The Fear principle (Accepting)

When Jaguar first entered the room, Sam instinctively moved to place himself between her and Amy, greeting her with a dirty look, just as he had done every time she or anyone came by. He didn't like these people. The woman had told the two that she wanted to help them but Sam knew better. These people wanted to separate him and his sister. They had even tried to get the twins to have these "training sessions" without eachother.

Well that didn't work of course. Both siblings were extremely uncooperative, with Amy cowering in the corner refusing to talk to anyone and Sam trying desperately to claw his way through the walls, attempts that had left his fingers and the wall bloody. And with the two in separate cells, they refused to sleep and eat. Eventually the workers gave in and allowed the two to not only share training sessions but also a cell. Still, Sam had his eye on these people, especially that Jaguar lady. Who knows what these people would do if the Talbots ever let their guard down.

Sam stood tall to address Jaguar. "Why don't you just go away? If separating us is the only way we can 'get better' then we'd rather stay here for the rest of our lives." The man had always hated these sessions. All these people did was pick at their brains, trying to reveal and abuse weaknesses within their psyches. From his perspective, they weren't trying to rehabilitate them but mind rape them, torture the prisoners like some sick game. These people were the monsters, not Sam and Amy.

His glare broke with the feeling of softness pressing against his arm. He wasn't sure of when exactly but some time during his little stand off with Jaguar, Amy had stood up and was now leaning against her brother, holding onto his arm tightly. Her head, at first resting on his shoulder, turned up to achieve eye contact. For a minute the two seemed to be having a stare down and Sam, who appeared to have lost, looked away. Running his hand through his hair, he looked to the ground accepting his defeat of whatever just went on there. "Fine. But only because you say so. So lady, let's get this over with. Amy doesn't want any trouble so we'll behave for now."

Amy hugged her brother's arm tighter and smile softly, happy she had won. She didn't like these sessions either since the very idea of not being near her brother made her skin crawl and unwanted memories to appear. Still, if they caused too much trouble, they might have to be in separate cells again and Amy didn't want that, not at all. She looked up at Jaguar waiting for her lead though said nothing of it. She still didn't like talking to other people besides her brother and avoided it until it was necessary.
Sven looked over at Alex after he asked about Mason’s past, Sven not really knowing much facts about it personally. He had only briefly skimmed over the folder before taking him to his cell, and not to much had jumped out at him during the brief read. There was one thing that Sven noticed about the man during his checking in process, it being how he carried himself. It was apparent that the guy had killed his fare share of people in his past, much like many that had grown up in those times.

He said with a slight shrug as they continued down the hallway, “Odds are he has killed a fair amount of people, more so than is noted in his file.” Sven paused and added, it seeming that he knew from experience, “If you were alive during the killing times you learned how to conceal your kills if need be, and Mason had to be in his mid teens when it all started.” Sven sighed and opened the door to the staffs kitchen, him holding it open for Alex. “Odds are he is more of a solitary individual, speaking only when needed to meet an end,” he paused and shrugged adding with a slight smile, “he refrained from speaking on the way in, him playing the mysterious card.”
Jaguar makes sure that the divider is in place before opening the door for herself and Bailey. Not that she would really expect Sam or Amy to make a run for it or to attack them. That would involve separating, at least for a few moments, and when in her presence especially, this is something they are very unwilling to do. Sam and Amy know that she is here, as always, to try to prod them towards separation, and this only intensifies their fears and resistance to do any such thing. It has been very slow progress, as made obvious by the fact that the twins were actually relatively happy being here, as long as they were able to be together.

It was a messy case with Jaguar not yet having had her moment of insight as to how to handle them, and so it was all the better for Bailey to learn from one of the harder ones Jaguar had encountered.

The twins are physically connected, of course, as they always are each time Jaguar sees them, and Sam, as usual, responds to her approach with hostility. Amy is the more passive of the two today, convincing Sam to stand down and allow Jaguar to proceed, and Jaguar takes this to be a good sign. If Amy is afraid that they might be separated physically if they don't participate, then she can use that as leverage to motivate. Since she has figured out few ways to motivate them so far, this is good insight to have, or at least to be confirmed.

"Well, you didn't have much choice in the matter about participating, but I'm glad you decided to do so on your own," she tells them with a smile aimed first at Amy, then at Sam. Each time Jaguar is with them, she tries to address them and look at them as individuals rather than as one intity, as "the twins." "Thank you for your cooperation, Amy."

It is understood between them both that Bailey can jump in at any time that she wishes, to help guide the session, to offer suggestions, or to speak to Sam and Amy herself, but otherwise, Jaguar has the lead. Right now, she motions for the twins to sit, sitting cross-legged on the floor herself to demonstrate her expectation.

"If you will sit, Sam, Amy, for now you can continue to hold hands, if that will make you better able to focus. When you sit, you may keep your eyes open, but you may find it easier to do this if they are closed. I want you to close your eyes, and breathe in slow, deep breaths. Count each breath, five seconds in, five seconds out. Try to empty your thoughts of anything else but the number of seconds between each breath."

