(you used someone from Pretty Little Liars, didn't you?)

"Sorry, sorry...I'm not hitting anything," Sheena said somewhat defensively, even as she narrowly missed driving up onto the sidewalk. "Dammit, these streets are uneven or something..."

Caroline considers Andrea's alternative suggestions for her clothing and accessories with a slightly disappointed nod, but perks up when Andrea tells her she will fix her hair and do a makeover. "Oh, that would be neat...and I can wear all my new clothes, and you can show me how to do it right. Oh, and you can do Sheena too! Do you not know how to do that stuff either, Sheena? Because you're not wearing makeup, and your clothes don't look like they fit right. Do you need new stuff too? Oh, and your hair is sort of messy."

She says it all casually, not intending to be mean about it, even as Sheena again checks the girl's face in the rearview mirror, swerving dangerously as she does so. She isn't sure how to take what Caroline said or what she meant by it. From anyone else Sheena would be defensive and take it to be them mocking her, but she is pretty sure that Caroline is just saying what she's thinking without trying to be offensive. It seems that the girl is clueless as to how she comes across to people sometimes.

"I don't want Andrea to do my clothes or makeup, I don't like makeup," she said instead, though a bit stiffly.

"Why?" Caroline asked, genuinely curious. "Don't you like looking pretty?"

"Nope," Sheena said simply, knowing that Caroline didn't mean to imply that she wasn't pretty. "I don't much care."

"Are you SURE I can't have a bra?" Caroline asked Andrea next then, leaning forward and tapping her arm. "I can grow into it."

"Caro, seriously, be glad you don't need one, I'd rather NOT," Sheena told her, meaning it sincerely. "Hell, when I was your age I would wrap myself up in tape so I wouldn't have to wear one. I didn't WANT it."

"That's weird...hey! Maybe you could give me one of yours then if you don't want it!" was Caroline's next idea.

Sheena was glad that she was pulling into the mall parking lot as the girl spoke, only slightly scraping the curb, and that this gave the an excuse to get out quickly and change the subject. "We're here!"


"You think she could not?" Rikarah raised her eyebrows at Alice over her drink as she took another, slower swallow, tapping her fingernails on the table. "If Sheena could mess up so badly with Christian around, what would stop Esme from doing so, other than a few more brain cells? Christian himself is not unfathomable."

She notices Alice's cough and quick, covering gesture with her hand when she brings up Nathan and knows that this has impacted her; it was half the reason that she had done so, to judge her reaction. If Alice has not heard from Nathan, then she probably wishes, at least in part, that she would. Clearly he has not been forgotten, not that Rikarah ever would expect him to be on Alice's behalf. One could not simply do away with feelings towards one's mate, no matter how much distance and time spanned between.

"I have not," she told her, shaking her head. "But it appears that you would like my answer to have been yes." She pauses, then reaches one hand beneath the table, covering Alice's without taking her eyes from hers. "Have you tried to contact him?"
((Oh yeah, Spencer's older sister....I kinda like Kristen better for her, idk :/ ))

Alice couldn't help but stiffen when she felt Rikarah's hand cover hers, and forced back the low growl that threatened to escape her lips. It took her a moment to relax and she offered her a tiny shrug and a small, but forced smile. "I guess I had hoped one of you had..." She pauses to run a hand through her hair, and as it dropped back down, it stilled at the chain around her neck, the one concealing her engagement ring under her shirt.

"I did try, shortly after we came here...I figured he'd follow after he got things in order at the old house..." she toyed with her straw again and felt herself shrug once more. "I've been so busy with all these cases landing on my desk, adjusting to this new lifestyle...I guess I haven't noticed how much time had even passed...maybe he's not coming back, maybe something happened..." she trailed off and gave her head a tiny shake, her hair going back behind one shoulder. "I have too much going on at the precinct to focus on him right now..." She was lying of course. If Rikarah had seen her phone, she would see the countless texts and calls that had gone unanswered that week alone.

