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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

"H-hey!" Candice shouted, stumbling forwards. "Uh, w-wait up a second!"

This was bad. Tears were bad. If there was one thing Candice absolutely despised, it was tears. They tended to ruin just about everything. And history had taught her quite clearly that the tears of cute girls ate through all of her hopes and aspirations like acid through cotton candy.

Not that she knew how to handle crying girls, save to simply avoid being a crying girl herself.

Why was life so complicated? Why couldn't she just throw cookies at the problem?

Without thinking, Candice opened her umbrella over her shoulder as she walked, as if warding off rain indoors. There was some old wives tale about doing that attracting bad luck, but... Bad luck was exactly what she was chasing after, no? "So... Um..." She hesitated, matching pace with Sarah. "Your power is bad luck, huh? That's..." unlucky. Just the thought of saying it made her cringe. "That explains so much. All of my candy, since the dance, has been sour." She smirked, trying to distract the girl from whatever was upsetting her. "It's true. No matter what I make, it all comes out deliciously sour. Like life has given me a mountain of lemons."

"So... In short... You owe me." Candice nodded to herself. "It's only fair, right? You aren't getting rid of me until I see that pretty smile of yours."
Jean stood there and took Lexi's rant like a champion. Thanks to his mother he was used to this sort of thing Looks like my job is done here he thought as the girl blipped away from him, out of sight. Luckily for Jean that was also out of mind. I wonder what my baby brother is up to he thought and took the liberty of showing himself out of the classroom as sneakily as he could. Not that he needed to, the substitute teacher seemed to be preoccupied by his previous guest.

Good riddance, I never liked that class anyway I was just way too afraid of elastic to leave like this and thus became the beginning of Jean's journey around the campus. You know, for as long as I've been here I never took the time to explore. Now let's see, I was once told there was a garden somewhere. That'd be nice to look at, let's just hope no one is there. Jean began walking swiftly to where he thought the garden was, but as luck would have it he found himself near where he had found Sarah lane on the ground, ankle sprained. He sat down and began to think First I get lost... again, and now I get to remember all of my mistakes of the dance. What a day. That girl, she had me more worked up than I have ever been AND she takes my first kiss He could feel his cheeks getting hot I still shouldn't have done what I did to her, only 5 more days. Then I can apologize to her, that's someone I don't want on my bad side.

Jean continued to sit there, against the wall lost in thought. Hoping that no one showed up to get him in trouble and reminiscing about the past few days.

They really have been crazy, huh?
CosmicChangeling said:
If you could see a squirrel blush, you saw Clara in the hallway, her arms up, back stretched long looking alert, hears twitching as she looked at the bravest man she had ever met.
He singlehandedly was handling the monster in the body of a woman to keep her safe. Bravest. Man. Alive.

Her tail covered her face. He kissed her. He...he actually kissed her.

She needed to write him a thank you note for this. She sprinted as fast as her furry legs could take her.


Nurse..............barged in the door seeing the gym teacher was outside reading a comic book, but her eyes locked on ember.

"You. You're the moron that made it impossible for me to properly get the remaining bullet fragments out of her leg."

How did she know this if she was passed out during the time? You don't want to know. "Are you here to play doctor again? Because I'd say you can't do worse than your already shitty attempt but it seems like the universe is testing my patience with you imbred little apes so I won't challenge you. Somehow the firebird with rise to the occasion."

She grabbed oisin by the collar and tossed him like a Rag doll towards the girl covered in ice. "You. Do your magic shit. What sort of outer world phenomenon do I need to suffer." Her gaze never left embers.

"Never play doctor in my office again. Can you repeat after me?" She grinned and maybe her teeth were sharpening. "I will never play doctor in your office again, Nurse. I am sorry."
As Oisin followed he the nurse nervously still embarrassed from the events before. His heart still racing he worried that he'd ruined their relationship. I'll have to write her an apology letter as soon as I'm able. He looked to her and startled as she barged into the room. Giving a polite nod to the gym teacher he flinched as the nurse shouted at a student. "Now...nurse...there's no need t-!!" Before he could even finish his sentence she had him by the collar and flung him over to an injured girl. As the nurse thew him, Dr. Kane stumbled towards the girl covered in Ice he knew that she was in trouble. Ice encasings have been done before and unlike in the movies and stories people read about them they do not keep the encased alive for a long time. Dr. Kane looked at his patient thinking quickly of what he could do. I have to move quickly before she slips away. Her life energy is fading steadily.

He closed his eyes and prayed to the nature Gods for strength and protection to the Gods. Raising a hand he kept her life force steady making sure that she didn't slip more than she was already. With her life force stable he went to work identifying whatever evil was surrounding the girl. It must be fierce to prevent the nurse from healing her. Closing his eyes, he let his emerald eyes heighten to see the true hidden, things who hide themselves from those who have the sight like Oisin. Sensing something off he opened his eyes to look at the nurse's enemy.

It was blurry, the force was strong to block his sight even with his eyes heightend to such an extent. However, Oisin had a few tricks up his sleeves, literally. Reaching up his sleeve he pulled out a pouch of pollen that he had made to nearly break the veil between the two worlds. He took a pinch or the mixture and blew it towards the girl. The pollen rested upon Nia and he saw it. It began to sharpen and glow until Oisin could see it clearly. There was a sparked of power racing through the girls body it was crackling in her bloodstream and her essence was shifting. He'd never seen anything like it, this is unnatural. To change a person's pure essence her life force was only heard of in small children or the unborn, anything at this age was...."impossible."

Kane couldn't stop the change, it was far too along for that. However, he could ease her transistion assure that she lives through it. It will hard, but he had the right powers to do so. Pulling a candle from his other sleeve he placed it beside her. Carefully he tethered her life to it and summoned a small fire elememtal. The creature landed on the wick and Kane began to unweave the tangled mess of new and old essence in the girls body. Slowly relieving some pain as it overtook Nia.


