*Christian shrug his shoulders* Invaders seem to be the source of all my headaches today, not only did that dare step foot in my territory they hunted a human. A goddamn child! *slamming his fist into the wall almost bringing it down. The death I gave them was too good for them I should have played with them like they did this child! *The scent of Patrick suddenly hits him.* What the hell is he doing here! Come with me Riddian we have another guest that wasn't expected. *Making his way through the halls to Andrea's room and barges in, prepared to rip Patrick's head clean off for disobeying him but the sight of his wounds being tended stops him cold.* What happened to him? Was he attacked by the invading mutts too?
It had been Rikarah's intention to head straight out the front door and away from all the chaos inside the manor, away from Christian in particular. She can't stand to even look at him right now, to hear his voice, let alone to even pretend she has any intention of meekly obeying him as he apparently expects. But she has barely reached the foyer before a man she realizes, after a few moments, to be the homeless man from Blue Moon staggers in past her, calling for Esme. Shortly after this Riddian, then Jason brushes past her as well, and she remains still, second guessing her first instinct to flee. The appearance of the homeless man is enough to arouse reluctant curiosity, and Riddian...well she certainly wants to see what he will think about this, and so after a moment she returns to stand at the edge of the hallway, not helping, simply watching with both hands on her hips.

Inside her bedroom with Caroline, Sheena can hear voices outside in the hallway and recognizes Riddian's. Riddian...she knew this wouldn't go over well with him either...and IZZY! What would IZZY say about this...all very good points, points that of course, had not been considerations in the impulse of the moment.

Looking down at Caroline, she squeezes her hand, biting her lower lip as the girl continued to cry, her hand squeezing Sheena's back hard as she writhed back and forth on the bed, her breath coming in ragged tears now. This too Sheena had not considered, and she swallows hard, wishing that someone would come in with her, help her, and not yell at the same time.

"It will be okay...Caroline? You'll be okay!"

The girl doesn't seem to hear, or perhaps simply doesn't believe her...Sheena guesses she couldn't blame her.
Andrea was finished tending Patrick's wounds when Christian threw her door open, causing her to jump, she stood up quickly and turned to look at him, her golden brown eyes were blazing with anger for once. "You had better be glad that I was finished stitching him or I might have ripped all of them out right then and had to start over." she said, she suddenly found herself not caring that he was an alpha, he barged into her room, which was the one place she had to be alone when she really needed it.

She closed her eyes and sighed, then rubbed her forehead, leaving a streak of blood behind, "I doubt lycans did this unless they started using guns and, judging by the fact that the wounds aren't healing, silver. My guess would be the possibility of hunters, which means they know what we are since they are using silver, and we are all in danger." she said, then she looked at them, "Of course, I could always be wrong, he hasn't said anything so this is just a guess going by the nature of his wounds." she said.

"Any other questions you'll have to ask him, if he feels like talking. He really needs rest, so the quicker you ask your questions and let him get to resting the better." she said, she needed to clean up the vomit, and she also really needed a shower, but she wasn't going to leave the man alone with Christian and Riddian, especially with how angry they were. Though she wasn't sure if Christian was angry at her for letting the strange man in the manor, or at the man for coming there. Of course it could always be both, but she wasn't planning to chance letting Christian hurt the man, or kill him, after she just went through the trouble of trying to save him.

She realized that it probably wasn't a good idea to speak out to an alpha like that, but she was remembering what her mother had always told her, that if you are going to help someone, you might as well make sure that they make it through what's going on until they can be on their own two feet again. She clenched her hands into fists as she watched them, waiting to see what they would do.

((JUST A HEADS UP: I'm changing Esme's look, been reading all my old rp notes and story with her and I really should keep her looking how she was originally written up. So back to dark hair I go. I'll post again once Jirro does. Going back and changing my posts so it fits the new avatar))

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{Jason moves back towards the door, feeling like he's intruding on her.} I'm sorry I just thought {looking away from her} I just thought I could help, I'm sorry for disturbing you. {Why is he acting so weak in front of her, he's a brutal killer so why should he sound so unsure of himself in front of her? Grinding his teeth he turns and reaches for the door handle but stops and turns back to look at her.} You should go back to smiling, I like it around here more when I see you smiling, it makes things seem less dark, including me. {Jason has no clue that Riddan (did I spell that right) had entered the mansion, he let concern for Esme distract him from noticing him. A lapse in concentration that he would have punished anyone else for.}

(I got maybe 45 minutes before work)
"No wait..." without really meaning to, Esme reaches out, her eyes wide and grabs a hold of Jason's arm. "Please don't-" she almost says 'go' and this surprises her. Shaking her head, she lets go of him, sinking down ontop of the desk, resting her hands flat against the top of it. "Can you just...keep that door closed...please...just for a few more minutes? I need...I mean, I can't..." She sighs and points up to her eyes.

