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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

Ren stepped out from behind the door. He was a good three inches taller than Leon and looked down at the shrimp. He's not that cute. Min could do better.Although for Ren no one is good enough for his twin sister. He kept all his contempt hidden as he hesitantly took the clothes from Leon. He reddened his cheeks and looked at him bashfully. This is too much fun. "T...thank you...." he put on the sweatpants and jacket. Ren's shoulders were broader than Leon's so his defined chest and abs were visible. Although the combination was unorthodox Ren pulled it off and then some. He looked like a model, and why not? He had the body of a God and it was not buudah.

Standing there nervously he grabbed a strand of his hair just as Min alway did when she was nervous. He looked down at him "Leon....please say something."

Meanwhile in the brig of a pirate ship

"I don't know what you are saying I don't speak French? Is it French?" She sighed, wishing Leon was here to at least to console her. Looking at the guards who had been doing nothing but yelling at her for the past few minutes. "Do any of you speak English? Seriously anyone?" The two guards looked between eachother and then continued to yell at her in whatever language they were using. We could always dispose of them. Leave nothing but a stain, forget your brother's strength and return to us. Let's kill them all and leave only stains as a reminder. Tap into our power, your true power. One of the blessings of having her brother near her, was that he could make the darkness tolerable. His presence was like buffer between her and the darkness, limiting its influence. Min rolled her eyes, "no I won't kill everyone." The guards guns rose again and pointed at Min. She glared "oh so you can understand that. Great." Raising her hands up in surrender yet again.
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Okay looking?! Fucking top 100?! I will kill this kid. I don't care if Min likes him this kid is dead. Ren smiled through his agitation, surpressing the urge to kick the living crap out of him. For now his con was more important than his pride...for now. Smiling he gave a bashful shrugged, "I do too Leon." Making his way over to the bed he sighed. "I don't know where the instructions are. I was working on a advanced experiment and then it exploded. The instructions must have been destroyed in the blast. I cleaned up as best I could, but... I'm so sorry Leon."

He covered his face, pretending to sob. All the while plotting his next steps. He wanted to see others and scanned through Min's memories thinking of kids in her class. "I think... that I gave a copy of the instructions to Lexi...She may still have them. We have to go find her before she leaves!!" He was interested in the red head and would love to see her reactions.

@Brinni @CosmicChangeling (you better watch out.)

Meanwhile at gunpoint....

At gunpoint Min was lead out of the brig. She kept her hands up as they prodded the mussel of the gun into her back. Nearly back to full strength she only had to wait it out a little longer, before she could escape. Just a little bit more and I can hop off this ship and make a mad dash for the east coast. Making her way back up to the deck she shielded her eyes from the bright sun. When she finally could see again she looked out to see a group of hostages on the deck. "Are you kidding me?" A hard nudge from the gun made her stumble forward and walk towards the other hostages. There goes her escape plan.
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Homage said:
"I didn't miss much, except for the dance I had been looking forward to. I haven't seen any of my friends since it happened. And what happened in the tournament was awful. I promise you I had no intention of going as far as I did." Nialla didn't try blaming her parents for the emotional turmoil she felt which caused her out of control attack. The attack getting so close to killing Ember was a horrible accident, but it was an accident that Nialla was responsible for.
"Elastic, don't threaten her. Her fire is the reason I wasn't killed. Could you go outside for a minute? She and I really need to talk." Nialla wanted to talk more about the tournament with Ember anyway, but if Elastic couldn't sit quietly without threats for five minutes, maybe he needed to take a break.


CosmicChangeling said:
If he wasn't at home sleeping in his car, he was in the nurse's office. By Nia's cot were a stack of comic books. He was reading Red Dawn, the story where Superman was a Russian and the villain of the story. Topsie turvey, everything backwards.
he adjusted his glasses looking up at Firestarter. "If you're here to lecture my kid....who's been in recovery all weekend while you're walking about and attended a dance...I'm going to give you five seconds to re-evaluate your life choices before I fling you right out of here."

To be fair, Elastic last week would have just flung her without a warning at all calling her a fucking moron.


Sarah squeezed his hand to get him to stop, looking mortified at the two of them as Ryan had offered to pay off her debt. Her debt. The jar with the skittles broke, spilling all over the floor.

Hapswell looked behind him, his face becoming red with anger as he looked back at the boy and smiled. "You're right. She's far too dangerous. You're the first one, boy, who's ever threatened me with lawsuits...as if I don't know how to handle them with a daughter who wipes minds fresh clean. But no, far too dangerous. She already killed several people Friday and well...that's the only rule I care about. Loretta, get me the box."

"He's not speaking for me." Sarah interjected. "I will pay off my debt, he had no right," she glared at Ryan, "To speak on my behalf. I am sorry for breaking your equipment and I accept the terms of your punishment."

Hapswell ruffled Ryan's hair. "now that wasn't too hard, right kiddo." He leaned down so he was eye level with the two of them. "And do give her back the picture of her underpants. Doesn't seem like a best friend thing to really do now does it."

Ryan had made the worst kind of enemy today. Loretta rubbed the temple of her head realizing all the work she would have to do to keep the old man from continuing childish games over this.

Ember Brook

Ember frowned, turning her gaze towards Elastic. "I am not here to lecture your daughter, Mr. Elastic," she stated, face empty of emotion other than simple exhaustion. "I am here to talk with her about what happened." When Elastic left, Ember ignored his childish glare before turning towards Nialla, frowning. "I am sorry you didn't get to attend the dance," she sighed, rubbing the back of her neck, semi-awkwardly. "And I'm sorry about you getting shot.. I should have been able to hear them coming and take them out on my own so no one got hurt," she murmured, frowning. After a moment or two, she shook her head. "I do believe what you say about not meaning to go that far... But you still did," she sighed.
"No worries on that, she won't leave without me. I'll text her right now." He pulled out his phone and had a brief text conversation with Lexi.

