(Dago can catch up when he gets on, I'm going to have Christian go after Rika, otherwise his part is gonna stall waiting for Riddian's response)

*It was a couple of hours before Christian made it back to his room, he fully expected Rika to be there..Pissed but still there but when she's not there, he starts moving through the manor, looking for her, he scent leading him out the front door. Any other day this would be fine but the strays and the hunters, the thought of her falling prey to either of them is more then he could live with.

He rushes forward shifting into his lycan form picking her scent moving at full pace, it's only a matter of minutes before he over takes her, instantly shifting back into human, of course he's not naked but it's nothing she hasn't seen before, he rushes up to her and grabs her, hugging her tightly before pulling back.* ARE YOU INSANE! There is to much danger for you to be out here by yourself! You can't take risk like this didn't you hear Patrick say there are Hunters in the forest and not deer hunters they are hunting us. I know you're pissed at me but you can't be this reckless. We have to go back to the manor.
This is hardly the reassurance that Sheena had been hoping for, as the intensified horror in her eyes shows at Esme's words. Her breathing is beginning to come a little faster, and she ducks her head down again, taking in slow breaths to try to calm herself even as her heart thuds wildly in her chest. The thought of the little girl who had seemed too confused to even be certain about her own name or age dying in slow agony, her skin and bones twisting and breaking and unable to repair themselves back into place again, was a vivid image in her mind, so terrible and real to her that she could almost see it now, and Sheena had to chew the inside of her cheeks hard to keep from starting to cry.

"Can't we....get her...I don't know, medicine or something...oh f***, Esme..."

She goes to lift Caroline, almost begging her cousin, "Help me! Show me what to do for her!"


Rikarah held herself stiffly against Christian, pulling back from him as soon as he has loosened his hold on her, and deliberately turns her face and her body away from his as she says with as much coldness as she can muster, "Oh, it is dangerous for me? Do you mean that my safety has value to you? Why is that, because if I were to be harmed, then I would lose my cherished SOLE PURPOSE as the babysitter of Margaret Sadovsky? Well we certainly could not have that, could we? After all, the babysitter and scapegoat of Madam Margaret is a valuable commodity that must be protected so as not to lose the services she can provide to that child alone."

Her volume and bitterness increases noticeably until by the end of this little speech, she is almost hissing at him, her eyes sparking, and the coldness in her tone from before has become a heat that is rare for Rikarah to display. She turns to look Christian in the eye as she concludes, "I can take care of myself, Christian. We both know this. But I have no desire for a child. I did the best I could by her, just as you asked of me, and for you to punish me because I am not all powerful in the face of her foolishness is not only unjust, it tells me exactly how much I must mean to you. You want what I can do for you and the pack, and that is all. That is my SOLE PURPOSE to you. You said as much yourself."
Andrea stayed still as he patted her on the head, she blinked since she hadn't expected that, she did notice as he almost called her 'puppy', but corrected himself part of the way through to her name. "Thank you... And I'll try to remember that." she said quietly, she watched them leave her room. She looked around her room at the mess, then she started cleaning up, she took care of the vomit on the floor and everything else, putting things back where they went and throwing away what needed to be thrown out. She looked at Patrick, then gently moved him so she could cover him up, she made sure not to wake him.

Andrea went to her dresser, planning to get some clothes and go have a shower, she stopped and looked at a picture on top of her dresser. She smiled a little as she looked at the picture, it was of her parents, her, and her little brother, around the time that she was thirteen. Andrea was the only one out of all of them with red hair, it was something that she got from her father's mother, yet she was the only one in the picture with it. She sighed some and looked away from the picture, quickly grabbing her clothes and walking to the door of her room, she glanced back, almost as if making sure that everything in the room was alright, then flipped the switch, plunging the room into darkness. She left the door open and started down the hall.

She stopped outside Sheena's room when she heard what Esme was saying about the fact that the girl might die, she knocked on the door before going in hesitantly, she looked around at them. "I'm sorry if I'm intruding but...." she trailed off and slowly looked at Sheena, "Did you expect it to be easy? I'm not sure what it's like for those that are born lycan... but it was very painful at first, and very confusing. I didn't have a choice in this life, I don't even think that the one that bit me had meant to turn me, I was just an accident. I was alone. She is lucky because of the fact that she won't be alone. If she makes it through this, then she will have others around her to teach her what is happening instead of having to deal with it on her own." she said, she didn't normally talk much about her past, but she thought that making the point about the girl not being alone if she survives was important.

