{Jason and the others have searched the entire forest for miles around the mansion, there are no more hunters in the area as far as he can tell, even if they were moving down wind from them they would still leave tracks and he can find no tracks except animals and their own. He decides it's safe to return home and report in. There is a hidden stash of clothes all over the forest, it was something Nathan taught him, that way when he shifts back he never has to walk home naked, Jason leads the group towards the closest one. The stashes usually contains sweat pants, tee shirts and hoodies, because both males and females can wear them.

When they reach the stash Jason begins to shift back to human then starts to dress..It takes a few moments before he has his voice back and can speak instead of barking and growling.} I guess it's safe to say the forest is clear for now. Who ever it was that attacked Nathan and Alice I pity them cause they're gonna die slow when those two get their hands on the one that shot them!

(post for Nathan after Heather's next post)
"I do not know about Sheena, she has done her share of dubious actions," Rikarah murmured, but she nods nevertheless in response to Christian's words. "Do not worry, Christian, Theon is no ruler of mine. Alice and Esme and I will be able to handle ourselves, and we will care for the pack. Even the annoying children of it."

She ignores his subtle prodding about his wish for a heir. Though she understands that this was part of the deal of her mating with him, she herself has no enthusiasm towards the thought of being tied to a child for life and fully responsible for it, even more so than the children of the pack. She has no love for babies and though she is somewhat interested in children, or at least in protecting them, having a child of her own will mean a sacrifice and selflessness she is not yet prepared to give up.

Instead she strokes a hand through Christian's hair, smirking at his final words to her. Angelic? Not only was this not at all an accurate description of her, it was not even one that she found flattering or wanted.

"I am no angel, Christian, nor would you be interested in me if I were. I am neither holy nor pure, and I do not wish to be. I am myself. I do what I think best. That is all."
{Nathan reached out for Alice when it looked like she might fall, she was trying to stand on her own but he wasn't having that right now, she was still recovering he's pretty sure she can barely even see straight so walking on her own was not really something he thinks she'll be able to do on her own. Sliding one arm around her waist he leans down putting his other arm under her legs and lifts her off her feet. Speaking out before she can protest.} Shut up! Yes I'm carrying you upstairs and putting you into bed. {He says commanding as he walks out of the kitchen and upstairs. It takes him a moment to remember his way through this massive house but eventually finds her/their room that they used to share briefly.* This is funny in a way don't you think? Usually trouble follows me, here all of you are in trouble long before I even got here. You're kind of making me feel not needed around here.

{Slowly and gently laying her on the bed, then sitting next to her holding her hands in his.} I think I'm staying, I can't just leave you behind anymore. {He sighs} So if you won't leave with me, I have no choice but to stay by your side, even tho every inch of this place makes me want to vomit cause the smell of Theon is all over the place, even if he hasn't been around here in months. {He pauses again, he eyes showing regret and sorrow now} I'm sorry for abandoning you, Christian, Rikarah, we're the last of our pack and I left, cause I couldn't stomach being in the same pack with Theon. Because he's seen you in a way only I should be able to see, I get it now it was centuries ago and before we were together. I'm just paranoid, jealous and yes a bit childish but what do you expect when you robbed the cradle like you did. But you're kind of sexy for someone that has 200 years on me. {He smirks at her} You should sleep and I promise I'll be here when you wake up.
A tiny growl escaped her when she felt Nathan's arms go around her, not wanting to appear weak or unable to take care of herself. Swallowing hard, she clicked her tongue against her teeth before pressing her lips together in a hard line and remained silent as she let him help her to her room. A tiny yelp escaped her when her feet left the floor and her arms uickly went around his neck and shoulders. "Trouble's always been close behind when you're around..." she retorted dryly, not daring to look at his face. She knew if it hadn't been for him, that Hunter could have easily taken her out with his remaining silver bullets if Nathan hadn't blocked the shots with his own body. Without even thinking, her hands play with the hair at the nape of his neck, twirling her fingers there, and leaned in, tucking her head under his chin.

"You think you're staying?" she repeated softly once he had placed her down on the bed, and turned her body slightly so she faced him better. "

"I wish you would let the past die..." her voice was soft and she finally looked into his eyes. "I never loved know's you, it's only been you..."
{Nathan hates to admit it to her but he's not proud of the way he's acted, letting jealously drive him from the one person on the planet that accepts him despite all his flaws, even when he's being stupid and jealous of ancient history, it's time he stops running from her.} You do know you deserve way better then me don't you? I always push you away, even though I don't mean to do it. For a guy as smart as me I do dumb stuff but I did do one smart thing in my life, I put that ring on your finger and if you still want to I'd like to make it official.