She breaths slowly herself, again demonstrating her expectations, but her eyes are open, watching them, her face entirely calm and neutral in expression. She does not yet add on to her instructions.
Bailey followed Jaguar obediently and stayed quiet as she shared the plans of separating the twins. At the remark of any potential carelessness, she felt her lips curl upward into a small grin. Working with Jaguar always eased at least a little bit of Bailey's anxiety. The knowledge that someone else was there to pull her out of whatever she might thrust herself into came as a huge comfort to her.

Once they were in the room and the session had commenced, Bailey opened her mind up gradually, allowing it to spread through the room as Jaguar led the breathing exercises. She wasn't going to do any prodding or pushing until Jaguar had given her the nod of approval, however, it didn't hurt to at least set the mood a little.

She sat back in her chair and crossed her legs, adopting the cool, emotionless exterior that she had been rehearsing since she'd taken the job at the Eyes of Man and folded her hands on her lap. It was important to not let anything that happened effect at the very least their outer appearance, especially with the twins. Bailey's gaze moved back and forth between the two of them in the beginning, watching carefully for changes in body language. She let out a breath of her own and leaned back in her chair, eyes never leaving the twins.
(Sorry for the short post.)

When Jaguar spoke to her directly, Amy shrunk behind Sam, avoiding the woman's eyes. Like her brother who was glaring at the teacher, she didn't trust or very much like this Jaguar woman. Nevertheless, in this place she had the power to affect the twins' living arrangements. Plus they didn't exactly had the necessary supplies to kill her.

As the lesson began, both Sam and Amy were reluctant to do as she said. Knowing her ultimate goal and the fact that she could pry into their thoughts, the whole situation was clearly not in their favor. Still, what could they do? They couldn't break out or force the staff here to bend the rules more than they already have. So for now, they had no choice but to play along. Well, at least they were together.

The two sat down as instructed and closed their eyes. As their world turned black, Sam gave Amy's hand a quick squeeze to remind her that he was still there and she did the same for him. They followed the breathing instructions given by Jaguar, waiting for further instructions.
Jaguar continued to observe Sam and Amy, making sure that their eyes were closed, that they did appear to be concentrating. She waited until their breathing had slowed, maintaining an even, steady cadence, before very lightly touching the outside of their minds, only the outermost shielding layer, just to insure that little activity was going on at its surface, that they were attempting to empty their thoughts. She eyed them, making sure that they were not responding with too much distress to this lightest of contact, before speaking softly.

"I want you both, Sam and Amy, to think of a time when you were young, before the kidnapping. A time when you were both children, both together, and both happy. Think of this with as much detail as you can. Picture your surroundings, and think of any physical sensations you encountered, any thoughts you had, any words you might have said. Think of the smells and sounds around you. But this memory must be a time where you were together, but not maintaining physical contact with each other."

She went silent again, continuing to demonstrate slow breathing and calm facial expression and posture as she waited. By easing them in slowly, she hoped to be able to work her way up to a memory that would provoke considerably more anxiety. If this memory went well, then she would further probe it. The room was designated, as most were, for Jaguar to be able, with the technological chips implanted beneath the skin of all teachers who were empaths and all prisoners, to use her mental ability combined with the chip's technology to project the memories or pieces of memories out into the open for all to see physically in a holoform. In this way, they could confront their memories face to face as well as within their thoughts. She doubted today would be a day they were ready for this, but perhaps she would be surprised.
Alex tilted his head in thought when Sven explained he new inmate to him. A strong, silent type, eh? This could prove a nice challenge. He shrugged after thinking about it for a small while and hanged the subject. "So Sven. What's your story? Why do you work here and do what you do?" Alex thought it to be a sensible question. Sven did say he wanted to get to know him better. Call it "Breaking the ice" or so to speak.
Sven had been a bit curious as to why most of the people chose to work in such a place, being surrounded by troubled individuals would not be a job that most would apply for. Alex seemed to somewhat enjoy a challenging work title and not many other jobs were as difficult as this one, him being an adrenalin junkie in a manner of speaking perhaps. Nevertheless Sven was brought back as he reached over for a coffee cup by Alex’s question, it entitling why works here. Sven tapped his bottom lip with the cups rim, it flashing a motto that was present on the side of the white cup it being present in red lettering. The text was as follows, ‘Hang in there darlin.’

To the aforementioned question on his past he stated the following, him displaying a quaint smile while he poured him some orange juice that was present in the refrigerator. “Well I was raised by my brother during all the killings and so on,” he paused and took a sip of the juice, “Ummm Pulpy.” He licked the excess off of his upper lip and continued, a carefree expression apparent upon his face, “Growing up wasn’t easy in the slums but we stuck together, no one would mess with my brother or myself.” He nodded and shrugged the memories would eventually lead to the unfortunate end of his brother and Sven didn’t want to deal with that, when he brought that up he acted a bit out of character and people got to see who he really was. He Sat atop the counter and looked over at Alex him a bit curious as to his upbringing as well, this being more than Sven had shared with either Jaguar or Ri.
As their breathing slowed down, eventually synchronizing with eachother, the twins both began searching through their memories for a time before the kidnapping, an even that seemed to take precedent in their minds.

