her leave. He stared at the spot she had been standing and rubbed his head. Patrick absentmindedly tore off the bandages and stitches that Andrea had put on and finished his plate of food. After he finished, Patrick noticed Andrea. "I'm feeling fine, thanks. Thank you for saving me too. And for doing so, I am in your debt. Just call on me whenever you need help." He chuckled a bit. "Also, do you think anybody would mind if I took a shower? I mean... I guess I live here now,. But still."
Rikarah had awakened to see Christian gone and knew that he must have gone to speak with the new Lycan child, or perhaps with the old Lycan child- Sheena, as she commonly thought of the girl as. Rising, she dressed herself and made her way downstairs, noting Patrick's and Andrea's presence in the kitchen and giving them a nod of acknowledgement. She herself was not hungry and so exited the kitchen shortly after, wandering the hallways of the manor trying not to let herself consciously note that she was attempting to find Christian through his scent. It becomes obvious to her that he has left the manor, however, and so she instead joins Esme in her office when she smells her lingering inside it, coming to lean her hip against the doorway and crossing her arms as she watches the other woman on her computer.

"The child survived the night, I take it" she said finally, her tone giving away nothing of her thoughts or feelings about the matter. "Have you informed your mother yet?"
Andrea looked Patrick over, noticing as he removed the bandages and took out the stitches, she took a moment to look him over, making sure that he really was healed, it was something that she still wasn't used to, even after three years. She tilted her head, then smiled, glad that he was fine, though she shook her head at his offer to be there for her. "I honestly didn't help you because I expected anything." she said with a small chuckle, what she had done had been mostly instinct. "I guess I haven't completely given up being a doctor yet." she said, though it was more to herself than to him.

She smiled at him again, "I'm sure that no one will mind, besides... with how sensitive everyone's nose is, I think they would be happier if everyone took a shower regularly." she said, she turned and walked to the door of her room, stopping out in the hall, "The bathroom is that way, third door on the left." she said, she went downstairs quickly, setting his plate in the sink, she would do dishes after everyone was finished eating, then she went upstairs to the room she was using for a bit so that she could get dressed. She quickly brushed her hair and pulled it together, braiding it quickly, she felt like having it all together for once. She left the room she was in and quickly went to her bedroom to grab a book before going downstairs and sitting beside the window in the living room.

*Christian pretends being called old offended him for a second, then nudges Caroline again.* I'm not that old and you're short so there, for now on I'm gonna call you Short Round, like that kid from that movie. *Another breeze hits him and that's when he picks up Jason's scent, this worries him for a moment, it's not like Jason to make a rookie mistake like that he decides to let it pass for the moment, he scouted the forest himself before coming out this morning not wanting Sheena and Caroline to get jumped trying to meet him out her. Instead he decides to have some fun with her and Jason, kneeling down by her* Caroline I want to show you something, I want you to get on my back and hold tight...Very very tight.
Caroline looks around nervously, not sure she understands why he wants that of her. She eyes his back apprehensively, half afraid that he'll simply buck her off the side of the cliff. He's been nice to her so far, so that doesn't seem likely, but then, she doesn't really know him, so who knows what he wants?

" Sheena still gonna wait for me?" she asks nervously before slowly approaching him. "What are we gonna do?"

She hesitates, then, not wanting Christian to be mad at her or to grab her, slowly eases onto his back, winding her arms tentatively around his neck. His fur is softer than she expected, and she holds on, asking again with some anxiety, "What are you gonna do?"
Shenna will catch up with us, if you want just reach out to her with your mind, since you share her bloodline you can talk to her. Now hold on I'm going to teach an lazy employee a lesson. *He takes off like a bullet being fired from a gun, the terrain blurs around them but Christian is perfectly in tuned with everything, picking routes that were safe enough that Caroline wouldn't get snagged on anything.* See Caroline this is our life, this is the freedom of being a lycan. Can you feel the rush of this, to you in that form the world is a blur but to me it's all to clear, I sense everything, smell, hear and even taste, no lycan is ever happier then when they get to run like this. that is why we live here miles and miles of forest for us to run and hunt in without being disturb. *Well that's how it's suppose to be but that isn't the case after her and Patrick were attacked but he doesn't share that with her.* Tonight you're gonna change and run with us and see for yourself how amazing this will make you feel.

(Sorry got home, realized the cashier at the gas station forgot to give me back my credit card and had to go back and get it.)
"Rika!" Esme's head snapped up, and she rubbed at her forehead, frowning slightly. "Hey um...come in..." She waited until the door was closed before pushing away from her desk. "Um, yeah, the girl- I mean, Caroline has survived...I think Christian took her out...I was just trying to find out some information on her but..." Her frown deepened and she looked back over at the computer. "I can't find anything in the police's database...unless I'm spelling something wrong or..." She trailed off and shrugged.