"So, enough about Nathan..." she forced herself to smile brightly. "When are you and Christian tying the knot...I mean, he's only a couple hundred years older then myself.." she grinned. "Someone should make an honest man outta him already..."
(I thought you used the shapeshifter from Trueblood?)

*Christian stared at Esme to read her resolve, he can see that she's ready to handle anything that comes up and with Jason at her side her safety isn't in question either.* Ok, I'll see to it our medical supplies are stocked up and we have plenty of silver counter acting agents in stock. Esme I'm going to need you to stand with me when we tell the pack what's going on and restrict everyone to the grounds closest to the manor at night at least till the danger has passed.

*He scratches the back of his head* Claire and Caroline..yeah that could be good for them both, I'll speak to Sheena when she gets back from shopping, Caroline will feel much more secure if there is a girl her exact age living here..To bad we can't convince them to share a room, but that boat has sailed already, we'll just have to encourage them to spend time together..Your idea of Claire showing Caroline how she handles being a member of the pack is a good one.
((yeah and then I changed her to Torrey in the end. I remember that now))

Esme nods slowly. "Of course, this is my Pack first, my family...I'm not going to let you handle this alone..." she smiles softly. "And yeah, putting the two youngest members of the pack together...could do them both some good. I think they have more in common then we realize..."

Shrugging, she looks around the office. "Have you heard from either of my folks? Or anyone from the Council yet?"
Rikarah had noticed Alice's unease and irritability, try as she might to conceal it, but the woman had not pulled her hand away, and so Rikarah does not remove it. She notes her insincere smile, the way she messes with her hair, the hand moving to the chain, and suspects that the jewelry must be something Nathan had given her. Yes, it is clear that he has hurt her badly in his absence, though Alice would likely never say so. Her friend is like her in some ways, very proud, loathe to show weakness or to admit her need for another person aloud.

Rikarah cannot imagine her own reaction if Christian were to disappear for such a length of time as Nathan without a word. She was offended and upset as it was when he spent too much time apart from her while still coming home each night to her. If he were to treat her as Nathan is treating Alice now, she would feel violent in her anger and missing him. Whatever Alice says, she is sure that she is missing him enormously.

"You cannot touch your thoughts to his?" she asks her instead. "He must be quite a distance then."

When Alice shifts the focus of the conversation back to her and Christian, Rikarah stills, considering the question. She has never thought about marriage, not considering herself to be one to make such a commitment, or to care for someone enough for it to be a consideration. And anyway, Christian hasn't asked. But if he did...would she say yes?

"He has not asked me," she evaded with a shrug. "So not any time soon, I suppose."
*Christian eyes dart to Esme at the mention of her parents, Izzy is fine, it's Theon he can't stand, if they're gone missing or are in any kind of trouble most likely Theon is to blame, not the most forward thinking for a fellow Alpha.* No I haven't heard from either of them and you know I won't go out of my way to reach your father, the bad blood between himself and I isn't over, I like to think for yours and your mother's sake it's on pause. But trust me I'm sure they are both fine, your mother is blessed with the luck of the devil and you father..Is your father. *He couldn't think of anything nice to say about her father so he just stops talking.*
Frowning slightly, Alice goes to take another sip from her glass and motions to a waiter for some menus. "I'm starving..." she mumbles as an explanation. She knew Christian really cared deeply about his mate. She had never seen him so attached to someone like this before, and though he'd never admit it, Alice knew he was wrapped around Rikarah's finger, rather tight.

"I'm sure he will...I can feel it..." she smiles again, looking about the bar. There seemed to be more humans in here then Pack and it makes her a little uneasy. With everything she had been hearing about Hunters in their territory, she found it unsettling that she couldn't tell anymore the good from the bad with them. Anyone that moved the wrong way to her, caused her eyes to narrow, focusing, looking for a gun, trying to sniff out the silver.

