{Suddenly the smile leaves Nathan's face, and his hand closes into a tight fist} It's time for us to take all of you home, Alice and I have things to take care of and it's not something you kids need to see, Andrea get your stuff and clock out, if your boss objects to letting you leave, then quit. We'll take Alice's car back, my car isn't big enough. {Without another word or emotion on his face he gets up, walks to the door and waits, staring at his shoes while the others gather their things.} When we get back no one leaves the manor period!

{Jason was about to kiss Esme when the message reaches him, he pulls back from her the anger apparent on his face.} Bastards! did they wait till we were dealing with Patrick to dump her body? {He connects with Christian} Esme and I are home and the closest to you, we'll bring everything you need. {He looks at Esme's eyes hoping that she's strong enough to deal with this because it's one thing to lose Patrick, they barely knew him but Claire, they've known her almost her entire short life. So he looks at her barely holding his own shit together hoping that it will be the same with Esme, that she can hold her shit together but she was already doubting herself from earlier, he doesn't want to put her into a situation that she can't handle.} I'll go by myself, you should stay here, I mean you don't have to see this Esme, so I'll just go by myself and meet the others.
Alice was already on her way out of the diner when she got Christian's order and heard Nathan back inside. Crossing the street to her car, she surveyed the area around her to see if there was anyone suspicious around as she climbed in and started the engine. As she pulled into the diner's parking lot and tapped the horn a few times, waiting for the others as she pulled out her holster from the glove compartment, along with an extra gun. There had been too many humans around to get any direct scents, so she wasn't risking them getting attacked with their guard down on the way home.

The extra gun she'd give to Sheena, once the girls got in the car. Laying on the horn again she waited for the remaining member of her pack to get out of the diner when she heard Esme's voice in her head.

"Alice...I don't think that I can do this anymore..."

Fingers gripping the steering wheel tight, she kept her gaze fixated on the area around the diner before answering. "What do you mean Danvers?"

"Being Alpha...I can't...I failed Patrick...and Claire...I don't to do this anymore..."

"Patrick is dead?!"

Back in the Manor, Esme kept her face hidden against Jason's chest, trying to remain calm. Another member of her Pack...her family...was dead...Claire, the baby...she had just returned to them...she was so young...and Patrick...she kept seeing the blonde in her mind, his goofy smile, the way he had been so eager to belong...

"Christian didn't want us telling anyone yet, but yes...Jason and I...we found him this morning...and there's still one more...missing..."

"That old guy right?"

Esme snarled.

"What do you want from me kid?"

"I want take've been an Alpha of your original Pack before...I can't let down or lose anyone else...I can't..."

Alice could finally see the others start to leave the diner and ran a hand through her hair. "Look, Esme...I can't just take the position from's not something you just give away...your parents would never approve, there's a process..."

"I don't care! I'm stepping down, as Alpha I can appoint anyone as a stand-in during a situation like this. I chose you, you can't refuse!"

The pup was stuborn and Alice let out her own snarl. "F**k it! Fine...just get the f**k out of my head right now, I'm bringing everyone back to the Manor."

"Yes, Alpha..."

Silence. Resting her head on the steering wheel, Alice stayed quiet as the others started to file into her car.


Getting up from the bed, Esme goes to her closest, pulling out her boots. As she pulls them on, she can't bring herself to look at Jason. "It's done...I'm no longer Alpha..." she tells him.

Ignoring his comment about her staying back, she grabs for a dark hoodie and heads off in the direction of the burning supplies. "Chris is waiting for us..."
{Nathan gets into the passenger side of the front seat when everyone is in. He speaks only to Alice's mind} Who was the girl they found, she must have joined after I left. {He sighs and rubs his neck} It doesn't matter if I knew her or not she was a member of pack therefore, I'm sure Christian will order retaliation. This has gone beyond a war, it's become a slaughter. I wouldn't be surprise if Christian orders this entire town wiped out, I know the old Christian would have. These pups are not ready for how bloody this is gonna get Alice, I don't think I'm ready.

