Although Christian is behaving casually, Sheena notices a slight tension to his face when she glances at him- a glance which again nearly takes the car off the road. Even as she struggles to straighten the car again, over Caroline's rebukes from the backseat, she wonders what is bothering him. The fight with Rikarah? She was sure there had been one, although he denied it, but she couldn't exactly bring that up in front of Caroline. Or was it just all the chaos going on lately?

"Diner it is," she said finally as she began to take the car in its direction. It was only a couple of miles away, and before long they were pulling into the parking lot. Caroline made a big show of sighing in relief and scrambling out of the car, as though Sheena might start it up again, changing her mind, and it was true that Sheena had slightly scraped the car against the curb as she pulled in. As Caroline started to walk ahead of them, Sheena lingered behind, touching Christian's arm hesitantly.

"Christian? What are we gonna do about people maybe knowing who she is? Caroline?"
*Christian gets out of the car and pauses resting his hands on the roof the car and looks at Sheena. dead serious he speaks.* If someone spots her and tries to take her away....I'll just kill them. *Suddenly he grins and slips his sunglasses on* Just kidding..We'll deal with that when it happens...if it happens till then lets just enjoy our lunch. *He starts to walk towards the diner's doors out of the corner of his eye he can see Alice and Nathan's cars, he wonders if they're inside but as they enter he only sees Andrea and a few other town folks that he's friendly with. Making sure they sit in Andrea's section.* So Caroline want to know the trick to not being noticed..Act like you belong, try not to look nervous and chances are no one will give you a second look. So both of you relax and enjoy yourselves and order whatever you want, lunch is on me today.
Just kidding indeed. Sheena had no doubt that Christian was very serious about what he had just said, that the "just kidding" was for Caroline's benefit. She supposed she should feel apprehensive about this, but actually she felt reassured. If Caroline was recognized, he would handle it, even if it did mean extreme measures.

As they walk into the diner, sitting down, with Caroline sitting next to Sheena near the window, Caroline looks around, smiling and waving at Andrea when she sees her. "Cool, Andrea works here!"

Turning her head to Christian as he tells her to blend in, she presses closer against the wall, half joking, "That would be easier if I was wearing the same color as the walls. But you and Sheena are big enough that people probably don't even see me from a distance."
Andrea glanced up as Christian, Caroline, and Sheena came into the diner, she smiled as Caro waved at her and gave a small wave back before she finished setting the food that shew as delivering on a table. She would be glad to be back home and at least feel a little bit safer, though she knew that getting there would be the problem. It also didn't help that she had a few things on her mind, she kept the smile on her face as she made sure there was nothing that the people at the table needed and then she walked to the table that they were sitting at. "Do you know what you want?" she asked with a smile, she wanted to ask if there was news from Patrick or Claire, but figured that it could at least wait until they were done eating. She looked around at them and noticed that Rikarah wasn't with them, she tilted her head, wondering why, but not asking.
{Nathan now fully dressed slips on his jacket, then comes over to Alice and leans in close, tracing the outline of her face with his finger and smiles at her.} I missed you too, I may not always express it but you're always on my mind, Alessandra the only thing I left at that manor that I can't live without is you, a mistake I don't plan on ever repeating, I swear on my life I shall never leave again. {He kisses deeply, pulling her into his arms and holds her.} Now I have to leave you. {He grins at her showing his canines} Just kidding, I'm starving and craving another slice of pie from that diner Andrea works at. {He kisses her quickly on the lips then jumps up} So get your sexy self up and get dress, cause you've drained all the energy out of me and I need to eat to refill it.

{Jason walks back with Esme still holding her hand, when the manor becomes visible through the trees, he stops and pulls her to him.} Esme don't fight! Please don't fight, I know you're an alpha and you have special abilities but you're still young, let Christian lead this battle. Because I can't do what I just did to Patrick to you, I rather cut my own throat then dig your grave and burn you like that. I'm in love with you Esme and I've always have been. And we've just started what we have and maybe I'm selfish but I don't want to risk losing it. So please don't fight, these hunters. They're unlike any hunters I've ever encountered before, they're too bold, too organized for typical hunters. Look how close they were to the manor to dump Patrick's body. I feel Christian has under-estimated them and it will cost me the most important person in my life and that's you. {He lets go of her hand and looks away from her} I'm sorry I know it's not my place to ask you to do that but I've said what I needed to say on the matter.
"I can't not fight Jason..." Esme's voice is soft and she pulls back to stare at him. As she does this, she hears Christian's voice in her head and assures him that it will be kept quiet until he returns with the others. Clearing her throat, she shifts her weight uncomfortably and gives her head a tiny shake, her ponytail whipping at one cheek. "I'm the Alpha...this is my Pack...if I let Christian take full control, the others will see me as weak...I'll be challenged..." She shakes her head again and sighs, dropping her gaze to her feet.