Hey, did Min ever show up to class? I know she wasn't at lunch so I'm just checking. Gonna swing by Professor D.'s class and leave a note saying I won't be in class bc I gotta get ready for the wake.
No. She's not here. Heads up, i mistook Jean for you when I asked when you wanted to leave for the funeral. Sorry. Your twin's not fraternal, you're identical.
Ok. We'll talk about it later. But we can leave almost whenever.
Hey do you have the instructions for whatever project for Corvi you and Min were working on? I'm going to try and help figure out where she messed up while waiting on you.
I'm not giving you instructions on cooking different strands of pot through text. Why was she doing that at school?
you don't cook pot...you grow it... let me get back to you. I just remembered something I need to do real quick.
that's probably why I'm failing his class. ok, just text me when you're ready.

Leon looked up from his phone after he sent his last message. "So... you wanna tell me who you are? Lexi says the project involved making different strands of weed. And unless you also gained the ability to do magic and were trying to use it for the project, there's no way that this" he motioned at "Min" "could have happened. Maybe I'm wrong and you actually are Min. But between that and the brazen move of just stepping out from the door, something I'm sure someone as shy as Min would never do if she wasn't wearing anything that fit, you can't blame me for having doubts." He looked at the person standing in the room. He definitely looked like Min a little bit. Is it her brother? She said he wasn't here...but maybe she had just meant in the country. I wonder if he showed up Saturday morning and surprised her? "If you are Min, then I'm sorry for all that. But if you aren't.... you wouldn't happen to be Ren would you? If so, then it's a pleasure to meet you and I apologize if I offended you earlier. I was only attempting to tease the person I believed to be my girlfriend." Leon held out his hand with a genuine smile. @The Suspicious Eye
"Well, uh..." Erin scratched the back of her neck, nervous and feeling a little dumb. "It has to do with, like, a secret agent and biology. I think." Erin was giving the explanation her best shot, but she really wasn't good at adequately describing instructions or past events to someone else. It's usually Salve who takes the mental notes, while Erin just sits there and acts fun. With the camera destroyed and Salve upset, though, Erin couldn't even do that.


"You're fine..." Salve told Hare as she apologized, not caring one way or the other about the girl's apology. She was more worried about Sarah and Ryan. Was I too hard on Sarah? I really could have worded that better, not sounded so mean... Sure, it was her camera, but even if it cost her an entire year's pay Salve could pay for it. Her friendship with Sarah was a one time thing, she had nobody like Sarah she could call her friend.

"Don't worry about it, Sarah." Salve said, offering a slight smile. She was more glad than anything just to know that her friend wasn't gone. She didn't want her outburst ruining anything. Even if she could keep going with just Erin didn't mean it was something to look forward to. Giving up on Sarah's friendship was last resort.


"We're both civilians, I'm not someone to salute." Natalie told Lexi, somewhat gruffly. It was only fifteen minutes into the day and she was already tired of people being well wishers. It only served to remind her that she had worked to avoid her daughter more than anything. "Look, do whatever you want, 'kay? My job is to make sure you don't set the school on fire."


Nialla took a breath of her own after Ember's sigh. Ember had been right the first time, it wasn't the right time to talk about it. "If I had the choice, I would have gone back and not done what I did, but it's too late for that. So while I'd love to try making amends for what I did to you, knowingly or not, I'm not exactly in a position to do anything." Nialla's mood soured as the topic at hand changed, but she wasn't exactly in a position to leave. She was trapped in the bed, unable to even go to the bathroom without assistance.



"Oooooooooh that sounds exciting! Can't wait!" She waited until Sarah walked in and the second she did announced "So what's the deal with the secret biologist agent Erin mentioned? What are we digging in to Sari? The suspense is killing me!" Hare was practically vibrating from excitement. @CosmicChangeling
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"Its...." Lexi paused trying to think. Her phone buzzes in her bra startling her and sending her to hyperspace only find out leon wanted pot recipes for some reason.

Nat would see her out of frame the arm down, just not the motion of moving it. "I'm sorry. I don't know whether it's appropriate to hug you, but I know it's not. I didn't want to Give you a handshake because that seems impersonal and mean....so...I saluted for a sign of respect."

The buzz sent her again. Boobs and vibrations were not a good think to keep her from getting startled. When she returned to normal time she tapped her foot uncomfortably, a habit she formed from her mother when put in situations she wasn't sure what the right action was.

"I won't burn down the school....but can I do anything else?"


Sarah felt a wave of relief that salve said everything was fine. In truth, it was hard for Sarah to make friends, her need to be emotionally distant and arms length was something that attracted people to her orbit....but ultimately left her because it was a very hard thing to be around.

It made the people around her tired.

Hare asked the question on everyone's mind. "Glad you asked." She played Erin's video, lexis part.

She explained all of it. The fbi agent, hapswell, Lisa, Louis Briggs and pulling up articles for them to look over.

"We are on somrthing groundbreaking here. I am not sure how much clark knows, but if she is in fact a key player, until we get our information from each of these players, she could very easily shut us down. The newspaper already shot us down. Hapswell can shoot us down. If the leagues are involved they can shut us down. We are kids, yes, and there will be many obstacles to overcome....but we are embarking on a story larger than any of us that will no doubt change the course on supers and where we stand with the normal nonpowered people. I cannot do this alone. I want us to be a team, each of us brings a critical role for us to succeed....but this is your choice and I suggest you weigh the risks this might have for you if you agree to help me. What do you say?"

She was doing this anyways, he'll or high water not a soul could talk her out of it. The fire was in her eyes....but her friends deserved to consider if uncovering something this big was worth it to them.

