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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

"Thanks for the pictures! And James is just being creepy again, that's all," Erin told Ryan as he entered the room, not expecting the siblings to fight in the middle of the room filled with expensive equipment. Of course, her expectations were rapidly given the finger by Sari and James actually beginning to have something of a fight, and Erin watched, helpless, as a tripod holding up their major film camera collapsed in on itself.

No. No no no no no no no. Erin ran forward and looked at the camera, panic evident on her face. Erin's eyes glowed purple as she watched James leave the room and run into someone else, and Erin muttered a silent prayer asking that he suffer for that. He destroyed Salve's favorite camera, the baby she would spend hours a week cleaning, setting up, and moving back to its safe position in the corner of the room. James was going to be suffering from screaming headaches for weeks at least, if Salve found out. "Okay, Sarah, if I ever see your brother in this room again, Ms. Hapswell will know that he destroyed the camera. With some clever help from Salve we might make it look like an accident or that something internally broke, but if we get footed with the bill I'm telling the faculty everything." Erin didn't like saying such mean things, but she knew how much the camera meant to Salve. It was the world to her little sister.


Salve ignored Erin's first text after reading it. She was in class, even if the sub for Mr. Elastic wasn't doing anything. The second text had her stomping down the hallway, furious. She'd barely even asked permission from Ms. Blake. When she opened the doors, Salve looked at all of them, took a breath, and asked with her voice just above a whisper, "Which of you broke it?" She didn't care about the meeting Erin alluded to in her first text. She didn't care that one of her friends and two of her co-writers on the newspaper team were in the room she enjoyed the privacy of. She only cared about the smashed up mess that was her camera.


(Will have a Nialla post after the next Ember post)


Ryan glanced up as Salve walked in. "Technically Sarah, but it was her brothers fault. He decided to mess with me and it set her off. I don't know what he's got against me. It's not like I'm dating you Sarah. I'm probably one of the least likely people to hurt you. Hare is more likely to do something stupid and hurt you."

Hare was about to interject but stopped. "No, wait. That's fair. I'll give you that one rye bread. I did laugh earlier so you earned that one."

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Sarah was not a liar like her father. Or manipulative like her brother. Erin had offered her an out to take, but threatened to reveal the truth if they were footed with the bill. She looked at the fallen shelf feeling exhausted as she was calculating the math in her head. Salve had rightfully come in and demanded to know what had happenned.

Thankfully Ryan had spoken the truth...if only half of it. She placed her hand up to let him know to stop, that it was all right. She kept her sight on Salve. "I broke the camera. I let my emotions get the best of me, and I could not control my powers. I am sorry Salve. I will go to the principal's office right now to square away what needs to be squared away. You have ever right to seek retribution, but I suggest you wait until after I set foot of this room. I don't want to accidently do more damage, and it's better out in the halls than in here."

She walked past the group fully expecting Salve to follow her out, but if it was going to happen....it needed to not be with the expensive equipment.
Ryan glanced up as Salve walked in. "Technically Sarah, but it was her brothers fault. He decided to mess with me and it set her off. I don't know what he's got against me. It's not like I'm dating you Sarah. I'm probably one of the least likely people to hurt you. Hare is more likely to do something stupid and hurt you."

Hare was about to interject but stopped. "No, wait. That's fair. I'll give you that one rye bread. I did laugh earlier so you earned that one."


"Sarah, how could you?" Salve didn't say much more when Sarah admitted it. She trusted Sarah, put her faith in the girl who had become almost as close to Salve as Erin. Salve couldn't be mad at her best friend, but she felt hurt. No, beyond hurt. She felt betrayed. The trust she put in Sarah was far beyond trust Salve had put in anyone else before her, and she ended up destroying the camera. Of course, that wouldn't have happened if one specific person had thought things through, and Salve jumped on her almost immediately after she was finished expressing her disappointment.

"Erin, why did you tell anyone about this place? This was our place. You knew it was filled with our most expensive stuff, that it had the camera in it, but you still brought people into it? And as cool as Sarah is, you know her power makes our stuff go haywire." Salve hadn't moved to the door to follow Sarah our, nor did she have any intention of doing so. Sarah didn't control her powers all the time, even if she had to know to keep them in control while in a room with all the equipment they had. And if what Ryan said was true and her brother was involved, it was kinda understandable. Salve wasn't going to throw away her friendship so easily.

"Sorry Salvey, I just wanted to show her our video early." Erin sounded regretful, not defensive. She seemed to understand that what she did was stupid and wrong, that in the end the camera breaking was because of her carelessness.