Min and Ren appeared in the room, Ren sopping wet and pouting. Min smiled and gave a soft giggle. She honestly thought that her brother would phase our of the ropes, but it seemes she had caught him off guard. Looking into his face she couldn't help but forgive him. He was her older brother by a few hours, she couldn't be mad at him. "Oh brother, don't pout so much. You're going to get wrinkles like that." She smiled tugging at his cheek playfully, before letting go and grabbing a towel.

Ren kept his frown, "this isn't funny. My clothes are ruined....achoo!" He said taking the towel from her and quickly drying his hair. Flipping his hair back he looked at her, "these are like a hundred thousand credits."

Min rolled her eyes at him. "Knowing you, you probably stole it. I am still connected to you. I've seen what you do in your free time." She poked his chest and smiled up at him.

Ren sighed and shrugged."You know me too well." He blipped and was in dry clothes almosr instantly. He smiled and looked down at her. "To think we've been apart for nearly eight years now."

Min tilted her head in confusion, "nine years. We've been apart for nine years."

Ren nodded. He remembered that a year after they were separated, Min got gravely ill. She was so bad that the family came to this world to Tae care of her. It wasn't until, he gave her the locket with his hair in it that she got better. After that he and his father went back. I guess Min was too sick to remember and mother never told her. Keeping the truth to himself he smiled, "you're right, nine years. You know me and remembering anniversaries."

"You're irreputable alright." She leaned up and kissed his cheek. Stepping back and heading to the door. "Well I'm off to class, I want to see how my friends are doing. Promise me you won't break anything while I'm gone. Bye." Min said as she left.

Min was taking the senior route to class. She had some time to kill before her next class started and loved the campus. Walking down the halls she noticed someone sitting against a wall. His golden hair caught her attention and smile grew across her face. Gracefully making her way over to him she nearly glowed with happiness to see her boyfriend. "Leon? Hey, what are you doing out of class?" She crouched down in front of him the bottom of her dress brushing the floor.

She extended her hand out towards him and placed it on his face, caressing his cheek with her thumb. "Are you alright? You look a bit down. I do like those glasses, they look good on you." Due to the recent events Min seemed to have forgotten meeting Jean during the tournament. It had been so long ago, and with Ren appearing Leon never had the chance to tell her about him.

@My Pet Poro
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Harriet watched the whole thing go down between her friends. They're both idiots. Sarah will bounce back. She always does. But I don't think she realizes what she's done to poor Ryan. She jogged to catch up to Sarah and the new girl. "Hi I'm Harriet" she said introducing herself, "and she is an idiot. I mean they both are but I'm focusing on her right now. @CosmicChangeling @SassyWobuffet


Ryan felt her words hit her like a truck. He stood there stunned as she turned around and began to leave, the new girl in tow. He didn't trust her? The one person who had always been by her side, even when getting caught in her bad luck? Before he was miserable, thinking she didn't care if he died. Now...Now he was angry. He dropped the folder and walked around the corner in the opposite direction, and over to some lockers. He punched one the lockers.He immediately felt pain and realized he just probably broke his knuckle. He didn't care, he punched it again. And again. "I don't trust you? I tell you everything. I guess someone that refuses to feel anything wouldn't understand how hard that is. She obviously won't listen to me. Maybe I should tell someone she will listen to." he said aloud.


The episode finished and Leon stretched. I guess there's still time before class ends. Wonder what I should do. I guess I should text her. He grabbed his phone and texted Min. He decided not to text Lexi, she'd be here the second she felt like it.

Hey :) At least now I know why you've been ignoring me all weekend. Ren was...interesting. I won't be in Darke's class because I'm leaving for the wake soon. Wish I could have seen you before I left :( I still want to get that thing off my chest from Friday night.

He hit send, then called Armand, the family butler. "Armand I have a special request" he said, reverting to his native language. "Could you have a planter of red spider lilies get to me on November 11th? As fresh as possible? I'm not sure if any place around here sells them otherwise I'd go there instead of asking you. What are they for? They're for my uh...my girlfriend." Leon's cheeks colored slightly as he mumbled the last two words. I still have trouble believing it's real sometimes. "A special birthday gift for her. If it isn't possible, I will settle for seeds. If you still can't do that, no worries. Thank you very much Armand, I'd be lost without you." @The Suspicious Eye ((i fully expect this text to not be read until after the scene with Jean ends, but like...you do you.))
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Nialla barely had the strength to remain conscious, and passed out before the Nurse could return, right in front of Ember.


Erin and Salve had watched the events unfold in front of them, each with a different reaction. To Salve, Sarah was well within her right to say what she wanted to Ryan. Maybe she was being a little too harsh, but Sarah wanted the best of the best, and she knew there'd be risks. Salve understood that position, and even if Ryan meant well it didn't give him the right to demand the team refuse to follow leads because it'd be a little safer. She and Erin could sniff out any danger well before they ended up in range of it, all Ryan's concerns told Salve was that he didn't trust her or her sister to make sure any danger didn't get noticed beforehand.

To Erin, she saw things a little differently. Sari, of all people, was trying to wrest control of a team project to herself, without any thought as to the opinions of her, Salve, Hare, or Ryan. Ryan was just trying to be a good friend to them and make sure they didn't get hurt. Erin understood that, even agreed with him. Maybe the way he said it was a little bit off, but Erin trusted Ryan's judgement. To see Sarah dismiss him like that, without even asking for the opinion of the rest of the team, was a little bit hurtful.

In the end, Erin stood still in the hallway, giving Sarah a look of hurt as she made decisions for everyone else. "Sari, please don't kick people off the team without talking to the rest of us. It kinda hurts when you act like our opinions don't matter." Erin didn't sound her usual confident self, and if they were identical then in that moment she and Salve could have been confused for one another. Salve didn't say a word, even if she disagreed with her sister. There was no need to bring more drama in.


"Mrs. Turner, huh?" Natalie knew the name. She was on the list of parents who hadn't been corralled with the 200. It was still her failure for not making sure that woman left, but at least she didn't die directly because of Nat's actions. Nat almost laughed. She was grasping at straws so she didn't feel the guilt of one more life lost. Over a dozen were dead because of her, why try looking for any excuse to take just one off that list.

