Sheena looks up at Christian guiltily as he approaches, wondering if he saw her with the shot, and if he would mind if he hadn't. But he doesn't mention it, and is in fact still smiling at her, behaving in a friendly manner. She smiles back tentatively, wondering if it looks suspicious as she replies.

"Uh, yeah, I like it here. It's cool. And Esme is." Damn it, does she sound as stupid to him as she does to herself?

She nods again as Esme comes up to her, explaining she's leaving for a bit, and her cousin's kiss on her cheek makes her smile a little softer, more genuine, as her hand briefly moves to touch the mark. It still seems something of a miracle to her, something she can't yet take for granted, to have people who show her kindness and affection, and she watches Esme briefly before beginning to go about the bar again, approaching customers to ask if they need anything further.

"I will meet you then," Rikarah says in response to Esme's offer, noticing the exchange between Sheena and Christian, Sheena and Esme, and Esme's quick exit, but saying nothing in response. Instead she merely sips her drink and then stands, supposing that Christian will approach her soon with her "decision." She is unsure of what she genuinely intends, but of course she will at least outwardly try civility with the girl.
Andrea looked up as Esme tapped on the window, she blinked, then smiled a little, she wasn't used to having people that would really notice her or care. She noticed as Esme looked at Conner and pointed at her watch, it meant that he would be having to leave soon, though she figured that he would be needing to leave, she knew that he did have a job. She had a job as well, she glanced around the diner, glad to see that it was still slow, though about that moment someone did come in. "I have to get back to work." she said, she would let him finish the rest of his food on his own. She stood and went to find out what the family wanted as they sat down.

Patrick came out of his motel room looking revitalized clean. Especially with his new clothes comprising of a black Metallica T-shirt and a red flannel shirt with baggy dark jeans. Patrick felt even better since his hair had been spiked up, hence his nickname. He went across the street to the coffee shop to see what they have for drink choices. Halfway across the street Patrick notices Esme at the shop too. Upon seeing her he made a bee line for her. "Hey Esme. How's it going?" Patrick asked, kind of confused about seeing her near his place not an hour after him leaving the Full Moon.
"Patrick," her face lit up slightly and she smiled at him, putting down that day's paper that she had swiped from some other table to occupy her time. " clean up, nicely..." she shaded her eyes from the sun with one hand and looked him over. "Settled in alright over there/" she motioned to the motel with her chin. It was one of the better places for someone like him to stay, aside from the Pack's own Manor. She hoped that Chris would eventually agree with her to let him stay with them. In a small town like this, it was better if all the Lycans stuck together. Safer even. She couldn't risk not knowing about any hunts that went on, or humans finding out about them.
"Thanks," Patrick said, smiling even larger. Patrick looked over at the motel and nodded. "It isn't too bad. Way better than my box back in the city." Patrick sat down next to her. He scratched his little goatee and looked at her. "So, how's it going?" Smooth, lad. Smooth. Patrick tried forming other words, but couldn't find anything to say.

He new nothing about her other than her name and that she was a girl. That was about it. Maybe she should just ask the questions since he was an inarticulate dog.
*Christian sat back down next to Rika slipping his arm back around her, giving Esme a smile as she leaves* So what were you two talking about? Were you plotting something devious..planning on corrupting some poor pups? *Nuzzling up to her neck* You know you can corrupt me if you like..Minus the Esme, she's like my niece. *He knows exactly what they were saying but just wants to tease his mate a little bit.* How about we celebrate some random meaningless event just because we can, like there are 3 books of matches on the table so lets have a drink?

(What is the anniversary of Christian making Rika a Lycan? Do either of you remember?)
(nope...probably fall though...and in this rp she's only been changed for a little while, not for a full year yet)

"I suppose I do not want to know what it is you would like to do with those matches...if you happen to disappear into the restroom with them, I will simply have to develop selective amnesia," Rikarah smiles, moving in willingly against Christian's side and twining her fingers lightly with his.

Still, her posture remains remarkably straight considering she is leaning into him, and though she does not look towards Sheena, this seems due to deliberate effort more than a lack of noticing her. She had not failed to notice Christian's speaking with her and how Sheena had looked when he left her side. He had said something that made her seem quite happy, and though Rikarah would never ask, she did want to know what it was.

