"Sweet," Sheena smiles as she slips behind the wheel, waiting for them to join her. Caroline is already in the backseat and lightly taps her fingers against the back of the seat, giggling behind her hand when Sheena looks back at her and gives her a mock glare. She sits back and waits for the adults to come to the car as well, leaning against the window of the car.

For her part, Rikarah has had enough. Her entire body body stiffening, her hands forming fists at her sides, she lifts her jaw, her eyes narrowing as she faces him, speaking very distinctly and with great emphasis, her tone as controlled as her expression.

"For someone who claims to be my love, you do not know me at all, nor do you accept me as I am. I do not despise these people, even the children. But neither do I wish to take off from my job, which is both productive and enjoyable, or to spend all of my time with these children. You will notice, Christian, that others of this pack managed to remove themselves from the pack to spend time alone. You will notice that others do not ignore their lover each time she speaks or touches them to instead focus attention on any other than her who happens to be present. You will notice that each time I reach out to you, you react as though it is easily dismissed and of no importance, and you then expect me to forget and immediately accept when you decide to do so on your own schedule and whim instead. You ask that I skip work and have me put myself out, and then you continue to treat me in the same manner and to expect me to react with joy towards your choosing to take children with us, as though you are assigning me the role of their mother? You have already belittled who I am in front of the pack by blaming Sheena's actions on me and treating me as a wayward child, and then you continue to ignore me and leave me behind frequently as though I again have no importance to you or any other. I would expect those such as Ann to treat me in this way, but not you."

Her voice lowers further still, nearly a hiss as she concludes, "I have been very accepting, Christian. I could have easily refused to allow Ann or Patrick or any of the others you have allowed in so very easily to be trusted by myself and refuted your vote of confidence. I could easily have killed Caroline rather than allow Sheena to take her back here with us. I am mocking and provoking no one. I am merely asking that you acknowledge me not only when you choose to do so or when you feel so inclined, but always. I am asking that you make it clear to me and to others that I mean more to you than others in the pack do. Because if you truly feel about me as you claim that you do, you would not make me feel as though I am thought of last of all others in our pack, and my opinion and feelings matter the least."

She continues to stare at him, not yet moving towards the car. "You know who I am, Christian. You know that I do not wish to share your affections to any degree. Perhaps that makes me jealous, perhaps that makes me cold, but you know as well that I do not hate any in this pack, that I care for them all in my way. You know me, and if you are not satisfied with me now, you never will be. Either state it now or accept me for what I am and understand what I have always made clear I want and need from you." <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/8218_1177510050497_1610509608_487366_4588680_n.jpg.97ab0614ffe7e971639ba8442965b35e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="565" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/8218_1177510050497_1610509608_487366_4588680_n.jpg.97ab0614ffe7e971639ba8442965b35e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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*He growls into her mind* ENOUGH! I expect you to fit in. If I do not make you spend time with anyone besides Alice and myself you would be perfectly happy not to so, you may lie to yourself as much as you wish but do not lie to me, have you ever just talked to someone, had a conversation longer then 2 sentences without making that person feel like the last thing you wanted to do is be near them! And if you don't hate or look down on anyone why is it I had to beg you to be nice to Sheena! Yes I expect you to be like a loving mother to these pups because they have no one else, they need to feel like they can come to us for help or protection..Name someone in this pack that will come to you besides Alice or maybe Esme...You push people away. So yes I take advantage of these times to try and get you to be closer to people because Rika...I believe we have all the time in the world to be close..However from the way you act I'm starting to think you don't when you can't spare a few days out of the centuries we will share together...You are free to go back to your job since art that has been around for centuries seems to bring you more comfort then a family...Do not worry I will not ask you to spend time with anyone ever again. *He leans over and looks at Caroline and smiles at her* These girls are our future, it saddens me that you do not wish to see how that future evolves. *He slides into the back seat, it feels strange, he's never been in the back seat of this car.* Ok Sheena I think we're ready to go, once Rika decides if she's coming or going back to work.
Rikarah continues to stare at him, her expression betraying nothing of her emotions other than a certain tightening to her features to indicate anger. But although she does not show that she is hurt by what Christian said to her, she feels stricken, as though he has turned and bitten her as hard as he can.