{Jason looked confused for a moment, what did she mean it was over?} Over how, I've been here with you the entire time, isn't there something formal you have to do like a ceremony, a changing of the guards type of event? {He follows behind her reaching for her hand} Esme you are, were a great Alpha and if this makes you happy then I'm happy for you. Now lets go get this dirty business out of the way. {He knows this won't be the end of this in fact it's just beginning.
"But I'm coming with you, right?" Sheena said quickly as she followed Nathan and Alice out to the car, trying to catch both their eyes. "You said I would help fight because I'm old enough and I want to. You mean Andrea and Caroline by you kids, right?"

She pauses as she finally sees Alice's expression, knowing immediately that something has happened, something is wrong. Looking around quickly and seeing nothing changed about the environment, she asks with some apprehension, "What, what happened?"

Caroline hasn't noticed, but as she piles in after Sheena, she does see the gun Alice has and widens her eyes. "Are we gonna use that? Who are you gonna shoot?"
Andrea sighed a little, she was supposed to continue working, but Nathan made it sound as if something very big had happened, she went to talk to her boss who didn't like her leaving all of a sudden like that, but decided to let her go on the condition that it doesn't happen again. Andrea followed everyone out, listening to them and looking, she noticed the look on Alice's face and couldn't help frowning, there was obviously something wrong. But it would probably be best to find out about it at home so she didn't ask. She climbed into the car quickly.

Andrea looked at Sheena as she asked who Nathan meant about kids, and that she still wanted to fight, she couldn't understand her eagerness to spill blood. Maybe that was her still clinging to the human that she used to be, and still was in part, or the fact that she grew up knowing that all she wanted was to help people, not hurt them. "I'll stay behind and watch Caroline and Claire." she said, at least that way if something did manage to get at them in the house, then she could at least know she was trying to protect those younger than herself who still had long lives ahead of them, that was something that she would be willing to fight for, to protect someone else.
"We may all have to fight..." her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, to the point where her knuckles turned white, Alice pulled the car out of the lot and headed back in the direction of the Manor, reaching over only once to give her Mate's hand a squeeze. She wanted to tell him about her conversation with Esme but had a feeling he'd start worrying even more if he knew she was Alpha again.

Ignoring Caroline's question about the gun, she pushed down on the gas as they rounded the hill leading through the trees, the sinking feeling in her stomach getting worse as they approached their home. Once she pulls into the driveway, she kills the engine and turns in her seat to look at the three girls behind her. "I want you girls to get inside, Sheena, you need to find your cousin, I'm sure she needs you right now...Andrea, stay with Caroline, am yourself, do whatever you have to so that you feel safe, but keep her guarded and safe...I don't care if you have to kill to keep her unharmed just..." she trails off her eyes watering slightly. She knows that Chris wouldn't approve of her doing so, but she's Alpha now and she doesn't believe in hiding things from her Pack.

"Patrick and Claire....they're dead..." she keeps her voice steady, glancing at Nathan through the corner of her eye only briefly. "The hunters...they're still out there, we just don't know where or how many. Esme...she's stepped down from her position, not formerly however, so for now I am in charge with this. I am your Alpha...and right now I'm ordering you three to stay the f**k you understand me. Do. Not. Die."

As she says this, she sees the front door to the manor open, and Jason and Esme run outisde, clutching burial supplies. As the pass the car, her eyes lock with Esme's for a quick second before the girl and her mate are off running.

"Now everyone,, arm yourself then follow me and Nathan."

She can't bring herself to look at Caroline, sensing her fear from where she sits and forces herself to start moving, heading into the manor with everyone close behind her. She grabs a few med packs, fishing around for the vials they have stored there with anti-toxins should anyone get hit with silver while they're out.


