• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

'Candy Cane's Free Catering'

Well, that did answer her question. Maybe Ryan was right, she barely paid attention to her surroundings unless it was something she wanted to find. Then...well...then she was hyper focused. Sarah gave the girl a polite smile, her emotionless mask placed back on. "Candice, right? I wrote my very first news feature at the Ridgeview Review about your catering service." She wasn't a fan of fluff pieces, and would rather gouge her own eye than go back to them but in this circumstance.

"Call it...principal, but I do not feel it is fair for me to take these well made shoes without some sort of payment. Let me write another feature about your success here at the dance and talk to my editor about giving you ad space. You want your business to grow and at least this way I feel I earned these in some way. As for why I'm barefoot...it's not a very compelling story."

She crawled through a venting system to avoid putting on a beautiful dress from a suitor who not only did not take no for an answer but targeted her best friend to make matters worse. It was probably compelling for a large group of people, but...not compelling for Sarah to air her dirty laundry about it. It was also the second time today she had a Cinderella reference made her way.

A man, mid thirties, blonde hair combed and slicked back, wearing a suit walked over to the stand. "Very fascinating power," He mused. "Surprise me, lass."

Sarah looked up trying to contain her excitement as Agent Thompson was standing next to her. She slipped on the shoes, feeling like her feet were on clouds. She decided to play dumb. "What side are you recruiting for, sir? Ms. Lane, I work for the paper and am doing an article on the recruiting process at the tournament."

"Lane...that's familiar. You're the girl who wrote articles on Rush prior to the tournament. Saves me the trouble to going to your teacher. I'd like to get copies of those articles if you still have them."

Her luck was changing.

Ryan watched as a man in a suit approached Sarah. He doesn't look like a teacher. And I don't think he's a recruiter. He set up his digital camera, the one he brought in case he ran out of film tonight, and set it to take burst pictures of the agent. He zoomed in, making sure he'd be the only one in the picture besides Sarah. Content with what he had set up, he went back to his "business". His next customer, a junior by the looks of her, didn't have money and asked if there was any other way she could pay him. Unable to actually take the hint, he shook his head responding with a "Nope, sorry. Cash only. If you come back with some, I promise it will be worth it" With all the people he had taken photos of, he had already made $200. Tonight's a good night I think he thought with a smile on his face.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
"The honor is all mine," she answered, continuing to grin, even though the manners were a bit foreign to her. She tried to ignore his comment about beauty. It didn't mean that much. She wasn't beautiful, most of all. "The standard high school slow dance is good enough," she admitted with a grin. "I'm afraid I don't actually know any other dances." She took his hand and led him out to the dance floor, where she set her hands upon his shoulders.
"A pity. I've always wanted to waltz a lovely girl across a dance floor, I suppose that's one dream that will have to wait." He placed his hands on her hips. He made sure to keep some space between them, lest he invade the girl's personal bubble. It wouldn't do to cause a scene tonight. Everyone is a little fried as it is. As they turned he noticed Ryan at a table offering pictures. As the song ended he stepped away taking her hand. "Thank you, it was a pleasure. If you would like to have your picture taken, I happen to know that young man is a wonderful photographer. I'll even pay if you haven't the money. Given the events of earlier I think any record of a happy occasion tonight would be welcome, wouldn't you agree?"


Baylee looked around the gym, searching for his son. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to him, and got a quick reply.

Little Lion
Where are you? I'd like to say goodbye before I go
West Garden. Come here, there's someone I want you to meet.
On my way

He pocketed the phone and left the gym, attempting to find his way to the gardens.
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"You should be at the dance," Aidan mused the two still lying on his bed, his arm around her shoulder as he rubbed it. Did other people feel her hum when they touched her? Or was it just because of how long he was doing it and his own powers.

"I'm fine here with you," She said. Elastic had kicked her out of the nurse's when she tried staying. Saying the same exact thing really, she should enjoy the night...the same bullshit she gave Leon.

Leon bought it, he needed to. Kid had a fucking nightmare of a day. Everyone did.

"You should be down there. You're a hero-

"Citizen's-" Aidan placed a finger on her lips not missing.

