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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

Sarah watched her new friend with interest and curiosity as she stumbled around on the family issue. Her ears picked up on it and perked with interest as the rain seemed to stop all together. Stories, sniffing out a good story, seemed to help Sarah gain control back even if she didn't realize it herself.

She'd press on what Candy meant later not wanting the girl to feel uncomfortable. "I understand blood is thicker than water. I always took it that despite everything, your family is your family. They can be monsters, but they love you unconditionally. I have a brother who....is not known to be the nicest person to be around....but he has always been there for me whenever I needed him."

And he always would.

Her imagination was very sugary, gumdrops and rainbows but it did bring a soft genuine smile as the two walked outside to the girls' dormitory. "But, sneaking into Elastic's office to find your weather manipulator does bring a mission impossible feel to it, quite possibly a video game. The final level is meeting him. That would be a game I would play." In real life. She was already calculating Elastic's schedule and multiple ways to get him to leave the gym where his files would be exposed.

Ironically he was training Lexi Clark, and their sessions together was an obvious window. She was lost in her mental chess game of possible scenarios she would have to go through to get a list like that. THe significance of that list and what stories she could uncover with it was tantalizing to say the least.

Her day dream interrupted as she heard cayenne pepper. "Were you attempting a diet fit for the Kardashian family with that recipe?" Sarah opened the door for her friend so she could lead the way. Cayenne pepper and lemonade, but hot chocolate instead.



Planes. She hated planes. She hated heights and being in the sky in general. Gravity was still a thing in hyperspeed. And she already knew what it felt like to fly, she flew a good thirty feet in the air when she died. Lived that experience, didn't need to live through it again.

As Leon was calling the hotel, she was tapping her foot the speed causing the floor to vibrate. Why did it have to be planes? The tapping continued until Leon finished wrapping his chest. She made sure to keep her eyes clothes this time...the proper friend thing to do, but when she got the ok, she let the world slip into silence. Lexi slung Leon over her shoulder and walked.

To Leon, it would be one second in his room, the next outside a funeral home, the weather eighty degrees and very sunny out. Lexi looked disheveled and exhausted. She stretched her arms, her body beading in sweat. Heat was still a factor and she had walked several days in the hot blazing sun, her pale skin burned bright tomatoe red. But, Leon would blink, the burn was already peeling, another blink and she was tanned. "Ok...I'm going to bed. Then I'm cleaning up. Then we go in."

One second later, the sweat was gone, the bags under her eyes were gone as she looked like she slept a good ten hours and bathed, but she smelled of sea water....it was the closest body of water since turning on a faucet was not going to happen in hyperspeed.

She took in a deep breath. "Ok....let's do this. You umm....at wakes you shake everyone's hand and say how sorry you are right? Or....do you do something else? Oh god...what if you're supposed to hug them. I don't like hugging strangers."
"You don't have to hug anybody. We don't have to be there from start to finish, wakes last several hours. If it gets to be too much I'm sure Aidan will understand if you left early. Especially since you didn't really know his mother all that well. You shake the hands of the family, yes. Wakes are for reminiscing, maybe ask Aidan about something fun that they did. Or the father of how they met. Although....maybe not. She wasn't always the nicest person, but she cared about her son at least. Now come on, he's waiting on us." Leon opened the door and waited for her to go in first. @CosmicChangeling
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Tans if your lucky last several months. Stepping inside the funeral home her pale complexion returned but she was sporting far more freckles than she did earlier. If time moved thst rapidly for the red head you had to wonder how she wasn't dead.

Unless she couldn't age.

Lexi was generally uncomfortable around new social situations. Her grumpy attitude of not caring and doing whatever she felt like doing was gone as she walked behind leon.

These people were Aidans family, and to meet them for the first time under these circumstances was horrifying. She already had a breakdown ruining her first meeting with nia the overwhelming guilt of not being there for her friend coming out and now this.

If she could spend the rest of her days inside her room watching TV and reading books she'd never leave.

The line at the church was long. Mrs. Turner was a southern bell with her father owning many plantations (they definitely had a history of slavery and were bitter of the conclusions of it)

She tried to keep herself calm and from vibrating. She was supposed to be a normal girl here. At one point grabbing Leon's shoulder until her hand relaxed and stayed on normal speed.

The casket was closed. Lexi did her prayers and say mr. Turner and aidan with a line of other people....women and a few men....probably direct family. She held out her hand "Mr. Turner i-"

The father pulled her in a hug and her grey eyes enlarged, she looked at leon desperately for some sort of que of what to do to. "Lexi. It means a lot you came for my son, Annalise would have loved you." It was a lie but you don't speak ill of the dead. She hesitantly patted his back like it was the correct thing to do.

Mr. Turner took Leon's hand and shook it firmly lexi darting out of the hold like a cat sprayed with water. "Thank you for coming, son. I know it was a long journey."

Before anyone else could grab her she hugged aidan tightly, he had been crying probably all day,long just holding her tightly.
Leon knelt in front of the casket. He didn't know Aidan's mother all that well, in fact he had only spoken to her twice. Nobody deserved to have their mother taken from them like that.For the first time in years, he wished he knew what happened to his own mother.He bowed his head and prayed, whispering the words aloud.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace.