She does not feel as though she is the way that he views her as, nor that she behaves in the manner that he has described. To Rikarah, her actions are always justified, her feelings as well, and for one of the few people she loves to look at her and state that he sees her in such a way is nearly devastating.

It seems clear to her that he cannot truly love her at all, let alone most of the others, if he can see her in such a way. If he can speak to her as though he is disgusted by her like he currently is, as though she does not meet his standards or expectations, then he cannot possibly love her for who she is, only for who he wants her to be.

It is with tight control that she replies to him, still trying hard not to show her emotions.

"Do not ever yell at me or tell me enough when I am expressing my thoughts and feelings and needs to you. Do not ever, Christian. I do not care if you are my alpha, I am your mate and I will not allow you to simply silence me. What I think and feel and want matters every bit as much as yours. My relationship with the majority of the pack is fine. I have never had anyone tell me that they wished me to change or to leave them as you so often do. I do not hate Sheena, but yes, I look down upon her, because she has shown great foolishness repeatedly and does not learn easily from her mistakes as she should. Because she has caused you to show anger and unfairness towards me for which you have not yet appropriately apologized for or made me feel as though you regret it. And as for being their mother?"

She laughed dryly, shaking her head. "I am six years older than Sheena. I am not her mother nor is that an appropriate role for me. Just because you are old enough to be her father does not mean that I am. When I was her age I was supporting myself in full. I did not act like a foolish child nor was I expected to. As for Caroline, do not think that I do not see how you are with her. You want a child, very well. I knew this and I told you that you would have one. But it appears that now that you do have one, though you do not even know how to appropriately treat a child of her age, you no longer have any use for me. Is that what I was to you, Christian? Simply a way to obtain a future child?"

She knows very well this will anger him to suggest, but she almost believes it fully enough that she doesn't care. "As for your dismissing Alice and Esme, are they so unimportant that their choosing to come to me somehow would not count? Tell me, who comes to you, Christian? Who do you never butt heads with? Can you even name one person that would apply to, including your own mate? I know full well you took me on as your mate due to the possibilities you saw in me or thought you saw in me rather than the truth of who I am. I accepted it then, but it is growing more difficult to continue to accept now."

She walks back into the house, refusing to let her hands start shaking until she has closed herself into their bedroom. The smell of Christian is all around the room, agitating her, and so when she calls out to Alice in her mind on impulse, she finds it difficult to keep her tone from shaking.

"Alice. I am sorry, I know you are with Nathan and this is very bad and selfish timing on my part. it possible that we could talk?"
Alice was still laying in bed with Nathan when Rikarah's voice filled her head. Detangling herself from his arms, she excused herself and slipped out from the bed and headed into the bathroom, closing the door and leaned against it, letting herself slide down to the floor before answering. Her friend sounded upset and this concerned her, hoping that nothing else had happened to anyone since she had left.

"Yeah, shoot...what's going on? Everything alright?"


Esme left Ann to get some sleep and headed back downstairs. Seeing that everyone had left, she decides to go and look for Jason (no idea where he is :/ )

((sorry so short, wasn't sure what all to post here...))
Rikarah leaves the bedroom, wishing to leave any visible reminders of Christian behind along with his scent as she enters their bathroom instead. It is true that remnants of Christian are still visible in the room, but it is more hers than his, with more of her own belongings scattered about, and not as much of a trigger towards feelings. As she sits on the toilet seat, her elbows resting on her legs as she leans forward, she speaks to her with her eyes lowered to the floor, the thoughts hesitant even in their minds.