"I lived in fear of what I was and what I might do for the first year or so before I got used to it and started trusting myself a little more." she said, then she turned to go, she really wanted to have that shower she planned on. "Being alone or having a family or pack to teach you, I'm sure it will make a difference in her life." she said, this time she didn't add on the 'if she makes it'. Because she really did hope that the girl would make it, death was an end, but if she lived she could make her life better than whatever it was before.

Sheena doesn't hear Andrea come to the door, so when the girl speaks, she jumps, a short shriek coming to her lips but not escaping. Her arms tighten around Caroline as she turns towards Andrea, listening to her, and the other girl's words begin to calm her somewhat. Andrea more than any of them would know; she, like Caroline, had been a human who was turned, though she had been older, and she was alone. Sheena would make sure that Caroline was never alone, not for a minute, if she didn't want to be.

"I guess," she said to her softly, though inwardly she flinched at Andrea's mild comment about expecting it to be easy for Caroline. "I don't know...I won't let her be alone. I mean...I always sort of wanted a sister, so..."

Her voice trailed off as she thought about the sister she did have, the infant, chronically ill Evangeline. She had no idea where Evangeline was now, if she was okay, and it often plagued her thoughts. Maybe Caroline could be for her what Evangeline would never be able to be, what Sheena could not pursue her sister to try to be for her.

"Should I...go to the basement with her?" she asked Esme, looking over to her again. "And chain her...she's going to be scared when she wakes up."
Riddian watched with little surprise as Christian showed at least indirectly the soft side he wants the pack to believe he doesn't have. After blooding Patrick into the pack, something elders didn't do as they were bonded by relationship to the pack, Christian turned towards him to what he presumed was going to be a conversation about the child who was turned. It was a serious enough thing to turn a human and have them be a mutt, the dangers in such a thing terrifying. But to turn a child, well that exponentially increased the dangers. There had not been a child lycan since the original pack made it's last member. All of the original pack Riddian included, minus the Alpha of it, were children before being turned. He had to warn the pack of the impending dangers. He made his way to Esme, Sheena, Andrea, and the child. When he walked into the room they all occupied he had a neutral expression on his face one to allow those in the room to understand the true and serious dangers in what had happened. All who knew Riddian knew if he wasn't smiling the situation was very, very serious. He cleared his throat and waited for them to look to him.
Andrea looked back at Sheena and smiled, "Good, she doesn't need to be alone." she said, she was about to walk out the door when all of a sudden there was Riddian. She stopped herself before walking into him and back pedaled so he had room. She looked around at Sheena and Esme as if wondering if they knew what was going on. She sighed a little, then looked at Riddian again, this had to be about the child, she wondered if he wanted her to be there, or if she could go have a shower, but she would stay for as long as she wasn't dismissed.

She did hope that the girl would live, though she knew that life would be hard on her. She didn't really know Riddian, so she didn't realize how serious it was that he wasn't smiling, though she did keep her brown eyes on him, waiting to find out what would happen.

Sheena startles again when Riddian clears his throat, turning to face him quickly enough that her hair whips out, its ends lightly hitting both Andrea and Esme. Seeing how serious he looks, and knowing how very bad this situation must be for him to look at her in such a way, she lowers her eyes again, but this does little to temper her guilt and anxiety, as she is now looking down into Caroline's strained face. She hunches, as though to try to hide her from his view, though this is of course impossible as she says in a barely audible voice, " was just...going to go with Esme to tie her she won't damage things or hurt herself when she turns...I'm sorry."

Tentatively she started to move past him in the doorway, looking back hoping that Esme will come with her.
"Of course I'll help..." Esme mutters, reaching up to pull her dark hair back into a ponytail. "Just let me think..." She stands back as Andrea enters the room, followed by her Uncle, hardly listening to their conversation. There's a faint hint of human blood still and it makes her dizzy. Swallowing hard she finally looks up, snapping out of it after Sheena's shaky apology to the older wolf.

