"What's an Escrow account?" Caroline asks with her mouthful, giving a grin that shows its contents as Christian mentions giving her dollars. "Really? Do I get a dollar now?"

"Jeez, maybe I should play up my innocence too...not that anyone would believe it," Sheena half smiled, scooting over to make room for Andrea. When Andrea comments that she is tired of smiling so much, Sheena turns to look at her, tilting her head. "Smiling too much" is not a problem she's ever had, as she has, in the past, not cared what anyone thought about her long enough to try.

"Don't try so hard, then. People probably barely even notice you."

When Christian tells her that she wont' fight, Sheena's head whips back in his direction, and she makes an indignant noise, putting down her spoon and sitting up straighter, narrowing her eyes. "Christian, we're a pack, we all fight together and watch each other's backs. If you look out for me, I get to look out for all of you too. I'm not a child. It should be my decision too, shouldn't it?"
Back at the Manor, Esme moves around the kitchen, trying not to think about her dead friend as she starts pulling things from the fridge and cabinets for sandwiches for her and Jason. She can sense people upstairs, moving about and recognizes Rikarah and Ann's scents.

"What would you like?" she asks her boyfriend, forcing herself to stay strong in front of him. Her hands holding the plate shake slightly, and she quickly places it on the counter before she drops it. Inside, there's a battle of rage and sadness going on and all the Alpha wants to do is take off running, to shift, and give chase, to find whoever had killed Patrick and feel their still beating hearts under her claws...

These hunters, they needed to be stopped...all of them. They had to be either chased off, or put down. And the sooner this happened, the better. If they lost anyone else...Esme didn't know if she could stand it. What if it was Sheena next time? Or Christian? How would she be able to go on, if she came home one day and was told that it was Jason they had found in the woods...

She wouldn't...

Giving herself a tiny shake, Esme forces a smile on her face and starts putting together a sandwich for herself, pausing suddenly when she realizes that Jason has now said twice that he's in love with her.

" love me? Like love love?" She turns to look at him, leaning back against the counter, an eyebrow raising slightly. "Why...why didn't you ever say anything before...I mean, I've known you, for well, like my whole life and you've never..." Shaking her head, a tiny laugh escapes her as she closes the distance between them and looks up into his eyes. "I'm sorry I never told you before..." She leans up on tip-toe and kisses him gently, letting her lips linger against his. "I love you too..." she says against them, before kissing him again.


She had to keep reminding herself that this was a different Pack, that she wasn't Alpha. Staying silent, Alice chewed on her lower lip and watched as the others discussed everything, accepting that with this Pack they handled things differently. Had it just been the original five of them, Alice knew that she and Christian would have had all the hunters in a hundred mile radius wiped out, threat or not.

Leaning against her mate, Alice finishes off her coffee and clears her throat and finally speaks up "I have agree with Sheena...sadly with something like this, I think it's going to take the whole Pack...we have no idea how many of them are out there...we have three of our own missing..." Shaking her head, she sighs and leans back in the booth.

"This needs to be dealt with...i didn't return to this family just to see it get ripped apart...and I know Nathan didn't either..."
{Nathan takes another spoonful of pie and stares at it for a moment} There is 8, well 7 now, I dealt with one before breakfast, his smell offended me so much I wasn't able to enjoy my breakfast until I snapped his dirty little neck, I dumped him a few blocks away. {shoves the pie in his mouth and waits till he swallows it.} By the way babe you may get a call from work soon if someone finds his body so you better eat something before they make you come in. {He shows no emotion or remorse about killing the man, Nathan has always been a rather mechanical when it comes to killing, never losing a bit of sleep over anyone he's put in the ground. Although he usually prefers to manipulate others into doing his dirty work but he's very skilled at it. After all he was Christian's right hand for centuries. When Sheena and Alice talk about fighting hunters he speaks his mind even if it's against what Christian is thinking.} As far as I'm concern if the pup wants to fight she should be allowed to fight, she has to get the experience from somewhere. At least she'll be with us and we can cover her if need be. However, with the exception of Caroline who is only days old anyone else it's fine. {He grins at Sheena} I'll fight with you pup, just don't die and ruin my day.

