This girl is smarter than she looks, Eric thought. He let her walk off a little ways, but he jumped up into a tree and quietly followed her to see if she'd slip up and change. He may be a killer but he didn't kill humans without a reason. Without much thought Eric sheathed the dagger and pulled his bow off of him and had it in hand in case he needed to make a quick kill. He had had to kill pups before, but only after he had been provoked into doing so. He noticed another figure though, where he first saw the girl too. It was another girl too. What the hell is with all these kids roaming the woods at night?!
*Christian stood there silently listening to Jason, Esme and Rika they points are valid, he's wrong to take his anger out on Alice and even more in front of the kids, the whole scene distracted him so that his senses are paying the price, he didn't smell the hunter coming so deep into their territory or Claire yelling but Miyako has been tracking the movements of the hunters since ordered back at the bar, Eric split from the group while the others stayed close to the bar, Eric moved back towards the manor's ground and seemed to have no problem moving through the woods, She watched silently as he started tracking and when he came across Claire as much as she wanted to warn the girl she was ordered to stay out of sight but when he started to grab her she was set to spring, a distinct click was made as she grabbed the sword's hilt slung over her back, just as the glint of sliver coated steel started to be exposed Sheena appears, Miyako conceals herself deeper into the shadows and watches the situation to see if it handles itself.

Back inside Christian sighs and walks over to Caroline, rubbing her head.* I'm sorry little one, this is my fault, I got angry and it just got out of hand, Claire is a good person and I'm sure she didn't mean what she did. I hope you'll forgive her..Just like I hope my sister will forgive me. *He looks up at everyone* Part of being an Alpha is never having to say I'm sorry..But part of being a family means admitting when I'm wrong and apologize rather or not if it makes me look weak..I'm sorry to all of you and now I'll go apologized to Alice, Esme and Jason get Patrick and start your patrol please, be careful and if you see Sheena and Claire see to it they get home safe. *He walks up to Rika and kisses her on the cheek.* Thankyou, if not for you and Jason I'd probably push my sister away for good.

*Christian leaves the kitchen and walks up the stairs to Alice's room and knocks on her door.* Alice don't shoot me through the door, I'd like to apologize for what I said..I'll understand if you don't want to accept it, I was wrong and taking out all my anger of the what's been happening and the council on you, it wasn't fair and I'm sorry truly I am.
((everyones in kitchen claire slapped caroline in frustration to events and everyones argueing and ran off and is now being stalked by a hunter lol))
Despite Christian's apology and Sheena's hug, Caroline is not consoled. This day has been too long and too confusing, and when paired with the horrific experiences of the previous day, she is close to being pushed to her limit. Today she has realized that her parents and the police are still looking for her. She has been introduced to a lot of people she doesn't know who are talking about erasing her memories and how people might want to kill her. Everyone is arguing and angry, and she knows that tonight, she will turn into her Lycan form all over again, with just as much pain as before. She can't go anywhere or do anything anymore, and she will never see Lewis again, and no one understands...and now this girl, who she thought could be her friend, slapped her for no reason at all.

Caroline continues to cry, flinching away from Christian's touch and burying her face in Sheena's shoulder as she gasps out against her, "I want to go're all fighting over me and I don't even want to be Lycan...I didn't do anything. I want to go home and I don't even have a home to go to!"

"Hey, it's okay, Caro, this is your home now," Sheena tried to tell her, patting her back, but Caroline shakes her head against Sheena's shoulder.

"No one wants me here, it's making you all fight...she just SLAPPED me, and she was supposed to be my friend...I don't wanna be a wolf, it's gross and it hurts...I don't want people to take my memories and hurt me!"

She sags into Sheena, who keeps hugging her, not knowing what to do or say as she looks over her head at the others somewhat helplessly. Rikarah exhales, then addresses the child stiffly, irritated at again being left with her.

"Caroline. You have no choice but to stay here. You are not safe in the human world, and others are not safe from you. We may not all be pleased you are here, but we will care for you regardless. And you will become used to it."
Alice eyes the door warily for a moment before dragging herself from the bed. She hesitates for a moment before opening the door, almost forgetting that she still wore Nathan's sweatshirt. "I hate guns, you should know that...I prefer to use my claws..."