Reporters were killed every day for stories this big.
Brinni said:
"No worries on that, she won't leave without me. I'll text her right now." He pulled out his phone and had a brief text conversation with Lexi.
Hey, did Min ever show up to class? I know she wasn't at lunch so I'm just checking. Gonna swing by Professor D.'s class and leave a note saying I won't be in class bc I gotta get ready for the wake.
No. She's not here. Heads up, i mistook Jean for you when I asked when you wanted to leave for the funeral. Sorry. Your twin's not fraternal, you're identical.
Ok. We'll talk about it later. But we can leave almost whenever.
Hey do you have the instructions for whatever project for Corvi you and Min were working on? I'm going to try and help figure out where she messed up while waiting on you.
I'm not giving you instructions on cooking different strands of pot through text. Why was she doing that at school?
you don't cook pot...you grow it... let me get back to you. I just remembered something I need to do real quick.
that's probably why I'm failing his class. ok, just text me when you're ready.

Leon looked up from his phone after he sent his last message. "So... you wanna tell me who you are? Lexi says the project involved making different strands of weed. And unless you also gained the ability to do magic and were trying to use it for the project, there's no way that this" he motioned at "Min" "could have happened. Maybe I'm wrong and you actually are Min. But between that and the brazen move of just stepping out from the door, something I'm sure someone as shy as Min would never do if she wasn't wearing anything that fit, you can't blame me for having doubts." He looked at the person standing in the room. He definitely looked like Min a little bit. Is it her brother? She said he wasn't here...but maybe she had just meant in the country. I wonder if he showed up Saturday morning and surprised her? "If you are Min, then I'm sorry for all that. But if you aren't.... you wouldn't happen to be Ren would you? If so, then it's a pleasure to meet you and I apologize if I offended you earlier. I was only attempting to tease the person I believed to be my girlfriend." Leon held out his hand with a genuine smile. @The Suspicious Eye
He had been found out. Breaking out of character he smiled and shrugged. "Well I guess I've been had. Yes, I am Min's twin brother Ren. I came here for our birthday. I'm surprised she mentioned me to you, she hasn't even told Lexi and Nia about me." Remembering her explination of where he's been he snickered, not here. Very vague with a hinteresting of classy. He tossed his hair and lookes down at Leon still ignoring the extended hand. He still didn't like this guy. Min in love was never a good thing. Love in general is overated. "Don't worry about Min, she's fine. Fighting pirates, but fine." Teleporting in and out in a instant he seemed to have changed into his own clothes and handed Leon's still extended hand. "Here. You can have these back. I was going to have some fun, but Lexi ruined it. Don't worry about offending me. I don't get mad, I get even." Looking at him with the same red eyes as Min, but with a hint of malicious intent.

The evil glint in his eyes was there for a moment before he stretched and spoke. "Well I'm bored again. I guess I'll help my younger sister. Fighting pirates might be fun." He glanced over at Leon, "you can go now." Without a notice Ren teleported Leon to the hallway. Ren leaned against the door and looked at the boy. "Hey. Don't tell anyone about me just yet. Min wants to keep me secret and we don't want to see her sad do we?" Pausing he looked at Leon to henance the severity of his words. There was a unspoken rule between bothers and boyfriends. Make my sister cry and I'll feed you your spine. Then he smiled at Leon and waved "Toodles!" With that he slammed the door in Leon's face.


Meanwhile....PRISON RIOT!!

On the deck Min was talking with the other hostages, who luckily could speak English. They told her their situation, they were on a cruise ship when it got overtaken by pirates, half of them stole the ship while the rest brought them onto this boat for ransom. Min looked at the captain, "I think I can help us take out these pirates. I'm a hero."

One of the women spoke up, "oh from a legion are you a intern?"

"Well...no. I'm still a student." Min responded bashfully.

A crewman spoke up, "but you're a seinor, in the major hero class right?"

"Well...no...I'm a sophomore in the minor hero..." She said feeling a bit smaller, this kisnapping was not the best thing for her self-esteem.

"Do you have a boyfriend?!" Shouted a male voice in the back.

"Well yes....wait...what relevance is that?!" She looked around at the group and sighed, "I have a plan but it will require all of us."

"Maybe we should wait for real heroes to rescue us." Said a well dressed plump woman.

Min sighed, "I know we can do this. At least give it a try." The group of hostages looked between eachother and remained slient. Min closed her eyes and opened them her eyes going as the rope that bounded her untied and floated around her. She stood up ans looked at the group. "Fine I'll do it on my own." Turning she jumped up and landed behind the closest purate. The rope wrapped around him and the gun. Spinning it flung the pirate overboard, and Min caught the gun. She turned to the pirates and pointed it at them. "Give up now or you'll end up like your friend."

The pirates laughed and aimed their guns at Min. Preparing for the bullets, it surprised her to hear a familiar voice behind her. "You should listen to my sister. She's pretty scary when she gets serious." Min looked up to see her brother standing on the edge of the ship behind her. (This asshole....am I right?)

The pirates instantly saw the boy as a threat and began to shoot. Min quickly turned through bullets to petals as they entered her range. Ren shook his head and sighed, "people never learn do they?" He snapped his fingers and the pirates vanished their guns clattering to the floor. A few days later there would be a news report of finding a series of frozen pirates stuck on Mount Everest. Ren teleported the guns to his secret stash and looked down at his sister and smiled "so this is what you do with your spare time?"

Min turned and glared up at him "you're irreputable you know that?"

Ren smiled and kissed his twin's forehead "I've been told so. Although only you would use such an uncommon word sis."