Suddenly, they could see their old bedroom. The pastel colored walls, translucent curtains that framed the large windows, the two matching beds that lay on opposite walls of the room, which didn't matter because they often slept in the same bed anyway especially during thunderstorms or when one had a nightmare. Toys littered the floor as two young children sat in the center of the mess. This was probably a memory from when they were five or so.

The room was quiet other than the ramblings of little Sam and Amy Talbot. Most of their days were spent this way when they weren't out on publicity runs with their parents. Their mom and dad were often too busy to even visit their kids once a day and the maid would deliver their food and clean their room but otherwise wouldn't interact with the twins. Not that the kids cared. From their earliest memories, they had always been best friends.Even though they had yet to develop the need to always stick together, they always did.

This particular day had been the one right after Amy had a nightmare about a monster under her bed. Sam, donning a bicycle helmet, and bedsheet cape, swung his plastic sword randomly. "Don worry Amy. Imma kill da monsta." He then charged for Amy's bed, the one on the right of the room. Amy, now in tears, grabbed onto the bedsheet, pulling Sam back so that he fell on the floor. "No! Don do wit Sammy. Hew eat you."

Sam stood to face his sister and beat on his chest with his sword wielding arm. "No monsta's gonna eat me. I'm da strongest eva!" Then he went crawled under the bed with Amy following right behind him. The two stopped in their tracks as two red glowing eyes looked back at them. Mustering all the courage he could, Sam blindly swung his plastic sword hitting the owner of the red eyes. There was suddenly a loud sound and the red came charging at them. The twins backed out as fast as they could, out from under the bed and getting caught in the blankets.

Now blinded by cotton, the two fumbled within the blanket. This was the toughest foe they had ever faced in their entire lives. After much effort, Sam's head finally popped out of the folds and he slashed at the blanket until Amy came out as well. The two hugged tightly, both believing that they had nearly died from the battle. Then another loud noise, the same as from the monster under the bed, made them jump as a toy ambulance exited the blanket, its siren still blaring.

Seeing the toy truck run until it hit the wall, both Sam and Amy let out a deep sigh before looking at eachother and just laughing. Sam pet Amy's head. "See. I didn't get eated. So when you see monstas, tell me and I'll kill dem all."
Jaguar continues to monitor the expressions of the twins, eyes shifting from Amy to Sam slowly, repeatedly, making certain that their breathing has not noticeably changed, that they are remaining reasonably calm. She continues to model deep breathing for them as she speaks to them softly, in the same calm, soothing tone as before.

"I will very lightly touch your thoughts, just enough to also see what you are each thinking of. It will not will not be experienced as invasive to you in any way. I will simply witness as if from a distance."

She does as she has warned, eyes still open as she brings herself within their memory, touching their thoughts with hers just enough to witness it. Because it is at the surface of their thoughts, vivid in its depiction, it is easy for her to "join" with it and is not experienced by them as very invasive. Now speaking within their thoughts alone, her lips not moving in the "real" dimension, Jaguar continues to instruct.

"You are aging now. You are six years you age, you are able to think about memories of the two of you. Happy memories...memories where you are together, but not touching...memories where you are able to see and hear each other, but you are not connected with physical means." She pauses, letting this occur, if they do not resist, before leading up to the age they had been kidnapped at, age ten. "Now...think of a time, when you were ten years old. You are together, you can see each other very clearly, you are within reach if you would need to touch. But you are not touching. You are standing alone and apart."

If this goes okay, she reasons, she will try to lead to them thinking of themselves prior to age ten, in different rooms from each other. It is a start, if nothing else.

(I'll do the Mason meeting next post in second half of post even if she's still with them probably)
The twins both started to become resistant to Jaguar's instructions. Sam was stubbornly only thinking of memories of them touching, which wasn't very hard when thinking of their early years. Their parents had taken them on several publicity stunts and during each one, the two had to dress the same and hold hands so that everyone looking at them would think "Awww." The only times they had been separated were either when they had to go to the bathroom or if one of them had gotten sick.

Amy's thoughts however seemed to stall, her memories stuck in the time when they were around seven or eight years old. She didn't want to go further. She was afraid because she eventually knew what was waiting for her down the path. Even with Jaguar urging her to go on and the slight fear that defying the teacher might end up with the woman taking Sam away from her, she didn't, she couldn't, move on.

" . . . You are within reach if you would need to touch. But you are not touching. You are standing alone and apart . . . "

With those words, Amy's mind involuntarily fast forwarded through the years. Birthdays, games of pretend, and lazy afternoons flashed through her mind at a quickening pace. Then came images of the "Boogeyman" . . . A large shadowy figure standing over her . . . The pain . . . Reaching out to her brother whose fingertips had never managed to reach hers . . .