Running alongside Jason, she explains to him as best as she can about how she stepped down and contacted Alice mentally about taking her place. In a way, she feels as if a weight has been lifted from her shoulders, knowing that she's no longer in charge and for a moment she starts to feel better, until the smell of death hits her nose.

She can sense Rikarah and Christian up ahead and stays close besides Jason as they approach the other couple. 
((sorry for the delay, once again I'm not getting ANY notifs for any of the threads I follow...been having to manually check to see when it's time for me to post -___-))
All fight? Including Caroline and Andrea? But hadn't Christian just said that they wouldn't be?

Confused, Sheena nevertheless holds her questions, seeing the tension in Alice's posture and expression in the rearview mirror and knowing it would probably be a better idea to be quiet. She tunes out Caroline's repeated and increasingly worried questions, trying to gesture for the girl to be quiet too, but Caroline doesn't seem to get it until Alice pulls to a stop in their driveway and makes her announcement.

It's too much all at once, and Sheena cannot even begin to completely take it in for the first few moments. She hears Caroline gasp, her eyes growing huge with her shock and fear, and the girl is beginning to tremble too beside her as questions tumble from her lips, all which Sheena does not listen to or attempt to answer. She stares at Alice, trying to pull herself together to be able to follow her instructions even as she tries to process all of what has just been shared. She knows if she doesn't accept it fast enough they might think she's too shook up or young to go with them, and she HAS to do that, but god...

Patrick and Claire dead? The hunters killing even more people, still? Esme stepping down?! Alice as alpha?!

So many questions, but Sheena takes the gun numbly and follows Alice and Nathan, setting her jaw. As she comes up on the other four in the woods, she too smells the body and the salt of tears. Suspecting they are her cousin's- she highly doubts that Rikarah cries- she holds her gun tightly in one hand as she goes to her, avoiding looking straight on at the body of Claire for now as she wraps her arm around her, hugging her close.

"Es," is all she says to her as she breathes in slowly, trying to maintain awareness of her surroundings as well. She hears Rikarah speak behind her as the others draw closer.

"I did not know you were all this safe?"
Andrea frowned as Alice said that they might all have to fight, she really didn't like fighting, so she really wasn't very sure if she would be able to help, but if she had to then she would try, and just hope that she didn't get killed. As Alice told her to stay with Caroline and arm herself she couldn't help frowning again, though she didn't argue about having to arm herself, she had said that she would look out for Claire and Caroline.

When Alice told her that Patrick and Claire were dead she gasped, her brown eyes widening with shock, then the sadness came as well as anger, her eyes had turned a slight golden colour, Andrea didn't get angry like this often, though she did tell herself to calm down. She listened to Alice telling them that she was Alpha now and that they weren't allowed to die, Andrea wondered how easy that command would be to keep.

Andrea helped Caroline out of the car and took her to the mansion, she didn't really want to be in this situation, but they were family to her now, it was more than she had at any other place she stayed and she would at least try to keep those she could alive. She knelt down to look at Caroline, she didn't bother to smile, "Everything will be alright, I'll keep you safe." she told her, and she really would do the best she could to keep her safe, she didn't want to lose anyone else.
Caroline follows Andrea almost in a daze, still struggling to process what she has been told. Patrick dead? She barely knew who he was, she had only just met him, but he seemed nice enough. But...Claire?

Caroline hadn't liked Claire at all, that was very true. She had thought the girl was mean and spoiled, and she wanted her to go away. But Claire was only twelve, just like Caroline. Did that mean that someone would try to kill Caroline too? Did that mean that she was going to die, just like Claire? Claire had just been a kid...who was so mean they would kill a kid?

She covers her mouth with both hands, suppressing a sob as she sits down in one of the kitchen chairs, biting down on her lower lip. Raising wet eyes up to Andrea, she asks her, "But why would they kill Claire? They want to kill all of us, don't they? Why? Just because we're wolves? But I'm not really, I just now got turned. And I never hurt anyone. I'm not bad....