When Lexi started crying, Natalie felt a massive sense of awkwardness and sadness. Lexi was trying to take the blame for what happened to Nialla, as if it was her fault. And she was crying in front of a stranger, someone she only knew as the mom of her friend. Were they that close? "I-I... Hey, stop, okay? It isn't your fault. She did something selfless, something incredibly like her to save someone else's life. She didn't get hurt because we couldn't protect her, she got hurt protecting someone else. I..." Natalie thought about what to say for a moment, and came to a kind of realization herself.

"We can't change the past, nor can we change the actions others take. What Nialla did was selfless and heroic, it was her putting the lives of others before her own. As much as I hate seeing her like that, in bed and unable to move without help, barely even conscious, I know that she did what she did expecting to die. I should be beyond joyous to even see her alive, but since she woke up I haven't been able to even visit her bed." Natalie didn't expect to confess her cowardice in front of Lexi, but there was no one else she could tell. It was unprofessional, but she didn't care. It just felt good talking to someone.



Jean looked up when he heard his brother's name again. This makes two times just today, we're identical but we are not that identical. He saw a blurry figure in the distance That's definitely a girl, but who? he wiped the tears out of his eyes and she gets to see me like this, how great he mentally rolled his eyes at himself he felt her hand on his face gently caressing it. He felt warm and his cheeks got really hot.

He took the girls hand and turned to her looking her in the face. The girl was the only girl he could have hoped to see, and she thought that she was his brother, her boyfriend. He wanted to badly to pretend to be his brother, he would have had everything he wanted. At least in that one moment. He couldn't do it, and he hated himself for it. He kissed Min's hand and pulled her close "I'm sorry sweetheart but you've got the wrong guy" he pulled back and smiled "you ended up with the better half, or at least I think. What do I know, we both have a shady past" Jean covered his mouth "I probably shouldn't have said that, I'm Jean again by the way, in case you forgot about me" He was speaking very quickly "Most people forget about me, but that's okay" he reacted poorly with Sarah, but it was far worse with Min. His heart felt like it was going to pound right out of his chest. "Oh, I never got to give you this" Jean pulled out the necklace he made her "I made it for you the day we met. It's a neat little trick I have" holding the necklace he used his power and the diamond began glowing red to match her eyes. "This is a special gem, it will change colors to always match your eye color. Consider it a gift as an apology for interrupting your date" Jean hated saying it like that but he had to, this doesn't mean he was giving up but a sign of knowing where to strike Hopefully she likes it, I've certainly had enough time to work on this. He extended his arm to hand her the necklace "it's all yours" He smiled lightly at Min getting lost in her eyes. She truly was ... breathtaking

@The Suspicious Eye
As he kissed her hand and spoke she realized that she had made a mistake. Min blushed completely embarrassed that she had mistaken Jean for Leon. Covering her mouth in shock she looked at him. "Oh my goodness! I am so sorry, Jean!" At the mention of his name and his kiss on her hand, she remembered him from the tournament. She tilted her head and smiled at him, "yes, of course I remember you. I'm so sorry. How embarrassing is this? You must think I'm a total ditz." She tugged at a strand of her hair in embarrassment. He must think I'm a terrible person, for mistaking him for Leon. They look so similar both close and afar. Ugh, this is so awkward. I'm so embarrassed right now. On the plus side I didn't kiss him. Otherwise this would be way worse.

Min looked at him curiously as he mentioned having something for her. "Really? What is it?" Looking at the necklace her eyes widened in surprise. It was beautiful, but she wondered why he would make such a thing. Watching the diamonds turn a glowing red the same color as her eyes. She looked at him as he explained the ability. She did her best to not tear up. The gift reminded her of the hope she had that one day she'd be rid of the darkness. One day she'll know what her original eye color looked like. One day she'll know what it's like to be normal. Smiling brightly she looked at him, "it's beautiful. Thank you." She slid the locket into her top, moved her hair over her shoulder to expose the back of her neck and slowly turned around exposing her neck. "Um, would you do the honors? I don't know if I could properly latch it." She said extremely embarrassed hugging her hair. Her locket has been with her since she came to this world.

Twirling her fingers through her hair as she waited for him to put the necklace on she spoke softly. "So, if you don't mind me asking, what has gotten you so down? I know you don't know me very well, but I'm happy to listen if you'd like to talk." In the back of her mind she thought about the shady past he mentioned. It bothered her, but she wouldn't poke that bear just yet.

@My Pet Poro

Meanwhile, Ren was chilling in Min's room when he heard a ping coming from Min's cellphone. He picked it up and read it frowning a bit. He didn't like how smitten they seemed to be with each other. Love is a dangerous game. The last thing I want is for Min to get hurt by him. Thinking he was doing what was best for his sister he deleted the text. "It's for the best. The last thing she needs is heartbreak."
The nurse scoffed as Ember stood there not answering her. Fucking kids. They believed they knew everything. She walked over to the Druid. "So. What am I dealing with? What sort of out of worldly entity is making it so I can't do my fucking job?"

Kane didn't have to say anything. She saw it in his expression, her blue eyes turning crimson red in seconds. "What. Do. You. Mean. There's. Nothing?" She grabbed his shirt, two hands curled into fists pulling him close. He was just as light as air. "You are wrong. Check it again. CHECK IT UNTIL YOU FUCKING ACTUALLY FIND A CREATURE."

It wasn't angelic, it wasn't demonic, it had to be something fae or weird shit or something....she had walked the earth, many earths, for billions of years, but something Nurse >>>>>> would never truly understand was the ingenuity of human beings and how fucking stupid they were. I mean they created nuclear energy and look what they fucking did with it.

@The Suspicious Eye @SirDerpingtonIV @Homage


Oh god, Lexi made it worse. So much worse. She was crying like a broken train wreck infront of her friend's parents. Wonderful first impression as snot was coming out of her nose. Lexi Clark, you knew how to socialize with people and you did a bang up job you did.

She slipped into the void after Nat talked pacing as she was trying to WILL herself to stop crying. There was encouraging speeches like "Lexi you better fucking stop. YOU WILL NOT CRY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME" and more. To eventually her doing so, going to the pool to wash her face (Not like she could turn on an actual faucet or anything in this...pool was a body of water.

