Andrea looked at Jason, seeming slightly startled, she didn't know him well, but he hadn't seemed the type of person who would want to spend time with a kid. She smiled at him, "Thanks." she said quietly. She didn't mind keeping an eye on Caroline, but she just wasn't sure how her boss would feel about a kid hanging out at the diner all day, then there was the fact that she might be recognized and taken away. Andrea couldn't let that happen if she could stop it.

Andrea went outside quickly, waiting for Nathan to bring his car out of the garage. When he did drive out her eyes widened, she couldn't help it. "This is your car?" she asked, sounding a little disbelieving, she took a moment to walk around the car, looking at it. "It's beautiful." she said, she didn't seem to be the type, but she loved old cars. When Nathan mentioned not wanting to make her late she bit her lip and quickly got into the car. "I doubt I'll be late, I usually get there early, and usually I'm riding a bicycle." she said, she looked through the windshield as it started to rain, "I guess it's a good thing I'm not riding my bike today." she said with a small smile.

(sorry for not posting sooner, spent yesterday cutting back the fence line and I'm supposed to spend today picking everything up. After going to the doctor and not sleeping good last night. x.x Might not happen. blah.)
"I...I don´t know...He will contact me soon, like he always does." She answered while nervously playing with her fingers. With a sigh she took out her phone and frowned at it. "He is taking much more tim-" Stopping mid-sentence as JÉREMIAH came across the screen before a faint vibrating was felt through her fingers. "It´s him..." She glanced at Alice before taking the call, telling Alice through her eyes to keep it quiet.

"Jeremiah..." She spoke before hearing a deep male voice. "Ann, How are you?" He questioned her politely and in an instance she knew that he wanted to ´analyze´ her before giving her any information.

"I´m fine....I got your message by the way.." She claimed before rolling her eyes while staring at Alice with a small smile. "Great, You know Alice already...Leave her alone for now but keep an eye on her mate; Nathan. He is a dear old friend of mine and afraid danger may come his way." Ann frowned deeply while staring at Alice; Was Nathan involved with the council?

"Yeah I got it, Keep an eye on Nathan; Alice ´s mate..." She answered obediently; knowing that Alice must be listening intently. Her eyes held worry, not for Nathan but for Alice. "By the way Ann; If you could just tell me if there is any small children, literally. It´d help a lot..." He mentioned and slowly a bad feeling consumed Alice. He had used the same words she had the moment she meet him in France.

"Of course; Anything else, Jeremiah?" She asked.

"No, I believe that was it apart from Grayson´s obvious wish to see you again. I´m afraid he fancies you dear.." Flinching at the thought Ann swore silently under her breath before once again reviving the conversation. "I´m flattered but I´m afraid I serve none but you, Jer." She told her teacher, her master. He had helped her with her revenge and thus she was now in debt.

A chuckle was heard before Jeremiah responded deviously. "And that is the exact same words I told him. Good bye; From both me and Felix." Closing her phone after giving her brief good bye, she collapsed at the bed with a deep sigh.
Esme blushes softly when he leans in to kiss her, noting that it was only the second time he had really done so since the other day. She lets out a laugh when she sees him pulling out ice creame from the freezer and shakes her head, quickly moving around him to put it back. "Um, no....unless you want a little wolf bouncing off the walls this morning, I think it'd be best to save that for maybe after lunch..." She smirks and closes the freezer door, looking around the kitchen. It had begun to rain, making this a perfect day to really just stay in with some movies, get to know the kid better. Brushing some hair out from her face and grabs herself another cup of coffee, and the taking Jason's hand, heads into the livingroom to see what Caroline had gotten into.

"So, did you pick one yet?" she asked cheerfully, offering the kid a friendly smile. She secretley agreed with Jason and hoped it wasn't anything too girly. "How 'bout we set up our fort first huh?"

She goes and grabs a few blankets from one of the linen closets in the hallway and when she returns, starts to move the couches around with Jason, setting things up, until they had a nice sized tent going on, with loads of pillows scattered about the floor.

"I used to do this all the time growing makes the movie way better I think..."