Marry me and I'll never run away from you again, I'll still be a pain in your ass but I'll be your husband and a pain in your ass.

{He can't help but notice that there is dust on some of the furniture as he looks around.} Your life as a cop been keeping you busy, it doesn't look like you've sleep in this room for a long time. What are you doing sleeping in your car now?
Alice allows herself to smirk at him softly when he admits to being jealous, knowing that probably took a lot for him to say. She always knew that the shadow cast by Theon would never really go away despite how much she tried to convince Nathan that it was all in the past, but hearing him admit to his jealousy for the first time ever gave her a little hope that maybe one day in the near future it'll all just be a bad memory, one that never gets brought up again.

She just hoped if Izabella and her husband did return anytime soon, that the two would be able to remain civil for the Pack's sake.

"You suck at proposing..." she teased gently, then tugged at his arm, pulling him so that he had to lay down besides her and brought her body close to his, snuggling against him, despite the small tug of pain in her chest as she moved. "You already know my's never changed..."

"I..." she hides her face against his chest after he questions her room and shrugs. "I actually moved out, several months a small apartment close to work...I just couldn't stand living here anymore..."
Andrea was running, or at least she was in her dream, she glanced back at the shadowy shapes that followed behind her, it seemed as if some of them were human, but some were lycan as well. She made herself look forward again instead of watching the shadows gain on her as she ran as quickly as she could, though they still seemed to gain. As she ran she heard the sound of a gunshot from behind her, the sound was close and very loud to her sensitive ears, even in her dream. She cried out more from fear and surprise at the sound, she continued to run, but it didn't matter how fast she ran as something jumped onto her, pinning her to the ground, she felt the sharpness of claws digging into her back seconds before she woke up. She sat up quickly, biting her lip very hard to keep from screaming.

Andrea sighed and slowly ran shaking fingers through her long red hair, she knew that it was just a dream brought on from the stress and everything that had been happening. She slowly got out of bed, pulling the covers with her, she walked to the window in her room, looking outside. She leaned her head against the window, just looking outside, she wanted to sleep, but it seemed as if bad dreams wanted to find her, mixing the night years past when a lycan pack ran her out of their territory just because she wasn't a born lycan, and the events of the present time. She held the covers around herself with a small shiver as she slowly stared out the window, she was tired of feeling like she had to run because of what others felt, yet she wasn't planning to run away this time, she found a place she thought of as home and she didn't want to leave it.

She returned to her bed, her mind taking her back to that night even though she didn't want to remember it, she had been told to leave, and given a head start, she had ran as fast as she could, though in her lycan form instead of her human form, that was one thing the dream had wrong, and the fact that there weren't humans chasing her. She ran as fast as she could, with the sounds of them chasing her and gaining, just as she passed out of their territory one of them grabbed her and pulled her back. They had hurt her pretty badly before their Alpha showed up and ordered them to let her go since she had made it out, Andrea remembered healing from her wounds after that, it took time since she hadn't been a lycan long, and she considered herself lucky to be alive after that. Now she was in a situation like that again, except that she doubted these humans would be so kind as to let her go if they caught her. It was a scary thought to her.

She sighed, pulling her knees to her chest and closing her eyes, trying to make herself calm down, there was no point in her being afraid of the past, and since the future hadn't happened yet she wouldn't let it get to her. She wasn't ready to go back to sleep yet, and she figured it would be a while before she did return to sleep, if she did.
When Sheena becomes aware of a faint whimpering beside her, she thinks at first that the noise is Caroline, still in her Lycan form, attempting to awaken her or question her in some way. It isn't until she opens her eyes, rolling over to face her, that she sees that the girl has reverted to her human form, that she is still curled beside Sheena on the floor, eyes closed as she softly makes noises of distress in her sleep.

Sheena notices then the feel of the cool floor beneath her bare limbs, the faint stream of light coming in through the drawn window blinds, and she sits up, stretching out sore and stiff muscles, then reaches for her discarded clothing, quickly dressing herself before turning back to Caroline. It must be morning already....had they really slept through so much of Caroline's second shift?

The younger girl is still fretting in her sleep, her hair tangled over most of her face, twitching every so often, and so Sheena shakes her shoulder.

