Rikarah smiles when Alice links arms with her and kisses her, giving her arm a light squeeze as Alice teases her. She can see that Alice is in a better mood now and wonders about its cause. Perhaps she is happy to be with Rikarah again, or perhaps she is relieved, though she would not say so, at Rikarah's insistence on contacting Nathan for her. Either way, it is amusing to her as nudges her elbow into her side.

"I think someone wishes to be a bridesmaid in a gaudy puffy dress," she says to her as they enter the front door, Rikarah's eyes shifting about as she walks through to see who is around. "Claire is supposed to be here, the other child, and I believe that Jason and Esme are around as well."

Raising her voice slightly, she calls out, "Is Christian returned? This is Rikarah. Alice is with me."

Even as she waits, she decides then and there to attempt what she has promised Alice she would, reaching out with her Lycan mental ability to attempt to search for and connect with Nathan's mind, even across the unknown distance.

"Nathan? Nathan Alean...this is Rikarah Pallaton..."


Trying to take Andrea's advice, Sheena slides her hand down Caroline's arm to instead take her hand, gently attempting to steer her away. Caroline seems to be having a hard time getting going, still looking back frequently over her shoulder as Sheena tugs her along, her face still a rigid mask of her shock and growing fear. Sheena herself can feel her heart hammering, and her palms are sweaty in Caroline's as she looks straight ahead, not glancing back to make sure Andrea is keeping up.

She knows what it is to have people searching for her. After her presumed death, over a year ago, she had been paranoid each time she went out in public, convinced that someone would see her and recognize her, report her, chase her, even. She had been sure it would happen, maybe even half hoped it would, if only to know that she still mattered enough in the world for someone to remember her.

It never had. But the same borderline panicked feeling she had felt when she first emerged from her "death" was what she was feeling now walking with Caroline, and she was very much relieved when they finally reached the car.

Once inside Caroline grew teary-eyed, hunching down in the backseat as she cried out, "I'm gonna have to go back. Someone will see me some day and know 'cause I'm never gonna grow up."

This was a concern of Sheena's too. They couldn't move the whole pack just for the sake of Caroline, could they? But could they really expect her to be cooped up for decades?

She tries to reach out with her mind to touch Esme's, saying to her, "Esme...there's sort of a problem with Caroline...there are people sort of hanging up posters for her in the mall..."
*Christian sticks up his thumb just over the top of the couch.* Yes, Christian is returnedededed, You king is here and he's hungry, someone makes me a sammich. *Sticking his head up to see if anyone was taking him seriously and goes off to make him a sammich, he sighs and plops back down* I gets no love in this house..Oh crap it's the cops, everyone scatter and hide your dirty playing cards.
Rikarah is not generally amused by such requests, even if they are joking, as she knows that his is. Rolling her eyes, she comes to stand before him on the couch, looking behind her shoulder to see if Alice is following before coming to a direct stop in front of him, blocking his view.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, but I suppose that is not unusual. We have company. Alessandra is here. Also I am curious as to what happened to the outing you promised me, it looks to me as if you are sitting on the couch eating a sandwich." She raised an eyebrow, putting on hand to her hip and cocking it slightly. "Lose steam along the way home?"
The outing? You mean the one you left before it could happen, I went for a ten minute walk to take care of some pack business and when I came back, you were no where to be found, now you're back and you smell of cheese fries and wine...Dammit I'm hungry! Point being you couldn't give me 10 minutes before you got all...Rika on me and left..Wait the wine and cheese is still on the counter that sounds good. *He hopes up and moves to the kitchen, first grabbing a wine bottle and glass and pouring some, then cutting himself some cheese.* Well I hope you had a good time at least.
"Yes, well, I had already been twice left in the lurch in one day, I was not eager to make it a third and then fourth," Rikarah said a bit pointedly, adding a small shrug before following him into the kitchen. She watches him from behind as he begins to gather the wine and cheese and to prepare himself a plate, not yet joining him. "No hello to your sister from the past? And people say I am the one who is standoffish."