"I have no need to corrupt are quite well as you are, and as I prefer you," she flicked his nose playfully before standing, extending a hand. "Celebrations are nice, yes, but what is it we are celebrating, and what manner would you choose?"
"Just checking in on the new wolf in town..." she shrugged, not avoiding being blunt about the subject. "Alpha's duty and all that..." Esme ran a hand through her hair and looked back up at the other blond. "I just wanted to make sure that you're one of the better lone wolves is all...make sure you understand that we don't allow any hunting that could draw too much attention on ourselves, no wiping out an entire population...and I'm not just talking about the wild life in the woods..." her brown eyes narrowed slightly and there was a hint of red around the edges. "If I catch you even looking at a human in anyway other than friendly or romantically..." she trailed off, hoping she got the point across to him.

Sighing softly, she looked around the street, at all the locals walking about, a few of her Pack blended into the mix. "Look, I'm not trying to come off as a b****...It's just my family, my folks, we've been in this area for awhile...a long while...and they worked so hard at keeping us all safe, the humans included...I don't know what kind of Pack you might have run with before, but we here, we protect our own...territory included. You seem like an okay guy to me, I'd like to be right about that..."
Patrick just sat and stared at Esme. He looked in her eyes and saw that she told the truth. She was just looking out for her family, that's all. Patrick just sighed. "You're not a b****. Blunt maybe, but not a b****. I'd like to think I'm a good guy too. Trustworthy, humble, and not dangerous. And about the wildlife," Patrick just smiled at her, "I normally find someplace very far off from civil life and stay in a lake all night. I rarely hunt, and when I do it is normally for a rabbit or squirrel." Patrick shifted in his seat trying to get comfortable with little success. "And you won't find me getting romantic with a human. I've tried once before and it didn't work out too well."
Knowing that he was telling her the truth, Esme just nodded and took a sip from her coffee cup, eyeing him over the rim. She was a little curious about what had happened with him and his human, but knew better then to push for more information on something as personal as that. She only knew of a few Lycans who had had successful relationships with those outside of the Pack. It was rare, but it happened. Usually the human partners were turned later on. She didn't think anyone could really handle being with a wolf and not become one themselves.

"Alright," she finally said, clearing her throat. "Well good, then you have no reason to have to stay at that place for long then..." she motioned again to the motel and made a face. "I don't know why Chris thought putting you up over there would be best. We have more then enough muscle at the Manor even if you had ended up getting out of hand...I guess hold it out over there for a few more days and I'll try to talk to Chris about it again, see if we can get you moved into one of the rooms at the manor..." she paused and looked him over. "I'm sorry...I'm assuming you even, well...want to be part of a Pack?"
Patrick couldn't believe what he had just heard. He hadn't met Esme two hours ago and she is already showing him years worth of hospitality. He rubbed his hand through his beard in thought. He had only been in one pack in his entire life: the pack that was his actual family. He was just a pup then, about four years old. It had been a long time since he had felt like he was apart of something. Maybe this was a calling.

Patrick leaned forward to Esme, motioning her to lean in too. Then he said, "Esme. It would honor me to join your pack. I will stay here for a few days more if need be, but I am glad you are willing to speak to Christian about this. I promise you that I will do verything in my power and more to repay you." Eagerness filled his body but Patrick willed it down to a low tingle in the pit of his stomach. He need to keep a cool facade to not deter Esme away.
*Christian stood up following Rika, holding her hand* Who says I need a reason to celebrate, I'm an Alpha, my will be done yada yada. But if you need a reason to celebrate...Hmmmm Didn't the sun come up today, perhaps we could celebrate that the sky being blue. Could it simple just be my fondness for you my beautiful mate. Who knows what runs through my devious mind. Whatever it is chances are you enjoy it. I can hear your heart beat increaseing, your breath quick and shallow the scent of attracting and at the same time resentment, you don't like to feel so attach to someone but you're still drawn to me, it's the reason why I choose you, that strong independent will of yours...Which is why I want you to mentor Sheena.

