Retire for the night...Rikarah supposes he means this as a euphemism for a stronger innuendo, though how she is to block out the child's cries is beyond her own understanding. Still, she allows him to hold her hand, walking with him inside, and passes the others to get to her bedroom, pulling Christian in behind her and shutting the door.

"I trust you will distract me."


In the basement, Sheena continues to avoid Riddian's gaze, even as she flinches upon hearing his wry remark. Of course he realized that it was she, not Christian, who had changed Caroline. Of course he didn't believe that Christian would for a second...probably no others would either. What had she said, with the others there? How many knew now? How many would they continue to tell the truth to, and how would this affect her?

She couldn't worry about that now though. Caroline's eyes were fully open now, her screams continuing, even more frantic as her body began to go through its first changes, and Sheena reached to try to stroke back her hair, talking to her over her cries.

"Caroline, Caroline, it's okay. It's okay...we're here, it's okay. Shh, shh..."

Nothing was going to shush Caroline, though. If the sedatives were affecting her, slowing her, then Sheena would have hated to see how she reacted without them, because she was pretty well distressed even with them. Sheena could see her bones beginning to malform with painful slowness, popping out of her skin and twisting, lengthening, and shortening as needed, but all of it was taking some time to come together into a coherent new frame of functioning. Caroline howled, sweat and tears now streaking down her face as she tried to pull free from the shackles, seeming deaf to Sheena's attempts to comfort. In a slow process, she gradually began to take on the form of a small wolf, larger than a very young puppy, but not quite a gangly adolescent. Her fur and fangs and claws were last to develop, and it took nearly an hour for her bones and skin to "set" correctly. All the while she seemed to be having such difficulty with it and was in such pain that Sheena found herself despairing that she would ever switch at all, occasional silent tears emerging as she tried to call over her so her own voice grew hoarse.

When Caroline had finally completed her shift, her body was now held in a very uncomfortable pose, due to it now being shaped so different from its human form, and as she repositioned herself the best she could, she continued to growl, whimper, and snarl, not yet having figured out how to communicate through Lycan mental communication.
{Jason making his way back to his own room, suddenly remembers the other scent in the mansion that he picked up earlier, rolling his eyes he decides it's time he finally investigated it, he steps inside Andrea room a few minutes before Riddian and stands over Patrick who was trying to sleep. Well that's to bad, Jason kicks the bed to wake him up, with a low growl in his voice.} Hey Goldielocks wake up. What's your damage? What happened to you? {Now smelling Christian's blood on Patrick} I see he took you in. This house is getting full of strays. Just more work for me I guess. {Pauses for a second, rubbing his temples} I'm Jason, Christian's first, that doesn't make sense to you does it. I'm his bodyguard, that means anyone that is a threat to him I'm a threat to them, do you understand that? What I'm getting at is Christian may have accepted you but to me you're still an unknown threat till I decide you're not.
Andrea left before Caroline had finished her transformation, it wasn't that she didn't want to help the girl, it was just that she needed a shower, she couldn't stand having blood on her for so long, she stopped at Sheena's room and grabbed her clothes that she had set down before helping to get Caroline in the basement. She took her shower, enjoying the feeling of the hot water on her skin, though she knew that she wouldn't be so happy about it when she got out of the shower. She stepped out of the shower and took a moment to dry off before dressing, she towel dried her hair and then put the dirty clothes into the basket before heading toward her room since she forgot her brush.

She stopped for a moment with a frown on her face when she smelled Jason in her room, she stepped into the room with a low growl. "I realize that you do not know him, but even though he is using my room at the moment this is still my room and I will request that you remove yourself from it promptly." she said, she did not care for people coming into her room uninvited.

