"I can drive," Sheena continues to bristle at Andrea's statement, though it is diplomatically worded. She crosses her arms, her jaw set stubbornly as she repeats, "That car was weird or something. I know how to drive."

But when Andrea leans closer to her, speaking to her softly in a tone meant only for her to hear, she relaxes, if only a little. Sometimes it was difficult for her to remember that this was true, that she COULD ask for help now, and it would be given to her, that most of the pack would not resent it. She was so used to having to work so hard to get everything she needed just to survive, to doing everything she could to prove herself worthy and capable and as strong as a man, let alone other women, that she often had difficulty admitting when she didn't know something, regardless of how obvious it was to everyone else.

It seems clear to her that Andrea is uncomfortable with Claire's tears, as much as Sheena herself, and Sheena turns to her, whispering into her ear. "If we can...that wanna go tonight? Give us both a break a while? Don't worry, I won't drive," she added quickly. "We can walk or whatever."

Then it dawns on her that Caroline will need her help again when she shifts, and she sighs. "Dammit...forgot Caro...never mind. Um...maybe...oh! If we leave her here with Claire a while, maybe we can go out now? Unless you just want to relax here...or..." Then she remembers about the issue with Caroline and the missing child posters and sighs again. "Never mind...damn it!"

Not sure of what to make of Claire yet, Caroline is hesitant to step towards her until she has first sought reassurance from Sheena. She slides slowly onto the barstool beside her, peeking at her sideways before informing her, again not trying to be rude, just observing, "Your nose is running."

She watches Claire eat for a few more minutes before the girl mentions changing, and how it is fun. Caroline's eyes grow large, and she adamantly shakes her head in response to this. "No it is not! It's not fun at all! It hurts really bad and it makes me have to be naked and gross, and I hate it! How come you LIKE it?"
*Christian speaks back to Rika's mind a hint of resentment in his tone.* Why should I be nice to her, she abandoned us, of course she's welcome here but I don't have to break my back for her, besides she feels more like Theon is her Alpha then me, despite all our time together.*Christian steps next to Claire and gently pats her on the shoulder.* Claire, don't be upset, you're safe here..You all are safe here..Except you Sheena, you've scratched my car so I'm going to eat your heart now!...Just kidding but you just brought yourself a car young lady. I'll have Esme deduct it from your pay in every check, so I suggest you learn how to drive. *Finally turning his attention to Alice.* The room you abandoned is still upstairs I had it sealed so no one could enter it..Key is hanging in the hall closet.
When Christian declared that he was going to eat her heart out, Sheena's heart actually did seize with fear in her chest, and she started to back away instinctively, ready to wolf out and defend herself if needed. Alpha or not, if he wanted to hurt her, she was going to do what she could to fight back. Maybe he was bigger and stronger and more powerful and would half kill her the second he set claws on her, but that didn't mean she couldn't try to get in some damage against him first, if that was what he was trying to do to her.

When he informs her he's kidding, the relief of this is pretty short-lived when his next breath is to clue her in to the fact that her paycheck for the next ten years or so will be going towards buying his car. Her mouth drops, and she starts to protest despite this likely not being her place, forgetting for the moment that after what she had done the day before, she had no room to argue against anyone in the pack yet.

"That will take forever to pay off! And I didn't wreck it, it's still perfectly fine to drive and everything! I can paint over the scratches, they're not that big...I think, I didn't really look that close but I'm pretty sure they weren't that big..."

Rikarah speaks up to her then, some irritation in her tone. "For a person who was treated with great tolerance yesterday, I would count my blessings for this treatment today."

Sheena's eyes shift to her, and she tenses her jaw briefly before looking back to Christian. "I can paint it or something, seriously."

To Christian, in his head, Rikarah replies back, still standing between him and Alice. "She did not abandon us, exactly. No more than Nathan or Vitani did. It would not break your back to simply greet her...she is our sister, Christian. She is my sister. And she is having a difficult time of it. She accepts me and knows me....I do not want her to feel unwelcome."
((Whoa, she doesn't think of Theon as an Alpha! They had an affair, long before she was with Nathan, or he was with Izzy. And she didn't abandon them, she moved out. She's still part of the Pack))

When the taller redheaded girl approached her, Alice didn't know who she was at first until she said her name. "Oh right...another one of the newbies..." She smiled softly and nodded. "It's nice to meet you too..."

