Andrea thanked him for saying that she could sit with him, she looked out the window for a moment, not noticing him studying her, she probably was a little underweight, all the years spent traveling and living on her own had been hard on her, though she wasn't deathly underweight, and she had been gaining since she came to the manor. Not having to worry as much about everything and having to take care of herself on her own was helping her a lot. She blinked and looked at him when he asked his question. "Oh, no... No one is giving me trouble." she said, though this was more so because she had a tendency to stay quiet and not bother others, she really needed to try to make some friends, but she was still used to being on her own and not really talking much except at work when she had to.

Patrick woke up with a sudden jolt when the woman who had told him where the bus was headed hit him in the shoulder to wake him. But instead of saying anything that could have been somewhat close to "We're here" or "Wake up. This is your stop." She simply walked off the bus and headed wherever it was she was headed. Stepping off, Patrick looked around and noticed he was in another city. Upon further investigation he saw a bar just a little down the street from him. Patrick made his way for it and looked at the sign for the name of the bar: Full Moon Bar. Patrick frantically searched his pockets to only turn up seventeen dollars and a nickel. "Maybe I could get a sandwich or something." Patrick shrugged and headed inside.

It turned out to be a very nice establishment with nice floors, nice tables, and nice everything else that could be in there and be nice. Patrick looked down at himself and noticed that he looked like crap. Holy crap, Patrick thought to himself. I look like someone found me in a dumpster then just found the rattiest moth eaten clothes they could muster up. Reluctant but not really feeling like going back outside and sat down next to an older looking man who kind of looked like Sean Connery with pearl and obsidian hair. Feeling kind of intimidated, he moved away from him by a seat or two. Then he waited for the first waitress or waiter to come and take his order of a hot tuna melt.Patrick noticed a nagging sensation in the back of his mind as if telling him to notice something he was missing.
Someone had entered the bar, and as her nostrils twitched, eyes narrowing in an instant. Wolf, they were Lycan for sure. Male, and new to her territory. Giving Sheena's hand a quick squeeze, Esme excused herself and slowly walked back to the bar, in full Alpha mode now. It was a new feeling, but the fact on how quickly she had gotten all territorial did not go unnoticed by the young wolf.

"Can I get you anything?" One eyebrow raised, she tried to keep her face expressionless as she looked the stranger over, noting his disheveled look and bleached blonde hair. By the smell of him he had been living outside and alone for a long time and she couldn't help but wonder where he had come from, who he was, what Pack he belonged to, if he even did. It was weird how much these things mattered especially now that she was in charge. She had a whole lot of people that she needed to keep safe, and even one outsider could effect that.

Offering the stranger a small smile, she gave him another once over before pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "A cup of coffee maybe? Or a beer?"
Riddian smiled as he heard and smelt Christian as he pulled up and stepped out of his blue SUV. He extended his hand after a few short words and Riddian shook it. "Old,well age may be catching up to me, being the oldest Lycan Christian, but make no mistake that i could still take you and the other youngsters for all your money.", he laughed deeply as he said this. Many would not dare to speak to Riddian the way that Christian does, but many do not realize that you need not tread on thin ice when you try to speak to an Elder, you simply must hold true respect in your heart as you speak to them, and your opinions would probably be held in higher esteem then trying to beat around the bush and not respect them. After a long set of choice words that Christian spoke of as a 'rant' Riddian smiled at him. "Pride, no pride is not truly the reason, although there is some measure of that as well. No, you see I am older then most things on this planet Christian, only a few choice trees and maybe if their is a more secretive supernatural creature then us that is longer lived I am the oldest living thing. And with age i realized that truly their is but two things that live long beyond your death, and seeing as i am so old I feel i should try to leave something behind, something forged by my own hands. Construction does that for me, buildings last ages longer then us. I mean there are buildings that are older then me in spades my friend!"

