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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

Homage said:
Vi took another drink of her water and wiped the sweat off her brow, still out of breath. She didn't know if it was the news she received, some greater passion from Leon, or a combination of both, but Vi was not fighting at her best. She was hit by attacks she normally should have dodged, and missed or poorly hit attacks that should have been spot on. She needed a break, just for a minute. Making a 'T' with her hands, Vi leaned against the pool gym wall (the main gym was being used for class), and took a breath. "You're doing well today, Leon." She said. It felt awkward, but of course it would be. Vi wasn't in the right mind normally, and her outburst the day of the attack only intensified that.
"Thanks" Leon said between breaths. His ribs were still bothering him slightly. He still hadn't gone to the nurse to get them completely fixedWalking over to the pool he took a breath and dunked his head under for a quicker cool off. Wiping the water down and off his face he walked back towards his friend and teacher. "Is everything okay with you Iz? Something seems off, unless it's my imagination?" He decided to stretch some more, he wanted to be ready when they went again, while he waited for Isabel's response.
Sarah stopped in the hallway hearing Erin come closer. She side glanced at her friend as she tempted a flashdrive in her face. "If you're here to bribe me with interviews in an attempt to make me feel better," She began and stopped, a smile forming on her lips. "You know me too well and it is working." She looked at the flash drive like a dog with a treat, coughing in an attempt to regain her composure and remain emotionless.

The cloud had seemed to go away, not a literal one, but random bits of bad luck across the school had stopped.

On Sarah's first day here, Erin and Salve had been one of the first friends she had made. You didn't quite come off as loveable companion at the newspaper staff meeting when you came in with a binder of notes and ripped into the stories that were currently being told. In fact, it was probably the very reason that her editor had saddled her with fluff pieces upon fluff pieces upon endless fluff pieces. Writing about Lexi Clark was her secret wedge to get out of writing articles about something other than Arnold the Phoenix stealing mangos from the class green house or even more trivial decorations for a float on a halloween parade no one cared about.

Erin was one of her only friends on staff that did not turn on her when she...eloquently shit on writing skills in her British polite manner. She knew what people called her. The Ice Queen. Know-It-All-Bitch. Heartless Shrew. They could call her whatever they wanted, they could keep her down and make sure all she ever wrote was an advice column at the back where kids sent joke questions, it wouldn't matter in the end. She was born to be a reporter and the more roadblocks Mr. Anderson and the upper classmen put up, the more she would rise above and write the real stories.

Erin was one of the few people that had not mocked her on day one (grant it, maybe she should have calling the paper silly and saying this was the year for them to change it also inadvertently insulted Erin's pieces as well) along with Hare and Ryan...they were probably the only friends Sarah had at this school. They were, undoubtedly, the only people right now where she would give a genuine smile from time to time. "If you are serious about viewing this drive....I say we skip our next class and view it right away."
Over the weekend no one could contact Min. She had gone home to her lonely dorm room, but was not alone. She had found someone very dear on her way back home and has been hold up in her room with him all weekend. Neither wanting to be separated foe a minute as everything was told between them.

Min learned a lot that she didn't know about. How her oldest sister Kara had married her rockstar boyfriend and had a baby boy together with a pair of twins on the way. How her uncle and father have gone missing a year after the two of them had separated. Ren's life as a orphan and the journals their father left him. How her mother had kept in touch with Ren and Kara, keeping Min away from her family. She took in everything, the good and the bad. Letting both of their emotions merge together in her mind. It was such a strange sensation to feel again.

The more time try spent together, the stronger their bond, every story every touch, every laugh pulled them closer. Min sighed and looked at him smiling, "you know Ren now that we're connected again your sweet side is going to come out."

Tossing his head back he gave a playful scoff. "Please, Min you know better than anyone that I don't have a sweet, side. I'm 100% pure BADASS." He smirked as he leaned in closer and ran a finger under her chin. "Are you ready for your wild child to come out? I can't wait to see how tainted I can get your pure innocent self after I'm done with you."

Min playfully slapped his hand away, "I can't believe how seductive my twin brother has become. However, I am a taken woman. I have a boyfriend, now."

Ren rolled his eyes as she mentioned her boyfriend. " Ugh that guy Lion right?"

Min smiled, "Leon. You know his name Ren, I know you do."

Ren leaned back on the bed and sighed "yeah but I don't have to like him. How am I supposed to like the guy who's macking on my dearest sister?"

Min crawled over and fell beside him on the bed laughing. "Oh really? You're dearest sister? Don't let Kara know that otherwise she'll have both of our heads."

Ren chuckled, "do you remember that time for Halloween..."

"...when she put mom and dad's heads on a platter for dinner?! That scared the living daylights out of me." Min finished.

Ren smiled and looked up at the black flowers looming above them. "That was so messed up we were just two years old. Who does that to their two year olds?" His brow furrowed as he remembered that the flowers above them used to a bright red. Not mentioning it her, he turned and smiled at him. "Do are you ready to stop trying to hide me from your friends? I already know them and you're all caught up on my end." For the entire weekend she's been held up here with her brother under the fluffy mass of blankets. Not answering the door when or returning texts.

Min flipped he hair and leaned over at him, "I thought you wanted to make a grand entrance? You seem to live for them." She slid over her brother and off the bed. "Well either way I need to get ready for class. It is Monday after all."

Ren grabbed his sister's hand and pulled her fingers to his lips pouting. "Oh come on, just skip. Schools not worth it. Besides aren't you the next queen of the world?"

Min rolled her eyes at him and pushed his head back. "School is important. It's the only place I actually have friends. Unlike a certain someone who just sticks his wick in anything living."

