{Jason's face was red when Esme wrapped her arms around him, he didn't mention the kiss because she threw him off guard with it, especially after questioning his motives why he was asking her out. That speech was all he could manage without sticking his foot in his mouth. Still she said he wasn't lame and the kiss was a good sign at least he thinks it is. He slows down as they roll into town, the only place he can think of to get the answers Esme wants is the police station, using the contacts they have in place there. This is not Jason's field of expertise though so he could be wrong.} Do you want me to come inside with you? Christian usually has me wait outside when conducting Alpha business, I don't mind it. It's just how things are done.

(I have to get to work, first official day back this week)
Andrea sighed some and rubbed her forehead as she listened to them, she frowned some, obviously not liking what she was hearing, about what this man did, or how Caroline defended him. She closed her eyes, thinking for a moment, then she looked at Caroline again. "Even if he didn't touch you, he probably had plans. If he had just wanted a daughter, then he could have adopted one, instead he stole you away from your parents who loved you. That meant he didn't want to be checked up on, he did have something planned, you thought he was a good person because that is who he wanted you to see." she said, her voice was sad as she spoke, she knew her words would probably hurt her, but they were what she saw as the truth, she didn't sound angry or anything, just sad.

She slowly looked at Rikarah, "If her parents are looking for her, which, if she was returned and then ran away on her own, they might have given up, though I probably wouldn't if I had a child that was missing.... but.. if they are looking for her, then there would be missing child signs around town." she said quietly, she hadn't noticed any, but she hadn't really been looking. She was far enough away from home that she was no longer looking for her own face on the papers. She knew that her parents had looked for her, but she was almost old enough that they wouldn't be able to make her go home even if they did find her.

What Andrea was telling Caroline was exactly what her parents had told her, what the psychologist and police and lawyers and all the other kids she had taken up with on the streets had said, in various ways and tones. But to admit it this fully was more than Caroline could currently bear. It was all she could manage to admit that Lewis Danson was not her father; for her to admit to herself that perhaps he had intended her harm was a disloyalty to him she could not muster, a pain for herself she could not handle experiencing, and so she shook her head adamantly, almost yelling back at Andrea.

"No! You don't know him, you never even met him! He was a good person, he was! He loved me! He just wanted me so much, he had to have me, he knew they wouldn't give me up so he had to take me, he never would have EVER done anything bad to me! You're wrong!"

"Caroline- he took you away from your parents for four years, some guy you didn't even know, and you think he didn't do anything BAD to you?" Sheena asked incredulously. The idea that Caroline could fiercely defend such a guy was something she could not understand, given her own experience, and she shook her head, trying to reason with her.

"He took you away and was alone with you all the time...he changed your name and lied to you...Caro, he was totally gonna-"

"I don't want to hear it, I'm not listening to you!" Caroline covered her ears with her hands, humming out loud as her chest rose and fell rapidly with her shallow breaths. "I'm not listening, lalalala, I can't hear you!"

Rikarah regarded the other three for several moments, sighing without comment before turning to Andrea. The more she learned of this situation, the more she resented it even being present, and she addressed Sheena without looking at her.

"I do hope you are quite pleased with all of this...she is your child now. You figure out how to settle her, because that noise she is making is very irritating."

To Andrea she said, "I have not noticed any such posters either. I supposed it is possible that they have given up if she has been a runaway for some time. But the problem is, people may recognize her if she goes out in public, and then what?"
As the bike comes to a stop outside of the local precinct's office, she waits until Jason kills the engine so hop off, removing her helmet, and comes around so that she's standing in front of him, arms crossed over her chest. She watches as a few humans go in and out of the building, her eyes scanning the area, sniffing the air as well. "You can come in, in fact, having you here might know Alice doesn't like me very much...I don't think anyone has filled her in yet on what's been going on...she's not exactly the easiest person to talk to...not to mention the fact that she doesn't even live in the Manor house anymore...I doubt if between everything Christian has even managed to call her or shoot her a text..."

Waiting for Jason at the steps, she watches as he removes his helmet then holds out her hand for his as the two walk up and inside the buildling. The stench of humans is over powering, this was the one place where the Pack tried to avoid coming to, but it helped to have at least one member on the inside. And that was where Alice came in.

"Um, I'm here to see Lieutenant Maieli...we're family..." she told the lady at the front desk. After a moment, she waved them back and Esme led the way to the familiar back office.


