(thanks :) )

Downstairs, Sheena is proceeding through the living room at a hurried pace, but not quite as hurried as Rikarah's. She doesn't want to jostle Caroline, who is still periodically drifting in and out of consciousness, nor does she want to shout, because it might frighten her. Brushing back Serena, she barely glances at her.

"Have you seen Christian? Or Esme?" is all she asks before, without even waiting for an answer, she carries Caroline upstairs and into her own bedroom, laying her out on the bed. Stroking her hair back again, she tells the girl softly, "Look, I'll be right back, okay? I'm gonna get stuff to clean you up. I swear, I'll be right back, you're gonna be okay."

She runs down the hall towards one of the bathrooms, intending to get whatever she can use for the girl for first aid, and yells down the hall as she goes, "If we have bandages and stuff some place I don't know about, I need it now!"

Rikarah, ignoring Sheena's shout, stands in the doorway, partly blocking him from being able to pass, arms tightly crossed over her chest as she continued to glower in Christian's general direction. She jerked her chin back towards where Sheena is hurrying past, her voice still taut with anger towards her.

"That foolish little pup just inserted herself into the middle of an unknown Lycan battle, against my orders, and she has now turned a human child into one of us. She apparently thinks that raising and taking responsibility for a child is no more serious than buying a doll or a goldfish. Since she's a child herself, clearly, it is obvious that the responsibility of an even younger child will end up falling to one of us, and I nominate you for it. I am hardly ready to be a mother. By the way, though we chased them off, the rogue Lycans are still loose and should be dealt with as soon as possible."
Did you or didn't you tell me that you would handle this...Wait I can't do this I can't act like I don't know anything, I know about the attack and I handled the strays..Damnit what's wrong with me there was a time I could lie to any woman with a straight face but with you I can't seem to do it. But I didn't know she turned that little girl, that is not good, what if that girl has a family, they'll be looking for her..Dammit that pup is beginning to annoy me...I need to think about this before I do something..This is still your job Rika, find out who that girl is and if anyone will come looking for her.
After closing up the bar, Esme decides to head back to the manor, blasting her music loud as she goes. She can feel the full moon approaching and her whole body is on edge, her clothes feel heavy, claws itching to be free and tare away at them. Despite this, her conversation with Patrick has left another feeling and she blushes slightly, giving her head a tiny shake as she guides her Jeep up the manor, back on the Pack's property.

Something was wrong though. Sge could smell the blood even before she finished parking in the garage. Growling, her eyes glowing golden she leaves the engine running and races into the house and nearly smacks into Christian's turned back. "What the **** is going on?!"

There's nothing but authority and anger in her voice and she turns, sniffing the air. There's someone in the manor, someone new and uninvited. She looks and glares over in Rika's direction unsure if it's her who is responsible or not. "Someone better fill me in now..."
"Do you think I did not try to tell her as such?" Rikarah's voice rose just a little as she continued to stand in the doorway, the odor of Caroline's blood ever present in her senses, badly distracting. "How am I supposed to "mentor" a girl who doesn't respect the fact that I am CLEARLY wiser than her enough to pause to at least listen to what I have to say before leaping ahead into a foolish action? What was I supposed to do, Christian, grab her by the hair and knock her unconscious to prevent her from doing something that any child should have known was a terrible idea?"

Even more irritated by his declaring that this was her job, not Sheena's, she shook her head, denying this statement. "No, Christian, I agreed as a favor to you that I would watch out for that foolish child, but I cannot keep her from pure stupidity. She should reap the consequences of her own actions. She stood there and said to me she would take responsibility for the child, well, it is time for her to eat her own words then. She should be the one to find the child's family."

She leaves from the doorway before he can grab hold of her, but almost runs into Esme, who in turn almost runs into Christian. Further irritated, with a new audience to speak to now, Rikarah jerks a thumb in the direction of Sheena's bedroom, almost biting off her words.

"That fool of a cousin of yours has turned a human child whose identity is not even known. Go see for yourself."

This is said just as Sheena emerges from the bathroom with her arms laden with towels, bandages, ointment, and rubbing alcohol, and before disappearing into her room she throws a glance over her shoulder to the group in the hallway, completely unconcerned as to their expressions for the moment.

"Anyone know how to give Lycans ever still need stitches? I don't know if it's kicked in yet for her...huh, how do those things work anyway?"

