Andrea listened to everyone, then sighed a little, she shook her head and stepped forward, "Alice... Nathan... I understand your anger, but take a breath and think about it for a moment, both of you were just shot, Alice nearly died, if she hadn't been found when she was, she probably would have. You two are in no condition to go traipsing about the forest making targets of yourselves. What you need is to go upstairs and get some rest. Let your bodies finish healing before you start thinking on revenge." she said, her voice was calm. She was pointing out what she found to be a fact, that they needed rest, not to try fighting when they had already been injured badly once that night. She looked at them, not entirely sure if they would even listen to her, Nathan didn't even know her (and the only reason she even knew his name was from hearing it earlier), Alice didn't really know her either, but she felt that she had to try.

She slowly looked at everyone else as well, she still felt a little strange about speaking up about things like this, but she figured that if she didn't no one else would. She closed her eyes, then moved to lean against the wall again, she was tired, but she wouldn't be going to sleep yet. She would see this through, plus the kitchen needed to be cleaned, people would be wanting to eat in the morning.

(Andrea.... the random voice of reason.
xD )

{Nathan looked toward Rikarah and grinned big with his fangs showing.} I have a plan kill'em all then go for pancakes. {He felt Alice's hand going into his pocket and taking the ring out then instead of putting it back around her neck she put it back on her finger, he had no choice but to smile slightly at her but still he questioned her actions.} Are you sure you want to do that? I am a big oaf remember? Bound to do something to tick you off sooner then later.

{In the forest an annoyed Jason follows Esme despite her fur being brighter then a 90 watt bulb shining through the darkness the idea of her getting hit with something is not something he's comfortable with but knows she won't surrender the lead, but how would she feel about sharing it? He sped up and moved so that they were side by side only breaking apart when the stray tree or brush forced them apart but quickly made sure he joined back with her, every now and then glancing over his shoulder to make sure Patrick wasn't falling behind since he's new to this place where Jason and Esme know every fallen tree, trail and hill here.} Do you think we should slow down so the new guy doesn't get lost?
{Nathan looked toward Rikarah and grinned big with his fangs showing.} I have a plan kill'em all then go for pancakes. {He felt Alice's hand going into his pocket and taking the ring out then instead of putting it back around her neck she put it back on her finger, he had no choice but to smile slightly at her but still he questioned her actions.} Are you sure you want to do that? I am a big oaf remember? Bound to do something to tick you off sooner then later.

{In the forest an annoyed Jason follows Esme despite her fur being brighter then a 90 watt bulb shining through the darkness the idea of her getting hit with something is not something he's comfortable with but knows she won't surrender the lead, but how would she feel about sharing it? He sped up and moved so that they were side by side only breaking apart when the stray tree or brush forced them apart but quickly made sure he joined back with her, every now and then glancing over his shoulder to make sure Patrick wasn't falling behind since he's new to this place where Jason and Esme know every fallen tree, trail and hill here.} Do you think we should slow down so the new
Hearing Alice voice Ann calmed down immensely before feeling a slight annoyance against the blonde man in front of her. The councils influence? With a slight shake of the head and a small amused smile grazing her lips she sat down on the couch as they kept on arguing. Alice swore, Blondie seemed to speak of either a former leader or someone they seemed to know. And then Miss Mate of Blondie agreeing to Alice. It was like watching a live boxing match. And Ann was enjoying it to the maximum. "So.....You are going to kill a bunch of hunters that were able to hurt Alice?...Just because you are the all so powerful Lycan?" She asked with true curiosity.

"Atleast make up a plan." Ann proposed. Her eyes glittering with her small indirect investigation. It was in her nature to tell what she felt, to be honest but she also was a skilled liar. All those years of acting had payed of and if she so willed she would be able to rip off a company like apple without them even knowing about it.