"Those living simply retouch the things that fall and your legacy lives on. And the other thing is the lives you touch, I do that through counseling and helping as the pack Elder. Besides those buildings my only legacy is you and the other pack members Christian. On top of that, I get bored sitting around and doing nothing. Oh, I am sorry for the rant my friend. And regarding the halfling, do not worry I believe she will do just fine and she is going to be good in the pack. And yes I will help along in the running Sunday night." He smiled and patted Christian on the shoulder, then he remembered something he had for him in his coat pocket. "I have a surprise for you Christian I almost forgot.", he fishes around in his pocket until he produces a positively ancient looking bundles of paper wrapped in twine in a plastic case, "these my friend were severely hard to find. It is the three part epic from the 14th century, Divine Comedy. I have here all three parts, Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, they are all here original print no less. If you can not read it I can translate it and give you the translated version as these originals are in Italian, but i felt you would appreciate originals a bit more then copies made by me. There a present, here.", he hands him the plastic package gently. "I had to go through some hoops to get those, but luckily how did you phrase it, the inability to touch the balls of my account really pays off some times." He laughs gently at this.
Sheena noticed Esme's face change expression, her shift in posture, and she turns to follow her gaze, letting her eyes rake with some suspicion over the man that Izzy was approaching. Sheena too could smell that he was Lycan, but he was not one of their pack, no one she recognized. That was interesting. Sheena had never met a Lycan who was not part of their pack, and had never really thought much about the possibility of others being near by. She felt a little silly for her lack of wondering about such a thing now as she continued to eye the man with some interest, though she kept her distance, allowing Esme to take the lead. Her cousin would know more than her if this guy was a threat or not.

Watching him, Sheena recognized in him what had once been so central to herself....this man, she was sure, was homeless. If it wasn't obvious by his appearance, which, as scruffy as it was, it was, it would have been apparent to her in the way he held himself, in the look about his eyes and face. There was something about the homeless that sent off a silent signal among others of their kind, even if they were trying to pass themselves off as something they were not, and Sheena still saw it in others who were living as she once had.

She debates whether to say so to Izzy, but then decides to simply watch. It's not her business anyway.


Rikarah's afternoon passes smoothly, with her having made good progress on her current sculpture and having sold two paintings. By the time her shift is over and the gallery is closing up for the evening she is in a considerably better mood than she had been in the morning and is in fact what for Rikarah passes as mellow, even cheerful as she went to meet up with Christian as had been agreed. She suspects that their encounter will only serve to further improve her day.

This is another aspect of her desire to have time apart from him; frequent partings of ways will make him miss her and appreciate her more when she returns to him. And to be honest, Rikarah enjoys having the space and distance to allow herself time to miss him as well.
*The sight and smell of old literature made Christian's eyes light up like a kid on Christmas.* Riddian my god this is an amazing gift, I'm truly not worthy of this..But I'm keeping them just the same. *He smirks at him* Now that you explain why you do what you do, I think I understand it..You want to leave a mark on this world other then the trail of bodies and broken families. I guess that is why I take in so many strays. I bet between us we've killed about as many people and monsters like us as centuries we've lived..I'm content if I don't have to take another life, I prefer to bury my face in a book..So I guess we'll enjoy it while we can...You and your buildings and me and my books, Yes enjoy life as it is now cause we both know it's a short lived peace..Listen to me sounding so depressing right now. *Looking back at the cases and smiles* I almost wish I didn't promise to take Rikarah out tonight, instead I could be at home in bed reading these.

Well I should be on my way, I need to go to the bar and make sure my brandy is put into my stash, you should stop back in there when you're done working. *Christian steps back to his SUV, popping the back open, he pulls out a black metal case with a combination lock on it, after opening it there is a few custom handguns and a shotgun fitted neatly into the case, underneath them is a space where is lays the cases Riddian gave him, afterwards he closes everything and locks the back.* Hey don't work to hard, I know how delicate you old timers are. *With a quick smile and a wave Christian gets back into his car.*

(For the sake of flow, Riddian can still get his last part of the conversation in..But I'm jumping ahead a bit ok.)