"Yes. I am all right." She doesn't sound very certain though, and she pauses before continuing. "It remember how it was before. Christian and I. It seems...nothing has changed very much."
Alice sighed softly, propping one elbow against her knee and rested her cheek against it. "What did the big guy do now?" She knew it was pointless having come in here, she was sure Nathan was in the other room listening.

((should we do this in a message and then do a mass post since it's going to be a lot of back and forth convo?))
{Jason looked up at Christian and the girls for a brief moment before going back to work on his motorcycle} I think I'm gonna pass, I don't see Esme with you so someone should stay here with her. {When Christian asked about the parts he looked up once more and grinned.} I know this bike so well by now I could take it apart blindfolded and put it back together again in no time. Who the hell do you think has been taking care of everyone's cars? {Jason stood up and went to open the garage door, so that Sheena could pull out and he could get some fresh air, it's a small breeze that brings it in..The smell of a dead body something he knows both him and Christian know far to well and as soon as he realizes it he knows that he needs to keep up the appearance for the younger members, he doesn't have a telepathic link with Christian so he has to subtly say this.} You get a whiff of that to? Don't worry I'll get Esme and we'll go check it out.

{He wipes his hands off then heads inside to find Esme, catching her coming down the steps, he speaks to her in a whisper} There is a body on the grounds, I'm not sure if it's human or an animal but it's needs to be removed, it's to close to the Mansion it will start to disturb the others soon..It's probably a dear or something but we still need to check it out. I mean will you come with me to check it out?

{Nathan had stepped away to get dress, he looks back over his shoulder and can tell by Alice's expression something is wrong, still shirtless and his pants not even closed up he stands in front of her.} Is something wrong? Either you're regretting what we just did or you just got some bad news. I'm pretty sure it wasn't me because I got mad skills in bed.
(yeah I inboxed you)

Sheena taps her fingers against the steering wheel, turning her head to look back at Christian as he slides into the backseat strangely. Caroline is already sitting back there, and she too gives Christian a weird look when he joins her.

"Aren't you gonna sit up front?" she asks him. "I've never seen a grown up sit in the back like this."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure since I don't have my license you have-" Sheena started, but then quickly closed her mouth. She's not about to inform him that she not only doesn't have her license, but also is fairly sure that since she doesn't, she's required to have an adult sit up front with her.

"So I take it Rikarah's gonna stay back, then?" she finishes up instead. "Can I start the car?"
*Christian gave Jason a nod* Okay..I'll leave it to you, make sure it's long away from the manor and don't go hunting for whatever it was that killed it, I need you close to home today. *He gets out of the car and into the front seat with Sheena, smiling at her to cover up his concern with the dead body on the grounds, he's so distracted by his silent argument with Rika that he's not concentrating enough to tell if it's an animal or another lycan or a human.* There feel better now? We should just go ahead and go, I believe Rika forgot something at work and will drive herself, we should go enjoy ourselves.. *He looks back over the seat at Caroline and smiles, in his heart he knows Rika loves this pack but she's so cold to anyone that isn't him or Alice, she's just started warming up to Esme. It also kind of pissed him off that she was so hard on Sheena saying she makes dumb mistakes, she's a kid she's suppose to be dumb sometimes, however Caroline wasn't one of them.*
((I guess I'll just post after Rika and Alice had their conversation so I don't hold anyone up...))

Alice looked up as Nathan spoke, closing the door to the bathroom behind her. "Um yeah, everything's fine...all good..." she hated lying to him, and knew he' pick up on it. Instead, she slid past him, looking around the floor for her pants. When she didn't find them, she just shrugged and hopped back onto the bed, eyeing her mate curiously. After a beat, she let out a tiny sigh and let her gaze drop to her hands in her lap.

"Why did you chase me that first time we met?" she chewed at her lower lip. "I mean did you just like me because of my face...the idea of a future heir?" She trailed off and shrugged, these questions obvious caused by her earlier conversation with Rika. "You could have had any one of those b*****s that I saw constantly striving for your attentions..." The Amazon shrugged and smiled at him weakly. "I'm just curious..."