(going to start a group of hunters, 5 slots available including Joseph's Daughter. Need to get some drama)
All of this Rikarah had been following along with aimably enough, even agreeing, smiling back at Christian as she held his hand, let herself lean her hip into the side of his leg, brushing their sides frequently as they walked. What he was saying was true enough. She did feel her body react when she was with Christian, without her consent, her breath does often get somewhat faster, and she does feel her heart beat harder when they touch as well. It is a silly thing, foolish, but Rikarah cannot deny that it is not unenjoyable. She does not generally like to lack control with anyone, even herself, but with Christian, and with this, it does not seem so bad. Sometimes it does disconcert her to realize just how attracted she is to him, how important he has become to her already, how much it would hurt to lose him...but to withdraw herself entirely would now be just as difficult as losing him without her consent, and it can be a difficult balance for her to decide upon.

She is agreeing with it all, up until the part about mentoring Sheena. This is the part that makes her stiffen, her hand tightening in his until it seems that she is trying to hurt him. "Excuse me? What do you mean, mentor? What exactly does that entail in your expectation?"

Her eyes slide to where Sheena is now serving other customers, noticing and having difficulty not sneering at her awkward response to some mild flirting from one of them, and when she sees Sheena sneak another shot shortly after, she rolls her eyes, turning to Macal as she gestures towards her again. "This girl, I am to mentor? Christian, I may not be able to restrain myself from simple honesty if I am around her alone too often."
*Christian shrugs then grins* I don't know, do what mentors do, google it if you need to, you need to take a more active role in the pack...Well besides what you do in our bedroom and she needs to feel wanted, she wasn't made a lycan or born a full lycan, she's a mutt a half breed, she'll always feel like an outsider if we don't make the effort to prove that she is one of us...Not to mention that a hybrid despite having blended blood could end up being a powerful ally. Look I'm not saying be her BFF but teach her what you can and make yourself available that if she needs help she'll come to you. Because chances are if she's ever in trouble and goes to Esme chances are I will not find out to help her until it's to late. *Placing his finger under her chin and lifting it slightly, he leans in and kisses her.* Look as an Alpha I can order you to do this but as my mate I'm asking you to do this for me and now I'll say something I never say to anyone...Please, do this for me, this is important to me and important to this pack.

(Sure just submit a character on the signup so Izzy can approve it, once all the slots are full we can start plotting how the hunters enter the picture.)
Still incredulous and hardly enthusiastic about this request, Rikarah cocks one hip, her hand resting on it as she stares at Chris, one eyebrow arched with continued distaste. She does not even bring herself to look at Sheena again as she responds stiffly.

"How am I to teach her? Shouldn't she be the one teaching me, she is the one with Lycan genes in the blood. Why does she need to be taught at all? Besides, she would never come to me, Christian. If you haven't noticed, she dislikes me. She refuses to listen to anything I have to say to her, even if it is spoken for her own good and well-being. She would not believe any gesture of good will I made towards her to be genuine, and in truth, Christian, it would be difficult for me to make it so."

But when Christian kisses her, his finger beneath her chin, it is difficult for her to continue to protest. She knows he is making himself humble in his asking, that he would not do so for any other...for her alone would he make this a favor rather than a command. It is after several moments of internal struggling that she finally nods, very stiffly still.

"I will try. Trying is not a guaranteed success."

As her eyes shift to Sheena again, it is very difficult for her to restrain herself from rolling them. Even the child's LOOKS are ridiculous to her...sure, she can't help being tall and thin, but the way she carries herself, like she hasn't entirely grown into her limbs. And the very least she could do is brush her hair and make sure her clothes fit.

"I can mentor her in her appearance, at the very least," she mutters to herself more than to Christian. "That would be an improvement."
*Christian holding Rika's hand raising it to his lips and kisses it again smiling at her.* Thankyou, you're doing me a great favor, one I won't soon forget, if fact how about I treat you to a very exclusive spa, you could spend the weekend being spoiled and pampered. And anything you need to help with Sheena, just ask me and I'll arrange it. *Turns in Sheena's direction* See she's a little rough but a sexy refined woman like you should have no problem smoothing her out. And you won't be totally alone I asked Riddian to keep her out of trouble..Whatever that may be. And I'm not expecting a miracle from you just your best effort. So once again thank you.
Rikarah's eyes roll towards the ceiling, but she is not as exasperated as she might appear as she sighs again, shaking her head. "I do not need to go to a spa. You do not have to bribe me, Christian, I am not a child. I will attempt to mold the one who is a child around here not because you offered me a gift but because you asked me. That is all."

She pauses, her eyes shifting again to Sheena as she says with some thought, "It would benefit our pack, and I suppose that is what matters, for her to be changed. What I ask of you then is not to make suggestions to me as to how I will go about it, then."