"Are you f****** kidding me?" For once Alessandra Maieli, or Alice as she preferred to go as these days, was happy that her office was soundproof. That, and that her windows were plexi glass, because she was two seconds away from picking up the Alpha wanna-be in front of her and throwing her against them. " the f*** could you let this happen Danvers? A child? You let your cousin turn a f****** child?! Are you out of your damn f****** mind?!"

Her canines had lengthened and if wasn't for the fact that Jason stood next to the girl, she would have launched herself across the room at her the second the news had left her lips. Her heart was pounding away, a mile a minute and it was making things hard to think, hard to focus on. Crap...this couldn't happen, not now...this would all come down to her, she just knew it. She was supposed to be keeping things in check...she was a mutt, they'd take her power away from her first, god if the Elders found out she let this happen...

"I didn't let my cousin do anything Alessandra..." Esme's tone was icey. Rounding her shoulders back, she glared up at the older female, hands on her hips. It wasn't unknown to her that Theon, her own father had fought with Izzy just before they left, to have Alice be left in charge with Chris instead. It had stung a little, but deep down she had thought her father was right at first. Alice had years of leadership experience on her, where Esme had had none.

"So what, she just went out and turned some random rogues chew toy?" Alice's eyes narrowed and she leaned back on her desk, breathing hard as she racked her brain for ideas. 'Look, if everything you're saying is true and Christian is indeed taking the fall for this, then aside from being a total jackass, I guess it'll be easy for me to cover with this with the Elders when they approach me about it...which they will..." she growled softly, her olive eyes flashing, glowing golden. "F*** I do not need this..." Running a hand through her hair, she went around her desk, still glaring at the couple. She wanted to drill Jason down, figure out why the hell he was even getting himself involved in any of this. She knew he had a soft spot for the Danvers kid, in fact she had kind of warmed up to the idea figuring maybe some of his sense would rub off on her. but there was no way he approved any of this. She was surprised Christian even bothered her a little that no one had thought to come to her the second it had happened.

Esme watched as Alice fired up her computer, typing rapidly away at the keyboard for a few minutes.

"Look, I can see what I can dig up on whatever investigations are going on about this Caroline girl, run her real name through systems, see what missing peoples are out there, what districst...if they're looking for her somewhere else...we may have a hard time covering s*** now that right?" She stood up staright and gave Esme the once over. "If people come looking, her parents, her real aprents...there might be nothing we can do but send her back, have some trackers watch her...I mean a kid...a child mutt..." she swallowed hard. "You have no idea how messy this could get..."

((I'll leave it so Jason can jump in if he wants))

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*Christian walked into the tailors and greeted the owner, a man named Mairo, an immigrant that came over during WWII and has been Christian's tailor for about 10 years, Mario doesn't know what Christian is only that he's a good customer, who's been kind to him and his family especially when the shop hit some hard times.* Mario my old friend how are you? I've brought you a new friend, I'd like for him to start a standing order of your best work. *Christian looks at Patrick and grins.* Mario is a genius, that rag I'm letting wear is nothing compared to Mario's work. *He's referring to the Armani suit he gave Patrick to wear.* Ah Christian, you treat me so well, bringing me new customers and always over paying me. Now you young man what is your name? *Mario grabs a tape measure and starts taking measurements of Patrick* His name is Patrick, he'll be working for me and he needs to look the part so I brought him to the greatest tailor in the world. *Mario laughs and waves Christian off* You flatter me sir, so if he'll be working for you I assume you want the same package that I offer you yes?

*Christian sits in a chair by the door and smiles* But of course Mario only your best will do. *Mario then goes to the door and locks it and pulls the blinds down, then moves to a rack in the back of the shop and comes back with a suit jacket and hands it to Patrick.* This is just a sample. one of my finest bulletproof jackets, the material is so fine and interlaced with the fabric that it's stronger then the bulletproof vest our wonderful constables wear. I have to use special shears and machines to cut and sew them together cause the amount of power it would take for someone to cut them is unimaginable..If you get killed in one of my suits I'll give you your money back. *Christian laughs at that line.* Ah Mario I love it when you say that bit. Set him up we'll start with 7 suits blues and blacks, lets avoid gray for now, it's such a depressing color, shoes, ties and belts to match and he'll need a shoulder holster also I don't want his shooting his balls off sticking a gun down the front of his pants. *Mario continues to measure Patrick and nodding at Christian.* Well Patrick are we missing anything? By the way don't worry about paying for this, consider it a work uniform.