Patrick looked at Andrea with a small smile, trying to look innocent. "Um.. Miss... I'm sorry that I don't know your name, but this man here seems slightly distressed with my being here." Patrick looked to Jason and promptly introduced himself and gettin ito an upright sitting position. "Jason. I am Patrick Mor from the Scottish Highlands. My family was murdered almost two centuries ago. I arrived in this country during World War II on Ellis Island. I hope that you believe me when I say that I harbor you nor these people any ill will. I was almost killed tonight and Christian took me in. I am a friend to Esme and hope to become the same to you and the mansion." He winced at the pain from his wounds and the silver slowly dissipating from his system. "Also, you can call me Spike. It was a name I picked up in he nineties from the homeless I stayed with. I kind of like it too." Slowly easing himself onto his back, he gave the two a faint smile. "Now if you wouldn't mind, this is my first full moon not Shifting. I am tired though. So nice meeting you Jason. And you too, lassie." Spike coughed a bit and felt something come out. He looked down at his chest and saw silver flecks there. "Would you look at that... I'm getting better!"
((sorry, longs weekend))

After her Uncle leaves, Esme leans back against one of the walls of the basement, not moving and barely reacting to Caroline's screams as she starts her Shift. She flinches once, at the sound of her spine cracking as it shaped and reformed into that of a wolf's. She could only imagine what was going through her head as well as her cousin's...her eyes ticked in Sheena's direction, instantly regretting allowing this to continue for just a moment. She should have forced Christian to handle this if he was to be the one they told the Elders had turned the child to begin with. Sheena was much to young, and still adjusting to being a Lycan herself. Esme didn't know if she was ready to add on adoptive-parent to that list...

Swallowing hard, she relaxed slightly as the last of Caroline's shift finished and without saying a word, turned to her med-pack and redied the gun with the sedatives should it be needed. She locked eyes with the new wolf for a moment before standing up straight, going into Alpha mode. It was starting to come a little too easy now...

"I know you can hear me...and I know even though you don't understand how just yet, I know you can still understand name is Esme Danvers. I am female Alpha to this Lycan pack. A Pack which you are now a part of..." she paced slightly, keeping her eyes on Caroline, ignoring her growls. "This, is my cousin Sheena," she motioned to her. "-the woman who saved your life. I know, that you can remember the attack now, as a wolf, you'll start to remember things you may have tried to forget before you...don't fight it, let it in..."

"We're not here to hurt you. we want to help...this new life of yours, it's a blessing if you let it be...or it can be a curse should you chose to fight it..."

"The sooner you accept this all, the sooner we can unchain you...fight it, or anyone of us off, and I will kill you myself." She hated that last part, but knew it had to be said. Who was in charge had to be established in the begining otherwise they'd be dealing with sass, and rebelion. Caroline was still a child firstmost, andwould no doubt act that way. She needed to know even as a wolf, who she'd have to answer to, should she step out of line at all. Much like a child when they go to school, you had your teachers, then the principle...that's basically what Esme would be.

She looks as Sheena and passes her the gun. "She's all yours, I got my point across, I think..." she reached out and gave her cousin's shoulder a squeeze. "Use it if you have to, but I think if you shift, she might relax a bit more..."

Caroline continued to growl, her ears flattening as she bared her teeth at Esme, trying to block out what the woman was telling her. Esme continued to talk, assuring her that they wouldn't hurt her, then, a minute later, that she would kill her if she had to, and Caroline's heart continues to pound wildly. She hears what the woman is saying, but she cannot understand. Alpha...Lycan...the other girl, Sheena, had said those words before. She's a wolf...a werewolf? How is this possible? How can she have any of this happen to her?

Sheena listens to Esme, her face pale and strained as the other girl calmly speaks with Caroline. Caroline doesn't seem to be calming down at her words, but when Esme hands her the gun, Sheena stares at it as if it were something she barely recognized, her grip loose. She feels unclean just holding it. She cannot imagine a circumstance where she could bring herself to shoot the child right now.

She puts the gun behind her back as she steps towards Caroline, reaching to pet her with her other hand. Caroline growls, then whimpers, flattening herself to the floor, and Sheena's heart twists with sympathy for her as she continues to stroke her regardless.

"I'm going to shift, okay? I'm going to shift and join you...I won't hurt you. No one wants to hurt you. Esme, she just means...we can't let you hurt other people either. Okay?"

She continues to talk to her for a few moments, not paying attention to the words, just trying to get her to calm by her tone. Gradually Caroline's raised fur flattens, and her growls become only whimpers as she closes her lips back over her mouth. Seeing that she might be listening now, Sheena shifts into her Lycan form, the movement much smoother and shorter than Caroline's had been. She approaches her slowly, nuzzling her head into her as Caroline stiffens, eyes wide as she regards her.

