Claire, still sitting in the corner of the kitchen listened to every scream, moan, and cry of pain from Alice. Unfortunately the girl had entered a type of trance. She just sat still with her head resting on her her arms, upon her knees. Christian had began work on the woman and Claire listened to it all. For some reason it didn't scare her or anger her. For the first time in years, she could remember the event of that tragic night that she was adopted into the clan and somehow, just somehow, even through Alice's pain, Claire knew she would be already, just as Chris had cared for her in that same way. And somehow, with everyone around her and the events, finally after years of fear, the young girl had finally come to terms with what had happened. It wasn't that she had accepted it, or that it was OK and eventually she would need to tell someone she really trusted, but tonight, not tonight. Tonight it was enough that some the weight was lifted.

Around this time, running over everything in her head and not really paying anymore attention she slowly got up, came over to the counter and leaned on it next to Alice. Running her hand up the side she reached to her other arm and pulled up the ragged sleeve of her hoody well passed her elbow. With her other hand she traced it up to Alices before combining her fingers the the adults. Claire felt maybe somehow she would feel the comfort, as she had felt with Chris and that it would help her pull through.

Claire rested her head on the counter next to Alice with her arm extended towards Christian.

"If it will help, then use mine as well." She replied to Chris as well as extending to what Andrea had offered as well. But Donations needed to be taken soon. Claire could now feel the night compelling her to change. In due time, there would be no more holding it back and she would need to run.

((Technically a younger natural born wolf might have better regeneration capabilities. Just an idea. lol Course wolf or not we aren't taking blood types into consideration xD !!! ))
Looking over at Claire and Andrea as they offer themselves, Rikarah again assesses them. "Has everyone eaten adequately today?" she asks. "If you have not, loss of blood may make you faint or sick to your stomach. Eat something before you offer yourself or you will do Alice no good."

She looks Claire over with narrowed eyes before responding. "You may only give a small amount, you are a child. If you ask me you should not give at all, but it is probably wise to take only small amounts from each person rather than large amounts from one."

That said, she begins what is necessary to clean her own arm, then Claire's and Christians in order to insert the necessary tools to retract blood from them. Within an hour's time blood has been obtained from Andrea and Claire and Christian, and then Rikarah instructed another how to obtain it from herself. Helping Christian with Alice as much as she could, she then stood back and tenderly stroked Alice's hair back from her eyes as she waited for her to come to.

"Anything to insure a memorable homecoming, Alessandra?" she whispered to her.


Upstairs, Caroline has fully shifted into her Lycan form, and although her screaming has mercifully stopped, she is now restless and irritable at her confinement. Continually she throws herself around the room, shredding the walls with her claws and attempting to attack the window or door. Sheena too has shifted and is circling around her, trying to herd her towards teh center of the room and to keep blocking her from escape. She doesn't want to hurt her, but in the end she has to snarl at her repeatedly and give her light nips to show her who is boss over her. By morning, simply chasing Caroline will leave her mentally, if not physically, exhausted.
A sweet smell hit Ann´s nose before she growled. Alessandra´s blood. Who dared! With a vicious snarl she turned staring as a blonde man rushed to one of the foyers wall, her gaze following as she disappeared out of sight. She would have followed if not for the hostile presence behind her back. "Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?" Chuckling at the girl infront of her, Ann simply rolled her eyes before she decided that Alice was far more important then teaching a pup her place. The intoxicating smell reached her nose once again and slowly she started to fist her hands before she spoke rushed. "I´m Ann Hathaway, friend of Alessandra and personally I´d love to introduce myself LATER!" With that she turned to the direction the blonde man had headed to. "Don´t forget to lock the door next time.." She muttered but her rant ended as her eyes drifted to Alice, her nails digging into her palm, her eyes shifting and the urge of shifting was growing but as fast as Blondie as she came to call the man stated the obvious she took a small knife. Cutting her palm she takes the black bag to drain a bit of blood. "This, if everyone who say they will donate, should be enough..." She said before letting her gaze fall upon the people infront of her. "The child shouldn´t donate, it would drain her mentally and physically. And I don´t think we´ll get a blood bound if multiply people donate..." She questioned herself before smiling softly at Alice. Her cut was already healed and within seconds she went to her side, slowly while staring at her surroundings.