"I can't be around all of that blood...not understand right?" She's sure that Chris has filled him in on her past, her father and his bloodline. Someone in the Manor had to be smart enough to realize what bringing a bloody human inside could possibly lead to.

"Distract me..."

{Jason looks down where she grabbed him, he's no monk or anything but he doesn't really have contact with females of course he likes them but they are usually more trouble then they are worth but again this girl was different, could it just be her status in the pack? Alphas have an uncanny charisma about them or could it be what it's always been that he's felt an attraction to this woman since the day they met that he tries to bury deep down inside him.} You must learn to overcome this feeling, it makes you look weak in front of the pack, how are they to trust you when you can't trust yourself. I know it's in your bloodline to frenzy but you are stronger then that. {Looking around the office for something to distract her with and sees nothing other than the window and the moon almost full breaking through the clouds} I don't know how to distract you, I'm sorry for someone that is known for thinking on my feet, I don't seem to have much focus tonight, I guess you're distracting me if I'm to be honest with myself.
Staring at him, she sighs and runs both hands through her dark hair, pushing it away from her face as she watches him, reading how he had reacted to her touch. Her nostrils twitch and she follows his gaze to the window. Her body is practically screaming for the Change, but she can't risk it now, knowing her Wolf in this state, she could wander in to town, or worse, track whatever humans had been in their woods earlier. She had heard Christian mention something about hunters. Shaking this off, she looks away, her red eyes slowly returning back to blue and swallows hard.

"I'm not weak...I...I've never let anyone see me like this..." she pauses then shrugs. "Well, I guess except for you now...but you can't tell anyone! Not even Christian..." her eyes narrow slightly. "I'm supposed to be in here calling the Council...not...this..." Esme lets out another sigh and then finally smiles. "And I'm sorry...if I'm distracting you from your just...surprised me when you caught up with me like that...and I guess..." Looking him over, she blushed slightly. It was the pull from the full moon. It had to be. Granted she had always been attracted to Jason, plenty of the girls were. But then she had been drawn to Conner, and again earlier today with that new wolf Patrick. But Jason, he had watched over her for years, she knew he had, Chris was always keeping an eye on her even when she didn't want it. "I guess I needed it..." She bit down on her lower lip and then shrugged again. "But don't let me hold you back from anything...if you have to leave I understand..." She looked behind her at the phone. "I need to...make these calls, then get ready for the run, figure out how to clean up my cousin's...mess..."
{Stepping closer the temptation to reach out and touch her face is making his heart pound but he resist the urge, she's an Alpha and he's barely a Beta, just the muscle a weapon to be fired at the enemies of the pack. Esme would make him happy and after all the death he's dealt he doesn't deserve to be happy that's what he has to keep telling himself, she is above him and he needs to remember his station, despite being both pure-bloods she is beyond him. It's unfair he didn't choose this life it was forced on him, Christian is a good master and treated him as family all the time they've been together but no one would approve of him and Esme, not that she even would consider it herself. Lowering his head he backs away towards the door again.} Forgive my intrusion, I'll leave you to your call, Good Night Mistress. {Not waiting for a response he rushes through the door and shuts it behind him, walking down the halls back towards his room dragging his claws against the walls scarring them.} No your place Jason, that's exactly what Christian would say to me. Know your damn place!
*Any other time Christian would have ripped this pup a new one for talking to him like this but the child was right..Almost Christian and his enforcers also use guns with silver nitrate bullets, it's easier to explain a gun fight then it is to explain why there are massive wolves doing combat in the streets. He turns to Riddian in disbelief* You see what I'm dealing with here. I just wanted to lay in bed and read and the whole damn world is against me tonight! Patrick..PATRICK! WAKE THE HELL UP! What happened to you? And I better like your answers because since you've rolled into town, I have invading wolves on my lands and from the looks of it hunters. Did they follow you here to the manor I need to know what's coming so talk!
Patrick Looked up at Christian when he barged into the room and started yelling at him. He felt too weak to be scared though. After the girl finished telling Christian what she knew, Patrick cleared his throat to announce that he was awake. "A hunter jumped me. I was going into the woods for the shift tonight but a hunter was waiting in a tree. I was too reckless and too incoherent to smell the area before I Changed. Thats when he shot me. I don't remember much after that. Just coming to a mansion and collapsing at the door." Patrick looked past him and saw the old man from the diner earlier in the morning. Patrick began to feel very hot and uncomfortable. He could feel the moon reaching its peak, feel it in his body, in his bones. His heart began to pound at a fast pace, like a march beginning to speed up in tempo. Patrick began to shiver violently, feeling the Moons power mix in with the effects of the silver in him. "Am I going to die here? For coming without your consent?"
Before she can get another word in, he's gone. The door is open just a crack and she stills, waiting for the scent of human blood to hit her again, but it doesn't. The girl must be turning now, the Lycan blood now overpowering her old DNA. Good, the sooner the girl was one of them the better. Taking in a deep breath, Esme stares at the spot where jason had been only moments before and shakes her head, almost sadly. His 'mistress' comment had thrown her off a bit, she couldn't remember the last time he had been so formal with her. It angered her for a moment, and she made note to bring it up the next time her crossed her path. She had considered him to be a friend, an equal at that. He had saved her neck on several occasions and she trusted him with everything above most.

