Esme couldn't tell how she felt about this Ann girl just yet. The fact that she was supposedly one of Alice's 'good friends' didn't help her case any considering the fact that Esme could hardly stand Alice. But she knew of Jeremiah, knew the kind of guy he was, how he ran things, and what he did to those that didn't obey him. Knowing how her parents would handle this only furthered her decision to help her.

"I vote for her to long as she learns her place and fast..." her eyes shifted lightly, knowing she;d be the only red-eyed being in the room and she turned and narrowed her eyes in Ann's direction. "Don't forget who are the Alphas of this Pack and you'll be fine...defy Christian or myself and you're out...I don;t care what that monster tries to do to you...we'd be taking a risk bringing you into our Pack...I hope you and everyone else realizes this..." her eyes scan the faces in the room. "We need to wait til the others are back to decide really...but we can start setting up a room for her'd be safer then a motel or an apartment in town anyways..."

Alice finally spoke once Esme was done, waiting so that she wouldn't cut her off. She knew she was annoyed with her earlier 'puppy' remark and didn't feel like upsetting the younger girl further. "I love for her to stay as well..."

This was already assumed to be a given. "-however," she continued. "If any harm comes to my mate I will personally see to your head being removed from your body....are we clear?" The Amazon had stood to her full height and stared at her friend, locking eyes with her. "I mean it Ann...there's already a bounty on his head...whatever you told Jeremiah...could've made s**t worse for him...I only just got him back...if something happens, friend or no, permission from the Alphas or not...I'll kill you...simple as that." 
((Got bored so I made this, it's all three of my main girls, two of which are in this thread, although the other is Esme's mother...but yeah, wanted to share cuz it looked cool :D The top one is Izabella Mochizuki, who is Esme's mother, then you have Alice on the left and Esme on the right)) 
((AN EMAIL HAS BEEN SENT TO KAINE, DAGO, AND MEGA IN REGARDS TO US KILLING OFF THEIR CHARACTERS. We can go from there once and if I get any responses...))<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/1366252938671.jpg.90a6ca88491ad015fbb56e253ca8944f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="481" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/1366252938671.jpg.90a6ca88491ad015fbb56e253ca8944f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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{Jason really had nothing against Ann, she was a bit stuck up but so was Rikarah and he tolerates her, so he can see no reason to withhold an invitation to her.} My vote is for her to stay also, this woman has done me no harm or said any insult to me. She has no pack and is in need of help. Christian I thought that's what we do here. We take in those that have no place to go, so if my vote counts then it's yes. {He looks at Esme hoping his vote is ok with her, squeezing her hand in his.} Wait did you call me your boyfriend? Really I'm your boyfriend? Yeah I am and don't you forget it. {He smiles at her}

{Nathan smiles at Andrea laying some money on the table with a hefty tip included before standing up} Ok I should be back for you in a few hours. Please don't leave without me you're kind of my responsibility for the day and I take that serious considering you have access to the pie I've come to love so so much. {He nods his head and walks out of the diner, his first stop is the tailor to get some new suits. While walking he talks to Alice once more} The Andrea girl is safe at work, I'll make a few stops then maybe you can meet me in town for some lunch, that diner has great pie.
Staring at the crowd with one eyebrows raised before chuckling slightly. "Thanks for the invitation though it ruined my dramatic; I´m going to die now and have fun while doing it exit...Also I didn´t know that a Lycan, let alone a pack resided her Rikarah. It was home a few years back without the extra addition of people..." She muttered. "Another note; I was still on Jeremiahs good side about 46 hours ago." She claimed; indicating that she didn´t come for them for protection, let alone knew of their existence except Alice.

Rolling her eyes playful before she locked eyes with Alice, a small smirk coming onto her lips. "Nathan is a bit annoying but...Besides his small little threats, I have no need for harming him and if it comes down to a fight between me and you...You know I´ll try to keep my head Alice; even if it is you..." She didn´t mean it as a threat more like reassuring Alice that she won´t go down that easy and also telling her that Nathan wasn´t really on her good side nor her bad side.

