Esme dragged herself out of her bed, holding her head in her hands, willing the pounding to go away. They had stayed out til almost sunrise, scouting every inch of the woods, but any trail the three of them had been able to pick up had been faint, the human hunters long since gone from their territory. The muffled coming from downstairs let her know that that was where most of the Pack was that morning.

She let out a loud yawn, and ignoring the fact that she was only wearing a long shirt that hovered over her knees, Esme made her way down to the kitchen, slipping in silently just as Christian brushed past her, heading back upstairs. Clearing her throat, she mumbled a few greetings at everyone, making a beeline for the coffee pot, and noisely started to make herself a cup, dumping spoonfuls of sugar into it until it was sickenly sweet to the taste. Sighing softly, she leaned back against the counter and eyed everyone. She glanced in Jason's direction and her cheeks flamed slightly, she couldn't remember him getting up, but she knew he had spent the few hours after they had gotten home in her room guarding her.

"It looks like the woods are safe for the most part...I wouldn't suggest going out on solo runs, or even with someone else...if you need a run, get a group together...I'm sure we could all use that escape, especially with the events of the last few days..." She'd feel a lot better if no one went in the woods until they took care of their hunter problems, but she knew a request like that was impossible.

"Ann," she finally addresses the new girl. "If you'd like, I'm sure Alice and Nathan could use a plate or two of food, considering their both still recovering, then you can have your reunion with your friend or whatever..." She still didn't know exactly what this woman was doing in their home, but she had bigger issues to worry about.

offering a smile at her cousin and ruffling Caroline's hair, she snags a piece of bacon. "Sheena, Andrea, I'd like the two of you to get some training in today if you can...then I'd like to bring you both along with me tonight for another patrol...Jason, if you can get Nathan and Chris with'd be best if we tried it in two groups tonight, cover more ground faster..." she paused, letting out another yawn.

"Hey, where's the other kid?" Her head whipped around looking for Claire. 'She didn't run off again did she?"


"I don't need you to propose to me again Nate..." The Amazon chuckled and shook her head, sitting up in bed. "Just...don't leave me again is running off to do your own thing for years on end...i can't handle that again..."

Sighing softly, Alice traced patterns on the comforter with her fingers and then shrugged. "I think...I think I want to stay in the Manor for a little bit longer. I don't think we should abandon Rika and Christian wasn't fair of either of us to leave them behind like that. My apartment isn't going anywhere, we can go there if we ever want...alone time..." she poked his chest playfully.

"I need to figure out why Ann is suddenly here...if the Council sent her, so soon after sending you...." she trailed off for a moment. "What if she's your replacement? What if she's here to kill you?"
"Oh okay, I will then," Caroline said in response to Andrea telling her she can make the eggs, beginning to open and shut drawers searching for the utensils she would need to do so. "Where are the pans?"

She isn't quite so agreeable to her suggestion of forgiving Claire. Slamming one of the cabinet drawers, she stops looking, her face closing up with her defiance as she shakes her head.

"No, I'm not. I hate her. She hates me for no reason, I didn't do anything. I can't help it if she's a Lycan, I can't help it if I am either, it hurts and I don't want it and she shouldn't have hit me for no reason, it HURT! She's mean and I hope she's gone! I didn't hit her, she hit ME, and I do hate being Lycan and I don't care if she doesn't, she still shouldn't have hit me! She's crazy, and I bet she didn't even get in trouble."

The more she talks about it, the more upset she's getting, and she slams another cabinet door and slinks over to the table to sit next to Sheena, who is yawning, watching her without passion.

"Kid has a point," is Sheena's only response to this as she yawns again, covering her mouth and blinking. "I wouldn't exactly feel like being best buds with someone who slapped me without two minutes of meeting me."

She smiled when Esme entered the room, then outright grinned when the girl said she could train and run in the woods. "Great. Um, I'll help Caro and all, but does anyone else want to help her so I can, uh, run my fastest a while?"