Esme feels her body tense at Jason's words and her eyes go feral slightly as she looks into his, the red quickly spreading. "What do you mean a body? Where?"

She starts heading down the stairs with him and outside, looking around. Her nostrils twitch slightly as the breeze picks up, and then there it is. It's faint at first, but as the thick scent of decay and rotting flesh fills her senses, it's enough to make her feel dizzy, the urge to gag getting stronger. "I...I can't tell where it's coming from...f**k..."

She had smelled dead deer before, and this was nothing like it. Animals had been found dead in these woods dozens of times in the past, but this scent was far from animal. "Do you think it's one of those hunters?" Esme looked towards the woods. "It's stronger from that direction....come on..."

Making sure Jason stayed in step with her, she started towards the trees.
Rikarah sighs again as she tightens her hands around her kneecaps, bending further to rest her forehead against them. Lightly she bangs it once before straightening, her eyes lifting to the ceiling as she continues to speak to Alice in her mind. She has a feeling that Nathan may be listening in on them as well, and so she cautions her, "Please...I would prefer that this be just between us...without Nathan listening or knowing, if you can."

She sighs again, pausing as she searches for the words, before she finally says, "Christian does not love me, Alice. I know this is true. Do not try to tell me that this is not true. Christian loves who he wants me to be or who he thinks he can mold me into being. Do you know...he told me that I was angelic, the other day? Me, angelic? That he has asked me to be a mother to the new child, as well as to Sheena, who is not considerably younger than I myself am? Did you watch how he is with her, and how he is with me in her presence?"

She swallows, then continues after several beats, squeezing and releasing her knee with her hand, "He said that I make others unable to stand to be around me because...because I look down on them and mock them. That I...take comfort in art rather than in people...that I do not fit in. He silenced me as though I were a child. This is not it?"

Alice bites down on the inside of her cheek, holding back from telling Rikarah that she's wrong and sighs softly. Leaning up, she turns the handle on the sink so that the water runs, making it more difficult for her mate to hear her as she starts to respond to her friend.

"You know that I'm going to have to disagree with you with the love part right...I mean this is Christian we're talking know, uber tall...Mr. Broody...sure he might not always show how he feels towards you, but I've known him for what, almost 500 years...he's never had a mate before you, never wanted to be with anyone before you...sure he may have a crappy way of showing things, but I know he loves you...he has to..." she pauses and sits up a bit straighter, running her hand through her hair. As it drops back down to her side, her eyes land on her engagement ring and she smiles softly. "Our men just have shitty ways of showing us things least he's never left you for years on end..."

Coughing slightly, she gives her head a tiny shake and tries to hold in her laughter at the 'angelic' bit. "Um I said...did he really call you that?"

She grows silent as she listens to Rika finish and frowns again, a little disturbed. "Okay, first of all, Esme is the f*****g alpha of this pack, not she should be the one who babies the young ones, not you...he's the one that chose to go all father of the year on them's not your place to follow. You're right about that...and as for you making others uncomfortable, yeah you can be a bit of a hardass, but I don't think you put your job before all of us...that's not true..."

Sitting up fully now on the toilet seat, Rikarah embraces herself unconsciously, her hands cupping her elbows as she leans back against the tank, exhaling once more. She can picture Alice speaking to her in her mind, see her expression, and it is somehow comforting even without her being present.

“He does not,” she contradicted her quietly. “From the moment he met me, he loved my appearance and the possibility he saw in me. He saw me as clay he could mold to his desires, and I have always refused to bend in his hands. He resents that in me. You may know him, Alice, but he does not know me, and you cannot love something that you do not know. He has not left me because I have not fulfilled my end of the bargain. And he did once release me from my bond to him. I do not know how much more effectively a person can leave someone than that.”