She started trembling as flashbacks of the kidnapping appeared through her head. Sam, feeling her shaking, stopped his own trip down memory lane. He wondered what was wrong with his sister. It'd probably help if they actually did have that twin telepathy people always talked about. At the very least, he knew something was up because he could feel her hand loosening in his, slowly slipping away.

Then Amy's hand slid out of Sam's and the moment it did, her eyes opened wide. She let out a scream before backing into the corner of the room. Doubling over into a fetal position, Amy grabbed onto her head and began breathing heavily.

Sam opened his own eyes and rushed over to his sister's side. Eyes closed tightly, Amy didn't see her brother and started kicking at him. "Go away! Go away! Please go away!" Grabbing onto her shoulders, he shook her back and forth while shouting. "Amy! It's Sammy!" He then took her head and pressed her forehead against his. Amy calmed down significantly and her limbs grew limp and fell to the floor. Still crying, she brought her arms up again to hug her brother.

Sam turned his head to glare at Jaguar and Bailey. "Are we done here?" he said through gritted teeth. This was why he didn't like these sessions. These people were monsters. He had no idea what the woman did to Amy but he didn't like it.
Alex looked Sven over a couple of times while debating what to tell him. Alex grabbed a cup as well and filled it with black coffee and took a small swig of the bitter liquid, almost burning himself. He decided it wouldn't hurt to let know a tad from his past. Alex knew he was never the type to tell tall tales or anything. "Well Sven, I don't really have much of a past to talk about. I remember, during the killing times, I only had one friend with me since it started. He eventually became the one person I fell in love with, too. It was just he and I against the world. It may sound strange, but even with all the murders happening all around, I had never been happier when I was with Mitch." He felt like telling more would end up having him tell Sven about how Mitch died, and Alex couldn't bear to talk about that. Alex decided to turn the conversation elsewhere. "I only work here because these people deserve a second chance as much as anybody. And besides, I like the challenge of trying to mold a healthy mind. Makes me giggle a bit when I have a successful treatment." Alex finished off his coffee a little bit at a time and washed his dish out. HE made his way over to a fruit bowl and grabbed an apple from it, taking a bite out of the crisp, sweet, juicy thing. Alex smiled at Sven slightly. "Just between you and me, nobody else here knows that much about me." He began to laugh weakly, trying not to choke on his apple bite.
The reaction of Amy was not unexpected for Jaguar. She had suspected that to speak of the twins at the age of their capture, even if she did not mention or reflect into their minds thoughts of the kidnapping specifically, would distress one or both of them to the point of being unable to tolerate continual confrontation of such a thought. It was clear to her now, even from the very brief images she had managed to pull from Amy's thoughts, that for Amy, at least, any thoughts of being ten years old, when paired with the stressful thought of being physically separated from her brother, was enough to immediately send her into remembering their capture, their tormented period of separation from each other while in the midst of being tortured.

Their fear was intense, seeping through them to taint their actions to the core, and this left only two courses of action for Jaguar to be able to take to treat them. The first was to move very slowly, with each session inching towards tiny gains. The other was to dive in all at once with both hands outstretched, forcing them to face their fears all at once and to either survive them, or to finally be destroyed by them.

Generally Jaguar's impulse was to dive in, but with the twins she tempered her response. Stepping forward, she knelt before the embracing twins, regarding them in silence for several moments before speaking within both their minds, her tone gentle but firm. She allowed Bailey access to view her words to them as well within Bailey's own empathic connection.

"To be finished is to decide there is no more that can be done, nothing that can be changed. I am not finished, not anywhere close to it, but for today, we will take a pause."

She concluded with projecting one vision into their thoughts, not one that was of the past, but a hope of what the future could potentially work towards. In her thought to them she shows them a brief picture of the two of them lying in twin beds, a small space between, hands outstretched to grip each other's. Then their hands slowly release, and they both sit up, then stand, side by side, but separated, not touching. Pulling out then from their thoughts, Jaguar backs away, motioning for Bailey to do so as well.

"I will see you tomorrow. Your exercise hour is coming soon."

As she began the proper procedures to open and then lock up the doors, she was silent until she and Bailey had exited the room and then the hallway. It wasn't until she was in the elevator that she allowed herself to slouch slightly against the wall.

"Well, that wasn't much of a success, but it was an interesting insight. I guess the new man is next, if you'd like to come in for that one as well. Mason Cooper?"
Bailey was able to stifle the majority of her shock at the twins' reactions. While she had expected it, she'd not yet witnessed one firsthand. She followed Jaguar dumbly and when she acknowledged her in the elevator, she was finally able to respond.

“Yes, I'd love to.” Her voice came out a little higher than normal and she cleared her throat nervously. “I'm sorry, that was just...” she had to pause to figure out what to say next. “It's different than what you see during training.”