Thinking then of Sheena, she sits up straighter, her eyes widening with panic. "Sheena should have stayed here, they'll kill her too! How are you going to keep me safe when you don't even want to fight?"
Andrea had a frown on her face, she obviously hated this situation, those around her dying, and the idea of having to fight or possibly kill, it was something that she never wanted to do, but she figured that it would happen only if they came here, which would be very bad. She sighed some, "Yes, they want to kill all of us, it doesn't matter to them if we have hurt anyone or not. In my three years as a wolf I have never harmed anyone, but they will kill me just because of what I am." she said. She turned to walk out of the room. "I'll be right back" she said, she was going to go get a gun, which was something that she thought she would never have to even touch, much less use.

She stopped as Caroline asked her question, turning to look back at her, "Sheena is with the others, I'm sure that she'll be alright. It is true that I don't want to fight... but.." she sighed some, closing her eyes for a moment, "Caroline... if they made it here, and I was the only one left to protect you from them... I would do the best I could to protect you, even if it means grabbing you and running to get away." she said. She knew that she wouldn't be good in a fight, she had no training with a gun and probably couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, but she would protect Caroline with her life.

Andrea left the kitchen really fast to go get a gun, she had watched enough movies to know the basics of how to handle one, she went back to the kitchen and sat down, setting the gun on the table, though far enough away that Caroline wouldn't be able to touch it without her noticing. "Now we just wait... Everything should be fine." she said, she could only hope that she wouldn't be wrong about that.
"That isn't right," Caroline worried, shaking her head as Andrea confirmed to her that yes, it was merely because of what they were rather than who they were that would target people against them. "That's not fair. that should be illegal."

She takes in Andrea's promise to her soberly, noting that the older girl still refuses to say she will fight. She swallows, then says to her quietly, "Andrea? I can fight if you don't want to. I don't want to either, but I will. Because I don't want to die, and I don't want them to kill you."

She isn't aware of how strange the words would sound coming from a small twelve-year-old, looking earnestly serious as she speaks them. Her eyes follow Andrea as the girl leaves, wanting to get up and follow her, but when Andrea returns and shows her the gun, Caroline's eyes widen. She stares at the gun, licking her lips, before asking, "Do you know how to shoot? Maybe we, practice."
*It's not long before Christian picks up scents from two different directions, he steps back for Rika, sniffing the air.* Something is different, in the distance he can see Esme and Jason coming, his eyes shift as he stares at her, he has an idea what happened but he won't know till he talks to her. He moves back and stands side by side with Rika, reaching for her hand and talks in a low voice before Esme and Jason reaches them.* Rika, I'm sorry I know I ask to much from you sometimes and I make you feel as if you're not living up to my standards..I want you to know it's me that is not living up to yours. I may act like I know what I'm doing all the time but understand it's just that an act..So many lives depend on my decisions...So many lost in the past because of them. Most people think being an Alpha is honor or a perk...It's a damn curse! One I wouldn't wish on anyone. *Looks over his shoulder at Esme* Looks like she understands that and saved herself from this curse. Sometimes I wish I was as brave as her.
Sheena was still hugging Esme with one arm when Christian comes up behind Rikarah, taking her hand. Rikarah looks back at him, then down at his hand in hers, and wonders if Esme and Sheena are overhearing his apology, as they are so close to them. As Rikarah edges away from them a little, for some privacy, she responds to Christian in a low voice.

“If you do not feel you want to be alpha…why do you continue to be? It is a big decision to stay or remain, but it is imperative it be made with conviction soon. We are in crisis now, Christian, and we cannot have a leader who is insecure or faltering in his own position. I do not say it to be harsh. I only am telling you what you must already know.”