Arching an eyebrow cooly at Christian's unexpected tone, Alice rolls her shoulders back, clicking her tongue against her teeth. "I wouldn't use the word abandon..." she replied cooly, gritting her back teeth slightly. She removed herself from Rikrah's hold and smoothed her hands down the front of her shirt. "That's what your friend Nathan did to me, or did you forget?"

"I can see I'm not welcome here, so I'll make this a fast visit...I'm only here to make sure the problem with the child doesn't get out of hand..." At the word problem, she finally looks over at Caroline. She could feel her chest tighten slightly, pity filling her for the girl, she was only a child after all...she hadn't asked for this, no doubt she probably didn't even want it. Alice knew what it was like to be turned against your will. Swallowing hard, she turned her glare back at Christian. "I'll be gone by tomorrow, but you and I are going to have to video conference with the council tonight...get them off of our backs for the time being, no doubt they will question this, but not too much if they at least think we both have this under for the cops..." She turned her attention to Sheena. "I know you called your cousin about a flyer...those were coming in as I left my office this afternoon...I'll redirect them as much as I can, work on getting the girl a new identity...i suggest reaching out to our more magical friends...erase memories of any humans from her past, it's the cleanest way sadly..."
Sheena I've made up my mind, so for now on Esme will deduct..15 dollars from your check for the next 2 checks that should be enough to pay me for the car..The truth is, with Caroline and Claire not to mention Andrea all who can not drive themselves it only makes sense that there is a car available to be used to get all of you around, I doubt if any of the others are willing to give up their keys and since I have a second car this only makes sense. So the car is yours on the condition that you will be willing to drive the others around..Claire, Caroline and Andrea..Sheena is not your personal slave, I hope that you will be mature about this and don't take her for granted. Give her plenty of notice when you need to go somewhere.

*No one else in the room knows that Christian and Rika are mentally having a separate conversation at the same time.* Nathan has always been a flake it's in his nature to take off when things don't seem to be going his way..But Alice always stood by me..Now she answers to Theon and if you don't believe me ask her if she called him when all of this started..I grow tired of everyone reporting to others over me...Screw the council and screw Theon! Where is her loyalty to me?*
((JUST A HEADS UP FOR ALL:I'm going out of town tomorrow until this weekend, have a few family things to attend to. I will TRY to get on as much as I can, if I do go MIA for a day or two, I'm sorry and if it'd help move the story along so we don't get stuck, [MENTION=1402]Faith Eliza Cord[/MENTION]: you know my characters as well as I do so feel free to write them in to keep things moving. Again, i don't plan on going MIA but it's possible so I'm just apologizing in advanced <3))
(Yeah but that's not how he feels about it.)

*Christian looks at Alice his eyes shifted and a low growl in his voice.* I'll do nothing of the hell with the council..This is my pack and none of their business besides don't they have their spies reporting everything we do anyway..So no I will not be speaking to them..I have enough headaches without hearing from a bunch of mutts that think because their blood is pure they have the right to tell me and my pack how to live..My blood is purer and older then most of them and yet I'm to cowl under them I don't think so! Corrupt, egotistic, sadistic nothing but manipulate and turn packs against each other for their amusement...Look at what they did to Jason, they turned him into someone that thinks he doesn't deserve friends or to be loved a pure blood killer...The Grim Reaper that's what they called him..They robbed him of his life!
Holding in her own growl, Alice just rolled her eyes. "You don't have a choice Christian! A child was turned! They're going to have questions...and both Izabella and Theon are on that council you just damned, so maybe you should rethink that a little...yes this may be your Pack, for the moment...but it's their's your job to keep everyone know how the Elders are about Immortal children of the species...those not born can not be made until a certian age...we had the same thing back when Claire joined know how they get, and you know the position I'm in with want to keep your family safe, you do the f****** call, smile, yes the ba****** to death and go back to doing whatever the f*** you want when the line goes dead..."