{Jason watches Esme move around the kitchen, he's starting to worry about her, wondering if all of this is starting to get to her, he finally reaches out for her hand and stops her.} Esme, come on why don't you stop for a minute, I can make you a sandwich if you want, why don't you go upstairs and take a hot bath, I'll bring you a sandwich and some tea. {He moves to her and looks her in the eyes.} Come on Esme, let me take care of you this one time. Besides there is nothing we can do right now so you might as well go get the smell of smoke out of your hair and relax a little. We'll deal with the hunters in due time, I promise you that. Now Alpha or not I'm ordering you to go take a bath and relax. {He kisses her on the cheek and smiles at her.}
Rikarah is walking towards the front door from upstairs when she hears it open, and Esme and Jason's voices as they enter the manor. Looking to Ann to see that she too has heard, she leaves her momentarily to join them in the kitchen. As she walks in on their kiss, she stops, backing up politely, and holds up on hand as though in apology.

"Ann is going to get her things. I was just going to ask if all was well or if you had any news, but I will leave you be."


Sheena grinned, victorious, when both Alice and Nathan agreed with her that she would be allowed to fight. She had a childish urge to stick her tongue out at Christian, but she controlled it, settling for just smiling.

"Great. I'll be fine, you'll see. Maybe even better than some of you guys," she couldn't resist teasing, looking at Christian as though challenging him, though she knew that couldn't be true. At the very least, she wanted to be better than Rikarah, though. She was larger than her, and a Lycan naturally by blood...surely she had to be, right?

Caroline appeared relieved that she would be excused from fighting and smiled too, but her eyes were concerned. "What do fights look like? Is there....a lot of blood and stuff? Do you EAT each other?"
Andrea slowly looked at Sheena, "I'm used to trying so hard, and sometimes it does get noticed, I get good tips at times." she said, she closed her eyes slowly, "I've been working in diners since I was fifteen, so I know how to keep my job." she said, though of course she had lied a bit to get her first few jobs, but that wasn't something she was going to mention.

She looked up at Christian as he spoke about them not fighting, and couldn't help the look of relief on her face, then as the others started arguing the case she sighed some and bowed her head. "I don't want to fight.." she said quietly, she kept her head down. "I never had a reason to fight, normally if there was trouble I ran, I was always on my own before this, and so I just ran... I don't know how to fight at all. I would probably just get in the way." she said. It wasn't that she didn't want to help, just that she didn't like the idea of fighting, she wanted to be a doctor and to her fighting went against that.

Andrea slowly looked up at them, she knew that some lycans might consider her a coward for not wanting to fight, she just didn't know how, she normally talked her way out of things or she ran. That was just how she did things, she knew that she would have to learn how to fight eventually, but right now she didn't have any skills, and there wasn't really time for her to learn them.
*Christian took a deep breath and finally shrugged his shoulders* Fine, anyone that wants to fight with the exception of Caroline can as long as they step up, no one will be forced to engage these hunters and this only if I can't get rid of them myself, now that my temper has cooled down and I'm thinking clearly, I may make a few calls to some friends in the ATF and see about getting some unofficial interference. Sheena if you're gonna fight, I want you to go with Alice and Nathan and get some fire arms training, I shouldn't have to explain to you that you can't always fight in your wolf form, and it's far easier to explain something like self defense with a gun then it is massive wolves running through downtown taking out humans. *He looks at Alice and frowns, the hardest thing he's ever had to do was to get her to step down as the female alpha so that Esme could take that position but he was essential for the integration of the two packs. He's lucky that she never left with Nathan and left him alone. This is an injustice to her he plans of correcting someday, despite liking Esme she's far to inexperienced. But in the end the real reason Christian would rather have Alice as his counter part..Esme no matter how sweet and loyal she is. She is still Theon's daughter and as long as he has any influence over her she could be a future problem.
"Excuse everyone just going to ignore what that idiot just said?!" Snarling softly, Alice turned in her spot in the booth and glared at Nathan. "You did what?! And you didn't warn any of us...are you f*****g insane? You think they won't find out which one of us did it?!"