Alice had to hold in a growl upon hearing the male Lycan's voice on the other end of Ann's phone call. Of all the more ancient members of the council, Jeremiah was top on her list of most hated. He was sneaky, always seemed to have his own agenda. It took everything in her not to snatch the phone away from her old friend and tell him off, to tell him and the rest of the council to back off and mind their own business, but she knew in doing so would write all of their death sentences...

It's easy for her to listen in to the conversation, although she tried her best to hide this. Instead, she makes a mental note to later on talk to Christian about all of this and waits until Ann has hung up, her hands digging into the sheets of the bed.

"He's lying..." she finally says, rolling her eyes as she sits up straighter. "Nathan can not stand Jeremiah, or anyone else on the council for that wouldn't surprise me if he was the council member who tried to have him killed recently..."
"Killed?" Ann asked before shaking her head. "I wonder why..." She muttered briefly trying to add some humor to the situation. Looking at her friend she sighed once again. "I don´t know what to do Alice, He...He helped me kill him....Without getting a sentence for hurting a non-hunter human!" She threw out, before regretting it immediately. Alice was one of the few who knew about Josh; The man who took care of Ann while she was in her teenage years. He had done things which made Ann´s body shudder till this day, never forgetting the horror before she turned.

Her other self saved her, She was a lycan and getting discovered by Alice just made things better. Feeling annoyed while thinking about Jeremiah, he knew whatever is currently happening, and he involved her. A ting of betrayal crossed Ann´s heart. Even if she hated the council to the core, Jeremiah she understood. He was a jerk, obnoxious but far different from the rest, He always kept his word; which was rarely given. Looking up at the ceiling she stared at Alice. "I...I really am lost, ain´t I?...I just don´t know how to handle this. Hunters, a pack in my town which I knew nothing about, YOU! The only person I deem a friend has a mate...And that mate of yours is getting hunted by the one person I can´t say no to; The one person I´m in debt to for my whole life." She whispered.

As much as Nathan hated the council; Ann was in no position to deny Jeremiah. Sadly this was a issue which in the end had to do with the whole pack. "When you see Alpha for me?" She didn´t even put a if there as she already knew that Alice would tell the Alpha. It was obvious; something any person which was involved with a pack would do. Remembering that Ann chuckled; how many times had she told a pup a threat for the Alpha to be lured out to the forest. How many times had she tried to pay of her debt? Yet she still felt incomplete. As if something was missing.

She was lost; she had done the one thing she had worked for. She had killed Josh yet her mind couldn´t help but wish for something ridiculous. Someone to share her long life with.
Caroline smiles as Esme and Jason return to the living room, oblivious to their hand holding or its implications. She holds up three different movies she’s selected, each, regardless of their hoping, girlier than the last.

“This one looks cool,” she said, indicating A Walk to Remember. “And this one with the people kissing in the rain,” she points out The Notebook. “And this one looks good too!” she indicated Titanic, just to really clinch the sapfast. “I’ve never been on a boat, and that girl’s dress is pretty. I learned about Titanic in school, how it sank and everything. That was like 100 years ago, right? How do they get clothes that old for movies?”

Watching Esme’s set up with curiosity, she grins when she sees what she’s doing and starts to help. “I remember doing that when I was little! This is so cool!”

As she settles in beneath the tent, looking to see if Jason and Esme will join her, Sheena slips in the backdoor, sweaty but exhilarated, and slips upstairs to shower. Once she’s finished she’ll probably join them.
Alice nodded slowly at her friend's request and swallowed hard. "You do know, " she started softly. "-that if he tries, or if any one of them tries to hurt my family here...or if that man puts another hit on Nathan's head that I am going to be forced to do things that you're not going to be happy with..." Her eyes narrow slightly. As she talks, her right hand goes to play with her engagement ring. "I've been with Christian's pack for 300 years, been Nathan's mate for over two hundred...those two, they come first...them and Rikarah...they always have and they always will..." Her voice is steady, deathly calm.

Moving slightly on the bed, her hands go to touch gingerly at the bandages on her chest, before just growling softly and ripping them off. "I know you feel like you owe Jeremiah...but you don't Annie...he's been using you for years and I wish you'd see that. All he did was his job...we protect our had every right to kill Josh, human or not...covering it up. That was what he was supposed to do...not make you his f****** slave!"