Min glared at him and fixed her bangs. "Fine, you are a big jerk! Who sends their sister to the Sahara desert! I had to cross the ocean! You know I can't swim! And I'm terrified of large bodies of water!" She began to tear up. Ren went over to her "hey, Min don't cry." Before he could touch her the rope she had picked him up and flung him into the ocean. She crossed her arms, "now we're even." She went to untie the hostages.
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CosmicChangeling said:
"Its...." Lexi paused trying to think. Her phone buzzes in her bra startling her and sending her to hyperspace only find out leon wanted pot recipes for some reason.
Nat would see her out of frame the arm down, just not the motion of moving it. "I'm sorry. I don't know whether it's appropriate to hug you, but I know it's not. I didn't want to Give you a handshake because that seems impersonal and mean....so...I saluted for a sign of respect."

The buzz sent her again. Boobs and vibrations were not a good think to keep her from getting startled. When she returned to normal time she tapped her foot uncomfortably, a habit she formed from her mother when put in situations she wasn't sure what the right action was.

"I won't burn down the school....but can I do anything else?"


Sarah felt a wave of relief that salve said everything was fine. In truth, it was hard for Sarah to make friends, her need to be emotionally distant and arms length was something that attracted people to her orbit....but ultimately left her because it was a very hard thing to be around.

It made the people around her tired.

Hare asked the question on everyone's mind. "Glad you asked." She played Erin's video, lexis part.

She explained all of it. The fbi agent, hapswell, Lisa, Louis Briggs and pulling up articles for them to look over.

"We are on somrthing groundbreaking here. I am not sure how much clark knows, but if she is in fact a key player, until we get our information from each of these players, she could very easily shut us down. The newspaper already shot us down. Hapswell can shoot us down. If the leagues are involved they can shut us down. We are kids, yes, and there will be many obstacles to overcome....but we are embarking on a story larger than any of us that will no doubt change the course on supers and where we stand with the normal nonpowered people. I cannot do this alone. I want us to be a team, each of us brings a critical role for us to succeed....but this is your choice and I suggest you weigh the risks this might have for you if you agree to help me. What do you say?"

She was doing this anyways, he'll or high water not a soul could talk her out of it. The fire was in her eyes....but her friends deserved to consider if uncovering something this big was worth it to them.

Reporters were killed every day for stories this big.
Hare was in immediately. "Sounds exciting. What could go wrong here...although with you I guess technically everything, but I'm in. It'll be fun!"

Ryan was far more hesitant. "I don't know, this seems like it could be really dangerous. I don't know what more I can do after today with the pictures I took."

"Come on Rye Bread! What sort of man are you that you'd let four lovely ladies go off on a possibly dangerous adventure like this by themselves? We need you to keep us all safe!" Harriet said, a pout on her face and her best puppy dog eyes on display. Laying her arm on his shoulders she dropped her voice and whispered in his ear. "Besides think of all the brownie points you'd score with all of us. Who knows what you could cash those in for?" Going back to her regular tone she said "So how about it?"

It's not like I care about that stuff, but she is right. It wouldn't be very good of me to let them do this without me. "Fine. I'm in." he finally said, "But only if it's agreed that if any of us gets hurt because of this, we pull the plug on it." Staring straight at Sarah, so she knew the next part was directed mostly at her and to remind her of what this story had already done once, he said "No story is worth any of us getting hurt. Is that fair?"


Meanwhile....PRISON RIOT!!

On the deck Min was talking with the other hostages, who luckily could speak English. They told her their situation, they were on a cruise ship when it got overtaken by pirates, half of them stole the ship while the rest brought them onto this boat for ransom. Min looked at the captain, "I think I can help us take out these pirates. I'm a hero."

One of the women spoke up, "oh from a legion are you a intern?"

"Well...no. I'm still a student." Min responded bashfully.

A crewman spoke up, "but you're a seinor, in the major hero class right?"

"Well...no...I'm a sophomore in the minor hero..." She said feeling a bit smaller, this kisnapping was not the best thing for her self-esteem.

"Do you have a boyfriend?!" Shouted a male voice in the back.

"Well yes....wait...what relevance is that?!" She looked around at the group and sighed, "I have a plan but it will require all of us."

"Maybe we should wait for real heroes to rescue us." Said a well dressed plump woman.

Min sighed, "I know we can do this. At least give it a try." The group of hostages looked between eachother and remained slient. Min closed her eyes and opened them her eyes going as the rope that bounded her untied and floated around her. She stood up ans looked at the group. "Fine I'll do it on my own." Turning she jumped up and landed behind the closest purate. The rope wrapped around him and the gun. Spinning it flung the pirate overboard, and Min caught the gun. She turned to the pirates and pointed it at them. "Give up now or you'll end up like your friend."

The pirates laughed and aimed their guns at Min. Preparing for the bullets, it surprised her to hear a familiar voice behind her. "You should listen to my sister. She's pretty scary when she gets serious." Min looked up to see her brother standing on the edge of the ship behind her.
"Who says toodles anymore?" Leon wondered aloud, putting his coat back on. He folded up the sweats and put them in his bag. "Well...I guess that answers where she's been. Guess I should text Lexi."

"I'm ready to go when you are. We can meet at my room, I'm on my way there now." he sent to her.

@Homage @CosmicChangeling
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Ryan had asked the impossible. Sarah did not blink, did not even flinch. She folded her hands together resting them on the table as she looked at each and ever single one of them, then back at Ryan. "I am not promising you something, you and I both know I will not keep. This is very serious. Reporters who go under deep for investigative pieces die. They get beheaded, they get tortured, they are used as an example. We are not writing a fluff piece. We are writing a story so large that it is above ourselves. I am continueing this piece unless I am dead myself, in which I hope one of you will carry it on without me."

She took in a deep breath. Her cold detached nature coming out in spades. "You all need to think long and hard on this. And maybe you need to hear this now, if one of you died, I would still continue. I would see it as an insult to your efforts and memory, that you were slaughtered in vain all in an attempt to keep this quiet. This needs 100% commitment. None of you should be pressured into this or think lightly on this. I am sorry Ryan, I know this was not what you wanted to hear....but this story is more important than all of us."