"Yeah, see, I can do it a lot faster than you did and I haven't been doing it long," Sheena assured her. She shifted back into her human form, then, a few minutes later then back to her animal form. "See? Doesn't take me very long anymore. Still hurts, and I take longer than everyone else, but it's not anywhere near like with you. It gets better, I promise."

When Caroline finally speaks into Sheena's head, her voice is choked with tears, though in Lycan form she cannot cry. "How are you talking to me when you're a wolf? I hear you in my's scary."

"That's what we can do," Sheena told her softly, remaining close, but not trying to touch her again. "See...we can talk to each other like that if we want. You'll always be able to talk to me because I sired you. That's what it's called when you make someone a Lycan. I wasn't supposed to do that to you, and I'm sorry...I just, I wanted to save you. You remember me saving you?"

Caroline nodded very slightly, still flattened to the ground, but she is looking up at her now.

"Yeah...there are rules about that, I should have...but don't worry about that. Do you still hurt?"

When Caroline shook her head, Sheena inched closer. "There are rules you have to follow make sure you're safe, and all of us. You're gonna be hungry...are you hungry?" When Caroline nodded again, Sheena added, "It might be really hard for you not to try to get food right away for a while when you're hungry in your Lycan form. So we have to make sure you can't just run around hurting those guys hurt you. So we have to keep you here a while. But not for forever. I don't wanna hurt me, right?"


"Good," Sheena said with some relief, grateful for this; maybe Riddian had been wrong after all. She hoped so. "Still, we'll stay here a while."

"I...I'm gonna want to eat people?" Caroline asked in a small voice, edging towards panic. "I don't want to be this...can't I just...stop?"

Sheena sighed, then edged closer, close enough to nuzzle her lightly again. She was glad when Caroline allowed it. "Sorry...but're one of us now. It wont' be that bad...I know you're gonna miss your mom or dad, or, like, whoever you were around, but..."

"I don' I won't," Caroline said softly, and that was all she would say about it. Sheena didn't press; she knew what it was to have a complicated and painful past, and the girl had been through enough already without her dredging up more.

The night passed mostly in silence from then on. Sheena kept her company, at one point bringing her what her body needed to eat to keep up energy, and Caroline, though wanting to get out of the chains, was obedient and docile, tired. She even spent some of the time in her Lycan form sleeping, convincing Sheena further that maybe, just maybe, this one would be okay. Maybe they could still make this all right. Granted, Caroline hadn't been around a human while in her Lycan form, or even been unchained, but...maybe there was a chance.

When the morning came and Caroline shifted back into her human form, it didn't take quite as long as it had for her to shift the first time, but it was still very painful, leaving her trembling and crying convulsively as she finally returned to her human body. Trying to curl up so she was not quite so rawly visible, she said to Sheena through gasps, "I hate this....I hate being Lycan. It hurts...why does it have to hurt like that?"

Sheena did what she could to calm her, again petting her hair and patting her, but when she tried to stand to find Esme, Caroline grabbed her, panicked. "Don't leave me don't leave me!"

"I have to get the key for you...and I have to ask her if it's have to let me go to do that," Sheena tried to explain, but Caroline wouldn't let her go. Instead, she had to call up to her. "Esme...Esme! She's shifted back!"
*Come morning Christian is up early today he has to have his talks with the two new members of the pack and explain their place in it, Patrick won't take as long as Caroline will so he's not a rush to get to. He heads down to the basement to the room Caroline and Sheena are still in, carrying a bag of clothes that he sent for the night before he and Rika went to bed. He knocks on the door before entering, all lycan's lose their clothes when they shift and most don't care about the lack of clothes when they return back to human but this was a little girl who was probably fearful as it is, so seeing her naked by a strange man would probably scare her to death.* Sheena I want you to dress her and then bring her to me in the forest.*Planting the location in her mind so she won't get lost* He leaves and goes on his way to leave her and Caroline to get ready.*

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(Christian and Caroline)
Sheena had been wondering about the issue of clothes. She herself almost always traveled with extras, but though she was thin, she was a full foot taller than Caroline and knew nothing she owned would fit her. She had already dressed, once resuming her human form with the girl in the morning, but as far as she knew they had nothing Caroline could wear. It was possible that something of Rikarah's would do until they could get her clothing of her own, as she was probably the next smallest of the pack, but Sheena was hardly about to ask the woman for a favor like that, and how would she get Caroline to let her leave long enough to allow it?