Stepping aside, she allowed him to enter her room and returned to her spot on the bed, keeping her eyes locked on his. "You gonna tell me what all that was the f*** about now?" she arched one eyebrow, leaning back against the palms of her hands. "I mean, you and I have fought before in the past, but nothing ever more then harmless sibling rivalry...that..." she motioned out of her room with her chin. "-that was some pure f****** hostile shit..."

"Is there something you're not telling me?"

((I kinda wanted Jason to get another post in before I jump back in as Esme, the whole kitchen thing kinda moved too fast so I'm gonna have to figure out how to jump back in...))
*Christian leans against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest, not able just yet to look Alice in the eyes* Again I'm sorry, things are beginning to pile on like they did before and we had to leave our home, it's all such a coincidence that all these things are happening at once, the invading wolves and hunters both showing up at the same time, Patrick the new male wolf in the pack and finally Caroline..I don't regret them being here, especially not Caroline. I love Rika but we both know she's rather vain and the idea of her doing anything to her body is a non-starter with her right now, so it could be decades maybe centuries before I have a chance to have an heir..I mean sure there is Claire who sometimes calls me her dad but she has parents...Anyway I'm babbling on and on about my own legacy and it's no excuse for talking to you like I did, because if not for you I wouldn't even have Rika in my life. *He stretches his arms over his head.* I'm just stressed and all these things happening is such a coincidence and you know what I they say about that? Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys. Somehow I think the council is control of those levers and pulleys. *Finally he realizes the hoodie she's wearing he's seen it on Nathan.* You know he couldn't stay here, not in the same house with the man that used to be your lover right, it was to hard for him I'm sure, despite Theon being married there is a lot of history between you two..History that Nathan will have to get used to if he really loves you..Anyway is that why you moved out? Because you think Nathan will come back now that you're not sharing a roof with Theon? Is that why you left me and Rika?

If that was true, if after all this time, the reason why Nathan had stayed away was because she had slept with Theon, close to three hundred years ago, Alice was never going to forgive him...

Wondering if that's the reason he had given Christian, she eyes her brother silently for another moment, before sighing. "Look...I get things are crazy here, I mean, I'd be deaf, blind and dumb if I couldn't figure that out after coming back here, but you have to understand that I would never put the Elders before you. I'm just trying to keep you all safe, that's why I came know how blood thirsty they can get when things don't go their way..."

"You know I love both you and Rikarah with everything that I am..." her voice softened, and her eyes dropped to her hands in her lap. "You found me, took me in, protected me...for three hundred years...and when I came across Rikarah that night in the bar..." she smiled softly and shrugged. "I'd never really leave either of you, you have to know that...I only moved out because, well...would you be able to stay in a place where you were basically stripped of your title, made to work below a child?" She shook her head. "I love Nathan, I don't know why sometimes, but I've never been able to shut that part of me off...and I miss him terribly...but that's not why I left. This place, this didn't feel like home. I miss how things were before..."

Reaching up, she toyed with the strings to the hood and looked back up at him. "I'll do what I can with the council, there's no need for you to be bothered with them if Esme is willing to step in..."

Pausing, she swallowed hard before finally working up the nerve to ask him for the truth. "Did Nathan tell you that? That his reason for not coming along was Theon...if that was even true, Theon's been gone...why hasn't he come back for me?"

((Just realized Alice is 200 years older than Nathan lol!))
(( Serenity i did not realize your post reflected mine. I did not mean to ignore it and i will address it in this post. Also Mega, just letting you know, i wasnt posting just to get away from you. I don't know if you have kids but i do and they can be VERY stubborn and ignorant to people around them, stranger or family. ))

Andrea was only a teen herself but Claire still saw her as an adult, she seemed mature for her age on their few encounters. Claire kept walking as Andrea asked if she was OK.

"Leave me alone Andrea! It's not like any of you care!" She shouted, "You all have Caroline now, so why are you even out here?!"