*Christian pulls out his phone and dials Rika* Hello beautiful, I'm just about done here in town, I just need to pick up a few things, like your favorite wine and perhaps some flowers, is there anything else I should get so that I can be forgiven for last night? A engagement ring perhaps.* He laughs although in the back of his mind he's fought the urge to buy her that ring over and over.
{Jason leans against the wall behind Esme, but whenever Alice raised her voice he let out a low growl, and when she says she'll talk to the council about it he has to make sure what she'll tell them is in the best interest of the pack and not her grudge over bad politics that kept her from being in charge with Christian.} What has been done can not be undone and even though there is no way in hell I would have done what Sheena did, knowing her I do not fault her or think less of her for it and neither does anyone else, the girl has been embraced by Christian, which means we will all embrace her. If we are realistic about this Sheena has put the pack in no more danger then some of the foolish members that lost their lives already. Sheena is not from the same time as we are she still has her compassion and love of life. Caroline is part of the pack this is now our Alpha's law and we all must obey. All we need you to do is fine out if anyone will search for the child and bury any investigations about her that is why your are here isn't it to run interference for us.
When her phone rings, Rikarah, grateful for the distraction and excuse to leave the messy, emotional situation in the kitchen, although she is the one who provoked it, excuses herself and walks into the hallway, answering it. When it is Christian she smiles slightly. She still resents yesterday, and what she perceives as similar behavior from Esme had done nothing to erase its smart, but at least he appears to be trying to make it up to her.

"Flowers will die, perhaps chocolate or cheese or something like that to go well with wine. I do not work tonight. You will be home soon then? I would not mind leaving this place if you think it safe at the moment."

Screw his babysitting assignment. She's watched them this morning, hasn't she? Well, she was in the same room, anyway.

In the kitchen, Caroline is still clearly upset, and when Sheen approaches her tentatively from behind, trying to hug her, she pulls away, standing up and shoving her chair back into the table. "You don't know my dad- Lewis," she corrects herself mid sentence with a swallow, shaking her head at her. "You don't."

She has not yet been assigned her own bedroom, and so she heads down the hall to Sheena's room, shutting the door. Sheena looks over at Andrea, raising one palm in a helpless gesture even as anger stands in her gaze.

"Okay, there is no way in hell a guy kidnaps a total stranger and keeps her four years and lies about her age who ISN'T a twisted pervert, right? No way! I know men, there is NO WAY a decent non-pedo guy would do that!"
Andrea sighed and ran her fingers through her red hair, closing her eyes as the girl defended the man who had kidnapped her. She opened her eyes as she heard the girl run off, she knew it would be best to just let her go so she could have sosme time to cry in private, though they would need to make sure that she didn't run off again since there seemed like there might be a chance of that happening. She looked at Sheena when she spoke to her and then shook her head. "As I said before, if the man wanted a child to raise he could have just adopted one. He didn't want to be watched though, so he took one. There is no way that his intentions were pure. It will be a long and hard battle convincing her of that, she sees him as a good man because he wanted her to."

Andrea sighed deeply, closing her eyes and sitting down slowly, "You know what is really sad? The fact that this 'Lewis' doesn't even know just how badly he ruined this girl's life. If he had never taken her then she would be at home with her family, having breakfast and being happy. Instead she's here, she now knows that 'monsters' exist, and she's crying over a man that probably never loved her, who she loves very deeply." she said, she didn't really think of lycans as monsters, but that was what they were to normal people.

Her own experiences with guys are not ones Sheena likes to let herself even think about, let alone speak aloud about to others, but they are present all too clearly in her mind in that moment. She grips the top of Caroline's abandoned chair, trying to banish from her thoughts the memories of sneering faces close to hers, hot breath against her neck, rough hands holding her down, loud voices mocking her, calling her names as she looks back at Andrea, hoping that none of this shows in her expression, that the other girl cannot see that she is breathing a little faster than she had been before.

She no longer hates all men, after having been around the men of the pack who have been nice to her. But she distrusts them in general, fears them by large, if she is not careful to keep herself out of a situation where they can take advantage, and to think of this man taking Caroline as an even younger child than she is, steadily wearing away Caroline's knowledge of who she is and what is right, it angers her so badly she realizes, looking down, that she has broken the chair's back with her grip.

"I hate men," was all she said, though this wasn't entirely true. "Nothing but b*******s and and sex maniacs, every single one."