"Caro. Caro, it's alright, it's over. Caro-"

The girl comes awake with a gasp, bolting up and batting at Sheena's hands with wide eyes before she seems to recognize her. She takes a deep breath in, her eyes watering as she grabs for Sheena's hands and squeezes them in hers.

"I hate that," she whispered, still blinking back tears. "That hurts so bad and I hate it, and I had awful dreams of blood and people yelling and getting shot at..."

"It's all right," Sheena said awkwardly, patting the top of Caroline's head. "Look, it sounds quiet down there...are you hungry? Want to see what everyone else is up to?"

When Caroline nods after a few minutes, she hands her some of her new clothes for her to change into. "Good. Good, Caro...let's go see them then."
*Christian smiles back at Rika* I didn't mean you behave like an angel, you silly woman. I meant you look like one, learn to accept a compliment especially one from me. I am curious seeing Nathan and Alice back together it makes me wonder why it doesn't bother you that I've never proposed to you. Granted we are mated and that is for as long as we both live, so the concept of a human marriage is not something that will make what we have any stronger, still I wonder if I'm depriving you of something? *He reaches up and touches her cheek.* What would you say if I asked you to marry me?

(Should we move to the next day?)
(lol I already did and it seems Serenity did too, might as well)

"Looking like an angel I can accept, though it is still not a particularly exciting notion," Rikarah says wryly, nudging against Christian and leaning into him. "As for marriage..."

She pauses, considering his offer. Marriage has never been an arrangement she was overly concerned with. It had always seemed clear to her that if she loved anyone, they would know it and be satisfied as such; she would have no need of marriage to prove anything to herself or to them. Because she has always hidden her true identity, it would seem prudent to avoid legalizing any relationship in which her identity might be revealed, especially so now, when she has double reason to keep out of public and official's eyes. She says as such vaguely.

"I would remind you that my identity as you know me is not the one I was born with and that others may draw connections we do not need. I would also wonder why it is important to you when it would change nothing of our relationship."
It's important to me because you're important to me, all I really want is to live with you and our family in peace and be normal..As normal as a 613 year old Lycan trying to hide among humans can be. But I shouldn't force you to marry me because it fits into my notion of what normal is. It should be something that feels right. We're fine just the way we are and we're both happy correct? *Slowly his sits up as the sun starts to come up over the horizon, the night went by so fast. Getting to his feet he holds out his hand to help her to her feet.* We should head inside and get some sleep before the rest get up and we have to deal with all the day's drama.
She couldn´t sleep, not even a blink.

Ann had taken the call only to be informed by her agent about some new major auditions coming out, annoying movie-makers asking her for one little role she just didn´t have time with. After clearing everything with her agent; which took about two hours, Ann had went to rest on the couch.

But she couldn´t get a single nap with her body itching for a run. She wanted to go to her apartment and just rest. Take a break from the world for atleast a day. The only thing which stopped her from leaving was the elders, the annoying hunters and Alice. As much as she loathed the annoying little man by the name of Nathan, she wanted to spend sometime with her friend.

Sitting up, restless and annoyed; Ann watched the sunrise and with a small yawn; she felt the itch decrease slightly. Happy that the full moon was gone but still patiently waiting for some kind of report back about the hunter situation so she could return to the comfort of her home and take a long soothing bath before sleeping in her bed. That´s when her stomach growled slightly and with a chuckle she added a small snack to her going-home schedule.

Sorry for not posting, needed to find an opening.
"I am fine, yes," Rikarah replies, taking a moment to think before doing so. "And I am happy. I am not necessarily opposed to marriage...I just do not see it as necessary, either."

Taking Christian's hand, she allows him to pull her to her feet and follows him back inside, winding through the hallways and up the stairs to their bedroom. Undressing, she slips beneath the covers with him and moves in close against him, closing her eyes before drifting to sleep.


Sheena tries to be quiet as she leads Caroline downstairs towards the kitchen, looking around frequently to see if anyone else is awake. The younger girl tries to ask her something a few times, but Sheena shushes her with a wave of her hand. She doesn't want to get fussed at for whatever was going on last night or for waking people up, and she's not eager to face some of the pack members just yet. Holding Caroline's hand, as though half afraid the girl will run ahead without her, she steps through the living room, which is adjacent to the kitchen, then blinks, startled.