Behind them Sheena is still hugging Esme, asking her if she is all right. Rikarah pulls away from Christian after a last glance back at him and goes to Alice, mirroring Sheena’s hug and saying to her quietly, “So you are alpha now. I think that is good for our pack. Now we need to move along with this and form a plan, because I personally do not want to stand for another of us to be murdered.”
{Jason walks with Esme, holding her hand and carrying the supplies in the other. He's picking up the smell of Claire's dead body and it stuns him. Claire face and her smile keeps appearing in his mind, how she was so happy to see him when he picked her up the other day. She was always so kind to him. It's all to much for him and he stops and drops the bag on the ground, he breaks the hold with Esme and starts to back away from her.} I'm sorry, I can't do this not to her I can not be a part of destroying her, I can't get her face out of my mind, I can still hear her voice and laugh. I can't be here for this. {He has tears running down his face and he turns away and just runs away.}

(Not sure where Nathan and Alice are)
"Yes..." Alice glances in Nathan's direction for his direction to the news of her being Alpha once again, before focusing on her friend and smiles sheepishly at Rikarah. Remembering why they're there, she grows serious again and glances down at Claire's body just as Esme and Jason joins them.

"We need to take care of her body now..." there's very little emotion in her voice, pure alpha as she speaks the order, looking at everyone in turn. Shielding her real emotions, she takes in a deep breath, trying not to gag at the smell of decaying flesh and pulls the supplies out from the pack Jason brought, tossing them at Christian.

She's about to tell Jason to move the body when he takes off running into the trees. "What the f**k!" She turns and glares at Esme. "Go after him! Is he crazy? There's hunters out there! Is he trying to be the next body we burn?! JASON!" Snarling, she doesn't wait for esme to respond and takes off after the younger wolf, catching up to him faster then the others would thanks to her age. Grabbing her pack mate by the back of his shirt, she yanks him back mid-step and tosses him to the ground.

"Are you f*****g out of your damned crazy as**d mind? You idiot! Are you trying to get us all killed?! Pull yourself together! She's not the first child we've buried, nor will she be the last if you don't get it together!"

Dropping down besides him, her features soften slightly and she pulls him to her, wrapping him in a tight hug. "I'm sorry Jason, I know this is hard, but you have to stay strong...Esme needs you, especially now more then ever...please..."


Esme watches in silence, as her boyfriend runs off, staying in Sheena's hold for a moment, before growling and ripping free. Going over to Christian, she grabs the pack from him, and after moving Claire's body into the hole they had dug for her, she lights the match, tossing it in with body and watches as engulfs in flames.

"We...we don;t have time for this..." she looks away from the burning body, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Andrea and Caroline are back at the manor...alone...we have to get back to them..."
Rikarah's eyes narrow as Jason takes off running, and she simply lets out a somewhat exasperated sigh, unsurprised, but not very much respecting his nerve. This business with Claire is certainly unpleasant, and she is angry and edgy, eager to get out of these woods and on the right track of seeking vengeance. But Jason outright fleeing the scene, losing control of his emotions is entirely too much. Even Sheena, who is hardly more than a pup, is holding herself together better than this, and she says as much.

"Thank you for keeping your head," she directs towards her, and though Sheena looks surprised by the praise, she doesn't contest it, allowing Esme to pull away from her to go comfort Jason. As they burn Caroline's body, Rikarah looks on with her expression still, her only betrayal of emotion the way that she clinches her fists at her sides. Sheena bites down hard on her lip, a tear escaping, but she takes in a deep breath as she touches Esme's shoulder.