She expected him in that moment to want nothing to do with her. To leave, call her a heartless shrew. She was this and more. It would crush her inside, and she would need to leave the broadcast room to compose herself. But, she wasn't going to deny who she was and what she believed in to make a friend feel more comfortable.

She would rather him refuse to help and tell her she was being crazy than to do this only as a way to make his friend happy.
"You aren't wrong. That does happen. But you forget one thing Sarah." Ryan braced himself. He didn't want to hurt her, but she was being crazy."You aren't a real reporter. Not yet anyways. You're still a kid, we all are. This is way above what we should be handling at our age. If you won't agree to stop if one of us gets hurt, then there's an alternative. Rumor is Loretta can wipe memories. If any of us get hurt then I'll go to her and have everything about this story wiped from our minds if it turns out the rumors are true. Maybe you don't care enough about us to put us before some story, but I do. If you won't agree to that then I'm out. I suggest you take the time to think carefully before you make your decision. The rest of you have my number once she makes her decision." He moved to the table containing Sarah's pictures and grabbed the folder, forgetting her dance pictures were in there. "I'll take these with me. If I'm out they're of no use to you." Ryan walked out of the room. The second he shut the door he let the tears he had been holding back fall. Saying those things to her has to be the most difficult thing he's ever done. But he couldn't in good conscience not try stopping her and making her see how stupid she was being. I should have known better than to trust her promise. "I'll try harder to listen to you and not get so wrapped up in a story" she said. I was a fool. Clearly her story is more important than her "best friend". I wonder if she ever actually thought of me like that. She could have been using me. My power is perfect for someone that wants to be a reporter, and I told her about it practically the first day we met. I'm such an idiot.He walked the halls not paying attention, letting the tears fall freely and not caring who saw him. Until he walked right into someone. He fell back hitting the gground. "Oh" he said with a sniff, "I'm sorry I wasn't" he stopped as he saw who he ran in to. It was some girl in bright clothing with sunglasses.....and James. @CosmicChangeling @SassyWobuffet
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She expected his speech to be worse than it was. Threatening to use the faculty to erase this was a very low blow.

Ryan was mentally placed in 'obstacle' pile along with the paper, hapswell....and well....the obvious road blocks.

This was the part where people left her because dealing with this, trying to cope with what she was doing was too much. She did not wait. The moment the door was closed she showed not a trace of emotion. "If this is not 100% commitment please join Ryan now."

Cold as ice.
Harriet looked between Sarah and the door. Go after him you idiot. He's your best friend. I don't know if I ever saw you crack a smile without him with anything that didn't involve a story. Do you not realize that he actually matters to you? He just wants you safe. Or maybe she was reading her friend wrong. It wouldn't be the first time she misjudged someone. She shrugged. Things always happen the way they are meant to be. "You aren't going to go after him? Eh. Whatever, not my business. Like I said, I'm in. He's not wrong, we should at least be careful. But since you don't seem to want him on your side for this, I'll step up and look out for you. Eri? Salve? How about you?" @CosmicChangeling @Homage
"That's not fair." Sarah barked, the lights flickering in the room. "I do want Ryan. I want all of you by my side. I trust you all. But I respect everyone enough where I will not force them into something they are not willing to do. I am not forcing the people I care about on a mission that could get them killed all because of a story. That would be vain and wrong."

She also made a promise not to let a story warp her perspective on her friendships. IT was the very reason she was having this meeting and warning them of the consequences. Reaching out to them for help because she knew deep down she couldn't do this alone. But Ryan made his choice and that was ok. At least he would be safe in the end.

"If he believes this is what's best I won't stop him, that's his decision and it would be cruel of me to try and manipulate any one of you into doing this since I know the risks are high. I know what I'm losing. I know what I'm choosing to do seems foolish...but I believe in the power of stories. I believe that if this is not written and shared....horrible events will come to pass. I will never be a hero. I will never be able to save a person's life with my powers. I kill them. I'm a disaster, literally. But this....a pen....I can save people with a pen and that's exactly what I'm going to do. But I need my friends with me, because I'm scared...and that's when you need your friends the most."

Ryan didn't have her back...he didn't even believe in her.
CosmicChangeling said:
"We'll cut the bullshit. You know I'm not from here. I know you know that. So...when my powers don't fucking work when they should it has to be something from another world...which you see. Fuck whatever that is. This is my space, my territory, and if I don't want a gimp to die, the gimp is not going to die." The nurse walked down the hall not caring if Kane could pick up speed.
Clara had always been terrified of the nurse. She had been scared of her so much that despite receiving injuries as the school's protective watch dog all these years she refused to seek her help. As the nurse bitched at Oisin, she curled inside his pocket afraid to move and afraid to climb out and tell the woman to stop mistreating him, he did not deserve to be yelled at. Instead, she felt small and curled in hoping his body heat would comfort her.

And it did.
Dr. Kane followed behind the nurse. Or at least did his best he was trying to keep up with her, but also trying not to jostle Clara. Making sure that she was secure in his pocket he tried to listen to what the nurse was saying. He understood what she meant all too well. In his long life he had crossed by her and her family from time to time. Although he didn't expect for her to realize who he was, the last time they'd met he was a very different man. Thinking back to his darker past he was relieved that he had changed, that she had changed him.

Placing a gentle hand over his pocket to console Clara he spoke up. "Um....Ms.1101101011 Ii'm sorry I don't understand what you want me to do. Yes I can see the other realm, but what could be so powerful that it is blocking your power?" Oisin kept the hand over his pocket to let her know that he still remembered her and was there to protect her as best he could.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Dr. Kane followed behind the nurse. Or at least did his best he was trying to keep up with her, but also trying not to jostle Clara. Making sure that she was secure in his pocket he tried to listen to what the nurse was saying. He understood what she meant all too well. In his long life he had crossed by her and her family from time to time. Although he didn't expect for her to realize who he was, the last time they'd met he was a very different man. Thinking back to his darker past he was relieved that he had changed, that she had changed him.
Placing a gentle hand over his pocket to console Clara he spoke up. "Um....Ms.1101101011 Ii'm sorry I don't understand what you want me to do. Yes I can see the other realm, but what could be so powerful that it is blocking your power?" Oisin kept the hand over his pocket to let her know that he still remembered her and was there to protect her as best he could.