"I don't know, but I hope she's gone because I don't like her," is Caroline's response to Esme's question about Claire. "Did you know you forgot to put pants on?"

She points to Esme's bare legs, making Sheena blush and look away.

Sitting up in her bedroom, Rikarah takes her awakening, then rising and joining the others downstairs. She too is wearing only a long shirt and simply nods to the others before slipping behind Christian and wrapping an arm around him. "Hello."
(He was back upstairs but they could go back down for breakfast I guess. LOL)

*Christian came in just as Esme mentioned his name, heading straight for the coffee, pouring himself a cup* Patrol with Jason and Nathan tonight, sure it will be like old times and we could dish and do each others hair and nails. *He grins* But seriously I think it's a good ideal. Did Patrick stay out? I don't sense him anywhere in the Manor.

*Christian reaches up and takes Rika's hand in his, turning into her, he leans forward and gives her a quick kiss on the lips* You could have stayed in bed a little longer if you want? I was hoping you would skip work today but it's up to you.
Smiling as the small girl requested both dishes and spoke of Lycans as if they were wolves. She listened to her story, a bit wide eyed at how a child could hate so much. She stared at Andrea before nodding slightly. "If you say so.."

As Andrea conversed slightly with Caroline and Sheena, Ann became a bit shocked as she answered her question. Listening intently she couldn´t help but genuinely smile at the young girl. She remembered the first time she shifted and how her world slightly crumbled. It took the elders some time to cover up her mistake as she roamed New York, as a wolf.

After awhile of people joining them in the kitchen; talking about protection and how the lock down was now off. Feeling out of place, and knowing it was true. Ann wasn´t supposed to be here. It was then that Esme suggested that she would bring food up to Alice...And Nathan. As much as she didn´t want to see Nathan at the moment; she wanted to atleast have a small chat with Alice for old times sake. As much as she wanted to only go through her go-home schedule, she´d sacrifice a bit time before leaving.

"I´ll go do that..." She muttered slightly before turning around, looking through the cupboards to find a tray, plates and mugs. Making Alice and Nathan some coffee and a bit of milk before taking a few plates full of food.

Following Alice´s scent, she came before a door; knocking slightly before excusing herself. "Excuse me..." She entered to see Alice and Nathan cuddled up in bed and with a small soft smile directed to Alice, she showed up the tray. "I came with food.." Glancing at Nathan she sighed. "To both of you..."
Andrea closed her eyes with a sigh, "Caro... Everything was hectic last night, I don't even think that Claire really meant to hit you, she was just reacting to all the negative energy from the fighting." she said, she slowly looked at Caroline and Sheena, wondering why she would be telling Caroline that it was alright to hate someone over what really boiled down to being a misunderstanding. She shook her head and took over cooking when when Caroline decided that she wasn't going to cook the eggs after all.

She finished cooking and then looked at Esme and Christian, "I was wondering if there was going to be any way that I could go back to school after everything calms down? I'm only seventeen and I want to graduate high school, and possibly go to college." she said, she was still interested in following her mother's footsteps and becoming a doctor. She looked between them, then she went to grab a plate of food for herself since she did need to eat, and then head out for work.

She wanted to run, but she viewed the fact that she had to work as more important than enjoying a good run, maybe she would get the chance to run soon, but she wasn't sure. She blinked when Esme suggested her getting some training in and then going with her for patrol. "Well, I can try after work..." she said, she had never really had to train, usually if trouble came knocking she made sure that she wasn't there, but since she had already decided that she wasn't going to leave the pack... it would be good for her to learn.
"I was not sleepy," Rikarah says to Christian, but her languid position, half leaning against him, somewhat belies this statement. She returns his kiss, wrapping her fingers around his as she observes the others. "I will be for a short shift, yes, but I will be going for a run shortly, however. It is time I get some exercise after the past few days."

She ignores Caroline's outburst and Andrea's gentle reprimand to her, uninterested. As long as the children are not bickering in her presence, she doesn't care very much what they think about each other. Caroline is unimpressed by Andrea's words to her and just scowls down at the table, crossing her arms over her chest.

