After another short time, Andrea had finally unlatched Claire from around her and Claire, sitting up on her own wiped the tears away from her eyes, wiping her checks down as well. Standing up, she wobbled a little bit. The girl felt very light headed and tired. More than anything she just wanted to go to her room. Not really going home though because surely everyone would still be there as well as Caroline. Claire was not sure she could deal with Caroline and the others right now. Sniffling a few more times, she wiped her nose on her dirty sleeve, unknowningly leaving a dirt smudge on her face.

"Do we have to go back. It's so nice outside right now."

Claire turned around and kicked a stone into the stream. Kicking another one in but trying to use full strength, she tripped herself and nearly fell in. A small smile cracked on across her lips before she turned back around. The young red head offered her hand to the older red head.

"As long as you walk with me, I'll go back. I know everyone's going to yell at me." Her head and shoulders drooped as she waited to help Andrea up.
In Christian's arms, Rikarah stiffens, her lips thinning into a white line as she hears Alice's reply in her mind. She can hear the weakness to Alice's tone, and she turns her head to crane up towards Christian in an awkward fashion from his hold of her. She does not yell, but her tone is very tense, urgent.

"Alice is in the woods. She's been hit, she said, and Nathan...I think she means someone shot her. One of the hunters. We have to go to them."

Pulling away from Christian, she hurries back into the house and up towards their bedroom, where her own gun has been stored. Returning minutes later, she brushes past Christian on the porch as she calls out to Alice again in her mind.

"Alice...Alice! Nathan?"

Sheena had witnessed her running past with the gun and stops to stare at her, eyes widening. She isn't sure what Rikarah is doing with the weapon or where she's going so fast with it, but she's not about to get in her way or ask questions given Rikarah's feelings towards her. Instead she goes to look for Esme.

"Esme! Why does Rikarah have a gun?"

Caroline, standing in the hallway outside her room waiting for Sheena to join her, is beginning to get agitated again, her stomach cramping up with her dread of her impending shift as the night is drawing near. Pacing, she calls out loud enough for anyone to hear who is passing by, "I don't want to shift again! Can't you make me not shift? I don't wanna be a wolf, it hurts! I hate it! I hate shifting and I hate it hurting and I HATE THAT GIRL WHO SLAPPED ME! I don't want to live with her!"
*Christian already armed waited for Rika to get back to explain what she said about Alice and Nathan, she spoke so fast all he made out was a few words but the smell of blood is starting to hit him and when Rka rushes pass him he grabs her by the wrist and pulls her back.* Don't be stupid, if there is a hunter out there with silver that can put both Alice and Nathan down, you don't stand a chance a silver bullet may just hurt them but it will kill you! I will go and distract whoever it is and then you can go help those two and bring them inside, don't worry the windows, doors and walls are reinforced they'll be safe. *He pulls her back and kisses her cheek very quickly before rushing out and past Alice and Nathan in a matter of seconds, he can hear both their hearts still beating and communicates that back to Rika.* They're both still alive..strong heartbeats, so give me a few minutes and then come get them.

*It's not long after Christian passes them that he draws the fire of the gunman but he knows he's out there and a suppress weapon still registers just under the sound barrier so the pressure of the incoming bullet allows him to barely dodge it and get behind a tree. Christian looks down at his gun and realizes as good of a shot he is there is no way he can hit the hunter with it, he has no choice but to shift and hope that his speed is good enough. But before he can he hears a voice in his head.* Master he has fled after his last shot should I go after him? *Christian realizes it's Miyako and shakes his head.* No let him go, we'll deal with him and the other another time, stay hidden for now.
Esme wasn't sure what was going on, but as she watched Rikarah rush past with her gun, it didn't take her too long to put it together. "F***...hunters..."

Turning to Jason, she pushed him ahead of her. "Go help Christian...I'll keep everyone safe in here..." Turning to her cousin now, she motioned for her to follow. "I need you to go get Caroline in her room, have someone stay with her, and then move through the rest of the house, have everyone get in their room until I say otherwise..."