Before anyone can answer she enters her room again, and Rikarah looks between Esme and Macal as if this has proved her point.

"Do not even begin to blame me for this."
Andrea stood in the hallway, watching them and listening, she didn't care for how angry everyone sounded, she knew that what Sheena did was a bad idea, but it was over now. She bit her lip lightly, then sighed and stepped forward. "What's done is done, and there's nothing that can be done about that now. The fact that a little girl was running around in the woods at night makes me think that she doesn't have family, most families wouldn't let their child run around at night, and if she does have family, then they weren't taking very good care of her." she said, she looked at them for a second or two, then she continued. "So, it's done, a member of the pack turned someone, doesn't that make her part of the pack as well? If she doesn't have a family, then she has one now, and it doesn't have to fall to one person to watch out for her, we can all keep an eye on her since that is what families do, and isn't a pack basically a family?" she asked, then she bit her lip, looking a little surprised at herself for speaking up about this, especially to those who were older than her.

Esme opens and shits her mouth a few times, her head feeling as if it were spinning. Taking in a deep breath, she looks up at Chris then to Rika, and then at Andrea when she speaks up. The surprise at the usually quiet wolf calms her for a second, a welcomed distraction for a split second, then it's back to reality.

Sheena had turned someone...a child...not a lover, not someone they knew, but a random stranger, a little girl who had wandered into their territory...what the Hell was the council going to say about this? Was it even allowed, did she need permission first? Swallowing hard, she takes in a few deep breaths to clear her head and hold up one hand. 'Okay, everyone just shut up. Shut up, for two minutes so I can think!" The order is sharp, no bulls*** in her tone and she can see a few others who had come to see what was going on, quickly back away. Pushing past Chris and Rika, she goes over to Sheena' door and banged on it loudly. "Sheena!" She doesn't wait for a reply and burst inside, unable to hold in the snarl as the strong scent of human and blood filled her senses. Her eyes land on the tiny girl in Sheena's bed and she growls softly.

"F***...Sheena....what...what did you do?!" Her eyes widen and red slowly start to mix in with the brown until both her eyes are the color of blood, her pupils dilated "Do you have any idea...who is she?! What the f*** happened?" Esme watches as Sheena moves around the room, focused on cleaning the kid up, tending to her wounds. Her nostrils twitch and she turns to look the girl over. "Don't bother..." her voice is hoarse. "he'll be changing soon, her wounds have already started to heal can hear the change in her heartbeat...and her smell..." she shakes her head and roughly reaches out, grabbing Sheena by her shirt collar and drags her into the hallway, pushing her cousin into the small circle of people that were in wait outside.

"We have a problem...and one that has to be fixed FAST!" she can't even look at her cousin. "We need to figure out who this little girl is, where she came from, who she belongs to, and why she was in our territory to begin with...if he has any family or friends, they may come looking for her...and if..." she turns finally and glares at Sheena, "-if this girl even survives the turning, she's going to have questions...and she will try to leave her...she's a kid, kids talk..." She shakes her head. "I can't believe you would do something like this..." This was directed at her cousin.

Turning to those around her she growls loudly. "What are you all f****** waiting for? GO! Find this s*** out! NOW!" A few run off in various directions until it's only herself, Sheena, Chris, Rika, and Andrea in the hallway.

"And' Sheena keep this kid alive, go into town and get some more bandages, bottled water, towels, whatever we don't have here...oh and chains...she'll be turning in a few hours and I will not have some newbie mutt running out into town...Sheena," she still can't look at her. "You make sure she doens't die...and you'll be the one watching her tonight...she's your kid now, your responsibility..."

"I have to...I have to call the council...and my folks...Christian...make sure..." she sighs and rubs the bridge of her nose. "F***, just make sure your girlfriend doesn't kill my cousin...and where the hell is Jason? I need him to track down anything he can find out on children that hve been turned in the past..."
"The difference between a pack and a family, Serena, is that in our pack, for the most part, we have the luxury of CHOICE in our family," Rikarah said flatly to the other woman, turning to regard her with narrowed eyes. "Our choice, and often the choice of the person turned by us. Sheena offered the child no choice, nor did she offer us the choice of whether or not to accept her, which I for one certainly would not have. She simply acted. She is no more than a child herself and she has thrust another child upon us to have as an albatross about our necks. This child will age slowly as the rest of us and will not be of any use to us for who knows how long."