"The basement..." She nods. "If you can carry her down there, or have Andrea help you...we need to get her down there. I can find some sedatives, should be able to keep her calm, at least for the beginning of her Shift anyways...but we have to move quickly...I'm not sure how much time we have..."

She doesn't wait to make sure that they're following, instead she heads back into the hallway, looking in Andrea's bedroom's direction for a moment, still wondering what had been going on with Patrick. She hoped he was alright. Taking the stairs, almost two at a time, she looks behind her for a moment then heads into the kitchen, looking through some drawers, until sure enough, she finds one of the stashed tranq guns. She takes it out from it's case and grabs a few of the bullets, pocketing them and goes to open the basement door for the others. Once they're safe downstairs, she starts moving things around, pushing old boxes and shelving to the sides until she locates the shackles still mounted to the floor and walls. "Lay her there..." She points to a spot of the ground. "The chains on the floor go to her legs, then there are two of the wall for her arms..." she swallows hard, finally looking over at her cousin, pity in her eyes. "-and there's one in the middle...a collar...I'm sorry, but that's going to have to go around her throat..."
Sheena tries to turn herself in the doorway to squeeze past Riddian in such a way that Caroline doesn't have to touch him, but she sees the girl's legs brush him and knows that he likely is upset with this. The scent of Caroline's blood is beginning to make her feel sick, almost faint with its strong odor; she does not feel tempted or hungry, only upset by it. She is holding her breath as she follows Esme downstairs, avoiding meeting the eyes of anyone she passes along the way. She is sure that every one of them will look at her with disgust or contempt if she met their gaze.

The basement is dark, though not overly dirty, and as Esme indicates the shackles for Caroline to be put into, Sheena stops short, again stricken nearly speechless by what she's done, what she'll have to do to the girl in her arms. She looks down at Caroline, swallowing, and for a moment hesitates, looking up at Esme.

"Esme...she's not even near 100 pounds," she whispered, staring at the collar she was expected to put the girl's head into, and again her eyes shone with repressed tears before she knelt, steeling herself, and gently began to settle the child into place. She moves her with great care, her stomach knotting painfully, and her hands are shaking again as she takes the tranq gun from Esme. Again she hesitates, horrified at the thought of sticking that large instrument into the child's scrawny arm, but then jerkily does so, her breath coming out in a shuddering sigh again. Caroline's eyes move beneath their lids, but she remains still afterward.

Sheena lets herself sit back on her haunches, trying to stay calm as she waited for the first signs of the child's changing to occur. She was sure she would not be able to sleep through it...that would be much too much to hope for.
Riddian simply blinks when Sheena and Esme walk past him with the girl. With a closer look his fears are confirmed that she is in the age group that would most definitely have the same changes as the last members of the original pack did. Riddian was changed at an even younger age, he was barely two years old when he was changed, which was the second youngest to live through the transformation next to the actual progenitor of the first pack. But still she is young enough to fall in the category. He ignored her blood with casual ease, something only greatly practiced lycans can do in the amounts currently in the mansion. He enjoys the smell of the irony blood but is saddened by it as well due to the obvious pain and anguish it was brought about by. He made his way to the basement just behind Esme and Sheena. When he saw them trying shackles and such he simply thought how ridiculous it was. "Girls I need to inform you of something. Something very, very grave." He paused until they both turned around to listen to him. "You may think you understand the dangers of what you have done. That her being a mutt is the serious problem. And yes mutts do not have it easy to adjust as their transformations are difficult and downright painful in the beginning. But you transformed a child! This has not been done since the Original lycans. The pack from when i was as old as she in your arms." He made a slight gesture with his hands towards the girl. His seriousness was no longer upon his face, instead replaced by a piercing sadness that radiated from him and was easily seen in his eyes.

