(Hmmm Christian is a bit stuck at the moment unless someone else comes in his office, maybe Nathan, Alice could or someone else can find Patrick's body, wondering if we should add Riddian and Claire to the kill list since they haven't posted in ages either.)
((I want to give them all until Monday, then I'll private message them and make sure they all don't plan on coming back, then we can go from there. Christian can come join the others in the livingroom if he wanted?))
(I thought Riddian officially quit already, I know Dago did. Idk about Claire but it's been a while)

"Just human?" Caroline blurts, her voice rising up higher in pitch and indignant in tone as she turns her head to face Esme, one hand moving to her hip as she arches away from her. "What's that mean?! I'm human! I don't want to die!"

"No you're not," Sheena reminds her, shrugging. "Not anymore. And you're not gonna...not for a really, really long time. Remember about the slow growing up I told you about?"

"Well I don't like that part either," Caroline mutters, slouching, but managing to cut a glare in Alice's direction. "All humans are NOT weak. I'm not!"

"You're not human," Sheena said again, exhaling, but then let it go, especially as it seemed Caroline was settling down as Alice braided her hair. She curls near Esme, idly playing with a strand of her hair, and gives her a teasing smile when she sees Esme interacting with Jason; this should be fun to mess with.
{Jason turns to Caroline and smiles at her} I agree with you Caroline we are still partly human in our appearance and that's fine but we're also wolves which means unlike humans we don't age very fast, we're stronger, faster and tougher. If you want to hold onto your human side that is fine with me, just as long as you accept your wolf. I'm sure you've been told that if you don't do that your wolf will take full control and that little piece of your humanity will be lost forever. {He looks up at Esme, hoping she will back him up} I don't think all humans are weak, I also don't think they're all evil. The people that come to the Blue Moon is proof of that much.

{Back in the diner, Nathan waits till Andrea leaves to put his order before finally speaking to Alice.} Yes I'm aware of that, I haven't quite decided how to deal with this. Her being your friend puts me in an awkward place Alice. Tell me something, do you think she's a threat to us? {He pauses for a second} As much as I'd like to I'm such a huge pain in the ass to the council, I know I'm not the only one being targeted, if the council is making a move it's going to be against all the leadership of the pack which means not only am I and Christian in danger, I'm sure you, Esme and Jason are also in danger. {Again he pauses} Alice if it comes down to her and the pack I will kill her and I won't lose any sleep over it. So you need to try and turn her to our side or I'll have no choice.

{He continues to watch the people coming in and out of the diner, when the door opens once more a small breeze blows in a scent of silver nitrate coming off a man walking by. This is to good of a chance to pass up. Without a word to Andrea he gets up and runs out the diner, standing there for a moment to pick up the scent again and turns to his left and starts walking at a fast pace down the street. talking to Alice's mind" I've found a hunter and I'm not waiting for Christian to go after him!

{This may not be the same hunter that shot him last night but he doesn't care. It's only moments before he on him. following him around the corner, not even trying to hide the fact he's following him now, which the hunter picks up on and starts to walk faster, turning into an alley taking cover behind a large dumpster pulling a sawed off shotgun from under his coat pointing at the entrance to the alley and waits and waits until from behind him there is a low growl. He panics and spins with the barrel of his shotgun but it's stops in mid turn. Nathan's left hand grips him by the throat lifting him off the ground, his face partially shifted as well as both his hands. His right hand gripping the barrel of his gun squeezing it till the barrel closes in on itself.

Normally Nathan would savior this kill but it's broad daylight and he doesn't know if there are more hunters nearby, He stares into the hunters eyes and then with a twist of his wrist snaps the hunter's neck. Nathan doesn't try to hide the body or anything, he just leaves him behind the dumpster and walks back to the diner, to eat his breakfast.}
Smirking as Christian tried to make her drop the formalities, Ann couldn´t help but chuckle slightly. She walked into his office as he sat down onto the chair and with silence she listened to his speech. Before smirking. He didn´t see her as a threat; big mistake. "First of all, Christian; Don´t doubt my skills. Ever." She stared at him coldly. Ann may seem like the most obvious person ever; waltzing in to the pack manor with no regret at all but she had worked for the council in nearly fifty years now; She knew better than that.