He stood up and walked over to the bereaved. Shaking Mr Turner's hand he replied."The trip here seemed to just fly by sir. I would have come for this no matter where it was. Your son was one of the first friends I made in this country, this is the least I could do for him." He walked over to Aidan and nodded. Putting his hand on his shoulder, so as not to disturb Lexi's hug he said to his friend "If you need anything, let me know. I'll be sitting over there." He nodded towards a corner with some empty seats. As he sat down he looked around the room. Wakes and funerals were never really his thing, too somber. Instead he bowed his head and pondered over many things like what to do about Jean. I think I'll do it Aidan's way first....but I should still warn the rest of my friends.He also tried to figure out why he had no memory of his supposed twin. Aidan said my memories were "wrong". Could someone have changed them? I don't get it....Looks like I'll be talking to my father come the holiday, maybe he knows what's going on...unless his memories were altered too.
Aidan's day had not been the greatest. Understandably. Life seemed to go forward and today he was on autopilot. Aunts and uncles, friends of his mom had stopped by all day each hugging him, telling him to be strong and sharing fond memories of Mom with their touch. It was the only benefit right now to his abilities was that he could see his mother through the eyes of others and what they thought of her.

When Lexi had come, it was like watching a shining silvery beacon of light to help pull him out of his misery. He wrapped his arms tightly around her any memory vanished and it was just her, her and her vibrating heart. The memories and their haunting affect had subsided. He had her to focus on. He turned to Leon taking one hand and squeezing his friend's. "Thanks for being here."

As Leon turned and walked away Lexi pulled out of the hug. "I am really sorry about your mom, Aidan...she must have been a great person. I'm going to go sit with Leon...but I'll stay until this is over. I'll let you be with your family."

She only got two steps away he grabbed her hand, she stopped cold. "Wait, Lexi....stay."

Lexi turned to Leon giving a horrified look, this was NOT what he said would happen at wakes. "I don't want to...I'm stepping in where I shouldn't..."

"Please," his voice cracked.

Lexi grimaced, but she laced her fingers in with his. With a gulp she stepped in closer. "Ok, for you."

It was when the strangers and family members began taking her hand and saying they were sorry for her loss that she looked like a fox in a bear trap seconds away from gnawing her own arm off.


Leon would notice that a person had taken a picture of Lexi standing next to Aidan at some point during the wake.

Five hours, Lexi had been exposed to the emotional turmoil of grief of people she had never met before. There was one woman, three hundred pounds and six feet in height had physically picked Lexi up and smothered her into her boobs just telling stories about Annalise as she cried into her. There was more than dozens of occasions where she mouthed 'HELP ME' to Leon. But no help was given. It was over now, the three of them sitting in the pews. Lexi was sporting her usual sour expression as she could smell the snotty tears on her from the people that cried on her.

But Aidan needed her, and she was there, she was just not happy at all about it. He was spared grieving memories and she was asked how many kids she planned on having with Aidan and what to do to be a good housewife.

She. Was. Not. Happy. Funerals and wakes, never again.

"I didn't think they would get that way with you Lexi, I swear."

She just turned and glared at him, her nostrils flaring, but she was still holding his hand as they sat with Leon.

"I appreciate you being there, I needed you."

Her nose scrunched in response, but she let out a breath. "I'm always going to be here when you need me. But...while we're here....Leon I confronted your brother today. I mean...after I figured out he wasn't you...he's sneaky and I don't like it. Or he's not sneaky and I'm an asshole...but I'm going with the first one."
The nurse rolled her eyes flipping the page to her magazine. She extended her hand out, not looking at the kid as gold light erupted from her fingertips. Ryan would feel the warmth and then his hand would feel as good as new. "Good. You're better. Have a lollipop....wait I don't have lollies because I don't fucking care." She huffed as she read.
Oisin would see a squirrel on his desk figiting with a letter on the desk trying to find the perfect spot for it. Clara would jerk around, her ears and whiskers twitching, her tail covering her face her little paws holding the letter bashfully. She chirped before leaping off the desk morphing back into her true form. Clara's face was beat red, she placed the letter on his chest, holding it with one hand closed her eyes kissing him quickly.

She was too afraid of his reaction, too afraid to find out that their notes had just been a figment of wishful thinking that after four seconds she formed back into the squirrel, leaping off his shoulder as she made a mad dash back to her class and her students.

She was back at her desk looking disheveled and smiling a lopsided smile. "Alright, class. I feel with the losses most of you faced on Friday....the next few days should be a study."

Grabbing her quill, CLara was torn between writing a thank you letter for letting her kiss him or an apology for being that brazen and kissing him in the first place...

@The Suspicious Eye
Leon heard a click and looked up. He saw a man in a suit taking a picture of Lexi and the bereaved. Possibly for an obituary? he thought to himself. But when he looked over the man's shoulder he saw the picture was focused specifically on Aidan and Lexi. Definitely for a whole "who she left behind" thing I guess. After all, her son is the focus. After a couple hours he stretched and called Armand to check on their rooming and travel situations. Once he was satisfied that everything was all squared away, Armand had gotten him a room in a five star hotel and the flight was scheduled for 4pm, he thanked him once more for his help and hung up.

A couple hours later he was in a pew listening to Lexi. "Did you? I don't think you're an asshole, but I'm not sure what he's like. I've barely spoken with him. I'm still not convinced we aren't just cousins that look similar. But anyways, tell me what happened. I've decided my first step in dealing with him is going to be to try talking to him. It'd be nice to try and get a feel of what he's like....or what he'll portray." @CosmicChangeling
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"Well you're not cousins, he said you were identical twin brothers and you've been refusing to acknowledge his existence all these years after your mom died." She said leaning back in the pew. She watched Mr. Turner talk to the funeral owners about what to do next.