When Christian knocks Sheena pulls away, thinking that it must be Esme coming to help her again, but when she hears Christian's voice and realizes he has clothes for Caroline, she is still pleased. Going to retrieve them, she brings them back to her, showing her, and then realizes that there has been a key left outside the door for the shackles as well.

"Oh good...look Caroline, I can let you out now, and I have clothes too. You can pick what you want, I won't look if you don't want me too, all right?"

"Don't leave me!" Caroline repeats, and so Sheena stayed close to her as she releases Caroline from the shackles, watching guiltily as she rubs her wrists and ankles and as the girl slowly picked through the clothing and selected an outfit. She is still shaking badly, so Sheena has to help her dress, feeling awkward and strange about it, though Caroline doesn't seem to resent the help. When the girl is dressed, Sheena helps her stand, not surprised when Caroline instantly clings to her arm.

"We've got somewhere to go now, okay? I'll go with you, but we gotta go somewhere and talk with Christian. He's...kind of like the main guy, our leader...and he's probably gonna yell at me," Sheena muttered to herself more than to Caroline. It took some persuasion on her part, but she finally managed to get the girl to very slowly emerge from the basement with her and to let her walk her out of the manor and towards the spot that Christian had insisted upon. It was slow going, with Caroline still pressed against her side and considerably slowing her down, and Sheena too was nervous as she finally came up behind Christian.

"You wanted to see us?"
Andrea looked at Patrick when he spoke to her, once he finished speaking, she managed a small smile for him, "I'm Andrea Smith." she said, though she didn't give out much of her background, she knew that some lycans didn't care for those that were turned, and she didn't feel like telling much of her past. She watched Jason, staying in her room long enough to be sure that he wasn't going to do anything to Patrick, the way she saw it was that she did try to save him, she wasn't about to let him get hurt again, even if it meant standing up to those in her pack as she had shown before.

After a while Jason finally left her room and she sighed some and walked over to her dresser, grabbing her brush, "Anyway, I'm going to be right down the hall, if you need anything don't hesitate to shout." she said, she wanted to shift and go for a run, but she had the feeling that she should stay there, with Sheena taking care of Caroline, and everyone else doing what they are doing, she wanted to be sure that Patrick would be watched out for since he was injured.

She walked to a different room and brushed out her damp hair, though she didn't get much sleep that night, she was a bit more worried about making sure that he was alright through the night, and being at that point where she was tired because of everything that happened, but she didn't want to sleep because it was a full moon. In the morning Andrea was up and making breakfast not long after Christian got up. She put the food out so that those that wanted some could eat, then she took a plate to Patrick, that way he could eat, unless he didn't want to.

*Christian turned and smiled at Sheena* Thankyou for bringing her, now if you don't mind I'd like to talk to the child by herself. *He walks through the trees to the side of a cliff over looking the entire area, expecting Caroline to follow him, when he reaches the edge of the cliff he turns and instantly shifts into his wolf form, his massive paws sinking deep into the ground, the swish of his tail creating a breeze.* Come to me Caroline, there is nothing to be afraid of, I will not harm you but we must talk. *Christian trying his best to not seem scary to Caroline, in hindsight shifting into a giant wolf may not have been his best plan but he has to make it work.*
Sheena is reluctant to leave Caroline, especially because the girl instantly tightens her grip on her the minute Christian asks Sheena to leave, mutely demanding that she not let go of her. Sheena tries to smile down at her as she talks to her, attempting to remove her arm gently from her grasp.

"Uh, Caro? It's okay. He just wants to talk to you."

"Don't go," she whispered with some urgency, refusing to look in Christian's direction as she pressed closer against Sheena, and Sheena's lips thinned with her guilt as she pried her away.

"Christian...I can, like, stick around sorta close, can't I? To take her back when you're done? Or not?"

Caroline is keeping her distance from Christian, though not yet darting back to Sheena, her face stricken with her anxiety at her knowledge that she is going to be left with him. She doesn't protest further, remaining quiet, but it's obvious this is frightening to her.
*Christian looks up at Sheena and nods his head towards her then turns facing out over the edge and waits for Caroline to join him, trying his best to be patient with the small child, he knows this is a difficult to adjust to but she has to embrace this life because she can never return to her old life, it would be her, the pack and anyone she knew before in her old life in danger. This life is hers to embrace but most of all she has to understand that Christian is now her protector.* Caroline please child there is important matters to talk about.
"Come on, Caro, he's more likely to yell at me and toss me off the cliff then you," Sheena tried to be playful with the girl, but seeing Caroline's stricken look, realizes that this sort of humor right now isn't the way to go. Sighing, she pats her shoulder awkwardly. "I'm kidding. He's not gonna hurt you."