"The first pack was started by a man who i knew as a father. His father dabbled in black magic and arcane arts. When one of his experiments went wrong it affected the child in his wifes womb. The result was when he was born he was transformed into a beast of unimaginable power, most specifically at the time of the full moon. Luckily they lived far from what little truly organized societies there were back in those days. He was able to rampage about in the forests around their home while his parents hid in their sub cellar. But alas his strength proved too great at a later age of 26 and he shattered the stone walls and slaughtered his own parents in blood frenzy one fateful full moon. Then he made his way to a nearby town and started killing villagers before retreating into the forest once more. In the aftermath many were bitten and changed, these being the first werewolves ever. The youngest child turned in the village sat at two years old, writhing in pain as he watched his parents die. He went through transformations, as did many of the other older males and females of various ages. The villagers chased them into the forest then ran for the nearest city beyond theirs for protection. The group of those who knew something about themselves was changing banded together. About 12 villagers survived the changing of the 27 who were bitten. All of the survivors between the youngest of 2 and the oldest of 17. This was the first pack."

"The first pack thinned out over the coming years as their transformations turned them into dreadful beast of slaughter and devastation. They killed everything and could not recognize anyone they knew, even each other. As they grew older they slowly began to control themselves while in their wolven states. And some of them began changing others on purpose. But they found out through trial and error that adults or at least young adults had control over themselves for the most part if changed, at least they weren't the berserkers that those not of mature age were. Children became taboo to change when this was discovered. I was the two year old and the first ancestor of Esme in lycan blood, my best friend, was a seven year old child during that first fateful night. We changed many and began packs all over the world. The first alpha and all members of the original pack, minus your Esme's many multiples great grandfather and me, were killed when one tried to change a child without the others knowledge. By the time the y gahtered together and tried fighting it the beast had already slaughtered half their number. We only survived because we were in a different land, the others only living on through their disciples who left to start packs of their own." He looked for reactions. "This child for the first three years of her lycan life will need to be put in a building super-fortified to her inevitable berserker strength, or not only will she kill our entire pack but most likely the entire town nearby!"
(Um...I really don't want to play Caroline as a fully out of control, foaming at the mouth Lycan. That's not what my concept of the character is. Yes, of course she'll have a hard time controlling herself when in her Lycan form at first, but it was my intention for her that Sheena and others be able to help her through it rather than lock her up or else she'll kill every one of them. It was my thought that the actual transformation part and the pain of it would be harder for her, plus the adjustment to knowing she's Lycan, than an urge to kill all her other pack members. In fact, I want her to attach to Sheena pretty quickly, which isn't really possible if she's wanting to rip her throat out. Since Caroline is 12, not 2 or 7, she should have better self control than someone that young anyway, like Sheena said, she's not a baby, just young. So...let's find a way to get around that dire prediction, lol. I really don't see how someone who weighs 78 pounds could have such "beserker strength" that she could tear apart someone like Connor or Christian or even Sheena for that matter anyway, when they're larger and undoubtedly strong too. Also, Izzy, since Caroline is a turned Lycan, does that mean then that she will at first only shift during full moons, beyond her control, and then learn how to shift at will?)

Sheena could not move. The moment she sensed Riddian entering the basement behind her she had known that she would not enjoy whatever it was that he had to say. Riddian, of all the men of the pack, was the one she respected the most and held the least fear towards, as he had always been so kind to her. She had always hoped that some day she might be able to do something that was important or impressive enough to earn his approval. But it looked now like she'd blown that chance for good, just from one glance at his expression.

And then his story, delivered in such grave tones Sheena could hardly stand to hear it. And the words he was actually saying...she had just, from what he was saying, condemned Caroline to a life of solitude for the next three years. Riddian was saying that if they did not, the girl would kill them all, and everyone else she could reach.

She had promised Caroline she would be with her, that she wouldn't leave her alone. And now Riddian was saying that she would have to be.

Looking at the little girl, with her skinny body almost further dwarfed by the restraints, and imagining her as a bloodthirsty, out of control monster, chained up alone for the next few years, was a horrible enough image for Sheena that she started to cry, backing away from her, keeping her head down in hopes that Riddian wouldn't see.
Andrea followed quickly, she still wanted her shower, but she did want to help, so she helped Sheena make sure that Caroline was chained up good and frowned some as she watched her get drugged with the tranquilizer. She looked at Riddian quickly when he walked into the basement and started telling his story, she frowned as she listened.