There is a girl Sheena doesn't recognize on the couch. Having been in her room with Caroline all night, she had not met Ann, and so quickly shoves Caroline behind her, starting forward with her voice raising.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?"
Ann had noticed the sound of the floor creaking slightly, smelling a unfamiliar wolf she stood up immediatly to only be greeted by what she would call two pups. Her eyes amused as the girl shoved the smaller of them behind her. Wanting to greet the girl but was interrupted with her immediate questioning.

"I´m Ann, friend of Alessandra,probably older then you, hungry, exhausted and a bit, slightly itchy for a run." She chuckled before smiling softly. "I heard from a...friend...That Alessandra was in town and came in to see her..." She spoke softly; knowing that provoking a lycan at the moment wasn´t her goal.

Hearing her own stomach growl again, she felt a bit embarrassed but shook it off with a grin. "Now...Where is the kitchen?"
"You definitely look older than me," Sheena said bluntly, not even attempting to sound polite as she continues to stand in front of Caroline, blocking her from seeing Ann well. The younger girl is tugging at Sheena's shirttail, standing on her toes to try to see around her, but Sheena ignores her, focused totally on Ann.

"We aren't allowed out for a run. And if you want to see Alice, who by the way, hates to be called Alessandra, why are you sleeping instead of, like, SEEING her?"

"Who's Alice?" Caroline pipes up from behind Sheena, as Sheena gives her a little push backward without looking at her.

"Caro, go to your room." To Ann, she adds, "The kitchen is like two feet behind you. But do you actually have permission to come in here, sleep on our couch, and take our food?"
Andrea sighed some, she was in the process of putting on her make up and finishing getting ready to go to work when she heard Sheena's voice from downstairs, she figured that she must have encountered Ann, and not knowing that she was there probably wasn't taking kindly to seeing the other lycan. She quickly finished up and went downstairs, she walked into the room, catching the end of the conversation. She sighed a little. "Sheena... It's alright, Alice confirmed that she knew her, and Christian said that she could stay the night because of the hunters." she said.

She started to walk toward the kitchen, "Anyone want breakfast, better tell me what you want now." she said, she planned to quickly make breakfast and then head off to work. As far as she was concerned she needed to keep her job, at least until she talked to Esme about going back to school instead.

(sorry so short.)
Staring at Sheena with a eyebrow raised, slightly insulted and a bit annoyed; Ann was ready to put the younger pup in her place before Andrea came in and declared the truth. Shaking her head she stared up at the ceiling before looking at Sheena. She really underestimated Ann, her eyes wide with amusement. "I guess that was cleared." She mused before chuckling slightly. "And for your information Alice is resting at the moment."

Stalking of to the kitchen she stared at Andrea, a small polite smile covering her face. "Um...If you wouldn´t mind making me some eggs..." She trailed of before noticing her attire. "Never mind; just tell me where everything is..."
With Andrea's reassurance, Sheena is only marginally mollified. She allows the other girl to pass by to begin cooking, and eases up on her blocking of Caroline from being able to move around the kitchen, but she herself doesn't relax her posture much or move to sit down, still regarding Ann with narrowed eyes.

"Would have been nice if someone told us before we just come down here and see her. I swear, do we really need like FIVE new people in two days, really?"

She ignores Ann, finally sitting at the table as far from her as possible. Caroline looks between them all, then comes to stand next to Andrea. "Can I help? I can make eggs." She shoots a curious glance over Ann's shoulder. "Are you a wolf too? Are you new? Did that Claire girl leave yet? I hope she did."
Staring at Sheena with nothing but comical thoughts, Ann played along with the young pup by avoiding her body. She couldn´t help but smirk at her rhetorical question. As the smaller, now visible little girl rambled out questions, startling Ann. Smiling softly at the small girl, while her eyes shined of laughter.

Ann always had a small soft spot for children; she wasn´t particularly sweet and all that pushy but had this easy forgiving side when it came to young ones.

"No, I´m not a wolf; I´m a Lycan." She corrected with a joking tone before slowly answering her questions, atleast those she had answers for. "I´m not new...Directly. I lived in this town for five years now, and in this time span I´ve left about three years." She stated before frowning. "I haven´t met this Claire...So an answer for that I do not have."