Her hands shake slightly in anger and fear for her mate and without even realizing it, her grip around her coffee spoon tightens and the metal bends under her fingers. Cursing softly, she mumbles an apology towards Andrea. "This is crazy!" she shakes her head. "We're sitting here, eating pie-" she motions to it with one hand. "-while we discuss a full out war with these...animals..." Making a face, she finishes off her coffee and looks at everyone.

"Our numbers are decreasing with every passing moment...what if they get to the rest of us before we can get to them..." She looks at Christian as she says this, reading his expression. She knows, if it wouldn't piss the rest of the Pack off, that the two of them alone could end this in a heartbeat. The more of the Pack that got involved, the more danger they put all their well-beings in.


Esme stops what she's doing and looks down at the mangled mess of bread and cheese on her plate, she hadn't even realized how roughly she had been throwing things together, and now it all laid in mess against the ceramic, her stomach turning at the sight of it.

"Maybe you're right..." she mumbled softly, taking in a deep breath. her shoulders shook and it took her a second to realize that tears had started to fall down her cheeks. growling softly, she roughly wiped at her face with the back of her hand, looking away from Jason, as she surveyed her mess of the kitchen.

She couldn't do was too much. Everything, the young Alpha was way in over her head. Patrick's death, it was her fault, she never should have sent him out there alone to patrol...he didn't know the land fully, he was too new to the pack...all of this, it could have been prevented...where the f**k were her parents when she needed them.

Letting out a shaky breath, she finally looks back at Jason. "I...I don't want to be alone right now...would you..." she swallows hard, her cheeks reddening. "-would you just stay with me? Please?"

She's just about to ask Jason to join her with the bath when Rikarah enters the kitchen. "Hey..." sniffling loudly, she wipes at her eyes, before forcing herself to look as natural as possible. Chris didn't want the others knowing about Patrick yet. "Um, no news yet...but the others are at Andrea's job, you guys should go join them..."

She wanted to be alone with Jason. If anyone else from the Pack was around, she might slip up and she knew the news of their fallen Pack memeber would start a panic.

((thinking of having Esme have an almost-meltdown and ask to step down from her position and give it to Alice))
Caroline had actually not been listening at all to what Nathan said, and now she looks from him to Alice, confused, frowning, and unsure of what she's so angry about. "What's he an idiot for? What did you do, Nathan, what did he say?"

Sheena had heard, however, and simply shrugged it off as unimportant. Of course Nathan had killed someone who was their enemy. What was the big deal? At least, that was how she saw it, so when Alice started expressing anger, she too was confused.

"Why would they know it's him? I mean, anyone could have done it, right...ohhhh are they going to smell him?" this dawns on her as a possibility. "Oh, wow. That could be bad then."


Rikarah hears and smells Esme crying before she actually enters the room, and so braces herself for bad news, or at least some sort of unpleasant confrontation. When Esme pulls back and greets her as though nothing is wrong, Rikarah frowns, continuing to eye her. If this is simply sadness from Esme or an argument with her and Jason, it is not her business and she doesn't want to get in the middle. But if Esme is lying to her and something bad has happened, something that is pack business, it is Rikarah's right to know.

She hesitates, then asks quietly as she comes forward, "Are you sure nothing is the matter? I cannot help but notice you have been crying. Nothing is badly wrong, is it?"

She pauses, then says carefully, "I know where they are. I would prefer not to join them."
{Nathan makes no attempt to apologize for killing the hunter to him it was logical.} They shot us both last night if I decide to I will personally go and rip their throats out at will. They tried to take the only person I can't live without. He wasn't the one that shot us I'm sure of that but close enough. It could be days before they find him. Besides if you're gonna keep secrets from me you can't complain everytime I go out and snap the neck of some hunter.

{Jason, takes Esme's hand and starts to walk pass Rikarah smiling at her.} We'll be fine, thankyou, I'm just gonna take her upstairs and put her to bed. {Once their up the stairs, he whispers into her ear} Don't think I'm gonna let you get away with saying you love me back there, I may be new at this emotional thing but I'm pretty sure, I was suppose to kiss you again but I hear Rikarah coming down the stairs and you looked like you were crying, I didn't really want to explain what she might have walked in on if I had kissed you.