Claire was yelling at her as she walked towards the stream. Fighting a few branches and bushes, her sleeve caught on a tree. She struggled with it for a second before finally yanking on it and causing it to rip her favorite hoody. This in and of itself frustrated and enraged her even more. Though finally she was at the waters edge. She screamed at Andrea.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR GUYS FAULT. I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!" Finally she collapse to her knees once more and began sobbing profusely. Her head buried in the long sleeves of her hoody. Claire just wished for everything to be back the way it was, she didn't really hate anyone and more than anything she really needed a friend right now. She just felt so alone and betrayed.
(sorry I have to go to bed I'll do a longer post tomorrow)

*Christian tried to smile at Alice and then shrugged his shoulders* No, he didn't say it but can you really blame him for not wanting to see Theon's smudge face, knowing that he's been with you before Nathan again us men aren't really known for our rational thinking, it may be ancient history to you but Theon is a bastard and I have no doubt one day me and him will try to kill each other...He's a savage in a suit if you ask me!
Alice sighed and rolled her eyes. "Theon and I happened over two hundred years before I even met Nathan...when I say it's ancient history..." she trailed off and shrugged. "It just is...I just wish he'd call me...something..."

Sitting up a bit straighter, her hand goes to play with her engagement ring and she quickly catches herself, dropping her hand back down to the bed. "Anyways, all is forgiven, although you know, had those children not been in the room I would have had your ass pinned to the floor..." She smirked at him playfully. Everything really was forgiven on her end. She could hardly ever stay mad at anyone from their original Pack. "I heard I missed the goods down there after I came upstairs...could hear that slap even through the closed door...the tweenies fighting already?" She shook her head. "I really hope you know what you're doing here Chris...the last thing we need is grabbing more attention because we have two girls trying to outdo themselves and pull rank to grab your attention..."


Esme still stood in the kitchen, leaning against Jason, confused with what she had just seen. She had never known Claire to have a violent streak before, didn't even think the kid had had a mean bone in her body. But sure enough, she had turned the new girl around and smacked her dead on in the face. Caroline hadn't really done anything.

"Well..." she finally spoke up, to anyone who was still in the room. "I'm sure that just made a great first impression...'hey join our Pack, not that you have a choice, but ya get a free slap in the face...'...oy..." Sighing, Esme rolled her eyes. Hormonal teenagers was the least of her worries. She had hunters and rogues to deal with as well as keeping things civil between her and Alice.

Turning to look up at Jason, she tugged at his chin with her fingers playfully. "We need to go find Patrick...get things moving..."
Andrea watched as she walked away, then she started following her, listening to what she was saying, she fought her way through the branches and bushes as well, getting a few small tears in her own clothes, which didn't seem to bother her. She was here to check on Claire, not to worry about getting her clothes messed up or getting dirty. Once she made it to the stream she slowly sat down beside Claire, finally decided to answer her.

"Think about it for a moment.... if I didn't care... I wouldn't be out here looking for you. Yet here I am." she said gently, she looked at her and smiled some, "Are you afraid that everyone is going to love Caroline more? You should know that isn't true, it's just that everything has been so hectic recently, just wait and see... you give everyone a chance to calm down from that fight earlier and they will show you that they are happy to have you back home." she said

She slowly looked at the stream with her brown eyes, she did like being outside, though she knew that they needed to get back. She looked at Claire again, "Now... I'm not going anywhere until you are ready to go home, I don't care how much you scream at me or cry or even if you hit me... I'm not leaving you alone out here." she said, then she moved to her and hugged her gently. She knew they weren't close, but right now she felt that Claire probably needed a hug more than even she realized, and maybe now that Andrea had actually started talking to others, maybe they could be friends and eventually family, like they were supposed to be.

{Jason looked down at Esme and did a rare thing, he smiled at her and took her hand in his. He stopped and looked at Caroline, he had another rare moment and spoke up to her.} Caroline, you're Lycan now, the sooner you embrace your wolf the stronger you'll become and then no one will be able to ever hurt you again. If you ever want I'll help you become stronger. {That is about as sensitive as Jason has in him and he walks out with Esme.} You said Patrick was in the training room? We can hit the armory when we grab him. I just hope he doesn't slow us down.

{Nathan was escorted onto a private jet owned by the council, they sent 4 of their enforcers to make sure he didn't flee. He behaved himself until they were flying over the ocean, bound and shackled with chains made of silver to help sap his power and keep him from resisting. But Nathan is stronger then that by all means he's as powerful as an alpha and could have led his own pack if he had chosen to but Nathan hated the the burden leadership put on Christian and Alice, he barely wanted to be Christian's Beta, so getting Jason to fill his place was a no-brainer.