"She did mean to hit me. She didn't even say she was sorry."

"Yeah, don't necessarily have to be her best friend, but can you at least not fight with her?" Sheena asks Caroline, seeing the way Andrea was looking at her. "Like, not telling her that you hate her would be a start."

Caroline continues to glare down at the table, not committing either way, but Sheena lets it go. She has other things she'd rather do than referee twelve-year-olds.
*Christian frowns at his mate, he was hoping his charms would be enough to convince her to skip work and go back to bed with him until it was time for them to patrol the forest but in the end this will give him time to get with Nathan and Jason to plan their patrol tonight, he's getting concern by Patrick's absence, he will give the new comer a day to show up before he's written off as a lost cause.

Turning his attention back to Rika, he presses himself firmly against her, of course keeping things as close to pg-13 as he can with children in the room.* At least let me drive you to work, maybe I could amuse myself at your job...Then again I've never really been interested in old paintings statues. But I will still like to drive you into town, for my own piece of mind to know you're safe.

*He acknowledges the recomendations from the others* Look I know things are tense and the last thing I want is for everyone to feel unsafe but I want you all to be safe and use some common sense...use your wolf, it will be your best defense rely on your senses, after all this is your home, you'll know if something is out of place. And if you get cornered you call for her and after you call for help you fight with everything you got!
{Ann walks in before given the chance to get invited in so she gets an eye full of almost naked Nathan, who gets out of bed wearing nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs of course he's never been shy about his body, since the pack shifts together all the time and when they shift back they're naked. His clothes from the day before were bloody, lucky for him Alice has some of his old clothes in her room including his favorite hoodie which he gets a nice surprise when he puts it on cause Alice's scent is all over it.

He stands in the corner and get's dress, then walks to Alice and leans over her giving her a long deep kiss and a smile, he walks towards the door but then turns back to her.} I'm going to head downstairs talk to Christian and Jason but don't worry I'm not going anywhere, why don't you talk to your friend after all she came a long way just to see you. {Nathan is constantly working angles he rarely goes head on against someone when they can be manipulated, Ann is Alice's friend and even though she may have a hidden agenda for being here, he still feels the need to make some effort to be nice at least until she proves she's not a friend like she says she is. He faces Ann} I feel like I should apologize if I sounded short with you last night but in my defense, my mate and myself were almost killed so my temper was a little hot. You and Alice have some catching up to do, so I shall leave you alone. Enjoy yourselves you two.

{He heads downstairs looking for Christian and Jason finding everyone in the kitchen} Yo Christian! Any chance I can borrow some clothes until I go buy something? I really want to look good if we're going to war. {Walking to Jason and slapping him on the back} How the hell are you kid? Christian is driving you crazy isn't he? Trust me I know the feeling, he never makes it easy to protect him. One time I lost him for a week, well actually I lost him for 2 days I spent the other 5 in Vegas. {He can't help but notice Esme and Jason are sort of together and has to comment on this.} Kid are you two together now? Holy crap Esme your father is probably gonna be pissed..I love it!

{Jason has so much to respond to Nathan} Nah Chris isn't to bad he make shake me for a few hours but I manage to catch up. {Jason isn't really sure how he's suppose to act with Esme in public, the whole thing is awkward to him but he knows now that he can't live without her to prove it he slides his arm around her.} I don't care what her father thinks, Esme wants to be with me and I with her, she reminded me that I deserve to be happy for once in my life. {Nathan smiles at his former student} Good for you kid don't ever forget that. Esme you either, don't worry about all that tradition crap, do what makes you happy..Be with the one that makes you happy.
*Christian looks up at Nathan and smirks at him* You want to put your gorilla shoulders in one of my suits? Sure but whatever you take you own now, I don't want to be smelling you on my person whenever I wear something I loaned you. So is Alice fully recovered or even better has she fully forgiven your dumbass for running out on her for almost 4 years (wait was it 3 years?) I hope you don't plan on doing that again or she might finally decide to move on. *Nathan and Christian have been friends for centuries now but still Christian has no problem reminding him what a bastard he's been to Alice.* Nathan if you leave her again don't expect to be able to come back, she's suffered enough, understood? Now that all the unpleasantness is out the way..Welcome home brother, you've been greatly missed. I have something of yours in the basement. (A stash of Nathan's weapons) Tonight you me and Jason will patrol the northwest side of the forest, Esme, Rika and Alice will take the Southeast and we will patrol till dawn, in the meantime we should start to plan how to take out those hunters without every human for 200 miles coming for revenge.
"How about this," Rikarah says in response to Christian, reaching up to stroke his cheek as she twists to face him. "You come for a short run with me now, I will return and prepare myself, and then you may drive me. I will come home when I am finished, and I will go with you tonight."