"You couldn't wait? You couldn't do it in our room with the laptop mom and dad gave us? You had to show her as fast as possible?"

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't think things would go over badly."

"Of course y-" Salve cut herself off there, as if realizing they were having an argument in front of several other people. She straightened up and looked to Ryan and Hare, making sure to keep herself loud enough in case Sarah hadn't gotten too far. "So why are you all in here, anyway?" It didn't mean to sound mean, that's just how it came out for Salve. She was still very frustrated, after all.


"Something something meeting" Hare said. "Hah! Get fucked pigs!" she said punching the air. "Dunno. Text said Sarah and Erin wanted us all here"

"I was just coming to give Erin and Sarah their pictures from Friday. I had no idea about any of this...excuse me." He said going out of the room. He jogged to catch up to Sarah. "Sarah! Wait up! Hey!" He put his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, you ok?"
Ren couldn't help but laugh as he sensed the aggression of his twin sister. He knew that she was pissed, but also knew that by the time she got here she'd be too tired to get him back. Stepping out of the bathroom he heard a knock on the door. Ugh I know that voice. It's Lion. Thanks to Ren's connection to Min he knew everything and everyone that Min has ever seen, experienced, and done. It was a interesting ability they had, which was passed down by their greek ancestors.

Ren walked over to the door and began to tun the doorknob before stopping. He debated about just letting the douche in. Min did say that I shouldn't meet anyone just yet.....hmmmm (She didn't say this at all, Ren doesn't really pay attention). Then came up with a more devious idea. Pushing himself close to the door he did his best Min impression. "L-L-Leon is that you?" He couldn't help but smile as he continued. "Oh Leon, something has gone horribly wrong! I...I was doing an experiment for Dr. Corvi's class....and...I must have messed up somewhere because....now...I'm hideous..." He had to cover his mouth, he couldn't hold in his laughter for much longer, but did his best. "I...I thought I would...revert back to normal....but...It still hasn't happened yet.... I'm afraid that I might be stuck like this..." He leaned against the door and pretended to sob. He was actually pretty good at mimicking his sister, it would be hard to spot the differences between their tone of speech when they mimicked each other.

Ren may be playing with a his sister's boyfriend's head, but at leas he wasn't bored anymore.

Meanwhile on a beach in Morocco

Min was looking out at the vast ocean she would need to cross. Placing her hand to her forehead she sighed. "How am I supposed to cross this?" Standing at the beach's edge Min looked at the ocean thinking. A group of children were playing with a bucket of wet sand. One of them tripped and the bucket sailed into the air and landed right on top of Min's head. "I. Am. Going. To. Kill. Him." Min handed the bucket back to the children with a slightly agitated smile. Then focused all her energy on moving, as she did in the first part of the tournament. The sand billowing around her she shot off like a bullet across the ocean.

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CosmicChangeling said:
The thank you letters continued. Relentlessly. Clara had blushed, sighed, placed some of the thank yous to her chest feeling her heart rise and began to write more. Maybe it was how sweet he was, or how he treated her like she was something higher than dirt on the ground...or all the beautiful things he wrote about her, but she was giving in as well. Lovingly became Love on the fifth letter. Mentioning how strong and commanding he looked as a druid, to how she would lose all train of thought just looking in his eyes, to outright saying that he made her feel at home for the first time in her life.
As for Arnold....it had gotten to the point where the mangos were too much. He threw up all over Oisin's desk and bit him on the last letter, his stomach hurting from all the delicious mangos. He let out a sling of coos taking Oisin's last thank you note and it is far too inappropriate for the writer to write what was said. Birds, testy feisty little animals. Clara would no doubt make him apologize when he was feeling better.

Not even ten minutes later, Oisin would hear chatter, and feel something crawl up his leg, up his shirt, little rodent paws as a squirrel with two letters sealed was in its mouth. She hopped on the desk, using her tail to cover her embarrassed face as she dropped off the apology and thank you letter. She was afraid to see Dr. kane's reaction and was about to leap off the desk when the nurse burst in his room. A squeak of terror, the little squirrel lept on Oisin's lap.

"YOU." She pointed. "WEIRD MAN WITH FAIRY BULLSHIT. You're coming with me to fix a student. Now." she demanded. "Off your ass, I'm not going to ask twice."