With a sigh she turned to Christian. "Guess you and Esme are my Alphas now..." She mentioned briefly before going silent again; feeling out of place. Ann had always been a stray dog in the sense of her never interacting in pack life at all, she was used to the house empty; without the sound of people rooming around, seeing mates and everything else which she slightly longed for.
Andrea smiled some, "Don't worry, I'm not planning to go anywhere, I usually eat my lunch here, and unless I planned on walking home I have to wait for you anyway." she said, she took the money to the cash register, and kept her tip, then went back to clean the table. She continued to work, already wishing that the day was over, she doubted any hunters would be stupid enough to attack her in broad day light, but she still wanted to get home, at least there she felt a little safer. Though she couldn't help but wonder exactly what was going on at home, she wondered what Ann was up to since no one seemed to really trust her. She also wondered if Claire and Patrick had showed back up, not being able to help being worried for them since they were part of the pack, Claire was just a child, she needed to be protected, and Patrick had already been attacked, though he had healed fast and well. Andrea sighed a little, not able to help it considering where her thoughts were going, though she did try to keep a smile on her face.
Esme nods at Jason's vote, knowing beneath his tough exterior he really did have a good heart. She couldn't see him voting to cast the woman aside. When he nudges her, she feels her cheeks flame and nudges him back, gently and in the ribs. "Oh if you didn't already know..." She still blushing when Ann addresses her and stands up straighter, nodding as she rolls her shoulders back.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean that Christian or I are going to treat you like that Jeremiah did...we're family here. You stand by us, we stand by you...that whole thing..." Detangling herself from Jason's arms she stretched and looked around the room. "Now, if no one has any objections, I'll show you to your new room if you'd like..."

She eyes everyone before tentatively offering Ann her hand, "Come..."

Alice stays silent, only smirking when Ann says she'd be able to hold her own against her. It had almost caused the older wolf to laugh, knowing that a fight would be no real challenge to the older wolf considering their age and experience differences. She doesn't address this though and leans back against Chris's desk. When she hears Nathan's voice in her head, a tiny sigh of relief escapes her and the smile returns on the Amazon's face.

'I'll be there soon...' she answers him. Turning to Rikarah, she whispers where she's going and excuses herself. "Welcome to the pack...' she tells Ann as she passes her, only pausing to kiss her cheek before hurrying down the stairs.

"I'm going out!" she yells in Sheena and Caroline's direction and races to her car, starting it's engion and peels from the driveway, kicking up gravel and dirt as she flies down the hill towards town. It doesn't take her long to reach the diner, her driving habits similar to Nathan's when need be, and she spots his car on the lot, parking alongside it.

The tailor shop is only a few shops down so she walks the short distance, pausing outside to check her reflection in the glass door. Satisfied with how she looks, she steps in, smiling softly at the jingle from the little bell above it and looks around, instantly spotting her mate being measured for suits. She lets out a low wolf whistle and giggles stepping into the light so both men can see her. "Well, hello handsome..." she addresses Nathan, offering him a wink. "I couldn't wait til lunch...too much going on at the Manor...had to get away..."
"I think I'm done with movies," Caroline announces.

She crawls out of the tent and stretches, looking back as Sheena emerges after her, getting to her feet a little more awkwardly as Alice rushes past. Unsure of what to do with herself or what's going on, Sheena tells Caroline to stay put as she goes upstairs, even as the girl ignores her and follows on her heels. In the hallway she can see the people gathered close to Christian's study and draws closer, making a face at Caroline for having followed her as she joins them.

"We're bored and there's a lot of people up here. What's up?"

As Ann is accepted into the pack, Rikarah watches their interactions quietly, releasing Alice as she leaves and coming to stand closer to Christian. Putting her hand on his arm, she taps her fingers against him.

"Can we talk? This Patrick and Riddian absence is a bit disturbing. Has anyone see Claire as well?"
*He grins as Alice takes off.* I wonder why she's in such a hurry? * Despite Rika coming over by him, Christian left his chair and walked over to the door when Sheena and Caroline came in, he knows Rika may think he's neglecting her but he has plans for her later, he kneels in front of Caroline and smiled at her before lifting her off the ground and walking back to his desk and sitting with her in his lap. Finally addressing Rika's concerns about the missing wolves* We will search for them tonight when we do our patrols. I'm starting to think you were right about Patrick. Oh well I'm out a few suits and some cash it's not to big of a deal. *Bouncing Caroline on his knee* We should take a break and get some lunch.
Rikarah's and Sheena's eyebrows both raise to their hairlines as Macal breaks away from Rikarah to take Caroline on his lap. As for Caroline, she startled as soon as Macal touched her, tensing up, and when he lifted her on her lap, her eyes widened, a clear look of shock and panic on her face. She pushed at his hands and scrambled away from him, back to Sheena, and stood very close to her as she stared at him.