Still, she is not behaving with resentment as she joins him at the counter a few moments later, getting herself a glass of wine as well. This will be her third drink, considerably more than she normally has, but she doesn't plan on doing more than sipping occasionally to keep him company, and she does not take cheese. Sitting beside him at one of the stools before the center island of the kitchen, she regards him. "Will this be a raincheck then?"
Are you giving me a raincheck because I do believe I was the one that got stoodup...Granted Alice is rather hot so I can't really blame her for stealing my date but just note I was not the one that left you in a lurch today. I had two new pack members to help get settled since my beta was off somewhere else...It's not easy being the king you know. *Looks at his mate, who was made up rather nicely for her night out, leans over and kisses her on the neck.* Although times like this makes it Good to be King too....So yeah you can have your raincheck.

(Confused I wasn't sure if Claire, Esme and Jason were in that room which is why I didn't post anything to them, if they were I apologize.)
"Me, standing up you?" Rikarah gave a faint laugh, eyebrows raising again. "You are gone in the morning on pack business, you return and take out the child, you return again and take out the new pack member with the bleached hair, and I am supposed to sit around waiting for you all day long until you are finally ready? Sorry, baby, but I am not one to wait for something to happen which may or may not be gone through with when I am presented with an alternate opportunity."

She inclined her head towards Alessandra with a smile before walking her fingers up Christian's arm, teasing his skin with their tips. "You should be happy she took me out. I am in a considerably better mood now than I was left in before. We may enjoy our evening tonight and you have Alessandra to thank for it...whom you still have not acknowledged."

She lightly clipped the side of his head. "Do not be rude. I will understand if you gawk at her a little, she IS rather attractive."

This is also said teasingly, not actually meant as she smirks over in Alice's direction again.

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Alice leaned against the one wall of the foyer, her arms crossed over her chest as her lips pulled upwards in amusement as she listened to the couple's banter. She knew a decent chunk of it was playful, but she could hear the slight hint of annoyance behind Rikarah's words about being left alone and sent to babysit the younger pups of the Pack.

Rolling her eyes, she let out a soft laugh. "Yes, I think it's been established just how nice I am to look at..." she teased gently, winking at Rikarah. "And I would advise you, Christian, that in the near future you should keep a much closer eye on your mate here...or I might steal her from you should mine decide to not return..."

Pushing off from the wall, she moved closer to the couch, arms spread slightly. "Well brother?' Her one eyebrow arched slightly. "-it's been months...not even alone...I'm hurt..."

((Faith, I'll reply as Esme in the morning, @ work now, kinda hard to get two characters in right now :/ ))
{Jason was a little shocked when Esme kissed him in public in front of pack members, I guess rules and her parents be dammed, he started to pull her close and kiss her back when she gets tackled away by Claire. After Claire let go of Esme and handed out gifts, Jason looked at Claire not really sure what to say, not many people in his entire lifetime has given him anything, not even for his birthday or Christmas, then again he tended to avoid those situations. As he studies the knife he thinks about the thought that went into buying it for him, someone actually took the time to make him feel like he was more then the pack enforcer. He has to think that today has been a very good if not one of the best day of his life.} Thankyou Claire, this was nice of you. No one has ever brought me anything. {This is true, Christian has given him things but they were to help Jason do his job, clothes, money, weapons. No one has ever thought of him well enough to just give him a gift.}

I think Christian and Rikarah. {He pauses as he sniffs the air} Alice is here also, in the kitchen, we should go say hello. {He reaches down and takes both Claire and Esme by the hand, this is strange and awkward to him at first but slowly he adjust to it and walks into the kitchen.} Hey, look who decided to surprise everyone and come home. {He turns to Christian and lowers his head a little.} Christian I'm sorry, I'm sorry you're such a jackass! What's wrong with you running off and leaving me behind all the time how can I protect you if you take off like that? I swear you act like a big kid sometimes sneaking out of the house to do mischief. {He takes a deep breath} Ok I'm done now, I've said my piece but if you keep this up I want a raise. You know I deserve one so don't be cheap.

(I will bring Nathan in on my next post, I was thinking he'll get arrested and have to call Alice to come bail him out of jail.)