When Esme yells for everyone to quieten, Rikarah does so, arms tightly crossed over her chest, though her mouth forms a thin line. She watches as Esme goes to bang on Sheena's door, taking some satisfaction that the other woman is angry too. Even her cousin thinks Sheena is a moron, that ought to tell them all something.

Sheena looks up, startled, when Esme barges in. "Oh good, you can help-" she started, but when it becomes quite apparent from Esme's snarl, expression, and seizing of her, as she drags her out into the hall with the others, that Esme is rather pissed off at her, she furrows her brow, confused and taken aback. It had honestly not crossed her mind that anyone other than Rikarah might have a problem with what she had done.

"You're mad at me? But Esme, she was dying. They were just gonna leave her to die, I had to help her. She's just a kid. You don't just leave kids to die! There was no one there, and she could've been like I was or something...I mean, she looks like..."

She trails off, looking Esme over again, and as Esme barks out her next orders, Sheena is beginning to be anxious not just for Caroline, but for herself. Blinking, she steps back from Esme. "You're really that mad?"

"Do you have even a single logical thought inside your head?" Rikarah snapped at her, as Sheena stiffened, automatically defensive at the other woman's voice. "Of course she is mad at you! You have endangered the entire pack with this ridiculous attempt at becoming a heroine or whatever it is you were doing!"

"I wasn't going to let her die! Some of us have feelings about other people, some of us actually care if a little girl is-"

"Some of us care about the lives of the rest of the pack more than our own damaged conscience!" Rikarah shot back, and she is interrupted by a cry from inside Sheena's room.

Caroline has regained consciousness now, and she is attempting to sit up, frightened by the sight of all the blood, by the pain coursing through her, the strange sensation already settling over her limbs as the first preludes to her changing begins. Her short scream fades off into softer whimpers as she trembles, still trying to sit, and stutters her shock and fear.

"I-I...what...what...this h-hurts...where...this h-hurts..."
( Not you, Izabella, it was Faith. But now that I have had a moment to think about it. I'm going to go with it. 'Cause Andrea doesn't talk much, so... it would make sense that people might not really know her name. ^^ )

Andrea tilted her head as she listened to what Rikarah had to say, she decided to speak up before Esme gave her order for quiet, "The way I remember it Albatross was a ship's good luck before some idiot went and killed it." she said, crossing her arms over her chest, then she smiled and added, "And my name is Andrea, not Serena."

She looked at Esme when she told everyone to be quiet, and did keep quiet as she watched her go and pound on Sheena's door. She watched as Sheena was pulled out and toward the small group, she felt sorry for her for a moment, especially since she wouldn't have wanted the child to die either, but she wouldn't have wanted the child to be turned. She knew how scary it could be, especially since she was turned and abandoned. She had been alone during her first change, and after realizing how much of a danger she could be to her family she had decided to run.

Andrea was glad that the girl wouldn't be alone through this, whatever trouble it was causing, at least she wouldn't be alone through this. She could see where the trouble lay in this girl being changed, her not having a choice (which was something she understood), how young she was, and not having the pack's permission, but as she had said before, it was done, there wasn't much point in holding onto anger, just to hope for the best.
*Christian stood there his hands in his pockets, his head tilted down at the floor, not out of fear of Esme, she may be the female alpha but his word is still the rule of law here, it was him trying to focus and think for a second, finally he enters the room with Sheena and the child, kneeling down by here, he reaches down and lifts her lip, sure enough the sight of canines have already appeared, he does the same with her eye lids, the change was already in her eyes* The pup is right..both of them are. If Sheena didn't step in the child would be dead, in our territory there would have been more serious questions to be answered if that had happened...Dead or Missing our situation is the same..Esme you will tell the council nothing do you understand as far as everyone is concern and that is everyone in this room, I turned the child..Not Sheena, as an Alpha I can make as many as I choose to boost our numbers, no one will question that..But Sheena, Esme is correct even tho I will say I turned the child she is yours to take care of, rather she lives or dies is on you now...If you refuse to do so I can finish what those strays started and finish her right now, it will be quick and painless, I promise, so decide now. And understand this child's previous life is over, for all intense she died in the forest, she can never return to her old life. Violating this is a death sentence for her! This is my absolute law! *He turns and looks up and Rika* What started as a favor is now your sole purpose..Call it babysitter, mentor I don't care, Sheena and you are connected now I will punish both for whatever mistakes either of you make...This is my absolute law! *His eyes shift showing his intent and how serious he is* Esme call our contacts this child is going to need a new ID. *He stands and heads towards the door* This can never happen again, I decide who gets to make someone into one of us, I decide who joins this family, is this clear! *He finishes with a deep growl*
Listening to everything Christian orders, she can't bring herself to look at the girl on the bed, or even her own cousin, her own blood for that matter. She couldn't accept what had just happened. It was too much, no one had ever prepared her for this. No one from the Pack had turned a human in years, and this...this was a child. She couldn't be any older then twelve, maybe thirteen. That was too young, they were all mostly teens and adults here....god, what were the Elders going to say. And tonight, the fact that it was a full moon and all, it was going to be Hell...