(This sucks, I'm sorry I'm just to tired to make a decent post.)
Andrea was slowly eating her food as she listened, she had at least explained that she didn't want to fight, and no one had called her a coward for it, she was at least glad for that. She eyed Alice as she bent the spoon, then she shrugged some, it wasn't very important. She blinked and tilted her head slowly, "Well, if we're going to have a war council.... shouldn't we at least be comfortable while doing so? There's no point in being hungry." she said, though this was the first 'war council' she had ever been to, so she wasn't exactly an expert.

Andrea frowned some as Alice mentioned that their numbers were decreasing, as far as she knew no one had died yet, she was worried about where Patrick and Claire were, but other than that she figured they were still alive. Or, she hoped they were, she closed her eyes again, wondering just how silly her frail hope was.
Rikarah was surprised when she looked around to see that Ann had already left without her. Rolling her eyes, she exhaled, mumbling to herself sarcastically about the woman's patience. Esme and Jason are going upstairs and seem intent on avoiding her, as does everyone else in the pack, and Rikarah decides there is no point in her staying here in the manor. She is restless, vaguely annoyed, and the four walls seem entirely too small to enclose her any longer.

"I am going out," she calls to Jason and Esme, though she is not sure they are listening or care, and she walks outside and heads towards the woods, intending to go for a run once more.

(I think she can find Claire)


Sheena frowns as she listens to Alice, tilting her head slightly. "What are our numbers now? I many of us versus them? It's still enough, right? I mean, not enough that you still need me to help out, but enough we can beat them out?"

She doesn't even want to think about the alternate possibilities. She's not close to many of the pack members, but that doesn't mean she wants any of them, even Rikarah, to be hurt or die.

Another problem occurs to her, and she says, "Who will stay with Caroline if she's not going to help out? Andrea? I guess they can stay back."

Caroline's eyes drift, distracted, towards the rest of the diners, and that is when she notices. The person who is the cashier at the front is looking at her sharply, nudging a waitress, and both turn to squint at her, as if she looks familiar or strange to them. Her heartbeat quickens, and she tugs on Sheena with a hissing whisper.

"They're looking at me."
Alice sucks in a breath and turns to glare at Nathan, avoiding looking over at Christian. She knew he was referring to her not telling him about what Rikarah had vented to her about, and narrowing her eyes slightly she held in a tiny growl. "Don't start Alean...." she warned softly. "Girl talk in a hell of a lot different then you going out and killing an enemy without warning anyone about it first..." She wasn't about to blow her best-friend's spot up, not in front of her own mate and the rest of the Pack. Throwing Nathan another look, she leans back in their booth and stabs at a piece of pie with her fork.

"I wouldn't call this a war council Andrea..." she murmured softly, a small smirk playing at her lips. "This is more of a, let's all bang our heads together sort of deal...til we can come up with a safe way to just wipe 'em all out..." Chuckling softly, she winked at the younger girl. Even though she hated what was going on, a small part of the Amazon was looking foward to killing off the small group of humans that threatened her home. It had been a long time since she had last killed one, and since it was now frowned upon to hunt humans, this was the only fun she was going to have for a while...

At Sheena's question, Alice paused then shrugged, finishing up the piece of pie she was chewing before answering. "I'm not sure yet how many hunters there are, but there's what...ten of us, or at least close to ten of us that can fight? It's not enough...not really..."


Esme blushed slightly, moving about her room as she listened to Jason speak. She wanted to tell him how she wouldn't have cared what they other woman thought if she had walked in on them, but figured that wouldn't excatly be lady-like...