"I mean wouldn´t they EXPECT for you guys to attack; especially since it´s the full moon.....They are PROVOKING you! Jeez atleast figure that out!" She claimed out loud before standing up; her hands were twitching with excitement. As if she was in a new movie; Lycans. Already a character had formed in her mind following an unknown plot and soon she was emerged into her own mind. "They want you to act, to lure you out. Maybe, just maybe they want you to fight them, unprepared of course." Her lips grazed a smile and her eyes darted from Blondie to Alice. "Alice; Doesn´t it make sense?!"
*Christian nods to acknowledge Rika's comments.* I also can't wait for them to be a distant memory but I'll settle for their still beating hearts in my hands, I don't want to do this but Andrea, Claire, Sheena and Caroline are not allowed to leave the manor for any reason till the threat is over, I don't like us being prisoners in our own home anymore then any of you, but a lucky shot could have finished Alice off, any shot would be enough to kill the young ones and I refuse to bury anymore children.
Her eyes sliding to Andrea, Rikarah regards her with cool approval for her words before nodding. "Andrea is correct. You are both entirely too injured to go out under your current conditions. You should rest, and Andrea, if you do not mind me saying so, you appear exhausted as well. You are no longer needed here, you should go rest. Claire, it is growing late and you should be resting as well. Someone should check on the new child to make sure that she did not slaughter Sheena, because I would not be surprised by anything tonight."

Ann is saying much the same as Andrea, though more colorfully, and Rikarah nods briefly to her as well. "She is also correct. We need a plan. I would not attack tonight, or at least not soon tonight. And yes, the children should stay at home, though whoever relays this information to them and chooses to make sure they carry it out may have a job on their hands."

Not her hands. She's had enough babysitting over the past few days.
*Christian locks eyes with Ann and spoke calmly but with authority.* You are a guest in our home, you be wise to tone down how you speak to one of my pack, how we deal with our problems is no concern to an outsider..Nathan is angry and I get that but I also know he doesn't ever let his emotions take control of him, for now we wait till Esme, Jason and Patrick report in once I'm sure our forest is clear of hunters, we'll draw them back into areas we know the best and then we will attack. *His eyes narrow to the younger Lycan.* I'm 613 years old, Alice not much younger then I, Nathan not much younger then her(200 years give or take right?) This is not our first time dealing with hunters...This is not the first time some young pup comes around and thinks they know better then us. Rika I will like you as Esme's second to sit in on the meeting between us and offer your opinion..It is most welcome. *I deliberate shot to Ann in his opinion.* Andrea may I ask you to take charge of getting our medical supplies and overlook everyone give at least another pint of blood, I will ask Sheena to watch over the younger pack members since she seems to have a gift with at least Caroline. Now anyone have any questions...Anyone that has a real stake in this rather?
{Nathan didn't like the way this woman he's never met before and no one except Alice seems to know is injecting her opinion in this matter and since he's never been one to hold his tongue he spoke up.} Alice, sweetheart can you please tell your friend that the only ball busting pain in the ass that is allowed to talk to me like I'm stupid is you, please make sure she understands this because the next time she speaks to me like that I may rip her tongue out and hang her with it. {Now that he's been nice enough in his opinion he does look at Rikarah.}By the way I got your message but I was a little busy landing a plane in the middle of some old man's corn field but I meant to get back to you but you probably were going to just yell at me about how much of a jerk I was to Alice. What can I say we have a dysfunctional love/hate thing that from the outside seems messed up. However I'm not as screwed up as your mate who seems to have a deathwish meeting hunters and let me guess you went by yourself didn't you? Dammit Christian I'm suppose to be the irresponsible one that goes off and does stupid crap. What was the point of me training Jason to protect you if you ditch him like that and then walk into the den of hunters. You're not John Wayne you the damn leader of the pack.

{Jason is slowly coming to the conclusion that the forest is clear of hunters but considering the one that shot at Alice and Nathan was clever and stayed down wind so they couldn't smell him, he could be doing the same thing now to avoid being detected and is now moving into another spot to attack from, so they have to keep looking for them at least until dawn.} Esme do you know that woman that showed up before we left, I don't recall ever seeing her but she said she's friends with Alice and why is Nathan back, there is to much stuff going on at once and it's beginning to annoy me.