@The Suspicious Eye
"Ow!" Oisin exclaimed as Arnold bit him at the last letter he sent. The onslaught of coo's Arnold threw at the man made him blush a furious shade of red. Such things Arnold has learned over the years. It surprised him to say the least. As the bird left Kane thought to himself, Maybe I should stop giving him mango's after every trip. He cleaned up some of the bird vomit on his desk. The rest he slid onto a smell free compost heap that he used to fertilize his plants. In the next letter I must apologize for the previous one to have been stained by vomit.

His whole face flushed, thinking about the next letter. They had come so far in their letter as Clara's lovingly's turned to love, Oisin's eternally's turned into eternally yours. Every time he held a letter Kane pictured Clara as the wrote the letter her hair draped around her shoulders as her hands gracefully maneuvered over the page as she wrote. He treasured these letters they had become his most prized possessions. He put each one in a box he had on his desk to keep them safe from harm (and bird vomit).

Off in his thoughts of Clara he nearly missed the soft chatter as a small squirrel clubbed up his shirt. He saw the two letters an knew it must be Clara. She is so adorable! His red face reddened as he watched her land on his desk and place the letters down. Dr. Kane tried his best to say something, but nothing was coming out. He was completely dumbstruck to see here here and now. As the first word he managed to form was about to be uttered the use barged in.

Quickly standing up, out of shock, fear or both, Oisin caught Clara in his hands before she could fall. Placing her in his shirt pochet he stammered out, "O-oh! Uh..um.. Y-y-y-yes.. m-m-ma'm." He walked over to the nurse not sure how he felt about her. To be honest she seemed quite terrifying to Oisin. However, he knew that she saved the student's lives on a daily basis and that is all that was truly important. As much as she scared him, he chose to do his best to help her when he can and try not to anger her.

Salves words had cut deep that despite her cool calm demeanor bad luck was running rampid through the halls. She didn't stop her walk or shame to hapswells even when ryan grabbed her shoulder. "No. I ruined a friendship just now because I allowed myself to grow mad at what James was doing to you. I know better. I know I can't get emotional, yet here we are. The equipment was far away from my brother he is not and will not take the blame for my actions."

She may have been a Lane. But she was not her father's daughter. Sarah did not stop Ryan from following her as they entered Hapswell's office. Loretta was sitting at her desk, as usual, twisting her wedding ring as she was reading a text, her silver hair bunned perfectly. "Ms. Lane, although I appreciate the show of morality and bravery, it is not necessary. We are at a school where children break desks with their bare strength. Everything here is insurred and you really don't have to pay-"

"Did someone say pay?" Hapswell opened his office door peeking at the two freshmen.

"I have this under control, you have very important responsibilities that need your attention in your office," The secretary rubbed the bridge of her nose."

"No, this is more interesting. What does she need to pay? Wait, don't tell me." As Hapswell looked at the two children Loretta turned to him, brows knitted with rage as she felt her power gone completely.

"Ahhh, did she find out about the panties shot and that's why her powers broke the camera? I approve young man. You can never take enough panty shots."

Sarah's face reddened as Loretta's computer malfunctioned. "Principal Hapswell-"

"And you. Tut tut whatever tut. Expensive equipment. Ruining friendships. You're right, never feel anything. It's far better you're a robot for everyone's safety. You're doing no one any favors."

"I think the principal is trying to say-"

"Know what I'm saying. There are rules." he pretended, there were no rules just one and he was enjoying himself immensly. "You'll be working in the cafeteria Monday through Friday to pay back the equipment you broke. No one looks good in a hairnet dear, it's going to be great."


"We'll cut the bullshit. You know I'm not from here. I know you know that. So...when my powers don't fucking work when they should it has to be something from another world...which you see. Fuck whatever that is. This is my space, my territory, and if I don't want a gimp to die, the gimp is not going to die." The nurse walked down the hall not caring if Kane could pick up speed.

Clara had always been terrified of the nurse. She had been scared of her so much that despite receiving injuries as the school's protective watch dog all these years she refused to seek her help. As the nurse bitched at Oisin, she curled inside his pocket afraid to move and afraid to climb out and tell the woman to stop mistreating him, he did not deserve to be yelled at. Instead, she felt small and curled in hoping his body heat would comfort her.