As she spoke, she stood up straighter, looking the older wolf dead in the eye. A bit of her former time as Alpha of their own Pack shows in the way she holds herself now.

"Look, I'm not trying to defy you..." her voice softened slightly. "You know where I stand with them, you know who my loyalties lay with...but there are things that must be done, not to just save our own necks, but hers..." She motions to Caroline with her chin. "You know what they'd do to her if they feel she is unfit, or find out that she was not turned by the Pack's Alpha..."
Sheena nods in response to Alice's statement to her, but she is barely listening. Both she and Caroline are less concerned with the flyers at this point after having heard the last part of her statement.

"New identity? I don't want to be someone else!" Caroline piped up, her voice rising slightly, as Sheena focused on the part that had more so alarmed her.

"Erase her memories? How? Isn't that dangerous? What if you just make her like an amnesiac or retarded or something?"

It takes her a few extra moments to think back to the part about the car, and for this to temporarily distract her from the more important questions. "Whoa, wait, I have a car? For thirty dollars? Seriously? Is there a catch, like that you'll put a bomb in the airbag?"

"She is here, isn't she? Coming back to us, when no one asked it of her? Helping with Caroline when she does not have to? Give her credit where credit is due, Christian. And please, do not make me feel as though you wish for me to choose between you," Rikarah continued the silent conversation with Christian in his head. "I love her as well. I do not wish to drive her away."

Out loud to Alice, she says, "You do not have to leave, Alice, and we do not wish you to. We could use your help with this matter."

When Christian begins to raise his voice, she looks between them with her face showing only calm, but a flicker of anger is beginning to show in her eyes. Caroline is also looking between them, her mouth slightly open as she watches them both warily, tense, but Rikarah ignores her.

"Christian, calm down," she says inside his mind. "This is not the conversation to have in front of all."

Out loud, to Sheena, she says pointedly, "Did you not say something earlier about Esme wanting to speak with Alice in the basement? Alice, perhaps this is the time to do so."

Looking up, distracted, even willing now to take Rikarah's advice, Sheena nods. "Um, right...maybe you know...come with me down there..." She glances at Caroline and Claire, seeing that Caroline is still staring, wide-eyed, before she pipes up again.

"Do you really have to erase my memory? Will it...hurt?"
I turned the child and no one in my pack will speak otherwise..As an Alpha it's my right to expand my pack as I see fit and last I checked it was your job to deal with the humans to make sure they are none the wiser..I suggest you remember your place and as for who you are loyal to I'm no longer sure about that..Speak to the council and yes I know exactly who I'm speaking of..You speak to them yourself I have no intention of doing that. And if that is not good enough for you then I suggest you challenge otherwise do not speak to me of such things again. Caroline is one of us now and I do not care how it happened she is to be cherished not regretted and I will not have the council making rulings on my pack thousands of miles away..For all I know those rogue wolves are here with their permission.
(Ok just for the record..Christian knows he's wrong and not being rational..Alice is closer to him then blood and loves her dearly, he will always huff at her but he will always also apologize to her..this actually shouldn't be a surprise to any members of the pack if they've been with him long that he sometimes rants when the pressures of the day finally catch up with him.)
With everyone talking and arguing, it was confusing, but Claire knew that Caroline was still unsure about being a wolf and was not sure how she would react to being dragged to her bedroom. But since they were next to each other, she talked in a low tone of voice, but high enough the young girl could hear her.

"It always hurts the first times. Its because you view it from a human stand point and not from an animals stand point. From a Human's point of view, your body is changing so you focus on the pain and that makes it hurt. Once you learn to clear your mind, as an animal, your turning into one with mother nature, and from then on it doesn't hurt because you see all that is beautiful around you; Everything that you hadn't notice as a human."

Claire shifted in her seat. The way caroline used gross to describe her body was confusing.

"Why do you think being naked is gross? When your transformed, even as a wolf, you're naked. Most of us don't mind being naked because we are proud of our bodies and what we are. You should be too because in nature, we are all equal in beauty."

Turning sideways to face Caroline completely, she grabbed her hand gently and cupped her hands around Caroline's. Her goal was for them to lock eyes, she wanted to see what would happen.