Sighing she turned to the fridge, taking out eggs. "Bacon and eggs or should I make pancakes?" She asked, glancing at Andrea. "Going somewhere?"
*Christian lays there, holding Rika close to his chest, trying to fall asleep but the days events still weigh heavy on his mind, these hunters are ruining his peace by attacking his family, in the past he's killed for less. He watches as Rika sleeps against him, everything about her makes him happy and angry at the same time. He's happy because of the way she feels against him, the way she smells, the sound of her steady heartbeat and then it angers him that someone wants to take her away...To take away his entire family. It's not more then 30 minutes after he laid down when he slips back out of bed, moving to the window where there is a small little perch for him to sit on, he grabs one of his favorite books, one he's read at least a hundred times, the bindings were so worn it's been replaced a few times. It would probably surprise everyone that he was reading a very old bible, it was almost as old as him, times like this..Before things get bloody he turns to it to try to make peace with what he must do.

After reading a few passages, he dresses and heads downstairs, just long enough to speak to whoever is up that being Sheena, Caroline and Ann sothey can pass on that he's releasing everyone from the lockdown as long as they take precautions, no one is to leave alone and the curfew is sunset. It would be deadly for anyone to be in the forest after dark. After passing this on he waits to see if anyone has anything to ask him before he goes back to Rika in bed.* 
(forgot Andrea was there sorry)
{Nathan smirks then kisses her.} Didn't realize you wanted all the bells and whistles, I was hoping that the first time was still fresh in your mind but how about when all this is over I promise you I will propose to you again and there will be music, and flowers, fancy food and you will wear a tight fitting dress I think a dark blue to bring out your eyes. I will wear a nice tuxs and we will spend the night in a little bed and breakfast, no we will spend a week there. How do you like the sound of all of that? {He reaches over and touches her engagement ring.} It's about time we got you an upgrade to a wedding ring. And I think if it's ok and there is room we can live in your new place.

{Jason and the others finally comes back it's barely dawn and there is already people up and about, he's not really a people person but after the events of the night before he feels that especially the younger members of the pack could use some reassurances. So he smiled at Sheena and Andrea, then gave a small wave and smile to Caroline. he's not sure who the new girl is in the kitchen is but she seems to be about to cook.} Did you all sleep well? I still need to report to Christian but if he and Esme agree the forest seems safe for the moment but I wouldn't recommend going out till the hunters are gone. {He wants to say dead but won't talk like that in front of Caroline.}

(Sorry I had back to back double shifts, alot of guys are out sick)
"A wolf is a Lycan," Caroline shrugged; being new to being Lycan, she still lacks understanding of the distinction. "Same thing....oooh can we have both? Bacon and eggs?"

She is still standing close to Ann, though moving around both sides of her in an energetic fashion as she explains, "Claire is the only other kid here. I hate her. She's crazy and mean, she just hit me really hard for no reason and then she ran away crying like I did something to her, and I didn't. I hope she stays away. I hope she doesn't come back, ever."

When Christian comes downstairs, telling them they can leave the house, Sheena's head snaps up, and she grins before she can stop herself. She definitely is, the second she can dump Caroline on someone. In her opinion, Caroline should stay in the house, especially since humans are looking for her too, but she sooooo needs to leave. She can't stand to be cooped up any longer than she has to anymore.

Caroline accepts what he tells her, but calls out a question before he goes. "Is Claire gone?"
Andrea started to cook, she waved off Ann's comment about how she could cook for herself, "I have time, besides, I like cooking." she said, she liked cooking a lot more than waiting tables, but she was going to stick to the job that she had. She glanced at Sheena and managed a small smile, "Everything was a little too hectic last night to get the chance to tell you about Ann showing up..." she said, it was the truth, with everything that had happened the night before, telling Sheena that someone new was in the house was the last thing on her mind.

Andrea looked at Caroline, she nodded a little, "Alright, you can make the eggs." she said, she would let Ann answer the questions that Caro had asked her, though she did frown a little as she mentioned Claire. "Caroline... That is not nice. I realize you two got off to a bad start, but... take a moment to think about how everything was yesterday. Everyone was fighting, both of you were stressed, and you had just spoken badly of something Claire loves. You two will have to get past your differences, just try to remember that she loves being a lycan. I'll talk to her as well, to remind her of the differences between you two, but there is no reason you two can't work it out." she said.

She looked at Ann and smiled some, "I do have a job, not be best one in the world, but I don't really want to give it up until I have the chance to find something better. I want to go back to school, I was planning to be a doctor before all of this happened to me." she said, meaning becoming a lycan. She looked at Christian and frowned a little, "So, do I have to have someone go to work with me and sit there while I work?" she asked quietly. She glanced at Jason, not used to him being so nice, though she does nod slightly to show that she had noticed his return, "We're all helping to make breakfast, so maybe you should stay around a bit to eat?"

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