Just before the plane reached land, Nathan made his move, he shift his arms and legs causing the muscles to expand and snapping the shackles, taking his escorts by surprise, he quickly dispatches each of these so called enforcers and the pilots with little effort eating their hearts out of their chest to regain his lost power from the silver. After adjusting the plane's course and dumping the bodies over the mountains, He illegally lands the plane on a farm about 4 miles from the pack's town. This of course got the attention of the local police, who surrounded the plane and after arresting him they drove him into town and charged him with reckless endangerment with a airplane as well as a few other charges. Before locking him up he's allowed one phone call, which he uses to call of course Alice,hoping that she is still on the force here and can get him out, probably just to kill him afterwards.} Hey, Babe guess who? Look I'm back in town but I seem to be having a disagreement with the Local Leos here about where and how to land a private jet. Do you think you could come and straighten things out for me?

(I admit not a great post but only have so much time on my dinner break.)
Even listening to Andrea, she was still sobbing. She did take her words to heart and when she softly felt Andreas embrace Claire returned it by falling over onto her lap, wrapping her arms around the girl and burying her face into Andrea's chest. Even as the warmth of her body and tears burned her scratched cheeks she sobbed and sobbed in the comfort of Andrea's grasp. The young girl tried to talk as cried.

"I just don't understand, *sniffle*, She doesn't even want to be one of us." She sniffled a few more times and sobbed, gripping Andrea tighter but obviously not hurting her. "And everyone's like Caroline this, caroline that. What about me? They didn't even remember to pick me up." She sobbed again, "No body wants me here anymore." And with that little bit she started balling again. Mostly because she loved it here, and the thought of having to leave and that no one wanted her hurt so much.

After a bit long she got up and looked up, her eyes all red and puffy, filled with tears, and the trails of streams from her eyes down her cheeks. All childish and sad and puppy eyes looked at Andrea. "I... i'm.. i'm sorry... I don -n't hate y-y-yooooooouu..." And she buried her head back into Andrea's chest.

This is pretty much the type of eyes i picture her having when she looked at you and apologized before crying again lol.
((Damn it goob, I missed you by like ten minutes and SORRY EVERYONE but this is going to be pretty long...))

When her phone started going off, Alice was still talking with Christian up in her bedroom. "Hold on a sec..." she smiled apologetically up at him, and pulled her phone out from the back pocket of her jeans, frowning when she saw the number flashing there. "That's weird, it's work...they never call me after I've left...bastards never give out any overtime..."

Hitting the answer button, she brushed some hair away from her ear as she pressed her phone against it and sat up a bit straighter, answering in her very fake, 'all buisness' tone...


"Hey, babe! Guess who? Look, I'm back in town but I seem to be having a disagreement with the Local Leos here, about where and how to land a private jet. Do you think you could come and straighten things out for me?"

It took everything in Alice not the drop throw the phone, and quickly pulled it back to check the number again.

No way...there's no f****** way...

Swallowing hard, she forced herself not to give him any satistfaction of a reaction, and after turning to mouth that it was Nathan to Christian, she rolled her shoulders back, standing up from the bed.

"I can be there in fifteen minutes...don't do anything until I get there and if you expect me to be able to help, I suggest you keep your f****** mouth shut as well..."

Hanging up before he could respond, the Amazon snarls loudly and drops her phone onto her bed. "I can't believe him, that son of a b****! Did you hear what he did? of course you did...I could kill him, in fact I just f****** might! On top of everything we're dealing with right now he goes and gets himself locked up? In our town? At MY job? I'm going to rip his balls off and force feed them to him...that immature little f***!"

As she blurts out her random threats and curses, she quickly changes, ignoring the fact that Christian still stands in the room. Her work clothes form a pile on the floor, and she pulls on a pair of black leather tights, a tight-fitting white shirt, and frees her hair from it's ponytail, letting it fall about her shoulders. After pulling on her knee length boots, she grabs her red leather boomer jacket and quickly aplogizes to Christian.

"I just...I have to go get him...once again, here's me, the loyal mate and all that bull..."