A soul was a soul, no matter what the body looked like. The nurse remembered all who had sleighn the way he had in the past, Ms. Clara Turner with her mass murdering rage against non-powered groups fighting powered people would also be a soul she would never forget. She stopped in the hallway, her neck craning back as she let out a cackled laugh when he mentioned something so powerful.

Jerking her head, she turned to him, her eyes glowing red, each hand slamming into the lockers as she walked infront of him, pinning him when he backed up. The metal seemed to burn at her touch like it was melting. "Funny, isn't it? Something so powerful slips right through my fingers. Leaving....me...ME....powerless. I want to know what it is. I need to know my enemy before I crush it."

Her gaze went to the pocket as there was fretful squirrel chirping. She grinned leaning closer to Oisin, whispering in her ear "Keep your lover away from me, pup. She is not on my shitlist and we will like to keep it this way."

She turned away and continued her fast walk down the hall, her eyes back to blue. "Honestly, I think if I had two broken legs I would still be going faster than you."
Natalie nodded her head at Lexi once when she asked if there was anything else she could do. "Sure. Tell me, is the funeral for someone who died at the school?" During the battle. On her watch. It had been her job to keep everyone safe, to make sure all of the parents had escaped the school without any injuries. Had this person been killed while she let herself be distracted by the fighting outside? Had they died when she had made a foolish mistake and gotten herself shot?


Erin and Salve knew as soon as Sarah made her ultimatum that they would agree, with or without Ryan. Erin would go without hesitation, it seemed like fun and exciting. Salve wasn't staying behind when her sister and Sarah were going. She didn't know what she could even do in that time, edit some footage? She'd run out in a day without Erin forcing them to leave the room and record more. No, she didn't have a choice.

But simultaneously, Erin and Salve both noticed something odd about their powers with regards to Ryan:

"He's stopped." Salve told Hare, Erin and Sarah, just as...

"He's with James and... Someone else." Erin grimaced, James wasn't someone she was a fan of. He was a creep, and was obsessed with Sarah. Add to the fact that he was at least partially responsible for the camera breaking and he was not on Erin's good list. Even if Ryan disagreed with them, he didn't deserve to be left alone with that creep. "We need to help him. James almost hurt Ryan last time, they shouldn't be left alone together." Erin didn't even ask, but when Salve gave a look, she nodded her head.

Erin shut the door softly behind her as she walked to Ryan, the other girl, and James, prepared to stop things from escalating.


"Uh... We're both going with, by the way. Erin just doesn't want Ryan getting hurt. He's... He's your friend, isn't he?" Sarah wouldn't make things such an ultimatum if Erin was just going to help Ryan out. She trusted them as her friends, right?


@My Pet Poro

"Yeah, I'm going to a funeral today," she said casually and stopped looking horrified. "No. i mean....not any of my parents. MY PARENTS ARE ALIVE AND WELL...I'm not some psychopath who thinks its 'whatevs' no big deal...." She stopped and paused, holding a finger up in thought. "No one says 'whatevs'. "My parents weren't here they were back home in Vintage, safe and sound. No....this is my bo...uh...friend's mother. Did you meet Mrs. Turner at the tournament? There are a lot of turner's...Aidan's mom....why would you have met....." Lexi shut up and just stared at Mrs. Blake horrified at her awkwardness....And it was only getting worse. Her face composed.

"I'm going to shut up. I am making it worse. You did not need to know any of that but people and friends make me nervous and you're the first Mom of a friend I'v EVER spoken to....and I imagined this moment for a long time, but it wasn't supposed to be like this," Lexi felt tears roll down her face. "It wasn't supposed to be with my friend hurt.....where i can't do anything.....where I could have stopped all of it from ever happening if I wasn't trying to be a hero and stayed with my friend instead. It was supposed to be a day that was normal....like us in the cafeteria talking about classes....normal."

Add that to the list of shitty friend. Know you could have saved your best friend if you weren't a dick and to make it worse i'm going to make your mom uncomfortable....just cause. Why would the tears not stop?!


James' fist curled as the grubby little dog stepped on his shoe. But he looked at Candice and the arm relaxed. "Five seconds to leave, Scooby. Fair warning. We can tell eachother ghost stories. Like are you afraid of the dark?"

He looked up and saw Sarah standing out, leaning on the lockers behind Erin and Salve. She gave a warning look and he couldn't help but smile. Taking Candy's hand he brought it up to his lips, kissing it lightly. "Looks like I'm on gang territory and not wanted here. I'll see you around." he fell backwards into his own shadow a poof of black smoke like crashing into a pool poofed as he was gone.

Sarah let out a relaxed sigh. He left him alone. Good. She'd talk to her brother when they had the chance to be alone."

CosmicChangeling said:
A soul was a soul, no matter what the body looked like. The nurse remembered all who had sleighn the way he had in the past, Ms. Clara Turner with her mass murdering rage against non-powered groups fighting powered people would also be a soul she would never forget. She stopped in the hallway, her neck craning back as she let out a cackled laugh when he mentioned something so powerful.
Jerking her head, she turned to him, her eyes glowing red, each hand slamming into the lockers as she walked infront of him, pinning him when he backed up. The metal seemed to burn at her touch like it was melting. "Funny, isn't it? Something so powerful slips right through my fingers. Leaving....me...ME....powerless. I want to know what it is. I need to know my enemy before I crush it."