She wishes that Esme will return soon...maybe Esme will know what to say to the girl, what Sheena can do to make things better. Sheena herself certainly doesn't.
*Christian rolls his eyes and laughs* You are some piece of work, here I am trying to make a romantic gesture and you talk about things dying and cheese. Fine I will bring home a nice brie and we can spend the night in the garden if you're feeling boxed in. Rika I'm hearing some tension in your voice, are you still angry at me or is there something going on at home? And did you speak to Esme about becoming her second yet, I do hope you did, although Esme probably wouldn't choose a male it is still within her right and I've noticed her attention to the new wolf in the pack, despite him being new it's still possible for her to choose him so you should do your best to sell yourself to her..Sorry I mean prove yourself. Of course we won't be able to spend as much time together if she does pick you but it will be worth it to you if she does. By the way I want you to pass on a message for me. No one is to leave the lighted areas of the Manor's grounds tonight, we have a more serious problem with those hunters then I thought I will have to consider a course of action to take with them that shouldn't draw to much attention to us all. I doubt I can scare or bribe them, which leaves trickery or killing them, I haven't decided which to use just yet.
Andrea slowly looked at Sheena, noticing that she was breathing faster, she looked at the back of the chair, then she stood and walked to her, gently patting her shoulder in a way to let her know that everything was alright. "I don't hate all men, just the ones that do things like that, especially to children." she said. She gently made Sheena sit down in a different chair, "It would be a good idea to calm down a little, take a deep breath. We can't do anything about her past, the only thing we can do is try to make sure that she has a better future, and maybe with time we can undo the damage that was done to her." she said. She offered her a smile, trying to seem like she was certain that everything would be fine, though she wasn't entirely sure of it.

"The only thing I can suggest right now, is to give her some time, and make sure to check on her, since she has proven that she will run away." she said, meaning that since she ran away from her home, she might run from here. She closed her eyes, she wanted to go for a run herself, though just to let off some of the stress from the last day. She was glad that she was only on the outside, instead of being one of the ones that everything was really happening to, though she was trying to do the best she could to help out and offer advice where she could. The fact was that she was only seventeen, and though she thought things through, she wasn't always the smartest person. She slowly pulled her braid over her shoulder and played with it, as if she were a little nervous, she still wasn't entirely used to being there, she couldn't believe how much she had spoken out recently.

Jason's growls did not go unnoticed to Alice, and she stared him down as he spoke, bot surprised and a bit amazed with how he responded. "Yes, that's exactly why I'm here..." her tone was clipped. "To clean up after her and the rest of the Brady Bunch..." she held in a snarl and grabbed a file from her desk, stuffing some papers inside it. "Look, right now the best thing I can do is run intel, see if there's anyone out there who's even looking for her, for all we know, she could have wandered off, her real folks think she's with a friend...there might not be any heat for a few days...should give me enough time to cover Sheena's tracks, and pull together a new identity for the kid if Christian hasn't already started on that..."

Sighing loudly, Alice paused a ran a hand through her hair. "Look, just watch it okay...there's been a bunch of animal attack reports landing on my desk the past few days, hunting accidents, maulings..." she handed them a few pictures from the folder. "I'm covering it up as best as I can, but it's clear we have some unwelcomed guests on our lands...anyone new roll into town recently no one's told me about yet?"

"There is this new wolf, Patrick, but we checked him, he's good..." Esme spoke up, flinching as she passed the pictures to Jason, her stomach turning slightly at what she saw.

"Was he followed?" Alice arched an eyebrow. "Would explain these a lot..."

((let jason chime in :P sorry so short, long and busy day :/ ))

"I would like that," Rikarah says in response to Christian's suggestion about the garden. She is indeed ready to leave the house, and rather resents that whatever hunters are out there are currently curtailing her movements. "We can do that when you are back, I suppose."

Christian has noticed her tense tone, and she exhales, choosing her words carefully before replying. "The new child, whatever it is we will be calling her, is upset. Apparently the man who kidnapped her, she believes the best of and still loves, despite knowing what he has done. Sheena has recently become aware of the extent of the situation and appears to be upset as well, we all know how she is about anything with male genitalia at times. I will tell the others what you have said, but only Andrea and the children are still here as far as I know."

She is unaware that Andrea, at seventeen, is actually a year younger than the eighteen-year-old "child" Sheena; Rikarah had assumed her, by her behavior and demeanor, to be closer to her own age.