She looked at Caroline, tilting her head, she just couldn't see it happening, plus there was the fact that if she was correct, Riddian was very old, so he wasn't giving the consideration of hundreds of years of evolution any thought. Not just human evolution, but the evolution of the lycans as well, she figured that having time to change and grow, to adapt to everything that such things probably wouldn't happen. Of course the changes would be painful for the young girl, but that was because her body was changing, forcefully. From being human to suddenly being a wolf, of course that would be painful until your body grew accustomed to it and grew strong enough to handle those changes. Andrea didn't speak up about her thoughts though, she would wait and see what would happen, besides, she figured she had done more than enough speaking up for one night.

[Only full moons change you into the berserker monster. She will be a normal mutt during other changes and will know everything in the world as she does now when human. And yes i feel that evolution and such would probably shorten the time of that. Maybe six months if that is agreeable? Six changes total into the berserker monster and all that has to happen is during one night for six months she would need to be locked into a full floor to ceiling titanium room. Which Riddian would have access to with his construction work.]
*Christan steps forward reaching for Rika's hand again* I'm sorry if what I said hurt you, but I have certain restrictions on me as an Alpha, I can not seem to take favorites even with you. Rika despite your efforts mistakes were made and a human child was turned, without my or Esme's permission I had to make it look as if I was punishing you because if the council doesn't believe that I was the one that changed that child then they'll want the one that did and anyone that was there would also be held accountable. I will not let you or Sheena face council justice..I'll probably be fined or something mundane like that but for you or Sheena it would be a harsh punishment. That is the life for us that live by the council's rule have to live with..See I wasn't punishing you Rikarah I was trying to protect you. *He sighs* Riddian may be my friend but he is one that lives by the law, which is why I'm afraid to say that he would not like it if he knew Sheena turned that child and I'm not sure if his loyalty to me is as strong as his loyalty to the law.* Now can we please go home and talk about this within the safety of the Manor's walls?

(Everyone remembers that Riddian wasn't there when Christian said to tell anyone that ask that he infected Caroline right? Also Berserker is something that only happens to those not in the presence of an alpha. If Esme is there with Caroline, Esme as the female Alpha has a power called. Commanding- the ability to dominate a lycan/lycanthrope who is lesser than you with your beast – this could even be another alpha if they are substantially weaker. This ability causes an animalistic fear and almost panic to rise up, which makes them much more susceptible to orders. A lycanthrope must be very lesser to you to be commanded – those close in power or above you will be unaffected.

As a note, this power can be used on lycans out of species, just as easily as within species.

Read more: Refer here if you don't know the abilities of lycans About the Council
(nope, I am not up for her being an isolated berserk Lycan for six months. Sorry, that was not part of my intention and so I'm not gonna make it happen. I really don't see, again, how someone half the size of a lot of these people could really be a danger to them. also, I don't think Sheena heard them say not to tell seems he already knew?)

Rikarah stares at Christian, not speaking for several moments as she digests what he is saying to her. It makes no sense to her. If he wants the council to believe he turned Caroline, then why would he punish her or Sheena at all? Why would they need to become involved if he was taking the blame for Sheena?

"If you are taking the blame, then why must either of us be involved in punishment at all?" she asked flatly, eyes still locked on his. "If you truly want them to believe that, then your actions continuing to point in our direction are senseless." Not waiting for an answer, she nevertheless turns away and begins to walk back towards the manor. She does not look back at him, but her steps are slow enough that he could catch up with her. Her back is very straight as she walks.

She knows Sheena, and if the child is alone with Riddian for two seconds, she is sure he will soon know everything regardless of Christian's attempts to cover for her. Sheena had never been one to be good at keeping secrets.
Clearing her throat, Esme turns to Riddian and offers him her calmest smile that she could muster at the moment. "Everything is fine here Uncle Rid..." her voice is steady and she shoots her cousin and Andrea quick looks. "We're just taking care of something that Christian asked us to...he turned a little girl...I'm sure though he isn't comfortable seeing her during her first I'm sure Rikarah wouldn't want him around for this we got this..." she paused and corrected herself. "I have this...I'm Alpha here, the girl will be under control and kept in chains until she can be controlled me..." She hates lying to the older wolf, but even as the female alpha, she still has to obey the male no matter what. "Look, honestly...I'd feel a lot better if there were no males around for this...when she comes to, the girl is going to scared enough as is...she doesn't need a grown man staring her down to add to it..."