(Ugh we posted at the same time I didn't see yours, I'll let you decide what to do, I'm going to sleep.)
((I'm just getting home from work now, it's about 8:30am here so I'm gonna crash for a few hours before doing my Esme post, so I'll try to catch up asap...night :P ))
((Sorry for getting post Happy Jirro, Edited my post for yours accordingly. I'll try to be more patient next time. :) ))

Claire was very much satisfied with Esme's reaction. And once Jason actual saw his gift it was clear he liked it. Taking his hand in hers, she went with Esme and Jason down stairs to the kitchen. She was a tad bit taken when everyone was there, though it was relieving to know everyone was once again at the manor, together. Ultimately, she knew something was wrong. It was easy to tell everyone had been on edge. Esme's Pulse was raised when she had been hugged, as well Jason was perspiring more than usual. Plus with all the commotion down stairs, it was time to get involved herself. At the very least she could feed the family.

It had been a long day, and Claire knew for sure she was hungry, but surely with as big a household as they had. She just kind of stood at the door for a second before going in. But she did not want to interrupt their conversation. Especially now since the other two adults had joined the room. It did please the young girl very much to see Rahrah, Chris and Alice. Though Alice never seemed to hang around much so their relationship was not superbly close. The glee in her face could tell anyone who looked upon it that she was excited to see them. However, her tummy grumbled fiercely so she continued in on her mission.

The young Red headed cutie decided since everyone was tense, something more casual would be enjoyable. Releasing her grip from Jason's hand, Claire decided to make some basic sub sandwich melts and a side salad. Going from one side of the kitchen to the other, she grabbed some loafs, then on the other from the fridge grabbing some greens, veggies, mustard, pastrami and a few last assortments from the fridge. Coming back to the center island she carefully cut and slathered some loafs with mustard then loaded them with some swiss cheese and pastrami, popping them in the oven sized toaster behind her. Next she went to the cutlery block, She replaced the bread knife and took out a santoku, she grabbed 5 inch knife instead of the 8 inch. The bigger was a little hard for her to handle property. Going back to work, she cut up all the greens, some zucchini, carrots, iceberg lettuce, baby green spinach and a small amount of purple cabbage. Claire mixed it all together and put it in a large bowl. She had orchestrated this meal amazingly quickly and after grabbing a handful of bowls and plates, she tossed the salad, spread it into about 6 bowls, pulled the Subs, slapped them together, sliced and plated those and finally finished out it all out by going to the fridge one last time, grabbing about 6 different dressings and finally climbing a stood and sitting on the opposite side of the island.

Taking another deep breath, she popped open a can of sprite from earlier; with sammich and salad in hand she finally decreed to the others.

"Anyone hungry? I made a snack!"

Her rosy cheeks sparkled with joy as she took a savory mouthful of sub and tried to pack some salad into the already filled cavity that was her mouth.
Andrea followed them, she was glad when they made it to the car, and after putting everything in the car she got in the front seat and ran her fingers through her hair, closing her eyes with a deep sigh. She turned in her seat and looked into the back seat at Caroline, she slowly reached out and lifted her head, looking at her. "It's alright, Caroline..." she said as she slowly wiped her tears away. "We'll find a way to make sure that you are safe."

She slowly moved to get comfortable in her seat and pull on her seat belt, she looked at Sheena, "It would be best that you try to be careful, swerving would be a good way to get the police to notice us, that is something that we don't need right now." she said, she wasn't trying to criticize Sheena's driving, just giving a warning. She moved again so that she could glance into the back seat at Caroline, wanting to keep an eye on her.

Andrea was starting to calm down since they weren't actually around people now, but her heart was still racing, she wanted to be able to let go and panic, but she figured that at least one of them had to have a clear head. She continued to check on Caroline, hoping that she will stay calm at least until they make it home.

((LOL Alice and the others are in the living room but I guess we'll make this work))

Esme was surprised to see Alice standing there as she and Jason followed Claire into the kitchen. "um, hello..." she said, blinking a few times. F***! Was she here to watch her now? The other wolf simply nodded at her, offering only a tiny wave then moved back to the conversation she seemed to be having with the others.