*After an enjoyable conversation with Riddian, Christian makes his way to the Blue Moon, it's kind of nice and busy for early in the week, after locking the car, he walks inside, spotting Esme, Sheena, making his way to the behind the bar looking for his brandy and not seeing it.* Sheena, have you seen a bottle of 40 year old Blue Label Brandy?
Patrick looked at her and smiled. He noticed what the nagging sensation was when he looked at her. Then he noticed it all around the place. The staff were Lycans. Patrick looked into her eyes and felt instant relief since he hadn't met any wolves for over eighty years. Then Patrick perked up at her question.He answered in a Scottish accent. "Umm... What can I get with this?" Then he put all his money onto the counter. "Something hot if possible, please. And a beer if any is left over." His posture became more confidant and less slouched. Then something crossed his mind. "Do you know of any places I could stay for the night? I don't know if you didn't notice, but.. I'm Kind of a bum."
*Waiting for Sheena to answer the scent of a strange lycan catches Christians attention and despite not showing it, when he sees Esme less than a foot away, makes him forget about his brandy, this is not something he's comfortable with, this wolf hasn't been vetted yet, what if he's hostile? Where the hell did he come from? How is it possible for a stray to enter his territory without him or Riddian noticing him? Now fully listening to their conversation there doesn't seem to be any hostile intent in his voice, his heart beat was a bit fast but it seems more of a nervous or unsure thing, he was probably worried Esme would throw him out, lucky for him the girl doesn't have a mean bone in her body. Still entering his territory without permission needs to be addressed, especially if he plans on hunting and disturbing the delicate peace the lycans and humans have here, not all humans know what we are but for the sake of peaceful co-existence there are a few in key positions in town and part of that peace is the lycans here do not harm humans and if all possible they do not show their true selves in public, sort of a no-brainier but there are a few knuckleheads out there that think something like that doesn't apply to the strong lycan race, Even Theon has been known to break the rules and terrorized a town or two granted that was when he was much younger but it still happened. Christian turns his attention back to Sheena and smiles at her.*

Excuse me for a second Sheena, I'll be right back. *Walking up behind Esme, Standing there staring at Patrick, Christian's eyes change briefly to show Patrick who he is, at the same time places his hand on Esme's shoulder nudging her to the side.*
There's a quick flash of pity behind Esme's eyes, and a little bit of gold starts creeping into the honey brown there, allowing the stranger to know what she was, and that she was aware that she knew just what he was. Eyeing his money, then his face again, she offers him another smile and jots something down on her notepad. "One nice cold Guiness and a cup of our famous clam chowder work for now?" Her guard was still up, but she instantly felt what her mother some how had described as "nesting" whenever a rogue wolf would wander into their territory looking for shelter and a place to call their own. She excuses herself to bring his order into the kitchen and was heading back to try and learn more about the stranger when her nostrils twitched, and she felt Christian's hand on her.

"'Lo Chris..." she turns and smiles brightly at him, all at the same time keeping her body angled towards the stranger. "Looks like we have a guest..." Arching an eyebrow as if asking him what he wants to do about this, she turns back to the bar, running a hand through her hair and clears her throat. "So," she addresses the other blonde. "New in town I take it?" It wasn't so much a question as it was a statement, a request for a fast explanation. Her eyes locked with the strangers own blue ones and she flushed for a moment, before giving herself a tiny shake. "There's a few hotels in town..." she answered his previous question. "-unless you were looking for someplace more....permanent..."
Patrick looked at the woman a confused look on his face mixed with hope. He cleared his throat as well before answering. "That was all the money I have to my name. If there was any place at all that could offer me a home while I grant my own services to make up for my intrusion, I would very much like that. At least until Monday. Then I guess I'll go back to Queens or some place else." Patrick looked at the man she called "Chris" who turned out to be a Lycan as well. "But if there was a permanent place then.. I mean..." He ran a hand through his mucked up hair and it all stood up looking spiky. He regained his composure somewhat and proceeded to continue to talk to them. He lowered bis voice down to an almost inaudible whisper. "If there was any room at all in a pack around here, which I am assuming is yours, that I may be able to join. I have no pack. No family. Nobody on this earth knows who I am. I don't even matter anymore. If I could matter again, I would greatly appreciate it and would do anything in return." Patrick kept his fingers crossed hoping that they would leave and try to consider it. Even slightly. Patrick felt that without a pack, what was the reason to live?
*Despite Patricks shaggy looks, Christian can see in the right element this man could be dangerous and in the past he wouldn't take a chance with him being near Esme and Sheena or any member of his pack and probably would have put him down right then and there, but this bar is Izzy's place and she decided that all lycan and human were welcome as long as they didn't cause trouble and so far he seems to be a friend or that could just be hunger and the lack of a place to sleep talking...However Christian has done nothing but take in strays since moving here. After all none that are with him are his actual pack with the exception of Rika, simply because he made her. Christian continues to study the man finally breaking his silence.* Esme get him one of your amazing burgers, looks like he hasn't had meat in awhile, *reaching into his pocket and pulling out a money clip, pulling away a couple of hundreds and laying them on the counter.* There is a motel on the edge of town, good place clean sheets that should be enough cash to keep you there for a few weeks if you mention my name. We don't know you so I'm sorry that is the extent of the hospitality I can afford you until we know you better. *Christian looks him over again and pulls 2 more hundred dollar bills off and lays them down.* Please do us all a favor and clean yourself up and buy some new clothes. Do that and then come find me..My name is Christian and this is my territory so please refrain on hunting without my permission. Do that and maybe I can find some work for you around town, in the mean time Esme will take care of you..Oh by the way you touch her and I'll be the last person you need to be afraid of, her mother has a big heart but if you take advantage of her daughter, she'll show you how big yours is...After she rips it out of your chest. Are we clear here friend? Now Esme did you order my brandy because I can not find my bottle and I know there was a delivery today.
Sheena looks up as Christian comes in, giving him a quick nod and slightly awkward smile of acknowledgement as he greeted her. She isn't sure exactly how to behave around him, or what proper pack protocol is around the alpha, exactly. Sheena's never been one to easily yield to authority figures unless they have earned her respect, and though so far Christian has done nothing to cause her to mistrust him, the fact that he is a male in authority over her is enough to give her difficulty in knowing how to relate to him. She goes to look for the beer he had asked for, but when he approaches Esme and the homeless Lycan- Patrick, he had called himself- she abandons her search begins to straighten things nearby unnecessarily, wanting to listen to this conversation.