"Should we say something for her? Before we go back?"
*Christian is taken aback at first at Jason's actions, he can see how everyone is reacting to it probably questioning Jason's resolve, especially when it's Esme and Alice that step up and do what needs to be done but he can't let people think that Jason can no longer be depended on.* It's not his fault it happens to us sooner or later. We spend years bathing ourselves in blood, we're cold hearted killers, nothing phases us and then something happens something like this happens and it makes us realize that somethings hurt...Losing someone hurts it's not something that can be predicted or prevented it will happen to us all sooner or later. So do me a favor try not to judge someone that is in pain..Just because you think you know that man doesn't mean you know his breaking point. *He looks at Rika* I have my own breaking point and if something happened to you, I do not wish to go on. *Looks at Claire's burning body* Now lets go kill some hunters!
{Jason shoves Alice away, and starts to growl at her, his eyes in mid-shift when it hits him the change in her, she had the presences of an Alpha he had no choice but to back down but still he moved away from her.} This is wrong! She's just a kid, never done anyone any harm! Why is it the innocent dying and us the killers why are we sparred when someone like Claire is slaughtered not even a mile from her home. A home filled with all us "Powerful Lycans!" We so powerful and we couldn't protect a little girl! That should have been one of us not her! It should have been me!

{Nathan listened to Christian but then shook his head} I understand that Chris but right now we don't have time for this! {He turns and starts rushing towards Jason gripping him by the throats and lifts him off the ground slamming him into a tree and then into the ground, He steps on Jason's chest as he pulls a gun and points it at his head.} Are you done boy! I SAID ARE YOU DONE! Jason are you ready to die is that what you're saying? Cause if that's what you want I'll be more then glad to send you on your way! But you will be leaving Esme and the rest of us behind to go on and deal with these hunters on our own and guess what some of us might die! You know something SO THE FUCK WHAT? You think that child was innocent? She was one of us! Rather or not you saw it she was a killer, she may not have been one of the scale that you and I are but it's in the blood to kill rather it's a hunter or a deer she was prepared to do what she needed to do to live. If you're pissed that you couldn't protect her I understand that but maybe you can avenge her and Patrick and any other lycan these fucks have killed. But if you're really done Jason I'll be happy to put you out of your misery right now then toss your body onto that fire and I promise you I wouldn't lose any sleep over it! Now decide do you want to fight or do you want to die because there is no running!

{Jason bares his fangs at Nathan and growls at him} GET THE FUCK OFF ME! I never said I was running, I I don't want anyone else to die. {He takes a deep breath} I'm sorry, my behavior was wrong, I promise you I'm not done, I'm ready to fight, I want revenge for Claire and Patrick!

{Nathan lifts his foot off Jason's chest and holds out his hand to help him up} Good, I really didn't want to shoot my favorite student and then have to find a new replacement for you or worst I'll have to become Christian's Beta again, he's a bit of a moody prima-donna.
Rikarah blinks when Christian declares that he would rather die than go on if something were to happen to her. If it weren't for the circumstances, she would question and challenge that statement. If he cares so much for her, how does he explain his behavior towards her lately? She hadn't gotten the impression previously that he cared much for her at all, let alone enough to kill himself over her.

She watches the confrontation between Jason and Nathan and exhales, impatient with it, before turning back to Alice and Christian. "Let's go then and do what we have to. Can anyone sense them? The children are back home, is there any chance that the hunters would trespass and break into our home after them?"

Sheena's eyes had been wide as she watched the yelling between the men, and her attention snaps to Rikarah as she questions this. "They wouldn't, would they....would they? I mean...we left Andrea and Caroline alone there."
Andrea shook her head some, "No, it isn't right, though there are a lot of things in this world that aren't right." she said gently, she hated the fact that Caroline was forced into a situation like this at such a young age, but considering the circumstances, it was either this or her being dead. "Most people don't even know about us, so they can't try to defend our rights since they don't realize that we even exist, and that secrecy is part of the reason that we are still alive."

Andrea blinked as Caroline offered to fight for her, then she smiled a little, "No, I will fight if I have to, to keep you alive, and to keep myself alive. I just really don't like violence, seems strange to say after being a lycan for three years." she said with a small laugh that had no humor to it at all. "Maybe it's just because I'm still thinking like a human... which I really don't think is a bad thing." she said quietly, she would rather think like a human, than to think like an animal.

