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  1. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (CLOSED) Supers, High School Edition

    I have all/none of the excuses. I am just... /Insert excuse or lack of excuse here/ I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. Would it be best to take a leave of absence? Candice isn't exactly a major character afterall.
  2. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

    Candice paused to think for a moment, considering where in the universe she'd like to go. "The moon does sound nice... I've always wanted to visit the rabbits up there. But we'd have to stop off at NASA first, and I don't believe we should use their gear without proper training." She pouted as...
  3. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

    Candice yawned loudly, her stripe-sock-covered toes curling as she stretched out on the simple but comfy couch beneath her. She tended to get a bit... Carried away when playing games, especially the violent sort. It was unladylike, and quite a bit odd considering her usually demure demeanor, but...
  4. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (CLOSED) Supers, High School Edition

    Ah, I've been distracted lately. Is anything waiting on a Candy post, or are she and Sarah just drinking hot cocoa and playing extremely violent video games to de-stress?
  5. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

    @CosmicChangeling "Well, you're the expert I suppose." Candice shrugged, running a hand through her hair. "I have more siblings than friends. Err... That is to say..." She paused, thinking over her words. Wouldn't that be a scandal, if that news broke out? And here she was talking to a...
  6. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

    @CosmicChangeling "Hmm..." Candice pursed her lips, regarding the situation with no small amount of confusion. "Your friends certainly are strange. I'm not sure what's going on, exactly, but they seem... Mean." It really was none of her business though. "This requires something special, I...
  7. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern Professor Oak's School for Gifted Youngsters.

    So this setting closely mirrors the X-men universe, owned of course by Marvel. In it, rather than mutants, you have the 'gifted', people born with powers based on Pokemon of all things. Pokemon, of course, doesn't exist in this reality. There's not much else really to say about it, save for...
  8. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern Professor Oak's School for Gifted Youngsters.

    This is the OOC section. Feel free to chat it up and all that. If you wish to join, please send me a private message with your character information. Name: (Your characters name) Year: (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Teacher) Power: (Both the Pokemon you're basing your character...
  9. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern Professor Oak's School for Gifted Youngsters.

    Characters Introduced so far: NPC's: Professor Oak: (Alakazam) One of the top geneticists in the entire world, Professor Oak is most known for his work in pinpointing and explaining where the abilities of the gifted come from. This tends to annoy him, as he's also led the field in curing...
  10. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern Professor Oak's School for Gifted Youngsters.

    It gives me great pride to stand before you all today, and see so many bright young faces looking towards the future with hope. Hope that one day the world might accept us for who we are. Hope that we may one day work with them to create a brighter future, a peaceful future. Hope that you may...
  11. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

    "H-hey!" Candice shouted, stumbling forwards. "Uh, w-wait up a second!" This was bad. Tears were bad. If there was one thing Candice absolutely despised, it was tears. They tended to ruin just about everything. And history had taught her quite clearly that the tears of cute girls ate through...
  12. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

    "Huh?" Candice blinked, looking about in a daze. "Oh, um... Bye!" She weakly called out as James took his leave. Scooping up her game console, she quickly hid the device away in a swiftly made pocket, hopefully before anyone noticed the completely normal game she was playing. "Oh I must have...
  13. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

    "Plenty of people..." Candice gave an empty laugh. Heck, you could probably walk in any given direction from the school and find a funeral... Morbid thoughts. "I just lost the game." She sighed, gesturing to the handheld game on the floor. "Eight hours. An entire all-nighter, gone. If it...
  14. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (CLOSED) Supers, High School Edition

    I like rye whiskey, which is like liquid bread.
  15. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (CLOSED) Supers, High School Edition

    The missing Link sounds like a Zelda game where you play as Zelda...
  16. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (CLOSED) Supers, High School Edition

    Passive-aggressive-combat is our national martial art! If we're mean, you'll probably never notice. We can launch dazzling social-fu maneuvers with a polite smile an even voice :)
  17. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (CLOSED) Supers, High School Edition

    I like to believe my family came from a particularly rowdy bunch of orangutangs, the most noble of apes. If you're curious how any family can be rowdy and noble, you haven't been to one of my family's parties... Or had my family crash your party and make it theirs.
  18. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

    Candice stifled a yawn as she paced through the halls of the school, conjured dark sunglasses hiding the obvious bags under her eyes. She was supposed to be in class at the moment, though off the top of her head she couldn't remember which one, but no one would begrudge her for taking some...
  19. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

    Candice jolted, snapping out of her daydream as a figure sprung into existence on the cloud behind her. "Lord Sunday! You've come to visit?" She giggled, leaning towards him and blowing a kiss with a wink. "Come to see the lively living, living life lively?" Swaying a bit, almost precariously...
  20. SassyWobuffet

    Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

    @CosmicChangeling "Whaaaaaat?" Candice yawned, her face reddening further as Lexi's vibrating head landed in her lap. "What, what, wot?" She giggled, swiveling her head about like a bird. "How could you... How can you... How dare you not be dating this lovely lady! Must I do everything?"...