She sighs again as Alice validates some of what she says, relieved that she seems to agree with this much. “I am not good with children. He knows this. I do not hate them or mock them unless they go out of their way to anger me, but I do not…I am not one to naturally love children I do not know. They are children. This does not mean that I have to view them as my own. If Christian views them as his…that does not make them mine as well. And I…I do care about you. All of you. And your well-being. But if even my mate does not believe this, and others dislike or resent my being in the pack…I do not know if I should stay.”

She sighs again, shaking her head. “I am sorry. I know that you are with Nathan, and after all this time you should be. I will not take your time away from him.”
What kind of question is that? {Nathan looked at her confused} You know why I chased you but in case you forgotten it was because you had bacon in your pocket. {He nudges her and smirks. pulling her close to him tracing her cheek with the side of his hand.} I wanted to be with you because you were the most beautiful creature, I've ever laid eyes on, the fact that you accept me for all my flaws and don't say it because I'm well aware that I have many of them. {Pinches her side} And you what's up with you lying to me just a minute ago? Something happened and you're not telling me.

{Jason and Esme leave to track the dead body near the house, the closer they get the more and more he knows it's not an animal, it's a scent he knows only it's mixed with decay and silver. In a matter of minutes they arrive on sight, suddenly his suspicions are verified, the spiked blonde hair catches his eye right off, as he steps around the body examining the area for booby traps before finally touching the body and rolling it onto its back. It was Patrick he only been in the pack a few days and now he's dead.} Damn! Poor bastard they really worked you over brother. {He looks up at Esme, he knows her and Patrick were getting to be close but he had to say what he's about to say to her even if she could see for herself.} He was shot multiple times Esme, by the look of the marks on his wrist they bound him. {Opening his torn shirt} Looks like they went at him with a silver blade and just played with him. {He finally stood up and went to her putting his arm around her and holding her close to him.} He didn't deserve this, they treated him like he was nothing! Look you head back, I'll take care of him, I'll take him a few miles out and bury him.

(Esme should look around and find Claire, say they dumped them both there.)
((I thought we were stretching out finding the bodies, and that Sheena and them were going to find Claire?))

Alice shrugged again and bit the inside of her cheek, shifting uncomfortably on the bed. "It was only a question..." she mummbled, running a hand through her hair. She knew Rikarah was most likely to skin her alive if she told Nathan what she had vented to her about.

"So," her body bounced slightly as she sat up, eager for a change in subject. "What did you want to do about our living situation?" She eyed him warily before allowing her body to lean against his. "I mean, my spot at the Manor is big enough for the both of us...but here...well here you won't really have to worry about any run-in's with we could make all the noise we want..." Alice smirked slightly and nudged Nathan back playfully. "I'd really like it if you actually stuck around this time..."


Esme stayed close alongside Jason as they started searching through the woods. As the smell got stronger, her stomach started to twist more and more, the stench of the decay causing her eyes to water slightly.

The tuff of bleached blonde hair sticking up from between the grass causes her to still, and as Jason goes to confirm if it is indeed a body, she feels sick to her stomach when Patrick's scent invades her senses.

"No..." her world spins, and she reaches out to grab onto a tree branch to steady herself. The sight of his bloodied body, the obvious torture....Esme turns away and lets out a cry, close to a howl, her whole body shaking.

Her eyes go red as she looks back at Jason and shakes her head, trying very hard not to look to long at the body. " I'll help you...we can't leave him here...there might be hunters here still...hiding on the grounds, we have to do this quick, get back to the manor...I'm not leaving you behind..."