Andrea looked at the gun, "I know the basics, though I've never actually shot a gun, so no promises on being a decent shot. As for practicing... I really think it would be better to wait for everyone to get back, make sure that no accidents happen." she said, she didn't even really want to have the gun, but she knew that it would be good to have something to protect them, and even if she wasn't a good shot, it might deter the hunters a bit (if they even came to the house) if someone was shooting at them.
"So...if you don't like violence, you don't kill people," Caroline said, but she was questioning more than making a statement. Tilting her head, she came closer to Andrea, regarding her with open curiosity and a little apprehension as she asked her, "Do...when Lycans kill people, do they like it? Is it fun? Even if they didn't mean to? I really don't want to, ever. I don't want it to be fun."

She frowns as Andrea talks about not practicing in order to be safer, shaking her head. "I don't. I think that's a bad idea. You should practice so you're good at shooting. You just said you're a bad shot. I'll practice if you won't."

Then she reached for the gun, intending to do exactly that. "I'm old enough to protect us, I guess."
As soon as the body is finished burning, Esme turns away and starts heading back to the house, ignoring the looks from the others, as she pushes through the trees, shoulders stiff, the rifle held in both hands, ready for an attack as she quickly heads back to the Manor to stay with the others.

Alice watches her as she goes, blinking to keep an close eye on the retreating girl through the smoke and moves to stand by her mate, sliping her arm between his, leading him away from Jason.

"C'mon...we need to regroup...Christian, you and I need to deal with this, get a small group know where these humans are yes? We need to deal with them...wipe them out before they strike again, I won't let another one of us die..."

((wanna have Ann turn on them, be working with the hunters, one of us can kill her in the end, gives it a different twist))
"No, I don't like violence at all, I want to help people, not hurt them." she said, she tilted her head as Caroline came closer, asking her more questions. "I don't know, I made sure to be very far away from people when I changed, so I didn't hurt anyone... I think that maybe the Lycan part might like it, but the human part could still feel regret for it." she said, or that's how she figured that she would feel if she found out that she hurt someone, even if it was while she didn't have control.

Andrea reached out and gently stopped her from taking the gun, "It would be better if we learned while someone that knew what they were doing was around. They can tell us if we are using the gun wrong, or if the way we are holding it will hurt us because of the recoil, as well as teaching us to have better aim. I didn't say I was bad, exactly, just that there was a possibility that I wouldn't be a very good shot." she said, she picked the gun up, as much to be ready in case something did happen as to keep Caroline from trying to pick it up again. Even though she thought she was old enough to protect them, she shouldn't have to do so, and Andrea closed her eyes, telling herself that she would learn to use the gun, to be a good shot, to kill if she had to, if it meant protecting her new family.
Watching Esme leave back towards the Manor without speaking, Sheena looks between her and the others, bewildered, unsure of what is going on and what she is expected to do. She is willing to fight, but she is also not about to let the hunters head back to their manor and get Andrea and Caroline while they are not protected. Addressing Alice now, she asks her, "'re alpha now? Am I coming with you?"

Rikarah has no such question. To her, it is a certainty that she will be going with Alice and Christian, and so she steps up to become even with them, looking to Christian.

"You know where they are? Then direct us."


Caroline considered what Andrea told her carefully, measuring her words. "I think my human part is bigger than my Lycan part," she said after some thought. "I think all of us must have bigger human than Lycan parts even if they say I should get rid of my human parts. Because we don't just kill people for fun, right? Isn't that what they said? So the bad people are the ones who are more Lycan than human."

She frowned as Andrea took the gun from her, not sure she believes that the girl will do a better job of protecting them than she will, but she guesses she has to trust her. She sits beside her, swinging her legs back and forth and sitting on her hands as she waits to see what Andrea will do next. She isn't very patient, though, and after a few minutes she blurts, "I think we should make the house safe. Like...make booby traps and stuff for the doors. I read about those. So we hear if people are coming in."

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