Shaking her head, Alice gets up from the bed and looks around the room. "I think...I think you need to go and talk to Christian's better he hears things from you rather then secondhanded from me...if he feels that you're a threat..." she trails off and shakes her head. "I'm not alpha of this Pack, those days are behind me. There's not much I can do except speak in your favor but even that may not help..."



((Not that it matters, but I'm going back to my original avatar for Esme from when I still rp'd her on FB, can't find enough pics to use with the other actress and Nina Dobrev just looks better as a combo of the two parents...))


Esme finds herself laughing softly at Caroline's movie choices and holds in a groan. She had been hoping for a Disney movie, or even a'd be bad enough getting through one of these sappy movies with Jason sitting besides her.

Sighing softly, she settles into the fort, pulling a pillow into her lap and watches as Caroline pops in the first movie, waiting for Jason to join her. She perks up slightly when she senses Sheena come back in and figures she'd be joining them soon enough.

((sorry so short, figured we should wait for Jirro to get in a post))
(Bahaha, poor Jason!)

*Christian made sure his larger frame protected Rika from the outside in case someone were to walk up on them, resting his head against hers, every now and then his ears popped up when an animal came near, he almost doesn't want to go back, Rika and he could just stay in their wolf forms and stay out here in the forest, it wouldn't be to hard for him, he's a pure blood born a wolf spend the early part of his life ignorant of his human form but Rika as much as he's sure she enjoys running and being out here with him probably would eventually want to return back to her human self, to shop and eat out and take hot showers. It's not long till he starts to close his eyes and wait out the rain with his mate. The rain only lasted about 40 minutes, leaving the area nice and cool and the ground soft, as Christian gets up and starts to walk out of the shelter, his paws sink deep into the ground, one of the drawbacks of being as big as he is in his wolf form. He looks back at Rika and waits for her to emerged also* Are you sure you want to go to work, we could stay out here the rest of the day.
(Seriously he said no girly flicks. lol)

{Jason reluctantly joined Caroline and Esme in the fort, hiding his contempt for the movie Caroline picked because after all this was all for her sake to make her feel more comfortable here, so he can live with this for now as long as Esme doesn't run off on him.} A Walk to Remember that has to be one of Andrea or Rika's movies, you know I have some good movies over there to? Alien vs Predator, Planet Terror, Dawn of the Dead. {Clearly not the kind of movies Caroline would be interested in. So he settles in next to Caroline, Esme on the other side of her, the kid doesn't know anything about good movies but she knows how to wolfblock from birth apparently.

When Sheena comes in he's sitting on the floor awkwardly cause he has to lean down cause he's to tall and his head stick to far up in the fort's ceiling. } I don't suppose you saw Christian and Rika out there when you were running did you. I hope she is keeping him out of trouble out there.

{It's been so long since Nathan driven his car he has to open her up and push it to the limits, he has no idea if Andrea is comfortable with him speeding but he can't help it. He looks over at her and grins.} You ok there kid? Don't mind if I get reacquainted with my lady here do you, we've been separated for far to long. {It's not to long before they get off the private road and into what little traffic there is in the area but he doesn't slow down and weaves in and out of traffic speeding the entire time as if he didn't have a clue what brakes were. They make extremely good time to town because Nathan barely slows down when they do, finally his brakes screech to a stop in front of the Diner that Andrea works at.* Here we are, now I'll just head inside and scope things out and grab some coffee before I head over to the tailor.
Despite Ann still being in the room, Alice turns away for a moment, closing her eyes. Focusing on her lovers face, she links with Nathan, knowing he is shadowing Andrea and speaks only in his mind.

'We have a problem Nate...Jeremiah was the one who sent Ann here...I think he sent her to finish what those others could not with you...'

She looks back at Ann and smiles at her, tracing patterns on the sheets. 'Please watch your back...and come back to me soon...'

((meant to add this to my earlier post))
(it's not Rikarah's movie, are you kidding? lmao. We can blame that on Andrea or maybe Claire)

Settling down in the tent, Caroline stretches out on her stomach, propping her chin in her hands, and becomes absorbed in the movie, not noticing the couple's consternation at her choices. It isn't long before Sheena comes back down, hair dripping wet down her back because she is not a fan of blow drying, and observes first the tent, then the movie. She doesn't recognize the movie, but even from the first few scenes, the genre is obvious enough that her lips twitch.