And it did.
"No." Ryan said. When everybody looked at him he immediately looked down. "W-w-what I m-mean is..." I should have just kept my mouth closed. "You can't force us to work it off. Not only is it illegal and a lawsuit you'd definitely lose, but it's not like you can't afford to pay for new equipment. You made..." Ryan did some quick math based on the odds of the fight between Aidan and Louise. He knew he shouldn't have bet on Aidan on Friday, but he had a bad habit of being on the long shot, always failed. Worst gambler in history. "You made at least five mil on the fight between Aidan and Louise. That camera only cost about, now, maybe $3 grand. Easily can be covered." He was terrified about standing up to the principal, but once he started he couldn't stop. "Even with all that aside, you're telling me you actually want to put someone with a tentative control on her powers of bad luck in an embarrassing situation, around the food that others eat? I'll make a deal with you then. I'll do it for a week, you can even take pictures if it'll make you feel better, just replace the camera. Let's-"he was interrupted by Sarah grabbing his hand. He stopped and went a little red. He didn't think he'd ever get used to physical contact like that from girls. @CosmicChangeling
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Brinni said:
Moe shook his head. "I suppose you're right every group needs those easy pass classes. But, it's not about what you got, it's how you use it. For you, you just need to learn to read people. Anticipate what they're going to do. Then with your flight you can avoid whatever they try, then counter attack, followed up by dodging out of range. Your power at least can be used for offensive purposes. If you could control your speed when flying, you could have done what Nialla did and create a vacuum space. The benefit of yours is that you could have seen if she tried to surrender. It's all about how you use it.

Leon had some time to kill. There was still about twenty minutes until the next class. I should try to see if Min's around.I'll text Lexi to see if she went to class. If she's not in gym I'll go see her. First I'm going to swing by Darke's room and leave a note saying I won't be in class because I need to prepare to go to the wake, then get ready, then if Lexi's responded I'll go from there. Leon pulled out his phone and sent a message off to Lexi.

Hey, did Min ever show up to class? I know she wasn't at lunch so I'm just checking. Gonna swing by Professor D.'s class and leave a note saying I won't be in class bc I gotta get ready for the wake.

He went by the classroom and, seeing it empty walked in. He grabbed a sheet of paper and pen from his bag and left on the desk:

Dear Professor Darke, I will not be in class today. I have to prepare for a wake for my friend Aidan's mother who was a casualty in Friday's attack. When I return Wednesday I will be happy to get whatever work I may have missed. Thank you for your understanding, Leon Bellamy, 6th period.

He went back to his dorm and showered. As the hot water ran down his body he thought about how things had gone between him and Min. I haven't seen her since she left Friday...could she be avoiding me? Was inviting her to stay too far? I guess it could have been misconstrued...I just thought she'd like company given Nia's still in the Nurse's. He walked out of the bathroom, his towel hanging around his neck. He stretched, wincing slightly at the pain in his chest. I really should get these fixed. I wonder how we're getting down there...


Lux Allen

Lux let out a sigh, shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe," he sighed, frowning. "But I cannot react that well and..... I'm... Scaredofheights," he rushed out, cheeks reddening with his own embarassment. As Moe made his suggestion about doing what Nia did, Lux fiercely shook his head, frown deepening. "No. I'm not doing that. That was just...." He shivered, remembering how Ember had begun to turn to ash in his arms. "I guess I could hear them surrender... But I feel like just choking people unconscious to win my battles is just... Wrong. You know what I mean?"

Homage said:
"Don't lie to me." Nialla said to Elastic as he so confidently defended her mother. Did he think he was stupid? He knew her mom, why didn't he assume instinctively she was at least half as intelligent. "Those entering the building from the main entrance must go through the hallway of the Nurse's office to easily get to the gym. The only way around the hallway is to take the long route all the way around the school, or to open the emergency door in the gym." Nialla figured her mom was ignoring her, but going out of her way just to avoid a simple discussion? That seemed unlike her.
As Ember walked into the room, Nialla offered a silent prayer of thanks for other company to replace the Nurse. "Hey Ember. I've been better." The weirdness of the situation only seemed to intensify. Out of all people, the girl Nialla nearly killed was not someone she expected to visit. "Thanks for coming. Everything alright out there?" Outside. Out of bed. Not stuck with a broken leg and no hope of escape.
Homage said:

"Sure can!" Erin said with a wink and a smile.

Hey, have you seen Sarah today?
Yee. We're in the Broadcast room. better hurry, she's maaaaaaaad.
Did John do something again? Or was it you this time?
Oooh, who is John? And nah. She's yelling at James rn.

The timing just seemed to work out beautifully for Erin, James showed up just after she sent her joke about Sari being mad. It sucked seeing her friend angry, but there wasn't much Erin could do about it. She knew not to piss off James. He was a scary person to fight against. Instead, she sent messages to Hare and Salve asking them to get to the Broadcast room for a sort of meeting.