Her head was spinning. Andrea had run after Claire. Where the hell were they?

((sorry so short))
(Didn't want to kill your hunter cause I didn't know if it was someone character hope it's ok I said he got away..I wonder if both Nathan and Jason would be upset about Miyako's presence? it looks like Christian doesn't trust them. LOL)

*Christian, lets out a sigh of relief and starts to walk back towards the Manor hoping Rika got to Alice and Nathan by now. Miyako does as told and remains hidden until the woods are clear before returning to her apartment. Where she changes into her normal clothes. It's actually fairly easy for her to blend in despite being a lycan, with her skills when she hunts she leave little to no trace and knows how to avoid contact with others when she has to run, sometimes she does however miss not being able to live with the others in the pack but her presence must remain secret if she is to be effective in her mission to protect Christian at all cost.*
((actually I kinda went with one of your earlier posts, figured he was one of those guys. Someone could kill him, didn't even give him a name lol!))
(( The person who plays Eric is in this area as well. How often is he posting? I left hints in my posts so he would have something to respond to since he was stalking claire but i guess hes not that active?))

Claire waiting for Andrea to reply to her offer but being as she really had no desire to return home yet, she was easily distracted. In the silent air around them was the soft sound of critters and a stream and then a soft whistle that had a thump. It was not a sound she recognized. Under normal circumstances, the young girl would of ignored it, but when it its metallic twang repeated a few more times, she was instantly intrigued. Having taken a few survival classes in school, she knew when trying to pinpoint the directionality of a sound to turn your head in 90 degree angles and listen. It helped your brain calculate where something might be coming from earlier.

Without even realizing it she took off from Andrea to hunt down the sound. Hopping across the stream, she got the back end of her shoes wet. Carefully she moved through the woods, half way running away from Andrea as well as searching for the source. After a few more seconds she heard the twang once more and with that she bolted for it as she pinpointed the sound. Over a log, under a branch, through a grove and around a bush and she suddenly popped out on a small, barely driven road.

Looking left, then right, it appeared as if it had recently been driven.*** There were one set of tire marks and they were fresh. Just the sight of them she could tell but then glancing back up she could not tell which way to head. The one direction she could feel would head towards the house, so the obvious choice to take was not that! Claire started walking casually, wanting to find something to deter her mind from drifting to the events from earlier. About as soon as she thought of that, she noticed a car in a small clearing. This made her a little cautious. Why would a car be out here, but then again it kind of looked like one of our cars? Claire and Andrea had be gone for at least 30 minutes maybe longer? Maybe someone had come looking for them? This made her cheer up a little bit.

Wandering a little closer, she finally came into contact with the car. Coming to the rear of it her hand came out and felt the tail light. It was cold to the touch, as expected for it being parked here in the middle of nowhere. As she looked it over she could see the driver side door was open. For her that seemed strange, so slowly she made her way around, sliding her hand across the slick metal of the frame as she went. Finally coming across to the engine compartment, her hand told her that something her eyes could not for it was warm to the touch, as if the engine had been running for awhile and finally after making her way around to the front of the car, she seemed not to care or pay attention, at least until her nose inhaled the deep intensity of iron from blood, and a lot of it. This directed her eyes to the source, and Claire stopped dead in her tracks, like someone had bolted and tied and glued her entire body in place.

There was a man with a gunshot through the neck. The mans blood was everywhere and it burned her nose. His arm had a wound as well and there was blood and the person underneath, it was Alice. The woman that had complimented her food not even an hour ago. In that moment a flood of memories came back to Claire. Of that night, her rape, the blood, not her own, the slaughter that occurred. Her hands came up and she looked at them and while nothing more than the moonlight shone of them, Claire saw more. Hands of violence, covered in the blood of the people she murdered. Her eyes teared up and fear sank into the very deepest part of her soul. Her fight or flight response kicked in. Rage, Fear and hatred fueled her.