"Jason, you're a romantic," she drawled, coming to sit beside Esme and knocking her shoulder against her. "And Es! How two should totally get a room."

"No, then they'd miss the movie," Caroline piped up, and Sheena did snicker then, reaching to ruffle her hair.

"Too true. Never mind then, they'll have to sit right here."

She shakes her head in response to Jason's question about Christian and Rikarah. "Nope. Thank god. She still sort of hates me."


It was nice to remain with Christian within the tree, cozy. It is not very often that Rikarah takes the time to allow herself to simply enjoy intimacy alone with him, without thought of where she should be going or what she should be doing or even what his intent or thoughts might be about the matter. She cuddled up to him, his fur soft, warm, and soothing against hers, and almost dozed, occasionally nuzzling or licking against him.

It was easy in those moments to forget the hunters, to forget the children and all the rest of the pack, and just to be content.

She is sleepy when she emerges with him, shaking herself off and coming up alongside Christian as she considers what he says. "You are determined to get me fired, are you not?"

It is true she is already late for work, but she sighs, shaking her head. "I will go in, inform them that there is a family emergency making me late, and that I have come by to explain but will be unable to stay. If I do not have a job tomorrow morning, you may regret tempting me to do this." Still, she is smiling.
(Blame it on Andrea if you must, but Andrea would also have movies like Hudson Hawk, Watchmen, From Hell... She likes a lot of things. xD )

Andrea bit her lip as he started speeding, she would rather make it there in one piece, but she doesn't say anything about how uncomfortable she is, at least he does seem to know how to drive, even though he's driving recklessly. By the time they made it to the Diner Andrea was already getting out of the car as fast as she could, "Alright. We do have some good coffee." she said with a nod as she went inside, they had pretty good food as well. She got to work as soon as she was ready, it was obvious that she had been waitressing for years, "Do you want anything other than coffee?" she asked Nathan, just to make sure since it was her job.

(gah short. x.x)
Esme was still laughing softly to herself as Sheena reentered the room. Every so often she leaned over to look at Jason from around Caroline, noting his discomfort and offered him tiny smiles. In a way she felt quite restless. She wasn't sure that this was something she should be taking part of with her Alpha duties. She still wanted to learn more about Alice's little friend, as well as looking in further to all newcomers who had checked in to any of the local motels. The idea that hunters were slipping into their lands unnoticed was troubling, yet with everything going on, if she didn't keep grasp on some sort of normalcy, she'd start to go mad herself.

((btw, does anyone know if Patrick is ever coming back? Should we say that he fell to the hunters or something?))

Looking up at Sheena's comment, she felt her cheeks flame slightly and glared at her playfully. "Jealous cousin?" she teased gently. She too, ruffled Caroline's hair and smiled at her. The child was slowly growing on her.

"You and Rika still buck heads?" she shook her head and frowned slightly. "I had hoped you two would have gotten passed that with everything going on...we need to be able to work together, no more then ever..." she offered her a weak smile, knowing that her cousin would not been keen on the idea.
(I say we say the hunters got him, yes. Perhaps Rika and Christian can find him when they head back?)

"I'm not are just...bleh," Sheena retorts, giving a faint shudder that is only partly feigned; it is true that she rather distrusts them and cannot understand what people would find attractive about them. "You can have gorilla shoulders Jason here. You can have his hairy armpits and smelly tuna breath and all the rest."

She sticks her tongue out at them, then smirks, as Caroline shushes them, not even looking up from the screen, which is holding her rapt attention.

"Shhh! I'm trying to listen, guys!"

Then belatedly some of Sheena's teasing catches her attention, and she lifts her head, frowning. "Do you really have hairy armpits, Jason? That's gross."

"I wouldn't say we're butting heads, exactly," Sheena replied to Esme, choosing her words carefully around Jason and Caroline. "More like we don't talk. Like, ever." Into Esme's head alone, she says, "She thinks I'm a dumb little girl and I think she's a stuck up b*tch, so..."
Sighing when she understood Alice, Ann shakes her head. "I guess he is...But.." With one more deep sigh she stood up with a frown. "I have nothing else, Alice. Nothing." She spat; not hurtfully or mad but saddened, finally giving into reality. She didn´t, She wish she wouldn´t be pushed to face facts. Afterall; she was incomplete, dead on useless without Jeremiah´s orders but knew better.