"Fine..." Esme takes all of this in, her heart still pounding away in her chest. She walked out from the room, the girl's human blood affecting her wolf side and leans back against the wall, her fists balling up at her sides. She knew this was her father's side affecting her, his kind had fed on humans for centuries, so naturally the smell coming from all that blood would affect her but she hadn't quite expected it. Closing her eyes for a few moments, she blocks everything out, racking her brain for ways to avoid this with her parents. She knew if she called them up that neither would believe her telling them that this had all been Christian's doing, and she had no idea how Izzy would react finding out that Sheena had been the one to turn the child. She was barely used to being a Lycan herself...she knew her folks would flip and probably come home instantly.

Taking in a deep breath, she turns, back tense as she moves through the house, looking for Jason or Conner and goes into her office to start making her calls. The moon would be up soon, and she needed to run, she had to get as far away from this house and all that blood as soon as possible...
Even now, Sheena is incredulous that this is considered such a big deal. To her, none of this had been anything she gave a second thought to, and it had not seemed remotely probable to her that it would be a near catastrophe. For every member of the pack- minus Andrea, it seemed- to be this upset with her, for all this scrambling and hadn't dawned on her to wonder about the girl's family, because she had automatically assumed, seeing her alone, that the child must be like she herself had been, without family, homeless. Why else would she be alone in the woods, easy prey? And for Esme to be so upset with her...this was the most terrible part to Sheena, more than any other pack member's disappointment. She very much admired her cousin, wanted her to like her and be proud of her, and so for her to not even meet her eyes or speak to her, to seem so ashamed of her, is devastating to her.

But it is the command given to Rikarah that really strikes her. The woman hated her enough already. For Rikarah to now be her babysitter, to be punished the same as Sheena for anything Sheena did, made her head snap up with renewed horror. If the woman hated her before, she would despise her now. Sheena would never have a moment's peace, a moment of trust or freedom again.

"Don't do that to her!" she blurted out, stricken. "She didn't do it, she said no!"

"You are damn right I said no, and Christian, you cannot be serious," Rikarah said with incredulity and growing rage, turning on him sharply. Her tone is deceptively soft, but her dark eyes hold danger, as though she is close to attacking. "My sole purpose is to play babysitter to this fool? My SOLE PURPOSE? There is no other purpose for me in this pack but to play BABYSITTER? Has the smell of blood completely destroyed your senses?!"

Without waiting for an answer she storms out of the hallway with every intention of going out the door as well. She, like Esme, badly needs to get away, and if possible to kill something with great violence.

Sheena, left behind with the others, bites her lip, mumbling to Christian, "Of course I'll take care of her, I said I would. She'll be like, a little sister or something..."

Caroline, hearing all of this but making no sense of it, blinks several times, her heart thudding in her chest as the others go in and out of her room. When Christian examines her she whimpers, trying to pull away from him, and then begins to cry, curling herself into a ball so she is as protected from them as possible.

"L-leave me alone...what....I just...I wanna go. Can I...can I go now?"
Patrick woke up with a stifled cry, drenched with sweat. He shudders at the dream he had. It was a recurring nightmare that he had been having ever since he arrived here on Ellis Island so many years ago. His family was in his dream. Along with a man whom had a sword. Without any emotion, the stranger began hacking Patricks family down. It was enough to make him want to weep like a new born babe. But, instead, he gets up an leaves his motel room and begins to walk down the street towards the bar in hoping that he could find Esme.