There in that very moment she took in a deep breath, more so than a human could and as they expanded to the extreme limits Claire let out a blood curdling scream at the top of her lungs; it rang out for seconds. Her cry carried for miles in the night, while the tone of a human, it carried much like the howl of a wolf. The girl was having flashbacks, and could no longer differentiate between memories and reality. She fell to her knees in the mud, hand upon hood of the car and waves of transformations raged in her body. The rage trying to turn wolf to defend herself, and the fear wanting to stay human to run. Her fingers curled up and the claw like fingernails, screeched like a chalkboard as the paint stripped from the auto straight down to the metal. She screamed again in pain, not sure if it was from the transformation or the memories of the torture.

((LOL not sure if this is accurate for their location you didnt give a lot of detail as to where they went. I thought they were at police station then all of a sudden in a field. So confused. If the rest of my post is invalid, just assume my post down to the astrix is all that is valid and ill edit tomorrow. ))
{Jason gave a nod to Esme, reaching into his jacket drawing a sliver plated 45 then leaned in to her and kissed her.} You watch yourself, I'll be back as soon as I can. {He takes off down the hall and to the front door and rushes pass Rikarah, he locks in on Christian's scent, something as his bodyguard he's able to do in dire situations, as he comes across the car he stops, seeing Alice down and Nathan his mentor and trainer down also. Then Claire is there and it looks like she's trying to shift but is having a problem and he violates his first rule, he forgets about Christian for just a moment and helps them, first grabbing Claire by the hand and pulling her down, not sure where the shooting was coming from but he can smell Alice's gun has been fired so Claire out in the open was to dangerous, next he lifts Nathan off of Alice and lays him down, it's no surprise that Nathan's wounds are slowly closing and the blood stop, the bullets must have passed straight through him so the silver in them didn't fully get into his blood, Alice however isn't so lucky, she needs the silver counter agent they used when someone is hurt by silver weapons and his kit is still at the Mansion, since he didn't have time to grab his bag.}

Claire I need your help I need my kit from the house, I need you to focus, your wolf will do me no good right now! So calm yourself girl.
Rikarah's lip curls, and she starts to snarl when Nathan stops her, but as he quickly explains to her that she will be killed, she takes a moment to calm herself, swallowing, before nodding in reply to his request. She knows, whether or not she likes it, that the hunters will be less of a danger to him than to her, as she is a rather new Lycan compared to the three. Still, to simply watch Christian go alone and not be able to know where he is, what he's doing, whether he is all right, is enough to set her heart racing fast enough that she can feel its constant pulse in her temples.

She waits only a few minutes before speaking into his mind, informing him that she's going after Nathan and Alice after all. She isn't sure how she alone will be able to help them back, knowing she could likely only transport one by herself, but she sets off anyway, hoping that at least they will be mobile and conscious enough to walk with some help from her.

As she comes upon them, however, speaking to both Nathan and Alice in their thoughts to try to determine their condition and whereabouts, Rikarah sees as she closes in on them that Jason is already there, Claire as well. She can see that Nathan appears to be in better shape than Alice as far as the condition of his wound, and her jaw tightens as she comes quickly alongside Jason, speaking to Claire.

"Claire, go home immediately. I am not playing around, go and go now. Jason, if you will lift Nathan I will get Alice. We have to take them back to the pack where they will be safe."

Without waiting for a reply she gently begins to slip her arms beneath Alice to carry her, again speaking to Christian in his thoughts. "I have reached them, Jason and Claire are here as well."

Back at the manor Sheena, in response to Esme's instructions, runs back to Caroline, taking her by the arm and pushing her not all together gently back into her room. "Stay in here! Don't come out! Lock it up, hurry!"