"I haven't tried to reach out into Nathan's mind..." she shrugged, eyeing a man in the back who kept watching their table. "I used to hate when he would invade my mind like that...I could never bring myself to do that to him...but I should..."

Giving the man a look, she smirked when he blushed and looked away. Good, not a threat. Just a horny human.


Esme smirked slightly and nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right..." She nods again, and without really second guessing herself, reaches out and hugs Christian. "Thank you...i really don't think I would be able to handle all of this without you here."

Feeling sheepish, she drops the hug, and steps back. "I'm going to go wait for Jason, maybe see if he's up for a patrol tonight..."
*Christian reluctantly hugs Esme back, when she pulls back he takes this time to move behind his desk and sits.* It's time to circle the wagons Esme and I meant what I said don't leave without Jason and a weapon, stay on your toes when you're outside the grounds.*

(I think we should start a petition to bring Nathan back as Alcide guy.)
"I am not concerned...he will, or he will not, he wants to, or he does not," Rikarah shrugged, lifting one hand to emphasize her words as she too picked up a menu, scanning over it. "Nothing I do will change his intentions or will. I suppose I will just see."

Seeing Alice's continued unease, the way she looks around the bar every so often, her eyes resting on each of its inhabitants, Rikarah follows her gaze. At first she thinks Alice is still just uncomfortable talking about Nathan, but after a few moments she realizes this is not the case. She is looking for someone or something, and Rikarah gets the feeling that it is not Nathan.

"Are you worried about the hunters, Alessandra?" she asks her. She herself is not overly concerned, at least at the moment, but then, she has not personally encountered them, and so does not fear them as some of the older Lycans do.

"If Nathan invaded your mind on occasion, it is only fair game that you would do his one time as well," Rikarah commented mildly as she remained alert to Alice's alertness, following her eyes's direction when the woman appeared to be particularly interested in other patrons. "It will put your mind at rest to mysteries. Or are you afraid of what you might see in there?"

She herself has very rarely allowed Christian to "peek in" on her, and she maintains his privacy as well. But if she were in Alice's shoes, she would certainly break that expectation of boundaries.
Rikarah was one of the few people in Alice's small circle of friends that was allowed to call her Alessandra still. When Esme had used it earlier she had wanted to rip the child's throat out. It was a name she had dropped back in the 20's, back when she had left what she considered to be her 'old life' behind her. Shrugging, Alice shifts slightly in her seat and shakes her head. "I'm not worried so much, more annoyed I think...we go all these years with no problems here, and all of a sudden the Pack gets two newbies, and they start coming out of the woodwork," she paused then shrugged again. "-not to mention all the rogue attacks we've been getting, I'm just keeping my ears open is all...pretty soon these attacks will be at our door, guess I just want to be prepared..."

Their waiter comes back and she puts in an order for cheese fries, and he leaves once he jots hers and Rikarah's orders down. "It's getting messy...these attacks...I've had five open case files on my desk for the past week...they're considering them to just be animal attacks right now, no reason for those humans to think otherwise but still...whoever it is...they're sloppy...."
((Random but just a reminder cause from the way a few posted im not entirely sure what you mean. Claire has been with the pack for about 3-4 years. Her kidnapping and when she came into contact with christian was back when she was 7 almost 8. Now she is 12. She finally recovered enough memory to contact her parents a year ago, and for the first time, 6 weeks ago she went to visit with them. She is just returned from that trip. That's why i said when you first meet claire, you need to post what you think of her, because since its your character i dont want to force a relationship that doesn't suite any of your characters. lol :D ))
Andrea glanced at Sheena as Caroline asked if she knew how to put makeup on, Andrea herself wasn't wearing much makeup that day since it was her day off, though she never went overboard with it, she mostly used the makeup to enhance how she already looked. Being a waitress meant that she would get better tips if she looked good and treated the customer kindly, so she wore make up. She gasped again as Sheena swerved, though she didn't say anything this time, she was making a mental note to ask someone else to drive them the next time they go somewhere.