Her hope at sitting at the back of the church like she did her own funeral was dashed realizing Aidan would want her upfront...all the attention. She twitched.

"And I am. I threw the fact he had a dead mom in his face like...two seconds into the conversation. So...yay people skills."


"I know....bad...I'm sorry. I don't know what comes out of my mouth half the time until it's too late."

"No, not that...though," he squeezed her hand. "You shouldn't be saying that to people but that's not it. We don't know anything about Jean, you can't just rush into things. This is something Leon needs to confront and we'll be there to support him. You can't just take it on like it's yours."

"So...mentioning that I threatened to hurt him if he did anything to Leon or my friends wasn't that bright was it..."
"I dunno. Who knows, maybe he's a coward and the threat alone will keep him off myy back. Doubtful, but one never knows. Wait...my mother's dead?" Leon felt a wave of sadness wash over him. "I....I had no idea she was dead. I only knew she was gone." If Aidan is right in that my memories are wrong and his are right....then I've missed out on having a brother for the better part of a decade and three years of memories of my mother have been taken from me. Not to mention the seven years I apparently spent with Jean. And even worse...he thinks I killed our mother. If my memories have been changed so much...what if he's right? What if I did kill her and it was erased. Leon wrapped his arms around himself in a futile attempt to bring him comfort. He shook his head. "We've got enough death to deal with today. Let's move on to something hopefully a bit happier... Lexi, what's your family like? I don't think I've ever heard you talk about your life before going to Ridgeview" @CosmicChangeling
Damn it. Lexi slumped in the booth as Leon seemed to visibly grow worse, paler and hugging himself at what she had said. Smooth. Just rub dead mothers in everyone's face. Two boys in one day...while at the wake of another dead mother. Lexi was just the best person around wasn't she?

Aidan placed his hand on Leon's shoulder, still holding Lexi so he was able to concentrate on her to keep from slipping into his friend's memories. He didn't say anything but just repeated the gesture Leon had given earlier, he was here for him...and despite how awful this was to have in common...Aidan now just understood what it was like to not have a mother as well.

Lexi moved uncomfortably in her seat as Leon asked about her family. "My mom works in tech sales, she's very good at her job. Dad writes novels. They aren't the greatest. His kids books sell off the shelves but he's trying to get his murder mystery books out there. They are terrible."

She wiped the tears forming with her arm. Fuck. She could talk about her parents. They were alive and fine. "I have a brother and sister, twins. They're only five though. Just started school...or they should be starting school. I don't know...I haven't been around."

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"It's not a big deal, my family is fine. Perfectly fine. FINE. My costume was my Papa's WW2 uniform." She was trying to will her tears to stop but they wouldn't. Her nostrils flaring as her eyes watered. She grabbed on of the chior books and tried wiping her face like she had a tissue.

"Leon, Lexi's not allowed to see her family again, can we talk about something else."

"I said it wasn't a big deal..."
"I'm sorry Lexi, I didn't know. And look, don't worry about the mother thing. Unlike Jean I have no actual memories of our mother. It was just a shock to hear that she was dead, that's all. It's hard to miss somebody you never met. So uhh...." Leon struggled to think of a new topic. "Are you from around here Aidan? Maybe there's some sightseeing to do before we check in...oh fuck. Sorry, wasn't thinking.....I'm just gonna...keep quiet over here..." I cannot believe I just asked a blind kid about sightseeing. God I am and idiot.
He was just as bad at social interactions as she was, of course Aidan was from around here, he grew up here. Seeing him flounder, as sucky as it was, actually put Lexi at ease herself. "Look...Leon....it's not a big deal. I don't talk about my family because it's just complicated. I died this summer, and came back to life....got super powers. I mean I didn't know any of this stuff was actually real so it's probably common."

It was not common. Not in the slightest but Lexi actually didn't know this. Kids who grew up with abilities like Leon and Aidan....they knew it wasn't.

"I was stupid. I went to see a speaking event of my favorite reporters, I wanted to be a reporter, go figure. Didn't have the tickets so I broke into the building at the back entrance and snuck in. Security found me after I met him backstage, I ran....made it to the basement and loading dock area. So um...there were these guys that were loading a truck that belong to Briggs Tech or something and curiosity got the better of me so I snuck over to see what was going on while it was safe from security finding me and calling my parents. One guy was an idiot dropped a little box on a big box and BOOM explosion. Don't ask about it. I still remember seeing those guys die...and no it wasn't really like a big sound. It was more like a pop, and I felt air and heat. I mean I was thrown so far back my back hit the wall and I died on impact."

She knew she was dead because she remembered feeling at peace finally....and for the first time in her bullied life accepted, that her walk in life was over and done with she could be at peace...if that was what heaven felt like she understood the religion crap at least. And why people clung to the end game.

"I woke up in one of the FBI agency offices in Vintage. Full out super powers. Apparently the guy responsible had been working on experiments to create a super hero and failed a lot. He'd get prison inmates and homeless people no one would care about and they all died during the experiments. But they had nothing solid on evidence to pin him down...except my death. I wasn't a runaway kid or someone that could be unknown. Being a white girl, according to Agent Thompson at least....meant the fucking world would actually care and cry outrage. So....I have to stay dead. They had the trial, guy got locked up....they sent me in the middle of nowhere at super school to help me get my life together. I mean...it's really not that big of a deal."