(Christian isn't blonde now is he?)
Annoying. That was the first word that came to her mind. It was the freaking full moon and that DAMNED Nathan was provoking her AFTER a scolding from Mister Christian! Feeling a bit stressed to get out or shift her eyes turning a soft golden before returning to their lush green colour. She was mad, annoyed and a bit curious about this new child. Maybe it was her Jeremiah was speaking of?

As they already decided that they didn´t need her opinion and she sat down like an obedient child. Her eyes were soft as they landed on Alice. "Excuse me for my rudeness against your...Pack?" She smiled, a cold aura surrounding her as she spoke. "Mr..Christian? Once again I´m sorry for my..opinions...if they offended you and I should have known better to involve myself with your affairs. As for your age I did not know of..." Her words had a tint of anger as she spoke.

"Nathan?" Malice, Her voice was full of malice and hostility. A light topaz colour invaded her eyes as her wolf showed. "Mad Lycan + Full moon = Hell on earth. So please, next time someone seems to question your intelligence, DON´T prove them right."
Rikarah has not officially been made Esme's second, let alone her beta, but she doesn't take the time to point this out. Christian has asked it of her and Esme is not around to contradict the request, so she simply nods, glad that at last a task she has been given that will give her a more respectful status than the ones she's had the past couple of days. She also does not contradict the remark about Sheena's "gift" with Caroline, not having witnessed Andrea with her enough to realize that the other teenager actually seemed to be more smooth in her interactions with her.

When Nathan finally belatedly acknowledges Rikarah's initial calling of him, Rikarah turns to him with raised eyebrows, crossing her arms over her chest. "You obviously have been separated too long to remember me very well, Nathan. I do not yell. I rarely raise my voice. I may speak with intensity and with words that are not dripping with sugar and honey, but I do not yell at people." This is fairly true; only on one or two occasions has she really done so, both aimed at Christian, long ago. "I was not going to yell at you. I was going to speak to you. If you had taken the time to acknowledge me, then perhaps I could have warned you about the hunters and perhaps you and Alice would not have gotten yourselves injured."

Ann is smarting off again, and Rikarah turns her gaze to her, her dark eyes cold as she replies, "I would not push my luck with him or any right it Ann? If we are not attacking and no one seems in the frame of mind to plan an attack, then we should go about our assigned tasks. Now."
((jeez, this got all sorts of messed up with extra posts and everything, so confused right now to bare with me, and Mac, Alice is like 400+, closer to 500 I think))

Alice watched everyone as they bickered around her and held her tongue, holding in her anger. Yes, of course she wanted the person who had done this to her dead, but damn! She had just been shot at, and operated on, all in the same night, she had both lost and got her fiance back, an old friend had rolled back into town, and she was still healing. Everyone just needed to...

"Shut up! All of you! Just shut the f*** up for like two minutes would you?!" Her eyes glowed slightly and she still held on to Nathan for support. "Look," she turned to Ann, wincing softly. "You just got here...I'm not sure who sent you or why, but the fact is, we run things differently here then we do at Rome...this is Christian's Pack...not the elders, so his demands need to be respected. I may be your only friend here, but my allegiance and loyallty rests with that man...and I would appreciate everyone to tone down the volume...I still have a killer headache from all that silver in me, or did you all forget how much of your blood I have going through me right now, so I'm feeling everything you all are now, all at once, and you're all gonna kill me if you don't just stop..."

Breathing hard, Alice shook her head weakly and swallowed hard.

"Let's just...wait for Esme and the boys to get back and go from there...okay?"

She felt like a b****, but after what she had gone through and with everyones emotions battling inside her, including her own, she just wanted the room to calm down so she wouldn't feel like clawing her own skin off.


If Esme could smirk, she would have as she felt Jason's wolf form move against hers, keeping himself in pace with her so that they moved through the woods side by side. She knew he was just looking out for her and she loved him for it, but it amused her as well. She wondered how long it would take him to get used to being with someone like her, someone who flet like she didn't need protecting, an Alpha...