She does not wait for him to respond. "I suppose I should get it over with now. It is the full moon tonight, and there may be those out who are less controlled. I will allow her to go out, if she will go out with me. I will make sure she is behaving as we expect rather than running loose making a fool of herself."

She walks over then to Sheena, who stiffens, taking a step back from Rikarah automatically. Rikarah simply smiles at her, and it appears genuine, though she has to make herself do so.

"Hello, Sheena. I have a request for you."

"What do you want?" is Sheena's less than enthusiastic response, as she leans back against a table, crossing her arms over her chest, and it takes considerable patience on Rikarah's part to continue to speak to her in a civil tone and with a neutral expression.

"Tonight is the night of a full moon, and I will be on the lookout for any Lycans who may be out of control as a result of it. Normally you would be asked to stay in as you are not as experienced as some of us. But I would like you to accompany me when I leave tonight."

Sheena stares at her, thinking there must be a catch to this, and raises her eyebrows as she shakes some of her hair back from her face. "Don't you normally go out with Christian?"

"I would like for you to go with me on this occasion," Rikarah said with continued patience, her expression smooth, even as Sheena continued to stare at her, trying to figure out what her game was.


"Because you need to learn the way to conduct yourself at some point, and I more than many realize and care about the potential of your actions made in ignorance and how they could affect our pack," Rikarah started, but this struck up Sheena's defenses.

Glaring at her, she spat out, "I am not IGNORANT, I'm not stupid! Just because I don't talk like I swallowed a dictionary-"

"I did not say that, Sheena," Rikarah corrected quietly, even as she thought to herself that the girl seemed rather unintelligent in her own opinion. "What I meant was that if you do not know or understand how to conduct yourself within the pack or while out in Lycan form, by the rules of the pack, then it could be a problem for us or for you. I would like to help you."

Sheena is still eyeing her, disbelieving, and Rikarah's voice carried an edge then as she reminded her of the last point of it. "If you do not go with me you will not be able to go out at all. And we all know that you have the attention span of a flea when it comes to remaining still."

This is a point that Sheena cannot deny, and she finally nods begrudgingly. Rikarah nods too, her tone final. "Meet me outside the house at sunset."

As she returns to Christian she gives him a small poke in the chest. "I do hope you are satisfied. I had to grind my teeth so often from that sole conversation my jaw aches. The dental bills by the end of the night will be appalling."
You did very well and again I thank you, not only for helping her but giving me the night off to go enjoy the pages Riddian gave me, just me a glass of brandy and some good reading but don't go thinking that our bed won't miss you because it will but you deserve a girls night out...Granted not exactly what you expect but still should be fun. Just beware tonight, just in case Conner didn't send those hunters away. But in the mean time we have sometime before you have to go out, care to walk around town with me?
Esme smiled. "Alright, well as long as you don't do anything to make either of us feel otherwise, I'm sure Christian or myself will be able to find a spot for you at the manor..." She sits up a bit straighter and runs a hand through her hair, something she was noticing was becoming a bit of a habit. "Right then..." she stood up suddenly, looking around, eyeing the her bar up the street. "I should ah, probably get going back to work... appearances to keep up and all that..." she offered him another smile, and put some change down on the table for her coffee.

"Come see me later if you'd like..." she waves and turns to head back, passing the diner again, not seeing her Pack mates there anymore.

((sorry so short, rough week/weekend...silly but I'm letting the\is break up get under my skin more then I should...I'll be back on my a-game tomorrow I promise))
Patrick smiled back at Esme and watched her walk away. He stood up after a few moments and went back to his room to get used to it hopefully Esme will be able to change Christians mind about him staying at the Pack's home. But Patrick didn't hold his breath over it. Instead Patrick got into his room and drew the shades closed to the windows and sat down on the single bed in the small room. After about ten minutes, Patrick turned the radio/alarm clock on next to the bed to a local rock station and lied down on the bed. After a few more moments he drifted into a light sleep, in a meditative state between sleep and awake that he learned from an Asian man back in Queens. Only for a few hours, he thought.
(Izzy, correct me if I’m wrong on some of the mythology…I assumed that we as Lycans can shift whenever we like, but that we can mostly only turn others into Lycans on a full moon? Or is that not correct?)