Ren shrugged and looked at her with a smirk, "we all have our quirks." He said adding a coy wink as he bit her finger playfully.

Min flicked his nose and made her way into the bathroom shaking her head. "How did my sweet twin brother become so vain!" She smiled as she closed the door.

Ren smiled and shouted back, "I'm just as vain as you are! Don't deny it." Watching the door close he leaned back on the bed and rested a arm over his head letting out a happy sigh. He was so glad he made it. Raising his hand up a phone teleported into it. It's getting easier to teleport between the worlds. I guess after the first time, it isn't as bad as long as you keep going. He smiled thinking about something dirty as he heard his sister start the shower. He scrolled through the phone surprised still had cell reception here.

The nurse had spent the weekend with her feet propped up on the desk reading magazines and catching up on the Kardashians. If the world ever need a reason to go to war with America, the Kardashians were a good enough reason. It brought back the good old days for sweet old Nursey. During Nia's time in recovery she had met the janitor ask his brother why she decided to hurt the students, only for the nurse to retort that she was his sister, not brother. Nia would also see Professor Savolt come in complaining how exhausted he was from using his powers and needed his brother to heal him. Only for the nurse to quip that she was his sister and to get the fuck out.

Nia was an odd case. The nurse had tried. The first she shrugged it off to her still trying to regain composure from her bender. The second she got frustrated. The third HOLY FUCKING HELL WHY WASNT THIS WORKING. The fourth....Nia watched her flip three cots besides her yelling "I WILL GOD DAMN FIX YOU DAMN IT."

Monday, the nurse walked over with a deck of cards, she pulled out a portable eating tray, sat down and started shuffling the deck. "I don't get you." She said placing eight cards infront of her. "We're playing Crazy Eights. You'll go first. But you have a fever. Can't seem to heal that. Can't heal the fact you're a gimp. Not even the classy gimp Like the actor who played Superman where its so bad people respect you...but the shitty kind where you'll do alright. You'll work hard to be functionally normal. But here's the catch there, the minute you earn the right to be on the same level as a normal person, people will forget it takes all your energy just to get there, forget you're a gimp and mistreat you, neglect you and think when you're whining about pain you're just making it up and you need to get over it."

She nodded to herself. She had seen many people like that. "You're going to have a tough road kid. Believe it or not, you and me are alot alike."
"I was thinking too much, is all." Vi said, trying to dismiss Leon's concern. It was a complete deflection, of course. She was thinking, but she refused to specify exactly what she was thinking about. Doing so would both reveal her past with Nialla and be pointless. It wouldn't help how she felt in the slightest. "What about you? You seem to be fighting harder today." She tried changing the subject, getting away from the discussion about how she felt.



"Pssh, what class? I'm under orders to finish this video ASAP, and it's not like the teachers are doing much teaching right now." Erin didn't want to think about the reason why. That would just make them sad again, and Erin didn't want that. She flicked the lid off the flash drive and caught said lid with her left hand.

"Salve won't be there, she said she has gym with Elastic, so it'll just be us in there. Which is perfect for me." Erin said, walking along the hall as they got closer to the room where the computer set up specifically for creating the announcements was set up.



Nialla almost bitterly laughed at the Nurse's comments. It was the truth, on top of being Super, Nialla would have to fight tooth and nail just for people to ignore the fact that she has become broken. "I doubt they'll ever see me as normal. We have powers, remember? No, I'm a burden now. I'll never be able to pass myself off as normal, and I'll never be strong enough to fight, where my powers are most useful." It was true. Nialla's powers were something that were most useful in a fight. They weren't like some kids, who could use their powers in almost any situation.

She had become useless, a nothing.

Homage said:
"I was thinking too much, is all." Vi said, trying to dismiss Leon's concern. It was a complete deflection, of course. She was thinking, but she refused to specify exactly what she was thinking about. Doing so would both reveal her past with Nialla and be pointless. It wouldn't help how she felt in the slightest. "What about you? You seem to be fighting harder today." She tried changing the subject, getting away from the discussion about how she felt.[/uSER]
Leon stopped and thought. "Given everything that happened Friday I realized how weak I was. That I need to be ready for anything. I got knocked out three times and then I learn I've somehow managed to piss somebody off enough that they want to ruin my life. I need to be ready no matter what they try. I know I can't win against them with just weapons so I need to find a balance between weapons, my power, and hand-to-hand. I've almost considered asking that Knight kid to help me like he is Aidan. I only tied with him on pure luck. He didn't use weapons, he didn't use any power that I could tell, and he floored me. I just wish I could create sparks, then I could do so much more and wouldn't need these devices." He shook his head. "Now stop thinking and let's keep going. I won't get better if you don't put up a fight"


Ryan was developing the second roll of film that he had before classes began. He always did like getting up early. It had all the pictures from the dance on them. As the pictures of everyone came out he smiled. These came out great! He looked at the one of Sarah. Everything had come out just the way he pictured it to. I was right, best one of the night. As all the portraits dried he went to the computer in the corner and sent off an email to all those who had left one for him saying that they were ready. He gathered some manila folders to better organize them all. The ones he was waiting on were pictures of the agent talking with Sarah as well as those of Miss Turner's sister. He would wait until Sarah was free to dive in to those. He'd have no idea what to look for in those. As he began to develop the other roll he didn't pay much attention until after the picture he took of her with Bran. It was the start of the photo burst from when the fell out of the vent. There were pictures of a surprised Turner, many of the floor and the wall and one of....Ryan went red in the face. He was looking at an upskirt shot of Sarah. The purple underwear that he bumped in to in the vents could be seen prominently. He hung it up, facing away from the others so nobody else would see them. And when they dried added it to the folder with the pictures for her. He'd have some serious apologies to give.