Sheena's voice suddenly moves through her mind, causing her to go still and grip Jason's arm rather tightly. "Something's wrong...I'll be right back..."

Avoiding any eye contact with Alice, she headed into the living room, pulling out her cellphone and quickly punched in her cousin's number. Dropping down onto one of the couches there, she waited impatiently with each ring, jumping back up at the click, not even giving Sheena enough time to speak. "What's going on? Where are you guys? What happened with the kid?!"

((let's not forget that Patrick is still in the basement training, waiting for Esme and Jason, I don't want to just leave him there...))
Rikarah smirks back at Alice, continuing to banter with her as well, as much for Christian's attention as because she herself also enjoys it. There is also the faint partial truth behind it as well as she says back to her, "And I may very well allow you to do so. I may even give you a prod, under the right circumstances."

As Claire, Esme, and Jason enter the kitchen, Claire beginning to make a massive pile of food for everyone, Rikarah looks between them, not acknowledging Esme with more than a small nod. She is not nearly as irritated as she was before, thanks to her outing with Alice, but she has never been one to easily forget. She watches Claire with a quizzical expression as the child bustles about, offering food.

"Claire, did you prepare that for every member of the pack, or something? Thank you, but I have just eaten."

When Esme exits abruptly, muttering about something being wrong, Rikarah turns her attention to her again, reluctantly concerned. "Wrong? Is someone injured?"

Esme leaves as she is speaking, leaving her with no response. Rikarah exhales, looking across to Alice again. "I suppose you are not hungry after all you had in the bar, but Claire may be disappointed if no one else takes up her offer."


Sheena has a hard enough time driving without distractions, and she is very, very distracted. She really does try to do well, keeping her eyes on the road and both hands on the wheel, but she can hear Caroline sniffing in the backseat, still trying to keep herself from crying, and she can see Andrea continually turning to look at her out the corner of her eye. And then the phone rings.

As Sheena digs for it blindly, where she had set it in the cupholder, she swerves madly back and forth on the road, hitting the brakes twice and her horn once by accident before she gets it and brings it to her ear. She is redfaced and swears directly into the phone when she answers it, barely hearing Esme at first as she regains control of the car. Caroline is sitting up very straight, her eyes wide with alarm as Sheena finally calms down enough to talk more normally.

"Uh, that was some idiot driver on the road, sorry-"

"There wasn't an idiot driver on the road, that was just you almost crashing us reaching for the phone," Caroline piped up from the backseat, causing Sheena to swear softly into the receiver again before taking a deep breath.

"Uh, Esme, I'm almost home...what's with this car, it totally sucks-"

"I don't think you're driving it right," put in Caroline from the backseat, and Sheena just barely managed to control herself from snapping back at her more viciously than she did.

"I do too, Caroline, now I'm trying to talk!"

To Esme, she finished, "Okay this isn't cool, Ez, there's posters of Caroline in the mall, on one of the bulletin board things. Not like on a billboard or on the news station that I know of, and not, like, plastered everywhere, but if there's one there's probably more. So people are looking..."

It's only a few more minutes before she pulls into the driveway, first banging rather hard through a shallow ditch on the way up and swearing yet again before pulling half off, half onto the designated parking area. As she gets out of the car, Caroline emerging more slowly, she is still on the phone. "We're coming inside, are you home?"
She didn't need to hear Caroline in the background to know that Sheena was lying. She could hear it in her cousin's voice, especially when it went up slightly at the end of her explanation. Sighing loudly, she listened to her explain what had happened and Esme felt her breath catch in her throat when Sheena told her about the flyers. F***. That was the last thing they needed. First it was flyers posted around town, then amber alerts on the news and radio stations...more cops patrolling the streets. Mandatory searches of all wooded areas...even though they lived on private property, the woods surrounding the manor would have to be thoroughly checked. That could be an issue...

"Okay, breathe..." Esme swallowed hard and sighed loudly. She couldn't freak right now. That would just make Sheena and everyone else freak even worse about this. She had to stay in control, even if she wasn't an Alpha. This was her family.