Kicking off her shoes, she sat down on the corner of her bed and patted the spot besides her for him to join her. Taking in a deep breath, she stared at him silently for a moment before speaking. "Would you...would you still care about me, as much as you do now if...if I stepped down from being Alpha?"
{Nathan still not understanding what the problem is, shrugs his shoulders and keeps eating.} I'm not exactly a team player, I saw a chance to relieve some stress and I did, it's not like I killed a regular human, I took out some trash. There was a time when you both trusted me to do that for this pack because I was good at it. For all we know that body is only it's way to the dump where it belongs. Besides an eye for an eye and all that bullshit. {He looks at Caroline and Andrea and realizes that this is not the kind of talk he should be doing in front of them and decides to change the subject.} Anyway I'm not exactly ready to move back into the house with all of you, Alice has a place in town and I think I'll stay there and ease myself back into pack life. You don't have any objections to that do you Chris? Cause if you do that's to damn bad old man. {He smiles at him} You know I'll be there if you need me to, both Alice and me, I mean that. {He looks down at the empty pie pan.} Anybody else think we need a another pie?

{Jason sits next to Esme, putting his arm around her, he can't stop smiling at her.} You know I've wanted to be alone with you in your room for as long as I can remember and now here I am. Alone with the most beautiful woman in the world and she's now my mate. This is something I've never thought I would have. So as your mate I have to tell you Esme, that is by far the most stupid thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth. Don't ever think for a second that your status in the pack makes a damn bit of difference to me, I've loved you long before your parents left for Rome and I'll love you even if you were to step down. I know the position is difficult to manage, I've watched you and Christian and there are days I feel so sorry for you both, the pressure of the decisions you both have to make. Sometimes they aren't popular but I know they are for the good of us all. You both are doing so much for us all and I know you give up a lot to keep us all safe and happy. Despite the smiles on your faces I know there is pain behind them because everything is on your shoulders. Even knowing all that I know about all of that I will never really know what it's like for you and him. So Esme I will not leave your side if you step down, I will stay with you till the day you no longer want me or I die. So don't ever ask me something so stupid again. {He starts to lean in and kiss her but pauses just before he reaches her lips} Of course when your father finds out you're mated to me a low-born assassin he'll probably kill me and lock you in a tower. {He presses his lips to hers before she can comment on that.}
"Ten...are there more than ten of them? How many more?" Sheena asked Alice, beginning to show some concern. She would have figured there was more of their allies that she didn't know about, ones willing to help them out and take out their enemies who like Nathan, Alice, and Ann, simply didn't live with them. But if there really were only ten, that definitely was a problem.

"But we're stronger right? We team up and we're like, super team. You guys are all old, no offense, so you know how to do everything, and you can teach me and everyone else who doesn't...right?"

Caroline was not listening to any of this. Instead she tugged on Sheena's arm again, nodding her head towards the counter as she repeated, "Sheena, they're LOOKING at me," with her words a little louder than before. And as Sheena finally gave notice, she saw that the waitress was now on a cell phone, still looking at Caroline, and she looked back to the others quickly, interrupting.

"Guys, we got a problem. That sort of looks like maybe she's calling the police."


They hadn't gone very far into the woods to dump her. It was as though they wanted to make a statement, a message of some kind.

When Rikarah came across Claire's body, only five minutes into her run, this was the first thought that came across her. The child had been mutilated in such a way that it was clear they had killed her not just out of necessity, but because they enjoyed it, because they wanted to make it last. Her face had been left undamaged, however, and this too was a sign. They wanted her to be recognized.

Rikarah's heart was heavy with sadness but anger as well as she knelt beside her, making a decision as to whether to carry her back or to leave her be, and in the end she remained where she was, instead calling out to the others with her thoughts. This was beyond what they would be able to take as a pack, an insult of the worst take one of their children...this went beyond war.

To Esme, Alice, Nathan, and Christian she called out mentally, "They have murdered Claire. I am with her body now. What should I do with it, and what are we going to do now to retaliate?"
Alice looks away from still glaring at her mate to where Sheena's worried voice directed them all. "F**k..." she muttered, nudging Nathan so that she can slip out from their booth. "Luckily for you lot I am the damn police..."

Making sure that her badge was visible as she approached the counter, she first smiled at the seated waitress and then at the woman on the phone. "Problem ladies?" Before the woman could respond, Alice's hand shot out and she grabbed the woman by the wrist, pulling her down so that they made eye contact. She could smell the woman's fear as she took her phone from her and snapped it closed, luckily for Alice it had still only been ringing, so she could pass it off later at the station as just a prank call.