Moe and Harriet had a fairly uneventful weekend. He had wished he had gotten even one more dance with Allysia. She was just the right amount of coy and flirtatious to intrigue him. He did homework most of the weekend. She had just slept the whole thing away. Both of them now were sitting in the gym near Lexi waiting for Elastic to start....whatever this was going to be.
The two continued playing their game of cards. The nurse listened to her intently, laying a bag of Doritoes on the eating tray. "If you're not normal on a super level....well, that blows even more. But i know the nothing feeling...believe me. Look. I was born for one purpose and one purpose only. I was saddled with a shitty family, but, we all were made for one specific goal. I worked my entire life for it. Did everything by the book, never made a misstep. In the end, a rag tag group of misfits send me back to Hell using a seven year old...a seven year old who's last name is Marbles. That's humiliating. You have your entire purpose ripped away from you by a kid named after a toy product. So here I am at some stupid school trying to figure out my next step. Trying to figure out what I am without that goal and even if I want it. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just a nothing."

She didn't say anything when Nia won the game, letting her last card down. She just took the deck and began shuffling it again. "You're going to hear a lot of heartfelt mushy gooshy speeches that things will get better. That you're the same old girl you once were. keep your chin up or whatever bullshit their going to feed you. They say it because it makes them feel better that they weren't there to stop what happened to you. It's not going to get better kid. The road you're going to go down is going to be depressing. Rage inducing. You might be a completely different person by the end of it. You might not even like what you do become. But...you got gumption, and you remind me of me when I was your age." Thousands upon thousands of years ago if she really had to think about it.

"Alright gimpy, your fever spiking well over 105, what sort of fucking bullets did you have shot through you?" She eyed the girl suspiciously. She had the talent where she could see the injuries and the human anatomy just by looking at a person. The art of war was just knowing where to leave blows on your victim keeping them alive as long as possible. Who knew it would help with medicine. She looked the girl up and down noticing something else was going on as well, with her cells, but it was something she had never run into before.


That soft smile was Sarah's version of grinning ear to ear as Erin caught the flash drive lid with the other hand. It was practically swoon worthy. "You are under strict orders. Who am I to stop you from pressing material for Ridgeview. Let's go to your room, my computer is..." she broke it with her powers. "I need to look in the market for a new one.

As the two began walking down the hall to the outside of the school for the dorms to get digging into this Sarah looked at her friend. "I stumbled upon a story that involves Lexi Clark, that involves the government and a biotech company out in Vintage. I plan on convincing the principal on funding this expedition, I have Ryan my camera man, Hare who can be in and out of any situation, but I might need a girl of seniority and camera skills to make sure I get the full coverage this story deserves. Can I count on you?"

"Well, whatever you do with Knight, don't let yourself become overly reliant on the mundane. Your powers are your advantage, they should be what you use most and best. Which reminds me, I'm going to try dodging to clear my head more, just try hitting me." Vi gave orders like she was an instructor, but that was the best she could do. With her mind in such a fritz it wasn't like she'd make herself better suited to an actual fight with Leon by doing nothing. With the threat of being attacked and actually hurt, Vi hoped she'd be able to better focus on the fight.



Nialla took in the Nurse's words, deep in thought and confusion. What did she mean by 'back to hell', who was Marbles? When the Nurse talked about how people would bring up how they felt bad because they weren't there to stop what happened, Nialla shrugged. "If I wasn't there, your office would have been filled with bodies. They can feel bad all they want, but they would just be in my position instead." It didn't even make her feel angry, that someone would misunderstand how Nialla got hurt. She just felt a sense of indifference. She didn't care about other people, or their opinions. It wasn't like she had visitors lining up to speak to her, in any case.

"Not sure. The kind that kill people." It was biting sarcasm. Gimpy?!? "And my name is Nialla." Not Gimpy. If the Nurse wanted to make fun of her, that was fine, but her name was not Gimpy. That was like calling the Nurse anything but-

Nialla's thoughts were interrupted by another wave of coughs for almost thirty seconds, before they ended. It hurt so much to breath in the minutes that happened after the coughs, that even her leg's pain felt numb in comparison.



"You know it!" Erin said, opening the door to the recording room. It was in pristine condition thanks to Salve's addiction to cleaning, and all of the cameras were safely packed up or charging in their positions. The desk were spotless but for the coffee cups glued to the tops of them. To their direct left was the room with the computer that was basically used solely by Erin and Salve. It was only a year old, and ran more smoothly than any other computers Erin had ever used.

Both Erin and Salve loved the room more than anywhere else in the school, it was their haven, shared only twice a week by drama students who volunteers to be the anchors of the show. Loretta, the secretary, was technically in charge of the room and the broadcast team, but Erin and Salve always checked things over with Mr. Darke because he was always willing to watch their stuff and critique. The place even had a nice window view from the editing room, and on a beautiful day it seemed almost like a place of romance.

"Now then, you ready?" Erin smiled, inserting the flash drive into the computer as it booted up.
"OK, but remember you asked for it." He spent the rest of the period firing off blasts, trying to split them to confuse her. He just wanted to land a single hit. He may not have been able to make his own, but he certainly could control them. None of them made contact. They're too slow. I need to make them faster. I just want one hit. What was it that Knight said? If you can't out fight them out maneuver them? How.. he immediately realized what an idiot he was. They were in the pool hall, there was water all over the floor. He sent another blast at Isabel, but split in four.One upwards in case she jumped, one to each side, and one portion of it to strike the wet ground at her feet. He kept the power of the bolts low so that way if they hit her, they wouldn't do any damage, just frizz her hair up. @Homage
"You joke, but I have bullets in my drawer filled with salt bullets. Those won't kill you, but they hurt like hell." But then Gimpy started coughing. The nurse moved the eating tray and stepped up towards the girl. One hand pressed hard on her forehead, the hand glowing gold as she was pushed down on the bed. The other was on her chest.