She wonders if he can tell that she's fighting off tears, how close she is to freaking out...

Without a word to anyone else, she races out from the house, starting her car and burns rubber as she peels out from the driveway, knowing everyone must have heard her. She pushes her engine to it's max as she takes the winding path back down to town, nearly hitting a bird as it flies past. As she drives, she racks her brain for an excuse to get her lover out from behind bars, but nothing sounds legit. Checking the time, she sees that no one working then had the right to really question her anyways, and as she nears the station, she quickly slams on her brakes before speeding through a red light.

Breathing hard, Alice rests her head against the steering wheel, her heart poudning in her chest. She catches sight of her eyes in the rearview mirror as she looks back up in time to see the light change. They glow, golden with just a few hints of black around her pupils. Her makeup is a mess, and after pulling into her parking spot, she quickly fixes it with what few products she had in her purse. Slipping back on her holster and badge, which had been in the passenger seat, she gets out, heels clicking against the pavement as she slams her car door and heads inside.

She wanted him to think she had been on her way out, maybe she had a date...maybe she was seeing someone. She wanted him to see how good she looked, how much he had missed. She wanted him to take one look at her and fight the urge to throw her onto a desk and...

Pushing the doors open roughly, she avoided looking in the direction of the holding cells, and marched over to the officers on call, her game face on.

"What the f*** is my witness doing in your custody?" she barks angrily, getting the four men's attention. They all jump to their feet, muttering apologies.

"He's on your watch? Do you have any idea what he just did?"

"Who is he?"

"I didn't know you were running that program..."

Holding up her hand to shut them up, Alice resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "What I do gentlemen, is none of your damn business ..that man you're holding, is one of mine. I've been on his case for the past five years..." The lies came easy, but this wasn't the first time she had to get him out of trouble. Luckily for her, she could have the appropriate paper work done and put into files by the morning when the questions started.

After arguing with them for a few more minutes, and a threat to put them all on desk duty for a month, Alice got the keys to Nathan's cell and made her way inside.

View attachment 13576

And there he was. Nathan Alean. Her mate, her best friend...the one who had broken her heart, oh about a thousand times in the last two hundred plus years. Her eyes followed the scar that ran down the one side of his face and she had to hold back from launching herself at him. Taking in a deep breath, she avoided looking at his eyes and pulled her cuffs out, holding them up so he could see them.

"Don't you dare say anything to me until we get out in my car..." she muttered as she grabbed him roughly by his arm and spun him around, enjoying having the excuse to press her body up against his as she pushed him up on the wall, making sure the cuffs went on as tight as they could, and pushed him foward.

"Walk f*****..." she snarled, putting on a show for her guys, knowing they were still watching as she shoved Nathan into her backseat, slamming the door hard enough she almost worried that her window might crack.

She waited until they were away from the station's windows and pulled her car in the direction of the Manor, not saying a word and ignoring him until she came up to the path. Jerking the car sharply to the side of the road, she smirked, hearing his head hit the window and slammed on the breaks so he hit the front seat.

"Get out..."

Once more, her front door slammed as she got out. she knew he had already gotten free from her cuffs and snarling, she launched herself at him, knocking his feet out from under him as they both fell into the dirt. Her fist met his perfect jaw and her canines lengthened, snapping in his face.

"You as*****! You stupid, low life, son of a b****!" More punches came, until she settled for beating at his chest, straddling his waist as she kept Nathan pinned to the ground.

"You left me AGAIN! And then you have the nerve to come back and ask me for help? Get yourself out of your own f****** messes! I'm done!"

At the word 'done' Alice leans back, breathing heavily as she glares down at her mate. In their struggle, her chain with his engagement ring to her had fallen out from behind her shirt and dangles in his face. She looks down, staring at it for a moment, before reaching up, ripping the chain free.

"You've broken me for the last time..."

Tossing it onto his chest, she watches at the ring just sits there and gets off from him. Her whole body shakes in her rage and she backs away. Everything inside of her is fighting her actions. Her wolf knows it's her mate and wants to welcome him home, her Amazon side wants to kill him, and the part of her that's still woman is battling a thousand other emotions.

Still staring at him, she drops to her knees at his feet and looks away from him finally, focusing on the setting sun. The moon would be up soon, and if she didn't shift tonight...she might end up killing something...