"I´m Ann, Ann Hathaway. Friend of Alice....I live in this town?"
She chuckled amused. Their own alpha should have known that.
Andrea ate before giving blood since Rikarah pointed out that it would be a good idea. She looked at the new woman when she came in, she couldn't help but frown some, she wasn't the most social, so meeting three new people in one day was more than enough for her. She stood slowly, moving toward the door, then stopped, she wasn't going to leave until she was sure that Alice was fine, then she would go up to her room. She figured that she would shift into her wolf form, she wanted to run, but pacing in her room would just have to do because of the hunters, she slowly closed her eyes and waited, listening to everything around her. She didn't care much who the new person was, she was still too used to being alone to really want more people around.

*After Christian finishes filling a bad of blood, he's trying to remain calm and not get to loud with the intruder that just barged into his home but he calmly cleans himself up then stands in front of her.* I get that you're Alice's friend, I get that you walking in seeing her getting operated on raises some alarms but please do not ever assume that you can just enter this place without an invitation this is as much about your safety as ours, after the night we just had, you're lucky you weren't ripped apart when you just barged in. Now why don't you explain why you're here, I know it wasn't because you felt Alice and Nathan were hurt, so why does a wolf that doesn't belong to my pack or Esme's pack..Why is a stray in our manor? *Christian walks over to the couch and sits next to a still out cold Nathan, flicking him in the forehead hard enough to send him off the couch to the floor.* What a dumbass! The first night back and trouble seems to follow him...No that's not right..trouble was here long before his dumbass showed up, he's just so annoying and a pain in my ass! Jason would you mind taking the new guy and sweeping the grounds and be careful. Claire...Andrea how are you two holding up? *He can hear Sheena and Caroline squaring off upstairs but just doesn't have the energy to deal with them at the moment, the manor is sealed and the windows and walls are reinforced so they'll just have to wait till morning to be dealt with.*
(I am so sorry!!! I've been away from the world and I didn't expect it to be this long. I won't let this happen again without warning. I promise)
{Jason gives Christian a nod and looks to Esme} You don't have to come in fact I'd feel better knowing you're safe but you're you and I won't assume to tell you what to do but we should shift, we'll be harder to hit as wolves. {He looks around the room} No one leave the house, till we get back and tell you it's all clear. {He doesn't see Patrick anywhere and realizes he must still be in the training room.} I'll go find the new guy and get going. {He leaves the room and heads to stairs leading down towards the basement.}

{Nathan snaps away in a panic, frantically looking around and yells} ALICE! WHERE IS SHE?{He spots Christian sitting on the couch in front of him and leads to him on his knees, his eyes pleading for information about Alice.} Christian! Where is she? Is she ok? Please tell me she's ok! {Nathan is planning himself, he knows that if he wasn't such a screwup she wouldn't have been out there and wouldn't have been in danger.} She has to be ok Christian tell me she is because {He pauses staring at his hands tighten into fist} The last words we said to each other can't be the last thing, she has to be ok so I can apologize for treating her so bad and running off because I was jealous of some ancient history between her and Theon. {again is eyes are pleading with Christian for some sliver of information on his mates condition.}

(sorry so sleepy couldn't do any better)
Esme rolled her eyes at christiqan's command and stood up a bit straighter, walking past the new chick. If she really was a friend of Alice's then she wasn't her highest concern right now. "Like hell..." she muttered, going to stand at Jason's side. "This is my responsibility...I'm not letting you go at this alone..."

She followed Jason through the house until they found Patrick. "Come on," she told him. "-we're going hunting..."


The blood transfusion did it's work. Alice could slowly feel her body warming, even before she opened her eyes. Her breathing came easier and there was no longer the roaring of her blood rushing to her head. Letting out a low moan, she jolted awake, realizing someone was holding her hand. Holding in a growl, her eyes adjusted to the light, and found Claire besides her. There was a tugging in her chest at the concern etched across the young child's face and the corner of her mouth twitched upwards slightly. 'I'm alright half pint..." she got out hoarsely Swallowing hard, she groaned as the headache started. It was like a detox, now that all the bad was out of her, her body was rushing to repair. It was safe to say, that Alice had gone through worse before, but that didn't mean she hated this any less.

She could feel the different emotions of her friends who had given blood, moving about in her mind and she frowned slightly,feeling bad for making everyone worry. Her eyes found Andrea's and she offered her a tiny smile and mouthed the words 'thank you', making a mental note to try and get to know the other wolf better. She had a feeling if Esme hadn't filled her head with lies, that the two could get along. And close by was Rikarah. With her free hand, she reached out weakly for hers and gave it a gentle squeeze, forever grateful for what her friend had done,.