Without waiting for his reply, she goes over, fighting back the lump in her throat and starts to pull at Patrick's feet, dragging his body only a few inches before looking back at Jason. "Come on..."
{Nathan blinked a few times, not speaking right away after Alice's sloppy attempt to dodge his questions} So we're keeping secrets from each other now? Very well {He smiles at her then kisses her on the lips} It's fine, I'm sure if it was something that was important you would tell me. Alice just remember if you need me to listen I will. {He gets up and stretches.} I think I'd like to stay here for awhile, I've been living on my own for so long, I'm not quite ready for pack life with people under foot all the time, if I'm staying I'll ease my way back into the pack and that house. And I'm not doing this to avoid Ann and if I was avoiding her it's for her own sake not mine, I just don't need the drama.

{Jason reaches out for Esme's arm stopping her from dragging Patrick's body. He speaks to her slowly, he can see how seeing Patrick like this has shaken her.} Esme, don't I'll carry him, it's ok I got him. {He leans down and lifts Patrick's dead body off the ground and slings him over his shoulder, ignoring the smell of his already decomposing body as they walk further into the woods to a site down wind of the Manor. Jason gently lays down the body on the ground, so he can start digging a grave for Patrick, the whole time he's keeping an eye on Esme. After about 30 minutes of digging a deep enough grave, he lowers the body down..The grave had to be very deep because next Jason pulls from his pocket a White phosphorus flare and after igniting it he drops it on the body and watches as the flesh burn and the sound of his bones crack and crumble, making no one would be able to tell what he was. This is the same faith for all the pack if they should die.} Sorry brother, I barely knew you but you deserved better.

{Sweaty and dirty, Jason moves to Esme, putting his arms around her and hugging her.} I want you to know Esme, at first I was jealous of Patrick, I thought he would stand in the way of me and the woman I'm in love with but after we talked about what we meant to each other I knew he wasn't a threat to me and I wanted to maybe get a drink with him something to make up for the hostile feelings I had for him at first. I never got the chance to welcome in properly to the pack. But he was one of us and whoever did this to him will die by my claws and fangs!
"Forgot something? Yeah right, she just doesn't want to come," Sheena rolled her eyes in response to Christian's claim, but she nevertheless seemed unbothered by what she was saying. She slumped in the driver's seat slightly as she started up the car, making the car lurch forward suddenly enough that Caroline gasped, bolting upright in the backseat and clutching her seatbelt like a life preserver.

"Next time I think we should ride bikes," she announces with complete seriousness, as Sheena tries to right the car, with several rough stops and starts of the gas and brakes.

"Then they'll see you more easily, and anyway riding in a car is fun, it's like an adventures...hey wait, where are we going again? And what about Caro, aren't they gonna see her out in public like this?"


In the bathroom Rikarah sits for several more minutes, her head against her knees, and holds very still before finally straightening and standing. She stretches silently, then comes to stand before the mirror, inspecting her face for any signs of emotion that might be showing against her will before she finally emerges from the bathroom. It is too late to return to work, so as she emerges from the bathroom, she is looking around to see if any others are still present. The house seems unusually quiet, as though she is possibly the only one remaining, and she somewhat regrets not going with the others, if only because she feels lonely now.

Returning to the kitchen, she begins to clean to give herself something to do.
Ann had slept for awhile before waking up, rubbing her eyes slightly. She had gone to bed with the same clothes she had worn the yesterday. Sighing she decided that she atleast needed to pack her stuff up back at her old apartment and get some change of clothes for the next few days.

Walking to the toilet she shares with Alice and her mate, she quickly washed her face before running her fingers through the messy bed hair she had gained. As Ann strolled down the stairs she noticed the eerie silence; something she was used to....But not in this manor; afterall the past few days were hectic.

Automatically Ann decided to be cautious, careful as she passed the foyer to see noone there; Perhaps they all went out, school and work maybe? Ann dismissed it but still kept her eyes alert for anything. That´s why she felt a bit shaken when she entered the kitchen to see one of the people she had a bad feeling about.

Rikarah wasn´t on Ann´s list of besties but she wasn´t on her hate-mate list either...She wasn´t annoying like Nathan when it came to Ann but she was rather smart and observant; witty she had concluded from their last encounter. Feeling a ting of respect to the female infront of her, she nodded briefly before giving a small, polite smile.