The fever was not going away, it was only getting worse. "You better fucking pull your shit together kid. You've been a pain in my ass too long to die right now."


Sarah stopped the film on Lexi in the middle of her story. "That. Erin." she turned towards her friend. "That right there. Clark was non-powered. She was a non-powered kid. The government. The biotech company. It's linked. You found the angle." She laughed beaming at her friend jumping to her feet and hugging her tighly. She pulled herself off but held her friend's shoulders grinning. "That's why we need to go to Vintage. This is the focus. Someone made Alexandra Clark into the super Rush. You're bloody brilliant! Just....just bloody wonderful!" She went back to the chair and rewinded the bully story to listen to the whole thing.
Vi had been able to better concentrate on the fight as it went on, and had finally managed to get some sort of groove. Leon was either aiming where she had been, not where she was going to be, or she just moved in a way he didn't expect. It was all going smoothly until his final attack. She watched the attack move towards every direction, and grinned, proud of his cleverness. In a last ditch attempt she tried propelling herself to the left in the hopes that she'd be fast enough to dodge, but she felt the sting on her leg and knew Leon won. After picking herself up off the ground she slid on, Vi offered a hand to Leon. "That was excellent, I never expected that."



"I'll tr-" Nialla's response was interrupted by another fit of coughing, and by the merciful end she tasted blood. She spat it out, terrified and disgusted, before turning to the nurse, another realization hitting her. "It's one oh four the highest a fever can get before it gets, like, deadly? Shouldn't I be unconscious?" Between the blood, the coughing, and the fever, Nialla should have been dead or dying, but she wasn't.



Erin was extremely confused. She had no idea why Sarah was so excited, or really what she was talking about. She understood that it somehow was related to Briggs, but a biotech company? And why were Lexi's powers so important? There were plenty of late bloomers out there. Sure, Erin have never met any herself, or even heard of any but Lexi, but there had to be one or two out there.

All she was one hundred percent sure of was that Sarah's felt kinda warm and smelled nice. Still, though, Erin was pretty out of the loop, or at least felt it. "Sorry, I'm confused. What kind of vintage are you talking about? We're too young to drink." Erin was most confused about that, and for some reason the rest of her questions just ended up unintelligible rambling.



Natalie Blake showed up in the gym first, ignoring Hapswell's office and the Nurse's office in her hurry. She just wanted to distract herself, to not be reminded of what she did, of what she would have to face. Between her hair, which was not in the normal bun, merely put in a loose ponytail, her outfit, which was an unironed buttoned shirt borrowed from Elastic's (Still unclean) closet and some jeans, and her eyes, which were completely bloodshot, Natalie's first impression of Tim's students would not be great, but she didn't care.

"Tim." She said, standing awkwardly at the doorway, just out of the way of any students arriving at the last minute.
(Waiting for @SassyWobuffet @My Pet Poro and @SirDerpingtonIV to see if they have characters in gym class before I start. I'm assuming Min is staring in her room instead of class, if so, then no big deal)

Elastic heard the door open and knew that walk anywhere. Turning his head, he saw Nat standing by the doorway. Standing up, he left his notebook on the fold out chair he was sitting on and walked over. She wasn't the only one that looked dishovelled. Elastic usually had his hair gelled back, and his shirt used to be ironed when he had those suspenders on. It looked like he slept in the clothes he was wearing.

Truth was when he walked into his home last night, he saw red with anger and was unable to speak. He slept in his car as he was working on today's class assignment. Working on the class assignment was a good distraction to keep him from falling apart about what happened with Nia. He stopped infront of her, "Everything ok? Is Nia ok?" He looked at his class. "I need to get a sub don't I? Speedy can watch the class."

Speedy was a student, she shouldn't watch the class. But right now Tim wasn't thinking straight and would do just that.


Sarah had been so excited, her vulgar english was coming out. Bloody only came out of her mouth when she was either extremely pissed or the reverse. She blinked looking at Erin's confusion. "Oh. Yes. I have not filled you in. You have no idea why I'm excited. Vintage, the city in Massachusetts." (Vintage is this world's Boston....originally the writer was meant to rename all the capitals of this USA but people beat her by naming real cities in their posts so the author looks like a hipster douchebag by doing this. It's too late to course correct so the author is sticking with her choice).

She minimized the editing features on the computer and opened up the Google Chrome browser. Typing in Alexandra Clark on google, the newspaper articles about her death in August began popping up. "When she responded to you two, Clark admitted she had no powers until August. Clark died, Erin. She was killed by an explosion caused by Biggs Corp, the biotechnology company. The CEO, Louis Briggs was thrown in prison for it. Come to think of it, that was the fasted conviction trial I've ever seen. He was immediately thrown in jail, and the conviction fell through end of September. That will tell you that someone somewhere wants this covered, swept under the rug and taken care of without many people noticing. People die from crazy murders every day. This could explain why her name was not a country wide known name when it happened."

Pulling out her pad, she wrote Agent Thompson's name. "This man, I overhead him talking to Principal Hapswell asking how their girl was doing. They were talking about Rush. At the dance, he specifically found me wanting articles about Clark, every one of them that I wrote. The government is involved in this. I have my theories why, but as a dilligent reporter, we need to go in and find the real truth instead of rely on theories. Ms. Turner, the recruiter not the teacher, was on the phone talking about Briggs, she works for him. Ryan and I discovered this when we crawled through the venting system...."