Nat would see Lexi in the middle of a hiccuped sob and then just like that not. She smelled of chlorine, strands of hair just slightly wet as her face looked less puffy....as if she had an hour to try and pull herself together.

"I don't understand what the point of having powers is if you can't protect the people you care about....." As selfish as it all sounded, if Lexi had known, she would have picked the Nurse's room and Nia time and time again. She had been extremely lucky that when she neglected Aidan to play hero around the school...he had been alright.

But even then he lost his mom and if she had focused on just Min, Nia, Leon and Aidan....they all would have been ok. She looked at Mrs. Blake as she brought up the second part, about not changing the past. Death. "There's this feeling of warmth when you die...like you no longer have to worry about anything. You're done. You can rest and it's finally all over. You're at peace." She looked absently not realizing she was really saying this out loud, her gaze became focused again.

"I've...I've only seen Nia when she's sleeping but I feel so guilty all I leave is post it notes...I haven't stayed to see her awake because I don't know how I can help her fix this...or what to even do...." Mrs. Blake had admitted something so personal...maybe admitting she was afraid too really see Nia too would help. Or...or maybe she made it worse.



Sarah stopped in the hallway as Erin spoke, but she never turned around. No, this wasn't a team. Not yet. She wanted them all to be on the team, but she would not let anyone in that promised to sabotage the story when 'they' deemed it too dangerous. That put everyone at risk and there were all too many obstacles to begin with. They were a team when each member agreed they were willing to risk it all.

Right now, they were friends arguing and saying hurtful things to eachother. She had been foolish. She should have never tried to listen to Ryan's promise and just do this on her own. She was the idiot believing that she could trust him with this, he'd never understand and clearly he didn't want to. He'd rather tell her she was careless, that she was stupid and needed someone too tell her she was wrong.

No....she needed someone to stand by her and support her.

She didn't say a word to Erin and decided to continue walking. She needed to calm herself down before something like the anti-power group fight would happen all over again. Candy had caught her attention and had said all the right things.

A distraction.

"If you're opening that umbrella as a means of creating two negatives for a positive," She gave a soft smile using one of her sleeves to wipe her face. "It really is not that crazy of an idea. Well, a mountain of lemons....sounds like a predicament. Maybe you and I can make some lemonade with them."

Hare had run up calling her an idiot. The smile faded as Sarah gave an expression of someone not amused in the slightest. A crack of thunder was heard outside as it began to rain. "Focus on Ryan. I am angry, upset and there are many emotions I cannot lock down right now. It is in everyone's best interest to let me calm down before you try and tell me your opinions on the matter."

A student let out a shriek as it seemed an experiment malfunctioned in Corvi's class a fire breaking out in the classroom. As students were running out, they were tripping on themselves and riddles with bad luck.

@SassyWobuffet @Brinni
@SirDerpingtonIV @Brinni

The bell had rung ending the gym class for the day. A squirrel had lept herself onto Clara's chair in her classroom, morphing into the teacher, it spinning. She grabbed the table, her students leaving for their next class. "No homework today," She let out grabbing a thank you card, dipping her quill in ink and began writing.

My dear Oisin,

You are the bravest man I have ever known. You valiantly protected me against the school nurse and gave me a kiss. I apologize for the fur and the whiskers. It must have not been a pleasant experience kissing an animal, but my heart fluttered inside my chest with your bravado and clear command of the situation.


- Clara

P.S I promise, as a human it will be a better experience.

P.P.S If...that is to say you wanted to. That was too forward and wrong of me to

P.P.P.S Disregard the other notes. I get flustered trying to write to you what I really want you to do to me.

Hare blinked. "Why? It's not as if you're likely to listen to my opinions anymore than you did Ryan's in the room when you were perfectly fine. Friendship doesn't work around what's convenient for you.Unless of course you're trying to say that none of us are actually friends with you. That you view us more as work acquaintances and that's it. I came to you because I figured you'd be more rational about it, since you don't let your emotions cloud your judgement usually. All I'm trying to say is that to someone like Ryan, who doesn't understand people without a camera between them, it sounded as if you didn't care if he died which made him upset and caused the whole problem. You're supposed to be his best friend, and for him to hear that from you, I don't blame him for getting upset like that. He didn't hear what you said after he left, he tried to apologize for his actions and be reasonable about a compromise but you were the one being a fool about it. But you'll bounce back, it's what you do. For now, I think I'll follow your advice though and actually make sure he's okay. I'm still in on this, someone's got to look out for you plus it could be fun. Just...think about all that when you chill out mmkay?" Without waiting on a response Harriet walked towards where Ryan had gone. She picked up the folder along the way.


As he finished his statement, Ryan saw Harriet round the corner. "Oh great, do you wanna tell me you don't trust me for being ready to shut down this whole thing too?"

"Nope. I trust you Rye Bread. I know you're just trying to keep us all safe. I appreciate it, and so does Erin at the very least. Maybe you could have tried to approach it better, but your heart was in the right place" she said. "For being as thick as thieves it's a wonder you two don't understand each other. Sweetie, Sari is scared out of her mind to do this story alone. But you know her, she needs to feel like she's in control. Given her power and how hard it is for her to reign it in, it's no surprise she's like that. The second someone disagrees with her, she pushes them away. You aren't wrong when you said she needs someone to stop her if it goes to far, but you can't decide that on your own. That's up to everyone to agree on. It's just like her deciding that you can't help. It's not just your call."

Cradling his injured hand he protested "Maybe not, but to say she doesn't care if we die so long as she gets her story? That's cruel."

Harriet shook her head. "After all the times she's stuck up for you to James alone, you really think she doesn't care about your safety? To be honest I don't think she realizes how much she cares about you. Let's let her chill out. While she does, we can figure out how to talk to her and let you back in. She might not admit it, but I will. We need you Ryan. We want you to join us. From a friendship, and the most important, perspective, it just won't be the same without you. And from a journalistic viewpoint, if all other leads turn out to be dead ends we'd need your power to help us out. Let's get your hand fixed and you can tell me what you had in mind when you said something about talking to someone she'd listen to."