She felt Aidan grip her hand. She wouldn't admit this....but telling Leon was the first time she really admitted it out loud. THe only reason Aidan knew was because he saw it...repeatedly since they met.
Jean noticed Min's the question in Min's voice as she spoke about the wake "Oh I'm sorry, I was sure my brother wouldn't keep anything from you. After class it is then" Jean smiled to her "what is your next class anyway? I'll walk you there." Jean said following Min's lead beside him as she walked there is only so much I can tell her. I don't want her to be hurt knowing who Leon really is, that definitely stays out. Sure, she can know about Sarah, I can admit my mistakes there. Home life though? I'm no so sure. Jean thought debating with himself, and then it struk him I definitely have to tell her about that girl in gym class though, Rush, she was an odd girl. not the best for social interaction. Jean continued walking side by side with Min listening to her talk, Leon really did get a catch with this one, it'd be a shame to see her hurt. I can't let that happen. Jean continued walking Min to class knowing he was going to be late to his Meh, Being late couldn't be that bad. No one notices me anyway, not even the professors usually notice me. I just get to sit in the back and focus on my grades. Most of which were high, but Jean didn't really care he never really tried in school Yeah, I'll be okay he thought smiling to himself

@The Suspicious Eye
"It's not common in the slightest Lexi. I've never even heard of someone getting their powers like that. That's some pretty heavy stuff. But the past is the past. It can't be changed. What matters is the here and now. I know I'm glad events played out the way they did and I'm sure there's a part of Aidan that is too. I got a great friend and he got....whatever you two are. Are you guys an actual couple or just friends with extras? What am I saying, it's not actually my business. But I believe that things play out exactly how they are meant to. That there are points in our lives that have to happen and everything in between those points is up to us. But that's just me." Leon leaned back, putting his arms on the back of the pew. "The hotel is ready whenever we are Lexi, I'm sure you can join us if you'd like Aidan, there's bound to be room. We've also got a private flight back to school at 4pm if you'd care to join us then." @CosmicChangeling
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Lexi and Aidan both looked at eachother blushing as Leon mentioned dating or friends with extras. Asking Lexi to be his girlfriend at his mother's wake was wildly inappropriate and he didn't want something that special to be tied to something so horrible.

Lexi saved the awkwardness by turning to Leon. "But in the comics, every hero is normal and then obtains their powers through some accident or something...like the Flash gets struck by lightning due to a dark matter explosion or-"

"The comics are like that because it's easier for non-powered people to accept powers if the person was 'normal' first," Aidan cut in. "He's right. I've seen many people and many stories...Lexi, you're the first to have a comic book creation origin story as your actual story."

"....then how the fuck do you people get powers? I don't want to be the freak. I was already the freak before this."

"You're born with them. People have been trying to figure out the connection for years and it's still a mystery. You have full breed families, they tend to like to keep powers as pure as possible. Half breeds...my mom is non-powered and my dad doesn't have powers but my family has a long line of Turner men with the gift of site. My uncle got it and it skipped Dad. Then you have people like Mr. Elastic who are just outliers and have powers anyways."

"Like...mud bloods from Harry Potter?"

"It's probably where JK Rowling got the idea. She's one of the outliers too."

She sunk in the pew looking at the two of them as all of this was sinking in. "So that's why the school was attacked....but...but I didn't even know this world existed. How was this kept hidden like this...is there really that much animosity between non-powered and powered and with powered they have their own factions. I mean in Harry Potter mud bloods were tortured..."

"There's a reason a majority of people don't know supers really exist....and if they see heroes there are only a few of them. There was a lot of wars just for us to be here. World War Two wasn't really about what you learned in history class....I mean to an extent it was but....it was Supers fighting for their right to not be extinct....there was a mass genocide. I know in America there was a Speedster that stopped most of it. I don't really remember it though....Leon how did you learn about it in history class?"
Dr. Kane looked at the nurse her corpse of a body only alive by her power. He all expected to be killed, but by some miracle she let him go. Oisin stumbled as the nurse shouted at him as he left the nurse's office. It was quite lucky that he was breathing after that encounter. She must be getting soft. Showing compassion is not of her kin's way. Turning back he wondered if the candle would be enough to keep Nia safe while her essence transformed. He had done much, to untangle the essence. However, the rest was up to Nia she'll have to power through it.

Now that he was no longer distracted by Nia's injury. He had time to think about his...other situation. His cheek flushed as he thought about what he'd done to Clara. Thinking about the moment over and over again he only grew more flustered. He didn't know how to respond to such things, I...I must write her an apology letter. Such a brash action I might have ruined things with her. Making his way towards his classroom he began to think of how to start the apology letter. My Dearest Clara, I want to apologize for being so brash and kissing you....I don't regret it..I mean...I...umm. "This is quite difficult." Struggling to find the words he gave a sigh as he opened his door.

Entering into his room her saw the small squirrel on his desk with a letter. His cheeks flushed as he saw her, fidgeting around with the letter. She looked so beautiful even as an animal.Watching as she changed into her human form his heart literally skipped a beat. She was absolutely breathtaking. He looked into her deep blue eyes as he got closer to him. He looked down as he felt the letter against his chest and then felt her lips against his.