She listened to the conversation between Sheena and Caroline, only speaking up when Caroline speaks to her again, "By the time that you are ready for a bra your measurements might have changed, which means that there wouldn't be a point in getting you a bra until you are ready for one." she said, then she smiled a little, "Trust me, bras really aren't comfortable... be glad you don't have to wear one yet."

She shook her head slowly at the suggestion of getting one of Sheena's bras, "It wouldn't fit you at all." she said gently. Once Sheena announced that they were there Andrea unbuckled her seat belt and was out of the car in a few seconds.

(suddenly this talk of bras is making me go 'yep, I'd rather wear a bodice... damn, now I want it to be may'.... now I'm going... 'but... I don't want it to be may.' May's going to be a bad month... Sorry, this has been a peek into the crazy workings of my mind.)

"They're not? Do they hurt?" Caroline persists in her line of inquiry, despite Sheena's obvious discomfort with the conversation. "Why wear something that hurts then? Mine doesn't hurt...."

At Andrea's comment about Sheena's not fitting, Caroline glances at Sheena again, her view of the older girl blocked since she is sitting in the backseat, but if her memory serves her correctly- "It might. Sheena's boobs aren't that big."

"Caro, seriously?!" Sheena sputtered, her cheeks reddening as she shot a somewhat tortured glance in Andrea's direction, her facial muscles taut with her embarrassment. If Andrea hadn't been interested in her before or thought her attractive, she definitely wouldn't with Caroline there to keep shooting her down.

"What? They aren't. You know that," Caroline tells her, seeming truly perplexed as to Sheena's response as she gets out of the car. "Can we go to Aeropostale? They have t-shirts with cute animals sometimes...oooh or Justice! Their stuff is really bright..."

She hooks her arm through Sheena's as Sheena sends another glance back at Andrea, dreading the day. It was nice to see Caroline excited about something rather than miserable or scared or upset, but still, shopping? With a kid who talked about bras and Sheena's breast size?

It was gonna be a long day.

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"I do think that the rash of newcomers is perhaps something of a sign," Rikarah said thoughtfully as she reaches for her utensils, unwrapping the napkin and arranging them simply for something to occupy her hands. She puts them aside, finishing her drink before speaking again, still thinking. "I do not believe in signs per say, but it does seem odd. Sheena herself is so new, but as much as I dislike her, she is family to Esme and therefore acceptable as an addition...though someone ought to be watching her more closely," she rolled her eyes.

"But this new person, the male, we know nothing about, or at least I have not been informed as to why we should consider him trustworthy. And the child...what good will a child do us but to further endanger us?"

She exhaled, then looked up at Alice again, asking her, "All attacks by our kind? Is there a pattern or apparent reason, or are they all random, like the one I observed with Sheena? Is it possible that there is a rival pack who is wishing to somehow blame us for what they are doing, to start a human or hunter war against us?

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Andrea rubbed her forehead, "They don't hurt exactly, they are just uncomfortable." she said, she didn't really know exactly how to explain it, she just didn't care for wearing a bra. She tilted her head at the comment about Sheena's breasts, she sighed a little, "You aren't quite understanding. Her bras wouldn't fit you because she is bigger than you, not just in her breasts. In order to find one that fits properly, you have to take a measuring tape and measure yourself, you wrap it around yourself under your breasts, she is bigger than you are." she said. She wasn't trying to embarrass anyone, just pointing out that was why it wouldn't fit.

"We can go wherever you want, Caroline... my one request is I get to stop at a bookstore." she said, then she tilted her head, "Do you like books, Caroline?" she asked, she was curious about that, Andrea loved to read, and she wouldn't mind getting someone else to like it as well. She wasn't really sure about how this day would go, but as she said all she really wanted was to stop at the bookstore and get herself some books.