She feels some instinctive sympathy for the man due to his bedraggled condition and to her knowledge of his situation. She knows exactly what it is to be cold and hungry and half sick, to never know if she would be safe or have somewhere to sleep for the night. She knows what it is to have people look at you like you're a criminal until she was actually driven to the need to be one. And she wonders if it were she who had come into the bar in Patrick's condition, if she too would have been turned away from being part of the pack. Was it only because she was Izzy and Esme's cousin that she had been accepted?

But on the other hand, he is a stranger, and a man, and so she is wary as well. She resumes looking for the drink Christian had asked for as if she had been all along when he mentions it again, but looks up when the front door opens again, then stiffens when she sees the face of the person who had entered. Rikarah. Dammit, why did the woman ALWAYS have to end up wherever Christian happened to be?
Esme arches an eyebrow, but doesn't turn as she senses Sheena move closer, and hides her smirk as she goes back to paying full attention as Christian pulls Alpha over the newcomer. She almost felt sorry for the guy, and a muscle in her jaw twitched slightly as she watched him pass money on him, as if he was a charity case. Knowing this wasn't how her folks would have handled it, she goes to put in another order for the guy, this time with a cheeseburger and steak fries and returns just as Chris seems to be finishing up with Patrick.

She flushes slightly at his last remark, wanting to cut in and point out how she is more then capable of handling herself, but instead bites down on the inside of her cheek, only pointing to a few boxes down at the end of the bar when Christian questions her on his brandy. She waits until the other Alpha has moved off before turning back to Patrick. "Sorry about that, he can be a bit...intense...when you first meet him. But he's harmless really..." she knows that Christian is still listening and adds this in for her own enjoyment. "-a real puppy really..." After being rewarded with a growl, she grins fully and passes Patrick a cup of coffee, searching around behind the bar for some creamers and sugar before placing them in front of him. "I'm Esme by the way...Esme Danvers." She looks behind her, seeing Sheena still pretending to be cleaning and fixing around things as she listens in. "-and that's my cousin Sheena. Welcome to the Catskills..."
Patrick chuckles at Esme's remark towards Christian and nods his head towards Sheena. "Thank you ever so much Esme Danvers," Patrick said. Smiling, he introduced himself. "My name is Patrick Mor of the Scottish Highlands. But I have come to be known as Spike amongst the other... Unfortunate souls." He stood and did a mock bow for Esme. He rose and found his place back onto the bar stool. "And as for Christian, I understand his wariness. But I do enjoy his gratuity even though I didn't mean to appear as a charity case. But I will honor his wishes and will become a bit more decent. For the sake of everybody else, though. Not for me."