Esme reaches out and gives Riddian's shoulder a squeeze. "Please? Can you go lead tonight's run? I'm going to be hanging back here..."
Sheena expected Esme and Andrea to join Riddian in his descriptions of what would happen to Caroline, what she would become. But Andrea is saying nothing, and Esme too, when she speaks, seems to believe that maybe things won't be as bad as he thinks. She seems to think that maybe they will be okay alone with Caroline, that maybe, this won't be an issue like Riddian fears...and maybe they're right, though why Riddian would say something that wasn't true, Sheena didn't know. Maybe he was trying to scare her because she was angry? Or maybe Esme knew something he didn't?

Surely a girl as little as Caroline was, compared to the rest of them, wasn't going to hurt her or Esme or anyone else, not badly, anyway...right?

And she hadn't failed to notice that Esme had blamed Caroline's changing on Christian rather than on her...a gesture she appreciated greatly, though she didn't understand it. She tried to give her a grateful smile before she said to Riddian finally, not turning to look at him as she got the remainder of her tears back in control, "Um, yes, if, uh...well, she's going to be really scared, if you're here, it might..."

Just then Caroline's body stiffens, and her eyes open partly as she twists herself side to side, as much as the chains will allow, her movements still somewhat weak. A few more moments pass though, and despite the tranquilizers, she is beginning to thrash with some force, as an odd shudder works through her body, the first signs of her beginning to shift. Her eyes open a little more, and she starts to moan, then cry out, then scream outright as the tremors become more forceful and frequent. Sheena cringes as she watches her strain against the chains, fighting to free herself with desperate shrieks, as her bones begin to separate from their sockets and then jar roughly back into place, the prelude to their stretching and twisting themselves into a new form entirely. The pain Caroline feels and her ability to move is muted somewhat by the tranquilizer, but she still is feeling enough to continue to scream, and the sound hollows Sheena to her core.

She did this to her.
*Christian despite being naked walks up to Rika and takes her hand in his, stopping her and turning her towards him.* Rika! do not be mad at me, I know this is confusing and I don't like it anymore then you do, I have to keep up certain appearances among the pack, I don't need someone like Conner, or even Riddian thinking I'm not in control, that I'm weak! Do you want someone to challenge me and force me to have to kill them..That is why I punished you if I didn't members of the pack would see it as a sign that I'm either weak or no longer care to lead..You just don't understand the politics of leading this pack. I may seem like I'm not worried about a thing but the truth is everyday the amount of pressure that Esme and myself have to bear on our shoulders could drive a sane person insane..Didn't you see the worried look on her face when she mentioned the council? Look forget what I said if that's what's important to you..I'll deal with any problems that stem from how the others view my leadership when it comes up. As long as you're happy, what does the stability of the pack matter. *This time it's him that leaves her standing there but walks slow enough that she can catch up with him.*
Rikarah still does not speak as she considers what Christian is saying to her. She does know that he has quite a lot of stress, that he has considerably more to worry about and control with the pack then she does or even fully can understand. She knows that it is important for him to make sure the pack runs smoothly, with everyone in their proper place and not overstepping it as Sheena had. He knows that his stepping up to take the fall for Sheena was not just to help either her or Sheena in the face of the council, but to help the pack as a whole. So by lying to Riddian, to protect Sheena, and then by forcing her to be punished for future mistakes of Sheena's, to keep the rest of the pack, those who knew who had truly turned the child, in their place, he was helping them all, or trying to.

Still, mentally knowing this does not make her feel any better about it. She knows as well that she cannot be treated as differently from the rest of the pack and expect them to respect her for herself on her own merits, nor can she expect them to keep in their places as they should if she is not kept in her place too. Rikarah, she DOES deserve different treatments, even if she simultaneously doesn't want to be looked at as not having earned differential treatment on her own. She is Christian's mate. Should this not mean that he does but her above the others?