Resting her elbows against their table, Alice let a tiny sigh escape her. "I don't know far most of these attacks have been out of our jurisdiction so I can't even get close enough to sniff them out, then the ones that we can go to are cleaned up by the time we do...this is why I really f****** hate working with humans..." She growled softly, her eyes narrowing as the door to the bar opened and a few more walked in. "I hate how they out-number us all the time I get this place is supposed to be a peace zone or whatever Izabella had wanted but still..."

Looking around again, she noticed that the man in the back had gone and now a young couple took his spot, laughing and pawing at each other. She felt a tiny tug in her chest and looked away, feigning disgust. "They act more like animals then we do..."

Pausing to down her drink, Alice thinks over what Rikarah just said about the two newest members of their family. "Well, children can be's not like she's going to age as quickly as a human. That's more time to mold her into a strong wolf, could be a good for this male, I'm honestly surprised Christian accepted him as fast as he did...we know nothing about him, I haven't even run a background check...for all we know he could be an inside man on whatever group is behind these attacks...I'd be careful around him if I were you...did you notice anything about those wolves when you saw the kid's attack? Any distinct markings? Smells? They could be spies of the council...I know they like to send out lackeys from time to time to spy and mess with Packs..."
“Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense. Sheena is, like,super tall. And I’m really short,” Caroline reasoned, looking Sheena up and down again as if to ensure that the girl was indeed the foot taller than her that Caroline had previously observed. “I wish I was tall. Everyone thinks I’m younger than I am. You know people have thought I was TEN before? Ten is al ittle kid!”

“Twelve is a little kid too,” Sheena muttered, but Caroline didn’t hear her. She was looking up at Andrea, perking visibly at her request for a bookstore.

“Oh, I like books too. You know my da- Lewis…we read Shakespeare. We read Romeo and Juliet and stuff. He would teach me.”

Something about sharing this seemed to sadden her,and she noticeably went quiet as she continued to walk with them, her hand on Sheena’s arm slackening. Exchanging a look with Andrea, Sheena tried to talk to her about it.

“You okay, Caro?”

“You’re gonna get mad at me if I talk about it,” Caroline muttered, her eyes trained ahead.

“What? Is this something about my body again?”Sheena asked with suspicion, pulling apart from her a little. “’Cause you know,Caro, I really don’t-“

“No…I just…I miss Lewis,” Caroline’s voice was soft,her eyes downcast, and she held Sheena’s arm a little tighter. “Even if he was wrong, I miss him. We always read together.”

Sheena doesn’t know what to say to that. She can’t trust herself to say anything to that. She looks at Andrea, hoping the other girl will know better than her how to handle that, out in public, no less.


“Hey, I was a human once,” Rikarah said mildly in response to Alice’s hostility towards the entering humans. “Not so very long ago. Though if I recall, you were not terribly fond of me at first either.”

She smiled at her, attempting to lighten her mood,but grows serious when she notices that Alice is reacting with irritability to the human couple’s gropings. She thinks, watching her, that the other woman is experiencing jealousy, or perhaps simple longing for Nathan in watching them,especially after their speaking of him, and she speaks to her quietly. “Youmiss him. You should contact him, if you can.”

She lets her words hang for a moment before responding to the rest of Alice’s words. “I must say I am surprised by Christian’s judgment, but god forbid I challenge him at this point and endanger the pack stability,” she said with sarcasm, rolling her eyes. “No, I did not notice anything unusual, I was too busy concentrating on attempting to save the Sadovsky child from her own foolishness to pay much mind to anything else. But yes, that is a concern of mine. It is very possibly true.”
Alice turned back to her and smirked. "You weren't a normal human...and you forget, I was too...almost 400 years ago...the human race has changed way too much since then..." She shrugged, choosing to ignore her friend's comment about reaching out to Nathan. If he missed her or wanted to see her, he knew where to find her. She wasn't going to chase after him like some love sick matter how much missing him hurt.