"I've left both of my folks a few messages, but I know they're both pretty busy with council things in Rome...might be days before either of them gets back to me..." Running her hand through her hair, she made a face at the ends. She could only imagine how she looked to the other wolf right now, how unprofessional she must think her female Alpha was, still roaming around in her pajamas, make up less, bags under her herself another tiny shake, she rolled her chair back over to her desk and took up to typing again.

"So...ah..." she glanced over the screen at her. "How are you adjusting...with all of this?" Even though she didn't have a Mate herself, Esme could understand if Rikarah was feeling any jealousy or had bad thoughts about any of this. It would make sense. "And...I'm sorry if Christian dumped all of this on you...that wasn't right. I...I should have spoken up about that...he may be Alpha, but he's just one of two...and his power is over the males as far as this Pack is concerned...he has no right to boss you around like that, especially considering he's your sire and mate...wasn't really fair..."
She can still talk to Sheena inside her head, even when she's not an animal? The thought is somehow surprising, but also intriguing to Caroline, and so as she tightens her arms around Christian's neck, she tries to do so.

"Sheena? Christian wants ride him. I think. Is you guys do that a lot?"

She honestly has no idea. For all she knows, Sheena rides Christian like a pony every morning as a way to start off her day.

Sheena, startled as she waits to hear Caroline's voice in her head, nevertheless snickers at the image the girl's words put into her mind. The thought of Caroline mounting Christian like a horse and riding him is somehow hysterical to her, but the thought of Christian actually allowing her too is even more startling. She can't imagine him letting Rikarah ride him like an animal, much less a little girl a foot and a half shorter than him.

"Um, yeah, that's fine," she told her. "You still want me to wait or are you okay with him now?"

"You can go back if you want," Caroline said hesitantly, before Christian took off with her. Her eyes growing huge at the sudden motion, she locked herself close to his neck, eyes open as the wind blew back her hair, and everything passed by rapidly...and yet it was not a blur, but rather clearer, more colorful and vivid than she had ever seen anything before. The world and the way she can see it now, the way it is passing her is stunning, and so she hangs on tight, finding herself gradually realizing that as strange as this is, she is sort of enjoying it.


"She's a child. How difficult could it be to find information on her?" Rikarah frowned as she shut the door behind her, taking a few steps closer to Esme to peer over her shoulder at what she is typing. "I suppose if she is a runaway without family reporting her she might not be in the system, or perhaps she has not gone missing long enough to have been reported. I hope you do not mind me looking. Caroline Danson? Try..Dansen. Dansun. Dannson. Dannsen...Surely there is only one normal way to spell Caroline. Karoline? Caraline? Carolyne? Did she say her father's name was Lewis? Lewis or Louis Danson? Try him. Unless she lied about her name, that is also possible."

Rikarah has in fact noticed Esme's weary state but says nothing of it, making no judgments. She is not going to complain to her of Christian, Sheena, or the situation with the child. Whatever Christian says now, it is not her place to repeat anything that occurred between them with Esme. Nevertheless, when Esme brings it up on her own, she tenses, and her eyes darken slightly as she responds.

"I do not believe it to be fair either. Perhaps I should not get differential treatment because I am his mate, if one uses logic and the well-being of the pack and its morale as a measuring tool, but that does not mean that it feels right for me. Perhaps I am overstepping my place in saying so, but I consider your cousin to be a foolish child, Esme. Perhaps she cannot help that, and perhaps as a pack it is all of our responsibility to look after the children, but that does not make it my responsibility alone. I told her not to do as she did, and I could hardly have done anything else to stop her from her own recklessness." She pauses, taking a breath, then adds, "I will not abide by what he asked of me. I will not publicly disagree with him, for the sake of the pack, but if he truly believes me to now be Sheena's keeper and whipping girl, I will refuse."
Patrick stepped out of the shower looking as pink as a newborn piglet. I hope they don't get mad at me for using so much hot water, he thought. Looking around for clothes broke a muffled curse from Patrick as he remembered that his only NEW clothes had been shot, torn, and stained with blood. He sighed and finished drying himself off before putting on his old pants, leaving his upper body bare and left the wash room in search of clothes that he could borrow until he made it back into town. "Hello? Anybody here?" He walked back into Andreas room and didn't find her there. He shrugged his shoulders and he slowly made his way downstairs looking for anybody who could help him. Patrick noticed that Andrea was down in the living room. He decided that it wouldn't hurt to talk to her a bit. Patrick coughed a bit revealing his presence to the room even though that there was just one other person. "Hey Andrea. Have you seen anybody else today? Like Christian or Jason? I've a bit of a clothing problem. My one from yesterday were kinda torn and stained with blood." He shifted from foot to foot, kind of embarrassed to be asking her another favor. "If not, then that's just fine. I could probably go outside and do something productive." Kind of feeling like he was rambling on Patrick sat down on the floor.
Andrea was curled up in a chair by the window, with a book opened and her fingers playing with some loose strands that found their way out of her braid, she was into her book good enough that she didn't hear Patrick calling from upstairs, so when he cleared his throat upon walking into the living room she looked up rather quickly. She moved her bookmark and closed the book, with a small smile, she listened to what he had to say and then shook her head some, "I haven't seen Christian at all today, though I did hear Jason leaving earlier, so I'm guessing that he was probably tracking Christian so he could be there if anything happened." she said with a small shrug.