She caught Ann's scent about the same time she heard Nathan yelling for her whereabouts from the other room. Rolling her eyes, she tried to sit up, but it still hurt too much so she laid back against the table and yelled out to him.

"Why don't you follow your nose ya big oaf!" she smirked at Claire as she said this, knowing the child would one day come up with a way to use the nickname again for him and turned her head so she could see him when he came in.

((off to work for this stupid 2 hour make-up bogus...))
Rikarah is too preoccupied with watching over Alice and Nathan to be particularly concerned about Ann’s abrupt appearance, but this hardly means that she approves of it. She is unfamiliar with the woman, and for all she knows, Ann could be lying about her friendship with Alice and simply looking for a way to finish off the job. She could be a hunter herself, ready to finish off her job and inviting herself into a perfect opportunity.

Whatever she is, she is not part of the pack, as far as Rikarah is aware, and so she fixes her with an icy glare as she says to her only, “I do not know you and it is not appropriate for you to be here. I would leave until you are invited in, if I were you.”

At Nathan’s panicked reaction when he awakens, Rikarah sighs, turning to face him as she attempts to reassure him. “She will be fine. We have all donated blood, and she will recover. It would be best if you would stay out of the way and allow her space to do so.”

As Alice awakens, speaking and reaching to squeeze Rikarah’s hand, Rikarah finally allows herself to smile, relief settling in her chest. She squeezes her back and briefly touches her cheek before pulling back, returning to Christian and standing close to him.“We should give her space. And some less than brilliant and insightful person I know,” she cuts her eyes at Nathan meaningfully, “should be making his apologies when she is conscious to hear them.”

Upstairs with Sheena Caroline is now attempting to fight her, wanting to get out the door. Sheena, however, has had enough of this, and she snarls at her loudly, swiping out at her with one paw. Not enough to really hurt her, but in an effort to put her in her place as she speaks into her mind.

“Look, I’m sorry this sucks for you, I’m sorry you can’t leave, I’m sorry that I don’t have any blood for you and all the rest, but today has been crazy and I’m trying to keep you safe…so chill and deal with it, because I may not be alpha but I sure as hell rank over you!”

Eventually Caroline is beginning to accept this and only paces, whimpering and restlessly clawing at the ground.
Ann wasn´t a liar but she knew for sure that Jeremiah wanted her ´babysitting´ to be a secret. So when Christian spoke up she simply replied with a white lie. "Well I heard from the Elders that Alice was in town and since I haven´t seen her for at least 20 years I´d prefer meeting her in person then sitting around waiting for an invitation. This was the place Jeremiah told me she´d be..." Her eyes snapped to Nathan as he was thrown to the floor. Ann simply replied to Rikarah the best she can. "I would have to agree but I rather stay till Alessandra wakes up..."

As Nathan panicked her eyes widen. He hurt Alice? Her fist clenched to then unclench and slowly her eyes turned almost golden. Seeing as Alice woke up she simply gave her a small smile before walking to her side. "Hello Alice...." Ann spoke softly as she stared at her friends face. Her eyes had a small sparkle to them as she spoke and her voice seemed so much more humble. She was about to leave before she remembered the fact that a hunter shot Alice down. With a sigh she returned. "I´m sorry but I have no weapons and if Alice had trouble healing then I´d be returning to my death sentence...You wouldn´t mind me staying here to the coast is clear?"
Andrea glanced toward Christian when he asked how she was, she shrugged a little, "I'm fine." she said, she wanted to run, but other than that she would be fine. It was Alice who they needed to worry about, being shot near the heart like that, even for a lycan, she was sure that she was lucky that she didn't die because of it. She moved to get a better look when she heard Alice move, and then speak, when Alice mouthed her silent 'thank you' to Andrea she simply nodded as if to say that it was no problem. She offered up a small smile, glad that she was going to be alright.

She frowned some at what the new comer had said, she tilted her head, as far as she knew Alice had never left the town, though she hadn't been living in the manor. She wondered about what she had said, though since Andrea was new here she wasn't very sure about how things were, maybe Alice had been staying here before, either way she couldn't help but not want to trust someone new after what had been happening and with Christian's aversion to the Elders since she mentioned them. She closed her eyes again, suddenly very ready to be upstairs in her room.