((I'll do another Esme post in a bit, totally just banged this whole thing out and now my brain hurts... :toung:))

((okay so Nathan and Alice's relationship reminds me of HardTime and Marie's xP))
When it becomes apparent to Rikarah that Sheena appears to be out of her depth with Caroline and her emotions, that everyone is quickly fleeing the kitchen and leaving her with the girls alone other than Jason, Rikarah exhales, resigning herself to the fact that if she does not attempt to do something, the child will simply continue to cry and get progressively more upset. Sheena would then likely become upset as well, and being Sheena, do something impulsive, reckless, and potentially dangerous. As much as Rikarah dislikes emotional displays, resents the fact that Caroline is even here, and has little desire to help Sheena in any way, she realizes that this situation is one that must be dealt with if she is to have any peace. Not that THAT was likely any time soon.

Going to retrieve a glass from the cabinet, she fills it with water and sets it down before Caroline. The girl is still crying pretty hard, her face hidden in Sheena's shoulder, and as Sheena briefly meets her eyes, she looks wary, unsure of what to think of Rikarah drawing close, but does not protest. At this point she is grateful for help even from Rikarah.

"Caroline, drink some of this," Rikarah instructs her. "Sit up, wipe your face, and drink. Slowly. Then take several slow breaths in and out."

She had to repeat herself before Caroline began to obey, sniffling and gulping before beginning to maintain a degree of control. Rikarah hands her a paper towel to begin to clean her face with as she continues to address her, noticing that Caroline has not responded to Jason.

"Did you hear what Jason said, Caroline? He will help you to become strong. There must be some strength within you or you would not have survived your shift. Honestly I am surprised that you did, as I did not expect you to. This must mean then that there is strength to you. Claire is a child like yourself, one who is badly in need of correction if you ask me, but she does not represent us as a whole. I will not lie and tell you that I am thrilled you are here, but you are here, you have no other place to go, and the sooner you understand and accept it, the better."

Her eyes turning to Sheena, who looks considerably flustered by now, she says to her, "Sheena, I would advise taking Caroline upstairs and helping her fix her room with the items you bought her. It appears she can use further distraction."

Sheena stands slowly, surprised that Rikarah actually helped her out, and helps Caroline to her feet as well, leading her towards her room. Caroline holds Sheena's hand tightly, her head ducked down as if half expecting to be hit again. It dawns on Rikarah as she looks out the window that it will be sunset soon, and she calls out to Sheena, "Sheena! After she has calmed a little, prepare her for her shift tonight, do not forget!"

Exhaling, her shoulders tensed, she starts off to find Christian, and is almost bowled over by Alice rushing past her, down the hall and out the door. Rikarah blinks, staring after her, and though she did not have time to ask, she suspects what has occurred. Nathan. One nudge from Rikarah and he contacted Alice, however he had managed. Whatever he had said had certainly upset her.

Once again she begins to search the house for Christian, needing then, though she would never state as much, to see him, to receive some sort of cheer up from him.
That's pretty much what I expected when we would see each other again. {Nathan expanded the muscles in his arms again popping the cuffs open then propped himself up on his elbows, taking the ring in his hand and closing his fist around it tightly in the back of his mind he always thought that as long as he kept this that one day the timing would be right for them and he would stay, but her giving it back is tearing him apart. And he speaks from anger and resentment.}

I known you were done with me when you would leave with me, I've left many times before but this time when I left I wanted you to come with me but you wouldn't and then you expected me to live in the same house with him..The wolf you couldn't have? I don't know why you and Theon split but considering we mate for life it makes me wonder, why would you stay? I proposed to you and all I wanted was for us to leave all of this behind, the packs and killing and Theon I wanted to leave all that behind and you stayed.