The pair walked to the nurses office and waited for her to be free. They could see the nurse was busy, so they sat quietly in the corner and talked. After agreeing on a plan of action Ryan pulled out his phone and called his uncle.
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Everything was busy in the office. People were buzzing about trying to get all their information squared away, some were chitchatting over by the cooler, and Clark Olsen was pretending to be thinking about his next story while he napped. Suddenly, his phone rang.

"Vintage View, this is Clark Olsen speaking. How can I help you today?" Clark paused as he heard his nephew, more like an adopted son really, talking in the other end. "Ry? Why are you calling me at this number? You have my personal number." Clark checked his phone. "Oh...looks like I forgot to charge it last night. I hoped I have missed any of your aunt Lois's calls, you know how she gets. So what can I do for you?"

"Uncle C, I need some advice. I've kind of screwed up in a major way with one of my friends. I really made her angry. She wants to be a reporter more than anything, but she's incredibly headstrong. I'm hoping you have some advice on how to get her to be more careful, I don't want to see her hurt." Ryan said.

"Headstrong huh? Those people make the best reporters. To be honest Ry, you may have to let her get hurt. It might be the only way to slow her down if she's even half as stubborn as I was when I was younger. All you can really do is help try to guide her as safe as possible." Clark said, nodding to himself.

"That will be kind of hard since she doesn't want to see me right now." came his nephew's disheartened reply.

"You said she wants to be a reporter right? I'm fairly well known, maybe she'd like to talk to me? I could give her some professional tips or something and say that you're sorry and this is your way of showing it." Clark said. He always liked helping out the next generation of reporters, and if it helped out his nephew it was like killing two birds with one stone.

"That's a great idea Uncle C...except...well....she's more of a fan of Nolan Graves. I don't suppose you could convince him to call when my school's newspaper meeting is over around 3:30 could you?" Ryan asked hopefully. Maybe giving her the chance to talk to her idol will smooth things over. I never should have threatened to pull the plug on her story. It's not fair to her.

"I'll find out and call you back okay? Later Ry, take care." Clark said, hanging up. Clark walked down the hall towards Nolan's office. Knocking on the open door, Clark leaned against the frame. "Hey Graves. What would I have to do to have you help my nephew impress a girl? He made her angry and you're her idol. He thought having you talk to her, maybe tell her he knows he was an idiot, would help him get on her good side, and then some." A little lie never hurt. Plus, I'm sure if its to toot his own horn Graves might help. @CosmicChangeling
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CosmicChangeling said:
@SirDerpingtonIV @Brinni
The bell had rung ending the gym class for the day. A squirrel had lept herself onto Clara's chair in her classroom, morphing into the teacher, it spinning. She grabbed the table, her students leaving for their next class. "No homework today," She let out grabbing a thank you card, dipping her quill in ink and began writing.

My dear Oisin,

You are the bravest man I have ever known. You valiantly protected me against the school nurse and gave me a kiss. I apologize for the fur and the whiskers. It must have not been a pleasant experience kissing an animal, but my heart fluttered inside my chest with your bravado and clear command of the situation.


- Clara

P.S I promise, as a human it will be a better experience.

P.P.S If...that is to say you wanted to. That was too forward and wrong of me to

P.P.P.S Disregard the other notes. I get flustered trying to write to you what I really want you to do to me.

Moe walked in to class and went straight to Miss Turner's desk. His eyes caught the note, reading up to the first "PS" before he stopped reading."Umm excuse me, Miss Turner? I was wondering if at some point you could help me with the assignment you gave on Thursday? I just can't seem to get the hang of charting out and interpreting stars. Lux said I should look for the major constellations, but I'm not really sure what to look for...and umm...I don't think you need more than the original message." He averted his eyes in embarrassment. @CosmicChangeling

Ms. Turner's face went a nice shade of scarlet, she slid the note to the side and opened her drawer pulling out something that looked like a star clock, every constellation you could imagine was in the circle along with dates of the year across of it. She then pulled out two small booklets no more than twenty pages each and slid it forward to Moe.

"Mapping out a predicted event does not have to involve star gazing. This is the cosmic calendar, these books explain each constellation and its relation to the signs. Scorpio, Pisces, and so on. See, right here if you look at this star and its relation to January," She flipped through the books. "It says the balance of power is shifting," She stopped as she noticed another constellation and flipped through one of her books.

Death and rebirth.

She coughed, clearing her throat. "I have many copies, if you would like to stay after school one day I can help explain further. "I am sorry you had to read that Oi-....a friend and I are writing thank you letters to eachother."


Nolan was in his office writing the finishing touches on his undercover expose on a ponzy scheme that cleared roughly 145 million dollars from average American pockets. Tomorrow morning investigations would get launched and his story would once again make a giant shift in shaping history.

This was the thrill most reporters lived for.

Clark walked in, more of the 'ethical' reporter from the two of them....but if you weren't willing to break the rules and cross the line from time to time you never became as well known and respected as Nolan Graves. The Graves sure knew how to 'dig' up dirt after all.

"Last time a girl had went out of her way to see her idol a building exploded and her death was splattered across the front page for months. Call me a little gun shy about meeting another one." That had actually been bad press for him.

And having to meet the little ginger's family to say his condolences for a kid being a fucking moron wasn't one of his favorite days. He could tell the family was Irish since they had two other kiddies with them, probably planning to have more end up with seven or eight little brats.

"What sort of trouble did your nephew get into to have you come in here?" He'd probably say yes in the end. Last night he drank a little too heavy with Clark and lost a 500 dollar bet...he was going to see if he could somehow get it washed with whatever he expected him to do with helping his kid get laid or something.
"Dunno, he didn't say. All he told me is that she was headstrong. Probably trying to dig up dirt on the principal or something and he threatened to tell them if she didn't stop. He's more of a stickler than I am when it comes to reporting. At least I know you gotta break the rules sometimes. But you don't gotta meet her. Just talk to her on the phone later today around 5:30 tonight after their little club meeting gets out. Give her some tips or something. Let her know he knows that he fucked up. He's one of those that don't make friends easy, so he probably just wants to set things right. Although if he does like this girl it couldn't hurt his chances. He may technically be my nephew, but I've raised the kid since birth. I'm just trying to help him out. How about it?" Clark looked at Graves, wondering what he'd trade for. I'm sure he'll want to just clear his bet from last night, but who knows. I think they assigned him a humanitarian piece on that Briggs guy. Find out "The man behind the accident" or some crap like that. Graves hates those, he'll probably try to pawn it off on me.