"Have you even noticed what it's like to be with mother nature? You may have not realized it. Right now, close your eyes and only focus on this room. Everyone that is here, what you feel in your hand, how smells taste, do you notice anything more than normal?"

Claire was not only trying to help Caroline, but also taking her mind off of other subjects. She wanted Caroline to realize that being a wolf was more than just being an animal, it was being closer to nature. The girl really hoped that Caroline would realize she had heightened senses, that if she focused, she could taste the emotion and the worry that was in the air, that she could hear the pulse in Claire's hand and feel how delicate her skin was, That she could listen to the beats of everyone's heart that was in the room and even small sounds from nature could be heard outside while in this noisy room. It was the very reason Claire cherished every moment of life she had and loved every moment of being a Lycan.

((I think claires a tree hugger :( ))
{Jason would normally not speak up, especially to Christian but he seems to be taking out his hatred of the council on Alice and that doesn't seem fair, Jason doesn't really like Alice but she's not getting a fair shake here.} Christian, I don't think you're being fair to Alice, she's one of us, I'm sure she rather die then betray us, true her personalty is a bit stale but she is loyal, I should know that much for sure because you haven't ordered me to deal with her. {Meaning kill her, something unlike Nathan, Jason took no pleasure in doing that but when Nathan was grooming him to take over, they did many missions to deal with enemies that were a real threat to the pack.} But I do not understand why we're talking about wiping memories, I've heard rumors of this but never known this to be true, exactly what is done to wipe a person's memory and has this been done to anyone we know? {Jason really hoping Esme will return soon to help cooler heads prevail, especially with the younger pack members here, it's not like Christian to go off like this, not this bad. Jason is sure there is a deeper issue here that he must be hanging over his head to make him so irritated tonight.} I think the older members of the pack should have a meeting before any calls are made, combine information. {He looks straight at Alice} But let it be understood, Christian is my Alpha, Theon and Izabella are alliies nothing more to me. {He hates talking about the woman he loves parents but it's true, if given the order he would at least try to kill them both} Christian turned Caroline and no one in this pack will say it's not true.

(Be safe on your trip Goob, have fun. And Mac, Christian has another bodyguard that he keeps secret from even Jason? Oh that will not go over good if Jason ever finds out, where is the trust? LOL)
Alice clenches her jaw, her eyes narrowing as Jason speaks up. She found it a little amusing how the younger wolf thought he could ever take her down. It wasn't an ego thing, but she was about 200 years his senior, and was without question, stronger and faster. That's just how things worked with their kind, the older the wolf, the harder the kill. Deciding to keep her mouth shut, she simply nodded in his direction, leaning back against the wall. She knew she wasn't making a good impression on the younger members of the Pack in the room but she honestly didn't care at that moment. When things got like this, when her authority was questioned, the Amazon saw red. Her temper easily matched Christian's, but it was nothing more then sibling back talk normally. She was expecting him to be a little cold since she had never really told him her reason for moving out of the Manor, but his hostility had caught her off guard, and had been pretty upsetting.

"There are those of our kind," she started slowly, still eying Christian. "Lycans with abilities, they can get into your mind and do things..." She shuddered slightly, then shrugged. "I never said erase Caroline's memories...I said those looking for her...if this life is really what she wants, that's the only real way for her to start fresh..." Alice sighed softly and looked at the newest member of their family. "I'm sorry sweetheart..." her features softened, surprising even herself. "-but if you're one of can't go back..."

At this moment, Esme reentered the kitchen, giving her cousin a look before clearing her throat, sliding in besides Jason, slipping her arm around his side, her head going against his arm.

"Maybe we should let her decide first if she even likes it here..." Alice turned to look at her. "-we can't force her to stay here Alessandra..."

At the use of her full name, Alice growled softly but said nothing, keeping her lips pressed into a tight line.

"Look, I hate the council as much as everyone else here...they're nothing but a bunch of old dogs stuck in the dark ages...but I for one will do anything to keep them off of our back so I'll take Christian's place with the web thing..." Esme offered him a small smile. "He's not the only one in charge here, so it's not fair for you guys to expect everything from him, and I suggest it stupid now..."