Patrick stopped what he was doing and quickly followed Esme and Jason. He felt his body tingling for a chance top take down some hunters as well as just shift for the thrill of it. Patrick noticed some tension in Esme's words, but decided against saying anything about it. Cracking his neck and other joints, Patrick began to get psyched up, like when how athletes do before a game. Trying to become level headed, Patrick cleared his mind of all that was unimportant. He felt ready to take on the world.

(Sorry so short)
((Ugh sorry serenity. I'll post tomorrow afternoon. Been a hellish few days. Want to go on a run? i figure its a good time to split from the others :D ))
(Considering the hunters, and the fact that Andrea really isn't a fighter, she would rather have someone else with them if they went for a run)

{After they get Patrick and head out the back door, Jason pulls off his jacket and shoes leaving them on a chair before taking a running start he instantly shifts into a large black wolf, perfect for blending into the darkness so he can stalk his enemies, he waits just infront of the tree line for Esme and Patrick to join him, already sniffing the air for intruders in the forest ahead of him. Speaking only into Esme's mind.} Stay close to me Esme, if something happens I want it to happen to me first.

{Nathan hearing Alice's voice suddenly realizes the humiliating position he's end and how pathetic he sounded to everyone, still when he hears her voice he jumps up and rushes to her side and smiles down at her while examining her to be sure she's ok.} I'm a big oaf? You're such a drama queen, you didn't have to get yourself shot to get me to stay with you, I'm not that complicated you could have just said there was beer in the fridge. {Helping her to her feet, he stands with her with his arm around her waist as he glares at Christian.} Now you want to tell me who the hell shot us and where I can find them so I can ripped their lungs out!
Esme follows behind the two men, blushing as she watches Jason strip in front of her. She had seen almost everyone in her Pack naked at one point or another, it was natural. But this was the first time that she had seen him since their kiss. Shaking herself, she forced herself to stop staring as he shifted and turned away, setting her own clothes in a pile and shifted herself, standing before them in her wolf form within moments. Shaking out her pure white fur, Esme gave her head a tiny shake and stretched, her claws digging into the ground. For once, she hated how bright the moon made her fur look, knowing it'd be harder to hide. It hadn't snowed in days, so a huge white wolf was going to stick out like a sore thumb to any trespassers in these woods.

Letting out a snort when she heard jason's order go through her head, she turned in his direction and snarled softly, baring her fangs at him. In her wolf form, she was more dominant, more in touch with her alpha side. And noone, not even her mate could order her around.

'Hardly...' she responded, trotting a few feet in front of him, whipping her tail at his face playfully. Sniffing at the air, she could sense a few animals in the trees, but no wolves or humans, at least none close by. 'Let's keep going...'


All these people surrounding her was throwing her off, but as soon as she saw Nathan enter the room, it was as if no one was else was there. Swallowing hard, she forced herself into a sitting position, staying still as he rushed at her, allowing him to check her over, and tried not to wince in pain as his hands moved over her skin. Her body feels like it's on fire as he helps her up, but she holds this in, leaning against him more then she wanted, hated having to rely on someone, even Nathan, for support. "There's always beer in the fridge..." she mutters, more to herself and turns her attention to the others now.

"Of course you can stay, we can pull a cot into my room, or you can have one of the guest rooms..." she responds to Ann's question, finally being able to focus on her old friend. It had been years since she had last seen her and there was a quick flash of concern, wondering if Ann was to be Nathan's replacement as the Elder's spy. Shaking this feeling off, she offered her a tiny smile, then turned to look and see if anyone would object to this. If they did, she could always offer up her spare room in her apartment. Once she was fully healed, she planned on questioning Ann's reason for being here, but now wasn't exactly the time.

"I'd like to know as well..." she looks over at Christian. "I'll be able to sleep a lot better once i tare whoever shot me's jugular from their throat..." her grip on Nathan's arm tightened slightly. "Are these the same hunters who were after the the new guy earlier...or do we have new enemies that no one has told me about?"
Alice seems okay, at least considering the fact that she's been shot, given blood transfusions, and could very well have died. Of course, she's weaker than usual, but Rikarah is relieved to see that she still maintains her general personality and fiery ways as she smiles at her, her arm now lightly moving to circle Christian's. Whether or not she indicates as such, she is growing tired, partly from her blood loss, partly due to the flurry of events over the past few days, and wishes to have time apart from the group to recharge herself, preferably with Christian along with her. Somehow she doubts she will be fortunate enough to have this time.