"Look, this flyer thing, did you get rid of it at least?" As she spoke, she moved through the house wanting to get as far away from the kitchen as possible and away from the others and their excellent hearing. Heading back down towards the training room, she poked her head in at Patrick, motioning him over. Covering the mouth piece of her phone with her hand, she explained to him how everyone was upstairs, with food, and she had a few Pack things to take care of but she'd meet him up there in a few. She waited until he was gone to finish her conversation. "Alright, look everyone is home for the most part, they're all in the kitchen with Claire...looks like she made everyone food or something...can you keep Caroline up there for now with Andrea?"

Running her free hand through her hair, Esme calculated in her head how quickly Alice might be able to get the flyers down and the cops off the case. She wasn't sure how willing the other wolf would be to help them, but it was worth a shot.

"When you get home, ask Alice to come with you and meet me down in the gym..."


Alice had watched as Esme rushed out of the room, and had focused on the sounds coming from the other room, catching only parts of the girl's phone conversation until she was no longer in her range of hearing. Frowning slightly to herself, she turned her attention back to what was going on in the kitchen, trying to redirect her focus on the young pup offering everyone food. Alice had never been good with kids. It wasn't that she didn't like them, they just never seemed to like her.

Having kids had never been on Alice's list of things to do, it was never something her or Nathan brought up ever, not even after the engagement. Having been abandoned by her own mother, Alice doubted there was a motherly bone inside her.

Taking Rikarah's advice though, she offered what she hoped was a friendly smile to the smaller redhead and took a plate, biting into part of her sub. Her eyebrows rose slightly, surprised with just how good it was. Kid knew how to make a sandwich, that was for sure.

"This..." she started after she put the plate back down on the counter. "Is pretty damn good..." she smiled again at Claire. "Thanks half pint..."
Andrea gasped as they suddenly swerved because of Sheena reaching for the phone, she was clutching the dash with wide eyes, she really didn't want to die and she was starting to think that she certainly wouldn't be going anywhere with Sheena as the driver again. Once Sheena seemed to have the car under control again she looked into the back seat to make sure that Caroline was alright after such a scare. She couldn't help but smile some at what Caroline had to say, it seemed that she would probably help keep Sheena honest, at least when she was around.

Andrea listened to Sheena's side of the conversation, closing her eyes. "At least we made it out of there without anyone recognizing her." Andrea spoke up, hoping that she was speaking loud enough that Esme could hear, that way at least she wouldn't have to worry that they were noticed since Sheena didn't say anything about that. She took another look back at Caroline before turning in her seat and looking out her window, she was glad to see that they were starting to get closer to home.

She looked at Sheena with wide eyes as she went through the ditch, and with how she parked. She got out of the car, glad that the ride was over with. She confirmed the thought from earlier, that she never wanted to ride with Sheena driving again unless she showed major improvement. Andrea started to gather bags, "I'll take everything to the proper rooms." she said, she doubted that Esme would want to talk to her, though if it turned out that she did, then she would be willing to speak with her.

She made her way inside, and after putting everything in the room that it needed to be in (though still in bags) she went back downstairs, noticing all the commotion in the kitchen. She looked around, she hadn't really spoken to Claire back when she had been there before leaving, and now she noticed that Alice was back, she remembered seeing her before, though she had never really spoken with her.

Taking flyers that Esme mentioned it, that seemed like a very obvious move, one that they had failed to go through with. Sheena flushes again, shifting her grip on the phone as she mutters back to her, "Um, no, we didn't...but Caro was freaking out a little and we didn't want her standing in front of it freaking out, or us ripping it down and holding it in our hands with the kid plastered across it standing right, um, we kinda left it..."

She agrees to take Caroline into the kitchen with the others and to tell Alice to come down to the basement as she walks up to the front step with Caroline, hanging up the phone. Andrea has taken up Caroline's bags, which both Caroline and Sheena have forgotten about, and Sheena glances back at her, thanking her before leading Caroline to join the others in the kitchen.

She had expected to see Claire, but not Jason, Rikarah, Christian and Alice as well. Bristling slightly when she meets Rikarah's eyes, Sheena looks away hurriedly, knowing if the other woman knew how she had been driving or that they had seen the posters, she would probably start in on her again. Instead she focuses on Claire, addressing her; she isn't comfortable around Alice, particularly since she knows that Rikarah is close to her.