Sheena sat as Andrea directed, running a hand through her hair and only succeeding in catching her fingers in its snarls as she takes a deep breath, then releases it. What the other girl says makes sense to her, and she nods slowly, exhaling again before looking up at her.

"Yeah, I will. Check on her. And help her, and whatever..."

She is silent for a few moments, looking down, before saying to her quietly, "I had another friend named Maddy. Like her...I don't know where she is anymore. She probably thinks I'm dead."
Andrea smiled a little at Sheena as she took a deep breath and seemed to calm down a little, remembering to breathe slowly was always a good idea. She continued to play with her hair as she thought about things, she didn't think there was much she could do for 'Caroline' right now, just to be there when she needed someone, or when Sheena needed a little help, though she was going to have to go back to work tomorrow, she did have a job, and maybe she could ask about going back to school.

She looked up as Sheena spoke and nodded at what she said, "Just remember, that if you need help, I will be around." she said, then she closed her eyes, just sitting there, and enjoying the momentary silence after the loud crying from before. She tilted her head and looked at her as she said something about a friend she used to have. "Maybe it's a good thing that those from our old lives think us dead...." she said with a sigh, then she smiled sadly, "I'm sure it would probably be easier on my family to think I was dead instead of thinking that I have just ran away, and I'm not coming home of my own choice." she said, though since she had never had a child, she really didn't know if it was better or not. "Then again... maybe knowing would be better... knowing for a fact that someone is dead instead of just thinking it? Since hope always seems to hurt more the longer you hold it, and when it dies... it has a way of crushing you." she said, then she smiled. "Sorry, just thinking out loud."

Sheena gave a faint snort, shaking her head as she scooted her chair back from the table, just enough to pull her knees up to her chest. The position is awkward, given the length of her legs and the narrowness of the chair's seat, but she manages, looking past Andrea rather than at her, lost in thought. Her blue eyes are slightly glazed over as she speaks, remembering incidents she doesn't give voice to.

"No one's hoping for me...maybe Maddy...maybe not...she knows it's better for her if I wasn't around, even before all this dad probably threw a party. He at least would have finished off a few six packs in celebration of me being gone. My little sister's probably never even gonna know I existed... and everyone else..."

She trailed off, shrugging, and finally looked over at Andrea as she finished up. "No one's gonna be crushed thinking I died. I ran off way before any of the Lycan stuff started happening, and that was when I was younger than Caro the first time. No one cared then, really, there's no way anyone would care by now."
{Jason growls again when Patrick is mentioned, crossing his arms over his chest} No he hasn't been checked out and it's a good chance that some of this trouble is following him, there were no hunters in the forest until he showed up. Christian just accepted him without having me back check his story. But what can I do his word is law, if he accepted Patrick I have no choice but to do so myself, even tho I don't like it. I just have to trust his judgement on that matter. As for the girl Caroline, I understand most of the pack including Christian have become attached to her already, it's amazing that someone so young is the source of so many problems. {He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly} Caroline is a refreshing addition to the pack so I hope that you can help make sure she can stay. {What is it about kids that make even the hardest men soft, especially helpless little girls? Jason can't help but feel like protecting her, maybe because he's never had a younger brother or sister and most the pack besides Esme he's had no personal connection to them, probably because it doesn't take long for his reputation as the packs Grim Reaper always seems to scare them away from him.}

Alice, we're sorry for laying all of this on you but none of it could be helped so now we're depending on you to help us make things right and we need your silence when it comes to the council, if you remember I used to work for them, I was their rabid dog they set loose on anyone that didn't follow their agenda, I hate to imagine who they got to replace me but whoever it is will kill that's it he will just kill and ask no questions that's what they do, that's what I did. Innocent or guilty matters not to the council. So the less attention we can draw from them the better we'll all be.
"You don't have to remind me how foul those guys will play..." Alice flinched slightly, remembering her own past as well as what she knew about Jason's own.

"Look, I'll do my best, keep you guys updated on everything as much as I can..." she directed this at Esme, who continued to stand her down, and only nodded. After a beat, the younger woman let out a tiny sigh and stood up a bit straighter.

"Alright, well that's it I suppose..." she turned to go, waiting for Jason to follow, then paused at the door, turning back to look at Alice once more. "You know...your old room is still all set up...if you ever decide you want to come back to the Manor house...I know you've been missed by some..."