“Girls’ night out? Fun? Christian, this is not a night out with a friend, this is an assigned babysitting job,” Rikarah said with a deep sigh, disregarding the fact that Sheena was only six years younger than her. “I see how this is. You send the puppy off so she will not pace about the house all night distracting your reading, do not think I cannot see through you and your talks of pack unity and helping the hopeless.”

Still, she took his hand, leaving out with him, and as soon as she was out of Blue Moon and alone with Christian, her posture relaxed. She could do this. Sheena was an irritating little girl in her view, but Rikarah was a strong, capable, and persuasive woman, surely she would be able to sway her into improving.


Caroline Danson’s chest heaved, her breath coming in sobbing spurts, her tears nearly blinding her as she ran, thin arms and legs pumping, dirty sneakers slapping loudly on the ground. Her long brown hair straggled partly over her face, but she didn’t bother to push it out of her vision; she barely noticed it at all. She simply ran, her chest aching as though her heart were literally breaking within her.

It couldn’t be true. It couldn’t be true. It couldn’t be true, but the way Ellis and Reebok and Emerald and Jujube had been talking, the things they said…they didn’t know her daddy, they didn’t know what he’d really been like. They didn’t know, they couldn’t know how much he loved her, that he would never, ever have hurt her, never, ever lied to her.

It wasn’t true. It wasn’t true.

But whatever she tried to tell herself, the doubts they had raised with their sneering comments and pointed questions, questions Caroline could not answer or explain, had shaken her as no one else had been able to since that terrible night that the police had come to take her away. Ever since they came and took her dad…took Lewis, if that was the truth, who he really was to her…then no one, not the police, not her therapist, not the people who said they were her parents, not the lawyers, not anyone had been able to convince her that Lewis Danson was anything but exactly who he said he was- her father, who loved her more than anyone in the world. Her father, who had put both their lives on hold just so he could always have her by his side.

But if they were right, and he was a liar, then everything Caroline believed about herself and her life was completely wrong.

It had all started when she was eight years old, the night that Lewis broke into her bedroom with a knife and directed her to come with him. She had been terrified and confused, not understanding at all, as he guided her out to his car and drove for what seemed like hours. When he finally explained to Caroline that he was her father, that the people she thought to be her parents had kidnapped her long before and he was simply taking her back at last, Caroline had not at first believed him. He had told her that her name was not Maddie Brinkerman, as her parents had called her, but rather Caroline Danson, and that she was not eight, as she believed, but rather nine. It had taken months for him to convince her, but finally, Caroline had come to believe it to be true.

For years she and Lewis had lived a life on the run, bouncing from motel to apartment to even sleeping in the car or in the woods, always looking over their shoulder. The people who had kidnapped her, Lewis had told her, had connections with the police, and so the police would never believe him over her. For four years Caroline’s heart had pounded every time she saw a police car or heard a siren, not because she hoped for rescue, but because she feared it.

But one night, one terrible night, they had indeed caught up with them, and they had taken Lewis away in handcuffs, taken Caroline back to a police station for hours of questioning…and Caroline had been taken back to her parents, the very people she was certain had kidnapped her. Despite Lewis’s pleading guilty, several therapists, and her parents’ showing of her birth certificate, Caroline had continued to doubt their word, to hope, trust, and believe in Lewis. She did not love them anymore…she could not love them, not when her allegiance lay with the man she believed them to have stolen her from.

It seemed a long time ago that she had finally decided to take matters into her own hands and to leave them, to make her way to Lewis on her own. Yes, he was in prison, she knew, but perhaps if she got to him, she could somehow break him out. Perhaps if she told her story, they would realize it was all a mistake and let her go. She hadn’t been allowed to testify for him, after all.

What Caroline hadn’t realized was that life on the streets with no Lewis to look out for her was no place for a twelve-year-old girl, even one who believed herself to be thirteen. It had taken one day of hunger and frequent approaches by scary-looking people for her to accept the sketchy approach of the four teenagers who had offered to let her be their “runner,” in exchange for protection, scrounged food, and a place to sleep. Caroline had known nothing about what she was doing other than transferring bags back and forth between people, for she had never looked inside them; they had told her that was one of the conditions of her “employment,” that she couldn’t ask questions or look inside.