Ember Brook

Ember nodded, a slight frown coming over her features. "At least you are alive..." She offered, although she knew that the girl's injuries seemed serious enough that 'alive' may not be a positive word anymore. "No need to thank me for coming," she admitted, shaking her head. "And you truly didn't miss much at the dance," she answered, shrugging her shoulders slightly. "A few people danced and someone spiked the punch with something, because a few people were asleep on some candy pillow the whole time. They're probably pretty sticky now," she joked, chuckling. After a few moments, her smile faded, and she cleared her throat. "We... still have to talk you know... about the tournament," she sighed, rubbing a hand over the back of her head. "Maybe now is not the best time, but we have to talk some time."

It killed him to hear her crying over this. He should have come sooner."You? Hideous? I'd hardly ever believe that. I've got some time before I leave, why don't we go see Corvi together? Maybe he can fix whatever went wrong. I'm sure whatever you did wrong he's got a fix for. So come on, just...open up?"

SirDerpingtonIV said:

Lux Allen

Lux let out a sigh, shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe," he sighed, frowning. "But I cannot react that well and..... I'm... Scaredofheights," he rushed out, cheeks reddening with his own embarassment. As Moe made his suggestion about doing what Nia did, Lux fiercely shook his head, frown deepening. "No. I'm not doing that. That was just...." He shivered, remembering how Ember had begun to turn to ash in his arms. "I guess I could hear them surrender... But I feel like just choking people unconscious to win my battles is just... Wrong. You know what I mean?"

Ember Brook

Ember nodded, a slight frown coming over her features. "At least you are alive..." She offered, although she knew that the girl's injuries seemed serious enough that 'alive' may not be a positive word anymore. "No need to thank me for coming," she admitted, shaking her head. "And you truly didn't miss much at the dance," she answered, shrugging her shoulders slightly. "A few people danced and someone spiked the punch with something, because a few people were asleep on some candy pillow the whole time. They're probably pretty sticky now," she joked, chuckling. After a few moments, her smile faded, and she cleared her throat. "We... still have to talk you know... about the tournament," she sighed, rubbing a hand over the back of her head. "Maybe now is not the best time, but we have to talk some time."

"That's....gotta suck. Being scared of heights when your power is flight. Reaction timing can be learned. And I can't say that I do. Given some of the other fights, choking them unconscious doesn't seem that bad to me anymore. Better unconscious then missing a limb. But here's the thing, I don't think Nia meant to do that. She seems like too much of a softy, and I don't know if you actually saw the way she looked after the fight, but she was upset about the way things went.

Lux Allen

Lux sighed, his frown deepening as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah... It does suck," he answered. "And I know that reaction timing can be learned and all, but I don't learn quickly." He sighed, giving a slight shrug of his shoulders. "And normally I would agree with you about choking being the better option... But normal people don't bleed from the eyes and start turning to ash when they lose oxygen. I'm not sure exactly what that felt like but I can guess it wasn't good..." He sighed, shaking his head. "I don't think Nialla meant to either, but still... even with that barrier and all, how did she not see what was happening?"
If he wasn't at home sleeping in his car, he was in the nurse's office. By Nia's cot were a stack of comic books. He was reading Red Dawn, the story where Superman was a Russian and the villain of the story. Topsie turvey, everything backwards.

he adjusted his glasses looking up at Firestarter. "If you're here to lecture my kid....who's been in recovery all weekend while you're walking about and attended a dance...I'm going to give you five seconds to re-evaluate your life choices before I fling you right out of here."

To be fair, Elastic last week would have just flung her without a warning at all calling her a fucking moron.


Sarah squeezed his hand to get him to stop, looking mortified at the two of them as Ryan had offered to pay off her debt. Her debt. The jar with the skittles broke, spilling all over the floor.

Hapswell looked behind him, his face becoming red with anger as he looked back at the boy and smiled. "You're right. She's far too dangerous. You're the first one, boy, who's ever threatened me with lawsuits...as if I don't know how to handle them with a daughter who wipes minds fresh clean. But no, far too dangerous. She already killed several people Friday and well...that's the only rule I care about. Loretta, get me the box."

"He's not speaking for me." Sarah interjected. "I will pay off my debt, he had no right," she glared at Ryan, "To speak on my behalf. I am sorry for breaking your equipment and I accept the terms of your punishment."

Hapswell ruffled Ryan's hair. "now that wasn't too hard, right kiddo." He leaned down so he was eye level with the two of them. "And do give her back the picture of her underpants. Doesn't seem like a best friend thing to really do now does it."