Eyes widening every word he had nearly evaporated in his mouth. Looking down at here stared agape not sure how to react. His face reddened to the color of a tomato. "Ah..." That's all that came out before Clara turned back into a squirrel and ran off.

Oisin stood there just staring at the door just stunned. He hadn't...he didn't...it was just so surprising. His emotions rose up in his chest and he had to write to her now. Turning to his desk he was about to write when he saw the letter Clara delivered. Picking it up he slowly read it. His heart beating rapidly with every word. He had to smile at the multiple PS's. Pulling out his quill and a piece of paper beginning to write passionately.

My dearest Clara,

Words cannot express my feelings towards you. Your kiss was...breathtaking and your letter so heartfelt. Every time I receive a letter from you my heart races. I love reading your letters and...and I wish that at some point we can kiss again.

All my love,

Oisin Kane

P.S. I'm not very brave...you are the brave one.

P.P.S. Your fur and whiskers are lovely.

P.P.P.S. I do love your human kisses.

Finishing the letter he realized that Arnold was not there to deliver it. He realized that he would have to deliver it himself. His face flushed at the thought of it. He slid the letter into an envelope and slowly wrote her name. He slowly stood up and took a deep breath and left his room. He made his way down to Clara's room, which was only a few steps away, but it felt like a lifetime. Standing there he looked at Clara as she wrote. His cheeks reddening as she sat there. She is so beautiful and kind.

He was too enthralled in her beauty to move. He simply stood there and watched her work. His heart racing quickly.

Leon scratched at his face. "To be honest I uh... I kinda didn't pay a whole lot of attention in history. It was so boring. I know I fell asleep on more than one occasion. But that sounds about right. The name is on the tip of my tongue for that speedster though, it was one of the few things I found interesting in that class. I mean, one guy stopping a nationwide genocide almost by himself? It's incredible. I just can't remember it. As for families I know I'm full-blooded, although I don't know what my mother's power was. I know every male from my father's side has had powers relating to some kind of energy manipulation. My father has light, my cousins Blake and Raiden have Light and Electricity respectively....I haven't seen them in a while last I heard they were somewhere in Greece...or England. One of the two, with their folks and their sister Tara. Anyways, energy Manipulation just sort of runs in the family. Sort of makes me wonder what he does. Back to school subjects, I paid more attention to the arts and sciences than history proper. Like did you know that all three Statues of Liberty are League locations? Or that William Shakespeare, The Bard himself, stole all of his ideas from his rival Marlowe because he was a mind reader? Granted he shaped them into better pieces than Marlowe probably would have, but still. But yeah, history isn't really my thing." Leon stood up and stretched. "I'm gonna head to the hotel, drop off my stuff, order some room service, shower and sleep. You coming with me Lexi? Aidan?" He looked at the two. "And don't think I didn't notice you two dodge the question, but perhaps now isn't the best time to talk about that stuff." @CosmicChangeling
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@The Suspicious Eye

My dear Oisin,

I realize I had no right to bombard you with a kiss. It was rash, inappropriate and wrong. I could have put your job in jeopardy if a student saw and felt uncomfortable. The last thing I ever want is to put you in any sort of risk. I am truly sorry.


- Clara

Clara sealed the apology note and began writing the other one.

My dear Oisin,

You are very handsome and kind. I took a leap of faith when you kissed me earlier and tried to model your bravery, going for something I have thought about since you introduced yourself to me in person your first day here. I am taking another leap in hopes that the feelings I have in my soul are mutual. I do not know if you believe in soulmates, or fate....or the cosmos can draw individuals together...but I do. You captivate me. Whenever you walk into a room I am at loss of words, I feel complete and lost all at once. The pull I feel to just be around you is so strong it's overwhelming leaving me unable to take real action.

Whatever your reaction is to kissing you, I know one certain truth. I need you in my life, whatever capacity it has to be with my actions....colleague, friend or...I know in my soul you are meant to be in my life.


- Clara

Clara folded the second letter and sealed it, feeling her chest tighten. She was never brave enough to say the words out loud...but a letter made it easier. She took a deep breath and contemplated begging Arnold to deliver her fate so she could crawl into her closet into a little ball, be a possum and play dead if she had sealed her fate at terrifying Oisin Kane away from her forever. But it was too late. Looking up she saw he was standing by the door, her face flushing as her cheeks went a soft rosy color. She nearly tripped on herself trying to get off her chair, but she managed to walk holding both letters. Holding the apology out first. "If...if I offended you...read this one....if...just...just read both." She winced placing both in his hand.

Her heart racing when she saw he had a letter of his own, hope sparking. "Is...is that a thank you letter?"
@The Suspicious Eye[/URL]
Min smiled and walked beside him. She talked about her next class, which was with Corvi. The conversation was pretty one sided, her wondering if it was actually legal to make students study marajuana. Then going into the history of Canabis. Her avid love of plant knowledge although interesting to her, was hardly ever appreciated. Although Dr. Kane seemed to appreciate a student having a interest in nature. Honestly she wouldn't know much about plants if it hadn't have been for the gardner at her castle she had as a child.