"Seems like more than just a friend to me." Moe realized too late that he said that aloud instead of just thinking it. "I'm so sorry Miss Turner, I didn't meant to actually say that. But I would be more than willing to come by after classes one day. The subject is interesting to me, I just can't wrap my brain around it. I suppose I'm just more analytical and my brain prefers things that are already proven rather than what may be."

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Fluff pieces. Just hearing it come out of Clark's mouth made the man roll his eyes. The principal was always shady. This was probably some small town in Nebraska or Montana. She probably had a hick accent as well.

"Two conditions," he said tossing him one of the many nerf footballs that was around the newspaper office. You worked long hours for deadlines offices became like playgrounds with nerf guns, footballs, foozeball tables and more. "Last night never happened and I have a fluff piece I think is perfect for you."

Briggs was still in prison. No one really cared about the billionaire that killed a little ginger. Yesterday's news. He'd be rotting in prison for the next twenty years and to write a piece about him denying any tie in to Alexandra Clark dying at the Prudential Center was just tedious at this point.

"Besides, considering it was my speaking event, it's a bit biased having me write the article. I'm sure it's right up your alley."


"I know this stuff may seem silly," Clara said with complete sincerity. She didn't sound sad or like she was upset people considered her a joke just informative. "There are many worlds within worlds layered within eachother. Right now there might be sprites nesting in your hair. Who knows. We can't always trust only what we see. There is so much that what appears to be 'what may happen' could be a set of events destined to happen that can't change. That's a fourth dimensional theory actually. That free will, time and the future are all just an illusion since we can't comprehend the fourth dimension. I have the book on that if you'd like to read."

Mentioning that Oisin was more than a friend her cheeks were brazen red again as she gave a sheepish smile. "That might not be appropriate to talk about with a student."

Arnold cooed in his stomach ache pain.

"No. Don't be fresh. He did not mean to give you a tummy ache. You were greedy and decided to eat those mangos all on your own."
Clark caught the ball with ease. "That's it? I was expecting more than that. No problem. I'll take care of it when my nephew comes up. It's not like Briggs is going anywhere. Plus it'll let him see what a real reporter gets into, even if this is just a fluff piece the subject is more important than anyone he's handled. Good experience." He wrote Ryan's number on a sheet of paper from his mini notebook that he kept in his back pocket, tore it off, folded it into a plane and tossed it. He watched as it landed on Graves' desk, stopping right in front of him. "That's the number. Nothing personal, but I'm gonna call him later tonight to make sure you actually did make the call. Otherwise the Briggs piece is still yours. Thanks Graves." He walked back to his office and plugged his cell in and called Ryan once it had enough of a charge. "Ry? Yeah, he'll do it. Keep in mind he's got no idea what her name is. Oh and when you go on Thanksgiving break, you're coming with me to interview this guy Briggs. The one behind that explosion over the summer? View wants a fluff piece about "the man himself"figured it'd be good experience. And it's even better because it's an exclusive, he won't talk to anybody else." He heard Ryan take a sharp breath, but marked it down to excitement. "Now I gotta call Lois before she has a cow on me for missing calls. I'll call ya later tonight Ry Guy. Love you."


"To the contrary, I don't think this stuff is silly in the slightest." Moe said earnestly. He was completely sincere. "You can never learn enough, and those that dismiss something just because it doesn't fit in with their worldview are fools deserving of whatever fate befalls them. I don't know if I agree with the whole theory you mentioned, but I do believe there are no such things as coincidences. Only inevitabilities based on the choices you make in your life. I think I'd very much enjoy reading that book. You can never learn too much, you never know when it'll come in handy. And don't worry, you and professor Kane's secret is safe with me" he said with a soft smile

Oisin was pulled away from his work by the nurse. He knew she expected an answer, but he didn't have one. Looking down at Nia he couldn't explain it. This happening was impossible, Kane couldn't explain it. There was no fae who could do this no nature magic to shift the essence of a living being. He did not know the answer, he couldn't answer her. His face had a look of shame and disbelief. "Nothi-" He was about to say that he couldn't find any thing off when suddenly the nurse grabbed him.

Lifting him off the ground as if he weighed nothing she shouted at him. He saw the rage in her eyes but met it anyway. There was nothing he could do or say to stop her rage. With his eyes heightend he saw her true form the one he'd crossed path with before. Instead of cowering in fear he faced her anger head on. His brow furrowed, "there's nothing to see. There is no creature. This is unnatural even to the fae realm. Whatever it is, this unknown is changing her in a way that shouldn't be possible. Not by the laws of nature. I can't tell you what or who your enemy is. I have never seen something like this."

His eyes returned to his normal state and he saw the nurse's human form as she was. Giving a soft sigh he spoke again. "Now may I go back to untangling the girl's essence so she does not suffer any permanent damage to her soul or body? The flame can only do so much."

Oisin would notice the body she was in was dead as dead could be. No heartbeat. It was probably dead for months maybe years, but the essence of who was inside the meat sack kept the body from decaying and appearing alive to the normal observer.

Grunting, her nostrils flared like an aggravated bull, she placed him down. It seemed that this version of the thing he met before was more....compassionate....than in the past if that was possible.

"Get out of here. Play with your stupid squirrel or something." As he left she shouted. "You were fucking zero help!"

In the past she would have snapped his neck and never thought twice about it. She had gone soft....more than soft...she was becoming human and she hated every bit of it.

Between her desperate need to save the blind jackass who made a daily appearance here and her desperation to find a way to fix a stupid gimp she felt further and further away from who she was.