She'd decided to settle with that, fully aware of how dumb it must have sounded and her cheeks flushed a little. “What is his case, exactly? I've only heard his name mentioned, but I don't have access to his file.”


Mason allowed his arm to drape over the edge of his cot, his limbs relaxing. He had finished pacing the space of his cell a while ago, and was now ready to stretch out, to let his mind properly wander and sort through the last few days.

He deserved to be there, and he knew that full well. That's not to say that Mason WANTED to be there. No, far from it. But he understood that he deserved to be there, and there was a great deal of pride in that, too.

When he heard footsteps approaching, at first, Mason thought it was a guard making the rounds, until he really listened to them. They were definitely two women, both small by the sound of it. Intrigued, and maybe even a little excited, his gaze moved to the door, watching lazily from the window.

(blah. sorry, guys, I'm really not pleased with this.)
He raised a brow at hearing the hint of sadness in Alex’s voice as he spoke about his past, it hinting at a hidden fact that he did not divulge most likely impart to the lack of trust between the both of them. Trust was something that isn’t a common thing around the Eyes of Man, considering most of the people that staff it have some sort of scared past that they are hiding. That in itself was comical considering they bring out the truths in people to help them get over their own fears and what have you. Sven was no different in the way he was portrayed today, him knowing that there is a darkness within him that has long been dormant from the world. How he would change if the darkness was brought back into the light would be up to speculation, him being nothing like he is back then.

Sven shrugged and said while lowering his eyebrow, “The same can be said about me.” It was true that no one knew much of anything about Sven, records from the killing times were sparse and any mention of who he was back then would have most likely been destroyed or lost. He chuckled lightly and said with a slight grin, remembering something he had read a few years back, “Ancients consider the apple to posses psychic powers, it also being a symbol of reincarnation and rebirth.” Sven thought that the information was a bit odd but in a sense he wondered if such things were applicable now a days, people around here were arguably psychic in a way.

The main reason he brought up the apple reference was because he figured that Alex did not want to speak anymore about his past, some sense of sadness being hidden within him. Nevertheless Sven smiled and awaited him to speak again, whatever he wanted to add to the conversation being a welcome. Sven liked talking to people and getting to know them, life experiences being something that he felt he could learn from no matter what the lesson may be. Things always revolve around some sad event which saddened Sven, but out of sad events happiness can emerge.
Hearing the nerves in Bailey's voice when she responded to her, Jaguar turned her head to look at her more fully. She laughed, the sound dry, sardonic, but then she tempered the sound with a smile.

"Training? Let me let you in on a little secret, Bailey. The training here...I wouldn't go so far as to say it has no benefit or value to it, but it's nothing compared to the reality of coming face to face with someone who has murdered someone in cold blood, someone whose inner being has been tainted beyond what usual contact with the more mundane people we generally encounter. Training educates and helps you to examine yourself more closely. It can't possibly prepare you for what you cannot be prepared for without experience. As long as I've been doing this, even I would never say that I walk into a setting with a new prisoner prepared."

The smile twists into a faint smirk as she taps the chip of Mason Coopers file stowed in her pants front pocket. "Not that I suppose that's news to you. We're about to walk in on this new guy without me reading his chip or knowing a single thing about what I might be in for. That's my way. It may not be yours. You will have to find out for yourself what works for you and trust yourself enough not to try to model yourself after someone else, no matter how successful they are. What works for them is what works for them, and you are you. Training will help you to learn about you. Other than that..."

She shrugs one shoulder as the elevator opens onto Mason's floor. Her voice is softer, not quite a whisper as she walks.

"Me, I like to meet the prisoner first before reading the file, get my own impression of them. It's far from unheard of for the information in them to be misinterpreted by the testers or for the previous records to be wrong, or for all of it to be an outright lie. Why go in with impressions formed that may be entirely wrong and possibly shape the future work between us? After I've met them myself and made my own impression, I go back and read the file and see what answers, if any, can be provided to questions I formed on my own."

Pausing outside Mason's door, she looked back to see that Bailey was following her before beginning the safety procedures to open the door. With Mason, however, she first spoke into the intercom system posted to its right, giving him warning of her approach in deference to this being their first encounter.

"Mason Cooper, I am Jaguar Addams, your designated teacher, here with Bailey Morgan. Keep yourself to the corner of the room on the far right."

She waits until she can see through the small peephole of the doorway that he is doing as requested, then follows protocol for herself and Bailey to enter, locking the door behind them again. But as she fully turns to face him again, before she begins the process of removing the plastic guard between them, Jaguar gets a good look at the man's face for the first time, and the shocked recognition that floods through her briefly stops her from continuing the procedure.

The man does not look particularly threatening or aggressive. He is nondescript in features and hair color, height and weight, and even his expression is unremarkable, revealing little at a glance. Though Jaguar has not scanned the surface of his thoughts to be sure, she does not get the general feeling of the energy surrounding him that he is an empath, or even that he is a particularly powerful man in any way that one would normally identify one to be.