As she got more excited she began to walk faster and faster. Stopping she noticed she was walking far ahead of him. Walking back slid her hand into the crook of Jeans arm. She didn't think about what she was doing, it was natural for her to walk like this when accompanied with someone. Her mother was hardly around, but she was certainly taught to move with grace by her tutors. Her family had always been part of the elite, thanks to their lineage and strength. She looked at him and gave a kind smile. "I'm sorry here I am getting whisked away talking about plants. So Jean where is your next class?"
"I should stay with my dad tonight," Aidan said the second time Leon brought up the hotel room. "I need to help him go through..." He paused feeling Lexi's hand on his. He didn't need to say it, she knew. Going through his mother's belongings one last time before going back to school...by the time he returned for Thanksgiving his father would have changed the house dramatically and he was not ready for it.

"If you need me to-"

He smiled sadly rubbing her hand with his thumb. "No, I need to do it alone. You two being here means everything right now...but asking you to do that is too much. This is something for my dad and me to go through. I'd like to go with the two of you back, though...if that's ok."

"Yeah...you two are really positive I just can't run you back?" She didn't need to hear them say it she saw it on Leon's face and she groaned. "I hate planes. You're the worst friend right now. I. Hate. Planes. WHY ARE YOU SMILING AIDAN?!"

"You're adorable right now." He never saw her flustered, and he could feel all her emotions, the stammering. She was a grumpy bear and he loved that about her, but seeing this side of her he couldn't look away from her bright silver aura. He could imagine her nose scrunching trying not too pout, which it was doing right now.

"You two are sadists. Fucking sadists. This is not adorable. I hate the both of you. I can't even drug myself for the plane ride...I'll wake up after a second....and...you are awful people."

The two of them once again ignoring Leon's mention. Asking someone out at a wake was not going to happen. Lexi hugged Aidan tightly standing up since Leon was itching to get out of here.

"I'm ready to go....you call us if you need us tonight. We're only one second from getting to you...just one second. Ok?" He didn't have to say anything, it was understood. "Ok, Sparky....lead the way."


Rachel was spending the dance as socially as she normally spent her time. Alone in her dorm room pigging out on Cheetos. Excellent. She never really bothered with dances and had no reason to start either. So here she was on her bed wearing some old, grey-colored pajamas and feeling none-too-good about herself. The beast broke out or nearly broke out three times today, and she knew it had only grown stronger from the souls it had consumed. As a result, she was more worried than ever now. The beast had escaped so easily earlier, but now it was silent, and that fact alone sent chills down her spine. She stood out of bed, slowly beginning to pace, unable to comprehend the change of behavior, and wondering if her fellow students could still stop the Beast as easily as they had before.

She only sighed, stopping her pacing. Rachel moved outside, slowly creaking open the door, curious if the dance was still even going on. She knew Lux was still with the nurse, but maybe Bran was busy. She slid her phone out of her pocket and opened a new text message.

hey where r u? wanna hang out?

Bran had spent the weekend training with Aidan. He was a hard on him, bur fair. Aidan's initial training was imperative for moving forward. Bran noticed the skills were there he just needed training, especially in honing his senses. Letting him off on Monday, Bran had to make sure Aidan knew what he was in for. Bran didn't like it, but it was necessary. From the training he knew just where Aidan needed to begin and how he could get him to the point where he can fight his own battles.

As Monday rolled around Bran went back to his daily routine. He woke up early and worked out. Deciding to skip morning classes with Oisin, he worked on gathering more information on Lexi Clark, Briggs and Lauren Turner. He was deep in work when he heard a soft buzzing from his phone. He picked it up and inspected the notification, it was a text message from Rachel. He hadn't seen her at the dance it was a shame he would have like to see her in a dress. Although the night was pretty eventful, it didn't seem like a thing Rachel would go to. In all honestly he only wen to keep an eye on Sarah Lane who was becoming quite troublesome.

hey where r u? wanna hang out?
Sure. I'm in my room right now. Where do you want to meet?

Rachel had seated herself outside her room, feeling as tired as ever. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket, so she reached down to pick it up, opening it and typing in her password before Bran's text message appeared and she read through it, nodding to herself, before she typed out a response and hit the send button.

hey where r u? wanna hang out?
Sure. I'm in my room right now. Where do you want to meet?
k. how about outside

She set her phone back in her pocket, standing up with a yawn, before she made her way outside, leaving the dorm building to sit herself down on a bench outside, and begin waiting.

Scanning all the security cameras and bugs that bran had placed over the school and on certain individuals he put all of his findings in a series of encrypted files that were heavily protected by a labyrinth of fire walls. He set the timer on the folder, knowing that if something happened to him everything he had learned would go to someone who would hopefully be willing help.

Gathering what he could on Briggs and his companies, restricted and unrestricted, Bran finished his work right before his phone buzzed again. looking at it he nodded and scanned the cameras to see Rachel outside sitting on a bench. Without responding he got up and left. Only to appear sitting next to her a few minutes later. He was stealthy, but not quite, she may have been able to smell him coming.

Looking over to her he smiled. "Hey I didn't see you at the dance, Friday. What's up with that?" He asked tilting his head curiously. He figured out the answer, but it was a good way to start a friendly conversation.

Rachel looked over, startled, as he suddenly spoke up from beside her, seemingly having appeared out of no where. "I know you didn't see me at the dance," she chuckled. "I didn't go because dances are shit and I had Cheetos in my dorm room," she chuckled, shrugging her shoulders. "Did you expect anything better from me, of all people?"