She was in their home, their territory. Even if she tried; she would be hunted down before she had the chance, especially if they had Alice. And with Christians age; she would be the butter to their toast.

"I´ll go speak with Alpha Christian. Excuse me." She spoke, rather weird. She had never went polite, or formal on Alice before, even in front of the council members. Walking out of the door, she sniffed Christian out.

Noticing his scent reaches to the outdoors, she jogs downstairs to see Esme on the foyer with Jason, Sheena and Caroline. Nodding slightly to them she jogs over to the door, following Christians scent which was mixed with another scent. Frowning she started to speed up, turning her slow jog to a run; finally noticing them. Them being Christian and Rikarah in their wolf form; Christian in a protective position.

Feeling a bit awkward, she clears her throat, though she doubts Christian hadn´t already noticed her scent. "Um...I´d like to speak with you, Alpha Christian." She claimed, standing a good three feet away.
(Are we sure we're going to kill of Patrick cause once I write it in we can't turn back.)

*Christian stood still in front of Ann, his massive paws sinking deep into the ground, locking his eyes on her, his voice echoes in her head.* Do not refer to me in such a formal manner, my name is Christian, not Alpha Christian, if you wish to call me by my title it would be Prince although I prefer you don't call me that either. *He looks to his side for Rika and continues to walk the final few yards to Manor, shifting back to his human form where he had left his clothes, now that are soaking wet but he grabs his pants and pulls them on since he didn't want to parade around naked in front of Caroline when he finally did go back inside. It takes his voicebox a few moments to become normal so he can speak to Ann without giving her a headache.* Now what is it you wish to tell me?
(up to Izzy ultimately since it's her thread but I vote yes)

"Alpha Christian? How very formal of you, and this is coming from myself, who does not speak in contractions," Rikarah said dryly, into Ann's thoughts. She comes to stand alongside Christian, so as not to allow him the "protective" stance he had automatically shifted to, as she continued to regard Ann. "Is this a private conversation?"

She too shifts into her human form and reaches for her clothes, taking her time about putting them on as she continues to watch Ann, not yet parting from him. She doesn't like the idea of this woman she doesn't know shuttling him off alone to the side, not after all the attacks from the hunters. For all she knows, Ann could still be connected with them, whatever Alice thinks or trusts about her.
Esme can you ask your cousin to behave herself? {Jason's eyes darken and glared at everyone} No I do not have, wait leave me alone all of you, at least I don't smell like a wet puppy like Sheena does, now if you want me to stay here and continue to watch this movie leave my arm pits out of it. {He frowns trying to watch the movie but the sheet keeps drooping into his face.} Next movie I get to pick, this one is so girly I feel the need to braid someone's hair.}

{Back in town Nathan follows Andrea inside and takes a seat at a booth with his back to the wall so he has full view of the door, he nods at Andrea's offer of coffee.} Sure kid, do you have pie here, a really good cherry or apple pie and some bacon, and a double cheeseburger with onion rings, waffles and hashbrowns. {He knows it's odd combinations to ask for but it's been a while since he's eaten and when craving hit he has to give into them.} So do you see anyone around you don't know, any new faces? Besides mine?
With a frown she nodded. "Sure, Prince Christian it is..." She muttered before she turned her eyes elsewhere; she wasn´t used to seeing people naked. One; she usually was alone. Two; when she wasn´t there was fully clothed people next to her. Mostly Jeremiah as he was a pain and at times followed her to meet a certain foe. Taking wanted information first hand then hearing it from Ann herself.

"And I rather speak alone with...Prince Christian." She answered Rikarahs question. "Atleast I supposes so since the name Jeremiah isn´t pleasant to hear." Giving a hint to Christian about the subject, she turned around swiftly and started walking to the pack manor once again.