"I saw the memories. You inspire a lot of people, good and bad ways. You saved your teacher, got Principal Hapswell to do something. No one can get Hapswell to do anything. You should be down there."

Lexi sat up. "Ok. One condition though. You come too."

"Lexi I..."

"You asked me to go to the dance with you. You want me there, you come too.

"I'm not even....you totally dressed me just now didn't you?"

"Undressed you too, nice bum."

Aidan was a bright tomato blushing.

The two made it to the gymnasium. Lexi laced her hand with Aidan's as she looked around. Leon and Min didn't seem to be here and the place was paced. She wanted to race back in her room and throw on a sweatshirt and cargo pants. Least then...no one would think to look at her, she camaflaughed in with that outfit. "I'll go grab us some punch," He said letting go and walking off.

"Aidan, you're blind that's a...already gone. You know what....let him learn I'll catch him before he hits the ground." She went to turn around, tripping on a girl's shoe (Erin's shoe matter of factly) Lexi was out of frame as she fell, only to appear standing less than fraction of a second, her knees scraped from hitting the ground (Happened in the void) But the bruises were already healing. "Sorry, I didn't see you there."

"Eh? A newspaper?" Candice blinked owlishly, peering more closely at the girl. "Well... If you want to repay me..." A slow smirk made its way across her face, her eyes glittering with mischief. "I suppose you could-"

She paused, of course, as she was interrupted by the tall blonde man. "Agent hm?" There was something she was supposed to remember about people like him. They were important, for something. "Alright, I'll give you my specialty. I've been working on it quite a bit lately, for practical applications. Granted, I haven't tested the combat applications of it yet. Ah, I'm rambling."

Snapping her fingers, she produced a quick plate of spun sugar, laying it flat on the table as she raised her hands above it. "The trick, you see, is using both hands. One for the crepes, one for the custard." Like she was giving a cooking demonstration, she spoke loudly and clearly, puffing up her chest and squaring her shoulders. Closing her eyes for a moment, she lowered her voice to a near whisper.

"Bon Bon: Mille Crepe!" It was barely a hiss, but her lips did move ever so slightly. Her hands followed, waving over one another in rapid sequence. One by one, picking up speed as it went along, crepe and custard appeared in a neat stack. Once it was nearly half a foot high, an impressive tower of deliciousness, she cut off the stream of ingredients with a light dusting of icing sugar.

"Tada!" She beamed, stepping back and handing the plate towards the 'Agent'. "Enjoy! I hope you find my talents... Multi-layered?"

Turning with a giggle, she reached out to point a long gloved finger towards the girl across from her. "And as for you! I do believe you owe me a dance. Candy is free, shoes are made for dancing."
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Sarah had not seen that one coming. Her emotional armor cracking for just a split second as genuine surprise showed on her face, looking like a doe caught in the headlights. "Yes, I suppose I do, don't I?" she finally said after blinking.

Agent Thompson placed ten dollars on the table as a 'treat' if you will, patting Sarah on the back. "Enjoy your dance, Ms. Lane. I can find the articles at the school archives or from Hapswell himself. You have a nose for stories." Her very story was walking away from her right then and there. He wanted articles about Ms. Clark, who he called 'our girl' earlier today. As she the hand of her 'sweet' fairy god mother, she watched her opportunity slip right out of her grasp.

Candice led Sarah to the dance floor and Sarah could not help but listen to the song being played by the DJ. "Very fitting song for a girl with your taste," Sarah said. Dancing was about letting loose, something as tightly wound as our reporter had a difficult time doing. She was more the classics, fox trop, waltz, the dances seen on Dancing with the Stars but not as styled and professional.

Needless to say, she was a little lost. The grinding, freestyle...whatever the kids did these days, was something the native Brit was not used to.

"Ow, my fo- Wait, the camera!" Salve yelped as Lexi tripped over her and landed right into a leg of the tripod. Erin reacted quick enough to just barely stabilize the tripod before camera hit the ground, offering a thumbs up to signify that she saved it. Salve glared at Lexi for a moment, before recognition hit her.