But she knows him. She may not have known his name, before, and he may possess nothing about his looks that was at all unusual or standing out as compared to others. But to Jaguar he would always sharply distinguish himself among any given crowd. She could never forget the eyes of the man who had succeeded in destroying what small piece of her childhood and her innocence had once remained. She could not forget, no matter how many years stretched between their last meeting, the face of the man who had murdered her grandparents and tortured her until she wished that she herself would die as well.

She was not sure how much time passed before she was able to make herself move again, to draw in a breath and begin the process of removing the shield between. She was very much aware that her hands were shaking, sweating, that her heart was pounding wildly, sending adrenaline coursing through her and souring her stomach. She was careful, though, to keep her face neutral, and especially not to turn her head in Bailey's direction, lest the woman see any hint of the distress that Jaguar was feeling inside.

He was not as big as the man of her memories. But then, how much larger would he have seemed to her then, an eleven year old girl helpless to his body's power?

"No...please don't...please..."

This pairing would never be allowed, if anyone were to become aware of their history. A teacher could not be paired to someone she had an emotional connection with, however small, and there was no small amount of feeling connecting Jaguar with this man. The correct thing to do, she knew, would be to give this case to someone else. Alex, maybe. The correct thing to do would be to confess that she knew this man, and how she knew him.

But this was an action Jaguar instinctively bucked against, however sensible it might be. It would be an action that admitted her weakness, an action forcing her to speak of a past she had long ago tried to bury. And moreover, whatever her repulsion, she wanted this case.

She wanted to know this man, to understand this man. How could she have an opportunity to understand why someone would hurt the only people who loved her, ruin her entire world, and throw it away?

No, she would take this case. She would take it for herself more than for him or any future victims of his, and she would get what she needed from him. She would get what he owed her- an explanation, if not an apology. Understanding, if not acceptance.

"As I said," she said finally, her tone level, "My name is Jaguar. Why don't you tell me what puts you in my hands now."

She would not get the truth, she knew, or at least not the deeper reasons behind it. But it was a question, something to say, the only ones she could think of at the moment.


Outside of Jaguar's session, for the other prisoners, the time in the exercise arena has arrived. It is the one time of the day other than meals and showers in which they have contact with other prisoners, unless they are also involved in group sessions. The exercise arena is a large gymnasium in which prisoners are taught yoga or other relaxation-based movements, lines are painted in which they are often told to walk laps, and small, spongy balls are provided for closely supervised activities. In this time prisoners are very closely guarded, but some level of interaction can occur.

Although Rinji is not one of those allowed on the guard list or even in the room, she nevertheless makes her way towards the hallway where the prisoners will be escorted, intent on greeting them with her usual fashion. It is Rinji's belief that if she is nice to them, they will certainly learn to be nice back- which, as she points out, seems to work, given the high success rate of the program. It is not Rinji's style to think that perhaps this has less to do with herself than with teachers trained to work with them.
Jack smirked slightly, hearing the lock to her cell release and the door swing open. Since her morning session with Doctor Feel-Good, as she was referring to Jaguar now, she had been locked up tight, sleeping most of the morning and afternoon away on her tiny cot. Time in the excercise arena was always welcome and wanted as far as she was concerned. it was the only time she really got to stretch. She wasn't always one to intereact with the other inmates, but if she was bored enough, she wasn't against causing some friction.

It was all too easy for her to slip into someone's head ans have them freak out a bit, because it was a slim chance of anyone tracing it back to her. She didn't do it to be mean, and she had never really hurt anyone, at least not recently. She did it more for the entertainment it brought. It was the only kind she got in a place like this.

Rolling the hem of her shirt up, so it rested about her ribcage, she tied the back in a knot so it would stay up, showing off her abs and the tattoos she had on her hips. Ignoring the looks from the male guards as she passed them, heading towards the arena, she swung her arms, looking around at the small groups of teachers and other inmates through out the large space. Jack was relieved to see that her new teacher wasn't around, and paused just outside of the enterance. Her eyes landed on Rinji, and she smirked, coming up besides her.

"Good afternoon beautiful..." Rinji was one of the few people Jack liked in this place. Mostly because the small blonde wasn't a threat to her. And she was always so damn cheerful. Jack felt comfortable enough around her, and liked to flirt. It was interesting to see how she reacted. Sometimes the girl flirted back, but in the begining, Jack knew it had caught her off guard.

"How's it going blondie?" she looped her arm through hers and smiled brightly. Maybe today wouldn't be as boring as she thought
The guards rarely interfere with the prisoners during this exercise hour, unless they are clearly threatening or actively hurting others. It is not so much that they don't care what is going on, or that they approve of the prisoners touching or speaking with each other, and they certainly don't approve of Rinji, an untrained and non-empath staff member hanging out with them. But Jaguar has not outright banned it- mostly because she isn't aware that Rinji is often there during this time, much less touching and interacting with them- and so they too do not challenge her, other than to raise an eyebrow at Rinji or to fix a hard look at Jack.