"That girl said last night-"

"She said if you hurt us, and you didn't, right? How are you gonna hurt a big guy like him anyway? Come on, heard him, he said I could wait a little ways from here."

She started to walk away, looking back several times over her shoulder to make sure Caroline wasn't following, though it felt wrong to her to leave her behind when she was obviously so uncomfortable. Caroline watched her, biting her lip, until she couldn't see her anymore, then slowly approached Christian, not looking at him as much as was possible, her shoulders hunched.

"Um...what do you want to...discuss?" she almost whispered.
*Speaking into her mind now* Hello Caroline, we've never been introduced, I'm Christian, I lead this pack, you're now a part of my pack, that means that for now on we are your family, your brothers and sisters, I guess you can consider me your uncle now. Caroline I know this wasn't the life you wanted but it's the life you have now and over the next few weeks you're learn what it is to be one of us, In general we're happy and safe, we look out for each other, no one in my pack wants for anything, you'll have food, clothes a room of your own. I will provide for every need you'll ever have. But there is a price for this. This pack..No I demand loyalty, which means you must obey the rules, starting with the two most important. First of all your life before is over I'm sorry to sound harsh but that's the way it has to be, If you try to go back to your old life you'll be putting yourself and everyone else in danger..You seem like a good kid to me so I'm sure the last thing you want is to put anyone in danger.

*He looks down at her to see if she's following all of this.* Second thing Caroline, if anyone ever ask you how you became one of us, you must always tell them that it was I that made you into a lycan, never tell anyone that it was Sheena, it was forbidden for her to do so, the truth is I was suppose to punish Sheena for doing that and destroy you. But I couldn't do that, she was doing what she thought was right and I have to believe I would have done the same thing. Second you were an innocent about to be robbed of your life. Sheena couldn't allow that and that is why I can't punish her.

These are not the old days like Riddian and I lived in, there is no need for absolutes in my world, I decide what laws my pack lives by and if Sheena felt saving you was just then I will stand by her. *As the wind kicks up Christian can feel the chill on his nose, moving his body in front of hers to shield her's from the wind.* Caroline you have so much to live for and so many people that will help you through this.
Not the life she wanted...the life that Caroline had wanted, or thought she wanted, had been the life she had had with Lewis, the man she believed to be her father. Up until yesterday evening that had been exactly what she wanted and hoped to have some day, hoped she could earn for them both. She had never had brothers or sisters, even with her biological parents, and it had never crossed her mind to want them. Lewis, she had thought, was enough for her.

But now that she knew that Lewis wasn't her father, now that she knew her real parents would never feel like her parents she had no other life to return to, even if Sheena had not made her Lycan. She could not miss her parents, as she no longer loved them or felt that she belonged to them, and as much as she still missed Lewis, she knew that she could have never gone back to him either. She had had no future, nowhere to go and no one to be with...and now, as strange and terrible as it seemed, she did with these people. Didn't she?

She is still quiet as she listens to Christian, taking in what he says to her with some difficulty. She couldn't tell that Sheena had turned made no sense to her, but if it would help Sheena, she would try to remember that. Sheena had been nice to her, so Caroline would help her if she could.

"I don't have anywhere to go back to," she said finally, her voice still very soft. "My parents wouldn't want me anymore, even if I wanted"