God, you motherfucker....you were getting a kick at watching your daughter struggle....fuck you.

She let out a frustrated scream when she saw a post it note from lexi Clark on nias chest wishing her well. When th3 fuck did this happen?!?


Talking about romance or the idea of romance with your students was far from professionak. Clara tapped the desk smiling bashful lyrics as she couldn't hide how redo it was getting.

She placed the note in and envelope and signed oisins name. "The book is at my house but I will bring it in tomorrow for you." She pushed forward her chest sheets for the boy. "Let me know then as well if these were helpful I can go over how to use them. In the mean time....I will be right back. Arnold is in charge.

She morphed into a squirrel the letter in her mouth as she darted out to drop off the letter before oisin came back.

Arnold seemed to have a mischievous grin as he flew on Moe's head letting out a coo.

Clara would have scolded him if she was in the room.
In this moment Jean was the textbook definition of a schoolboy with his first crush. He would have burnt the school to the ground if she had asked him to, but he didn't know why. All he knew about this girl was what he saw from the time spent stalking his little brother around campus, her beauty wouldn't do it alone.

"It's okay Min, we're identical after all. You can tell by the glasses usually" He chuckled tapping his glasses" he watched Min's face as he gave her the necklace it looks like she likes it, thank god. Baby steps Jean as Min smiled Jean's face lit up as she moved her hair and asked him to put the necklace on for her "Of course, it would be my honor" he heard Min speak as the bell ring.

He latched the necklace behind her neck "So, if you don't mind me asking, what has gotten you so down? I know you don't know me very well, but I'm happy to listen if you'd like to talk." Jean smiled and looked at Min from the side "Many things, and nothing at all. I'd love to talk about it with you... but it seems the bell has just rang. I'm sorry princess it looks like I'll have to take a rain check on that one" it was then that Jean had remembered what that girl said when she mistook him for Leon He is going to a wake, this is my chance Jean stood up and offered Min a hand up "If you're not going to the wake with Leon and Lexi we could talk about it after classes end. That's up to you though"

Jean looked at Min as he asked his question and it was then that he realized why he liked her, or at least part of it. She cares, even though she has her own demons to deal with. It's nice to know people care for once.

@The Suspicious Eye

Erin and Salve were comforting Ryan and after Hare said her peace and went to confront him as well the rain only managed to get worse, lightning cracking in the sky and thunder booming. Ryan believed she did not care, Hare rubbed it in her face that she didn't. She was right, Ryan did struggle making friends.

So making friends with the girl who physically could never really be a true friend to anyone was probably hurting him more than anything else. She had been selfish believing that others would dive into this story as far as she would....and to assume that they would be the support she thought she needed.

Reporters worked alone, and the best ones had no friends. There was a reason for it, and she was seeing it now as all of this went down. Friends put you in danger by having you emotionally invested, it blinded your judgement and put them at unnecessary risk. And considering bad luck was running rampant on day one on this little project over a scuffle....

She would get them all killed by accident if the smallest thing went wrong.

No....Ryan was right...their lives mattered and it wasn't worth a stupid story. She'd just do it alone. That way everyone was safe and if something happened to her...it didn't matter in the end. The girl who cared for no one wouldn't be missed. If she succeeded....well a reporter's life was always lonely.

Taking a breath, she wiped her face again and looked at Candice...who must have been the most patient understanding person in the world to stay with all of this going on. She gave her a smile, trying not to look sad. "Let's see if we can fix that sour candy problem you have. How do you suggest we tackle your dilemma?"


@Homage @Brinni

The bell had rung. Lexi looked at her phone seeing a text from Leon saying he was ready to go when she was. Not wanting to see how she fucked up even further building a relationship with her friend's mother...or to even give a decent impression at the very least. You never wanted to be the friend the parents say 'don't hang out with that boy/girl...they are nothing but trouble'.

She signed her own death sentence, one second standing across from her the next, she was hugging the woman tightly. THere was no in between motion of seeing Lexi go for the hug. One second she wasn't the next she was. "You're a good mom. Nia knows that. Don't beat yourself up."

Before Nat could respond Lexi was gone just as quickly as she had given the hug. That very second she was in the boy's dorms knocking on Leon's door. The rain was horrible, the forecast said it was supposed to be sunny but...well....that didn't matter much. "Two options. We go to Darke he teleports us or get ready for super speed. If we do the latter can we at least wrap your chest to keep compression for your ribs?"


@Brinni @Homage

The post it note was thrown in the trash. Fucking Clark. Who the fuck did she think she was? If she had seen MORE students pop in here like magical daisies she knew the bitch responsible. Nurse.......knew hell....she knew it well but this...this was just annoying as all fucking shit.

Nia's temperature was still ridiculously high but she wasn't dying...and she wasn't getting better. She was stuck in the middle. Unsure what to really do for her but the basic simplist care you gave dying patients in Hospice care her father had come back in and would change the ice for her as she was reading her magazine.

Criss Jenner was a skank. She flipped the page to see two rugrats looking at her. Broken knuckles. "What do you want?" She barked going back to her reading.

"Hmm..." Candice pursed her lips, regarding the situation with no small amount of confusion. "Your friends certainly are strange. I'm not sure what's going on, exactly, but they seem... Mean."

It really was none of her business though. "This requires something special, I think. Something magnificent, to chase away those tears before they become rainclouds." She held up a hand to forestall any objections, "Ah ah, one has to know these things when you're royalty like me. We need to do something grand to cheer you up. I don't know if there's any movies playing in town, and ice skating seems impractical at the moment so... Hot chocolate."

Nodding to herself she beamed at her companion. "The weather isn't right for it, but that's just another reason I need a weather manipulator on the payroll. Imagine, conjuring up a soft flurry of snow, like a perfect new years eve, on a whim." She sighed. "Anyways, hot chocolate. It's one of those things I can't just make, you see... Even if I conjure the ingredients, they disappear in the hot water. So I have to make it from scratch, by hand, each time. I'm still working out which recipe is best..."

She paused, momentarily glancing at her fingers. "I've tried 74 variants so far. Number sixty three is my favorite, so I suggest you start with that one. Come along, my room has everything we need."