Running through the rest of the manor, she gives the same instructions to everyone she comes in contact with. The only problem is she doesn't come across any females to stay with Caroline, as all the rest of the females are out of the house. This means she has to run back herself- just as she can hear Caroline's first screams and knows her shift is beginning to occur.
((This is my last day in MD before I go back home so I'm not going to be on til late cuz I have a whole day planned with the lil bro and sis...since Esme is running around making sure everyone's alright in the manor and Alice is out cold figured this would work...if you need one of them just bring them in :D ))
Andrea was about to take her hand when she suddenly ran off, "Claire!" she called quietly, then she sighed and started to follow her, she had come out there to try to keep her safe from the hunters and make sure that she wasn't alone. She continued to follow her, following the sounds of her movements when she got too far ahead, suddenly she was in a clearing, she could already smell the blood, Claire started to scream, all that Andrea wanted was for her to stop screaming. She moved forward, she stared at the blood, her first instinct was to try to help, but she noticed Jason, he was telling Claire he needed her to calm down. "I don't think she's going to be calming down easily." Andrea said quietly. She moved to Claire, gently turning her away from the scene, she didn't even seem to be worried about the girl's claws. She noticed as Rikarah walked up and told Claire to go home, and then said that they needed to get Nathan and Alice home.

"It would be good to get them home... Especially since we don't need to be shot at while trying to help them." She said quietly, she wanted to be home, at least there they didn't have to worry about being shot. Andrea knew that if she was hit with one of those silver bullet that would be it for her, one thing she knew for sure was that she didn't want to die. She also didn't want anyone else to die, she would be more willing to lay her life on the line if she knew it would save a life. She had no illusions about her own strength or importance, she was weak, and expendable; they were not.

(Sorry so short)
"Old city.....yeahhh.....summer! We can.....Old city..."

Groaning to the annoying country music going through her ears, she woke up drastically. The bus was shaking more and more as they went deeper into the mountains, Ann feeling a bit more at peace with the sight of the forest. It had always calmed her down and she could merely help the relieved breath that escaped her mouth as the music changed. The new song had a soft melody and was more like a lullaby. Drifting back to sleep she trusted her senses enough to know when she was in town.

Someone was touching her, shaking her body and a gruff, husky voice reached her ears. "Lady, wake up! We are at the last stop!" Ann opened her eyes to slap the old drivers hand of her shoulder. A glare was sent his way as she muttered swear words. Taking her backpack with her left hand while shaking her blonde hair out of it´s pony tail she took the few steps down to be left in the dirt as the bus started up and went back the same way it came. Taking a deep breath of fresh air Ann´s lips twitched; almost revealing a smile. She was near a forest, fresh air without the annoying smell of oil in the air. She had been gone for about two years now. The first movie she has acted in was airing in late winter and with that she hoped came more offers.

After taking a hike instead of a cab she returned to town and entered her small apartment. Without locking the door she proceeded down the hall. The walls a soft brown mahogany colour and dark wood planks creaked as she went straight for the living room; throwing her backpack at her old black leathered couch with a smile she headed for the kitchen, making herself a small cup of hot coffee and turned to see what messages she had received through out the years. Most of them being small acting offers at an theatre but the last one made her frown. "Hello dear Ann.." It started off; Ann instantly recognising the elder who had deemed her ´safe. "It´s me Jeremiah, A birdie told me that you trust Alessandra? Well she is residing with the pack Bloody moon and I thought that maybe...Just maybe..." He took a pause and Ann couldn´t help but chuckle. Maybe wasn´t in the elders dictionary and she knew it. What ever he had in store for her it was an order or she´d be hunted down. That he had made clear for her. "Could you keep an eye on a few children for me? Thank you!" Checking the date of the message she found out it was merely days ago; probably a week or two and Ann´s frown deepened. With a sigh she left her half empty cup on the counter before walking to the door. At least she would be able to see Alice again. And which children was he speaking of? Guessing she would find out when she reached the pack manor she took her time walking away. It was a full moon today and she felt for shifting; an urge she was quite familiar with.