This surprised Alice, and for a moment she wondered if Esme was lying. Shaking her head, she offered her a small, forced smile. "Thank you, but I think it's best if I stay here and town for now..." She turned and motioned at her desk, to all the scattered case files laying across it in a giant mess. "Closer to work and all that..."

"Alright..." Esme shrugged and turned back around, exiting the office without even a goodbye. She kept her back straight and stared straight ahead until she and Jason were back outside and standing by his bike. "That was a total waste of time...god I hate her..."
Andrea watched her, she tilted her head slowly, "Of course there are people that will be upset if you were gone. You do have the pack, and though some of them are upset with you right now, that doesn't mean that they wouldn't miss you." she said. She didn't know much about Sheena's life before the pack, so she didn't really know if she was right about no one missing her from that life. She did at least realize that the pack would miss her, at least some. She stood slowly and picked up the plate that Caroline had been eating off of, she was pretty sure that the girl wasn't going to finish eating it, so she got rid of the food and washed what she had used, then let the water out. "I guess it's not a good thing to dwell on the past, it only makes you sad." she said, and that was true, for different reasons.

Sheena had not been referring to the pack not missing her if she was gone in the present, but rather no one in her old life missing her, since she had disappeared from their lives. Of course Maddy would have...but by the end, even Maddy had left her, thinking her to be a bad influence, though she had been right. What would Maddy think if she knew what she was up to now, what she had become? Would she be frightened of her?

The thought was depressing to Sheena, who often thought of Maddy and the other friends she had left behind. She loved what she had with the Lycan pack, had loved to know that even if the others didn't quite like her, at least not all of them, she belonged nonetheless and always would. But what Andrea was saying about the pack...was that true? Even now, would some of them be sorry if she weren't there?

Esme, sure, she knew that her cousin was fond of her. Maybe Andrea, because she was always nice to her. But the others? Sheena doubted it. It wasn't like she was contributing much, yet anyway.

She almost didn't hear what Andrea said about dwelling on the past, but as she turned to her, she realized it was exactly what she was doing. Shrugging, she got up to wash her plate as well. "Yeah...I guess. It's not like you can go back and change things, right?"

As she puts her plate up, she mutters to herself, "Damn I hope Esme will be back soon..."

In Sheena's bedroom, Caroline had thrown herself onto Sheena's bed, sprawling out so she took up as much of it as possible with her body. She was not crying, but her heart was beating rapidly, her face flushed, and she buried her face in Sheena's pillow as she thought over and over through what the other women had said. It wasn't true...none of it was true. Lewis had never hurt her, he never would have. Caroline knew this. She had to believe it, because if she didn't, what would that mean about the past four years of her life?

Sitting up abruptly, she slipped out her doorway and began to make her way cautiously down the hall, checking to make sure no one was watching. Entering the bathroom, she eyed its window. It looked to her like she could fit through, if she tried hard enough.

Standing on the closed toilet seat, Caroline stretched to open the window, then began the awkward process of pulling herself up onto its sill. The fall was further than she'd like, but she could make it, she was sure. She didn't know where she'd go, or even why she'd leave this place, exactly; there was no better place she could realistically be. Still, her impulse in the moment told her to get away, and so this was exactly what she'd try.
(No Patrick for almost 3 days so I'm just gonna leave him in town and move on.)

*Christian stands up, turning back towards the door to leave waving at the two men over his shoulder.* I have some errands to run, I take it that you can get yourself home Patrick, without incident. Cause I'm taking the car. Take good care of him Mario. *He smiles again, slipping on his sunglasses and walks outside to the car and gets in. He drives a few blocks stopping in front of the local department store, the kind of place that he can pick up everything he needed, even tho the town wasn't huge it still managed to attract some major chain stores. Inside Christian picks up the few things he promised Rika, including flowers despite her protest to their worth. The troubling thing he had a problem figuring out was, the gift he wanted to give Caroline, the child has gone through so much, he needed something that would make her feel welcome, of course he had more reasons then one for him wanting Caroline to feel comfortable with the pack, less chance of her running away and being picked up by the law that isn't on the pack's payroll, or worst she stays out on the run to long and gets caught under a full moon and goes on a rampage and kills humans. He has to make her feel like she belongs.