Erin already knew who the girl was, and had intended to help her up, only for the girl to be just fine without help. "Hey, Lexi!" Erin said, barely keeping her excitement down. They might get all of their footage before getting even halfway down the list. "Do you mind if we grab you for an interview? I mean, call it even for almost destroying our gear." Erin said with a smile. She was trying to make a joke, but Salve's face said it didn't come across as such.

"Erin!" Her sister said, obviously annoyed.

"What? It's a joke. Jokes are funny." Erin pouted at Salve's reaction, but hoped Lexi would be less of a stick-butt-person.


"Tim, you know I won't be able to keep myself still if your place is messy. If you don't want that, or think it isn't worth my company, I don't recommend making the offer." Nat smiled again, before turning back to Nialla. She had stopped coughing completely, at least for the moment, and was just breathing. Was she finally starting to recover?

Candice was quick to ditch her hat on the table as she led the way towards the dance floor, all but skipping despite her high heels. "Oh this will be sweet!" She gushed, running a set of slender fingers through the dark curls that framed her face. "Let's see... Yes, this will do nicely." With a firm nod, she turned and smiled at Sarah, head tilting for a moment in expectation.

As the music came on, and those around them began to dance along to the beat, Candice found herself hesitating. "Ah... Hmm..." Hands came up in front of her, at waist height, and she slowly began to move her hips back and forth to the beat. The problem with her plan became immediately obvious, as she had no idea how to dance.

After a moment's awkwardness, she stepped forwards and placed a hand daintily on her partner's hip, her other hand lacing with Sarah's fingers. This, at least, she was taught back at home.

Even if it didn't suit the music what-so-ever.
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CosmicChangeling said:
@The Suspicious Eye
He stood up for her. Clara looked up at him, feeling her heart pound further in her chest. Technically he was standing infront of her, placing a hand on her arm and asking if she was ok. Most people wouldn't leap to the conclusion that this was an act of heroism and bravery, a knight out of the enchanted forest to protect the broken damsel.

But this was Clara....and this was exactly, 100% what she was thinking. She opened her mouth 'I think I love you,' but she even knew that was too forward. And she would scare him away. "I'm ok, Oisin." She said instead.

Lisa went from the door frame to one of the desks, sitting provocatively infront of Oisin, she could see Clara's eyes narrow as she was sitting straighter. She didn't care what the other person thought, dorky little pleeb and low on the food chain, what she cared was how this affected her oh-so-special sister.

"I am not accepting," She said.

"So we continue this song and dance again next year? I hate to tell yah, I don't like coming here as much as you don't like it. But sucks to be loved and adored doesn't it? If you really want me out of your hair, you'd take the deal." That was a lie. Taking the deal meant her sister was essentially her bitch. She wanted nothing more than to get her enrolled and to shove her so far down in paperwork and legalities that saving a fucking kitten would land her thousands of dollars in fees.

And if things went according to plan this year....well...Lisa had plans for the fucking unions she worked for. People with powers tended to treat the average joe like dirt....karma was a bitch and after seeing Lexi Clark alive and speeding off with all that power in her...she was close. The world would be coming up Lisa in the next few months.

Then we'll see who was the better twin.

Clara stood up, she grabbed Oisin's hand, linking with him out of solidarity. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for whatever I did that made you hate me. That did this to us. I want to fix this but I'm not fixing it when you're like this. I'm not joining. No means no. It will always be a no. Can you stop ruining my office every year. Can you stop this...I don't understand how any of this will get me to join. All you're doing is hurting me."

Lisa smiled. "You're not sorry." She stood up. "You don't even understand what that means. But we'll talk when you do. You might even find out this year, sister. It was nice meeting you-"

"He's not part of this." Clara snapped, her voice wavering, her eyes were watering but the tears didn't fall down.

"Right. They are never part of it are they Clara?" she mused walking out. "I'll see you soon."

As her sister left Clara let the tears roll down, she looked up at him. "I'm sorry....we have a long history. I hurt her a long time ago but I don't know what I did...it's probably best you stay away from this."

Arnold cooed.