Her gaze went to the pocket as there was fretful squirrel chirping. She grinned leaning closer to Oisin, whispering in her ear "Keep your lover away from me, pup. She is not on my shitlist and we will like to keep it this way."

She turned away and continued her fast walk down the hall, her eyes back to blue. "Honestly, I think if I had two broken legs I would still be going faster than you."
Regretting his word choice deeply his face paled at the nurse's demonic eyes and heart stopping cackle. Oisin just stared wide eyed as the nurse turned and marched towards him. He backed away quickly his back feeling the cold lockers. He kept his hand over Clara in a desperate attempt to keep her safe. However, he'd felt this power before and kew that he was no match for it. The best thing he could do is not look like he was completely stricken with terror. The cool of the lockers quickly began to warm up as the nurse's palms seemed to seer the metal. Oisin just stared at her, realizing that the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Giving a nervous gulp as he mentioned Clara he nodded fervently. Watching as she walked off he carefully took the small rodent out of his pocket and looked at her. All he could see is the woman he loved, in whatever form she was in. He gave her a soft smile. "I do apologize Clara, but I must leave you here to keep you safe." Without thinking he leaned in and kissed the small rodent on the lips, before placing her down gently. "I'll write you a letter as soon as I can." He said waving back as he took a few paces toward the direction the nurse was going.

In the middle of the hallway he stopped, realizing what he had done. His face glowed a shining crimson of embarrassment as he turned around to look at Clara. Steam began to rise off his head as he quickly turned back and ran to the nurse out of embarrassment. Oh Gods, what have I done?! I..I...I...I...kissed her!!
If you could see a squirrel blush, you saw Clara in the hallway, her arms up, back stretched long looking alert, hears twitching as she looked at the bravest man she had ever met.

He singlehandedly was handling the monster in the body of a woman to keep her safe. Bravest. Man. Alive.

Her tail covered her face. He kissed her. He...he actually kissed her.

She needed to write him a thank you note for this. She sprinted as fast as her furry legs could take her.


Nurse..............barged in the door seeing the gym teacher was outside reading a comic book, but her eyes locked on ember.

"You. You're the moron that made it impossible for me to properly get the remaining bullet fragments out of her leg."

How did she know this if she was passed out during the time? You don't want to know. "Are you here to play doctor again? Because I'd say you can't do worse than your already shitty attempt but it seems like the universe is testing my patience with you imbred little apes so I won't challenge you. Somehow the firebird with rise to the occasion."

She grabbed oisin by the collar and tossed him like a Rag doll towards the girl covered in ice. "You. Do your magic shit. What sort of outer world phenomenon do I need to suffer." Her gaze never left embers.

"Never play doctor in my office again. Can you repeat after me?" She grinned and maybe her teeth were sharpening. "I will never play doctor in your office again, Nurse. I am sorry."
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Brinni said:
"I'm not sure to be honest. The sub said we should just mingle for the class. I think it was a last minute switch out or something. But I agree, these things get way too violent. There needs to be rules for this thing....or a principal actually concerned with the students as opposed to the money he makes off of it.. Moe shrugged. "So, how did you manage to actually sit through looking at the stars and charting them out?" @SirDerpingtonIV

"But Sarah" Ryan whispered, "it's not your fault. Clearly I've antagonized your brother in some way. Why else would he keep messing with me? Just because it was your power doesn't mean it's your fault. There's no need to pointlessly martyr yourself. If anything" he said, his voice getting a bit louder the more he talked, "it's your brother's fault for screwing around in a place with obviously expensive equipment. Stuff like this is bound to happen when you do that. Now Principal Hapswell has to send his money to get it replaced. Which isn't fair to him." Ryan screwed up standing up to him. He knew that, but he hated seeing his friend take the fall for something that wasn't her fault. He could only hope that sweet talking would get him at least in the middle ground between favored and shit-list. Plus it wasn't like it was untrue anyways. "I'm sorry Prinicpal Hapswell for my attitude. It's been a rough weekend for all of us and I'm a bit on edge. I just don't like seeing my friends get in trouble for things that aren't their fault. Why don't I do something to apologize. I've got this jar in my room that I've been using to hold empty film rolls. Why don't you take it and I'll pay for the skittles to fill it since your last one is broken? Would that be a good enough trade for the new camera?"

Lux Allen

Lux nodded, sitting down on the floor and letting out an exhausted sigh. He knew that time to mingle and relax was just what they all needed, but maybe their new sub could be.. Well... Doing something. "As long as Hapswell is principal here then nothing will change. You know that." He sighed, shaking his head. For a few moments, he sat in silence, letting Moe as about the stars, and letting himself have a few moments to think. "Well..." He began, looking up at Moe. "It is quite simple really. What I do, is look for some of the key constellations. Aries for example. I find it, and the other major ones I can, and then just sort of make up some stuff about them. Like those zodiac sign things. I mean, I don't get it much myself but I suppose that in Clara's eyes it is right."
As James disappeared Ryan pulled his knees closer to him. When he fell the folder had fallen open and he could see the back of Sarah's picture, more importantly he saw what he had written on it. Just because she broke her word, doesn't mean I should break mine. Uncle Clark taught me better than that. "A real man always keeps his promises". He took a deep breath, gathered up the photos, and stood up. He looked around and saw the twins watching to make sure he was going to be OK and Sarah hanging back. He gave a small half-smile to the stranger and apologized for interrupting. "I'd be careful with him if I were you Miss," he lowered his voice. The benefit of working with the paper is knowing just how fast a rumor can spread. "That's James Lane. I've heard he's actually gay looking for a fake girlfriend to keep his secret. But you didn't hear it from me. If asked its from..." he tried to think quickly. Oh I know! "A Frenchman named Jean. See he's a friend of mine who has this huge crush on him, but is too shy to admit it. I'm just trying to help him out by keeping James on the market until he can work up the confidence. Let your girlfriends know, and don't tell his sister over there behind me. The one leaning against the lockers? She has no idea about her brother and he would like to keep it that way." He gave her a wave and walked over to the twins. "I'm ok guys, thanks for coming to look out for me. At least I know somebody cares about my safety."