It wasn't really a suggestion, more like an order.

"Now, it's the last night of the full moon, so could we please stop this fighting, get things back to normal?" Esme turned to look up at Jason. "You and I are patrolling with Patrick tonight..."

Alice eyed the couple with envy, ans reluctantly pushed away from the wall, returning to Rikarah's side.

"And Alice, welcome home..."

She smirked slightly and looked back over at Esme. It took everything in the former alpha to point out that this wasn't her home, but instead she just simply nodded.

"Thanks for the food again half pint..." Alice smiled in Claire and Caroline's direction. "I'm gonna go check my room out..." She kissed Rikarah on the forehead, and moved past Christian, giving Andrea's shoulder a squeeze as she passed.

Moving upstairs, Alice found the key just where Chris said it would be, surprised to see that nothing really had changed. Draped across her bed, was a black zip up hoodie.


Sitting down at the edge of the bed, she took it in her hands, bringing it to her face, inhaling the faint scent that still lingered against the worn fabric. She slipped it on over her clothes and looked around the room. She hated this place...but it wasn't why everyone thought...

She just hated being a place without him in it...

((STOPS not stupid...damn phone))
Jason and Esme have said enough now that they have mostly covered Rikarah's thoughts on the matter, but still she talks to Christian herself, aloud this time as she turns towards him. "You forget, Christian, that Alice is your equal in rank. As is Esme. Their thoughts and views, and their orders, hold just as much weight as yours. You are not speaking with accurate and truthful views. There is no reason for you to speak to or about Alice in the manner that you have. She has not betrayed us, and she has not left us. We have always known exactly where she was, and that she would have our backs if needed. It is your friend Nathan who has left us hanging without contact. It is not right to have this discussion in front of children and new pack members who will not understand and may grow confused as to their loyalties. If it must continue, it should continue elsewhere."

Inside Christian's head, where only he can hear, she says directly, "If you run Alessandra off, Christian, when she is the only person other than yourself in this world that I currently love, and continue to make her feel unwelcome in what is her own home as well, I will not be able to forgive you of this."

When Alice leaves the room, Rikarah looks up at Christian, raising an eyebrow to see his response to everyone.

Sheena, seeing that everyone has ignored her when she suggests taking Alice down to Esme, bites the inside of her cheeks unconsciously as the arguments continue. Having only been here for a couple of months, she is unsure of the history between the older Lycans and which ones are telling the truth, but she is uncomfortable with the arguing and self-conscious as to her presence, half afraid that one of them will bring her up and make everyone start to yell at her too. She is relieved when Esme comes up and begins to restore peace, glancing back at Andrea and whispering again.

"Yeah, on second thought maybe we should leave now after all..."

Caroline is trying to listen to Claire and what she is telling her, but she is very distracted by the arguing of the adults. Her eyes continue to shift between them and Claire, trying to follow both conversations at once, still tensed to run. When Claire grabs her hands she is able to focus on her more fully.

"Being naked IS gross," she said simply, as if this was an obvious and undeniable fact. "My daddy- I mean, Lewis- he said that I shouldn't ever undress in front of people except him if he said it was okay to. Because girls will make fun of you and stuff and boys only want one thing and they'll just use you and hurt you and stuff. He said you can't trust boys. You're not supposed to be naked all the time like that, it's embarrassing. Do you mean you LIKE being naked?" her eyes are round again as she looks at her with disbelief.

She looks down at Claire's hands, surprised that she's holding them so tightly. The only person she can remember holding her hands in such an intense manner is Lewis, her kidnapper, and she bites her lip before meeting Claire's eyes. When she focuses, she can see a little bit of what Claire means. She can hear heartbeats and smell emotion, the mixture of everyone's scents. Claire's skin does feel very soft, her own clothing noticeable against her skin. For a moment Caroline catches her breath, shocked, but then becomes a little frightened by the intensity of what she's noticing and pulls away.

"That's so weird...we're not supposed to be able to do all that! It's like...super powers!"

Overhearing what Alice is suggesting, the clarification of erasing her memories of her past, Caroline gets to her feet hastily with her horror at this statement, now addressing the adults for the first time. "I don't want to forget Lewis! I don't want to forget who I am!" Then as Jason speaks, she looks over to him in confusion, frowning, before pointing in his direction.