Sarah's eyes widened as she turned to one of her closest friends. She was unable to speak for a moment as her doe eyes just seemed to enlarge. "Erin...." She wasn't sure if this was excitement or fear. "Erin....whatever happened to Clark gave her powers. THey want to duplicate it. The government wants to duplicate the experiment, that's why they swept Briggs under the rug instead of spreading the word. The biotech company still wants to complete whatever experiments they were working on and need the one subject that actually succeeded." Sarah only knew the experiements from the stories and they were vague when she discovered the horror of it all...she might not have been this excited. More scared. "Do you understand what this means?"


"108. That's the temperature that you get to when your body just shuts down and dies. Your organs should be failing right now. Your organs are not failing. But Nia was right, 104, she should be suffering body failure and be unconscious as her temperature was still only rising, but she wasn't. Her gold energy was doing shit.

Nothing was being repaired. Something was happening to her on a cellular level, and that was further down than the Nurse could see. That was like asking her to look at white blood cell mutations before cancer grew. The fuck kind of person could see that far through a person. Besides, healing cancer was only fun when it was Stage Four and killing you. That was a rush.

She let out an aggrivated grunt releasing her hold on Nia. "I don't like you. I don't like how weird you are. I DO NOT LIKE I CANT HEAL ANY OF THAT!" Pointing at her like she was some demonic entity leaving to go in her storage closet. "I KNOW HOW TO HANDLE HELL SPAWNS DO NOT TEST ME!" Bed pans were flung along with other supplies. Nia would see the nurse placing it on Nia's stomach, dropping icepacks on her arms and legs. three bottles of gingerale was on the eating tray with canned soup she would have to make along with crackers. "You're making me do this the natural way. The natural way. Tell fucking Satan to leave me alone." Placing more ice on her.
Jean woke up and looked at his alarm clock I'm going to be late! He thought jumping out of bed as he rushed to get his clothes on. Jean wasn't a morning person. At. All. Usually he tried to make himself look good in the morning but today he had no time. Checking the mirror as he brushed his teeth he noticed that he looked like his brother more than usual today I mean we are Identical he thought as he opened his door and ran out towards the gym.

If I am late Elastic will kill me. I am not much like the others who can actually take his beatings, that's why I try and stay invisible in this class
. He continued running to the gym knowing he was already late and saw Mr. Elastic talking with the woman that was in the room with that girl who had been hurt during the raid. I wonder if... eh, it doesn't matter He thought to himself but she is talking to him. Maybe this is my chance to sneak by and not die.

Jean took his chance and sneaked past the woman and Elastic trying not to do his usual eavesdropping although he still heard "I need to get a sub don't I? Speedy can watch the class." Speedy couldn't run the class he thought as he ran into the gym and got himself ready, mentally mostly, for whatever Elastic had planned for the day.

@CosmicChangeling @Homage
@My Pet Poro

"Leon," Lexi blipped infront of her friend as he tried slinking past her. Which was weird. But, Min hadn't arrived for class yet either and maybe he was looking for her in the crowd of students here. She grabbed his arm lightly. "Hey, I wanted to ask you if it was alright we run to the wake after classes today. I'm not sure how your ribs are doing and it's not like I want you puking everywhere. That's a long distance for you. So...we can go to Darke to teleport us there if we need him to."

Lux Allen

Lux's injuries had been healed during the dance, allowing him to leave. Much to the Nurse's pleasure, his wounds healed correctly unlike Nia's whom he was sorry to leave alone. He knew something was wrong with the girl, but simply hadn't gotten enough time to really listen in on what was happening to her. Instead, he had went back to his dorm room to get a good sleep. He collapsed upon his bed, feeling utterly exhausted and in desperate need of sleep. Three minutes after he lie down, his alarm clock went off and he only groaned in pain and exhaustion.

He dragged himself out of bed, rubbing his aching temples with his palms. He stumbled over to his dresser, selecting simple, loose fitting clothes to let himself have a better, more relaxed day. He didn't take the time to brush his hair or look in the mirror, before he wrapped his fingers around the strap of his backpack and hefted it up onto his back. He trudged his way out the door, closing it behind him before he hovered up into the air, the tips of his feet dangling down along with the rest of him so he looked like a flying corpse. He continued to hover along, half-awake as he moved towards the school building.

He slipped into Elastic's class, not taking notice of him talking to a woman he had seen earlier in the nurse's office. He moved over to where the others were gathered, where he simply lie down and drifted off to a gentle, light sleep.
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Homage said:
Vi had been able to better concentrate on the fight as it went on, and had finally managed to get some sort of groove. Leon was either aiming where she had been, not where she was going to be, or she just moved in a way he didn't expect. It was all going smoothly until his final attack. She watched the attack move towards every direction, and grinned, proud of his cleverness. In a last ditch attempt she tried propelling herself to the left in the hopes that she'd be fast enough to dodge, but she felt the sting on her leg and knew Leon won. After picking herself up off the ground she slid on, Vi offered a hand to Leon. "That was excellent, I never expected that."
He took her hand. "Thanks. What I was doing wasn't working. You're faster than my bolts so I had to try something else. If you can't outfight them, out think them. Knight said something like that during our fight." He shrugged. "But the period's almost up and I've got Darke next. Then I've got a wake and funeral to go to for Aidan's mother so I'll be gone the rest of the day and tomorrow. Same time Wednesday?" he asked, gathering his things to go.
"Well your trick worked. I'd keep it around for future emergencies, you never know when it'd be useful." When he mentioned the wake, Vi's expression didn't change. She showed no regret for the woman whose death she caused with indifference. "Good luck at the funeral, and yes, Wednesday sounds excellent to me." Vi had no intention of sticking around after that, and left the general area to go outside, away from everyone.