She cannot resist putting in her thoughts about what Christian has said to Alice either as she adds, "He is correct, you know. You are welcome back here...but if you leave again, you will not be. Not to me."

"I'm gonna go run too," Sheena says quickly, jumping up before anyone can try to stop her and heading for the door. She can hear Caroline talking even as she tries to escape having to be responsible for her, at least for a couple of hours.

"What about me? What am I doing tonight? When am I gonna stop having to be the wolf at night?"
Andrea sighed some, she was glad that at least Sheena was trying to make things a little better now. She saw no reason for them to fight, if Claire would apologize to her, and if Caroline wouldn't attack Claire's beliefs, then everything would be better, at least on that side of things. She smiled some, then she slowly finished her food.

She set her plate in the sink, having her request to be allowed back into school ignored, she figured that they all probably had more important things on their minds. She knew they did, but being ignored wasn't really something that she liked. She started to walk toward the door, she had to go to work, and unless someone planned to stop her or go with her she would be going on her own, on her bicycle. She knew that she did have to rely on them when it came to strength and the money that kept this place going, but having a job helped her feel that she wasn't entirely useless, and she didn't want to give that up unless she was allowed to go to school instead. At least with her in school she could work harder at becoming someone who would become more useful to the pack, even if it was just by bringing more money in from being a doctor.
((sorry, been a whacky past few days, needed the sleep in today, def over did at the gym :/ ))

Esme found herself blushing at Caroline's comment about her legs and found herself pulling at the hem of her shirt, willing it to suddenly grow longer and reach the floor. Her cheeks were still flaming, she leaned against Jason and turned to face Andrea. "I would feel a lot better if you had one of the guys case the diner out today..." her voice was soft, but there was nothing but seriousness behind the request.

"At least have them swing by every now and then, or a few at random...we don't own the diner, so for all we know that place could be casing with hunters...I don't want you getting hurt..."

She didn't want it to sound like she didn't think the girl could handle herself, but after the events of last night, and the past few days, she didn't want to risk it.

Eying Rikarah as she entered the room, she cleared her throat before extending that night's patrol invitation her way. "We could use all the muscle we can get..." she told her, hoping that things were alright between them now. She knew being Christian's mate's friend might be a bit harder now, with Alice's return, but that didn't mean she was going to stop trying.

"So have we found out what Alice's little friend is doing here? I'm not to happy about the council sending their spies to check on us all of a sudden..."


Frowning, Alice stares after her mate as he exits her room, and keeps her eyes focused on the door until she can hear Nathan moving around downstairs before finally turning to Ann, offering her old friend a big smile.

"I don't even want to know why you're's been way too long Annie..." she gets up from the bed, still only in her pajamas and goes over to the blonde, giving her a tight hug. Taking the moment to give her body a much needed stretch, she looks about the room for the clothes she had packed and talked to her friend as she started to move about.

"They aren't too happy that you're here..." she said, slipping her shirt over her head. She was refering to the Pack down stairs and as she pulled on a clean black t-shirt, she arched an eyebrow, looking Ann over. "With all this bull going down with these hunters, you have to know that your sudden presence here is a bit threatening..." She frowned, tilting her head to the side and winced softly as she pulled up her jeans, a slight tugging in her chest where she had been shot.