Patrick found a creamer and poured it into his coffee. He sipped it hoping not to scald his lips. "This is a very nice place you have, Ms. Danvers. Family owned or something?" It seemed like a place with such class and respectable patrons. A place that people might have come to throughout the generations. Patrick felt that if he was going to stay for even a small amount of time in the area, he should get to know the people who had shown him such hospitality.
*Christian could clearly them talking about him and calls across the room at the same time kneeling and picking up his brandy.* I can totally still hear you both and one I'm far from harmless, I'm just lazy second it wasn't charity I plan on you earning that money and third the smell is bad enough to a human so you can imagine what it's doing to my heighten senses and last Esme is a short person who's feet can be seen on her drivers license. *Seeing Rika walk in any room always takes Christian's breath away, of course he plays it cool and only sends her a smile when he sees her, he would look like a weak foolish man if he ever told her that the world seems to stop when he's with her..pathetic lovey dovey crap like that is hard to live down even if he's an Alpha. Opening the cabinet that he keeps his stash in and tucks away the new bottles, afterwards he turns back to Rika, walking to her, taking her hand in his and kissing her on the cheek.* Hey there you missed me didn't you just admit it. *He grins at her brushing some hair out of her face so he can see her eyes.* By the way that unusual smell in the air today is something Esme and her friend there have discovered. * Again he grins as he looks at Esme and Patrick, he doesn't waste much time focusing on Esme and Patrick, pulling Rika with him to a booth.* I bet you could use a drink?
So the new Lycan is from Scotland, huh? That was interesting...Sheena wanted to ask how he ended up way over here in America, but didn't for the moment. Instead she just nodded towards him in response to Esme's introduction of her, still not moving forward to have an active conversation with the man herself. Sympathy towards him or not, Sheena still often felt awkward around strange men.

"Yeah Esme and her mom own this place," she pipes up, however, at Patrick's question to Esme, a note of pride towards Esme in her voice.

She lowers her head slightly so her hair covers her face when Christian goes to Rikarah, hoping that he will not notice the faint resentment she feels towards the woman in her eyes. It didn't appear he had- as always, he had eyes only for Rikarah, and then his lips were too busy pressing against her to be able to see anything else as well.

"Esme is kinda short," she mutters, intended only for Esme's ears to hear, "but Miss Riki is way, way shorter." In fact, 5'10 Sheena towers over her by a full ten inches.

If Rikarah hears the nickname that she has expressed a distaste for, out the mouth of the younger woman, she does not acknowledge it, at least, not right away. She smiles up at Christian, accepting the bottle he offers her and opening it after briefly taking his hand in hers and squeezing it. The truth is that yes, she does miss him after she had received her fill of time apart from him.

"A new friend of yours?" she says to Esme with a slightly quirked eyebrow as she nods acknowledgment of Patrick, holding out her hand for an introduction. "Rikarah Pallaton."

Her eyes slide to Sheena, and a small smirk plays upon her lips as she nods to her too and then with an impeccably cordial tone, greets her as well. "Hello, Margaret, it's good to see you as well."

As she follows Christian, Sheena's jaw muscle works furiously. That one statement told her that yes, Rikarah had indeed heard the Riki comment and was paying her back in her own way. Everyone in the pack knew that Sheena hated her first name, Margaret.
*The fact that Rikarah and Sheena fail to get along is well known among the pack, it actually surprises Christian that it hasn't become violent but considering fighting each other, he allows this to go on hoping it will resolve itself eventually but his patience is wearing thin today. And for the hundred time he's going to try a ease tensions before they get out of hand.* Rikarah I would really like it if you two found some kind of common ground, you are my mate but Sheena is important to me also as well to Esme and I know you like Esme but that will not be mutual much longer if you and her cousin start some sort of internal pack feud. You're the mate of an Alpha and even tho most my powers and duties don't fall on you pack harmony is one that you do need to share with me...I know there will always be resentment among the pack but you can not lower yourself like this do you understand me? *Pulling her closer to him and slipping his arm around her waist, leaning in and whispering into her ear.* I want nothing more but to live in peace with you and my pack..You're my sanctuary so please make peace with the pup for me. Don't answer me just think about it and give me your answer when I return from the restroom. *With that he stands and walks towards Sheena, he smiles at her and places his hand on her shoulder.* Sheena have I told you how glad I am that you're part of my pack...Don't ever let anyone tell you different, you are my family do you understand that? My family which means I will always protect you.
Sheena notices Christian's whispering to Rikarah and turns away slightly, not wanting him or Rikarah to see her rolling her eyes. It seems to her that the two are always touching, always whispering or kissing or hooking arms, as if in they are in some sort of conspiracy against the rest of them. She knows it's probably not true, at least in Christian's case, and that in fact most of her irritation is directly related to Rikarah herself. Still, being around her doesn't make Sheena in the mood to be logical or reasonable in her thoughts or interpretations of their actions.