"I don't know your name yet, but that's not right, Christian didn't turn me. Sheena did. Christian just took me for a walk later but I'd already been a wolf by then."

Sheena feels like her whole body had gone scarlet, and she is certain every person in the room is turning to look at her then. It occurred to her in that moment that perhaps asking a girl who still apparently found it appropriate to announce to someone in a room full of people that someone's nose was running to keep a secret of that magnitude was just asking for trouble.

(one thing you ALL forgot...I'm fairly sure that no one explained to CAROLINE that supposedly Christian turned her. And someone who blurts out everything and isn't very understanding of social graces.)
Andrea frowned as she listened to all of the arguing, she shook her head, she couldn't help but feel as if this was wrong. If Christian was supposed to be the leader, then he was showing Andrea that he was ill fit for the job, being hot headed was not something to flaunt in front of your pack. She continued to watch everyone and listen to them, though it was obvious that she was starting to get tired of all the yelling over something that she viewed as a misunderstanding, or miscommunication of some kind. She wanted to speak up, but she figured that her status in the pack would probably mean it would be more intelligent to keep her mouth shut.

She watched as Esme came in and started to calm everyone down, she couldn't help but smile a little, while she thought that Christian was showing that he might not be the best of alphas, Andrea thought that Esme was showing that she at least had a clear head. She knew that Esme was inexperienced (of course Andrea would be as well), but at least she was showing that she could remain mostly calm while those around her were 'losing their heads' so to speak.

Andrea blinked as Alice walked past her and squeezed her shoulder, having mentioned that she was going to her room Andrea smiled, "I hope that it's not too dusty." she said. She was trying to at least get a small chuckle from her, or at least a smile. She was actually being serious, and joking at the same time, she watched her walk away. She tilted her head a little as Rikarah spoke up, she listened to what she had to say and at least found out a little more about what was going on. She also found that she agreed with her, though she wanted to add something of her own, "It should also continue after you've both had a chance to calm down. No sense in burning any bridges." she said calmly, that was something that had been bothering her, how quickly everything got out of control because they couldn't hold their anger and hurt feelings in check.

Andrea looked at Sheena and managed a small smile, "Maybe, but with the hunters out there... might be safer if we went out during the day." she said, she didn't want her life to end at only seventeen because some idiots with guns had a prejudice against lycans. She slowly ran her fingers through her hair, causing a few more strands of hair to come loose from her braid, she was ready to sit down for a while, but she wanted to make sure that everything was over with for a while. She also wanted to grab a little something to eat, feeling that it would be a good idea to have something on her stomach, since they didn't get to eat at the mall.

Andrea sighed some when Caroline spoke up about the fact that Christian didn't turn her, she tilted her head some, did no one explain it to her? She moved to Caroline and smiled a little, "You're going to have to say that Christian turned you if someone asks." she said gently. She watched her for a moment, then continued, "If certain people find out that Sheena turned you, then you might be in danger, as well as the rest of the pack. You have to remember that... to anyone outside of this room currently, Christian turned you." she said, she really hoped that Caroline could remember that, she did like the pack, and she didn't want them to be in more danger than they already were, she also liked the thought of her own heart continuing to beat.

Claire got frustrated at Caroline. How could anyone be so narrow minded. And her dad; but then she called him Lewis. Who was Lewis? And seeing her naked? Claire did enjoy being naked, but she didn't strut around like Caroline talked about and she made it sound like she was so rude. She exhaled in frustration. Suddenly Everyone started arguing, there was heat going around the house, and some where yelling and everyone was focusing on her adopted dad, and it was all so over whelming. In her eyes, with everyone seeming to be directing it att Caroline, her rage, instant and swift came.

The small red head stood up behind Caroline. Tears filled her eyes once more, with her left hand she gripped Caroline shoulder and spun her around to face her. Claire stood about 3 inches taller than Caroline so both were nearly eye level, with her other arm cocked she brought it down, and hard, slapping her across the face. She was just so mad. Not even completely understanding why. The slap rang out in the room and the impact forced tears down Claire's cheeks. Her lip twitched, and ofter a second that seemed like an eternity she turned around and ran towards the door, dodging everyone with uncanny ease.