Taking in another deep breath, she willed herself to find the control she needed as she made her way back down the hallway, the phone calls she needed to make long forgotten. The Council could wait, and if they stuck to Christian's cover story then they didn't really need all of the answers just yet anyways. The Manor had gone quiet for the most part, and as she headed back towards her cousin's room, she was surprised when she caught Patrick's scent, mixed with blood...what was with today and blood?

Feeling torn, she looked in the direction of Andrea's bedroom where the scent was coming from, but when she heard her Uncle and Christian's voices, she knew the two had things under control and silently prayed that the new wolf was alright. She couldn't continue to abandon her cousin, she knew Sheena was probably scared and confused with everything that had happened and even though Esme wasn't all that thrilled with what she had done, she knew Sheena had only meant well in the end.

Holding her breath, she pushed her cousin's door open, greeted by Sheena's frantic look as she rushed about the room, and the girl laying on the bed, her crys for help turning into wails. She eyed the thrashing form for a moment before calmly going over, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down..." she muttered softly to Caroline, and moved her hand along the back of her neck until she found the pressure point there. "Sorry...easiest way to get you through this..." She pressed in and squeezed, and Caroline fell queit. In a moment, Esme could hear her breathing return to normal, her heartbeat slowing, still faster though then a humans.

"Don't freak...I didn't kill her..." she quickly assures her cousin. "But we're going to have to move her soon and it'll be easier to chain her up when she's out cold then awake..." she trailed off, looking her couisn over. She looked so much like her mother, it spooked her some times. "Are are you?"

((LOL! Wolfblock, that's a good one :P ))
Don't be stupid you're not going to die here, the pup tended your wounds extremely well and I have no intention of killing you. *He looks at Riddian again before stepping towards Patrick* The change will however do more harm then good for you right now. I can influence you to not change, as an Alpha I can command you to not shift but you have to be a member of my pack, you have to surrender your will to my own. The choice is yours I could be wrong about your wounds and shifting could kill you, rushing the remaining silver still in your blood to your heart. So Patrick do you wish to die or do you wish to live and have a family, a place to live, food to eat, and someone that will fight for you? It is within my power to give you all of that all I as is for you to surrender to me and you will no longer be a stray..I'll even give you a position as one of my enforcers and we will cleanse or territory of those invading wolves and hunters. Decide and decide soon.
( xD I am surprised Andrea didn't at least get fussed at for what she said.)

Andrea kept her mouth shut for now was she listened to the exchange, she was frowning as she watched them and listened to the yelling. She really just wanted to go for a run and enjoy the rest of the night, but as Patrick, since that seemed to be his name, confirmed her suspicion that there were hunters in the area she bit her lip, knowing that no one would be safe going for a run for a while, even if they were together depending on how many there were.

She listened at what could have passed for a compliment about how well she took care of Patrick's wounds and though she didn't smile she couldn't help being a little proud of herself because of how long it had been since she did any sort of learning about doctoring people. She looked at Patrick as Christian made his offer and wondered what he would choose to do.

Patrick looked at Christian with hope in his eyes. Without missing a heartbeat, "I surrender myself to you. I wish to be apart of the pack. I would like to have a family. A place I could call home. If I were to die, it wouldn't be tonight." Patrick felt like this could be his chance to redeem himself once again. He could be in the pack and he could earn the trust of the others and be accepted by everyone. Or at least he hoped. His vision began to turn into a dark crimson color. "Please do not take long. I can feel the change beginning." His muscles began to tense and he could feel his mental hold slipping. It wouldn't be long now before he would die.
*Christian's shifted and the claws on his hands extended, he opened the palm of his hand and scratched it causing it to bleed, then doing the same to Patrick's chest making a small cut, pressing his hand to the wound letting the blood mingle* As long as my blood flows through you, you are my kin, a member of my family and granted all rights that my family receive under my rule, bound to me you swear your loyalty to not only me but to everyone in the pack, there is no longer you there is only the pack, bigger and greater as long as we stand together. Swear on the blood of your Alpha and let my blood heal your wounds.