Walking past them he held out the folder to Sarah. "You might not care enough to put your friends before a story, or about me enough to keep your promise, but I'm not like that. I made you a promise to have your back and I intend to keep it. I'm scared out of my mind that somebody is going to get hurt because of this story, but it does deserve to be written. You're right about that. I should have known better than to think anything I did or said would stop you from pressing on. And with that I apologize for what i said in the room. I went too far and never should have said you weren't a real reporter because of your age. I'm reserving the right to back out if I deem it necessary, and if it absolutely comes down to it, to find a way to stop you if it goes to far. You can hate me for it if you want, but personally I'd rather see you hate me than have you end up hurt because of this. You're my best friend at the very least and I care about you, but sometimes you can be incredibly stubborn and not know when to quit. Someone has to be around to call you out on it, and obviously it wasn't anyone else in that room. So, for now, I'm in." @Homage @CosmicChangeling @SassyWobuffet


SirDerpingtonIV said:

Lux Allen

Lux nodded, sitting down on the floor and letting out an exhausted sigh. He knew that time to mingle and relax was just what they all needed, but maybe their new sub could be.. Well... Doing something. "As long as Hapswell is principal here then nothing will change. You know that." He sighed, shaking his head. For a few moments, he sat in silence, letting Moe as about the stars, and letting himself have a few moments to think. "Well..." He began, looking up at Moe. "It is quite simple really. What I do, is look for some of the key constellations. Aries for example. I find it, and the other major ones I can, and then just sort of make up some stuff about them. Like those zodiac sign things. I mean, I don't get it much myself but I suppose that in Clara's eyes it is right."
"Maybe one night you can show me? I think the only constellation I've ever been able to find is the Big Dipper...which would probably explain why my grades are so low in her class. I can't help it, I prefer hard facts to this whimsical stuff of hers. Ugh, it's a nightmare. Here" Moe said, pulling out his phone. "Put your number in and text yourself so we can maybe set up some night for some tutoring. If that's ok with you? I'd really rather not fail any of my classes my first semester here."


With nothing better to do Leon laid back on his bed and waited on Lexi. He opened up his computer and brought up Netflix. Hmm what to watch...oh I know! He clicked on the show and listened as the opening theme played.

"I know you know that I'm not telling the truth. I know you know they just don't have any proof. Embrace the deception, learn how to bend. Your greatest inhibitions, they will Psych you out in the end"
"Huh?" Candice blinked, looking about in a daze. "Oh, um... Bye!" She weakly called out as James took his leave. Scooping up her game console, she quickly hid the device away in a swiftly made pocket, hopefully before anyone noticed the completely normal game she was playing.

"Oh I must have spaced out for a moment." She frowned, dusting herself off and peering about. Turning towards Ryan, she gave a bright smile. "Hello! I'm Candice, pleasure to meet you Scooby." It was an odd name, but who was she to judge, being named 'Candy Cane' after all. It did remind her of that cartoon, and the boy in front of her did seem the 'loyal dog' type. Without thinking too hard on it, she held out a hand and conjured a bone shaped biscuit.

"Oh wow! You're all in a gang? Do you like... Walk around the school and snap your fingers?" She giggled, turning towards the others. "And um... Oh, Baron Samedi is... Like that huh?" She asked, poking her fingers together with a dreamy sigh. "Is Jean cute? That would make a wonderful story... I'm a bit of a writer, you see. And-" Realizing she was rambling, she shut her mouth with an audible click, turning about and gazing around the tense situation.

"Oh!" Her eyes widened, taking in Sarah leaning by the lockers. "You're... Um... I'm sorry I didn't get in contact with you over the weekend." She bowed stiffly, hands balled into fists at her waist. "I just thought... Well I got a bit confused at the dance, and I had wondered if you were a particularly vivid dream and-That is to say... If..." Her voice grew quiet as her confidence fled. "If your shoes have vanished, I'll make new ones."
Poor sweet Candy had horrible timing as the words Ryan had said in sunk in deeply. She straightened herself. Promise? What promise had she.....she turned and looked at him, her expression like shattered glass as he said that, her bottom lip quivered.

Ryan would feel a ping in his gut, like something inside him changed...as a fire hydrant of bad luck was directed entirely on him. If he was lucky like Jean, it would only last a few hours. If not, well....that had meant the luck had killed him in the end. It wouldn't be the first boy, and most likely not the last.

"That promise?" She felt her eyes brimming and tried really hard to shut it down, to keep herself in control but she was failing. "It was because of that very promise I held this meeting. That I included not just you, but everyone....that I decided that a story was not worth me risking the lives of my friends. Don't lecture me on the risks. I know the risks. I do not need someone to tell me I will fail. Someone to be another obstacle. I have plenty of those. You threatening to damn me when you don't feel comfortable anymore...I do not need that. I have the entire world against me for this...what I needed was my best friend to have faith in me...to respect me and believe in me....to trust me." Her voice cracked.

She wiped her face with her sleeve. "No. You are not helping. I do not need that sort of help, and I do not want it. I am sorry. I need to leave before I begin affecting the whole school." She looked at Erin, Salve, and Hare smiling at them sadly. Then back at Candy. "The shoes are lovely, I still have them. And you were a very bright spot on my night at the dance. I am sorry my power is misfortune and right now I can't be around anyone. Another time...I would like to see you another time."

She turned around and walked away, hugging herself. She needed to keep it together. He was not being a friend at all, he was being a world class jerk. Who in the end had no faith in her at all.
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