When Christian detaches from Rikarah and touches Sheena's shoulder, she jumps, startled and guilty, thinking he must have caught the eye rolling. But no, he is in fact complimenting her...telling her she's his family, that he's glad she's here. Weird...weird, but flattering. She smiles, cracking her knuckles as she thanks him a little awkwardly.

"Uh...thank you."

Seems his mate never got the message about his thoughts, to her, anyway.

Rikarah listens to Christian's mild admonishment to her but does not react to it immediately. She knows he's right, that it cannot be good for the pack to be split or to have any sort of divisions, many things about that Sheena, whom she cannot help but think of as a little girl, irk her, even more than she can explain with words. Perhaps in Sheena Rikarah sees a piece of herself she does not wish to have reflected back, or something she herself is afraid might one day exist within herself, and cannot stand the thought. Whatever it is, it will be difficult to play nice with her...but if Christian expects it, and it is what Esme may be what she has to do, if she is to remain in the pack.

She is silent as Christian leaves her, not yet approaching Sheena, but also making no unfriendly gestures towards her.
Smiling as Sheena enters the conversation, Esme keeps her eyes on the entering Rikarah for a moment before turning her attention back to her cousin and the new comer. "I am not that short..." she mutters through clenched teeth and reaches behind her for a bottle, pouring a shot for herself and Patrick. "Some brandy, warms the bones and all that..." She downs hers, sticking her tongue out at the younger wolf, as if to tease her about being underage, and runs a hand through her hair. The bell goes off from the kitchen and she throws Patrick another grin. "Ya foods ready...hold on..." Knowing Sheena will be fine alone with the guy for a few moments, she heads back into the kitchen, frowning when she realizes Conner isn't there, and returns a minute later with a hotplate of food and a silverware set.

"There ya go! New England's best!" She smiles proudly, hoping the kitchen staff had outdone themselves as always. That was one thing her mom had a knack for, hiring staff that knew how to do their job, did it well, and enjoyed it. Every human in there were culinary students, or had years of experience. There was never an unsatisfied customer in the place. Patrick's order was simple enough, but she had a feeling it'd be one of the best he'd ever had.

Esme goes to pour herself another shot, and her ears perk up slightly when Chris comes back over and tells Sheena that he considers her family. The remark surprises her and she quickly looks towards Rikarah to see what her reaction towards it is. Unable to read her expression fully, she excuses herself and goes over to where the two had squeezed into a booth and slides onto one of the seats, facing the other wolf. "Hey..." she offers her a small smile. They were civil with each other as far as the Pack went, but Esme had never really taken the time to get to know her friend's new mate. "How's it going?"
"Shorter than me," Sheena pointed out, smiling at Esme part genuinely, part teasingly. Her height has usually bothered her in the past, made her feel gawky and awkward and not at home in her skin, but as part of the pack, she has actually started to appreciate it. If she can't be impressive in weight against the male members, she can at least be tall enough to look them in the eye.

As Esme pours herself a shot, Sheena eyes it, wondering if she can sneak one or two when her cousin isn't looking. Sure, she's underage, and that would be illegal, but she's not exactly living in fear of that particular rule. She had her first drink at age 12 and she works at a bar, what could anyone expect?

Rikarah looked up with mild surprise as Esme slid across from her in the booth, offering her a low-key but seemingly sincere greeting. She has nothing against the other woman so far, and in fact has respect for her nerve and her independence, her attempts to assert herself as leader of the pack. She does not understand her attachment to the Sadovsky pup, but then, Rikarah has never been one to understand dedication to blood kin, giving her own bitter end with her own biological family.

She nods in return to Esme, giving her a mild smile in return. "I am well, thank you. Is there something you wished to discuss with me, Esme?"