"I'll watch the class, don't worry. Go check on her." Thank God for Tim. He gave her the perfect excuse to avoid her daughter and Hapswell. He probably didn't even realize that Nat was avoiding her issues. After she ignored his first question (can't know how Nialla is feeling when you haven't seen her), Natalie made her offer to substitute in his class. It wasn't like it was something that would get them in trouble, Natalie could just tell Hapswell she was trying to get to know the students before signing his contract, if the man even cared to ask.

When she looked around the classroom, Natalie realized that most of the students inside looked like she felt, which is to say terrible. Many were drowsy or straight up asleep in a corner, and one of the remainder was dressed like she was prepared to go to a funeral. Today was probably not the best day to get to know the students.



"That the... Government is corrupt?" Erin guessed, utterly clueless. She had no idea where Sari's passion was coming from, but it seemed nice to see her acting this way. Being helpful and seeing the little things like Sari did was a Salve thing, Erin just did what she felt like and didn't really worry too much about the consequences. Still, she was enjoying the time she spent with Sari, and her passion was almost infectious. Erin felt like driving down to Vintage herself even without a license, just to investigate the thing she knew nothing about.



"So you're a demon, right?" Nialla asked after the Nurse threw her fit, not knowing how she could move with her body covered in ice packs. "From Hell and stuff." She was clarifying for her real question, the one she actually needed answered. "So like, what's it like down there? Torture everywhere? People being burnt and stuff?" Nialla had only ever attended church with Vi's family every few months or so, so her idea of God and church was a little nonexistent. Still, she was curious. Plus it got her mind off the fact that, as the Nurse said, she should have been dead.

@CosmicChangeling (Three! Three Cosmics! Ah Ah Ah!)
"Yes, that, but it's bigger." Sarah said, taking her friend's hand. "Someone created a super hero. Lexi's powers are not only on par with people who have this born in their blood, but better. This could change evolution. Everyone could become super. What would it be used for? For the military? For the betterment of human kind? Would this end the divides of powered vs non-powered? Erin....this story needs to be shared. The people around the world NEED to hear this story. We are uncovering history."

She grinned going back to the footage and dotted down more notes. "What if this was a reporter felt like uncovering World War Two right before it happened, or when America decided to throw their little tantrum and split from the mother country. We are better off, you children here cause nothing but problems in global affairs."

Fun fact, the brits threw parties on the fourth of July celebrating the day they were free from American bullshit.

"Does Clark know she's part of this? No. I doubt it. From your question she's just an innocent bystander in all of this. You truly capture people's honest nature with your work Erin."


"Yes I am a demon. Gold energy. Keep up." The nurse rolled her eyes. She was in the process of sticking a needle in Nia's arm to get her started on an IV to keep her fluids up. She raised a brow at the girl's incredibly offensive question about Hell and what it was like. "Really? That's the first question you ask? No. It doesn't burn. It's not filled with constant torture. Do you understand how quickly torture would get old because of that? You'd soon start to pleasure it...and that's how you get your jollies. When someone shoves a harpoon in your lungs waiting for you to suffocate and drown in your own fluids" She smiled daydreaming.

"Shut up. You're distracting me!" Her cheeks were brazen red. "It's not much different than here. You have brothers you argue with. Who do nothing but drive you up the wall. Luci thinks he's the fucking shit. Highschool quarterback glory boy living his golden days. That asshole doesn't realize there's more to life than challenging Dad's authority. He needs to get over himself. Hell isn't some torture porn fest. It's like here....filled with emotions, meaningless drama and pointless emotional attachments. Except here, you have doritoes. I fucking love Doritoes."


"The lesson plan is in the notebook," He said and didn't wait for Nat to change her mind. He formed himself into a ball and bounced out of there as fast as he could to his daughter. He was trying his best to respect Nat's space with Nia, it was the only thing keeping him together right now. But when she gave him the go to leave....he took it without asking.

There were two students he collided into on his way to the nurse's office. Bouncing in the first bounce as a ball, the second standing his normal form. The nurse was piling ice on his daughter an IV drip was started. "What the hell is going on?"

"Fever. My powers won't calm it down so I'm trying to keep her temperature down by applying ice."

"You couldn't do anything for her all weekend and now you're telling me you can't even fix a fucking fever? Are you even-"

The nurse turned, her blue eyes now red and glowing. "This is my fucking space. I am doing my job. You either shut up and be a good Daddy and let me do MY FUCKING JOB or get the FUCK out of my office. I do not tell you how to run your classroom."

Tim looked at Nia and the nurse. His anger rising as he grew taller, he deflated like a balloon. "....what can I do to help...."

"I need more ice bags. I have it in the storage closet, the freezer in the back."
"Thanks?" Erin sounded confused when offering gratitude for Sari's final compliment. If Erin hadn't been completely guessing on what to do in that interview, she might have taken the compliment a little more willingly. As it was, she was getting credit for flailing and hitting a bullseye by accident.

But that wasn't the important part of what Sarah was saying, not even close. Even Erin could grasp that much. "So you're saying its a massive coverup of whatever experiment gave Lexi her powers." And killed her, if what Sarah said was true. Erin trusted Sarah's words, even with her concerns regarding the events surrounding them. "Sari... I trust you. Let's talk to Salvey about this after school though. She might have more to add to the conversation." Erin knew she wasn't contributing anything beyond her confidence, and Salve was a must for anything major like what Sarah seemed to have planned.