Bran smiled still enjoying her feisty spirit. It was something he admired about her. Giving a slight chuckle he shook his head. "No I figured that was your reason and I completely agree." His phone buzzed notifying him that there was some activity with the bugs he had placed around the school. Bran ignored it for the moment knowing that all recordings were saved and uploaded automatically. He focused on Rachel right now, one of the few friends he had in this school. "I'm not a fan of dances myself, but I would have loved to see how you'd look in a dress."

Rachel only laughed, shaking her head, before beginning to speak in an over exaggerated British accent, "The infamous and all-knowing detective Bran Knight strikes again! He has successfully discovered his friend is a lazy sack of shit! Amazing!" She laughed, punching Bran on his shoulder, before listening to his words. "Oh I see. You agree that dances are pointless but you also would have wanted to go," she teased. "And I can tell you right now I wasn't going to wear a fucking dress no matter what. And I'd look just as shit as usual for your information,"

Bran laughed as he rubbed his arm. Her punches didn't hurt much, but it was the thought that counts. She was a good person deep down, beautiful, fun and witty too. Bran just wished she wasn't so afraid of herself. The beast wasn't all of who she is and he knew it. Looking back at her he shrugged, "you dont look like shit Rachel, I think you'd look beautiful in a dress, Rachel. Besides I only went because I promised to save Ms. Lane a dance. Otherwise i would have spent the night working. I may only be 14, but I do still have a job." He worked as a accountant for the Kinght corporation and in his spare time took jobs as a private investigator. Usually jealous spouses or people who lost something minimal. It took him a few hours at the most to solve their cases. Bran's phone vibrated again, this time a notification that his vacation for the Clark family had arrived.

Rachel snorted, beginning to laugh, leaning forward a little. "I' too tired to Argue with you over if I am pretty or not," she sighed. "Because I'm not no matter how much you tell me I am. Besides, if you keep saying shit like that, it'll seem almost like you have a crush on me or something," she chuckled, rolling her eye as if the very idea was a joke. "And dresses are fuckin' weird. Attract too much attention, feel too airy, too showy, all that shit," she explained, giving a shrug. As he gave his excuse as to why he went to the dance she couldn't help but laugh. "Oh yeah I get it. A dance with a girl is more important than your job in daddy's big company," she teased, a smirk crossing her face. "I mean, who else is going to carry on with the billionaire legacy?" She asked, fully aware Corbin existed, but simply teasing Bran for the fuck of it. In truth she was a little jealous of him, although she wouldn't show it.

Bran held a calm exterior, but his cheeks began to redden as she mentioned a crush. He liked Rachel a lot, she was a great friend. However, he had developed a slight crush for her a while back. He wasn't sure if she knew, but Rachel was spot on. Giving a faint chuckle he nodded and listened to her talk about his job. Inheriting the billions? Heh, if only she knew. His father was hardly going to die anytime soon. His super strength and alien physiology made him near immortal, the Knight family fortune is going to stay with Clark Knight for a very, very long time. If Bran wanted the job of CEO, he'd have to work for it like any other person.

"My father says that my first priority should be to be a kid. Everything else should come second." He shrugged, "a dance with a girl, spending time with friends, they are all more important, than a job in 'daddy's big company.'" He said with a laugh.

She raised an eyebrow, seeing his cheeks redden. "Oh my, little freshman Bran does have a crush on big mean Rachel!" She cried out mockingly, although she was grinning, and clearly didn't mean it as an insult. "Oh I believe you," she chuckled, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm sorry about teasing you all the time. You know I don't mean it and all," she admitted, continuing to grin at him. "But if you want to waste your time here with me you are more than welcome to."

Bran couldn't help but blush a bit more as she picked on him. She hit a nerve, but he had realized that it wouldn'tever go anywhere. He accepted it. Rachel and him were friends and maybe that was best. Because of his age he would only hold her back. He laughed and looked at her, "I know Rachel, and I like hanging out with you. It's never a waste of time to hang out with good friends."

The two talked until the third period bell rang. He knew it was probably time to head back inside. His algorithm must be done and lunch was soon. He looked up as the bell rang. "We'll we should try to at least get to one class today before lunch." Standing up he extended a hand to Rachel. "I'll see you at lunch right?"

She couldn't particularly understand why he was acting so awkward all of a sudden, but decided not to put any thought to it. He was probably just upset she was teasing him so much. She chuckled at his words, shrugging her shoulders. "If that's what you want to do then, I won't stop you."

"Eh, I guess," she mumbled with a shrug, before standing up, letting out a yawn as she stretched. "I'll see you at lunch then Bran," she replied, shaking his hand, which felt a little awkward but to be honest she didn't know what he wanted in the gesture.
CosmicChangeling said:
@The Suspicious Eye
My dear Oisin,

I realize I had no right to bombard you with a kiss. It was rash, inappropriate and wrong. I could have put your job in jeopardy if a student saw and felt uncomfortable. The last thing I ever want is to put you in any sort of risk. I am truly sorry.


- Clara

Clara sealed the apology note and began writing the other one.

My dear Oisin,

You are very handsome and kind. I took a leap of faith when you kissed me earlier and tried to model your bravery, going for something I have thought about since you introduced yourself to me in person your first day here. I am taking another leap in hopes that the feelings I have in my soul are mutual. I do not know if you believe in soulmates, or fate....or the cosmos can draw individuals together...but I do. You captivate me. Whenever you walk into a room I am at loss of words, I feel complete and lost all at once. The pull I feel to just be around you is so strong it's overwhelming leaving me unable to take real action.