"No, I'm afraid this is more on me than them." She said walking alongside Candice. She hugged herself trying to calm down and stay neutral. "Because of the nature of my powers, if I allow myself to express any sort of emotion I lose control and misfortune spreads everywhere. Your point on the weather...that is me and my abilities. If I don't reign it in a lightning bolt might cause a forest fire, it's happened before. Being my friend can be a taxing experience that is very hard for people to handle."

She never had friends for long. She could not afford to, they would at the end of the day be at risk. Asking them to take part in a project where their lives would be in peril was selfish, given the fact if she couldn't keep it together herself...it was better for them to hate her now and be alive.

But she couldn't help but smile at Candy's mannerism and optimistic view. The Lightning seemed to stop along with the thunder. "If you really want to find a weather manipulator, Mr. Elastic has a list of every student at this school along with their power. That would be the simplest way to get what you desire."

Sarah walked beside her captivated by just the flamboyant nature she had. the rain was slowing down. "63. What was your worst combination? What sort of process do you go through to determine what to put in? In fact what is your oddest combination as well?"

She was always the reporter, not realizing she was drilling Candy with questions as if this was a story for the Ridgeview paper.


"Well, you're the expert I suppose." Candice shrugged, running a hand through her hair. "I have more siblings than friends. Err... That is to say..." She paused, thinking over her words. Wouldn't that be a scandal, if that news broke out? And here she was talking to a reporter. "Everyone where I grew up was like a brother or sister to me." That made more sense, didn't it?

"So I guess I sort of see friends like family? Blood is thicker than water, right?" She laughed, holding her fingers in front of her face. "Apparently that doesn't mean what people take it to mean. It originally meant something like 'The friends you choose say more about you than the family you're born to'. In any case... You're stuck with me as a tag-along for the moment, whether that's good or bad luck I'm not certain."

"I sort of don't want to..." Candice paused, thinking over her words. "Well, not that I don't want to find a weather manipulator really. I just want to find one in an interesting way, you know? Like... He'll fall from the sky, and land in my lap? Or she'll be a super hightech gynoid on the run from a shady paramilitary organization. Or maybe an alien from another dimension, looking to learn what love is all about."

She gave mock swoon, spinning in place and twirling her umbrella. "A gal can dream, can't she?"

"It's all in the cocoa, for the most part. The right blend is what matters most. Can't be too sweet, can't be too bitter. Once you tweak the percentage just right, it's a matter of adding the right spices to accentuate it. Of course, it gets crazy complicated if you substitute the sugar for honey..." She rambled, listing off various steps. "The worst one I ever made? I tried adding cayenne pepper and peppermint to the same mix. Hot and cold..." She made a face, sticking out her tongue.
(I wrote kane earlier but I lost it.)

@The Suspicious Eye[/URL]
Min stroked the the new necklace as it was placed upon her. Looking at the glowing red diamonds as they perfectly matched her eyes. It truly was beautiful and a nice gesture. She heard the bell ring as they spoke. I guess I didn't have as much time as I thought to talk. What a shame. I would like to get to know him more. I mean he is Leon's brother after all. Besides I rarely see him around others I hope he isn't alone here.

Min turned around and looked up at Jean as he spoke. She smiled at him, "if it's bothering you Jean it isn't nothing." She looked over to him her hair slowly draping across her back, returning to it's proper place. Her whole life was bottled up in secrets. The last thing she wanted for anyone else is to know how it feels to have secrets destroy you from the inside out. If she could unburden her own secrets without knowing that death would soon follow. The darkness liked it's secrets and so did her mother. At times it was hard to tell the difference between them.

She took his hand, letting the past vanish from her thoughts, and stood up giving him a kind smile. Her cheeks slightly flushed at the word princess. Tilting her head she nearly asked, "wake?" Leon never mentioned a wake. Then again I guess I've been a shut in since my brother arrived, maybe he texted it to me. Min shook her head and spoke softly, "I'm not going to the wake." Looking down she moved a strand of hair behind her ear she looked back at him with a smile. "So of course. I would love to talk to you some more after school."
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" Either way is fine. But I'm not getting run back. I doubt my body can handle it. I’ll get us a flight home after the funeral.” He said pulling out his phone.

Lexi paled."....like a plane? In the air...thousands of miles in the air...I'll meet you back at the school."

Leon looked at her confused. "Come with me. It'll be fine, plus I doubt Aidan wants to feel more sick than he already does so he'll probably go with me. And I'm sure he'd appreciate you there."

"That's tomorrow at the funeral. No. I hate planes. They are like...metal birds and when they crash there is ZERO chance of surviving. Nope. No planes. Not doing it. Nothing you or anyone can say would change my mind." Lexi was vehement in her refusal

"You're going to leave someone unfamiliar with this country all alone? You're cruel Speedy" Leon said pouting, a tone of mock sadness in his voice.

"Low blow, Sparky. Low blow." Points at him "Fine, I'll go on the stupid plane. Tomorrow morning Darke teleports us to the funeral and then you and Aidan can take the plane back and I'll meet you at the school, you sadist."

"Lexi...why don't we just stay at a hotel down there as opposed to coming back?" he asked.

She blinked. "I forgot...time works differently for me now. And that would probably make a normal person tired. You're going to play the whole you're leaving a foreigner alone card if I say no aren't you?"

"That depends. Would it work twice?" he responded smiling.

"....." It would work every time, but he didn’t need to know that. "Just call the damn hotel..."

Leon dialed a number on his phone. "Armand, je dois le plan de Charlotte, Caroline du Sud à Boise, Idaho pour demain après-midi. Je dois aussi vous faire une réservation pour deux dans un hôtel dans la région de Charlotte pour ce soir. Merci.” ((Armand, I need the plane from Charlotte, South Carolina to Boise, Idaho for tomorrow afternoon. I also need you to make a reservation for two at any hotel in the Charlotte area for tonight. Thanks.)) Hanging up, he addressed Lexi. “Okay, we’re all set.”


"If you can fix his knuckle whenever you get the chance it'd be much appreciated." Hare said simply

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