"Maybe it was my plan to walk in here; seeming like a total klutz while secretly reporting everything to the council?" She questioned him with one eyebrow raised. "Or maybe, just maybe; I planned to kill someone in their sleep while you were..busy." Indicating his mate at the sentence before sighing. "And surely; The only reason I´m not following my orders are because of Alice. I seriously don´t give a crap about you guys but Alice...She has been there for me; at least through out that time." She pointed out before looking around his office.

She stayed quiet for awhile before returning her gaze back to Christian. "To understand; even just a bit of why I ever worked for the council you´d have to be aware of my life; which I doubt you care about. " With one deep breath she explained whatever she could explain. "I work only for one council member; Jeremiah. Theon and Izabella don´t request me often and when they do; it is always with the consent of Jeremiah." She exclaimed before taking a seat. "You won´t mind will you; this will take time..."

"If you want to understand why certain people follow Jeremiah; it is simple. If he gives you his word; he´ll go through it. He has never betrayed anyone when it comes down to that. Thus why when I gave my word to Jeremiah; I´ve kept it, until now. My word; to do his deeds till I have payed of my debt had ended a long time ago; but I prefer this life. I prefer doing something rather then nothing." Taking another deep breath Ann continued this time her voice a bit shaky and soft. "I...I didn´t shift until I was twenty; and before that I had gone through a lot. I was found by a old couple named Harthway, which I have betrayed. I have lied; they gave their little time with me to teach me how to be a honest human. They were cruelly honest that way; telling me I wasn´t theirs as fast I was smart enough to handle it. But like I said they were old; their time running out way to early. I was nearly ten or maybe eleven when they died and through out the next 6 - 7 years I had gone through so many fosters homes I have lost COUNT!" She exclaimed shakily. Her eyes getting a slight topaz hue before she sighed.

"It was then that; THAT happened. I was still human, didn´t even know that Lycans existed; His name was Josh. 38; blonde, weird old man which I lived with for two weeks before it started. It was nothing at the start; just weird stares then it increased, he´d come and do..." Feeling her jaw-clench she stared at the ceiling before shifting her gaze to her tangled hands in front of her. "Do stuff....I was too weak; couldn´t fight back and it wasn´t like I didn´t ask for help; I did but they didn´t believe me, after all why would a rich mother-f*cking idiotic man ever want anything from someone like me. It was a few months later when a neighbor found out..She had come in to leave some fresh apples from her apple tree and he was in the kitchen...with me." Ann eyes turned a light mix between gold and her normal emerald green color as she spoke the next words. "Three years later I shifted, I met Alice who explained everything...And I met Jeremiah. He....He knows about Josh; and let me kill the bastard. Josh isn´t a hunter; we usually don´t kill non-hunters and apparently at the time it was punishable....Jeremiah let me get away with killing the one person I loathed...I owed him for that. Thus why I have done everything for him; So don´t compare me to the petty Lycans who believed in the councils lies about saving our kind; because I knew it was all a lie. I knew I led a hundred men to their death, unjustly." She whispered the last words before taking one last shaky breath.

"Jeremiah sent me to check up on Nathan, apparently. He told me it was an old friend of his, and all that crap...If you decide to do anything about it...Kill me; simple. That way Jeremiah will leave you only for atleast a while; afterall I´m the second best follower he has ever had..."

((Sorry I´m late with the post >.<))
Andrea continued to work, she kept a smile on her face even though some of the customers were rude to her. She glanced up as she caught the light scent of silver, it was a scent she was becoming familiar with after helping Patrick, and offering her blood to heal Alice, luckily it was gone as quickly as it was there meaning that the person wasn't in the diner. She noticed Nathan leave the diner, figuring that he was going after the hunter, she frowned, hoping that he would be alright, then she went back to work, she knew that she shouldn't have to worry about him, he was supposed to be able to take care of himself.