Ryan had made the worst kind of enemy today. Loretta rubbed the temple of her head realizing all the work she would have to do to keep the old man from continuing childish games over this.
"Weren't you watching the fight? Her barrier filled up with smoke. It'd be hard for anyone to see through it. At least not without the right kind of power. I admit once that started she should have dropped the barrier just to make sure. But, maybe she just got wrapped up in the excitement of the tournament and wasn't thinking at first." Moe replied with a shrug @SirDerpingtonIV
Brinni said:
"Weren't you watching the fight? Her barrier filled up with smoke. It'd be hard for anyone to see through it. At least not without the right kind of power. I admit once that started she should have dropped the barrier just to make sure. But, maybe she just got wrapped up in the excitement of the tournament and wasn't thinking at first." Moe replied with a shrug @SirDerpingtonIV

Lux Allen

Lux shook his head, continuing to frown, unable to argue with that logic. "Yeah.. I see what you mean," he answered with a nod. "And I honestly wonder why the teachers let everyone get this violent in the tournaments. Kids lost limbs and they cannot grow those back. How is that right?" He questioned, ever-frowning. He only shrugged, "Who am I kidding? It just isn't. But none of us are normal so I guess we don't get normal education either," he guessed. "Anyways... When is class going to begin?"
"I'm not sure to be honest. The sub said we should just mingle for the class. I think it was a last minute switch out or something. But I agree, these things get way too violent. There needs to be rules for this thing....or a principal actually concerned with the students as opposed to the money he makes off of it.. Moe shrugged. "So, how did you manage to actually sit through looking at the stars and charting them out?" @SirDerpingtonIV


"But Sarah" Ryan whispered, "it's not your fault. Clearly I've antagonized your brother in some way. Why else would he keep messing with me? Just because it was your power doesn't mean it's your fault. There's no need to pointlessly martyr yourself. If anything" he said, his voice getting a bit louder the more he talked, "it's your brother's fault for screwing around in a place with obviously expensive equipment. Stuff like this is bound to happen when you do that. Now Principal Hapswell has to send his money to get it replaced. Which isn't fair to him." Ryan screwed up standing up to him. He knew that, but he hated seeing his friend take the fall for something that wasn't her fault. He could only hope that sweet talking would get him at least in the middle ground between favored and shit-list. Plus it wasn't like it was untrue anyways. "I'm sorry Prinicpal Hapswell for my attitude. It's been a rough weekend for all of us and I'm a bit on edge. I just don't like seeing my friends get in trouble for things that aren't their fault. Why don't I do something to apologize. I've got this jar in my room that I've been using to hold empty film rolls. Why don't you take it and I'll pay for the skittles to fill it since your last one is broken? Would that be a good enough trade for the new camera?"
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"I didn't miss much, except for the dance I had been looking forward to. I haven't seen any of my friends since it happened. And what happened in the tournament was awful. I promise you I had no intention of going as far as I did." Nialla didn't try blaming her parents for the emotional turmoil she felt which caused her out of control attack. The attack getting so close to killing Ember was a horrible accident, but it was an accident that Nialla was responsible for.

"Elastic, don't threaten her. Her fire is the reason I wasn't killed. Could you go outside for a minute? She and I really need to talk." Nialla wanted to talk more about the tournament with Ember anyway, but if Elastic couldn't sit quietly without threats for five minutes, maybe he needed to take a break.


Sarah tried to not twitch as ryan blatantly threw her brother under the bus. Erin too. Yeshe, he was a miserable monster at times but he was still her brother.

This wasn't about being a marry. This was for Salve. Those cameras were personal for her and a friend owns up responsibility for ruining something that precious.

Hapswell flicked his fingers as a glass jar appeared in his hand, beautiful crystal he eyed it. "I love teleporters," He dumped the film on the ground. "There's a girl here where she just needs to think of an item and brings it right to her, never has to see it. No distance cap. Beautiful thing." Flicking his fingers again somewhere candice would not be able to use her powers for a few seconds as the jar filled with skittles.

"I hear what you're saying. I'm not listening, but I hear it. Her powers. She broke the camera. Don't really care about the other one. You two pissed me off. She pays off the equipment working for the cafeteria and the janitor too to give you the bonus of her serving time reduced double the work but half the time. This helps me not ruin your life."

He ruffled Ryan's hair. "Good boy Scooby." Laughing as he went back into his office.

Loretta sighed. "You will get details sent to you after I sort them out. Next time do not ever say anything to that man."

Sarah didn't say a word, walking out. She looked at ryan trying not to get angry that his attempts at helping her made it worse.