Rolling her eyes at the exchange between Alice and Nathan, she comments, "You both appeared quite taken with each other to me .It would be simpler for us all and much less dramatic if you simply admitted you are both lovesick fools and moved on without comment."


Sheena has not slept in two days, and with all the chaos that's been going on within the pack, her stress from Caroline's shifting and her role in it, and all the anxieties and dangers of this amount of time, she is beyond exhausted. When Caroline finally, still whimpering, settles down tucking her chin into her paws, close up against Sheena's side, Sheena nuzzles her, knowing that Caroline too, even in her Lycan form, must be tired. She hopes the girl will fall asleep and make her job easy.

It was actually Sheena who fell asleep first, but by then Caroline was subdued enough not to leave. Instead she curled up beside her, and eventually she drifted off as well, still in her Lycan form.
*Christian sat silently for a few moments as Alice and Nathan both asked him questions, his thoughts were on Ann, he actually considered throwing her out at least until Alice spoke up on her behalf, finally he answers everyone one at a time, Ann first.* It seems Alice has made that decision for me, so yes you can stay but under the condition that Alice is responsible for any and everything you do here, I don't know you there for I have no trust for you at the moment, not considering the current circumstances but I will not close the door on you just yet even if you reek of the council's influence. Alice...Nathan I'm afraid that must have been one of the hunters I saw at the bar just outside town today when I went to meet their leader to try to get them to move on, I remember his scent. I'm afraid these are not the normal brainless spineless hunters, they are well trained if one could get the drop on Alice like that...I'm afraid that we have no choice but to get bloody..And if any of you are having second thoughts remember this, they drew first blood and they don't give a damn if you're 12 or 1200, male or female they are here to exterminate us..So for now on no one not prepared to kill is to leave the manor and those that do must be armed and wear body armor and I want medical supplies restocked as well as stocking the blood supply just in case we get another serious gunshot like tonight. Anyone have any objections or suggestions?
Alice moves her head slightly and stick her tongue out at Rikarah playfully, resting her head against Nathan's shoulder. He as her mate after all, her life-mate. She knew even if she hadn't gotten shot at, she would have never let him leave her again. Moving her one arm, she shifted slightly and slipped her hand into the side pocket of his jeans, grabbing her engagement ring from it and silently slipped it onto her finger again, smiling slightly.

"Wait," she turned her attention back to Christian again. "You me with their leader?" Her eyes narrowed slightly and she growled. "Are you f****** kidding me? You let those bastards live? I want their heads!" A growl escaped her and her eyes glowed. "That f***** almost killed me and Nathan, if he had been a better shot, that would have been my heart filled with silver!"
What can I say, was hoping that they'd leave once they knew what they were up against, so no I didn't cut them down right then and there I'm not Theon so I tend to think before I act. Besides I guess I forgot what a prize my head would be for a hunter that could take it..Curse my rugged good looks and don't whine so much if a silver bullet could kill you or Nathan you should both be ashame and go bury your heads in the sand, ya big baby! *He stands up showing how his eyes have changed and his canines extended and there is a low growl in his voice now.* And now all things are clear..Now there is no doubt in their intentions...Now we can kill them all without doubt that they are our enemy!
It was, of course, rather like Rikarah would have predicted. Not only had Christian not so much as acknowledged her, despite both her hands wrapped around his arm and her shoulder leaned into his side, for the past several minutes, and instead continued to argue back and forth with Alice and Nathan, he had now declared that no one could leave the manor without...what, being prepared to go for war? A simple run, a simple few hours out with Christian, or to clear her head apart from others, was no longer allowed, due to these hunters?

The thought was infuriating. The faster they regrouped and went after them, the faster they could do away with them all, the better.

"I agree with Alice," she said. "The sooner they are nothing more than a memory, the better. For them to have such control of our lives and our comings and goings is despicable. We are Lycan. We should not bow before the dictations of humans, even hunters. We cannot live as trapped rats forever."

Her eyes shift towards the ceiling, where Caroline's screams have finally stopped. "We cannot expect a new Lycan child to remain within these walls indefinitely without losing control of herself in frustration either. Such excellent timing for his mess... although you seem to be forgetting something, Christian?" she raised an eyebrow. "That bullet could have killed Alessandra, had it reached her heart. It was indeed a serious danger. We should be forming a plan of action against them now to retaliate."

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