"She will, Arnold an you know it." Cooing. "Who taught you that word?! I did not teach you that!" Cooing. "He's not a perch he's a person, even if you call him the best one you have better manners young man."
Dr. Kane gave a sad smile as she told him she was alright. He wanted to hold her tightly and tell her sister to leave. However, it wasn't his place to speak for Clara. All he could really do was support her with his presence. The more her sister talked the less Kane grew to like her. She had a cruel form of thinking and was twisting things to the negative. He watched her move into the room and position herself provocatively in front of him. He didn't react to her, he only had eyes for Clara. As much as her twin sister looked at Clara, he cared about more than just her appearance. Her soul and actions are what make Clara beautiful and from what he could tell from her, Clara's sister was nothing like Clara.

Her contempt for her sister was very apparent. Doing something she wanted was like walking into a spiders web. The spider will still trap and consume you no matter how you got there. Which is why when Clara denied her sister's request Kane let out a silent sigh of relief. Not only could he see the woman he was deeply in enamored with, but she was standing up against her sister. In all cases her strength at that moment was to be admired greatly. He could tell that she was shocked the first time that Clara spoke back to her sister, as if it hadn't happen before. If this was a big moment for Clara, Oisin was honored to be by her side for it. Even if he was simply a friend.

His body temperature rise as Clara stood up and took his hand. She shouldn't be standing up so quickly! She's still injured! Instinctively he was about to help her back to the chair, when realization hit that it was a show of strength. He couldn't help her stand until her sister knew what Clara meant business. Holding her hand firmly he did what he could, show his support for Clara. He stood by her side as Clara's sister threatened her. He could hear the waiver in Clara's voice as her sister left. Knowing if he heard it so did her sister. As Lisa left he turned back to Clara and watched as she began to cry.

Dr. Kane shook his head and placed a hand on clara's face. He began to gently wipe the tears off her cheek with his thumb. Whispering softly, "No, no Clar...ah...Ms. Turner....there is nothing to apologize for. Besides if I left you alone what kind of friend would I be?" Turning his head to the cooing of Arnold Kane couldn't help but secretly agree with the phoenix. Even if his language was a bit vulgar, he was not wrong. Smiling at the mention of being the best perch he felt a bit relied that the tension had died down just a little. He gave a bashful smile and scratched his head, "It is fine. I would be my pleasure to Arnold's perch. At least then maybe my slim frame could do some good." He said jokingly.
Cameras. Film. Lexi's nose scrunched up as the two girls asked her for an interview. There was another kid here who had done that with a British accent the past two months. She would blip away to either Nia or Min and try to focus on something else. Her friends were good distractions besides letting see the awkwardness that was Lexi Clark.

If Rush had known about the cameras filming at the obstacle course, or even actually paid attention to what was going on...the cocky attitude and bravado would have vanished. Lexi might have done something stupid like raise the roof with her hands and say something so out of touch that kids and parents would face palm everywhere.

Well...maybe not actually. Rush seemed calm and completely confident in herself. She was an asshole, but the persona wasn't an awkward grumpy mess. She would just need to channel that. She cracked her knuckles and channeled the douche from earlier today. "If it's the only way I can make it up for tanking your equipment, I guess an interview will be fine. You have my full undivided attention...unless my boyfriend trips on something and takes out half the dance floor....then you're getting a joint interview." Were they dating? He never asked. Shit. Rush didn't give a fuck though, rush was marking her territory like a dog pissing on what was theirs.


Sarah looked at Candice, tilting her head curiously as the girl placed a hand on her hip and laced her fingers with hers. The tension evaporated as realization struck her. She pulled Candice in tightly, a paper would have a nice home between them not falling to the ground with how close they were. "If you are not afraid of looking off around our classmates, I do know how to waltz."

Her brother had helped her. At the tender age of five the life she knew had been warped and discovered that it had all but been a lie. The gallas, the parties, the aristocratic lifestyle she had fallen in love with as a little girl was now never an option and far out of her reach. She never wanted to obtain it the way her family had in the past, but....it was missed. James had known that, and had cheated her way into receiving dance lessons when she was seven. She could never stop her brother from his misdeeds or actions, but this was one she did not want to stop either. Her teachers had been strict, a ruler to slap you when you made a mistake or blunder.

The brit led of course, her footwork finding the tempo to Snoop Dog and Katie Perry while most of the student body had been grinding on themselves.