The job had been a scary one. She had to go to people who were big and sometimes mean or crazy-acting, and a few of them had tried to touch her or asked her to do strange things. Caroline had gotten good at running fast, but whatever she did, the other kids always seemed to laugh at her and think she was funny or dumb, even when she wasn’t trying to be.

But this…this had been too much. For them to say the things they said about her father, telling her what he had probably really wanted from her, who he really was, with examples of their own to back up…it was too much.

“Dude, his dead wife just HAPPENS to got your name, the name you didn’t even KNOW was yours, s’posedly, till he said, and he all the time touched up on you, telling you you’re so damn SPECIAL, and you think he ain’t just waiting until you grow some boobs before he gets into your pants?” Reebok had laughed. “Girl, he take you and bang your head against the walls a few times too, scramble up your brains?”

“He take you outta your rich girl home with a f*cking KNIFE, and you think he’s the one on the straight and narrow?” Jujube had joined in, and all the others had had plenty of comments too.

“You s’posed to be thirteen years old and he shares a BED with you? And you thinking he’s NOT touching up on you when you’re snoozing away?”

“He *******’ PLED GUILTY and you think he’s tellin’ the whole world a lie and you the truth?”

“You think rich couples go around stealing babies from one broke-ass guy instead of just going out and buying a kid from China or what-the-f*ck ever?”

“How you think he got the money to take you around all those years, little girl? Your white knight daddy is either a pimp or a dealer, bet he’d be proud to see his girlie now!”

On and on, relentless, enjoying themselves as they provoked her anger and her pain, it becoming a sport to see if they could break her, if they, better than any other, could slam the truth home. And it had been they, four street kids without any of the authority or fancy degrees of those who tried before, who had finally gotten through to her enough to send her fleeing them in tears, as the reality of all she had once believed to be true was shattered within her thoughts.

If she was not Caroline Danson, but she was no longer Maddie Brinkerman either, then who was she? If she was not thirteen, but twelve, what did that mean, that she had an extra year? Where could she go now, what could she do, when her life as she knew it no longer existed?

When Caroline came across the edge of the forest she didn’t hesitate to run inside, heedless of the branches scratching her face and arms as she shoved past them. She didn’t see the eyes glowing in the darkness behind her, the light growls of anticipation that sounded, and it wasn’t until the two creatures shot forward, blocking her path, that she saw them at all.

Huge, hairy, teeth bared, fur standing on end…it was wolves, what looked like very large, very aggressive wolves, and as Caroline froze, her eyes growing huge with shock and fear, they started towards her, seeming to savor her fear.

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“Slow down,” Rikarah said to Sheena through already clinched teeth, wanting to reach out to grab hold of the taller girl’s arm, but also not wishing to touch her. “There is no need to gallop about.”

Sheena glanced back at her, slowing her pace only fractionally. “Why, can’t keep up? I know your legs are shorter and stuff…”

Rikarah could not tell from the girl’s tone if she was deliberately being a smart-ass or was simply making a Sheena-ish comment without thinking through all its implications. Either way, she didn’t appreciate it, and spoke with an icy edge in reply.

“It is undignified and unnecessary to walk at that pace, as well as the fact that it calls attention to yourself. What you will have to learn, Sheena, is that you should blend in and make yourself beneath notice for as much as is possible when out in public. Give others no reason to remember you and to later make connections which could be harmful towards you and the pack. I realize your physical proportions are rather like those of a giraffe, but you need not exacerbate your situation by becoming a skipping giraffe as well.”

“Well, you of the midget height would know about blending in, I guess, you probably blend in with the shrubs when you wear green,” Sheena retorted, and it took most of Rikarah’s effort to keep from throwing up her hands and turning to walk away from her. Only her promise to Christian kept her moving forward and avoiding doing something to provoke an escalated fight.

Their conversation had continued along these lines from the moment Rikarah came to get Sheena for the evening. The girl, confused as to why Rikarah wanted her at all, had been defensive from the get go, and everything she said or did, whether or not it was intentional, seemed designed to irritate Rikarah as much as possible. It had been with much bickering and sniping back and forth that they had finally arrived at the forest edge, and even then, Sheena seemed determined to test her.

She started to shift, even before looking about herself, and Rikarah had snapped at her, causing her to halt.

“Will you think for a split second about the stupidity of what you are doing?”

“What, agreeing to go out with YOU?” Sheena retorted, turning to face her with extreme irritation in her expression and posture. “All you’ve done is be on my case all night!”