When Ann reached the huge, gray building with her gaze roaming for danger automatically. A hint of blood reached her nose as she sniffed the air and the need to puke was making her walk faster to the door; opening it slightly before peeking in. Sliding inside she headed to the living room with accurate steps; her frown growing deeper and deeper. Upon entering the living room she found a small amount of people and with a slight head shake she stared at the floor. "Excuse me..." She whispered and took a deep breath ready to explain her reasons.
(Assuming the others make it back before Christian and going from there.)

*Christian took no time in returning to the Manor, he knows that both Nathan and Alice will recover quickly and both will be very pissed and there may be a need to restrain them until a plan can be developed. Once back inside he heads straight over to a panel just off the foyers wall and hits the switch kicking on the flood lights all over the grounds and alone the treeline around the manor. Then turning to Rika and Jason.(assuming they are back) Is everyone safe inside because I will not have time to go back out until after surgery on Alice. *Lycans get shot and stabbed with silver all the time, the older and smarter ones have learned to tend these wounds themselves since going to hospitals is out of the question because sometimes when we're hit with silver and lycan features come to the surface rather we want them to or not.* I'll get my kit and be right back. *He looks at Nathan and sighs in relief* He'll be up soon but Alice needs to be prepared for surgery so clear me a table.

(Am I right saying the bullet is still in her?)
((it was liquid so there's silver in her bloodstream, she's need a transfusion, and there's probably patts of the bullet above her heart))

Through all the confusion the voice two voices that stood out where theirs; Christian's and Jason's. The two who first found her in the outer woods of this area back when she was abused and left for dead. The memories where horrifying. They made her stand still and freeze and then seeing two people, people who she knew, not necessarily close, but that the ones she loved where close to.

Through all the noise, Jason's voice reverberated in her head. Over and over until finally she knew she had to move. Her hands came up and she gripped her head. The whole world was spinning and somehow, in the chaos it just clicked. Everything became clear, as if she had a purpose. Just like the night she had arrived, christian knew just what to do, tonight, she knew what to do.

Getting up from the mud, she would not cry. Turning around, she grabbed Andrea by the hand.

"Please Andrea. I need you. Please come home with me and help me." She pleaded

Dragging her along, they raced back to the house ahead of the others. Both of them being Lycans, they moved with swift speed, bolting all the way. Once they actually arrived back, Claire hurried to main room. In her frantic state to hurry she tried to figure out which room was best. The living room had tables but they were too low, not enough room. Turning around and rushing back into the kitchen from earlier. She decides the island would be the best spot. But Christian was already back at the house. The girl was astonished at his speed but not surprised, keeping her mind clear she got on the move.

"Andrea, Dad is going to need a lot of towels." She said lightly.

Grabbing the few food items off the counter, she chucked them in the sink, knocked a few of the trash items into the floor and moved any other plates into the side counter. Grabbing some cleaning solution from under the counter, she sprayed down the island and using a few paper towels, wiped it down real fast, then she raced into the other room to get Jason's tool set but she wasnt sure where it was. She searched as best she could, but the house was very large and there just wasnt time.

The kitchen was ready and prepped for what ever Christian needed it for. Finally holding in the rest of her emotions, she went over to the corner of the kitchen and slumped down. Sitting down, she brought her legs up, crossed her arms and buried her head down in them. She wanted to cry again but it just felt like too much. She had shed so many tears today, and not thinking about how family was hurt, she felt like her problems were insignificant in comparison.

((Again, im sorry for god modding Andrea, but since i have been busy last few days i didnt want to leave you behind. I really want our characters to connect so i figured bringing you to the house with me would help from leaving you behind. If you don't like it, let me know and ill edit my post.))
Andrea looked down at Claire as she spoke, she hadn't expected her to recover so quickly, then she shook her head, she was a lycan, so she was tough, she should have known better. She looked back at Nathan and Alice, wondering how she was able to stay so calm herself, last night was the first time she had even had to help anyone, and she thought that Patrick was lucky to be alive since it had been years since she had done any reading, and since that had been the first time she had actually done any of the things she read about. This was definitely out of her expertise though, and it reminded her that she did still want to go back to school, and then on to college to be a doctor, she still wanted to help. She looked at Claire's hand, then allowed her to start pulling her for a second before she actually started to move, she would have gone with her anyway, as she had said earlier, Claire was the reason she had come out here in the first place, she wouldn't let her be alone.