"That's a lot of food," she said bluntly. "Are we having a party?" Coming forward, she gave Claire a hug before reaching back to pull the now shy Caroline forward, even as the girl lowers her face, reticent in front of Alice, whom she does not recognize, as well as Claire.

"Claire, this is Caroline. She's new to the pack, and she's twelve too. Caro, look, Claire gets where you're coming from, she's your age and she was kidnapped too, when she was a little kid. She stays with us a lot."

Caroline looks up for a moment, trying on a smile, then down again, half hiding herself behind Sheena. "Um, hi...." Then her curiosity gets the better of her, and she looks up at Claire again, avoiding looking at the others. "Have you been a wolf a long time?"
Sorry Jason, I was just having a little fun with you but you were a bit sloppy this morning, you seemed like you were somewhere else so I was trying to give you an unofficial day off.*Christian couldn't help but laugh at Claire fixing enough food for an army.* Child I only wanted a bit of cheese and some wine but if you insist I'll enjoy what you've made for us and thankyou, now tell me about your how you've been? *Christian smiled as Caroline, Andrea and Sheena entered the room.* Good timing Caroline I have someone I'd like you to meet, Claire this is Caroline..Caroline this is Claire, I believe you two are the same age, I hope two will become close. *He can see something is bothering the girls.* Is there something I need to know about? Sheena is my car ok? Please tell me you didn't scratch my car or worst wreck it. It's not good to keep secrets from me...And where is Patrick? He just joined us please tell me he hasn't taken off.
Having chocked down a bite of food bigger than her, swallowing it whole was a tad painful as she did so, so that she could reply to Alice and Rikarah. She nodded her head as the girl winced in pain slightly. "Thank you, though its just a basic pastrami sandwich. I figured everyone was hungry or might be home soon. But it's OK Rahrah. There will always be tomorrow." She smiled at her and stuffed her mouth again. Claire was usually more feminine and polite but she was EXTREMELY hungry.

The girl was very happy that everyone was here but she had forgotten about the other girl. With a mouth full of food, Claire stopped dead in her tracks. It was awkward seeing another girl in the manner. More so knowing she was here to stay. Claire was not entirely sure how she felt at this very moment but it wasn't in her to be rude. Finishing her bite, she reached over, grabbed a plate, moved a slice of sandwich to it and walked over to Caroline as Christian and Sheena introduced them. But then once again someone mentioned about her being kidnapped. The normally happy red head was indeed filled with grief and sadness. Handing the plate to Caroline, she wobbled back to her stool, tears filling her eyes. Caroline had said Hi, but she did not answer. She didn't care about what had happened to Caroline. All she could think about was what happened to her, something she tired so hard to forget, and every time reminded, more fragments of the nightmare came back.

Crossing her arms on the table top, she buried her head in her sleeves and began to cry. After a few moments she at least tried to answer the other girls question, sniffling her nose and wiping her cheek. She looked up and locked eyes with Caroline. Somehow in the girl she could feel warmth and love. Her baby blue eyes, looking into the very soul of Caroline's Hazel orbs of innocence. It was comforting. She tried to speak but her voice broke. "I was b..." Pausing for a second, taking a gulp and clearing her throat she spoke again, "I was born a wolf... so my whole life. How about you?" Claire sniffled again.

((Been watching to much hotel Transylvania. Caro and Claire just Zinged! :D Not in a lesbianish way, just in a friendship way... If thats ok with you? If not ill edit. I have plans for caroline and claire for my flashback fufufu ))
(...okay Kaine, that's twice you've called Rikarah that deliberate, because if it is, she will not at all enjoy that and I'll need to address it. If it's supposed to be Rikarah, well, it's Rikarah, lol)

When Christian still does not acknowledge Alice, Rikarah takes this to be deliberate on his part, either in teasing of her or of Alice, or perhaps it is jealousy on his part. He had acknowledged that she had gone out with Alice, but not Alice herself. Could it be that he is genuinely jealous but does not want to fight or show it in front of the others?