"What did you do THAT for?"

Although she doesn't say it, she is thinking about what Lewis had told her, about men only wanting one thing from her, about how they'd touch her and put their hands on her and how wrong it was for anyone but him, who loved her. Sheena puts a hand on her shoulder and laughs a little awkwardly.

"Um...I know she's little, but, like...she's twelve."

"Christian is rather unobservant of simple facts that are right before his eyes," Rikarah said acidically, crossing her arms. Christian is right, she is indeed not pleased with his brushing her aside.
*Christian scratches the back of his head and laughs* I'm sorry, Caroline I know you're to big for that but sometimes I forget, you see I'm centuries older then everyone in this room so to me you're seem much younger then you look, of course I apologize for the assumption, I hope you will forgive me? *He looks around the room at the expressions on everyone's face and continues to laugh.* Ok enough fun laughing at me, who wants to go into town for some lunch..Caroline do you want to drive? *He smirks at her, as he moves from behind his desk, reaching for Rika's hand and grins.* Don't tell me you're to old to hold my hand also?
Caroline, still standing close to Sheena, nods warily but feels obligated to inform him, "I'm twelve, you know. I'm too old for that. I'm not supposed to sit on boys' laps because they'll try to do things to me. So I shouldn't sit on you."

Sheena's eyebrows are still raised as she turns to her; she had thought Caroline too naive to have thoughts like that, and so she asks her, "Uh, score points for accuracy and all, but where'd you hear that?"

"My dad- Lewis," Caroline muttered, momentarily lowering her head, but she brightens when Christian offers to let her drive. "Really?! Can I?!"

"I hope like hell not...can I though?" Sheena asks with some hope, even as Caroline dismisses her.

"You're awful at it, it should be my turn."

Rikarah takes Christian's hand after a pause, eyeing him. "I do not know. I suppose we will see."
{Jason can't help snicker on his way out of Christian's office} I think I'm gonna pass on lunch, my brain hurts from all the girly movie's a certain pup made me watch. And I'd like to go tune up my motorcycle it's been running kind of sluggish. {He smiles at Caroline} No offense but your movie selection is making me want some guy time. {He continues down the hall and down the stairs to the garage and starts to work on his motorcycle, taking the engine apart piece by piece and laying it on a tarp on the floor. He really feels happy getting his hands dirty with oil and grease instead of blood.}

{Nathan was looking at different patterns for his new suits, when Alice walked in a whistled.} Was that for me or him? (forgot the tailor's name) Either way it's classy. So what do you think black of blue pin stripes or should I stick with solids? {He steps down off the platform and walks to Alice, he leans over and kisses her.} I could put in an order for a new tux while I'm here, you know for or wedding. Anyway was all the drama back home. {He can't believe he just called that place home but for now it is just that.} Did your friend decide on the painful slow way she wants to kill me yet? {The thought of that happening makes him laugh out loud, making it hard to the tailor to get an accurate measurements who doesn't mind poking him with a needle to prove his point.} Ouch! Are you a tailor or a butcher? Can you just finished up and call me when my suits are ready. {He reaches his hand out to Alice} Well I just ate about an hour ago so I'm not ready for lunch just yet, we could see a movie or go to your place and fool around, unless you want to fool around right here.
Alice smirked and shook her head as she looked over his material options, making a face at the stripped design. "Darling...this isn't the twenties anymore...the zoot suit look is out and we're not in Chicago anymore...stick to solids.....please..."

Being rewarded with a smile from the tailor, Alice grins and gives her head a tiny shake, her long hair falling about behind her shoulders. There's a funny feeling in the pit of stomach when he mentions a tux for their wedding and the Amazon feels her cheeks flush slightly, her gaze dropping to the floor. "We can do whatever you'd like my love..."