She stopped, biting her lower lip, and hugged herself rather than finish the sentence, looking down again. "You don't...kill people?"
You're my family Caroline so I won't lie to you, I have killed, I'd like to believe that everyone that I have killed deserved it and was a threat to my pack but that is a lie and as I said I won't lie to you, in the past I've killed many people that didn't deserve to die, I sometimes see their faces when I sleep, I make no excuses for my past but I try to spare my pack including you from that kind of life. I do my best to insure we live in peace. *He turns to her rubbing his head against her arm* You are no longer alone Caroline, we are your family and we want you, we will cherish you and love you. I will shield you from all the harsh things of the world as long as I draw breath. Now you have a decision to make, I will arrange for papers to be made so that you can remain with us without the outside law questioning who you are. The papers will say you're my niece, I'll probably have them say you're from the west coast, I have people in San Diego that we can tie you too..These aren't details you need worry about but when you get the papers you will need to memorize them. I'll arrange for someone to teach you, because you need an education, that is one of the important reasons we survive so well. Once you're ready we'll enroll you into school.
Caroline's eyes grow wide as Christian explains to her about his having killed, and she hugs herself more tightly, trying not to think about the large wolf in front of her, tearing into someone the same way that someone had hurt her. She rubs her hands over her sides unconsciously and shivers, thinning her lips and looking away. When Christian nudges her with his head she gasps, but then slowly relaxes. Even if he's done scary, awful things, he's being nice to her now...would they really take care of her? Would they really love her?

Caroline doesn't think anyone's ever loved her, other than Lewis...and he had lied to her. Well, her parents had said they loved her too, and she guessed now they must have, but after four years with Lewis, it was so hard to feel and believe that to be true.

She is so busy thinking of this that the comment about school doesn't register for some time, but when it does, she looks up, concerned. "School? I don't go to school. I haven't gone since I was a little kid. I don't need too. My dad- I mean...he..." she looks down, her voice dropping to a mutter. "I read and stuff...he said schools don't teach you anything you can't learn on your own. He said I was smart enough I didn't need it...does Sheena go to school?"

(lol I can't see Sheena in school at all)
*Christian nudges her* School is important not only to keep up appearances but it's something you need to survive, it's important that you learn as much about the world since you will be living in it for a long time, far longer than any mere human, if you're smart you can live centuries like I have..Caroline I'm 613 years old, I didn't get this old by not learning how the world is. Besides once you're in school as long as you're careful you can have friends. Don't you want friends Caroline wouldn't you like to have girls your own age. I promise you that is something you can have if you're smart and live by the rules that protect all of us.
"613?!" Caroline stares at him, wide-eyed, forgetting some of her fear as she turns more fully towards him, blinking. "That's OLD!"

She is oblivious to the fact that her incredulity might be insulting to some as she continues to gawk at him. "I'm not going to school for that long, I'd know everything there ever was to know if I had to that long! I'm not living that I?"

The thought is strange, scary, but somewhat intriguing to her as she considers it. And then there was the other factor....friends. Caroline hasn't had friends since she was eight years old...she hasn't had the opportunity to, not having been in school. Those kids on the streets, the older ones who had been mean to her and made her do things for them, hadn't really been her friends, even though she hoped they would be. She isn't sure she knows how to make friends anymore, or what it would be like.

"I don't know," she mutters, but she's not really protesting the idea.
{Jason said what he needed to say, it's not that he didn't want to make Patrick feel welcome but he takes the security of everyone especially Christian very seriously, the slightest mis-judgement in character could bring an assassin into the mansion, it's his job to vet anyone that comes near either Alpha, normally he would have had time to do this before Patrick was allowed into the mansion but things escalated before that could happen. Jason leaves because he was done talking, the pup Andrea telling him to leave almost made him laugh out loud, there is a wolf that needs to know her place but she's Esme's problem not his unless she tries to stop him from doing his job again then she'll be dealt with.

Walking pass Ridden and giving him a polite nod as they meet eyes, he continues back to his room, laying in bed for about an hour thinking about everything that happened but his mind keeps going back to Esme, would it really be a crime for him to tell her how much he cares about her, it's not completely unheard of an female Alpha taking a male Beta as a mate plus in Jason's mind he's a strong as an Alpha ok maybe not Christian's class but he's up there of course he has no desire to be the Alpha of the pack there is just to many headaches to count with that position, still if he was one he could just go to Esme. He rolls onto his side and shutting his eyes trying to push thoughts of her out of his mind} I should stop fooling myself, no one could love someone called Reaper, I know my place and it's not with her, it will never be with her.
Slipping silently through the hallway, Esme didn't great her cousin calling back to her through the sound proof doors to the basement, and confined on through the kitchen, pausing to fish out a bottle of beer from one of the fridges before heading back upstairs to her bedroom. She was stopped a few times along the way by different members of the Pack, all with questions about the newest 'family' member. She dodged the question of her sire with those who didn't know and got tired quickly of assuring everyone that the situation had been dealt with and was under control. It felt like forever before she was back in the privacy of her own room.