As she made it to the door, she pushed it open harshly and started balling as she bolted for the wood line. At his moment she just wanted to be alone.

((Sorry for god modding, After coming home from one family to another and all this Claire is filled with A LOT of emotions she doesnt understand. ))
Sheena hears Andrea's comment about the hunters and their likelihood of not being able to go out and is disappointed, but hadn't really expected her to say otherwise. She nods, sighing, and leans back against the kitchen island before reaching for one of Claire's sandwiches and beginning to eat. "Yeah...still...I kinda just want to get out of here...." she tells her, still mumbling this beneath her breath. Taking another bite, she gestures towards the food to Andrea. "You want some? We never got to eat, there's plenty."

Caroline's brow furrows as Andrea explains to her about Christian, and she looks between him and Sheena, understanding vaguely, but concerned that she'll have to lie. One thing Caroline isn't good at is lying, even when she had a script of what to say. Even if she remembers the correct words, her facial expressions are likely to give away the lack of truth to what she says.

"Um...okay...I'll try..."

She was still paying attention to Andrea, her eyes drifting then towards the food Sheena is eating, and is considering taking some herself, when Claire grabs her and spins her towards her. Startled, Caroline opens her mouth to ask what she wanted, and it is still open, leaving her completely unprepared when Claire slaps her. Caroline is more shocked than hurt at first, and then when the stinging pain of the blow hits her, she bursts into tears, frightened and bewildered as much pained from it. She doesn't understand what had provoked the slap, nor why Claire runs afterward, and can't form any words to ask. Instead she sobs, standing in place, and beginning to tremble.

Sheena's eyes had bulged when she saw the slap coming, and when Claire actually went through with hitting her, she threw her sandwich down and jumped up, hastily making her way towards Caroline and inspecting her face. She hadn't really thought she was badly hurt, but the girl is obviously shaken, and so she hugs her, looking over her shoulder towards the fleeing Claire. "What the hell was THAT?!"

Rikarah, watching the exchange with irritation, just shakes her head. "This is what happens when there are children in the pack. Although I must say that some of the adults around us were acting no better beforehand. It is possible that the adults were the ones who provoked them."
Suddenly in between the crying and sobbing and running hateful things started to come to light. Like why they would replace her. She always thought she belonged her but in her absence they purposely changed a little girl a day before just to replace her. Now it all made sense. Everyone forgetting she was due back today. Even why Jayjay was the one that picked her up. Claire knew Jason was fiercely loyal to Christian and while everyone else had moved on Jason was the only one who remembered because it was his job to care.

Thinking all this frustrated and upset her even more. The tears streamed down. Choking her breathing and her rhythm of running. She easily cleared the field of the land around the manor and tripped as she entered the tree line. The girl just wanted to leave. She got up tring to push brush out of her way but to no avail. It clawed at her face and clothing leaving small red tears of her checks and hands. But she still continued to run and cry.

Finally after a few more minutes she turned around, struggling for breath but glad the house was out of view. Their in the spot she stood and finally collapse to her knees, hands in her face. There she cried her hardest and sobbed without stop. After running and crying her chest burned. It felt like she was sick and infact she was. hunching over she threw up on the ground infront of her; all the food she had just devoured moments before. Ggasping for breath she heaved one more time before finally looking up at the sky. The stars ere all blurry from the tears and in one last gasp she let out her emotions with another wave of tears that she couldn't hold back. With that stars appeared everywhere and white specks as her sight faded to black.