She glanced up after a little bit when she heard the door open and Nathan came back in, she couldn't help being a little relieved that he was alright, even though she didn't know him, she didn't want anyone in the pack to be hurt. The pack was becoming more like a family to her, especially with everything that was going on, it made her worry about Patrick since he hadn't been there for breakfast before she left, and Claire as well, she could only hope that they were alright. She took the food that Nathan had ordered to his table and began setting everything down, "Trouble?" she asked, letting him know that she had noticed him leave, and that she wanted to be sure that everything was alright, or at least alright for now.
*Christian also sat through Ann's little speech giving her as much respect as he could, then he leaned back in his chair, the features of his face and eyes showing sighs of his wolf trying to get out and he speaks softly but it echos throughout the minds of everyone in the Manor.* You poor deluded CHILD, I think you forget your place, you've certainly forgotten who you are speaking to! You come into my territory, into my house and throw your sly insults at to of the most power and loyal members of my pack and worst you are a spy. I do not underestimate you child because you're no more then a flea on my ass! You say you're Alice's friend and you take every opportunity to insult her mate, you come here speaking of the honor of your task master and yet you don't see the fact that he's holding your secret not out of the kindness of his heart but as leverage. So do not speak to me of his so called word, you are a child that has been around for merely a speck on his life of betrayal and lies. All council members are out only to extend their own agenda. I know this because I was there when it began, I being one of the oldest Alphas in the world saw it's construction and even then in the beginning the roots of it's corruption ran deep!

*He turns in his chair and stands up looking out the window overlooking the front of the manor's grounds.* You need to decide something here and now Dear Ann...Which side do you wish to stand with. Your friend and her family or with your slaver and yes you are a slave to Jeremiah. You live in fear that your secret will be exposed. You think you're the first to kill a human? Rather he deserved it or not. It's part of you now, you're a killer just like me, Alice, Nathan, Jason, Rika you can't hide from your past any longer...You can't let that be the leverage to keep you under his thumb for the rest of your days. So decide where you wish to stand, I will give you the day to think about it. In the mean time I want you to send a message to the stooge Jeremiah. Tell him if one member of my pack especially Nathan comes to harm. There is no place in heaven or hell he can hide from me! I don't mind dying for my pack but I promise I'll make sure he goes to hell first!

Now if there is nothing else I'll leave you to your thoughts...Stay or go It's up to you just know if Alice ask me to I will accept you into my pack...Of course if she ask me I will also kill you. Now I'm going to take a shower and get into some dry clothes.
"Everyone else said I couldn't," Caroline mumbled, carefully staring at the television screen instead of at Jirro as she replied to him. "That I gotta let go of being human or I'll be in trouble or something. I know I'm a wolf. I can't help it or anything. I just would rather be human, that's all. Being a wolf hurts."

She frowns, even as the scene on the screen is at a lovey-dovey part she would normally be enthralled by, watching it with troubled expression. "I don't want to lose my humanity. I want to stay human and have this wolf stuff and just not have it hurt...and not have to go naked all the time. That's all."

"Caro, you don't go naked all the time...usually," Sheena attempted to correct her, glancing towards her. "And it won't hurt much after a while. You get used to it, really. It's even fun. Once we don't have to hide you and you can go out running and stuff, you'll see how much fun it is."

But Caroline appears unconvinced as she turns back to the tv, shrugging. "It just doesn't seem very fun right now. It seems like a big pain."


At work, Rikarah is usually a very conscientious employee, and so her apologies for lateness and her explanation that she will have to leave early for a family emergency is accepted with good grace and well wishes; in fact, she is asked if she needs to leave immediately, but she declines, both to seem as if she is dedicated to get further into their graces and also because she wishes to make a point with her absence. She remains for three hours before heading back to the others at the Manor. Perhaps by this point Ann will be gone; if she is not, she certainly has words for her.
Shaking Ann left the office. Child, deluded?! How DARE HE! After all Nathan had threatened her on a full moon expecting what? A hug? Her eyes glowing brightly of her wolfs golden topaz color, she passed the foyer, glancing briefly at the gathered small crowd before growling slightly under her breath; a warning to not approach her at the moment. Turning for the door she threw so words over her shoulder in a snarl.