"I can handle my own with them, I'm not..." she pauses, chewing at her lower lip. "-I'm not afraid of these men...they're just humans...humans hiding behind guns...we've dealt with this in the past, we'll deal with it again...if we hadn't been so distracted with this whole Caroline thing, then maybe we wouldn't have been so distracted and caught off guard..."

Rolling her shoulders back, she eyes Jason quietly before stepping forward, reaching out with one hand to stroke his cheek. "I care about you, you know this...but you can' can't ask me to not do my job...not even for you..." Her hand drops at her side and she turns away from him, heading further inside the manor.

"This may sound weird, but I'm starving...we might as well enjoy how empty the place is before everyone returns and the s**t hits the fan..." she looks back at him, offering him a small, weak smile. "You joining me?"


Alice's eyes go wide when Nathan says that he's leaving her again, but when he says he's only joking, she snarls playfully, throwing a pillow at him, unable to hold in her laughter when it strokes his face, messing up his perfect hair. Leaning up on her knees, her hands go up to fix it, letting her nails linger against his scalp, before trailing down the side of his face, brushing against the jagged scar there.

"Alright fine...diner it is then..." her hands drop back to her sides as she hops off from the bed and fishes around in her closet for a clean pair of jeans and a faded police department tee. Slipping the shirt over her head, she runs a hand through her hair and looks around the apartment. "Ya know, I think we could make it work here..." she murmurs softly, turning to smile at her mate.

Grasping his hand in hers, they exit the apartment and cross the street to the diner. She was a little surprised to see the others there and slips behind Christian, giving him a playful smack on his head. "You guys save us anything, or did you animals clean the place out?" she teases, nodding a greeting at Sheena and leaning over to ruffle Caroline's hair.

"Hey Andrea..." she smiled at the redhead. "Can I get a coffee?"
{Jason stepped to Esme taking her by the shoulders.} I knew you would say that, so for now on I'm your shadow, I'll be your sword or gun whatever you need, we fight together and dammit if we go down we go down together. Esme if you're gonna fight then I will have your back. {He pulls her in and hugs her but then steps back} Wait a second I told you I've been in love with you from the start and you sa id "I care about you" What the hell Esme, guy just poured his heart out to you. You suck at this you know that? {Trying not to laugh and look totally serious.} What the hell am I a pet turtle? Fine I will just hound you until you tell me you love me. {He starts to follow her inside but stops and looks back at the woods in the direction they buried Patrick and the thought of him having to do that for anyone else especially Esme makes him ill. But he buries that feeling and puts on a smile and follows her inside.}

{Nathan rolls his eyes when Alice pops Christian in the back of the head, he missed the playfulness between the 3 of them, after all it was just them in the beginning. Centuries before the other pack and Rikarah or Sheena before any of the others it was just Christian, Alice and Nathan, his family for centuries. Sitting here he can't imagine anything powerful enough to destroy his family, many have tried. Human, Lycan, vampire and a lot of other scary shit have tried but have all failed. Together they are stronger then their enemies and now with Rika, Esme and Jason as well as the younger ones he feels stronger. He slides into the booth next to Alice, smiling silently and watching everyone. How could he have been stupid enough to run from this for so many years, having a huge dsyfunctional family like this is all he's ever wanted and he can't wait to start his own with Alice so they can grow up in the pack. Suddenly out of no where he just blurts out.} Christian I was going to ask you to be my best man but I think if Alice is ok with it, I think you should be the one that gives her away, seeing how anything that resembles parents for any of us is long gone you're not only our brother but you're like a father, sort of because you've always looked out for us for everyone actually even me even though I'm constantly a pain in your ass.,I think Jason can fill in as best man. {He looks at Alice} Well am I right or not?
Alice nearly spits her coffee out, and quickly recovers, covering her flaming cheeks with her napkin. Nathan's request of Christian catches her off guard and she looks over at the older lycan curiously. She had never really considered him to be a father figure, more of a guiding older brother, considering there was only 200 years that separated them, but now that she was really looking at him...