Upon arriving at the bar, Patrick noticed that it was closed. He decided to look elsewhere around the area, hopin to find anybody who knew Esme or Christian. Patrick walked past the bar and began to shuffle through the trees into the woods. Maybe if he changed then he could smell the others' scents. Patrick began to run past bushes and trees and picked up his pace. And right as he jumped into the air and began his change, Patrick felt a sharp blow into his abdomen and a warm tricking sensation down his side. He finished his shift and collapsed onto the ground. He'd been shot! Struggling to get to his feet, Patrick sniffed the area around him and smelled both Lycans and humans. Sh*t, Patrick thought.

Eric Jacobs swore to himself when he missed his shot. "What the f***!" Eric hopped out of pirch in the tree he chose to camp in for the evening. It worked though. He shot one. A little early though, he though. Shrugging, Eric stalked closer to the fallen Lycan and trained his gun on him if he decided to move. Eric leveled the crosshairs on its head before he heard a crunch of a twig behind him. He cocked his head slightly to try to sense his surroundings. Before he could even listen, the Lycan jumped on him and knocked him onto his back. He slipped one of his shuriken out of his belt and plunged it deep into the wolves abdomen.

Patrick yelped as he was stabbed, feeling the silver attack him. With a raging growl and and shift of his shoulder he swatted the hunter across the face. As the hunter was stunned Patrick jumped off of him and loped farther into the forest, sniffing for the wolves. After a few moments he found Esmes scent and followed it. He knew the hunter wouldn't be able to follow him as long as he ran at a fast pace. Eventually Patrick arrived at a gigantic mansion. He shifted back into his human form and limped up the front door, knocking vigorously. He knew he shouldn't have come here, but he had no choice. "Someone! I need help!" Patrick fell onto his knees and ripped out the shuriken lodged into his abdomen. He kept pressure on the wound knowing that silver would repress his healing for a little while.
Andrea listened to what everyone was saying, she frowned, she didn't want everyone to be angry, but she knew that eventually things would calm down. She wasn't angry at Sheena, that was true, though she wasn't happy about what the little girl was having to go through. She also didn't think that the girl had any family because of the fact that she had been running in the woods alone at night.

Andrea listened to the angry words being exchanged between everyone around her, she had once again fallen to her habit of silence for the moment, she had nothing more to say to them on the subject. She moved toward Christian and the girl, looking down at her with her brown eyes, she was ignoring the scent of the blood, having never been from a family of wolves, and having managed to keep herself from harming a human she didn't have as much lust for the scent or taste of blood. She frowned some, worrying for the girl and the fact that she was suddenly forced into a whole new world where she would have new rules to learn and be around people that didn't want her, it wasn't right, but it was the hand that life had dealt her.

"Shh... you'll be alright." she whispered to the girl, she made her voice sound reassuring, and there was a kindness to her voice that she hadn't used before when she made her points to the others. She moved back a little, not wanting to be in the way, or in the middle of everything, then she tilted her head as she heard someone pounding on the door to the manor. She walked out of the room and made her way to the door, she could tell that it was a wolf, and that he was injured, she tilted her head and briefly wondered how everyone would react if she opened the door, then she decided that if the person was injured, they needed to help them. She reached out a pale hand and opened the door, looking out at Patrick.

Patrick looked up at the girl and tried to say something to her. He showed her his wound and felt himself begin to falter from blood loss. Before he could cover it back up, Patrick fell down and landed on his face, passed out. ​This is the end, Patrick thought before completely blacking out. All he could hope for was that the hunter didn't find out about the mansion.

(Sorry so short. Suffering from mental block for this character)
Andrea watched the man outside of the manor, part of her wasn't sure that she should trust him and the he was showing her his wound. Her eyes widened as she saw how badly he was hurt, she knew that he was lycan just by his scent and she could only hope that meant he was safe to be around. She noticed the look on his face and moved quickly, catching him right before he hit the ground. "Gah!" She exclaimed, then she glanced toward the open door, "Inside..." she mumbled as she started dragging him into the house. She kicked the door closed once they were safely inside, then she pulled him to the couch and managed to get him on it.