"I'm not sure when they'll be back, it seems like everything has gotten a little crazy around here lately." she said with a smile, crazy was sometimes fun, though she would rather it not happen too often, she tilted her head as he mentioned going outside to do something productive. "I'm not sure what needs to be done outside, I was never really one to be outside much, and becoming a lycan certainly hasn't changed that except when I want a good run." she said, then she bit her lip lightly, she didn't really talk about the fact that she was turned too often. She had met a pack that ran her off just because she hadn't been born a lycan, she had the feeling she was lucky to have made it out of there alive. She also knew she was lucky to have found a pack that would accept her anyway, it was certainly better than being alone.

*On the horizon Christian can see the manor and Sheena walking back towards it, in his mind he's grinning* Caroline we're gonna have some real fun now, hold tight. *Again he increase speed baring down on Sheena's back about 6 feet from her he pushes off his hind legs into the air over Sheena's head and keeps running towards the manor's backdoor, stopping short of it, kneeling down so Caroline can get down, he looks back to the treeline seeing if Jason managed to keep up with him and to see the look on Sheena's face, then pushing the door open and walking inside, through the kitchen then into the living room, where Jason and Andrea are. Since he knew he would be naked when he shifted back he didn't do it in front of Caroline, instead he headed towards his room before changing back and gets dressed picking black slacks, a light blue shirt and a black blazer before coming back downstairs. Patrick back on your feet I see. Good you have plenty to do if you're gonna work for me. *Looking down at his watch* Well don't just stand there you better go change, you have to drive me into town. I suggest you go with the Armani if you're gonna be my driver you need to look the part. You're room is up the stairs to the left, across the hall from Andrea's since you two see to get along so well, I figured you wouldn't mind being neighbors.
Bracing herself against Christian's back, Caroline hangs on as tightly as she can, practically choking him. Seeing him gaining on Sheena up ahead of them, and realizing what he'll do a few moments before he leaps, she gasps, shutting her eyes and burying her face against his fur. She expects him to pounce on Sheena, but when they land on the other side, leaving Sheena turning around and gawking at them, Caroline opens her eyes again, her heart pounding. Her mouth is dry, adrenaline coursing through her so she feels warm and antsy all over, but she also feels excited. Almost like she could do it again.

She is slightly dizzy as she slides off him, but makes her way to Sheena, coming to stand close to her again. "We jumped over your head," she informed her, as if Sheena could not see this for herself. Sheena smiled at her as she gestured for her to go back into the house.

"It was all right with Christian then?"

Caroline nodded, still catching her breath, as Sheena walked with her in the kitchen. Sheena smiled to herself, still hopeful; for all she knew, Christian loved kids and had wanted one. For all she knew, skinny little Rika was barren, or too selfish to get pregnant for him. Maybe he was really happy Caroline was here.

Well, probably not. But at least it seemed like he could fake it.