Shaking her head, she let out a nervous cough and smoothed her hands against her thighs. "I'm sure us getting married is the last thing on his mind Nate..." she said gently. "The Alpha has the deal with the hunters, and of course our young miss Caroline here to worry about right now..." She felt a quick twinge of guilt and smiled sheepishly at her mate. "Besides...since when did you become so eager to tie the knot? You've only just sure you don't want to spend some more time as an unmarried man..." She winks at him playfully, hiding her surprise at his sudden desire to settle down so soon. She had expected this to be a long engagement.


((Okay, so I know Jason and Esme are now back in the manor, where is everyone else?))
Andrea had smiled at Alice when she asked for a coffee and nodded, she went to get it and brought it to them. Though she didn't say anything she was a little surprised that Alice even remembered her name considering that they had only really met each other a few times, and that Andrea was normally a quiet person. She listened to what Nathan said to Christian, stopping to listen instead of going back to work as fast as she should. As Alice protested, saying that there were more important things to think of, Andrea decided to speak up. "Um... I don't really mean to butt in... but... I think that you two getting married would be a great thing, probably just what we all need right now. I know that things are dangerous right now, but... we can't let the hunters stop us from living our lives, and something happy, something to celebrate would really lift everyone's spirits and remind everyone that there are still good things in this life." she said quietly.
Caroline and Sheena both smile at Andrea as she comes to wait on them, perusing the menu and placing their orders. Sheena notices that Andrea seems to be looking around for someone else and knows that she must be wondering about Rikarah's absence, but she doesn't fill her in. She has at least some understanding that if she wanted to maintain civil terms with the woman, the less she said to potentially anger her, the better.

Both girls look up when the door to the diner opens, and when they see that Alice and Nathan are walking through it, give each a slight greeting to show that they see them. Caroline smiles at Alice as she ruffles her hair, deciding for sure then that she likes her, though she remarkably does not state this aloud.

As Nathan proposes, both Sheena and Caroline's heads swivel to stare first at him, then at Alice, and Caroline's mouth actually falls open as she stares, wide-eyed. Sheena grins first, shaking her head.

"You're gonna get married? Sweet. As long as I don't have to wear a dress for it, or carry flowers."

Caroline's response is less grounded. "Wow, this is just like the movies we just watched!"

(Rikarah is at manor but leaving with Ann to pack her stuff)
{Nathan looks up and Andrea and smiles} See there Alice she's not gonna let something as mundane as a bunch of wannabe hunters stop her from living her life and getting me another slice of pie, scratch that just bring me the whole pie and a big spoon. {He takes Alice's hand in his.} I wasn't talking about getting married today but when we do, unless you can think of someone else then Christian is the only one that I think should give you away, even in your slightly used form. You got some miles on you babe do you really want to wait much longer. {He knows that was a punchable offense but he can't help it and laughs.}

(sorry it's short but I'm running low on time today)
((no worries :D )) 
Alice stayed silent for a moment, listening to everyone else as they talked before finally sighing, giving in as she smiles slightly. " guys are right..."

Punching Nathan's arm at his 'miles' comment, she lets out a tiny growl, forgetting that they're in public and quickly catches herself, coughing for effort. "

Turning to Sheena and Caroline, she shrugged weakly and held up her left hand, showing them her ring. "Nathan and I have actually been engaged for...well, awhile now...years actually..." her cheeks flamed and she put her hand back down on her thigh.

((should probably wait for Mac to get a post in))
*Christian smirks at Alice* Damn Alice don't get to excited, If I didn't know better, I'd say you didn't want me to give you away. So hey if you got someone else in mind then, that's cool. I do have to agree with the others, you shouldn't slow down your life because of some losers with delusions. In fact I think we all used the distraction of something such as the end of your long long long engagement and get you two married before you have to go down the aisle in wheelchairs. But we need to deal with our uninvited guest before all of that. See

Caroline, you've come along just in time for a huge party. It's gonna be a total blast you just wait and see..And then there's gonna be a wedding. (The party being the hunting of the hunters)
"Miles?" Caroline picks this up and Alice's reaction to it but doesn't understand it. Her brow furrowing, she looks between them, asking, "What do you mean, miles? She's not a car...that's a silly thing to say."

Sheena grinned, chuckling, as she cut her eyes to Nathan, interested in how he'd respond to this. "Yeah, Nathan, what do you mean, miles? How can Alice have MILES?"

She is surprised to hear about Nathan and Alice's prolonged engagement but doesn't question them. Caroline, however, has no such inclination to keep quiet.

"You have? Then how come you're not married and he's acting like you're gonna be now? Did you break up?"