Elastic closed his graphic novel giving ember a 'I'll shank you later' look and walked out. He leaned against the wall from the nurses office waiting until he could go back in
Ryan picked up the film canisters from the ground, and put them in his bag. Leaving the office he made his way back towards the broadcast room. "Come on Sarah, everyone's waiting to find out why you gathered us all together" he said, passing her. "Shouldn't keep them waiting." @CosmicChangeling


Hare looked up from her game. "Erin, you don't know what this meeting is about do you? You're the one that texted me about it after all. Can you give me a hint? Please? I'll be your best friend... no offense Salve" she said, as if just now realizing that Erin's twin had just got there. @Homage
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Sarah sped up her walk, grabbing Ryan by the arm in the middle of the hallway. "Ryan, stop." She spun him with a light pull, forcing the boy to look directly at her. "You are one of my closest friends. And what James did to you was horribly wrong. This is why I do not introduce him to people I care about. He can be...protective in ways he has no right to. But, he is my brother, and despite everything, I will not throw him under the bus. He has seen me through the worst times of my life and there is a reason he is the way he is.'

"Both you and Erin were wrong to decide that he was worth sacrificing to keep me safe, when it was my powers that caused Salve to lose her camera. You also should never speak for me. Never. Principal Hapswell is not a rational man, he very easilly could have thrown us both in whatever that box was...and if it was the same one his secretary carried around on Friday sucking people inside of it, I do not want that for you."

She let him go only to give him a tight hug. "Thank you for being a good friend," the hug lingered but when she stepped back, her expression firm. "But next time, you and I talk about your thoughts and concerns in private, don't be that reckless again."

She had forgotten to tell him to get rid of the photograph. It was embarrassing enough that it existed and an old man taunted it in her face, she didn't want to know why he had it, how he came about taking it, and decided that it was best to have the benefit of the doubt that he was smart enough to get rid of it on his own.

Walking back into the broadcast room Sarah tentatively made her way in. Her emotions were in check, nothing should go wrong. "I took responsibility, the school will replace the camera. Salve, is there anything I could do to express how sorry I am?" she asked.

This needed to get out of the way before she dove right into what they needed to work on.

@Homage @Brinni
Her mom thinks she is dead huh, that’ll be good dirt if I can’t find a way to win here Jean thought as he continued listening to the girl babble “If you really are out to get Leon, you confront him face to face and do the honorable thing.” Who does this girl think she is, she doesn’t even know the first thing about my family, Jean was mad. Now more than ever. There is no reason for her to ever think she could have the slightest idea of what has happened between us and how does she know about my mother anyway the only person who would really know is … Aidan. Dammit, I should have known, Aidan had to be the reason she would have fought Louise and disqualify herself from the tournament. How could I have missed that? With his skills at deducing things he probably should have joined the newspaper club but now, with Sarah there Jean knew he couldn’t. “Sweetheart I think you have the wrong idea” Jean began putting on the most honest voice he possibly could. “You are right that I don’t care much for my brother, but out to get him? That is completely preposterous and very accusatory to say about someone whom you don’t know yourself. I want no part in ruining my brother’s life. There just seems to be a large lack of remorse for him killing his own mother, don’t you think? Not only that, he pretended to not remember his own brother who happens to be his identical twin. I’m not saying that I am the nicest guy in the world, and I have my own faults too but there is no reason I should confront a boy who killed our mother and then ignores his own kin’s existence as cover up. You have a lot to think about before you accuse me of anything. Please just try not to assume.” Jean realized his voice got louder as he spoke, the passion of his argument had taken over Good he thought “Sorry that got to yelling, it’s just … a sensitive topic” He said as he noticed her position had changed about halfway through his sentence. Almost like she had used her super speed to change it. That’s odd, she must have done something. But what? Jean scanned around the room to make sure nothing else had changed. Everything was fine, he couldn’t figure out what the girl would have used her powers for. Then it dawned on him she must have contacted someone for help. I should play it safe for now Jean bowed his head at the girl in apology and looked up at her for her response.

Just because he's family doesn't mean he should get off without any consequences. I don't know if you realize that he's not going to stop just because you say so. People like him never do. Ever. If he keeps trying to mess with me I will throw him under the bus again. You're my best friend Sarah, but even I have my limits

"Fine." He fished the picture out of his bag before they went in. "Here, you do what you will with it. It happened when the vent gave out on us. My camera took a burst shot. Most of them were walls, a couple of that recruiter, and this. I don't want it, I'm not that guy." He watched as she grabbed the picture and put it in her bag. He followed her in, and went and grabbed the folder he had left. "Hare yours are still in the dark room, I didn't expect to be seeing you so soon." he said.