Awkwardness invaded Ann, she didn´t know how to do this. Yes, she had free-loaded or even stayed over a old friend or a collegue but that was a obvious two-sided decision but now she was practically in a room with a person that hasn´t really decided if she would allow Ann into the pack....Which made it even more awkward when Ann´s stomach grumbled. A small, faint laughter escaped Ann before she headed over to the cupboard; taking out some choco-pops.

"I hope you don´t mind?" She asked turning around, holding the packet up before she frowned. "Where is everyone by the way?"
*Christian braces himself clutching tightly to his seatbelt.* Sheena despite what you may have heard we are not immortal, please take it easy. *At that moment Christian is happy this car is not a stick cause he could just imagine the horrid sound of her grinding the gears if it was.* Ease off the brakes and even steady pressure on the gas and relax, this is one of the easiest things in the world to do..Unless you're a female celebrity in Hollywood. And remember this is your car now so if you wreck it you're out of luck kiddo. *He's trying not to think about his argument with Rika, giving them both a few hours to cool off will do them both good. But she has to realize that being an Alpha is like being a father to the young ones, brother to the older ones and punisher to the defiant ones. As his mate as unfair as it is those things fall on to her..This is a burden that he needs to be able to share with her because he has no one else, Alice is no longer an Alpha and Esme is far to young to shoulder all the burdens of her title just yet.*
(Whattt? Rikarah and Esme are both 24...exactly the same age!)

"Sorry...I'm doing all right!" Sheena mumbles as she tries to adjust her handling of the car, slowing down and exercising greater ease with the brakes and gas. Still, she doesn't exactly drive smoothly, and Caroline continues to watch her warily from the backseat, clutching her seatbelt.

"I think maybe she should practice on like a go-cart first," she mentions as Sheena continues to lurch across the road. "Like, a bunch of times...Christian? What ARE we gonna do if someone sees me? Do you think they'll try to take me away?"

"You still didn't tell me where we're going," Sheena reminds him as she again jolts them forward before adjusting her foot on the gas. "I kinda need to know since I'm driving."


Hearing and smelling Ann enter the room before she turned to see her, Rikarah is surprised that she is faintly relieved at her presence. She doesn't like the girl very much, certainly doesn't trust her, but she is no longer in the mood to be alone, and Ann being here assures that this will not be so.

Turning to return an acknowledging nod, she says to her, "Hello. The others are out. All of them. I do not know where, and frankly do not care very much for most of them, as they do not seem to care where I am or what I am doing. They have left you behind too then?"
Raising her eyebrows a bit before she shakes her head as to answer Rikarah. "No...I went to sleep...Well I took a nap more like it." She frowned; thinking about her recent dream before turning around to pour some milk on to her breakfast. Sitting down she ate in silence; pondering on why a member of the pack seemed to be....Lonely maybe. She just felt that Rikarah was on the edge and she certainly didn´t like to bother people when their emotions is a roller coaster. Plus her little speech of how they didn´t care about her and she didn´t frankly care about them may tipped Ann off about drama...And lots of it.

Glancing at the young girl in front of her a few times before a small sigh escaped her. "So....I got some packing to do back at my old apartment..." She mentioned slowly before standing up; leaving her dishes in the sink. About to leave the kitchen she returned; to wash her dishes as she almost had forgotten that Rikarah had cleaned up in here.

So when she turned around to see Rikarah, another deep sigh escaped her. "I may need some help with" Flinching she remembered the state her apartment was in. "And I doubt I can carry everything in one go...If you...If you want you can help out...kind of?" She asked a bit perplexed. Why the heck was she doing this again?

Waiting patiently for an answer, she leaned on the sink with a small, polite smile gracing her lips.
Rikarah regarded Ann silently for a few moments, considering her request. It seemed clear to her that the other woman was asking her not because she truly wanted or needed her help, or because she preferred it. Why then was she, when they had hardly gotten off to the best start the day before?