Falling over backwards on the ground, laying there with her legs still folded in a way only young girls can sit, motionless; Claire had passed out and even in her unconscious state, still tears streamed down her cheeks.
Eric began patrolling a small time after sunset, trying to cover enough ground before the mutts began to prowl. Eric had on his custom made archery style lycan hunting garb, trying to remain fully functional with his array of ranged weapons and look menacing as well. He made his way through the trees trying to leave little or no footprints that could be tracked. After about forty minutes of his patrol Eric stubled upon a little girl. And puke. What the hell was a kid doing out here all alone? Unless she was a dog, which would make her an enemy of his cause. Eric slowly made his way over to the girl lying on the ground, dried tears on her roundish cheeks. She looked no more than thirteen at the most. Slowly, Eric drew out one of the silver kunai he kept with him, just on case she was a wolf and tried to attack her. He nudged her with his foot seeing if she was okay. Eric noticed the steady breathing, although shallow, of the girl. She didn't seem to be awake either. This was good for Eric since she wasn't tryi to bait him. Hastily he nudged her again. "Wake up." His voice cracking from lack of use sounded rather harsh, even by his standards when talking to children. He nudged her a few more times until she came to. He his the blade behind his back, completely ready for a killing strike if need be. He put on his best smile and saidthe the girl, "Hey there. Are you feeling okay? You look kinda sick."
((guess i need to type better on my phone. She was suppose to be in a brush filled area and she had barf infront of her lol.))

Lost in the wretched thoughts of her unconscious mind, she was rudely brought back to reality by a foot. Opening her eyes slowly she could blurrily make out the sky. She then remembered the events that lead up to her passing out. Coughing a few times, her throat was raw from the acid of her stomach and even with a stranger there asking her questions, she was more worried about how she felt than the man trying to help her. Claire rolled over to her side, dodging the vomit and facing away from the man she spoke in a soft, upset voice.

"Please leave me alone," another tear streaked down her cheek. "I just want to be alone right now."
Eric looked at her and his smile completely faded, only to be replaced by his signiture scowl. Eric reached down and picked her up with one hand by the shoulder. "Too bad. Why are you out here all alone? Didn't you know it's dangerous? Especially for a kid, such as yourself." He let go of her and began to get pissed at her for being a kid. "It's stupid to be out here all alone at night. And puking! Puking can cause wild animals, such as wolves, to come and prowl around the find the source. And if a wolf does find you, they could quite possible attack, kill, and eat you. So that leaves me with only a handful of options." He turned around and walked a few paces away but stopped. He turned to look her in the eye. "We should probably take you back to the police station and contact your parents and make sure that you're completely safe."
Andrea frowned as she watched Claire slap Caroline, she shook her head, she didn't think it was right for her to take anything out on Caroline, but they were both coming from completely different sides of life. Claire being born a lycan and growing up knowing what life could have in store for her, while Caroline had been born a human, and had a lot to get used to. There wasn't any reason for them to be fighting, just as she had seen no reason for Christian and Alice to fight. She sighed and looked at the door, then instantly headed outside, not giving anyone the chance to stop her, and not saying anything to anyone.

For all she cared Esme and Jason could get suited up and do their patrol, but she was going to start looking for Claire right now, she didn't need to be alone considering the danger lately. She lifted her head and sniffed the air, following Claire's scent on the wind, it was a good thing that she didn't wait too long, and suddenly she was very glad that she was a lycan, at least she could help on making sure that Claire made it back home safely. She stopped suddenly when she caught someone else's scent, she frowned, then stepped into the area that they were standing, a look of concern on her face. She rushed forward, "Thank God you are safe!" she said as she stopped in front of her and knelt down to look at her, she really was worried about her, especially finding her with this man who looks like he's prepared for hunting of some kind. All she could hope for was that she could carry them through this and that nothing would happen.

Claire was getting frustrated. And when the man reached down and aggressively handled her, she panicked. Squirming she yelled out, "Get your hands off me!" Upon release she squirmed backwards trying to get him out of her bubble. Once there and using her arms to prop her up as she sat on her butt, she spoke rudely to the man answering his questions.

"Are you stupid? Wolves even in packs dont attack without a reason; either to hunt their food or protect their babies or some other reason close to one of those. Besides that there are no wild wolves in these areas."

The girl knew she was close to a stream. It was where she often went to clear her mind. And this man was making her angry in his ignorance of nature. Standing up and lightly brushing herself off she returned more words to the man. "I'm not going anywhere with you. Inow exactly where I am and where I'm going." with that she turned around from him, hands in her hoody and started walking once more, losing herself in her thoughts once more and paying no heed to the man.

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