"So I think, it might be a good idea to start explaining least to me anyways..." Fully dressed now, she sits at the edge of her bed and waits.
{Jason looks down at Esme and smiles at her, his chest sticking out a little, it makes him happy that not only does Esme want to be with him but both Christian and Nathan seem to be on board, Nathan is even encouraging him to buck the system, I guess Nathan would know about it, Alice once was an Alpha and he was Christian's Beta and he and Alice are still together.} I'm her's for as long as she'll have me, rather it's 2 days or 200 years, I'll not leave her side. So are you back for good? Does this mean my services as Christian's Beta is no longer needed?

{Nathan pats Jason on top of the head, it's hard to believe but Jason and Nathan or more like father and son, Jason doesn't seem as cold and distant when Nathan is around, truth be told Jason admires Nathan, one might even said idolizes him. To any that watches them it's like watch a kid meeting his favorite football player, It was Nathan that spoke up for Jason and got him brought into the pack, then Nathan trained Jason how to protect not just kill. Nathan looks into his former student's eyes sternly.} Jason I have no intention of taking my old position in the pack back, it was a pain in the ass and Christian annoys the hell out of me, making it difficult to protect him when he runs off. Jason I didn't pick you to replace me till I came back, I picked you because I trust no one else to protect my family.

{Nathan moves towards Christian and Rika} Do not worry, I not leaving her again, I know I've been foolish but like I just said I do not want to be anyone's Beta, I just want to be with Alice, if you need me to fight I will be the first to stand at your side but other then that I wish to avoid all responsibilities from when I was your second. However I will make myself useful the girl Andrea. right that's her name? I'll see to it she's safe and escort her to her job, while I'm there I'll make sure it's safe at her job and I'll stop by the tailor and get something that fits my gorilla shoulders better. {He grins at Christian}
Her eyes going a bit wide as she sees Nathan almost naked; it wasn´t a shock rather a bit embarrassing. Looking away as he dressed, she stood uncomfortably at the door. As Nathan mentioned her, she rolled her eyes before raising one eyebrow as he apologized. She couldn´t help but frown, he didn´t seem like the kind to apologize which confused her even more. But Ann didn´t dwell into it as she couldn´t help but want to catch up with Alice.

When Alice got up from bed Ann wanted to protest but set down the tray to hug Alice, the mention of her nickname making her chuckle. Letting Alessandra get dressed, she sat down on her bed; watching as her friend searched for clothing. "They aren´t happy that you´re here..." Alice started and once again Ann wanted to roll her eyes. "You noticed..." She muttered under her breath before letting Alice continue. Frowning as Alice winced while dressing herself. "With all this bull going down with these hunters, you have to know that your sudden presence here is a bit threatening..." Nodding she wondered where this was going before something clicked in her brain and with a smirk she stared amused at Alice.

"So I think, it might be a good idea to start explaining least to me anyways..." Alessandra finished. With a deep sigh Ann stood up and went to get the tray then sat next to Alice, handing her a plate full of food. "I thought we´d have a girly chat before getting to business...." She mused before taking a small bacon piece and chewing it slowly. Glancing at Alice, she sighed again. "I never knew a pack lived here....I´ve been gone the last five years, small productions and one movie. It´s not like I ever really used my apartment unless I had the luxury of free time. " She explained before taking another bacon piece into her mouth, chewing it quickly this time. "Anyways; When I did come back, yesterday night, the first thing I did was check my phone messages and guess who had called? The council..." Rolling her eyes she smiled softly. "Jeremiah contacted me, telling me you were in town and that I should check up on some children for him. Nothing else....And you know I can´t go against the council or my career will be in jeopardy." Finally finishing she continued to eat silently. Waiting for any further questions or possibly a friendly chat.
With no one having protested, Sheena starts heading out the door before anyone can protest, calling over her shoulder. "Okay someone will help Caroline while I'm gone then right? Bye!"