She stood there looking at him and breathing heavily, it seemed tonight was a good night for getting injured since there were already two people that were hurt. She bit her lip as she looked at him, "Blood needs to be stopped, wound cleaned and stitched..." she was mumbling to herself, bits of her human life coming back to her. She had wanted to help the girl, but she knew that the wounds would start healing as she changed, bit this man's wounds weren't healing. Her mind flashes back to her human life, wanting to follow her mother's footsteps and be a doctor, reading medical books, she gave those hopes up when she became a lycan, but maybe she could still do some good.

These thoughts ran through her mind in a matter of seconds, and then she was running to Sheena's room and grabbing up supplies. "There's an injured man, I need hot water, and any hands that can be spared." She said as she already started running out of the room. She could only hope she remembered the basics of what she was doing.

(I am trying to make my character a little more helpful, though it was also something I was thinking since I never actually said what her parents did. Also... pointing out... post done on phone, will correct tomorrow... or color it or whatever.)

Caroline blinked at Andrea, shrinking back from her, and scrunches herself into a tighter ball. The pain from her injuries is tapering off as her skin continues to heal itself, and the bleeding has stopped, although the wounds are not yet closed over or even scabbed. Lifting her head, tears still trickling down her cheeks, she keeps her arms and legs tucked in closely against her chest as her eyes dart between those present in the room, her heart still pounding, her chest rising and falling rapidly with her nearly hyperventilating breaths. No one has explained to her, but the words she hears every now and then are confusing and scaring her more with each passing moment.

Alpha...stray...death sentence...people had been yelling and even GROWLING, and they were so angry she was there. Why were they angry that this girl had helped her? Or had she been the one who attacked her? The big man had said that he might...finish her off...did that mean he would kill her?

"Daddy," Caroline whispered, and then, as she remembered the sneering words of the older kids, as it struck her that the man she had thought of as her daddy was no longer her daddy, that he had never been her daddy in the first place, her tears intensified. She had no one now. She had no name, no age that was certain, no home, no family, and now these people too had no use for her, were angry that she was even here. She was nothing now...and what was happening to her?

There was a deep aching through her bones, through every join and muscle of her body, as though something inside her were changing, trying to stretch and bend itself into something else entirely, a whole new shape and formation. Caroline gasped, uncoiling from herself as a spasm of pain rippled through, and she opened her eyes wide, crying out. "I don't know...I don't know what's HAPPENING..."

There had been dogs...wolves? They had hurt her, and a girl had been there. Two girls. That girl, the one who looked upset. The one with the towels. Long hair, young...a grown up, a kid? Caroline wasn't sure. She reached for the girl, even as another came in, taking some of the towels and supplies Sheena had brought in.

"Don't hurt me..."

"I'm not gonna hurt you...I saved you, see, I saved you! I SAVED her," Sheena said somewhat defiantly to the others, but her tone was shaky, and her expression showed how upset she was. "I saved her."

She frowns at Andrea as the girl starts to exit the room. "Someone's hurt? Who? What happened?"

Turning back to Caroline, she takes her hand, surprised by how tightly the girl squeezes. "Hey, look, it's all right,we all went through this, right? It's gonna hurt a lot but I'll help you out, I swear..."

Under her breath, but not too low for Caroline to hear, she mutters, "Damn, she's little though....I kinda didn't think about how little she is..."

Rikarah was the smallest of the Lycans, and even she was taller and larger than Caroline; not only that, she undoubtedly had a higher pain tolerance, and she had known what she was getting into by choosing her fate. Caroline did not, and as Sheena looked at her, she was only beginning to realize this.

"What's your old are you?" she asked her. "I'm Sheena..."

"I don't know," Caroline sobbed, and when Sheena looked at her, surprised, Caroline shook her head. "My name's not right, my age isn't right, I don't know anymore."

That didn't make any sense to Sheena, of course, so she hesitated, then said somewhat awkwardly, "Uh, that's, how old do you think you are...and, uh, what did people call you?"

"My daddy said I'm thirteen, but he's not my daddy, and...they said twelve and I guess I am, but I don't know...they said I'm Maddie but he called me Caroline, and I don't KNOW, I don't know...this hurts, what's going on?! Who are you?"

Sheena tensed when the girl mentioned the name Maddie. It was like a slap in the face, because only as she girl said the name did she realize that subconsciously, she had recognized the child as looking rather similar in some ways to her old friend, Maddy. Both had been small and brunette, and she and Maddy had been about the same age as this child now when she befriended her...was this what had driven her to turn her?