The last sentence of his irritates her as well, and as she catches up with him, she says with an edge, "You do not have to be sarcastic. I know that you feel that the stability of the pack is more important than any one person, and perhaps you are right. But that does not mean that I do not feel the rejection of that one person who is less important than the pack as a whole being myself when it is my turn to be that person. I do not like competition of any sort. Perhaps that makes me a selfish or wrong, but you know who I am."

She walks beside him in silence, then, at the doorway of the manor, turns to face him again, looking up at him. "I will outwardly agree to this punishment, but I will have you know that I am not the Sadovsky girl's keeper. She may act like a child, but she is eighteen years old. She should be responsible for herself by now, or becoming so, and it will not aid her to have others continue to take the fall for her. Including yourself."

She pauses, then says with some intensity, "Christian, I know you can command other Lycans, and you may do so with this new child, as needed. But I would like you to realize...if you ever force me to obey your command against my will, without absolute necessity...I will not be able to accept that."
*He smirks at her, leaning closer* In the views of the pack I will agree to that unless it's absolutely needed but if I'm to leave you outside my influence then I need you to become Esme's Beta, I'm not sure what she will asked of you to become her beta, but I know the position is vacant. This will probably require you to take on more and more duties. But I think since you don't really like taking orders you may enjoy giving them. However I doubt you will be the only one that will try for the position. Esme may entertain a male as her beta so you will have to prove yourself to her. *He leans in and whispers into her ear.* Please never run away from me again, I would be heartbroken if I lost you.
Esme's beta. It is a position Rikarah has thought about but not actually made a move towards fulfilling; she has figured that she, being Christian's mate and not particularly well-regarded by most of the pack, would not be chosen to fill the position. Surely Esme would select her own cousin, however undeserving, or even that quiet yet intelligent Andrea girl. Or Jason...she has noticed the looks the two have given each other as of late. But if Christian thinks she has a chance, then perhaps it is something Rikarah should try for after all. She would have to figure out how to win Esme's favor, if this was what she chose.

Rikarah looks Christian over again, taking his last words about losing her as a mostly playful joke rather than whole-hearted truth, and her lips reluctantly twitch into a smile as she opens the door. "I was not running away. I was prudently keeping myself from disturbing the pack by committing murder."

But as soon as she opens the door she can already hear the faint sound of Caroline's shrieks from the basement, and she tenses, looking up at him. "It must be starting...this too may be wrong of me, but I hope the child's body will not be able to handle it. It would be better for her, for all of us."
*Christian squeezes her hand and smiles at her.* Do not worry she's small but she's strong, I felt her heart when I examined her, the pain will past quickly and over time she'll get as used to it as she can. Tonight Sheena and Esme will have to be enough to comfort her, I will speak with her in the morning after she waits from the coma. We must try to shut her out for now, more people down there will just add to her confusion. I trust Esme to handle this situation, I think we should retire for the night, I'm sure Riddian can handle the running and I'm tired. I just hope he avoids those hunters.
Riddian raised an eyebrow when told that Christian was who turned the young girl. Now he knew that Esme did not think him stupid enough to believe this so the only reason she would even bother trying to lie to him was under orders. And there were few around high enough up to order her around. Other Elders, as much as their word was respected and often followed, were not word of law. So only Christian could have ordered this, he must have been thinking of others when he thought to order this as Riddian knew Christian would most likely him to help make this decision. Riddian sniffed deeply and recognized the faint scent of the one who turned the girl on her. It was how it normally worked, the smell of they who turned them being within for at least a little while. Although few know to look for such a thing. He recognized it as Esme's cousin Sheena. Well this was unfortunate for her definitely, it couldn't help her standings in the pack at all. When Esme asked Riddian to leave he understood completely, he gave her a small smile and touched his hand to hers when she touched his shoulder, he smiled knowingly and his eyes crinkled up a bit. "Of course, I understand that this could be hard for her. And how knows, over the generations of lycan breeding maybe genetics changed around somewhere along the line to where changing children does not harbor the same effects as before. You two take care of that girl that Sheena changed there, make sure that only people you trust find out you changed her Sheena. Try covering up the smell, I am sure if my old nose can pick it up that any younguns who wanted to could as well.", he laughed shortly and pushed his glasses up on his nose. Then he turned and left for the main part of the mansion to see this new lycan that Christian accepted in, hopefully he was feeling better.

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