Then a new question strikes her, and she smiles, thrilled at the idea. "I can get a new dress right?"
Alice rolled her eyes and held in a playful growl, looking up from their booth as a few humans come in and sit at the bar area. "I didn't say that I didn't want to get married..." she muttered, sounding a little testy. "I'm getting closer to 500 now, think it's like I settled down don't you?" She smirked slightly and rolled her eyes, twirling her spoon in her coffee mug.

She eyes Christian, wondering if it'd be wise to let such a new wolf fight off hunters, but she keeps this to herself, smiling again at Caroline. It was weird, maybe it was her motherly instincts kicking in or something, but she enjoyed having the kid around, she didn't whine much like the other one in the Pack had. Alice had never been too fond of children before, but recently she had secretly started wanting one of her own.

When the word 'miles' is brought up again, she sighs and kicks at her mate from under the table.

"Yes Caroline, we can buy you a new dress..."
Sheena had been sipping her drink, but when Alice announced her age, she choked slightly, trying to hide her grin. Although she knows perfectly well about the slow aging of Lycans, it still amuses her to think of Alice and the others as being so old...and she's anticipating with great amusement Caroline's reaction.

Caroline did not disappoint her. Her eyes growing huge, mouth dropping, she gasped aloud, staring at Alice as though she could not quite believe her ears. "No way!!! You're FIVE HUNDRED YEARS OLD?!"

"Shh, Caro," Sheena cautioned, still grinning, as a few turned to look at Caroline curiously, but Caroline doesn't acknowledge her.

"Whooooa that is totally crazy...but you look so young!!! Did you, like...WHOA you were there for the Salem witches and stuff, and Shakespeare! Did you know him? Did they try to hang you? You know those witches weren't really witches, and they were hung by their necks, not burned, did you know that? You probably did since you were there...whoa, you were there for the Civil War! Did you get to wear those ruffly dresses?"

She is completely enthralled with these possibilities. "You're so lucky!"
*Christian laughs* Yeah Alice tell her about how it was back then, way way way way way long ago..wait..way, I forgot one. Before there was running water or electricity..How you had to walk 30 miles up hill in the snow to get to school. *He laughs even more* You're old, really really old. See Caroline we age really really slowly, it's even slower for us purebloods but don't worry that won't actually happen to you for a few more years, for now you'll age naturally, Sheena however is only a year or two away before her aging starts to slow. *christian places his hand on top of the table and grabs the knife on the table and without a second thought slices his palm with it, after putting the knife down he grabs a napkin and covers his cut for a few seconds, when he pulls it away the cut is healed.* This is another perk of being one us, it takes considerable effort to hurt one of us badly, Of course silver is a problem for of kind, I suggest you avoid it at all cost, your young body and constitution can't handle even the slightest exposure to it. We can also see farther, hear better, and smell the slightest traces and that's just during the day, at night we can see better then a human in the day. a well trained Lycan is a force of nature that no one smart wants to piss off.
Andrea smiled a little as she listened to everyone, she did care for the family that she had found, even those that she didn't know very well like Alice, Nathan, and Caroline. Not that she really knew many of them well, but she did know the others better than them. As Nathan talked about her she shrugged, tilting her head a little, "Well, the way I see it... I shouldn't let my life stop just because people are after us. I haven't really been living much because I've been running, and I'm tired of it." she said, then she nodded as he asked for the pie.

She walked away and came back soon after with a pie, which she sat down in front of Nathan, then she held out a spoon, she looked at Christian, tilting her head some as he mentioned fighting the hunters, that was something that she did worry a bit about, she really wasn't very good at fighting, but she planned to try to fight even if it meant her death. Andrea couldn't help but smile some as Caroline asked if she could get a new dress for the occasion, and she figured that a new outfit for the wedding would be a good idea, not just for Caroline, but for her as well, though she planned to buy it with the money that she had been saving.

A look of surprise crossed her young face at the mention of how old Alice was, it wasn't that she hadn't realized that lycans could live that long, she knew that Christian was older than Alice, it was just that she hadn't expected it. Another thing was that even though she knew that she could live that long, she couldn't really imagine living that long, considering that she was born a human and the thought of living a hundred years (and that was if she was lucky) even seemed far fetched to her. She still couldn't imagine living as long as they did, and a part of her wasn't sure that she really wanted to. She blinked and looked at Christian when he cut himself, looking a little worried, even though she knew that wounds could heal instantly, it was still something that she wasn't entirely used to.
"Oh, I've heard about that, the going uphill stuff," Caroline shrugged off unconcernedly. "From the Brinkermans. They said the same thing, that wasn't in the old, old days. That was just in the old days. Like, the seventies."