(The only think the blood did was help with his healing, the bond has to be something they both agree to, it's is only as strong as their will to keep it strong.)
Patrick locked eyes with Christian as he lets the blood mingle with his own. "I swear on the blood of my Alpha." Patrick felt the bond take hold of him as he finished his pledged himself to Christian. He didn't feel so sick and aching as he did before, Instead, he suddenly felt tired. "Thank you Christian. I will not let you down. And if I do, strike me down leaving me with my dignity intact." Patrick smiled as he spoke, thanking Christian for what he had done for him. Darkness crept over him and actual sleep took him away from the world of Lycans and Hunters. All that mattered was that Christian had saved him and he now owed him his life.

(The change stops too, right?)
Andrea watched the exchange of blood, she allowed herself a sigh as at least this part of everything seemed to be over, she slowly looked at Christian, she knew that she had been out of line before, and she wondered if she would be in trouble now that some of the trouble was settled. She tilted her head and just watched and waited, she seemed calm, even her heart beat seemed to be slow, though her mind was running at a mile a minute. She couldn't believe she had said those things, or even stood up to them in the first place, especially for someone that she didn't know.

(sorry so short)

*Christian stood up and turned to Andrea, patting her on the head and smiling down at her.* I apologize for this but you may want to used one of the guest rooms for tonight, I will see to it that Patrick is relocated to his own room in the morning. You did well tonight Pu..Andrea. You did well, now excuse me Riddian and I have much to discuss, if you need anything else don't be afraid to speak up. *Stepping away from her towards the door and leaves. His office is on the opposite side of Esme, it makes since so that if the Manor was hit there was less chance both Alphas would be killed in a single strike, looking over his shoulder to see if Riddian, his oldest friend and advisor was still with him.*
As Esme observed, Sheena had been edging close to panic as she tried without much success to keep herself calm for Caroline, to soothe Caroline in her terror. Her own increasing agitation had done nothing to help the girl, and so when Esme came in and took over, simply allowing Caroline to become unconscious, Sheena's shoulders sagged, and her hands moved to cover her mouth with a mix of relief and continued strain as she blinked, staring at the now inert child with wide eyes. She knows that Esme didn't kill her or harm her permanently, but still, seeing Caroline not moving after all that thrashing has shaken her. She can't stop thinking that she does look dead.

"I didn't...I didn't know everyone would be so mad," she almost whispered, and her voice is taking on a higher pitch than usual as she continues to stare at Caroline, not yet moving away. "I just wanted to help her. I didn't remember how bad it hurt...I think it's hurting her worse than it did me...Esme, what if she dies? Is Christian going to kick me out? Oh god..." she can't think of what to do, and her eyes are glistening with tears that she blinks back as she hesitantly touches Caroline's wrist where she had bitten her. "Rikarah's going to if he doesn't..."

Rikarah, observing the exchange between Patrick and Christian, and all too aware of how Christian has not so much as glanced in her direction, let alone acknowledged her, eventually leaves the manor entirely with not a word to the others as to her destination. She herself has none in mind; she knows only that if she remains in the manor any longer, her rage with Christian, Sheena, and the situation will move past her ability to control herself. As it is, it's a touch and go situation.
"It's not that're just new and...well, I don't think anyone was expecting you Turn anyone so soon...we just weren't prepared..." Esme sighs softly and goes over to her cousin, pulling her into a hug and holds her tightly. "It's a big responsibility cuz....I guess I just worried for you, all in the wrong ways apparently, I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have run off like that..." She doesn't explain why and backs away from Sheena, looking sheepish.

"Look, we're going to have to move her soon...she can't be in a room like this on her first change...she'll destroy everything..." her voice is soft. "do you...will you be able to handle it? Watching her? Taking care of her, tonight and after I mean..."
Sheena is still shaky, literally trembling as Esme pulls away, and she feels the impact of her lack of contact keenly, not having realized until that moment how much she had needed that hug. She knots her hands into fists in an effort to make them stop, then crosses her arms tightly, her head lowered as she nods, somewhat unconvincingly at first, then more firmly.

"Yeah...yeah I'll...I'll take care of her. I said I would, and...she's twelve, she's, that's not a will be okay, right? It will be okay?"

That conviction lasted perhaps two minutes before her breath explodes out in a shuddery exhalation, and her statement makes a 180. "She's only twelve, were you able to turn when you were twelve? Was anyone? Esme, she doesn't even have any boobs yet, is she never gonna be able to grow? Is she never gonna grow up? Is she never gonna get married or...where do we move we really have to chain her up? I wasn't chained up...Esme, I don't want to hurt her more!"
"She's human...well she was...mutts..." Esme pauses and shakes her head. "I mean, those that are turned often have a few first hard times, each change...they can't always control it, it'll come and go for the next few days...and since she's so young...she'll be afraid no's going to take her some time to adjust fully...for all we know, she might not even survive her first'll be painful...her body might not be able to take it...."

Esme doesn't mean to sound heartless but she's not sure how else to explain it.

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