"Well, I guess he does have a habit of taking in strays...look at me and Jason for example. We didn't turn out all too bad. We both had our pasts and demons to deal with, but Christian accepted us both into his pack without question...same as you I believe..." she arched an eyebrow, recalling Rikarah's own past. "I guess just keep your eyes open...if this mess continues I may have to come back to the Manor, keep an eye on these newbies myself..."

It was the last thing she wanted to do, but she would if she had to.

The waiter came back with their food, and Alice attacked her plate, grabbing two fries covered in cheese and devouring them in seconds. She didn't care if it wasn't 'lady like', she was hungry! It was bad enough working around her old food supply, though it had been close to 200 years since she had last fed on a human, but all these pictures and blood samples landing on her was enough to make her normally in control wolf side go a bit nuts.

"Where do you think he is?" she asked, after eating a few more fires, picking at a glump of cheese from her plate. "Nathan I mean..."

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Andrea looked at Caroline, she smiled gently, "Sometimes it's a good thing to be thought of as younger than you are. I remember my mother used to always be happy when people thought that she was younger than she actually was..." she said, though that was more so because of being human and getting older. It was still something that she expected would happen to her, the idea of aging slowly still hadn't really sunk into her mind yet.

Andrea looked at Caroline, she spoke gently, "We always miss those that we love, even if we know that they are no good for us. What you need to remember right now... is that you have a new family that will take care of you, and will love you, once they get used to the idea of you being there." She glanced at Sheena, hoping that her words would help, then she looked at Caroline again, "That's how it was for me. I missed my family, even though I knew that I would be a danger to them, then I learned to be alone. When I found this pack... I had to learn what it was to have a family again, but now... I'm glad I'm here." she said, it was the truth even though she had spent most of her time being silent around the pack.

"Shakespeare, huh? How about we start off with something a little lighter than his works this time? Do you like action and adventure, stories of kings and queens in magical worlds?" she asked, changing the subject, though it was what started the earlier thoughts, finding out exactly what she liked might help a little by getting her to focus on the stories instead of Lewis.

(Andrea is a bit new as well, having only been there a few months)

Rikarah had to admit that Alice's points were true. She had hardly been a typical human of the sort they were currently observing in the bars, even when she was no older than Sheena, or even Caroline. And Christian's taking in strays had always turned out fine before, so she supposed it were better for her to give him the benefit of the doubt. Even if she did often wonder if he had taken leave of sanity in his choices.

"I suppose you are right," she inclines her head in a brief nod, though she does not smile. "You probably thought him to be doing something strange in taking me into the pack as well. Still...I suppose I will have to trust him."

Rikarah eats her food when they arrive with less interest than Alice by far, having ordered just a plate of chicken fingers, and she breaks each piece rather than biting it, eating considerably more slowly without really paying attention to her food. She pays little mind to Alice's eating, accustomed to it, but does look up, jarred out of her own thoughts, when Alice asks about Nathan. Yes, she can definitely tell that the woman is preoccupied with thoughts of him.

"I do not know...he left you before, did he not?" she asks, meeting her eyes. "You never did tell me exactly what it was that occurred between you to provoke the separation."

She pauses, then adds in a softer tone, "You seem to have been thinking about him all day. I do think you should try to find him."


"But being young isn't fun...I'd rather be older. I want to look older too. You get to do more," Caroline disagreed, shaking her head. "It's silly to want to be young unless you're already old. That's different with your mom because she was old."

"Well you're gonna have to get used to looking and being young, 'cause you age way slower as a Lycan," Sheena informed her without thinking, then regretted it when Caroline stopped short, her eyes widening.

"I'm not going to grow up?!"

" are...just...really, really slowly," Sheena muttered, looking to Andrea for help. Yet another factor she hadn't considered...Caroline would be young for a very, very long time.