"Not a mess. Collectables." Elastic protested. "Some of that shit easilly worth a few grand on Ebay. Mint condition shit."

He stopped when he noticed the even breathing. "My house will always be open, Nat. That's never going to be a question."


"Clara, you can call me Clara," never letting go of their hold, lacing her fingers with his, it was just the two of them and his big green emerald pools. She gently moved a strand of his hair from his face with her free hand. She did not say anything for a long time until she heard the coo of her bird. "Don't encourage him, he can be very fresh when he wants to be."

As if on cew, he flew to the door whipping the light switch so it would go off, leaving the two in the dark. Clara stepped in closer to Oisin startled by the pitch black of the classroom only to see a warm firey glow emitting from Arnold as he perched himself on Clara's desk, creating mood lighting as the boom box played. She was too distracted and entranced to notice what her bird was doing.

Pimping her out for mangos.

She coughed, clearing her throat. "Would you care to dance with me, Oisin?" her cheeks brazen red. "What I mean is...I can't go to the dance tonight, but maybe we can have one here...if that would be alright with you.
Brinni said:
"A pity. I've always wanted to waltz a lovely girl across a dance floor, I suppose that's one dream that will have to wait." He placed his hands on her hips. He made sure to keep some space between them, lest he invade the girl's personal bubble. It wouldn't do to cause a scene tonight. Everyone is a little fried as it is. As they turned he noticed Ryan at a table offering pictures. As the song ended he stepped away taking her hand. "Thank you, it was a pleasure. If you would like to have your picture taken, I happen to know that young man is a wonderful photographer. I'll even pay if you haven't the money. Given the events of earlier I think any record of a happy occasion tonight would be welcome, wouldn't you agree?"

Baylee looked around the gym, searching for his son. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to him, and got a quick reply.

Little Lion
Where are you? I'd like to say goodbye before I go
West Garden. Come here, there's someone I want you to meet.
On my way

He pocketed the phone and left the gym, attempting to find his way to the gardens.

Allysia Le'More

Allysia only smiled, "Well I m sorry to have crushed your dreams," she commented, seeming amused. She began to lead him through the dance, even as slow as it was. She only raised an eyebrow to the fact that he was staying well away from her, despite the hands on her hips. "I'd agree that everyone needs this happiness now, but I have to reject your offer of pictures. Sorry," she admitted with a gentle shrug of her shoulders. "Enjoy the dance," she called out as they stepped away from eachother.

Ember Brook

Ember only smiled, shaking her head. "Well, if you -really- wanted to know, I'll tell you." She sighed, continuing her grin. "I am just going to leave it at I nearly burnt the gym down. Twice. It does take a bit to set off the sprinklers because of all the powers kids are flinging around here, but I managed to set it off. I was using a bit more of my power than I was used to," she admitted, reaching out towards her trailing flames, sending them towards the ceiling. She procured more fire from her finger tips. A rather large amount moving around in the room. The fire gathered near the ceiling, kept relatively smokeless to avoid triggering the sprinklers. The flames circled around, forming various designs and patterns across the roof of the gym. Flowers bats, and jack o'lanterns.appeared, and Ember smiled, the light dancing in her eyes. "Now, I have much greater control over my flames. I've had to learn to control it since I was young to avoid harming anyone. Fire is dangerous, and best not played with," she admitted. "But in a way I suppose I am fire, so i guess it is alright."
SirDerpingtonIV said:

Allysia Le'More

Allysia only smiled, "Well I m sorry to have crushed your dreams," she commented, seeming amused. She began to lead him through the dance, even as slow as it was. She only raised an eyebrow to the fact that he was staying well away from her, despite the hands on her hips. "I'd agree that everyone needs this happiness now, but I have to reject your offer of pictures. Sorry," she admitted with a gentle shrug of her shoulders. "Enjoy the dance," she called out as they stepped away from eachother.