She frowns slightly, continuing to eye her, as the probable answer occurred to her. Ann could probably read something in her face or more likely her tone that Rikarah had not fully intended to convey. She felt sorry for her. If this were the case, then Rikarah was more than a little irritated with herself, but she could blame no one but herself. And it was true that she was not in the mood to stay alone.

Giving a brief nod, she pushed aside her discomfort. "I can help if you would like."
((LOL no way, I hardly ever rp as someone younger then me. It's always same age or a little older)) 
Alice eyed Nathan quietly for a moment, unsure if he was trying to guilt trip her into telling him about Rikarah's issues, but after a while, she simply shrugs and offers him a wide smile. "I just got you back Nate, I'm not exactly about to run you off again with some boring girl talk..." Hoping that that would end the previous conversation, she stretches again, his shirt riding up about her hips and watches her mate as he moves about the room.

"Well, we can send out for your things, I think I have some boxes of yours in storage from the last time you left..." She wanted to add that she didn't think he had to worry about Theon returning anytime soon, but figured that might set him off again. Pouting slightly, she leaned back against the pillows and shook her head. "This is the first time that we've had any alone time together and you're seriously putting clothes on?" Her lips twitched, the corners pulling up slightly, but she continued to give him the puppy eyes. "And here I was hoping that we'd be spending most of the day together.....right here..." she patted the spot besides her then laughs softly,,before growing more serious.

"I really missed you Nathan...please don't leave me again..." She had to look away from him, and instead focused on a small fleck of missing paint on the wall. "I mean it...with everything going on, having to blend in here...losing my position of Alpha to that...child...I can't do it alone..."


Esme surprised herself when she let out a low growl as Jason moved Patrick's body away from her. The young Lycan's chest felt tight and angry tears slid down her cheeks as she followed close behind him, unable to bring herself to look at anything except her feet as they moved deeper into the woods. She didn't say anything as Jason started to dig the hole and only flinched when the sound of her deceased Pack-mate's body hit the bottom. The smell from the flare and his body burning is enough to make her gag, but instead she holds her breath, hands shaking. Forcing them into fists, she watches the smoke rising, her nails shifting slightly, growing longer until she can smell her own blood mixed with the smoke as her nails leave tiny, red cresent marks on her skin.

She almost doesn't notice her boyfriend standing before her and doesn't move at first when he goes to hug her, but after a beat, her hands tentatively move upwards and she returns the hug, breathing in his scent, letting it fill her senses so that it removes all the others. Hiding her face against his chest, she listens as he speaks. "I think I knew..." she finally said softly, pulling back from him to look up into his eyes. "That you were jealous...I think I could tell...I thought that him being here was what finally pushed you to asking me..." Pausing, she shook her head, not wanting to ask him if he really had wanted to be with her, and if he'd stay at her side now that Patrick was gone. Clearing her throat, she coughed and looked back between the trees. "We need to go back, and tell the others...we have to start preparing...this is war..."

Mentally linking with Christain, she tells the other Alpha what they found and of Patrick's death. When she's done, she looks back at Jason and holds her hand out for him. "Come on..."
*Christian looks out the window, acting as if nothing is wrong as he speaks to Esme.* Damn, I'm sorry to hear that, he seemed like he was a good guy and a good addition to the pack, I don't we should let the others know about his death I don't think the pack can handle this right now. So just keep it between you, Jason and myself. The hits just keep coming for us. Damn hunters are taking away our freedom and our lives. So how are you doing? I understand Patrick and you were becoming close..I think he even had a thing for you. So are you ok? *Christian finally speaks to Sheena giving her directions..Well choices of where to go for lunch.* We can go to Blue Moon but I don't think taking a kid to a bar even if they have good food is a good ideal, so why don't we go to the diner where Andrea works, we can eat and I can check up on her.

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