As they passed Andrea and Patrick in the living room, Caroline stopped, suddenly shy, and moved behind Sheena. Sheena waved at them both. "Um, this is Caroline. She's...well, part of us now too. This is Andrea and...uh, what's your name again?"
Patrick looked at Christian slightly dumbfounded. He scratches his chin and cracks his knuckles. "Christian, my friend. Where am I going to get Armani? From a magic wardrobe?" He turns around and starts to walk to Andrea but the. Stops midway. Patrick turns around. "Also... I am sorry to inform you that also.... I can't.. drive. Never had the chance since I've basically homeless for the last seventy years." Patrick begins turning a pinkish color of embarrassment, shrugging his shoulders with an innocence found mostly in children. Then his expression turns from embarrassed to curious. "It couldn't be that hard though? Could it?" Without thinking much Patrick takes off up the stairs and goes off in search of the Armani that Christian told him to wear. "This was a great Idea! Maybe this is what we need. Pat-Chris bonding! We'll be great friends!" His room echoes with laughter. Patrick forgot to close his door. Before too long, Patrick emerges victorious wearing the clothes of a driver. Patrick smiled all the way walking downstairs and waited for Christian to come get him for their drive into town. Hen Patrick says under his breath, "Wait till Esme sees me in these."
"No, no I getit...sorry I didn't mean to bring up any bad blood here it's just..." Esme shrugs. "I'm trying okay? I want to be, to prove to everyone here that I can be a good leader...that the original Alphas made the right decision in choosing me...and I'm trying to be your friend...I know things since your turning haven't exactly been the easiest...I hardly see you out with anyone other than Christian sometimes, so yeah....just trying to be that...a friend..." she trails off and goes to type the name of Caroline's father. There's a beep and her eyes narrow. "Well...ah...this is interesting..."

The printer starts going off and a few pages get spit out and she gets up, calmly handing them to Rikarah. "We might have a problem...this girl, Caroline...she was this man...she's someone else's kid..."
"I do not hold any ill will against you, Esme," Rikarah said with some surprise as she turned towards her, aware of the woman's seeming insecurity and self-doubts as she looked at her more closely. "Your cousin may be of your blood, but she is not you. You have done nothing to irritate me or anger me, I am simply being honest. I respect you and what you are attempting to do. That is not a problem for me."

Friend...Esme wants to be her friend? The concept is strange to Rikarah; it is rare for females to even want to be civil to her, let alone be her friend, though this is sometimes her own fault through her attitudes towards those sh dislikes as much as theirs. She is not sure what friendship with a woman, a genuine friendship which is not only for show or to achieve a means to an ends, might entail. Nevertheless, she is willing to try.

"Perhaps we should go out sometime,then. It is true that I have not been socializing as often as I perhaps should try to."

As she took the pages from Esme, reading over the information, her eyes narrow as well. Rikarah has known enough men like this Lewis Danson to need little information to know she despises him. He would, she is sure, be a child predator in every sense of the world, the sort of man that her own father had been at heart but not had the balls to go through with fully becoming in his actions. She had dealt with her own father accordingly, and it would not hurt her feelings at all to come across Lewis Danson in a dark alley.

"He is in prison," she pointed out. "Then if the child has been returned to her family, her true family, what was she doing alone in the woods at that hour? Perhaps he had an accomplice who took her again, or perhaps she ran away for another reason. Is there a search warrant out for her under her true name currently- Madeline Brinkerman?" she read as she scanned the article again. "I suppose she did lie about her name...very strange."
Andrea looked up as Christian came into the room, she listened to what he had to say, and he was right, she didn't mind having Patrick as a neighbor, from what she had seen of him, he was a nice person. She shrugged her shoulders some to show that she didn't really mind, then she glanced at Patrick. He didn't seem to mind either, or at least he wasn't showing it, so she took that to be a good sign.

She looked at Sheena and Caroline when they came into the room, she noticed as Caroline hid behind Sheena and couldn't help a small smile, she hoped that she wouldn't be as shy once she got to know the people here. She glanced at Patrick as he explained that he couldn't drive, though she couldn't either, she left at fifteen and then never had the money to afford a car so she could even attempt to learn, she stuck to walking or riding a bike places. She smiled some as he ran out of the room and shook her head, slowly looking back to Sheena and Caroline, "His name is Patrick." she said.

She stood, leaving her book balancing on the arm of the chair she was sitting in and walked to Sheena, glancing around her to look at Caroline, "I saw you last night, though you probably don't remember. I was kind of in the same position as you, tossed into a strange world that wasn't understood, though I was older than you, and I went through it alone. I know Sheena is going to look after you, and I will help as well, if you will let me." she said, the last of it was to both Caroline and Sheena, she was asking Caroline if she wanted to trust her, and Sheena if she would allow the help.