She patted Caroline's head, then gave Esme a quick hug around the waist and kiss on the cheek before dashing out the door, breaking into a run the moment she was off the porch. Once in the woods she shifted and ran with all her speed, almost grinning with sheer enjoyment of the stretching of her muscles. Man, had she needed this.

In the kitchen Caroline blinks, startled and somewhat hurt by her disappearing act, and comes to stand beside Andrea. "Can I go with you? I'll be good. I promise."

Rikarah, meanwhile, nods in response to Alice and Esme and looks back to Christian, tugging at his hand. "Sounds like we have things within control. Will you join me then in my run before work?"

(bad post, sorry)
Andrea looked at Esme, she bit her lip lightly, she had hoped to get out of there before having anyone say anything. She looked at Esme as she requested that Andrea allow someone to check up on her, she could understand so she nodded, "Well, if anyone wants to, then they can." she said, she had no intention of really asking anyone, she figured that everyone had their own things to do.

Andrea blinked when Nathan said that he would make sure that she made it to the diner safely and that he would check up on her. "Yes, Andrea is my name" she said quietly. "I'll be outside... I still have time to make it." she said, she figured that since he said he would escort her that he would be driving her to the diner, it meant that she wouldn't have to worry about riding her bike, so she could wait a little while longer before leaving. She walked outside and looked up at the sky, waiting on him, she didn't seem to be in a big hurry, or upset about Esme's request, she knew that it was dangerous, and it would be good to know someone was checking up on her.
Aww Caroline you don't want to spend the day with me little one? I guess it's ok if you go into town as long as you don't wander off from Andrea but only if you can convince her to take you.*Christian takes another sip of his coffee before putting the cup into the sink* Sounds like we have a plan, so everyone be careful be smart. Nathan thank you for agreeing to check up on Andrea, she's one of my favorites. *He smiles in her direction* If anyone needs me I'm going for a run with my beautiful mate.*He takes Rika's hand and heads to the back door but turns back to Nathan.* Your car is still in the garage, I've been keeping it tuned up for you. *He heads out the door walking to the treeline shedding clothes as he goes, Finally a few yards into the forest he starts to run shifting as he goes. turning back and waiting Rika to join him.*
"Oh, do you want me to spend the day with you? I didn't know that," Caroline blinked in response to Christian, then smiled a little hesitantly, not having thought that someone wanted her to. "I could. Or I could go with Andrea."

She hopes Andrea will take her, as she feels comfortable with her. She's oblivious to the obvious fact that Andrea probably could use a break from her just as much as Sheena after everything that had gone on over the past two days. But then another thought occurs to her, and she frowns, concerned and a little anxious.

"But people are looking for me. Those posters with my other name and stuff...what if they see me and try to take me back?"

Rikarah waits patiently for Christian to deal with these instructions and answering questions, smiling up at him when he finally joins her and takes her hand. When they are far enough apart from the manor and any prying human eyes to shift, she runs alongside him, speaking into his head freely and enjoying the pull of her muscles with each stride forward, the ruffling of her fur with her running.

"This has been a very eventful week, to say the least. And tonight will be no less so."
(I'm sooo sorry. x.X I didn't notice that Caro was talking to Andrea. I wonder where my mind was during that last post xD )

Andrea looked at Caroline, stopping before going outside. She bit her lip lightly, a break from her would be nice, but she knew someone had to watch her. "I really don't know, I am going to work, so you would just be sitting there at a table doing nothing unless you bring a book or something. I would only get to talk to you on breaks, and when I get you something for lunch." she said, she still didn't know enough about her to know what she liked to eat, so she knew she would have to ask her what she wants. "I'm also not sure how good of an idea that is because of the missing child posters with your face on them." she said.