Whatever your reaction is to kissing you, I know one certain truth. I need you in my life, whatever capacity it has to be with my actions....colleague, friend or...I know in my soul you are meant to be in my life.


- Clara

Clara folded the second letter and sealed it, feeling her chest tighten. She was never brave enough to say the words out loud...but a letter made it easier. She took a deep breath and contemplated begging Arnold to deliver her fate so she could crawl into her closet into a little ball, be a possum and play dead if she had sealed her fate at terrifying Oisin Kane away from her forever. But it was too late. Looking up she saw he was standing by the door, her face flushing as her cheeks went a soft rosy color. She nearly tripped on herself trying to get off her chair, but she managed to walk holding both letters. Holding the apology out first. "If...if I offended you...read this one....if...just...just read both." She winced placing both in his hand.

Her heart racing when she saw he had a letter of his own, hope sparking. "Is...is that a thank you letter?"
Kane nearly startled as she turned her head to him. He looked around nervously wondering if she had spotted someone else. However, there was only one lovesick fool standing in her doorway. Gulping loudly as he watched the love of his life come closer he was at a loss of words. Looking down at her hands she realized she had twice the amount of letters that he had. His hand trembled as he had one mediocre letter while she had two. He would have to write her a apology letter for not responding to both letters.

Listening to her talk he clumsily

tried to take the letters that she had handed out for him. When she noticed the letter he had a shot of nervous energy shot through his body. He didn't know what to do or say as she spoke. What was it? A apology or thank you letter? He couldn't recall, his mind was a complete blank. "Umm....ahh..." Thinking back to what he had wrote he realized, "n-n-neither....i-i-it's...more of a l-l-l-l-l-love l-e-e-eter..." He wished he had written more all of his feeling into one long and passionate letter. Telling her about how she is so strong to protect the school and had such a kind heart, always helping everyone in need. He wanted her to know how much he appreciated everything she did, from waking up to going to sleep. Every moment of her existence was a blessing of him. But no, all he wrote was a foolishly short letter that would probably make Clara uncomfortable.

However, it was too late to tear it up. With a shaky hand he extended it to her. "I....I-I-I apologize f-f-f-for the shortness. I wished I'd written more." Closing his eyes he was afraid of her reaction to the letter he couldn't bare to see her look in disgust last what he'd written. It was too brash and emotional, not proper for friends. As long as this letter does not ruin our friendship I will want nothing more in this world.
Love letter? She felt her heart leap, she took a step in closer to him, unable to look away as she was gently opening the envelope. In this moment she wanted nothing more than to be a bird, spread her wings and soar in the sky with excitement. Love letter. It was too inappropriate to fly right now...

She took the apology letter from her letter pile as she held his card in her hand. "Th-this...I tho-thought...you might have...you were up-upset with wh-what I did...don't read this one....that one...that one please." Her throat as dry as the dessert.

He could tell her to do anything in this moment, anything at all and she'd do it without question, his gaze was spellbinding. She did not understand the universal pull and draw she felt but being this close all she could focus on was him and him alone.

Coughing to pull herself back to reality she read his letter once. Read it twice. Her eyes welling as she read it a third time.

"Class dismissed." She said out loud. She did not turn to look at her students, gaze still locked on Kane as they stood in the door. Students had to weave around them. But it was like they were they only ones in the room...and when they were Clara trembled, but she pulled the collar of his shirt to pull him in the room with one hand the other shutting the door.

Without a word, before she lost her nerve she kissed him passionately.

Ember Brook

Ember could always remember the words of her parents, tips and advice from the biggest heroes in her life. To keep her calm no matter what, due to the nature of her powers, although she was having trouble now. Her parents may not have been super powerful heroes, or in any of the big Leagues, but they were the only heroes who felt real to Ember personally. They helped whoever they could, whenever they could. It was that trait that kept them out of the big leagues. Many of the league heroes couldn't handle the fact that the two minor heroes refused to limit their heroism just to select number of people. They never seemed to lose their cool, or their wit, and to Ember, seemed to be just the best sort of people.

Ember would have responded to Nialla, try and apologize for what she was saying when she had seen that pained look in the girl's expression. However the Nurse barged in at that moment and began to yell and bark orders, at some poor teacher mostly, but also at her. She felt her fists clench.
The Nurse was unconscious and no one else was around! What was I supposed to do in that circumstance? Let her bleed out on the bed? Ember thought to herself angrily. She was truly outraged, and could feel her excitement begin to build, and she didn't doubt even for a moment that there were already tiny, flickering flames dancing along her skin. But she couldn't let herself get upset. Especially not here. She gave out a mumbled apology to the Nurse, noting that her teeth were... Oddly sharp. She had also realized that Nialla wasn't concious anymore, so she decided not to stay, and walked out from the room, her irritated strides thudding ok the floor. She felt her guilt eating at her, but she didn't want to stay in that room with... Whatever the Nurse even was.

Instead, she made her way out to the courtyard, standing in the center, looking up upon the open sky, breathing in the fresh air. She felt a gentle, cool breeze blow past her, and she let herself relax, giving a long, tired sigh. Then, she let fire come to life in her hands, and she slowly began to move, swirling the small fireball around her, splitting it up into segments and bringing it back again, slowly gaining more and more control over if. This was always a sort of strategy to calm herself down. Fire made her feel happy and hopeful whenever she channeled it, and as usual, she couldn't keep the smile off her face as the warm tingling seemed to spread through her bones.

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