Well thanks for helping me out back there I'll go now but tell Christian that the council has sent a spy, there was also a group of enforcers with him but they're dead, dumped over the ocean. I know this because I'm the spy and I killed them. I have no intention on doing their bidding, which is probably me signing my own death warrant. {He stares at the ring then slips it in his pocket} If they send someone else tell them I'm heading east I have a safe house in Ohio I can use till I figure out my next move or I can just wait for them and get it over with far away from you and the others I just needed to see you one more time either way so tell them east, don't try to lie or fool them, you owe me nothing not after all I've done to you, it's the truth, then tell them what you just told me that it's over, that may be enough for them to leave you and the pack alone {He starts to walk away in the opposite direction of the mansion, he feels the moon calling to him but he doesn't have a change of clothes so if he shifted he would have to remain in his wolf form until he could steal clothes. So he continues to walk away from her and the Mansion}
There was no way Alice was just going to let him walk away from her again. Cursing loudly, she growled and ran to catch up, grabbing him by his jacket and whipped him back around to face her. "Are you f****** kidding me Nathan?" she snarled, her eyes glowing golden. "You're running away because of something that happened before you were even f****** born?!"

"You asked me to leave behind our walk away from Christian and Rikarah, Jason and Vitani...I mean sure, she left us in the end anyways, but the other three? There were our pack, even if we had to merge with this new one. They were still ours...and I'm sorry if I never mastered your art for walking out on the people who love you, but after two hundred years I had really hoped you would have worked that out of your system by now..."

Alice trailed off, her features no longer stiff with anger. Her eyes had softened just a bit, but they were only filled with sadness. "I really thought...I really wanted to believe that when you came back, if you came back, it'd be for good...not to tell me to basically hand you over to the Elders and sign your death certificate...I really thought that you loved me more then that..."

She wanted to say more. She wanted to fall to her knees and beg him not to leave her again, but she was tired of begging, tired of appearing weak. She had spent decades, fighting for his approval and attention. And for what, so she could give her heart and soul to a wolf who clearly didn't want it.

"Oh, and as for the whole Theon thing, it was never love...not even close. I had just been turned, as I've explained to you a dozen times. I didn't know what I was getting into...then Christian found me and I left him...but it was never love...not like this is...because you, even after you've hurt me so many times..." The tears started to form, and a few ran freely down her cheeks. "-even though you've ripped my heart out a thousand times over, left me time and time again...I never cared as long as I knew I would see you again...all I ever wanted was just to see you again, to have you, truly have you...that's love Nathan..."

She opened her mouth to say more when something hit her. It was sharp force that nearly knocked the breath from her as something pushed through her. Gasping out, she looked down and froze at the sight of the small circle of red suddenly appearing on her white shirt. A red dot that was slowly getting bigger...

"The f***?"

She hadn't heard anything until now, but as the wind picked up she could smell him. A hunter, human, and hidden behind some trees a few hundred feet behind her. As her legs gave out from under her, Alice's head spun as she quickly tried to figure out how close to her heart she had been shot at. She could smell the silver mixing with her blood, and snarled softly, balling her hands in the dirt. "It's liquid..." she managed to get out, unable to even look up at Nathan. "I can hear him have to get out of here..." The silver was quickly spreading and she could feel her muscles stiffening up. Being close to five hundred years old, it would take more then one bullet of silver to kill her, but it could weaken her greatly, especially on a full moon's night when she had yet to turn. Focusing hard, she could hear the human moving in, reloading his gun and growled, painfully looking up at Nathan. "Get the f*** out of here!"


Jason's sudden kindness caught Esme off guard and she found herself looking up at him, smiling in both surprise and delight. "I agree with Jason..." she looked back over at her cousin and Caroline and smiled widely. "We're all family now here kid, we'll keep you safe..."

Pulling away from Jason, she motioned Sheena over and whispered to her softly, even though she knew everyone would be able to hear her. "Just keep her out of the woods tonight if you can alright? Chris wants me to go out and find those hunters or the rogues...whichever we find first I guess..." She frowned, smoothing her hands down the front of her shirt and cracked her neck. "Either way, the sooner we can clear off our land the'd do Caroline some good if she could run freely outside without us shadowing her. The sooner she gets used to being a wolf, the better it'll be for all of us..."
Andrea held her gently, closing her eyes as she listened to what she was saying, though she also listened for any sounds of people coming closer. "Trust me, it's not that no one wants you. Just that everything has been very crazy at home right now." she said to her, she slowly looked down at her, she hated that Claire was hurting so badly, but she knew that she would feel better eventually.