Chuckling in her head softly, she looked behind her at Patrick, happy to see that he was keeping up easily and turned back to watch the woods in front of her.

'I don't know who she is...' she answered Jason. 'And I have no idea why Nathan is back, or Alice for that know I'm not a huge fan of either...'
Andrea continued to lean against the wall with her eyes half closed, she seemed to be half asleep, though when she heard her name she opened her eyes fully and looked at Rikarah, she smiled a little, it was obvious that she was tired, but suddenly Christian spoke up, she tilted her head some and listened. She shrugged a little, she could go gather the medical supplies in case anything else happened, plus it would be a good idea to check how much they had left so they could buy more if they needed it. She wasn't so sure about giving blood again, she knew that it was possible, but she was tired, she knew it would be a good idea to have blood handy in case of emergency, but they didn't have to gather it right this moment when everyone had already donated. She glanced at Nathan as he spoke up, listening to his threat toward Ann, it seemed as if her attitude was certainly gaining her enemies within the pack. She sighed and frowned as Ann spoke again, it really did seem as if the woman didn't know when to keep her mouth shut.

Suddenly Alice was yelling for them to shut up, Andrea rubbed her head, she was actually starting to get a headache herself, she sighed some and shook her head, she started gathering the medical supplies as Christian had asked her to.

{Nathan was about to rip into Ann but Alice's words reach him and he turns his attention back to her.} Of course Alice, I'm sorry we should take you back to OUR ROOM. {Another dig at Ann he couldn't help himself} And put you to bed so you can fully recover, even one as strong as you need to rest. Jason and the others can fill us in tomorrow morning. Christian thank you for saving Alice's life, thanks to all of you for your help, I'm in all of your debt, just don't expect much in return right now since the council has taken most my assets and safe houses.

(I'm sorry it's short but I'm heading out for a bit, I'll do Jason when I get back.)
Rikarah is not surprised when Alice yells. She had not considered this, that Alice would, having taken in their blood, be feeling what they are feeling now, and how overwhelming it must be for her given all that is going on. She looks almost ill, and certainly the yelling and activity all around her can't be helping with that. Andrea too looks strained, and Rikarah speaks to the group at large again in quiet tones to support her request.

"We will wait for them, yes. I can speak to Esme if you would like and ask her to return as soon as possible."

Leaning back against the kitchen counter, she concentrates on sending out her thoughts to Esme, her eyes open and still observing the others. "Esme, as soon as you are able, we have much to discuss as a pack when you return. Let me or Christian know if you are safe, and whether Jason is with you."

Her eyes shift to Andrea as she says to her, "Once you are finished, Andrea, you should lie down. You do not look well. Alice, Nathan is correct, you should rest also." She herself feels somewhat tired, but more so restless. She would not mind joining Esme, wherever she is, and going on a run, simply to get her frustrations out of her system. But what she would really like, however foolish she knows it is, is to hunt the hunters as they deserve. She must be an example of prudence now, though, and so she finishes, "I suppose I will check on the children upstairs, they are entirely too quiet for my comfort."
That is a good idea Nathan you and Alice both need some sleep, you all do..Ann you're welcome to stay but please don't provoke anyone else, I should however apologize for us if we were being rude, especailly Nathan but in his defense he's a bit of a jackass but he's our jackass.*Christian finally stood up, things are settled they would wait till the others and decide where to go from there. He walks over to Rika and Andrea, smiling at the younger girl and placing his hand on her shoulder.* Andrea, she's right you need some sleep giving blood must have taken a lot out of you and all this tension around here isn't helpful for your health. *He looks on the counter for an orange and hands it to Andrea.* Here take this with you and get some sleep..And thankyou for all you've done. (Is Claire still there?) Rika, walk with me please. *He reaches for her hand and waits for her to answer him.* I promised you a walk in the garden.
Hearing as Alice broke out in curse words Ann frowned. And the following words weren´t really much of a shock but rather a slight sting of guilty. She knew it was disrespectful the way she had acted but in her defense she is tired from a bumpy bus ride with a horrible driver which voice is utterly disgusting, a ´mission´from the elders, hunters and a jackass whom she had felt the need to rip him some new ones. With a sigh she nodded to Alice and smiled, guilty. Amused she rolled her eyes at Nathan. THAT was his come back? "Childish.." She muttered silently for herself and turned to Christian as he spoke.