"I suppose we shall speak of this in your office, Prince Christian?" Ann claimed, deciding to not drop the formalities due to her need to keep distance from anyone. Never had she called anyone by their first name without some kind of formality unless it came down to Jeremiah and Alice.
Andrea blinked at the order, though she smiled and wrote it down, she didn't say anything about how strange of an order it was, as long as it was paid for and he enjoyed it. "The diner is known for it's cherry pie, the apple is really good too." she said, she had actually decided to try some of it and found that what people had to say about it was true. "As to new faces, I see new faces all the time, people passing through to other places, or truckers. There are a few new faces currently, but I wouldn't know if they fall into the other two categories or the third one that you are worried about." she said, she wondered if it would be a good idea if she did get a job at the bar instead of here, at least that way she wouldn't be out here on her own, making others have to come with her to make sure that she was safe.
"Hey!" Sheena snapped, genuinely offended; she doesn't enjoy being called a puppy, for all that she basically is one, and she also doesn't like implications of smelling. Having lived on the streets not so long ago, she is sensitive to those kind of remarks, as she once had in fact had difficulty having regular showers or baths. She sits up straight, glaring in Jason's direction. "I'm no puppy, and you're the one who skipped out on the deodorant department."

"I like puppies," is Caroline's input. "I don't wanna be one though....I don't think either of you smell."

When Jason mentions braiding hair, she perks up, taking him literally. "Oh, really? Can you do mine? I can't really braid. My dad- I mean...Lewis, he didn't know how, so he never taught me..."

She trails off, her mouth beginning to droop, and Sheena tries to distract her, despite having absolutely no idea how to braid. "Uh, I can do it, Caro, come here."

She sat behind the younger girl, beginning to twist her hair awkwardly and realizing quickly enough that this didn't make a braid before she looked over to Jason and Esme for help. "Uh, maybe Jason should do it after all."


Alone, huh? This "friend" of Alice's comes, in the middle of a hunter catastrophe, disrupts their pack, and asks to speak to her husband, as he's only partly dressed, ALONE, leaving Rikarah out of it? Rikarah's jaw tightens, and she shifts her eyes to Christian, silently protesting this request. As Ann disappears into the manor, clearly expecting him to follow, she is further angered; so if she wants to talk to him alone, that means she expects Rikarah to stand outside, waiting to be summoned to be allowed into her own home.

With an angry stride Rikarah goes to her car, where she had left her cell phone the night before, and dials her workplace, giving an excuse for her lateness, and then drives off to meet them. No doubt Christian would think her jealous, and perhaps this was not his fault. Nevertheless, she will not stand outside as an intruder to her own home commands, and she intends to make a message of it.
*Christian moved his arm around Rika, shaking his head at Ann* For god sakes it's just Christian say it with me Christian. *He looks at Rika before following Ann* It's up to you, rather or not I speak to her alone, I have hide nothing from you. *With that he goes inside and up the stairs to his office and sits behind his desk.* So what's this about are you doubting your mission from the council...Of course I know you're here on their behalf, either as a spy or an assassin I haven't quite figured that part out yet but if I thought you were capable of doing either confidently I would have ripped your still beating heart out of your chest and showed it to you. So which member pulls your strings I doubt it would be Theon or Izabella...Theon is a tool and a monster but I doubt he would approve of a spy/assassin in here with his only daughter. You realize you're disposable to whoever sent you here I know this because you are not the first one that they used like this. They make you think they care, that you matter to them, that you're trusted. That you're the only special person in the world that is capable of doing what must be done, all along there is a dozen others they're telling the exact same thing to and a dozen more that they thrown away like trash when they've out lived their purpose. My Beta Jason was one of those people, he killed for them for decades thinking he was doing it to save his race..To protect us all from all our enemies, when the whole time he was just performing vendetta hits for the council to settle personal grudges.

Do you know why the council is so interested in my pack? It's because we're different, I accept wolves that have no where else to go, in my 600 plus years I've only made 2 others of my blood one is long dead the other is my mate Rikarah, every other member of my pack is a stray had no where to go, no one to care for them, in other words they had no pack that gave a damn about them. This is my crime according to the Council to them strays should be put down or used like cannon foddler, they don't deserve families....Your friend Alice would be either put down or used till she dies if they had their way. Now I'm sure you probably don't give a damn about the rest of us but the idea of Alice being hurt or killed should sicken you to the pits of your stomach, it should piss you off! I know it pisses me off.
When Nathan doesn't respond to her thought, Alice feels herself get a little worried, but quickly pushed the fear away. He was a big boy, and he was with another member of the pack. Although she did not know Andrea all to well, she figured the two could manage getting to that little diner in one piece, although at that thought her mind wanders to his aggressive driving habits and she feels sorry for the other girl.