She looked at Claire as she lifted her head, she gently wiped her tears away, "I know you don't hate us, it's just been a long day for everyone, and feelings were hurt, things were said that weren't meant. It happens." she said with a small smile, she held her again as she buried her face into her chest again. "I know that right now you probably don't want to... but will you try to give Caroline a chance? You two have both been hurt by someone else, though the circumstances were different, you two might be able to help each other through it all."

After a little time had passed she gently pulled away from Claire, "We need to get home." she said quietly, she didn't want to push her to go home sooner than she wanted, but it really wasn't safe out there.

Sheena had been starting towards Caroline's room with the girl, Caroline's shoulders beneath her hands, but when Esme motions for her to come to her, she releases Caroline, asking her to go ahead of her to her bedroom. "I'll be right there, okay? We gotta get you ready for shifting tonight. It will be better tonight, a little easier. I promise."

Going to Esme after she sees that Caroline is continuing without her to her room, somewhat calmer than she was earlier, though still appearing to droop in the way she held herself, Sheena nodded in response to her request. "Yeah, no kidding, and I need to run too. Like, now...dammit, I'm guessing that's not an option?"

She exhales. "If that Claire kid keeps acting like that I might slap HER. I mean, what the hell was that? And Christian, what was he all pissed off about anyway? I don't get it. Everyone's totally losing it."

Walking through the house, Rikarah passes by the front door and pauses, her curiosity getting the better of her. She knows that Alice has left, likely to go after Nathan, but still she finds herself stepping up to the window beside it, peeking out. She does not see that Alice has been shot but does see her form in the distance. Back already?

She hesitates, then opens the front door, stepping outside onto the porch. She doesn't call Alice's name aloud but rather speaks to her in her mind, for privacy. "Alice?"
*Christian exited Alice's room, he looked back inside at the empty bed and the black hoodie, he couldn't help but think to himself..Poor Nathan, she is gonna pound you into the ground like a tent stake. He grins as he closes the door behind him, this time he thinks that he won't lock it. He decides to go find Rika and tell her things are ok with him and Alice again, that he apologized to her and will welcome her back with open arms. He comes downstairs and sees the front door open and Rika standing in the door, he comes up behind her sliding his arm around her waist.* Hey, what are you doing out here all alone? *He looks out in the distance and can make out Alice's car.* Why did she park way out there? You think they couldn't wait till they got back and decided to rip each other apart..Then make out..then fight again?
{Nathan, started to turn away when he hear the impact of the bullet hitting Alice, he couldn't move at first he only looked confused almost as much as Alice was as they both watch her shirt become a darker red, only as she is falling to the ground does he move to her side.} SHUT THE HELL UP! I'm not leaving you, not ever again. {He throws off his jacket and pulls his shirt off and covers her wound, just as the sniper takes a second shot Nathan can feel it rip through his arm. (hope me using your hunter is ok) He barely flinch but realize that he had to move Alice to the other side of the car for cover.}

Alessandra! I have to move you, my back will be to the sniper so {He reaches onto her hip and pulls out her gun and places it in her hand.} I need you to shoot the ****** if you see him! You gun should bring the others out. {He slips his arms around her preparing to lift and move but he can't help himself he leans forward and kisses her, then smiles at her after he pulls back.} I'm sorry I'm such a pain in the ass. {Without warning he lifts her up, his back now completely exposed to the sniper but he moves towards the other side of the car, just as he's about to set Alice down one more shot is fired and hits him in the neck, the bullet passes straight through but does it's job sending Nathan down on top of Alice gripping his throat until he finally passes out.}
((of course, lol! Was just some random hunter I figured, one of the guys from earlier))


Alice is overcome with extreme dizziness, and she almost doesn't hear Rikarah's voice in her head. She gives herself s tiny shake, the loss of blood is starting to affect her, and she struggles not to lose consciousness.

'I....I'm here....some, someone the woods...I got hit....and Nathan....I...I can't...'

Even in her friend's mind, her voice sounds weak and she coughs, spitting blood onto ground besides her.


Gripping her gun as tightly as she could, Alice fires a few shots off, hoping to either scare the guy off or get the others to come faster.

"N-Nathan...." His body pins hers down and she can smell his blood now. This scares her more then anything. Moving his body, she tries to shield it with her own and passes out.

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