She blinked and looked at Christian at his comment about her being one of his favorites, she tilted her head some, she didn't see why he would feel that way, and figured after a little bit that he was probably just being nice. She watched as Christian and Rikarah left to go for a run, then she looked at Caroline again, "Like I said, I'm not sure if it's the best idea, and I'm not sure if the owner of the diner would care to have a 'bring your child to work day'." she said, though of course Caroline wasn't her child, but the idea was still basically the same. "I really think it would probably be best if you stay home until Alice can get those posters taken care of." she said quietly. She knew that Caroline probably didn't want to be confined to the house, but it wouldn't be forever.
{Jason walked over to Caroline and kneel in front of her.} Andrea is right Caroline, perhaps you could help me out today, if you want I was going to do some errands around here, I'm a little backed up on my tv watching and junk food eating also, so would you mind helping eat some ice cream and watching cartoons. {Part of him feels sorry for the child she's only recently been turned into one of them and then all the drama with the hunters and people getting shot and then Claire slapping her. Now it seems like everyone she takes comfort with is running off and leaving her behind. But also there is a part of him that doesn't want Esme to still see him being cold and distant, now that they are together he will have to interact with the pack more and more.} What do you think Caroline will I do as a companion for the day?

{Nathan smiles at Jason over his shoulder, he's glad to see that the whole "I'm only a killer" tag is starting to fade, both Esme and being around someone like Caroline will be good for Jason to evolve him into a whole person and return those pieces of humanity that the council tried to cut out of him.} I guess while I'm in town I'll get myself a new phone, since my old one got smashed to pieces, I'll call when I have it in hand. Tried not to let Alice over do it, she's barely recovered by she's to stubborn to understand that.

{He heads out the room to the garage where he sees it in the corner with a dust cover over it. He walks over to it and pulls the cover off revealing his second favorite girl. A jet black 1969 Corvette Stingray, Christian kept the upkeep up on her. Leaving his car behind was the second hardest thing he had to do, leaving Alice of course was the first.} Hello beautiful, did you miss me? I really missed you.

{He finds the keys on the wall then slides in, the sound of the engine brings back all the memories of him and Alice driving everywhere in this car those were the best times of his life with her. He presses the button to open the garage door and guns the engine one last time before slowly pulling out the garage and into the driveway in front of a waiting Andrea.} Sorry for making you wait, I was getting reacquainted with my old love here. {He can't help smile looking over the dashboard of his car} Shall we go, I don't want to make you late.
Caroline's expression drooped, but she nodded, accepting what Andrea is saying to her. It's true that she is frightened at the thought of leaving the house and having someone recognize her and snatch her up, but she is also growing tired of being within the house most of the day. She is used to people telling her what to do and where to go, but she is also used to having continual undivided attention from Lewis, and so having a house of people who seem to constantly be fighting and going in and out, many who don't seem very enthused about her presence, is something she is unaccustomed to.

When Jason offers to stay with her, she turns to smile at him somewhat shyly. She hasn't paid a lot of attention to him yet, but he's being nice to her now, and at least he isn't taking off without her. She nods in response to his offer. "Okay. I haven't had ice cream in a while...I haven't watched TV much in a while either. Maybe that will be okay."
It bothered her that there was really nothing more she, as an Alpha could do at this point but order things around, set curfews, and places guards on others. All because a few humans had to come along and just f*** things up. She stayed silent as everyone talked, mainly focusing on what the other Alpha had to say. And as everyone starts going about their day and heading out in their own separate directions, she finally breaks from her thoughts just as Sheena hugs her and leaves.

Sighing, she polished off her coffee and looked around. Esme finds herself smiling widely as she watches the exchange between Jason and the child. She wanted so badly for Caroline to start enjoying her time here, and if that meant sharing her new boyfriend then...

Catching herself, she gives her head a tiny shake and laughs softly. They hadn't even discussed what they were yet, and already she was thinking of Jason as 'hers'. Nathan's earlier comment about her father still bothered her, but she really shouldn't care. It was none of Theon's business who she chose as a mate.

"We have a bunch of movies you might like Caroline..." she offers brightly. "There's a huge dvd case in the livingroom filled with ones you might like, you can pick a few and we can all watch them together, maybe make a fort with the couches, what do you think?"