Nialla finally began feeling the effects of the fever after Elastic entered the room and provoked the Nurse. Nialla had never seen someone out-anger Elastic, it was kind of impressive. If only she had been able to keep herself strong enough to hold a conversation. It started to get more difficult to sit up, and she had to lie back down, staring at the ceiling above. "I thought you were teaching." Nialla said, remembering she would have been in his class if she wasn't sick in bed. She didn't sound mean or dismissive, just curious.


"Wait, you're serious?!? Tim!" Natalie yelled after him as he bounded away, before nervously turning to her new students. They outnumbered her by quite a lot. Most of them looked exhausted or dressed for a funeral, it didn't look like any of them would put much passion into any of Tim's assignments.

That was okay, easy day for all. "Hello everyone, my name is Natalie Blake. I've been asked to assist Mr. Elastic today, but instead of trying to kill you all I think we'll have an easy day. Converse with your friends or rest, but please come up to me with your name at some point so I can take attendance."

@SirDerpingtonIV @My Pet Poro @CosmicChangeling @Brinni
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The nurse was able to out anger Elastic...because she had one thing Tim did not have right now. Leverage. It was like watching a top CEO who knows how to negotiate get mopped across the floor with the nanny's terms and conditions...because that nanny took care of your baby girl. Had gone to the freezer stopping when he saw frozen hearts and brains in the freezer as well as bags of ice. He wasn't going to ask. He didn't want to know. Atleast he wasn't looking at heads. Grabbing whatever he could he came back as Nia commented that she was teaching.

"I'm needed here more, kid."

Nat had the class, and what was the worst thing that could happen. If nat was there, she probably already was here and saw what was going on.


"Not only is it a massive coverup, it's an arms race. Both rolled up into one. Whoever wins, the feds, the biotech company or some random person coming left field...this will ground breaking. After school. Agreed. We will need to get Hare and Ryan and make sure we are all on the same page."

Anderson would regret the day he turned down this story. THis wasn't a story for a kid's newspaper. When the group of them got this done...she was going to submit it to the times and every major outlet she could.

Sarah Lane would be a household name for media...representing the integrity of the truth...the dream every reporter wanted.
Hare walked up to the "substitute". "Miss Blake? Harriet Collins. You wouldn't happen to be related to Nialla Blake would you? If so, I'm sorry about her. I was supposed to take her to the dance and if I'd gotten to the nurse's sooner during the attack I could have prevented her from getting shot. But, if the company she keeps is any indication, she's strong and she'll pull through better than ever. If not, feel free to ignore all that mmkay?"

Moe simply gave his name. He was never really the social one between the two of them. She was the beauty and brawn, he had the brains. It had always been like that, even before they got their powers. Moe went back to the bleachers and started working on the homework due next period. He had a 5 page essay to write and hadn't even started. He did however think about how he technically won the tournament. Crush had never shown up which means he passed each stage through threats, manipulation, fighting dirty, a forfeit, and a no show. Not the most exciting track record, plus without prize money it was barely worth it. No recruiter even bothered to talk to him, not that he blamed them. His power wasn't good for much. If it had been more like DuValt's maybe, but not his. @Homage
CosmicChangeling said:

The door to Oisin Kane's door opened, but no human footstep was seen. Waddling in was Arnold the phoenix. A letter was in his mouth as he stopped and stared at the teacher. The bird was contemplating whether or not it was polite to shut the door.

He decided he gave no shits.

Arnold walked until he was infront of the desk, opening his wings to fly and sit there. He dropped the letter on the table, OISIN was written in cursive, his Clara had used ink and a quill to write the note. Birds were, well, interesting creatures. If a bird stayed on your hand, they viewed you as the superior in the room. They respected you and would listen to your command. A bird on your shoulder, meant you two were equals. He did not have to listen to you but there was respect. A bird on your head, you were nothing but a perch in their eyes and they made it clear to you with talons an their beak.

Arnold climbed on his and and walked up to the shoulder, to fly up on Oisin's head. He nestled himself in his long golden locks of nest and got cozy.

Dear Oisin,

Words cannot express how greatful I am that you took care of me all weekend while I recovered from the events on Halloween, but I will try my best. Not only were you there when I needed you, but you put me at ease letting me know I was not alone. I have saved your tea recipis and look forward to trying them in the future. I would love to look at the reseach papers you talked about as well.


- Clara

P.S My home makes creaks and sounds around three in the morning. I am afraid this startles me from time to time. You are an expert in the fae and other worldy creatures. If it is not too much to ask, could you stay over for the night to help me solve this problem?

P.P.S What foods do you like?

P.P.P.S You looked dashing on your way to work this morning.

Arnold let out a coo when Oisin finished.


(Saving Mr. Elastic until Nia and what he went through because that heavilly impacts my post)

Aidan was down in South Caolina with his father to attend the wake of his mother tonight, and the funeral of her the next morning. During the weekend Bran Knight had kicked his ass relentlessly in training, but every moment he threw up and Lexi thought he would quit or should quit he asked for more. She was impressed and scared for him all at the same time as the weekend rolled by to the point Aidan told her she couldn't watch him train she kept trying to save him, so she resorted to slinking around where she wasn't seen to watch them.

Today, Lexi was sitting on the bleachers of Mr. Elastic's class. She was wearing a black dress, flats, a headband to keep her hair out of her face. She planned on going to the wake after classes ended today and was uncomfortable as it was to be in a dress, so it was either get it over with at the beginning of the day or not at all. She had black cargo pants and a black tang top which was her alternative if she chickened out.