Andrea was already heading off to grab towels, bandages, and medical supplies before Claire said anything to her, she did know what would be needed, though she could only hope that everything would be alright. She had finally found people that she could think of as a family, and the last thing that she wanted was to start losing these people. After she finished gathering everything that was needed, she walked to Christian, "If she needs a blood transfusion, then I offer mine." she said, she wasn't sure if it would be accepted, but she figured she was the best option for it. Christian was an alpha, he didn't need to be disoriented from blood loss, the same went for Esme, Nathan already lost too much blood, Sheena was watching Caroline, Caroline and Claire were young, and didn't really need to go through something like this, Jason needed to be ready to fight if it was needed, the same went for Patrick, and Andrea was sure that Rikarah would want a clear head so she could keep an eye on her friends. Andrea wasn't a fighter, she didn't have to keep a clear head for much of anything in this situation, so she hoped that she could at least be of some help.

As Rikarah comes through the kitchen door with Alice in her arms, laying her down on the makeshift operating table that Claire has laid out for them out of the kitchen table, she looks back over her shoulder at the others, impatient for Christian to return with his kit to get to work on them. Jason, she assumes, will lay Nathan down on the counter that Claire has also cleared. She can hear Caroline screaming faintly but ignores it, not concerned; in her mind, it might be better off if the child died than if they all had to deal with her. Sheena is with her, and though this is far from an ideal situation, the girl will simply have to manage without help tonight.

Eyeing Alice, then Nathan with controlled anxiety, she wipes her hands absently down the side of her pants as she waits for Christian, looking up only when Andrea speaks of giving her own blood. Scanning the girl from head to toe, she finally gives a reluctant nod. Her body type is not exactly like Alice's, but she is large enough that they wouldn't likely have to drain her to accomplish the task, at any rate.

"Thank you, Andrea. We may need to do so."

Inside her room, Caroline is beginning her shift. Though the experience is not as painful as it was the night before, nor as long in coming, she still shrieks with enough volume and shrill pitch that Sheena's nerves are nearly shredded, and she concentrates on blocking the door from Caroline as she talks to her, her own stress showing in her voice.

"Caro, Caro, calm down...look, see, your bones are mostly done now! Your fur's coming, see, you'll be okay! Caroline, shh, you'll be okay!"

Inwardly, though, she despairs. She has no food prepared for her, and she knows Caroline will be upset enough to want to fight or run after all that had gone on today. Caroline could jump out the window, and then Sheena would have to go after her, with all the hunters out there. She didn't bring chains or ropes to tie her with...what the hell is she gonna be able to say to calm an agitated preteen newly transformed Lycan?
Double checking that everyone was safe inside, Esme starts to race back down into the foyer to go help the others, when something catches her attention and she stills at the last step. It's a new scent. Someone who wasn't that welcome here. One of them...

A member of the council...

Growling, she comes up behind the unknown blonde woman, her canines lenghtening. "Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?"

((sorry it's such a short reply for Ann, everyone else is pretty much outside so I didn't want your post to get lost. I know she's a friend of Alice's but right now Al's in a bit of a mess outside of the manor...oh and also the name of the pack isn't bloody moon, they're the Northern New England territory pack, but no real title...Bloody Moon is just the name of the thread, got it from the stories I used to write))



Her blood was on fire, and it rushed through her veins like a freight train and if she could move, Alice felt as if her skin would peel at the lightest touch. She could sense the others around her, moaned and whimpered only slightly as Rikarah moved her. The would hadn't been fatal, the bullet had just missed a major artery as it landed right above her heart. Being close to 500 years old, a simple silver bullet wouldn't have damaged her too bad, but this bullet had been specially made for someone like her. On impact, the bullet had shattered, once inside her, releasing it's deadly poison. Liquid silver mixed in with her blood, causing her body to almost go in a state of paralysis. As she was moved Alice fought to stay conscious, feeling herself slip off a few times.