To do much more might be to invite one of the prisoners, particularly ones like Jack, who were known to be empaths, to challenge them back in ways that were ultimately worse than any physical threat they could pose. For someone like Jack to invade their thoughts and memories was something that even the strongest of guards did not want to foolishly invite through unnecessarily provoking her, and so they merely watched, for the most part, stepping in only when necessary. But this didn't mean that they wouldn't address Rinji, at least.

"Rinji, you're a secretary...don't you have secretary stuff to do somewhere?" one of them asked her, and Rinji waved a dismissive hand.

"Nah, it's a slow it's my lunch break. Sort of....and I like spending time with friends when I can!"

She squeezes Jack's arm for emphasis, never mind that her "friend" happens to be incarcerated for the other 23 hours of the day. "After all, it's not like I get to see them very often!"

Her eyes move appreciatively up and down Jack's form, and she grins at her exposed tattoos and ab muscles, even going so far as to trace her fingertip over it.

"Oooh nice ink. Where did you get it? What's it mean? I like tattoos," she announced unnecessarily, seeing as she had many clearly displayed on her own arms and chest. Just in case Jack hadn't noticed this, she held her spare arm out. "See? I design them all myself. I thought about being a tattooist but I thought about which one would make my mom have more of a heart attack, being a teacher here or that, and teacher won out, seemed a good idea at the time!"

"Oh, it's going good," she said in belated response to Jack's question. "I found my dinosaur barrette I lost, and the new guy is sorta hot in a John Doe kind of way. I think Jag is with him now!"

(Future plot possibilty. Prisoners have to end up picking sides in a war of Mason against Jaguar and staff, either converted with staff or join Mason?)
Jack eyes widened slightly and she was unable to hide her surprise at Rinji's use of the the word 'friend'. She turned her face before she could see the smile that slowly spread across her face and stuck her tongue out at the questioning guard. She gave the blonde another squeeze and laughed softly, leading her into the arena.

She could feel a few of the other inmates watching her as she started to walk around the space with Rinji, ignoring the whispers and kept her eyes fixed straight ahead. She knew a lot of the people here were afraid of her, but that was mostly because of her past and pretty much everyone here knew what she was capable. She hated being thought of as a 'bad guy', but sometimes it had it's perks. No one really messed with her, and it was easier then keeping a low profile, she could do as she pleased, with no real consequences.

"I've lost track of how many tats I have..." her eyes sparkled playfully as she looked back at Rinji. "I've got so many all over...maybe you can help me count them some day..." An eyebrow arched as she followed the other girl's eyes down to her hips, which just had tribal spirals. "I think I got these when I was seventeen, maybe younger..." she shrugged again.

"I like yours though...shame you never learned how to should buy yourself a kit...I'd let ya practice on me..."

She was surprised at the quick flash of jealously when she brought up how good looking Mason was. "Yeah, I haven't seen him yet...heard he was yummy though...I'll have to see for myself though..."
At least two of the guards are closely watching the pair now, prepared to step in should Jack try anything with Rinji. As much as most people she works with think of Rinji as nothing more than a blonde ditz to be dismissed, most are also fond of her in that way, and the guards would be very angry if something were to happen to her, particularly on their watch. One of them mutters something under his breath about telling Jaguar, but makes no move to touch his telebadge to actually do so. They all know by now that Rinji tends to find a way to get around even Jaguar's orders when she feels like it.

And then there was their suspicion that Jaguar might actually not care. There were rumors, after all, that she wasn't above sleeping with prisoners when she felt like it, and though they couldn't prove it to be true, they hardly wanted to incite her anger by criticizing Rinji for doing something considerably less touchy, no pun intended, than something Jaguar herself might be doing.

"I got my first one when I was fourteen," Rinji informed Jack as she continued to walk with her, absently but with enthusiasm swinging their linked arms back and forth. "It didn't even hurt, not really. It kind of got infected and my mom yelled a lot but she got over it. Well, not really, she still gives me that look like she's disappointed and shakes her head every time I see a new one, but I can almost legally drink now so what can she do? I never learned how, I can't even sew so I figured maybe trying on skin would look bad. It would be cool though!"

She looks at her curiously as another comment reoccurs to her. "Help you count them? Are there some in places you can't see or something? I know exactly how many I have, I have 17."
"Oh that's right..." Jack smirked slightly, surprised with how much she was enjoying the other girl's company. Normally, she only talked to Rinji to get a rise out of her current teacher and the guards. But she did genuinely like the blonde, even though she wasn't planning on admitting that any time soon. "I forgot you were a baby..." she teased gently, nudging her slightly, knowing that the girl was only a few years younger then herself.

She found their swinging arms rather amusing. Her eyes ticked to the guards still watching from the doorway, knowing too well that this was going to probably be brought up with her next session with Jaguar. Curious to see how it would play out later on, she let her arm slide down, and entwined her fingers with Rinji's and continued the swinging along, trying to appear nonchalant.