“Because you are behaving like a reckless child. You did not even look about yourself to see that no one was watching you or aware of your presence. Beyond that, you should enter the woods a distance before shifting at all, anyone could be watching out of our view. Are you even using your sense of smell, Sheena, to see if you can smell anyone in the distance?”

Begrudgingly, Sheena looked over her shoulder, then gave a half-hearted sniff. It was then that she sniffed again, smelling what Rikarah too had noticed.

“There’s a human in the woods,” she announced, and Rikarah rolled her eyes, exhaling.

“Yes. Exactly. It could very well be a lost hiker or a drifter, but it could also be a hunter, and you would have foolishly shifted yourself where it might have seen. We must locate it and make sure that we will know to keep out of its path. So no shifting until we have-“

This was when they heard the first scream, high, shrill, terrified, female…and young. It was a human scream, yes, but also what sounded like the scream of a child.

Sheena didn’t hesitate; she took off towards the source of the scream without so much as a glance back at Rikarah, her hair whipping behind her and getting snagged by branches as she tore through the forest, leaving Rikarah no choice but to follow her, even as she called to her urgently.

“Sheena! Do not-“

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But she had no time to finish her sentence, for the screaming child had not been far from them at all, and already Sheena had reached her, Rikarah close on her heels. Several feel from them, two large black Lycans, ones Rikarah did not recognize, had thrown a child somewhere between nine and twelve years old down to the forest ground and were attacking her, clawing her repeatedly, seeming to be doing so for the sheer enjoyment of it.

The moment Rikarah saw this, she wrote the child off as a lost cause. The Lycans were not biting her, and so this meant, she supposed they had no interest in turning her, only in killing her; they would likely feed on her as she was close to death. It would be in her or Sheena’s best interest to leave and report the Lycans to the rest of the pack, to return with reinforcements to deal with them. She and Sheena were both smaller than they, and it would be foolish to attack over a child who would die anyway.

But Sheena, despite Rikarah’s beginning to explain this to her via their mental Lycan pack connection, fully disagreed and disregarded this logic. Instead, she simply threw herself fully into the fray, shifting as she leapt at them, teeth bared in a snarl, growling with a viciousness she had not known the girl to be capable of.

It was a stupid, stupid thing to do in Rikarah’s opinion. But she had agreed to accompany the stupid girl, she had agreed to look out for her, and so this left her no choice but to shift too, and join her in her attack.

The attack was over almost as soon as it started. The Lycans, though large, were younger than Rikarah had judged at first, and clearly not alphas; if they belonged to a pack, they were likely of the lowest of the pack rather than of those more experienced. Several bites, blows, and effectively placed swipes from the women was enough to send them running off, abandoning their prey, and the women were able to turn towards the child, to check the extent of damage against her.

As Rikarah had thought, the little girl appeared to be close to death, heavily bleeding from her face, chest, and torso, her eyes barely open, struggling for breath. She looked up at them blankly, seeming in the full throes of shock, and Rikarah shook her head, teeth still bared as she began to back away.

“It is a shame, but there is nothing we can do,” she told Sheena through their connection, both still in their Lycan forms. “It probably would have been better to let them finish her off. We need to go back now and inform Christian and the others.”

“She’s going to die,” Sheena breathed, stricken, but there was anger as well as grief in her tone. She inched closer to the child, coming to sit on her haunches beside her, and Rikarah nudged her shoulder with hers, addressing her again.

“Sheena…it is sad, yes, but there is nothing we can do. Let us return-“

“Yes there is,” Sheena said with some conviction, her tone brightening in such a way that Rikarah stilled, dreading what the girl clearly thought of as a terrific new idea. “It’s the full moon tonight…we can turn her! We can turn her, and then she’ll have the Lycan healing, and she won’t die.”

This was an idea that Rikarah disliked on so many levels she didn’t even know how to begin. Staring at Sheena, she slowly shook her head, then, seeing the brightness of the girl’s eyes, quickly tried to verbalize her protests.

“No, Sheena. She is a child. We do not need to take on the responsibility of a child in the group, you are enough of one yourself as it is. We do not need-“

“I’ll be the one responsible for her,” Sheena declared, horrifying Rikarah all the more.

“You do not even take responsibility for yourself! Why do you think I am here with you tonight, because I am taking responsibility for YOU, and yet you believe you can be responsible for a young human child?! You have never turned anyone!”