She gasps when he cuts himself, not understanding why he would hurt himself deliberately, and when he shows her his healed wound, she is even more startled, staring at his hand with unbelief. "That's so crazy. So...someone could stab you and it would be okay? Isn't that silver though?"

Sheena can tell that she's starting to understand just a tiny bit more what there might be to like about being Lycan, and she smiles at Caroline, even as she raises an eyebrow at Christian. "Dude, we're kinda in public...should you really be slicing open your hand and waving it around and talking about being Lycan and stuff? I mean, we're trying to keep people from looking towards Caroline and seeing her, right?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter," Caroline assured her confidently. "You guys could beat them up if you had to."
Don't worry Sheena, we live in an age of Chris Angels and street magicians, most people are so used to seeing such things my little trick barely registers. *He looks at Nathan with an entire pie in front of him* Hey don't be so greedy why don't you share some of that with the rest of us...Alice are you gonna let him eat all that and get fat and slow besides he's not even doing it right. Where's the ice cream, were's the whip cream, how can you eat pie and not have ice cream and whip cream and did you even get it heated up first? Cold pie really? Anyway Andrea why don't you take a break and join us for some lunch? I'm sure your boss won't mind.
{Nathan glares at Christian and flips him the bird then laughs} Hey she's not as old as you are Christian, I bet you were when the Great Wall of China went up, you probably carved your name into it. {Nathan smile get bigger when his pie arrives and digs his spoon in and starts eating. After he gets a big spoonful he slides the pie to the center of the table.} Everyone grab a spoon and dig in before I eat it all. {When Christian does his little trick, Nathan rolls his eyes at him and smiles at Caroline when she asked about the silverware} Don't worry Caroline this place could hardly afford to used actual silver, it's probably just stainless steel and even if it was real silver, Christian is so so so so so so old a little silver wouldn't hurt him much. By the way I know there is all this talk about fighting hunters but I don't think any of you will be fighting, at least I hope you won't have to fight.

(We gonna pick up Jason and Esme soon?)
Sheena doesn't know who Chris Angel is and has never seen a street magician, despite living on the street, but she shrugs Christian off and takes his word for it. Sipping her soda, she shrugs one shoulder.

"Whatever...hey, Andrea," she greeted the girl as she came to stand by them, bringing them their food. "Yeah, you should join us, if you can stand the chaos and weirdos here."

She looks at Nathan with a grin as he flips off Christian, glancing at Caroline, but not correcting him as Caroline's eyes widen, shocked.

"That's a bad word thing to do," she informed him, as though Nathan didn't know. "I'm not supposed to do that. And my dad- I mean...Lewis gave me a dollar every time he forgot and did it when he was driving."

She's half hoping she'll get a dollar now, and Sheena eggs her on, laughing. "Yeah, I think Caroline's innocent eyes being scarred means you owe a dollar."

"I want to fight, anyway," Sheena goes on as she too digs into the pie, handing a spoon to Caroline and motioning for her to join in. "I'm ready. And old enough. Plus, it might be fun."
*Christian laughs at Caroline giving Nathan a lecture* A dollar for everytime someone says or does something like that, looks like we're gonna have to get you an Escrow Account, you'll be rich hanging around us. *Christian grabs his own spoon and digs into the pie.* This is good, still would be better with some ice cream. Sheena I know you want to fight but I'd prefer it if it didn't come to that, the same for you Andrea, if I have my way, this fight won't reach our home again. This is not something that I'd wish on you young ones, Alice, Nathan and I fight better on our own anyway. *Of course he knows there is no way the 3 of them will get away with fighting this on their own, once word gets back to Rika, Esme and Jason, they'll all insist on fighting.*
Andrea frowned at Christian as he mentioned cold pie, "I always make sure to heat things up, are you trying to say I don't do my job?" she asked, the frown was still on her young face, though after a while it faded, being replaced by her usual smile. "Hi, Sheena." she said, then she looked at Christian and nodded a little at the offer to eat with them, and went to talk to her boss.

After a while Andrea walked back to the table with a plate of food for herself, she sat down with them. Though she was glad to be there with them, she did allow the smile to fade, and slowly rubbed her cheeks some, "Man... smiling all the time is really uncomfortable." she said quietly, but she had learned a long time ago that it was better to smile while working than to not get as many tips as possible.

(If that hey, Andrea was from Sheena. :P Andrea is one year younger than Sheena, unless it was Caroline, in which case I would need to make a change to my post xD )

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