"Christian gave Ann the option to join the pack...Esme and Jase voted for her to did I...however...." she looks up at her mate and smiles, her canines showing slightly. "I did promise her her head if any harm comes to you..." Shrugging again, she leans back against the counter and watched the two men as the tailor finishes up, holding in a laugh when he jabbed Nathan.

"I'd hate to give this poor man a heart attack with the way we carry apartment is just down the street....and it has been several years since you've last...." Alice trails off, an eyebrow arched. Not really waiting for a reply, she takes his hand in hers and leads the way from the shop and down the short distance to the place she had been calling home. The door is barely open before she's pushing him up against it, her lips covering his.
((Naughty things going on O.o xD , I´ll have the char-sheets ready by monday.))

Ann´s eyebrows arched as Esme spoke of their little pack as a family, a bit taken by her choice of words before a small, slightly soft smile graced her lips. That didn´t change her hesitation to take Esme´s hand; sending a smirk Alice´s way as she rushed past her; giving her a small welcome to her pack.

Staring with doubt on Esme´s hand, Ann took it with a light grasp; as if she could be attacked any second now. "Even if Jeremiah is in a sense a jerk, he didn´t treat me badly...." She muttered before staring at Esme. Her eyes untrusting at the Alpha infront of her.

"So....where is that room you mentioned?" She asked a bit nervous; Wondering slightly if Esme also was older then her by a few centuries like Christian was.
((heard back from Dago, that's one character we are allowed to kill off))

Esme shook her head and after a parting glance at those who remained in the room, gave Ann's hand a light squeeze before exiting the room with her. "He's a close friend of my father's...both are similar in age if I remember correctly..." she shrugged and led the woman up the stairs.

"This is my parent's Pack, but they left Christian and myself in charge of it while they took their place with the council in Rome for awhile...things may seem a bit disorganized here now, but we haven't had a hunters attack in years...I guess we're all just going a bit crazed here..." she paused and turned mid step to smile at Ann. "You know, you're wrong about holding your own in a fight with Alice. I've seen her fight, and I'm pretty sure she's twice your age if not more..." Esme shrugged and continued up the stairs. "You seem close enough that I don't think she'd really kill you...but if I were you, I'd try to be nice to Nathan for the time being..."

They came to a turn into the hallway and after passing a few door came to a vacant room. "This one shares the bathroom connecting to Alice's room...I'm sure she won't mind sharing space with you and keeping you close by..." Letting go of Ann's hand, she pushed the door open. "It's decent in size anyways, should do you nicely..." She went over to the baywindows and pushed one open to allow the breeze to fill the room. "Make yourself at home...we have a fully stocked kitchen an bar, try to enjoy yourself..."
As Esme and Ann exited the room, she followed willingly her new Alpha; wary of the current situation. Who? She wanted to question as Esme told her about Jeremiah´s close relationship with her father. A bit shocked at the thought, she stared at her new room. Her new house. Not home; Ann had given up, upon that wish. Her eyes turning a bit darker as she felt the exhaustion fall upon her.

Afterall she had been awake the last 46 hours without a blink of sleep; her body on alert, her mind fussing with theories and all sorts of things. And all she wanted to do was forget for one second about this mess, all the problems, her troubles.

Smiling politely before taking a swift glance at her hand then returning her eyes to Esme she sighed; her body needed it. SHE needed it. "Thank you..for the small tour. I have to rest now, or I´ll probably face first on the floor during the next ten minutes." She tried to put some enthusiasm and humor in her voice but only soft, tired tones was heard through the room. A yawn escaping her lips barely seconds later.
{After the Naughty things are over, Nathan covered only by a sheet, gets out of bed and steps into the kitchen hoping to find some beer, lucky for him there was a few, which he takes and goes back to Alice in bed, laying next to her, pressing the cold bottle against her cheek.} Alice I have to tell you something, If Christian as me if I vote for or against your friend staying, I'm against it. I don't trust her, I know she's your friend but that doesn't change who she works for. So I vote no. But knowing I'm in the minority I will not go out of my way to make her feel unwelcome in the pack.

{He kills the beer in a few gulps, eyeing the beer he left for Alice} You gonna drink that?