She had tried to check on Patrick, but had found him fast asleep in Andrea's bed, and couldn't bring herself to wake him. She had heard about his day, pleasantly surprised to find out that Christian had accepted him. Esme knew the Pack would be good for a lone wolf like Patrick. At least hers would...

One of the walls of her bedroom touched Jason's, and she could hear him moving about as she stripped out of the days clothes. Her body burned for the change, the pull from the night's full moon, still overly strong, but Esme didn't think she was up for it. Instead, she found herself staring at the wall as she slipped into a pair of loose fitting sweats and a tight black tank top, smoothing her hands down her sides. She couldn't help but wonder what had been wrong with her friend earlier. Jason had seemed so formal, so.short. It wasn't like him, and it was bothering her something fierce.

Tossing herself onto her bed, she tried to focus on the sounds of the other members of her Pack, some returning from that night's run. She envied them, and rolled around over the covers, fighting the urge to sleep as a wolf that night. Despite this, she could still hear Jason, so sitting up, she pressed her ear against the wall and tapped a finger against it. Nothing. Sighing sadly, she slipped under her blanket and closed her eyes, forcing herself to try and sleep.

The next morning, she took hey time getting out of bed, not even wanting to leave her room. Once again, neither parent answered their phones when she tried calling for their daily check in. This wasn't the first time this had happened, it didn't bother her too much, what with the time difference and all. Esme just knew she'd feel better if she heard her mother's voice. Staying in her pajamas, she finally wandered into the hallway and looked around. Jason's door was closed, but Andrea's wasn't. Jamming her dark hair into a ponytail, Esme wandered over, and tapped on the doorway gently, smiling when she saw that Patrick was up, and sitting up in. the bed, looking refreshed.

"Hey there...heard you had an interesting day. I'm sorry I couldn't check on you sooner..." she winced softly, still sensing the silver in him. She could only imagine what he had gone through. And on his first day in. town too...shaking her head, she tugged on her shirt, suddenly aware of how it clung to her curves, and blushed slightly, chewing on the inside of her cheek. "-but there were....complications that I had til see are you? Feeling I mean..."
Patrick looked at Esme when she asked how he was. He felt like he was completely rejuvenated and strong. He cracked his neck and took a deep breath and smiled at her. "I feel amazing. I can hardly feel he silver anymore and should be back to a hundred percent in no time." He stood up and wobbled a bit, his legs still asleep. He took off his shirt to look t Andreas handy work. Gently prodding his side he found that his wounds had completely healed altogether. Patrick slowly walked over to Esme. "I guess I became part of the pack a bit sooner than we thought, eh?" Then he noticed that a plate of food was in the room. Sitting back down, Patrick began to eat. "Your friend came in here last night. He seemed to be a pleasent sort. All cheery and such. That Jason." Pateick looked at Esme with a smile. "I kinda like him. How are you feeling though?"
{Back on the clock Jason rushes through the halls because Christian again gave him the slip left without him, the thought of putting a bell around Christian's neck makes him grin. it's just bad luck that Andrea's room has to be passed to get to the stair leading downstairs, intent on leaving but he catches Esme's scent coming from the room, having the worst timing in the world as he sees Esme, adjusting her curve hugging shirt and Patrick standing in front of her shirtless. He only stops for a moment so seeing the full picture of what was happening in the room was impossible. Still he couldn't help himself, his canines extend and he lets out a loud growl then rushes away, making it to the stairs he just jumps over the railing down to the floor and continues to run.

He knows what she does is none of his business but he can't help but think about it, it's distracting to him and he forgets his training, he was suppose to move downwind from Christian when shadowing him it makes it almost impossible for someone to sense him but today he found himself with the wind at his back as he takes position to protect Christian's back. Jason's mind is a scramble until he sees Christian with Caroline and the protective gentle behavior he has with her. Christian was probably doing everything in his power to assure this child that her life has changed for the better, Jason is having a hard time believing that right now, to him life sucks and the sooner he's done with it the better. However he's not allowed to take his own life, the only way can die is while protecting Christian, so he has no choice but to endure, nothing to live for except an honorable death protecting his Alpha.}

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