"If anyone seeks me, I´m in my apartment; Sunny street 45!" She spat before rushing out of the door, undressing herself as she headed for the forest; not giving a care about the hunters. She wanted to run; She NEEDED a run. As she was under the covers of the trees, she shifted; the sound of bones breaking to then reform themselves and the feeling of fur spreading enchanted Ann every single time.

Ann always took her time on a run as she rarely got time for that; her acting job taking all her time + all the deeds she did for Jeremiah but this time she was shifting for a reason; Fury. She was maddened even more because of her shift; Ann was a patient person, controlling her emotions was a skill she was known for. All those times she wanted to rip a directors head of the first years of her career had toughened her up; all her mistakes making her stronger yet the words said made her weak enough to shift.

With a huge growl emitting from her, she raced through the trees, the breeze hitting her fur delightfully. Her eyes were glowing with malice, her aura nothing but rage. An eerie silence passed as she ran for at least two hours before she dressed herself; deciding to go through with her so called sleep-schedule she had planned for the day.

Upon entering her apartment, Ann ran a hand through her hair before walking over to the bathroom and turned the bath on before filling it with some apple-aroma; it smelled like her but slightly more sweet. With a smile she dipped in, warmth spreading through her. Sighing she thought about the last twenty-four hours, her eyes glazing over a bit as she wanted to scream in frustration.
Alice rolls her eyes and remains silent during the others discussion of humans. Having lived for so long and witnessed just what they could do and had done to her kind, she had nothing to say of them. There was only a select few that she had respected over her years, but through time that list had become less and and less. Upstairs, she hears a door slam and a blur of someone running past the foyer as Ann leaves from the manor, and senses her rushed state and troubled attitude. Sighing softly, she silently excuses herself from the group, giving Caroline a gentle tap on her head, she hadn't even realized that she had stayed so close to the girl.

Making her way up to Christian's office, she knocks softly before entering, seeing that he was just about to leave. He smells of rain and the woods and she feels a stab of jealousy, wanting to go for a run herself. She notes the look on his face and the way his heart still pounds slightly in his chest and sighs again, tilting her head to the side.

"Should I even ask what she said to you?" she runs a hand through her hair. "Look...I'm not exactly thrilled at her sudden apperance either...I fear she's here for Nathan...if it wasn't for her years of loyalty and friendship I would have struct her down on site but still..." she trails off and shrugs, looking up at him. "We don't live in the safety of Nathan's manor from that damned council...we have to be know I hate it, I hate them...but I'm not about to die over an exchange of words either...what did she tell you? Did she mention how it was Jeremiah who sent her?"

((BTW, HeartBrokenIceQueen, could you do me a favor and make a character description for him and the other male you mentioned since we're supposed to know them? Thanks :D ))
*Christian sighs but then looks at Alice* Well after she pretty much promoted herself to be the greatest thing since sliced bread, she did mention the obvious, come now you don't think the council is the only one with spies around here? I told her the truth that she is a tool with as about as much value to him as a disposable razor you pick up at the 7/11. Then I told her she has a choice to stand with you and join the pack or she can let her master keep pulling her strings. I guess for someone so smart she doesn't realize that the entire council probably knew about her little secret from the start and has been manipulating her from the start, the only member of the council I trust is Izabella and that trust has been stretched to it's limits almost.

Oh and I told her to tell him that if something happens to Nathan I'll kill him and anyone else that gets in my way. I think that about covers it.

*In the bar at the outskirts of town Joseph was eating lunch when his daughter and two other hunters come in one clearly looking very uncomfortable, they shove him to the floor. Joseph looks up from his plate* Do you know what your stupidity has done? You attacked them without my permission and now I have to bury one of my own cause they came looking for revenge, now I have to redo all my plans because I'm a man short now..Sorry two men short. You're fired get out of my site before I decide to that firing you is to good for you. *The man is about to wet himself when Joseph looks up at him. He rushes to his feet and starts to run out when Abigail stops him.* Wait! Everything on your back we gave you take it off then get out. *She makes this point by pressing the tip of a long blade to the back on his neck. The man quickly starts stripping off the clothes and gear leaving it on a table then runs out of the bar naked...Joseph looks up at his daughter* Gather everyone up move them outside of town and warn them not to make a move against the pack without my say so.
Alice leans in the door frame, listening to her Alpha speak, the signs of worry clear across the Aamzon's features. "Gratitude..." she murmurs softly when he speaks about keeping Nathan safe. "They sure do pick a rather crappy time to start poking about our business..." She can't help but wonder if these hunters are working for Jeremiah, but quickly shakes off that thought.