Shaking her head, she latched onto the other name the girl had mentioned instead. From now on, to Sheena, and to everyone else, she would be Caroline, nothing else.

"Caroline? Caroline, it's okay...what's happening...uh...what's happening, is you were hurt, so...well, you're gonna be a Lycan now. That's kinda a werewolf. Isn't that cool?"

The stricken look on the girl's face told her that to Caroline, the answer was definitely a no.

(um...I just realized that although admittedly Caroline was quite small for her height, her height made her three inches taller and she was listed as six pounds heavier than Rikarah...lmao. So yeah I'm downgrading her several inches and pounds, I'm now putting her at 4'9, 78 pounds. Because a small twelve year old who's bigger than Rikarah is...just sad, lol. I'll change it on her sign up info)
{Thinking he was off duty because Christian was back within the protection of the mansion, Jason went back to his room to take a shower afterwards he put on some sweat pants and a white tee shirt, grabbing his cigarettes he steps on his balcony, leaning against the rail and lite up, it was a disgusting habit but after decades of trying to quit he finally just gave in to the addiction and gave up on trying to drop the habit.

While outside he heard the door open and Esme rush out she looked upset from her body language. Looking down at his bare feet rolling his eyes at the thought of having to run around barefoot but Esme was one of the few females he can actually tolerate, Sheena was annoying and always getting in trouble, Rikarah was a bit of a snob and Andrea was a mouse the girl doesn't seem to have a backbone. Esme was a nice balance, she was just sure of herself but she had a gentle side that most of the women of this pack don't seem to have, not that he would look for it in any of them either.

Leaping down the 20 feet to the ground and landing like it was just a few feet the cigarette still burning and instantly launching himself forward to catch up with Esme, He hesitates to reach out for her when he does catch up instead he coughs loud enough to announce his presence to her.}

What's going one Esme, you don't look like your usual happy go lucky self tonight, I know I've never been one to accept anyone's emotional baggage like EVER. But for you {He pauses} If you want to talk I'll listen to you. You don't have to. In fact I'm probably intruding, I should leave. {Again looking at his bare feet another reminder that he shouldn't have followed her out here.}

(Sorry this took so long, I didn't get a dinner break last night and I had a lot of stuff I had to do today.)
Eric stood up and shook his head to clear his vision. His head was pounding like hell after the blow he took. Cursing, he wiped his face to wipe sweat away that may get into his eyes, but upon further inspection saw that he was bleeding. Looking around gave him the clue that the Lycan ran off directly to the left which was deeper into the forest. He didn't feel like going up against an entire pack, if there was one, all alone. He may be good, but not that good. Eric stomped towards his weapon cache and began disassembling his rifle and put it away very neatly and very precise. Then he grabbed his custom modified dual Beretas with their extended clips and a few more shuriken as well as silver daggers. Then he stashed his weapons away and got onto his radio. "Hey. If anyone is close by, I'm gonna need some back up." Eric rattled off some coordinates and stalked in the general direction of the Lycans path. After about ten minutes of walking the path got a little hard to read. Tracking wasn't his strong suit. Hopefully someone picked up on his radio transmission and reported to his location. Not thinking too long about it, Eric turned back and walked/jogged back to his site.
[before i post i must apologize for my lengthy absence. Someone messed with my school internet account and blocked man websites from use. RPN one of them. I now have access to a computer at this moment outside of school and will post. If someone might inform of the length of time IC that has passed between when I last posted and now that would be good so that i can create a plausible reason for Riddian not having been in any of the events.]
((dago it's still the same day :D just read back a bit, you missed a lot of big things lol!))

Esme' head was in her hands, focusing on blocking out her senses when Jason walked in, startling her. She had been so intent of blocking out the scent from the human girl's blood that she hadn't sensed his arrival as she had raced down the hallway to her office. "Jason!" Esme's body stiffened, her eyes going wide. They were still red, blood red at that, and her canines had lengthened slightly. Swallowing hard, she pushed back from him, and ushered him inside, closing the door loudly behind him, greatfull for once at her father always b******* for a sound proof office. the second the door was closed all other sounds were blocked, everything was, except for the blood...