“All it takes is a bite,” Sheena tossed over her shoulder, and Rikarah saw with even greater horror that she was already kneeling down, mouth open.

She seized Sheena’s tail in her mouth and bit, hard, but Sheena ignored her, even as Rikarah raised her voice considerably in her head.


But Sheena’s fangs had already pierced the child’s wrist, as gently as she was able to. Withdrawing from her, she shifted back into her human form, forcing Rikarah to let go of her, and then, back turned to Rikarah, faced the little girl, gently stroking through her hair. The child’s eyes were barely open, and she was barely conscious, but Sheena spoke to her softly, still stroking her face and face.

“Hi…my name is Sheena. I’ll take care of you, everything will be all right.”

She used the edge of her shirt to wipe some of the blood off the child’s face, then lifted her carefully into her arms. Only then did she turn to face Rikarah, holding the little girl almost like a baby.

“We can go home now.”

The fury that Rikarah felt was so great that she did not trust herself to respond. It took her every ounce of self-control she had to simply turn without speaking and walk out of the forest, shifting back into her human form at its edge, and to return with Sheena back to the Pack’s home. She did not wait for Sheena to make any sort of announcement but forged ahead of her, barging into Christian’s bedroom and announcing with blazing eyes,

“Congratulations, my love. I suppose you’re a father now.”

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Andrea finished her shift at the diner, and walked outside, stretching some as she walked, she unlocked the chain she had on her bike, she didn't really think that people would steal it but it was better to be safe than sorry. She looked around to make sure that she wasn't going to run anyone over (or get ran over herself) before getting onto the bike and heading toward the manor, a place she already thought of as home.

Andrea knew that tonight was the full moon, and while she really wanted to shift and go for a run, but she still wasn't used to being here yet and figured that it would be a good idea not to go alone. She stayed in her room, not really sure who to ask, she did have a bit of a problem with being a little shy since she still wasn't completely used to the people here. She was a little worried about losing her new home and having to be alone again, though she knew that she needed to try to be a little more friendly with the other people here.

She was sitting on her bed with her eyes closed when she suddenly heard Rikarah's loud entrance back into the manor, she walked to the door of her bedroom which she had left open. She walked out into the hall, then quickly stepped back into her room as Rikarah stormed past, she tilted her head, then decided to go see what was going on.

*Ok looking in from the outside, Christian following Rika and Sheena downwind so they can't detect him, may seem like he doesn't trust Rika do do her job, but the truth is he just has a hard time letting go of control of anything, especially when it comes to his mate. Christian had sense the two strays and the little girl in the woods and feels guilty because he didn't react before Sheena and Rika did, when first he sensed them they were at the edge of his territory but they quickly made it in deeper and seemed to have been tracking that child from the moment she entered the forest. Again he should have stepped in long before Sheena detected them but he didn't.

He watched as Sheena and Rika engaged the strays, impressed at how well both ladies held their own, granted they were weak ranked lycans but they didn't know that. When the strays run off, Christian doesn't wait long only staying long enough to see that Sheena and Rika are not harmed once assured he takes off, the terrain goes by in a blur stopping short in front of the strays still in his human form in front of the two strays. The side of Christian that he doesn't like anyone especially Rika see. He stares down the two his eyes seem to glow red.* You violate my lands, attack a human child and make a game of it and battle with 2 members of my pack including my mate! I shall not forgive this offense but never let it be said I'm without mercy. *Still feeling the beating they already taken but have no choice but to attack they charge Christian the first one jumps at Christian intent in baring his fangs into Christian's neck but he's caught by the throat by Christian, held in the air like a rag doll, as his friend dives at Christian's leg and sinks his fangs down in his thigh, Christian barely acknowledges him only to grab him by the scruff of his neck and holding him in the air next to his friend, Christian looks at them both suspended in the air and grins as their are two equally loud cracks, the sound of their necks breaking, with little effort he flings them both in two different directions slamming them into tree with enough force that shatters the tree trunks as they pass through them.

Christian dust himself off and pulls out his phone, calling Riddian,*We have a problem, someone is trying to encroch on our territory. *He heads back to the manor, getting there ahead of Rika and Sheena with enough time to change and get into bed.*

What do you mean I'm a father? * he jumps up and stands in front of her*

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