"Look, I will do anything to keep us all safe, you know this..." she looks up at him, still frowning. "I'll keep an eye on Ann if you'd like...once Nathan gets back from watching Andrea, we can go and stay in town at my mother place, also keep an eye on any newcomers in the town..."
{Jason looked up when Ann slammed the door as he left and looked at Esme smirking} Looks like someone got put in her place by the way Sheena I'm very well groomed perhaps you're smelling your upper lip, you should shave it {He looked at her kind of serious at first but then grins at her} I should go see if Christian needs anything from me and stretch out my legs, sitting down like this is making my butt hurt. {Crawling out of the fort and starts to head upstairs} I'll be right back.

{Nathan looked up at Andrea and smiled, he closed his eyes and deeply inhaled the food in front of him before digging in} I wouldn't call it trouble, more of an annoyance but it's been handled so don't worry. Everything seems fine around here, I may be able to leave you for a few hours while I take care of some business around town. {He takes a bite of pie and his eyes just about roll into the back of his head.} Wow this is some of the best pie I've had in a long time. This maybe be my daily routine for now on. {In seconds he cleans his plate pretty much ignoring everything else in front of him.} I'd like another slice of that please.
Caroline looks up when Alice taps her head, surprised, then smiles at her, settling down again to finish watching the movie. It finishes, a new one begins and ends, and they are starting on the third as all of this is going on. Sheena, leaned into Esme lightly, is on the verge of dozing off, the movies boring her considerably, when Alice gets up. She lifts her head, catching Ann rushing by, and raises eyebrows, looking at the two adults over Caroline's stretched-out form.

"So when are people gonna stop running in and out of here in a huff?" she asks, just as Rikarah, as though on cue, comes back through the front door. Sheena automatically tenses up, expecting Rikarah to make a comment about them "playing" or about Sheena being a child in a tent or something of the sort, but Rikarah barely seems to notice or acknowledge them or their tent. She merely stands in the doorway, asking, "Is Christian, Ann, or Alessandra still home?"

"I think Christian and Alice are in his office," Sheena tells her, still bracing herself for a remark, but Rikarah simply nods and goes upstairs to join them, knocking on the door. As Jirro too leaves, teasing her, Sheena reaches out to give him a light pinch before sighing, glancing at Caroline.

"Caro, haven't you had enough yet?"

"I didn't get to watch TV much before," is Caroline's response without removing her eyes from the screen.
Andrea nodded a little, "I'm glad to hear that everything's alright, and hopefully no one would attack me here, with everyone around, so do what you have to and enjoy the day." she said, she wasn't trying to order him around, just letting him know that she was pretty sure she would be alright there anyway. She smiled when he took a bite of the pie and said that it was the best pie he'd had in a long time, "I told you we had good pie." she said. She was about to walk away to take care of her other customers when he said he wanted another slice of pie since he had already finished the one he had, she smiled and took the plate from him, "I'll have another slice out for you in just a moment." she said, then she walked away. After bringing him another slice of pie Andrea went back to taking care of the tables that were assigned to her.
One hour later

She had done it.

Ann had trashed her room in all her frustration; screaming, growling and sometimes, just sometimes imagining ripping the head of Christian when she destroyed a pillow. Her eyes were glowing, tears streaming down her face. "Insult my loyal pack members?!" She mimicked with a girly voice before throwing the cup of water on the wall. Staring across her room, her make-up all over the floor, perfume-bottles in pieces making the worst stench ever. Her eyes drifted to her nightstand; it was barely tree pieces now and her bed was in two pieces, one laying on the other side of the room.