If the girl is going to lecture her about Sheena too, she might as well get it over with.
Patrick eyed the drink, not having had one in just under ten years. Then he eyed his burger which looked great and smelled even better. Better than dumpster food. Not trying to be too blunt about it Patrick scooted the shot glass to Sheena slightly, winking at her to do it. Seeing if she would. Then he grabbed the hamburger with delicate fingers and brought it to his mouth. Slowly, he bit into the bun and through the meat and cheese and all other fillers that were in it. And it was just so good! It was in fact the best burger he had ever had in his life. Juicy and tender, packed full with flavor. He was probably eating with less manners than he had hoped for, but it was delicious and warm. Nothing else mattered but that burger. Then he heard himself moaning softly with each and every bite. "Mmmmm.." He moaned. When he finished, he noticed that some people were staring at him. Using a napkin to wipe his face, Patrick apologized to the people. Then he stood up and grabbed the money that Christian had "loaned" him and began to leave the bar. He thanked Esme and Christian and threw Sheena a quick smile. Once outside, Patrick found a motel and rented a room. Then he took the most glorious shower he had ever had in his long life.
"Not really..." Esme leaned back, still watching Chris with her cousin. She knew her Pack could be trusted but she still felt like she needed to be protective of her own blood. She dragged her eyes over to Rikarah and smiled brightly. "I actually just wanted to say hi...we haven't really gotten a chance to really become more acquainted ..I just wanted to see how you were adjusting and all that. Alpha's duties and of course my own curiosity..." She srugged and played with a strand of her blond hair between her fingers.

"See if you wanted to hang out sometime, maybe go for a run, I'm sure you've been around the grounds with Chris enough...might be nice to be around some of the female wolves of this pack, age mates and all that..."
Sheena's eyes widen slightly as she sees Patrick slide the shot towards her, easily within her reach. She eyes him, suspicious- why would he want her to have a drink, what was in it for him? But he leaves with a smile, and so she has to accept that maybe he simply is being nice, or just mischievous. Her eyes darting in her cousin's direction, she takes the shot and downs it fast, then scoots the empty glass out of view swiftly, hoping no one saw, or that if they did, they wouldn't care.

Rikarah would have been disgusted if she had witnessed this, but her eyes were focused on Esme as she continued to assess the girl's intent. If she truly were trying to get to know her, it was likely for the sake of Christian or for the good of the pack as a whole rather than for Rikarah herself. Still, she has to admit to herself that the girl is trying, and so she nods after a moment's pause.

"That would be fine. I am adjusting pretty well, I believe."
*Christian returns from the restroom just as Sheena takes the shot, it doesn't matter to him if she has one or two drinks, it's not like she'll get into trouble from the law, if anything Esme or Izzy would say something if she was around, besides she would have to drink that entire bottle for it to do anything even to a half-breed. Making his way back to the table he stops and talks to Sheena one more time.* Enjoying working here Sheena? I bet you do, I mean what's not to enjoy you get to spend time with your cousin and hang out in a pretty cool place. *Smiling at her, but watching Rika's reaction out the corner of his eye.*
Esme offers Rikrah another smile and looks around the bar, seeing Christian coming back over. "Great. I might go for a run tonight, go around the lake a bit. Get some hunting in...just come find me after you guys get back if you're interested..." she doesn't mention that she's going to invite Sheena as well and slides out from the booth, offering Chris her spot. Giving the couple a tiny wave, she heads back to the bar, stopping by her cousin.

"Hey, I'm gonna run some errands in town for a bit, keep an eye on things for me? Call me if you need me...I'll be is in the parking lot if you need it..." she leans over and pecks Sheena's cheek with a quick kiss and grabs her bag and phone, going through the kitchen to let her staff know she'd be back. Conner still wasn't back and she had a feeling Christian had sent him off on some errand for the Pack without telling her. Sighing, she rolls her eyes and steps into the back parking lot which leads onto the main street of town. She greets a few of the regular residents as she goes, and as she passes the diner she catches sight of Andrea and Conner talking. Okay, so that's where he had gone off to...

She goes over and jumps up along the side of the building, smacking the glass with her hand playfully to get their attention and sticks out her tongue when they turn to look at her. She waves, then looks at Conner pointedly and points to her watch before continuing on her way. She hadn't told Chris or Sheena but she had really gone in search of Patrick. She wanted to know more about this wolf considering it seemed like he'd be in her territory for awhile. Knowing her parents, they would have done the same thing, one track and follow him, and the other interrogate. Knowing she couldn't really pull off that last bit, she decided to just follow, she is she could just 'bump' into him and learn more then what he had offered at the bar.

His scent leads her to outside one of the motels, and she stops right on the steps, looking around. It'd be weird for her to just barge in, so she decides to go across the street to the coffee shop and grab something to eat and sit outside, just to keep an eye on the place until he surfaced. For a moment, she felt like a spy. But she had a feeling if she didn't do this, Chris would stick Conner or one of the other larger males on him, and that might give the poor stranger the wrong idea about their Pack.

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