"Thank you for the offer..I´d have to accept it seems." Her voice wasn´t cruel against the older man as she had enough for the night and all she wanted to do was fall down on her bed back at the apartment but was unable to do so. Running her fingers through her tangled locks, she took out her phone to check for some messages. Sighing she saw a missed call from her agent, she had put it in silent before without vibration. Ann excused herself while dialing the number. "I have to make a call...Sleep tight, Alessandra...."
Andrea finished what she was doing, fighting back a yawn, she glanced at Rikarah when she spoke and nodded a little, she was planning on sleeping as long as no one else had anything else for her to do. She looked at Christian, accepting the orange he gave her, "Thanks." she said, she looked at the orange, she looked at him again as he thanked her for what she had done, she shrugged a little, as if it wasn't something she minded doing. "It was no problem... I guess you could almost say it's in my blood." she said, meaning that he need/want to help people was something that she had in her.

She walked toward the doorway, then glanced back as he spoke to Rikarah, she smiled some, "You two enjoy your walk, but do be careful." she said, she wasn't trying to say that they couldn't take care of themselves, just showing that she was a bit worried after everything that happened. She walked out of the kitchen, and then went upstairs to her room, she walked in, turning the lights on, she glanced around and then went and collapsed on the bed with a sigh. She stayed there for a few minutes, then sat up and slowly ate the orange, throwing the skin away, then she slowly got up and went to the bathroom to wash her face, washing away the make up she had worn that day and then got ready for bed and allowed herself to collapse into bed again and slowly sink into sleep.

During all of this, Alice stays quiet, knowing her earlier outburst was a result of everyone's mixed emotions in the room. Keep her lips pressed into a hard line, she continued to lean against her mate, watching silently as everyone in the room each parted, going there different ways. She wished she had more engery to really properly thank everyone, and spend a little time with Ann, but the Amazon was starting to feel a bit tired finally and without meaning to, a tiny sigh escapes her.

"F***..." she finally mutters softly, once she and Nathan are alone in the kitchen. "What a night huh..." she turns her head to look up at Nathan, smiling sheepishly, her earlier anger towards him having vanished completely from her mind. All she could focus on was the thought of his body as it collapsed against hers, the bullet holes in his neck, his blood covering her...

Swallowing hard, she gently pushed away from him, one hand going out to steady herself against the wall. "We...I should be going to bed now..." her voice was soft. "Are you staying?"

((I was hoping Patrick would get another post in before I posted again as Esme :/ ))
At last, to be acknowledged. Rikarah had long ago given up on having anything resembling a date with Christian tonight, or even a few moments alone, so when he holds his hand out to her, not having forgotten his earlier promise, and still clearly intending to keep it, she smiles, walking forward to take it.

"One moment. I will check on the children, as it seems no one else is heading to do so, and then we will go."

Releasing his hand, she walks upstairs towards Sheena's room, her steps paced quickly; the sooner she makes sure they're all right, the sooner she can leave with Christian. Lightly knocking on the door and calling their names, she is answered with no response, which forces her to get her key and peer in for herself. Seeing that both are asleep, she rolls her eyes, then relocks the door as she returns to Christian.

"Some guard that Sheena is....and some "vicious beast" that Caroline is. They are both asleep. All the better for us, I hope they remain as such for a week, with most of the rest of the pack doing so as well," she says to Christian before taking his hand again. " let us go."