"Shhhh....I'm not going to hurt you...." she muttered, her brow line starting to sweat slightly and she swallowed hard. Not looking away from the woman, she felt herself get a little dizzy as she pushed into her thoughts. As the other woman watched, the Amazon's eyes shifted in color, until the whole eye was black.

"You never saw that girl there, you thought she was someone but she wasn't, just another face in the it?" When the woman nodded she told her to go about her business, and bring their table another pie before rounding on the other woman, repeating the process.

When she was done and both waitresses had gone off, no longer interested in Caroline, Alice returned to their table, stumbling slightly, and catching herself against the edge of their booth swearing loudly. "Problem solved..." she reached across them all for a napkin and dabbed at her nose which had begun to bleed. 'And no," she turned to look at Sheena and Caroline, "-you guys can't do that...normally we can only get into the heads of our kind, but with, well...a few hundred years of practice, I've managed to do it on the locals as well when need be...but as you can see..." as she held up the napkin to show them the end result, she swooned slightly and fell against Nathan. "The side effects are a b***h..."

Her head was just clearing up when she heard Rikarah's voice in her head. Knowing that only Christian and Nathan had heard it as well, judging by their expressions, she looked over at the others and smiled weakly. "Lunch time's over kiddies...I suggest you and Andrea taking the kid for a new look, get her a haircut, dye job, something...make sure it's what she likes but we can't risk another incident like this especially when I'm not around..." she directed this at Sheena, shooting glances at the males. "We need to head back to the manor..."


"Screw my father..." Esme giggled softly and leaned up to kiss Jason's neck softly, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she thought over what he had said.

"Well technically..." Esme sighed and smirked playfully, picking at the fabric of her blanket, feeling her cheeks flush slightly. "-we're not mates....yet..." She laid her head against his chest, enjoying the sound of it beating and smiled softly, closing her eyes for a moment.


((I know that's not who Jirro uses for Jason, but I'm too lazy atm to fuss with photoshop...))

She was just about to ask him how he'd feel if she asked Alice to take over the position when she heard Rikarah's voice in her head. "Oh no...."
Both Sheena and Caroline stared at Alice with wide eyes, neither having been aware of this potential talent. As Sheena blinks, awed, and then breaks into a grin, Caroline is focused on Alice's bloody nose.

"Did that hurt you? Like...make you bleed? How did you DO that?"

"Don't look a cow with a gift in the mouth or...whatever...what does that mean, anyway?" Sheena asks, still staring at Alice, even as she nods somewhat distractedly in response to her instructions. "Um, yeah, okay...come on, Caro, let's go get cut and dyed. The best kind of, you wanna be blonde? Redhead? Pink?"

"Pink? That's silly," Caroline says as she stands, still glancing between Alice and the women Alice had threatened with some concern. "I like blue better anyway."


When the others didn't immediately respond to her, Rikarah, restless, repeats herself, still standing close to Claire's body, almost protective. "I do not want to leave her body here, but it is hardly in the condition to carry back. Especially if children are around. What should I do for her? Surely it cannot be safe for the children to continue to be out in public, we should ask that they return and check in with the others as well."

She avoids looking down at Claire, her eyes trained ahead on the trees as she keeps her senses sharp, listening for anyone approaching, wary of their scents should they draw near.
*Christian grins at Alice* Really you glamoured or mesmerize her, still into the hocus pocus all that drama when good of fashion cash is much easier but you seem to have gotten the job done. So any chance you can see that these three get home, I need to go buy some obscenely expensive jewelry for Rika and figure out exactly what I've done wrong this time. {He pulls out a few fifties and lays them on the table then slides out of the boot.* Thanks a bunch for watching the girls. *He leaves and walks down the street until he reaches a jewelry store and enters and is greeted by a sales person.* Point me to your "I have no clue what I did wrong but I don't want to lose you so I'm really really sorry section." You know your somewhere between Kobe Bryant but not as bad as Tiger Woods."
(..........Christian's girlfriend twice informed him she is standing by a dead child. And asked what to do with her. And he totally ignores her. And...he wonders what he's been doing wrong in their relationship?! Are you serious, you think jewelry would do it right now? lmao)
(Sorry wanted him to be alone when he heard the news about Claire)