(Someone had to vote no)
((LMFAO @ the naughty things bit :P ))

Alice watches silently as Nathan gets up from the bed. Having taken the only sheet, she leans over the bed, shivering slightly and pats around the floor til her hands find his button down shirt, slipping it up. Pulling her hair up into a messy bun, jumping slightly when the cold bottle touches her face.

"Hey!" she swats at him playfully and grabs the bottle from him, taking a quick swig. It doesn't surprise her at all one bit when he tells her how he feels about Ann, having already expected that and simply shrugs before handing him her bottle.

"I wasn't expecting you to vote yes honestly...that's why I figured it might be best if you and I maybe stayed here for a few least until things cool down at the manor..."
(You said you'd give them until Sunday and it's Sunday...should we kill off the absentees now then? Maybe my girls and Christian can come across one of them when they go out?)

Caroline is already running ahead of the others out the door, taking up a position beside the driver's seat of Christian's car as she waits for them to come join her. Sheena rolls her eyes, turning her head back towards Christian and Rikarah to appeal to him.

"Seriously, she really thinks that you're gonna let her aren't, right? She's TWELVE. She's probably never even driven a go-cart before."

Neither has Sheena, but she sees no reason to mention this. Rikarah regards her without expression before replying sarcastically.

"I would bet she would nevertheless be more likely to guide us safely to our destination than you, judging by the condition you returned the car in last attempt of yours to drive."

"It was perfectly fine!" Sheena protested, gesturing with her hands for emphasis and running a hand through her hair distractedly. "I BARELY dented it, BARELY. She probably can't even see over the steering wheel...actually, you probably can't either."

"Very thin ice you are careening across here, pup," Rikarah warned, an edge in her tone now directed at her rather than simply Christian. "I would suggest joining the child in the backseat."

Turning to Christian, she asks without changing tone noticeably, "Are you coming, then?"
((kill off Dago's char first, he's the only one I heard back from...lets just stretch the killings out)) 
((Claire can be killed off too...just got a message))
(I've done some reading Riddan's did construction, we could have someone discover him on a work site, or we can just write that he covered with cement in a building foundation, he just disappeared, Jason is free right now I could have him find Patrick.)
(Sorry folks had a busy weekend with family)

*Christian doesn't react to either Rika or Sheena's comment, instead he grabs his jacket and keys and starts to walk out of the office, he stands in the hall and shouts* WE'RE GOING INTO TO TOWN FOR LUNCH ANYONE THAT WANTS TO COME MEET ME IN THE GARAGE! *He looks behind him at the girls still in his office.* Well we should go..Caroline how about we let you get your learners permit in a couple of years then I'll teach you how to drive. *He heads down the hall, then the stairs and finally out into the garage where he sees Jason working on his motorcycle.* Hey grease monkey we're going for lunch...You want to go with? *He looks at all the parts on the ground and smirks* You do know where all this stuff goes right?
Rikarah has half a mind to march ahead of Christian, snatch his keys from his hand, and slip into the car, taking off without any of them before he could do anything to stop her. It is hardly what she had in mind to play hooky from work today part of the time to escort two children whom she is not fond of, particularly after his frequent swinging between ignoring her and acknowledging her, and she says as much tartly from the porch as she slowly follows them out.

"Remind me what the incentive was for me to skip work today? I am not seeing it as of now."

"Aw, but that's a long time from now," Caroline replies when he suggests waiting until she can get her permit, disappointed, but she nevertheless moves back to get into the backseat instead, buckling up. Sheena, however, is somewhat persistent, ignoring Rikarah's remarks as she asks Christian, "Seriously, can I drive? I'll be careful."
*Christian speaks directly to Rika's mind* Look I know for some reason you despise being around the others but don't expect me to isolate myself from then just because you have something against being nice. I do things like this not only because it's my role as Alpha to offer all possible moral support I can but it's my pleasure, I like to make people smile Rika after centuries of destroying and killing I want to make anyone I can happy. If this isn't something you can get onboard with you're welcome to return to work or our room..All I ever ask you to do is try to be nice, no looking down on people, no mocking or provoking anyone. Perhaps I'm asking to much of you to involve yourself with the others, despite needing to be a key duty if you're to become Esme's Beta. *He looks at Sheena* We'll take your car, you can drive.

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