She keeps hold of his hand as she lightly pulls him towards the front door, her muscles relaxing a little more with every step that brings her closer. She truly felt herself to need this time with him.
*Christian took the time to prepare a few things for him and Rika go for their walk, finding a bottle of wine, some bread and cheese and a few pieces of fruit into a basket. When she returns with a tiny bit of good news that the girls were sleeping. Following her outside, Christian opened his senses and stops for a moment, sniffing, listening and staring out into the darkness of the forest, once he's sure it's safe, he starts walking with her again towards the garden, slipping his arm around her waist, he smiles at her.* So this has been a crazy day huh? I'm sorry if I made you feel unimportant today, things just got out of hand..Everytime I wanted to focus on you something else happened but never forget that you are always on my mind and in my heart, I can't stress enough how important you are to me.
Rikarah had not realized until she sees Christian gathering food for them that she is hungry. Although she does not normally eat considerable amounts of food, she has had an active day and after having given blood as well is nevertheless surprised when her stomach growls. She rolls her eyes and gives a faint laugh, placing her hand over it, before leaning into Christian as they walk. The night sky is calm, stars glittering overhead, and she lets her face turn upward to observe them, allowing herself to appreciate their aesthetics. A faint wind ruffles her short hair, and she sniffs it as well, making sure she smells no intruders approaching, before finally responding to Christian.

"It has been a trying day. But I am glad we can finally be alone. I suspect we both needed this time."

She lightly strokes her fingertips over his side as though to punctuate her words. "I am thankful that it was not you who was injured, Christian. I do not know what I would have done...if I had lost you."

This thought had been preying on the back of her mind since the moment they had dragged Alice inside, once it became clear during Christian's mending of her that she would be all right. It had left her shaken inwardly. Even now, it is possible that Christian could suffer in the same manner, or worse. It is too easy to think of him as invincible, and Alice's and Nathan's injuries have just challenged this former assumption.
*Still be cautious, Christian is intent on making sure Rika enjoys herself, leading her to a patch of roses in the center of the garden, for the life of him he has no clue who's been tending or who planted this garden in the first place but he's grateful because this is the perfect place to show Rika she's still the most important person in the world to him. The pull of the moon is strong tonight but Christian has long ago built up a tolerance to it, he doesn't feel compelled to shift like the others, allowing him the chance lay in the grass with his mate, pouring her a glass of wine slipping his arm around her with one hand pouring himself a glass of wine.* You know it's moments like this that I've fought so hard for..Peace and quiet for us..For the others, I don't understand why we can't have this all the time..We don't hunt humans, in fact we try to benefit them when we can and yet because of a few monsters we're all punished and hunted..Maybe I don't deserve this because I used to be one of those monsters but the rest of you especially the young don't deserve to be hunted and murdered. You don't deserve to be hunted and I will destroy anyone that tries to harm you. *He laughs softly* Not exactly the most romantic conversation is it?
"Peace...quiet...not often a part of pack life," Rikarah smiles, accepting the wine he offers her and taking a sip. She tilts her head back, her bangs shifting backward to fully reveal her upturned face to the stars overhead as she gazes up at them, enjoying their beauty. She can smell the scent of the nearby roses, the soft whisper of the wind around them, and for the first time of the day she begins to relax.

"I hunted humans once," she said after several moments. She is not as accustomed to Christian at resisting her Lycan self, keeping herself from shifting in the light of the moon, but when present with him it is easier, and she feels only a faint urge to do so. "I hunted those who harmed or opposed me, or others. And I enjoyed it. I suppose I was a monster as well as they were."

She straightened her face, looking him in the eye. "It is interesting that I was perhaps more of a monster as a human than I am now."
*Christian lean in, he smiled at Rika before kissing her.* I've seen your wolf and you're beautiful hardly a monster. We've both done things in our past that maybe we will one day have to pay for but Sheena and Caroline, Claire and Andrea, they deserve none of the pain and fear these damn hunters bring. I need you to promise me that if something ever happens to me, you will join forces with Alice and Esme, gather all the others and leave this place and start over, do not live here under Theon's thumb, everything you'll ever need Alice knows how to get her hands on. Don't worry I have no intention on dying anytime soon at least not until I have a true heir to carry on my legacy. Something else I didn't think I would have in my lifetime, until I met you. *He adjust himself so that his head is now laying in her lap again smiling up at her.* I look at you and I don't see a monster...You're angelic Rika.

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