*Christian emerged from the library when he heard Patrick come back downstairs, walking around him and adjusting Patrick's collar to make sure he's acceptable enough to be seen with him in public.* You'll need to visit my tailor when we get into town, can't have you wearing my suits all the time now can we? And you will learn how to drive. I can't drive my driver around forever. *He spots Caroline hiding behind Sheena and walks over to her kneeling down in front of her* I really enjoyed our time today, I hope we can do it again sometime. Now why don't you go get yourself some breakfast, I think there is some waffles in the freezer. *Standing back up and adjusting his jacket.* Let's go Patrick I have an elective official to tear a new one. *He pats Sheena on the shoulder and heads for the door.*

(Anyone heard from Greg, kind of need him to catch up.)
Patrick nodded and followed Christian outside to where the car was. (insert details of car here). Patrick went and opened a side door for Christian to get in. After he was situated Patrick got into the drivers seat and closed the door. He sat there for a few minutes, thinking about his first move to make. He'd seen it done hundreds of times. It shouldn't be that hard. Patrick reached into his pocket and grabbed the key to the car. Being careful, he inserted the key inside the ignition and turned it gently. It roared to life and Patrick let out a small squeal of excitement. He turned his head and saw a nylon strap with a metal latch on it. He grabbed it and put it across his chest and put the metal latch onto his other side, lookin for a place to put it. After about thirty seconds of searching, he found a small box with a little slit in it. Patrick put the latch in the box enoub until it clicked. His smile brightened even wider, confidence filling him even more. He looked in the mirror at Christian, hopin to impress him. "Don't worry, boss. I think I've got this driving thing down!" He looked at the floor and put his feet on the biggest pedal, punching it. Once he realized that they weren't moving, Patricks expression grew dim. He let go ofthe gas and saw a lever that had leters on it. He moved it from the highlited "P" to the "N" hopin for the right option. Instead, the same effect took place. Scratching his head, Patrick moved it from the "N" to the "D" in a last ditch effort to impress Christian. Slowly Patrick eased onto the gas pedal jntil the car moved. He moved the wheel in fron of his chest to move the car in the correct direction. He found the brake pedal and stopped, suddenly bringing the car to a halt. "Damn right. I figured itbot sir!" A smile dancing around his lips. "Off we go." Patrick began driving the car down the road, unsteadily and well below the speed limit until a passing car honked at him. This happened two or three more times until he pulled over and finally asked Christian for the help he offered back at the house.

(if this doesn't sit well, I'll be happy to change it)
[im sorry i cant get on often enough. I would like to know if me dropping would help the rp stay moving or if somebody would like to control Riddian when i cant reply fast enough and he is needed to move the story along?]
Caroline stays behind Sheena when Andrea approaches her, eyeing her with some apprehension, but Andrea speaks nicely to her, empathizing with her, even offering her help. Caroline looks at Sheena to be sure that speaking with Andrea was okay, still uncertain of how the hierarchy of the pack and the general interactions were supposed to work. But Sheena was smiling at Andrea, relieved for the offer of help. Although Sheena liked girls in general, she couldn't deny that the idea of being Caroline's soul keeper, teacher, and parental figure was becoming more overwhelming the more time she had to consider it. She was barely able to parent herself, let alone another kid.

"Okay," Caroline said in answer to Andrea's reply, and Sheena echoed her with an added thanks. As Christian approached, Caroline smiled at him, her eyes brightening a little at this attention before looking to Sheena. "I can make food?"

"Yeah, help yourself," Sheena nodded, showing her which cabinets had which items. She was still somewhat amazed by Christian's attitude. Had he actually just touched her with something like affection, even after all this? She had flinched instinctively as his hand came near, a part of her still expecting harshness; it was what she was used to from men, before the pack, and she had made him angry. But no...he didn't seem angry at all anymore.

It was something she was still trying to get accustomed to.
*Christian trying to be patient with him and finds this a tiny bit amusing* Look mate just relax and trust yourself, you're not the worst driver in the world so just slowly take your foot off the brake and even pressure on the gas...And can we please go faster then 15 mph, I'm 613 years old I like to get to town before I'm another 600 years old. I'm going to find out why our moronic constable has allowed hunters into my territory. I'm hoping he can run them off before I have to get involve..Before things get bloody well bloodier then they have been. I'm sorry Patrick, I don't mean to let you down but if the constable can get them to leave peacefully I've decided to give them a free pass on attacking you. I know what they did was wrong but if I can avoid dragging my pack into a fight. But understand this if they don't leave and it's a fight they want we will destroy them and make an example of them so future fools will know not to come here...Speaking of which. *Christian opens the glove compartment and pulls out a black hand gun and passes it to Patrick.* Loaded with silver nitrate bullets, deadly to our kind and humans. I hope you know how to use one. Because it's easier for us to explain using a gun for self-defense then it is to explain shifting into a wolf in the middle of town..Only a few trusted humans in town know about us and I prefer to keep it that way.

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