She could still smell Nathan's blood, but there wasn't any silver in it. This was good, he'd heal faster then she would. Her lips were bone dry and cracked as she tried to move them, forcing herself to form words. Her dry tongue didn't help any as she licked at them, releasing a tiny sigh of pain.

"G-go....take care....of Nathan....first......older.........I'll be....f-fine...." she coughed, a few drops of blood staining her whitening lips and she let out a sick sounding laugh. "Always was my...c-color..."

Alice passed out again, until the cold table top of one of the kitchen tables jolted her awake, the jump causing her to howl in pain. She could feel the insanity from the silver attacking her blood cells, kicking in as she frantically looked about the room, her eyes landing on everyone in turn, yet unable to make out any faces.

"Get it out..." she spat, more blood bubbling against her lips. "Just get it all the f*** out!"

((Um, if Alice gets blood from ANY memeber of the Pack, that's going to form a blood bond. Could be interesting...))
(Andrea is just trying to be helpful, and not really thinking of any sort of consequences like that. And, as I put in my post, she sees it as she is probably the one that would be less likely to be needed in this situation, so... that's why she offered her own blood. :P So, exactly what would this blood bond entail (if it does happen)? )

((Oh I know, it's not a bad thing. it'd be kinda cool. Idk, you'd be able to read the other better. Do you watch true blood, it's like that, when a vampire feeds on a human, they can pick up on their emotions, with wolves it's stronger))
*Christian returns to the kitchen with a black bag.* I need someone to donate some blood, once I get the bullet out she'll need clean blood to be transfused in case the silver has spread all trough her system. Claire and Rika can you handle that or do you need me to show you how? *He opens his bag up and there are empty blood bags, tubing and transfusion needles, also he pulls out a surgical kit.* Alice, you little brat you're to strong to let something as pathetic as this to cause you more then an annoyance. *After cleaning himself up, he starts looking for the entry wound on Alice, finding it on her back. (skipping ahead) After about an hour he pulls out the last fragment from the bullet afterwards he also gives blood, making sure his will be the first she gets, since his is pure lycan and very old and powerful it should kickstart her healing so the rest can refresh the lost blood.*
(She will need much blood so yes Andrea's and anyone else that will donate will be used, Christian used his because as a pure blood Alpha with a strong resistance to silver can help flush the silver out of her system, then the other's blood will replace the lost blood she got when she was shot.)

(Now I'm going out to dinner be back later folks)
Andrea watched in silence as Christian worked to save Alice. She couldn't help but think wbout how strange the last day had been, just last night she had been covered in blood while helping Patrick, now she was going to be offering her own blood to help save someone else. The fact that she didn't really know Alice didn't matter to her, Alice was part of the pack, certainly a more important part than Andrea was, when Christian mentioned that blood was needed Andrea stepped forward quickly to remind him that she had offered. As she stepped forward her stomach growled, reminding her that she hadn't eaten since breakfast, she knew that she was going to have to eat after this, even if it was just a few bites. She hadn't meant to go all day without eating, it had just happened since they left the mall so fast, and then Claire had run off and she couldn't let her run around on her own with the hunters out there. Andrea pulled up a chair and sat down close enough to Alice that she would be able to give her blood, once everything was ready and the needle was in her arm, she leaned back into the chair and closed her eyes until it was over.

(Andrea thinks that she isn't important, it isn't that anyone treats her badly, just that she knows she hasn't been there long, she isn't related to anyone, or anyone's mate. So to her, if anyone is going to die it will be her. Juet how she thinks. Also, note that this wasdone on tablet, mistakes will be fixed in morning on laptop.)

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