Crawling off from her bed, she stretches, her shirt going up to play about her hips, just below her rips. Her skin tightens around the healed wounds, but at least the pain is gone, that's all that matters. The sooner she was deemed fit by Christian, the sooner she could go out and find those hunters and feel their throats beneath her teeth.

Humming softly to herself, she follows the scents of the others down the stairs, stopping dead in her tracks at the sight of the lot of them huddled around, what looked like some makeshift tent of a sorts? Her eyes flicked towards the television, inwardly flinching at their movie choice, before wandering to the top of Jason's head, pushing the sheet up at a point. Losing it at that moment, she leans against one of the beams, laughing loudly, drawing attention to herself.

"Oh this is too much, gods I wish I had a know puppy-" she addresses her old pack mate. "-you mentor would never let you lives this down if he saw you..." she was only teasing, knowing it'd be wrong to further damage Jason's ego in such a way, but it's nice to finally feel relaxed enough in this place that she's able to kid around and laugh like this.

At the sound of Alice's voice, Esme pokes her head out from around one side of the fort and eyes her. "You're up!"

She looks the older woman over, feeling a bit relieved that the damage hadn't been too permanent. Although she disliked her greatly, the thought of having to explain her death to her parents, especially her father, was not high on Esme's to-do list.

"I am..." Alice responded, almost lamely. Moving closer, she pokes her head into the fort, her hair falling about her face and smiles warmly at Caroline. "Hello there little one..."

Despute trying to come off as a hardass all the time, Alice had a huge soft spot for children, having never had one of her own even in her 400+ years.

She nods a greeting towards Sheena, and playfully pokes at Jason's chest. "Mind if I join you?" Not waiting for a reply, she drops down, her legs folding beneath her and grabs for a throw pillow, pulling it onto her lap. "You know she does in this movie right? The writer has a thing for killing off his female's sexist..."
"Hi," Caroline barely glances up at Alice as she enters, observing, "This place is getting crowded in here..."

Sheena also smiles at Alice, a bit tentatively, as she doesn't know her very well and isn't entirely sure what to think about her. Moving over to make room for her under the tent, which is, as Caroline pointed out, getting rather crowded, she scoots closer to Esme, abandoning her rather half hearted efforts at braiding Caroline's hair as she pulls her legs up to her chest. Looking over to Alice, Caroline asks her, "Can you braid? Sheena doesn't know how."

"Does he kill her off soon?" Sheena asks hopefully, figuring that maybe the movie would show some surprise blood and guts and liven things up a bit, but Caroline is not amused. Straightening, she makes an appalled noise in her throat at Alice, widening her eyes at her.

"You just told me the end of the movie! I don't want to know what happens! And how come she's going to DIE, I don't want her to DIE!"

(are we killing Patrick off then?)
Esme feels herself narrowing her eyes at the older woman as she lets slip the ending. It would have just been better for Caroline to find it out on her own, instead of having to anticipate it for the rest of the movie. And the girl's reaction to the movie just proves her unspoken point.

"It's alright Caroline...remember, she's's her time. She's just human after all..."

"And all humans are weak..." Alice has to add her voice to the conversation and ignoring the look Esme throws her way, moves silently behind the girl, grasping her hair gently, and starts separating it into different parts, slowly working out the tangles as her fingers move, pulling and arranging the child's hair until it's in a neat and very flattering french-braid. "There..." she murmurs gently, still feeling Esme's eyes on her as she admires her handiwork.

"I only told the girl what she should already know..." she finally defends her earlier statement. "She is after all, one of us now, the sooner she learns that we are more...above them, the better...after these attacks lately, I wouldn't trust one farther then I can toss 'em..." she shrugs and motions to the main character on the screen. "And I won't feel bad about poor acting either..."

Rolling her eyes, Esme just sighs and leans against her cousin more, no longer watching the screen but keeping her eyes focused on all seated around her. She can sense that Jason is still tense from the earlier teasing and reaches behind Caroline to give his shoulder a squeeze.

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