" scared me..." Running as hand through her hair, she avoided looking up at him, not wanting anyone to see her like this. "What are you...I'm fine..." Her arms went around herself as if she were cold and she shuddered slightly. 'I had to get away from all...of that...I need..." her eyes scanned the room. "I just need to..." Esme finally looked up at him, not caring if he saw the fear in her eyes or how he decided to take that. "I'm fine..."
Patrick began to fade back into reality. His body hurt all over and he felt kind if cold. Patrick forgot where he was and tried to sit up but failed completely when his mid section began screaming with pain. Two spots of white fury in his body shot off signals to the rest of his body. Gasping, Patrick let out a strangled yell. "E-Esme!" It was all he could say at the moment. The only face he could imagine. He tried to yell for her again but ended up gasping for air. He couldn't breath. He felt ill and scared. He should have healed by now. Why wasn't he though? He didn't want to die yet. Patrick fought to stay conscious and mildly aware of his surroundings. He was in a house, a really big house. He was afraid of where he was though. He didn't know who lived here, didn't know who that girl was who brought him inside, let alone where she was. "Hello? I-is anybody here?"

Patrick eased himself into a sitting position, wincing when he jostled himself too much. Rather than being cautious, Patrick ripped his shirt open down the middle to see the damage done to him. Two wounds were on his upper and middle right side. One gash and the other a bullet hole. After a few moments, his stomach burned and bike rose up in his throat. A second later he threw up on the floor. He began bleeding a bit more after he finished retching. Dizziness took him again and he whimpered like a pup, not knowing what to do. He just sat and hoped someone would come back to check on him.
Andrea came running back into the room in time to see him throw up, she bit her lip and made him lay back again, she ignored the vomit on the floor since it could be cleaned up later, after he was taken care of. "I need you to stay still..." she said to him, then she ran to get some water since it seemed as if no one was going to help, she didn't care though, she could only hope she remembered what she was doing. She started cleaning his wounds, though she was trying not to hurt him, once she had the wounds cleaned up she started stitching the gash since it was the worst.

She was focused on helping him, though there was a slight tremor to her hands from her nerves, and because of all the blood that it was easy to smell all through the house. Andrea finished stitching his wound and covered it with a bandage. She looked to the bullet hole next, seeing that it had gone all the way through, though it seemed as if it broke up part of the way through, causing the exit wound to be several spots instead of just one hole. She took care of the wound and covered it. She sighed some and pushed her red hair behind her ears, not even seeming to notice the blood on her hands.

Riddian ended the work day after a semi drunken fight broke out about who could use the nail gun the best and once again one of his workers shot themselves in the foot with the nail gun that didn't have the surface safety on it. He was walking down the streets away from the hospital where he had taken the man and paid his bills to be fixed up. Suddenly he received a phone call and heard Christian say someone was encroaching on their territory. The faint smile that Riddian kept on his face at all times disappeared in an instant. Instead his face was a mask of hatred so infinitely deep anyone would find it nigh impossible to take five steps back from him in simple fear. He wasted no time asking questions, instead he quickly slipped into a hallway and scaled the brick walls with a ability he gained at 712 years old. He partially transformed his fingers into their clawed state and dug them into the stone, using them to quickly scale them. When he reached the top he transformed his fingers back and transformed the muscles in his thighs and feet next. Then he began leaping from building to building to until he reached the edge of the city and entered the forest surrounding it that led to their mansion. He leapt from the last rooftop over a one hundred foot distance and landed in the trees. After this he jumped to the ground transformed fully and made his way to the mansion. He entered the front door to find the smells of blood, vomit, and the odd smell he hadn't smelled in nearly 600 years. It was hard to place but when he did his eyes shot wide open. He smelt the blood of a newly transformed child! He thought those here smarter then such things. But did they know of the legends he wondered. He must warn them and quickly. He made his way quickly to where he smelt Christian from. He normally would look to the wounded man he smelled but he was aware of the scent of another and the smell of rubbing alcohol and thread being used to stitch him up. He found Christian walking out of Sheena's room. "What is this you speak of when you say encroaching on our territory? Also tell me why their has been the greatest mistake in lycan history since before your birth repeated in our very home with the creation of a child lycan?" He said these things quickly but precisely with no time wasted using a smile instead using his sheer size and presence as he stood full and broad. It was a sight not a soul in this pack had ever seen save Esme's parents and the sheer unnaturalness of it shocked Christian who took about two steps back before regaining his usual calm in all state composure.

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