But she didn't. She looked at Elastic, who was not wearing his usual colorful suspenders. His shirt was untucked, but he had a poka dotted bow-tie on, his glasses thick. He didn't have a clipboard in hand but a notebook....that had sticky notes coming of it like there were actual notes in there. He looked bored waiting for the rest of the class to show up.
Kane was sitting at his desk grading papers, after the events of what occurred he assured all of his students that they did not have class this morning and afternoon. Giving them time to deal with the struggles of what had happened on Friday. It was a traumatic time for them, having to cope with the attack and loss. Although he felt for the students and parents who lost loved ones, he couldn't help himself. Sitting there he couldn't help it as his mind wandered to the weekend he spent with Clara. His cheeks reddened at the thought of it, maybe I....I...should see how's she's doing.

The moment the thought crossed his mind the door creaked open. Oisin leaned over the desk to see who it was. Not seeing anything he assumed it was a scurrying fae, trying to find something to snack on. He jolted a bit as Arnold hopped up onto his desk placing a letter in front of him. Instantly he knew it was from clara by her writing. The use of the quill the soft curves of the cursive. He smiled as he let Arnold nest in his hair. He chuckled knowing full well what Arnold thought of him. Placing his hand against the small mango plant beside him, he grew a quick one and handed it up to Arnold knowing that he'd want payment for his delivery.

Heart fluttering as he gently opened the envelope he read the beautifully written letter. With every line his face grew redder and redder until at the end he nearly fainted with all the blood rising to his face. She signed it lovingly...what does that mean? Is she inviting me back to her home tonight? What does she mean by my favorite foods and...and....she called me dashing... He couldn't help the smily grin growing across his face.

Arnold's coo made him stutter out a few strangled words. "N-n-n-nooo. W-w-where d-d-do y-you lean t-t-these things?....A-Arnold I c-c-couldn't....b-b-besides..." Steam nearly rose off his face thinking of the thought. He doubted he could even muster up the courage to ask her such a question. After admiring there penmanship for a while he realized that he should quickly send one back. Pulling out his own quill he found a piece of blank paper and his ink. Setting them down neatly he began to write to the woman he loved.

Dear Clara,

Thank you for sending such a beautiful letter. Your generous hospitality and lovely conversation over the weekend brightened my days when I was with you. It was my utmost honor to help you in any way, and I would be honored again to help you with your current fae situation. As for my favorite kind of food any herbal or fresh meals I appreciate greatly. Although in my youth I was a fan of fig pudding. As always I appreciate your kind words in every from and hope this letter finds you safety.


~Oisin Kane

P.S. I hope you enjoy the tea recipes they are quite delicious.

P.P.S I do apologize for breaking a mug, rest assured that I will repair and or replace it today. I had gotten distracted that morning when you came in.

P.P.P.S. I'm sorry about your sister. I know you must go through a lot, know that I will be there for you whenever you need me.

P.P. P.P.S You look even more beautiful every day I see you.

He looked at the last sentence and blushed. He didn't know why he wrote such a brazen thing, however he did. Looking down at the truth he had written, he smiled. Folding the letter he slipped it into a spare envelope he had on his desk. He wrote her first name softly taking great care with every letter. He looked up at Arnold and gave a bashful smile. "Arnold do you mind ever so much to deliver this to Clara? I'm sure that she is much too busy and I don't wish to intrude." Holding up the letter to him, he smiled and added. "I'll reward you with a mango next time I see you."
The mango man giveth, the mango man taketh away.

Arnold was happilly eating the mango as Oisin read the letter and began crafting his own. Pieces of mango fell from his beak and into the man's hair, but Arnold would pick up the bigger chunks and eat them anyway. One does not simply waste a good mango.

The bird seemed to chuckle, the vocals similar to a parrot where they mimicked sounds and emotional cues from their owner. When Clara had him as an infant all those years ago she had tried teaching him to laugh and say basic words. Arnold was more like a Conure (sp) in that sense where it was just mimicking sounds and not words. He jumped on Mango's shoulder rubbing his neck against Oisin's before taking the letter and walking off.

For a bird, he liked to walk like a person.

The door opened again fifteen minutes later, Arnold waddled in flying onto the desk. He dropped the letter letting out another coo. He nestled on the desk this time seeing there were still small bits of mango on the perch's head after the first meal.

Dear Oisin,

Your note was lovely. Thank you, but you do not need to thank me. Your company and your stories were exactly what I needed and you gave me more from this weekend than anyone ever has. Do you happen to have a recipe for figgy pudding? I want to make sure I make it correctly for you. Would you want to walk together to my home after classes today?


- Clara

P.S My sister may try to contact you. You are a free man, and I trust your judgements. But, my sister and I have a fued that has gone on for many years and I do not want to have someone as kind as you be dragged into it.

P.P.S That was very rude, I shouldn't tell you who you can or cannot speak with. I'm so sorry. I'm just very scared she will hurt you because of what you mean to me.

P.P.P.S Forget the first two P.S's Can we talk about your research papers tonight?

P.P.P.P.S You've always been beautiful.
As he went to sit back down, Moe realized that Lux had slept through everything that the subsitute had said. Tapping his shoulder to wake him up, Moe mentioned that he had to go let her know who he was so that he wouldn't be marked absent. "When you come back, I'm curious as to how your star reading went for Miss Turner. I admit this sort of thing isn't really my forte." @SirDerpingtonIV
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Jean stopped and looked up when he felt a slight breeze pass by him. There shouldn't be any win... he held his thought when he saw a young girl standing in front of him. "Leon," He heard her say his brother's name and practically ignored everything else she said. Jean didn't seem to miss her saying that they were going to be traveling a long distance. "How far away is the wake again? I can't seem to remember, bad memory and all." Jean did his best to sound like his brother for as much as it killed him but he wasn't planning on letting her know that she had the wrong person just yet. He just stood there and smiled, waiting for his response. This could be my chance he thought He won't have a chance of ruining anything with Min if he can't be there to ruin it.


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