Finally he decides, he will let Sheena take her out and buy everything she wants to decorate her own room, he'll also get the wolf staying next door to Sheena's room to move to one of the other vacant rooms, he feels that she'll be happier if she's close to Sheena and this way Sheena won't have to share a room with Caroline because as much as Sheena wants to pretend she can handle this, he can feel how overwhelm she is and will need some space from the child if they are to last. Because has Caroline's maker Sheena can never push the child away, because that never ends well. It's not much longer before Christian pulls back into the garage at the manor, walking through the halls, searching for Rika, Esme and Jason to share information, together they will decide what to tell the pack and when to tell them. In the corner of his eye he sees through the window something drop to the ground. Curious he walks outside to see Caroline scrambling to her feet. He stands over her and smiles at here.* You do know that we have stairs right? So whatcha doing little one?
(Sorry. I've been having a rough weekend with my partner and such.)

Patrick nods as Christian left and took the car with him. Patrick turned his attention to Mario and let him finish up with his work. After a few hours, his suits were done and it was about midday out when he went outside. Patrick didn't see Christian anywhere, so he decided to take a nice stroll back to he manor. Patrick began humming to himself quietly as he walked along the road. Cars passed him, here and there, none offering a ride to him. But Patrick didn't care. All he cared about was getting back so he could see Esme. No woman had ever had his effect on him before. She was just so compelling to be around. He had only known her for a day but he felt like it had been longer. Like an old friend. Besides, he felt like she was interested in him too. But Patrick couldn't be entirely sure anyway. After about a half hour walk, Patrick arrived back to the Manor.
Caroline has managed to balance precariously on the windowsill ledge, her lower legs and feet dangling out of it, and is trying to psyche herself into jumping when she hears Christian's voice. Giving a short scream of surprise, she jerks backward, barely managing to grab the sill and catch herself from falling back into the bathroom floor. Straightening again and looking down below her, seeing that Christian is watching, she flushes, mumbling back to him, "I...was..."

There is no explanation that will suffice for what she was doing, however, so she finishes in a continued mutter, "I'll...go back in...if you're gonna be mad."
*Christian, slips his hands in his pocket and steps back* It's ok little one, you're not the first or will be the last female to jump out of a window, so go ahead come down I have something to talk to you about anyway. Look I understand somethings were said when I left and I want to assure you that no one here is against you, we just want some straight answers so we will be better at protecting you.

(Sorry not much to say there)
Sheepishly and with great reluctance, Caroline slips back down to the bathroom floor, very slowly opening the door and beginning to walk down the hallway towards the front door to meet Christian. She is careful not to look anyone in the eye, though Sheena is still in the kitchen with Andrea and she has to pass her to get to where she is going. She also passes Rikarah on the way, and Rikarah follows her, thinking that the girl heading alone to the front door can't be a good sign.

"Where are you going?" she asks her, still reluctant to put a name to the child that Rikarah does not consider to be her legitimate one, and Caroline, now harboring a strong dislike for her after Rikarah's earlier confrontation, slides her eyes to her, defensive.

"Christian's home."

This doesn't answer anything for Rikarah, but she does follow Caroline to the front door, wanting to see for herself if this is true, in case Caroline is just trying to slip away, but also wanting to see Christian for her own personal purposes as well. As Caroline opens the door and Rikarah sees that this is true, she smiles slightly, more relieved than she wants to be that he is there.

*Christian smiles at Caroline and holds out his hand to her* Come along Little One we should talk. *Christian sees Rika standing behind Caroline and smiles at her but also holds up his hand to indicate not to follow.* I understand there is some confusion about a few things such as what your name is and exactly what were the intentions of the man that took you away from your family. Well as far as I'm concern none of that matters, as I told you this morning your former life is over, it has to be that way, Caroline as you are now, without proper training if you did have someone to go back to, chances are you'd be putting them in danger..Not from me or the pack they'll be in danger because of you, if you don't learn to conquer your wolf the wolf will conquer you. I'm assuming you were going to run when I caught you, let me as you this. Where would you go? Is there someplace that you would feel safer then here with me and Sheena? Do you doubt that we will protect you with our lives. Caroline I don't know why you would run from us but you must understand, you are a part of us now, the pack is stronger with you, yes I know you're small and have no experience but that's not what I mean, when the pack is happy the pack is strong and despite your origins you make us happy. Even grumpy Rika who I also assume probably rubbed you the wrong way, she's an acquired taste but she's good in her core.(ok he's lying about that lol)

Anyway if you still wish to leave I will not stop you, I don't want anyone here that doesn't want to be, but Caroline I promise you if you stay you will be safe and we will do our best to make you happy.

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