Any helpful, thoughtful things Andrea had said about belonging and missing people, any attempts to distract her with talk about books was thwarted by the one new piece of information that was currently horrifying Caroline. "I'm gonna be twelve for a million years...I'll never do anything!" Then, as a new thought occurred, "I'll NEVER need a bra!"
Dunking a fry in some ketchup, Alice stayed quiet for a moment, her lips pressed into a line as she thought about what would happen if she did go and try to find her Mate. In the hundred plus years that she had known Nathan, he had gone off on occasion, leaving her alone here and there for sometimes years at a time. In the end, it was usually Alice who would cave first, rushing to his side no matter what.

"I told you about the time I had gone after him, the time in Spain? The end of the 19th century ..was a b**** getting there and when i finally tracked him down, I found him in some vineyard...said he didn't even realize how long he had been away...said he had been planning on coming home the next day..." Alice shrugged and popped the fry in her mouth. "I'm not running after him again, this place, the's my home now...if he wants me in his life again, well he can come find me himself..." she trailed off, once again going to play with the chain around her neck.

"I bet you, if I so much as looked at another wolf, he'd come back in a heartbeat..." she smirked knowingly knowing how him temper and jealous streak equally matched her own. She had nearly gorged this one girl's eyes out for just looking at Nathan. That's just what they did to each other. Puhed the limits, toyed with the other's emotions.

She used to tell herself that it was loyalty tests like that, that helped her know just how much he loved her...

He did still love her right? It had been almost five years since she had refused to go with him, to leave their family behind...he had to have forgiven her by now right? he had to still love her...

Didn't he?


Smiling once more, Esme offered him a tiny wave before slipping out of Christian's office, moving silently through the nearly empty manor. Fishing out her cellphone, she typed out a quick text to Jason, asking him to come find her when he returned with Claire. They had a lot to prepare for that night's patrol. She wondered if Patrick was up to coming along.

Taking the stairs two at a time, she hummed softly, coming to a stop at Patrick's room and gently tapped on his door. "Patrick? You awake?"
Patrick jumped up into an offensive position when he heard someone come into his room. He saw a silhouetted outline of a figure standing in the door way to his room. His vision cleared up and he saw Esme standing there. Quickly standing straight, he looked himself over once and saw that he looked like a raving homeless madman in his boxers. With strange quickness for someone just waking up from a very restless nap Patrick jumped over his bed, doing some sort of barrel roll and grabbig the blanket off of the bed to cover himself.

"Ah, Esme! How are you doing on this fine day?" Patrick wiped his brow free of sweat nonchalantly. Hopefully he hadn't scared her too much. "Um.. You ready for our run tonight? Maybe do a bit of hunting. For hunters, I mean." Patrick seemed to have become really nervous when talking to Esme right then. Slowly, he walked over to his jeans from the day before and quickly pulled them on to make himself look a little decent. "Also, I was hoping to get to know you a little bit better." He smiled at her and chuckled a bit, hoping that him being a fool didn't put her off.
Esme felt her cheeks flush slightly and she mentally kicked herself. "Sorry...I didn't mean to just barge in on you like this..." she kept her eyes downcast as he got dressed and when she could no longer hear the rustling of clothing, she looked up again, biting on the inside of her cheek when she realized he still didn't have a shirt on. "Y-you look good...better I mean. You look a lot better...all of the silver out of your system?"

Leaning back against the wall by his door, she looked him over, happy to find that he seemed to be all healed up. "I actually came here to talk to you about's not going to be just a run I'm afraid...more like a patrol, if you're up to it that is..." she paused, pushing a strand of dark hair behind one ear. "Jason will be coming as well, Christian wants us to try and find these rogues as well as whoever attacked you as quickly as possible. Get them off our land before it attracts too much attention...kill off if necessary...wanted to see if you're comfortable with one of these..." she reached behind her and pulled out her gun. It was a glock, similar to the the one that Alice owned, but custom made for her. The clip held a round of silver bullets, each a hollow point, filled with liquid silver as well. Depending on the size of the wolf, the kill could either take a single bullet or a whole clip at times. As for any humans...well that's what their wolf forms would be for...

"You up for this? It could get messy...most hunts do..."

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