Alice almost coughed on the piece of bacon she had popped into her mouth. "J-Jeremiah called you?" He was one of the more important members of the council. Normally he was the one who most of her orders came from. He was also one of the most feared...there were many reasons for that...

Sitting up in her bed a bit straighter, she worked on processing what Ann had said. "He said to check on the children? Nothing else? But there's only Claire and Caroline here...why would he need you to check on them?"

She can hear Nathan's old car starting up, and for a moment she forgets about the council and smiles softly, knowing how much he probably missed that car. The thing had a lot of memories behind it, and she almost blushed thinking of some...

"Wait a minute...Jer is like ancient, he's got several hundred years on me, hell even Christian...are you sure by children he didn't mean us?"
*It felt good to shift and run just for the hell of it, Rika being at his side made it even better and it amuses him how small she is when she's next to him. He doesn't even mind anymore that as a wolf she her coat is brown and not white like his, despite being her maker, he mainly chalks it up to her being so stubborn and her way of maintaining her own identity. It's a good thing that the forest goes on for hundreds of miles behind the manor, cause it takes him and Rika no time to cover a good 30 miles before he slows to a trot, near one of the stashes that have been set up through the forest, this one inside a fallen tree that has been hollowed out and converted into a small shelter, which is lucky cause it starts to rain. He gestures to Rika to follow him inside and lays down on the floor, shaking his massive body to get the rain off his fur. He speaks into her mind instead of barking at her.* We should wait out the rain here before we head back.
"Oh, are you gonna stay too?" Caroline asks, looking up at Esme with some surprise. "I thought you were leaving. Cool!"

She smiles, more comfortable with another female also with her now, and darts into the living room to peruse the DVD collection she finds there where Esme had indicated. She has never seen such a number before all at once, having not owned any while living with her kidnapped Lewis, and she is clearly impressed as she browses through them, carefully reading the backs and pulling out the ones that catch her interest.

"This will be fun," she says to herself with a smile. "As long as that Claire doesn't have to come too. Maybe Sheena will even come back with us once she's done running."


This is in fact Sheena's plan; as she only works when Esme does, and Esme is not currently working, she has no job to go to, and she is not yet re-enrolled in school and has no definitive plans to be. So she takes this opportunity of freedom, her first in a few days, to run with all her strength and speed, bounding forward with great leaps and zigzagging in and out of trees until she is nearly panting, her sides heaving in and out with exertion.

When she finally slows to a walk as the rain begins, beginning to head back towards the Manor, she is disappointed; it seems entirely too short of a time to herself. She is not looking around herself very carefully for hunters or any other possible dangers as she walks, thinking intently of Caroline and her situation, of Alice and this new Ann, and hoping that Esme is still back there for her to talk to.


Rikarah too enjoys her time running with Christian, keeping up with him despite his larger frame and longer legs with relative ease. This time with him, when they are in their Lycan forms, is some of her favorite times, some of the times where she feels most free and fully bonded with him. Their relationship is simpler in this form, without words or human gestures and emotions interfering as strongly, and she feels more unihibited and free in her expressions towards them.

As he leads her into the hollow tree when the rain begins, she too shakes off her fur and slides in with him, curling close to him for warmth. "I cannot say I am sorry that we will have to do so. Wait here, I mean. It will be more time for us alone...but I know how you are, Christian. You simply want me to stay away from work with you."
{Jason waited till Caroline was in the other room before he walked back to Esme, leaning in and kissing her} Thank you staying with me, I think I would have been in over my head with her. I don't know much about kids and I really don't know anything about little girls. You probably just made her feel a whole lot better about being here. {Proving he knows nothing about kids, he walks over to the freezer and grabs 2 big tubs of ice cream, one of course is Rocky Road the other a strawberry cheese cake. (hungry for ice cream now dammit) it doesn't even occur to him that it's not even 9 am, he thinks it's perfectly find for him to give a kid ice cream this time of day.} I hope she didn't pick something girly.

(Sorry it's short I've had a really long day and I'm really tired I do Dormer tomorrow when I wake up.)

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