"Ohh" she got up and got close to Ryan. "After this let's go get them. Then, I could show you more than one use for that room if you'd like" she said in a whisper. She immediately stuck her tongue out as Ryan spluttered and said in her normal tone of voice "Only joking. You aren't my type."

"That's not funny Hare." Ryan responded, turning to Sarah and holding her folder out to her. "Here Sarah, these ones are your. There's your photos from the dance, the ones I took of the Agent and the Recruiter, the ones of the recruiter from the burst shot, and any other pictures that I took for the newspaper from the tournament." @CosmicChangeling @Homage
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He was playing her. And trying to play her hard. Lexi crossed her arms again as he yelled at her for assuming. If she didn't trust Aidan completely she would have faltered. His speech about Leon and his mother...

"I trust my sources, I don't trust you.Cut whatever bullshit act you're trying to feed me right now, I'm not buying it." She said. "I'm confident Leon never killed his mom. That sort of memory sticks," And Aidan would have seen it. "You talk about him not seeing you, he just found out about you this weekend. While you, you have had weeks doing whatever it is you're planning to do. You're sneaky. And you're a liar. What I said earlier was uncalled for and I'm sorry....but that won't give you a free pass to play games with my friends...or me."

He was Aidan's roommate....how far back did this planning go. "You're getting your free warning now. I will stop you and I will make sure you do not hurt him.

She slipped into the void, where the world was silent and just living mannaquins. Lexi didn't give him her name, it wouldn't matter, she didn't have to hide it and if he really wanted to find out it wouldn't be that hard. But right now she wanted to punch him in the throat so he wouldn't try lying to her again.

She hated liars. She was trusting the right person here. She knew this. But....but if she wasn't then she was ruthlessly acting like a monster towards someone with a heavy loss. No, couldn't allow herself to think that way.

Nat would see Lexi Clark appear infront of her. "Lexi Clark. Mrs. Blake, I'm sure you're hearing this from everyone...and you might want to punch me because I'd want to punch people at a certain point saying how sorry they were....but I am. Nia's one of my best friends...whatever she needs or whatever you and Mr. Elastic want me to do to help, I'll do it. You need special items," She was out of frame for not evena second holding a personal item of Tim's. "I'll get it before you finish your sentence. Whatever you need, I want to help."

And just to show how lame and out of touch she was with talking to people, she saluted Nat after she attempted to hold out her hand for a handshake taking it back because it felt wrong. Opened her arms for a hug realizing that was wrong too....so saluting her like Papa taught her was her best option.

@My Pet Poro

Brinni said:
It killed him to hear her crying over this. He should have come sooner."You? Hideous? I'd hardly ever believe that. I've got some time before I leave, why don't we go see Corvi together? Maybe he can fix whatever went wrong. I'm sure whatever you did wrong he's got a fix for. So come on, just...open up?"
Cheeky little dickwaffle. This guy has got some moves. Ren rolled his eyes wondering how his sister could ever fall for someone like him. I mean he was no where CLOSE to being as suave as her older brother. Ren paused thinking about what to say next, he was going to milk this scam until he was bored again or Min came and kick his ass. He mustered up his Min voice and stammered softly, "....Leon.... I...I don't have any clothes that fit me...." The door creaked open slowly and he let him in. Ren hid behind the door as it swung open.

"I don't suppose you have any spare clothes" he smiled bashfully. Honestly he should get a reward for this performance. Eddie Redmayne eat your heart out.

Meanwhile somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.

Min was getting tired very quickly she knew she'd have to stop somewhere soon. Luckily for here there was a ship up ahead. Using the rest of her energy she jumped up onto the deck of the ship and sighed. Relieved that she could rest her relief was gone in an instant as hundreds of guns were pointed at her. Min looked around and groaned. "Out of all the ships...why did it have to be a pirate ship?" She raised her hands up in surrender. If I survive this, I am going to kill Ren.
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Leon didn't see her in what bit of the room he could see through the open door. He assumed she must be behind the door. "Well...I've got a pair of sweats in my bag you can use no problem. I guess you could use my suit coat if you need it" he undid the buttons and pulled the sweats from his bag. Holding them just past the edge of the door, without walking in too far, he asked "will these work?" I wonder what must have happened if her clothes don't fit. Maybe it made her much smaller...more likely larger I assume otherwise she could use a shirt as a dress, than she is? That would make sense as to why her clothes don't fit. @The Suspicious Eye
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