"I have a few tattoos on my back that I can't see...most o the are on my arms and s***..." she shrugged again, looking around. "So," she finally started softly. "You really think the new inmate is that even allowed with you people?"
"I'm not a baby, Jack!" Rinji giggled, giving the other woman a playful shove, which immediately upped the guards' attention that much more, should Jack retaliate back in any manner. "I'm twenty. That's like two decades. A decade is ten YEARS. Which is a super long time. That's how long ago the Killing Times was, you know."

She says all of this as though it is all new information that Jack couldn't have possibly already known. Tossing her short hair and barely ruffling it in the process, she adds, "I could tattoo if I wanted to, I would probably suck at it a little though, you know? Because things look so much better on paper and in your head then if I had to put the needle in my hand. I think tattooists have to be like geniuses to do that kind of thing...almost like Jag. Hey, she's your new teacher, right? That's so cool...Jack and Jag, it's like a band or something! I'll have to tell her," she is genuinely thrilled with the observation, beaming, as she pictures the two of them together. "And you know what, you two would look good together too...can you sing? Jag can, I've heard her...."

When Jack holds her hand, Rinji doesn't react as if this is at all remarkable, but merely closes her fingers around it as well, continuing to talk. "I just barely saw the new inmate guy, I think Jag is with him now or something. I mean that Sam one is way cuter but he's only with his sister I guess...incest is best and all the rest, or whatever," she shrugged. "I don't think I'm allowed to date, but you never know. I mean I've heard stuff about Jag- not like, dating, but YOU know..."

She giggled, her eyes cutting to the side, and John, one of the guards, moves in closer towards her.

"Rinji, you know what Jaguar and the rest of staff would say about unnecessary physical contact with prisoners when you're not a teacher!"

"No I don't...I kinda never asked," Rinji said coyly, giggling behind one hand. "Oh, come on, John, Jack's a sweet girl, she's not about to DO you're here to keep her in check, right?"

Never mind that this "sweet girl" was here for murder, in Rinji's eyes, every single one of the prisoners was simply sadly misunderstood. With a few good friends like herself, she was sure, they would all be perfectly nice people.
Mason followed the orders given through the intercom at a speed not much faster than his usual pace and faced the door. He would be lying if he denied that he was a little eager to see who was actually stupid enough to let two women come into his cell without a guard accompanying them. Had he decided to do anything that could only get him into worse trouble, it would be fairly easy to take down both of them, especially if they were under the impression that they had power over them.

When they stepped into the cell, he surveyed them carefully. Right away, the leader of the two was evident. It was in her body language, which, upon seeing him appeared to lose a little of its confidence, but nonetheless. The other, while not exactly cowering, hung behind the other woman, her face tight and focused on Mason's face.

Oh yes. He could certainly have fun with them if he ever had the time.

At Jaguar's question of why he was there, he slid his hands into his pockets and allowed a slow, lazy smile to creep onto his features. Of course they would want to talk about it, and that didn't bother him at all. In fact, a small, excited flutter in his stomach began and it took a small amount of effort to prevent his smile from growing.

“I got stupid and went back to get a flashlight I'd dropped.” His smile faded a little, “Some campers found the body. Caught me returning to the site.” Mason's face relaxed a little, eyes tracing both of the empaths' bodies, “What about you two?” The smile is back now, but more predatory than what he intended for it to be, “What are two nice girls like you doing in a place like this?”
He didn't know who she was. Somehow, it seemed impossible to Jaguar that he could not know who she was, that he wouldn't be able to remember her with the intense, vivid clarity that she knew she would always remember him. How could he look at her, even sixteen years later, and not see in her face the features of the horror-stricken eleven-year-old she had once been? How could he look at her and not see her grandfather's dying eyes reflected in hers, the very same shape and hue?

Logically she knew that this sort of expectation would be foolish. It had been sixteen years. Certainly she did not look the same as she had as a child. The Killing Times had changed them all, and though she was still a fairly young woman, the hardness of her life in between her last meeting with him and this meeting today surely showed in her appearance, whether or not she was still attractive. His face, after all, had changed in this time, his body as well. She had grown mentally as much as physically, and surely, she had not been anywhere near his last victim. She could not expect him to remember her, nor to know the extreme significance his own memory ranked in her life.

She could not allow him to know, if he did not already. She had to be even more careful than normal to block her thoughts and feelings from him, to show nothing that he could use against her. And there was much, so very much, that he could use, that he could potentially harm her with, if she were ever to let him see even a glimpse.

There was little that gave Jaguar genuine fear; she had thought she had numbed herself to it long before, a consequence of her line of work. But looking at Mason then, the fear that rose within her, wrapping itself around her heart, was strong.

"Did someone say that I was a nice girl?" she managed, hoping that her voice held the right balance of airy lack of concern and amusement. "How amusing. I always thought that nice girls were supposed to finish last. I have yet to ever let that happen with me, and it won't be happening with you either."

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