Sighing she slid down the wall, sitting on the floor with her phone in her hand. First she dialed a small code before getting greeted by a woman. "Phone-therapy; Sierra Mondale here.." A old, croaky voice spoke. Ann stared at her phone with a small sad smile she coughed slightly from the strong mixed aromas in the room. "It´s Ann.." She whispered.

"Ann? Dear, it´s been long! Forteen years?!" The old raspy voice claimed before she heard a deep sigh. "So...Having nightmares again? Or can´t you sleep?" Sierra asked. "Nothing of the sort.....Just remembering again; about those days..." Ann whispered.

"I see.....Those days meaning Josh-Days?"


" Got anyone close? Grandchildren by now?" Sierra asked with excitement, "They should be able to keep you distracted; sleep over or something.." Grief and loneliness hit Ann and with nothing but a mutter she answered.

"No...I´m still lonely Ann...You´re really unprofessional; How the heck do you keep this job!" She exclaimed with a joking tone. "You´re a healed patient by now; atleast I think so.....Just....Distract yourself because we had these conversations, fifty-five years back and if..If that doesn´t help; then Ann, I got nothing to offer you...No help.." Sierra said with a saddened, pity full voice which made Ann grunt.

"Should´ve known...Anyways thanks.." With that Ann stood up, dressing herself in some black ripped jeans and a white top. Taking her sneakers on she frowned as she dialed another number.

"Jeremiah; Warning from Christian, Stay away from Nathan or he´ll kill you.." Pressing the end button before running to the mansion, Ann walked straight in; heading for Christians office; her decision made.

((Hope you don´t mind the time skip; Also I´ll fix the sheets for Jeremiah and Josh soon :) ))
(It's fine with me)

*Christian in his office doing whatever Alphas do when they're in their office and talking to Alice( :P ), First Jason entered, not long after Rika, finally Ann walks..rather stomps in, Christian looks up at her, shaking his head at the lack of the manners this girl seems to have.* We were in the middle of something Ann but if the others don't mind state your business. But first did you pass my message to Jeremiah and made sure he understood it clearly.

(Sorry didn't have much to work with here)
((Um, Esme is in the livingroom with Caroline and Sheena, Andrea and Nathan are at the diner, and the others are in Chris's office)) 
Esme looked up as well at the door slamming and watched as Alice got up as well frowning. 'I wonder what went down..." she murmered softly, absent mindely starting to play with her cousin's hair. She had lost interest in the movie by now and only frowns when Jason excuses himself. What catches her attention is Rikarah storming in and after she too goes upstairs, Esme decided to follow.

"Stay with the girl...I'll be right back..." Esme whispers softly to her cousin as she gently pulls away from her. "-I want to see what's going on..."

As she starts towards the stairs, Ann has reappeared and goes past her in a blur. The young Alpha growls softly and quickens her pace, almost bumping into her boyfriend's back as she too enters Chris's office.

"Someone having a party and forget to invite me?" she asks dryly, stepping around everyone so that she can be further in the room.

Alice looks up from her spot by Christian and rolls her eyes. "This hardly concerns you pup..." she instantly regrets the use of the term as the other woman's eyes narrow, a growl escaping her lips. But she's surprised when no comeback comes and watches as Esme just shrugs. This impresses Alice slightly, although she'd never admit it. It showed that she was starting to grow up, picking and chosing the right battles. Starting one with Alice wouldn't be wise, despite being Alpha, Alice had hundreds of years on Esme and could (and would...) easily kill her.

Instead, Esme places her arm in with Jason's, as if claiming her man and remains silent as she looks at Christian for answers. After a beat she lets out another growl, this time one of irritaion and runs a hand through her hair. "Would someone like to finally fill me in..." her eyes tick towards Ann. "I take it she has something to do with why everyone is so tense..."

During this, Alice has moved, coming besides Rikarah. It was the first time since getting shot that she had really seen her friend. Crouching slightly, she lets her head drop against Rika's shoulder and continues to glare about the room, still bothered by Ann's threat of Jeremiah and the one on her mate's life.
Sheena frowns as Esme pulls away too, leaving her alone with Caroline. Caroline glances up, somewhat concerned by everyone's leaving, but when Sheena gives her a smile and starts to play with her braid, tugging it lightly and running her hand over its length, she settles down again, even arching her back slightly in appreciation of it.