*Christian was looking at a diamond crusted watch when Rika contacts him with news of Claire. It stops him cold and suddenly he slams his fist through the glass case of watches then rushes out of the store, running towards the edge of town, rather it was instinct or some kind of remaining self-control he manages to wait till he reaches the tree line before he lets out a howl that fills the forest, he runs in the direction of his mate covering ground quickly until he reaches her. He stops a few feet from Claire's body he can't bring himself to look at her at first, he just paces around her trying not to cry.* How could they, those cowards, she's just a baby (of course he means because he's so much older then her)..Just a child, she was smart and beautiful and she was ours and they took her from us!
Rikarah had been beginning to feel some anger as well as her restless not-quite-anxiety as she stood with Claire's body, unable to understand why no one was responding to her. Had they not heard her, had she not been able to speak into their thoughts as well as she thought at her distance? Were they choosing to ignore her? Were they hurt or otherwise unable to respond? Why would they not reply to her over something so important?

Christian's howl had done little to set her at ease. Her heart twinged with some sympathy towards him, but her face remained still as he came within view of her, dropping to his knees before Claire's body. She did not touch him, but did step slightly closer as she replied quietly. "What they are doing is grossly unfair and it is indeed cowardice. They are playing a dirty game, killing newcomers and children, and we must defeat them. Tell me what to do with her body, and then we have to go back. Did the others receive my message?"
*Christian stares at her for a few more moments, finally composing himself and bringing himself to his feet.* We'll take her further out, dig a grave, lay her in it and then burn her body so no one will ever be able to tell who she is. *He reaches out to Nathan and Alice* Take the girls home all of them and lock down the manor again. Then bring me the kit to take care of Claire's body.*He doesn't care if Rika is still pissed at him or not, he stands up and grabs her and hugs her tightly.* Please..please don't ever die..I will not be able to handle losing you.
Andrea had a slight frown on her face as she listened to those around her, she understood that these people that were attacking them were bad, well, maybe not bad, but certainly full of hate. That was all it was to her, they hated them for reasons of their own, probably some wrong done to them by a different lycan, and now all must die. It was foolish to hate others like that, it was very foolish to hate an entire species for the mistakes of a few. She slowly pushed her plate away, she didn't finish all of her food, but currently she wasn't in the mood to finish it.

She nodded some to Sheena, "Yeah, I'll take care of Caroline if everyone else goes out." she said, she couldn't help the fact that she didn't want to fight, she wanted to help people, not hurt them.

She tilted her head as Sheena spoke up about those people noticing Caroline, she looked at the waitresses and sighed, she really didn't think they would listen to her if she tried anything, before she could move Alice was getting up and walking over to them. Andrea watched with wide eyes as Alice made them forget about Caroline, it wasn't something that she had expected to see, though she was a bit alarmed when she noticed the fact that Alice's nose was bleeding because of the effort it took.

Andrea nodded some as they mentioned needing to change Caroline's looks, that was something that really did need to be done, but she figured that the girl could choose how she wanted to look.
"Can I have red hair? For real? Like, super bright red and not orange red? Orange isn't really red, I don't know why people say it is," Caroline informed Andrea as she too stood, coming beside her. "Are you off now or do you have to work a while longer?"

"I'll go with you guys," Sheena decides before anyone can say otherwise, catching up to Alice and walking alongside her. She notices that Christian is leaving without her, which, since she came with him and Caroline, leaves her little other choice anyway. She falls into step with Alice as she asks, "You're going back to the manor? Why? Aren't we going after the hunters?"


Rikarah is surprised when Christian hugs her; it is the first time they've touched with affection in some time, and she stiffens slightly at first, very aware of the blood both on her hands and on Christian's. After a few moments she relaxes and hugs him back, briefly resting her forehead against his arm. Nothing is fixed between them, and she is still upset with him, but the hug was needed and there are other things to focus on in this direct moment.

"Let's get this over with," is what she says to him as she starts to walk forward, leaving him to lift Claire as she looks for a place for a grave. She walks for several minutes before saying quietly, "There has been multiple deaths in just a few days, and other attempts to kill as well. This is out of control."

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