She goes to Alice and slips an arm around her, one eye on Christian as she lightly squeezes the side of her arm briefly. "Poor Alice. Her first homecoming and three newer pups show her up. I suppose I will have to be the one to make her feel welcome." She releases her but continues to stand beside her as she speaks into Christian's mind. "I know you are busy, but it is her first time she is home in some time, you know. Are you angry with me?"

Out loud, she says to him, "I believe that Patrick is in the basement with Esme. But are you again running off so soon, Mr. Raincheck?"

When Christian asks her about his car, Sheena flushes and looks away, a move that Rikarah did not miss. She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, muttering, "Uh, it's not scratched, exactly. And I didn't crash it. It's-"

"She doesn't know how to drive it right, though," Caroline piped up, not to get her in trouble, simply to share information as she sees it, which is becoming apparent to Sheena is just Caroline's way. "She kept swerving and we almost did wreck. Andrea kept telling her to do better with it but Sheena's not very good. She said it was the car but I think it was just her. She said there were drivers making her do that but there wasn't, she just wasn't doing it right."

Sheena turned a glare in her direction that Caroline blinked at, wide-eyed. "What? You weren't. Andrea thinks so too, she saw, right Andrea?"

When Caroline hands her the sandwich plate, Caroline takes it, starting to say thank you, but when the girl sits down and bursts into tears, Caroline is stunned and somewhat frightened. Retreating back to Sheena, hiding behind her, she whispers against Sheena's back, "What did I say? I didn't mean to make her cry!"

Sheena too is unsettled, mumbling back to Caroline, "I don't know, it wasn't you...I guess." Caroline herself seems again on the verge of tears at this display from Claire, and she grips the back of Sheena's shirt as Sheena says to Claire uncertainly, "Claire? You okay?"

She is relieved when Claire looks up, controlling herself, and asks Caroline a question. Still behind Sheena, Caroline pokes her head from around her to look at her again, now much more hesitant as she says back, "Um, just since yesterday..."

(reminder that Rikarah spoke to Nathan in his head.)
Andrea was staying out of the way, staying near the door, in some ways she still felt like the odd one out, though she knew she was being stupid about that. She watched everyone and listened, she didn't know Alice well at all, but she figured now would be a good time to start at least. She slowly walked fully into the kitchen and to Alice and Rikarah, she looked at Alice, "I know I met you before, but I didn't really have much to say last time, I'm Andrea and... welcome home." she said, she didn't want to be at odds with anyone in the pack if she could help it, she offered a smile, though she was still pretty stressed from the day and moved away from them.

She looked at Sheena as she started to explain about the car, she didn't really plan to say anything, but when Caroline brought her into it she sighed some. "Well, I think that both of us need to learn how to drive." she said, meaning that she didn't know how to drive either, and she wanted to learn. She looked at Sheena, "Asking for help isn't a bad thing." she said quietly. She had no intention of bringing up the flyers, she viewed that as Sheena's job since she was supposed to take care of Caroline, even though she had offered to help.

When Claire started crying she looked at her and then closed her eyes, she figured that it was the mention of being kidnapped that had done it, seeing as bad memories had a way of making people cry. She wasn't sure how Claire would feel if she tried to comfort her, so she stayed back, it seemed as if she moved through the emotions quickly and soon she was back to her usual self.

Clare had not meant to scare anyone. Its just memories of that night were hard. Though her psychiatrist told her the more she discussed that event the easier it would be to overcome it and that was true. The girl just crying was nothing compared to before. She would hide in her room for days on end wishing she wasnt alive. Now it was just like recalling a nightmare from the night before. Claire brought her arm up and wiped some more tears away before apologizing.

"I'm sorry. It's hard for me still."

She got up and walked over close to Caroline. From there she scooted two bar stools next to each. Taking Carolines plate she set it next to her spot. Claire waved her over softly.

"Will you come sit next to me?" She asked softly to Caroline, sniffling a little as her nose continued to leak a little. "Have you changed yet? Maybe Chris will let us tonight. Its really fun!" Taking her fork she took another small bite of salad.

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