She doesn't enjoy being left out of what's going on, but she guesses Esme will fill her in on it later. Not to mention, Rikarah will no doubt find a reason to snap at her if she follows.

Rikarah looks up when Alice comes to stand beside her, and as the other woman's head leans down onto her shoulder, their height difference making this an awkwardly stretch, she circles her arm around Alice's waist, lightly rubbing her side as her eyes shift between the others. "Who is Jeremiah?" she asks, before turning back to Ann. "It seems your friend is wearing out her welcome. I too would like to know what is going on."
"Well isn´t this lively..." Ann muttered as Esme joined them. Raising her eyebrow at Rikarah before turning to Christian, ignoring her. "Jeremiah has been warned as far as you killing him if he lays a hand on Nathan...Whether he is taking this lightly or not; I wouldn´t know since I clicked him before he had the chance to trace the phone..." She informed them before sighing and turning to Rikarah. "Council member; to be exact my former boss...Noticed the word former? And the fact that I literally helped to threaten him isn´t really a positive effect on my life right now..." Glancing around at the crowd before returning her eyes to Alice.

"Guess this is good bye....Jeremiah will send someone to finish me off and him finding this place won´t help your case..." Ann had this planned out; she was getting as far as she could from the area before contacting her agent telling him that their contract is over and the money is in her bank. The stench of all the aromas had stuck to her skin making it impossible to smell the usual apple-pie scent. She could be untraceable for a few days at least before she knew Jeremiah would send someone out to get her.

Her eyes shifting to the door and the crowd. She needed to leave before the stench wears off and collect a few things. "Anything else you´d like to know about Jeremiah or need information on? This is your only chance!" She almost childishly sang at the last sentence as if giving them; mostly Alice a hint on her not returning anytime soon.
*Christian looked up at Ann and smirked* So you made your choice, good now Ann you're a stray and you need a pack, I'm sure Alice would want me to extend you an invitation to join my this pack but it's not my decision alone, the people in this room are the ones I trust with my life so they will vote on this matter. Oh I almost forgot Nathan that's six members of pack that decide if we take you in, you only need to convince four. If you do manage to get a majority in your favor, you will not have to worry about Jeremiah sending someone to kill you. I will deal with Jeremiah. But do yourself a favor and lose the attitude it's not helping your cause, everyone in this room would kill or die for each other because the respect each other, if you want that respect you need to start earning it. I'm not saying you have to kiss ass but you could try and relate to the others better, especially if they are to be your family. Jason I'm assigning you to protecting Ann till I straighten all this mess out. Esme Ann will be under you if you want her, if not I will take her under my wing. Anyone have anything they want to add please speak up.
Rikarah, trying to piece this all together, narrows her eyes at Ann, her hand stilling against Alice's side. She has not heard of this Jeremiah person, but it sounds to her as if Ann has chosen to seek shelter from him with them- right when they have countless others trying to attack them. She is bringing harm their way through this, if this is the case.

"So this Jeremiah is after you, and you come to us for protection?" she raises her eyebrows. "Might you have warned us of this information when you first came? This is rather crucial for us to know, as we have enough already wishing to end us. When were you planning on informing us that your presence was a danger?"

Her eyes shift to Christian as she speaks, and she shrugs; she herself is very reluctant to add her to the pack, but her vote will count only as one. "All I have to say is that although I trust Alice's judgment, I also know that we have recently added members to our pack very hastily, and I am reluctant to do so again. Patrick, for instance, has not showed himself all day. He could very well be a traitor to our cause, and we added him without a vote, if I recall. Caroline is a child, but she is also new. We have many children and newer Lycans with us now. Would she be a strong addition, or would she cause further trouble?"

Back in the living room Caroline is finally beginning to grow concerned with all the activities, looking back at Sheena. "Why is everyone running around? Are they talking about me?"

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