Ember Brook

Ember only smiled, shaking her head. "Well, if you -really- wanted to know, I'll tell you." She sighed, continuing her grin. "I am just going to leave it at I nearly burnt the gym down. Twice. It does take a bit to set off the sprinklers because of all the powers kids are flinging around here, but I managed to set it off. I was using a bit more of my power than I was used to," she admitted, reaching out towards her trailing flames, sending them towards the ceiling. She procured more fire from her finger tips. A rather large amount moving around in the room. The fire gathered near the ceiling, kept relatively smokeless to avoid triggering the sprinklers. The flames circled around, forming various designs and patterns across the roof of the gym. Flowers bats, and jack o'lanterns.appeared, and Ember smiled, the light dancing in her eyes. "Now, I have much greater control over my flames. I've had to learn to control it since I was young to avoid harming anyone. Fire is dangerous, and best not played with," she admitted. "But in a way I suppose I am fire, so i guess it is alright."
"Leaving so soon? The night's barely begun. And if I were to simply let you go back to being alone, the gentleman in me would never forgive myself. That is of course, unless you are expecting another?" Moe said, a half-smile on his lips. She's beautiful, and if the rumors about her powers are true she'd make a valuable ally. I won't push too hard, but it'd be a shame not to at least try to win her over even as a friend.

[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]
  • 196f5798056055be56bfacd4c5bdc9a5.jpg
Min smiled at him happy he was so open to tell her what was bothering him, even if it wasn't today. On the other hand Min felt guilty. She couldn't tell him a lot of things. Some stories too traumatizing to recall, others promises she made to her mother that she could not break. Never breaking her smile she nodded and took his hand. At the very least she could tell him a bit about her life on this world. She gave a bashful smile, "I'm not sure how interesting my life will be. My mother made sure I had the dullest life imaginable."
Leading him back to the chairs she sat down and looked at him. Taking a deep breath she started. "Before moving to America to go to school here, I lived in Baden-Württemberg, Germany with my mother. My home is located near Kleine Kinzing Dam and the town of Freudenstadt in what is called Helmlesgrund which is a part of the Black Forest." The scenery around them changed to a forest full of tall dark trees growing. "We live in a castle my mother commissioned to be built within the Black Forest. Unlike Hohenzollern Castel this one was private. My mother is a scientist, mostly working in research." Min stopped she couldn't talk about her mother's research, how she was investigating how supers got and controlled their powers here along with their applicational uses in medicine. Her mother has been testing on this world to find a cure for a disease that was spreading quickly on her home-world (Which we will lovingly call Earth 2).

She looked at the scenery watching the path she took from the lake to her home. "I lived there alone, mother spent time with me until her work got going and she hired a staff to teach and take care of me. They're wonderful people..." Min didn't really want to talk about her home life anymore than that. The testing on her, her mother did at night, the tantrums she had and the death of the grounds keeper's son still hung....weighed heavy on her concise. The days when the castle halls were completely empty and the empty birthdays she had by herself.
When was the last time I had my own party. Eight? Trying to hake her sad memories she focused on the forest. "As I went out into the forest nearly every day, there were hundreds of flowers growing around the area. I'd go out with a picnic basket and pick flowers for the dinner table. I love all flowers but my favorite flower doesn't grow in my home county. It's the Lycoris, more commonly called the red spider lily. They grew in my father's hometown when he still lived in South Korea." Min smiled looking down at the candle, "he's not with us now." She looked up at Leon, "I haven't really tried new things so my hobbies and likes are somewhat aged. I enjoy fencing, reading, stargazing, playing the piano although I'm not as good as Ren, and sin....I used to enjoy singing."

Shaking the memory away in a deep breath she smiled, " I don't dislike much other than senseless violence and being left alone. As for everything else, it's pretty common. My favorite colors are purple and red, separate, not together. My favorite season is autumn, with winter being a close second. My favorite drink is rose tea. My original eye color was blue.
My 16th birthday is in a few days. I am a terrible cook but a great sandwich maker. I am terrified of large bodies of water and I am a insomniac." The scenery around them stayed on the misty trees of the black forest as min blushed. "I'm sorry, I truly lived a sheltered life. I'm not very interesting." She lied, Min had left out the darkness in her past leaving only what little memories of happiness remained.

Leon listened intently, trying to absorb every word. Trying to etch it into his mind. "Not interesting? Min, you are spellbinding. I understand what you mean, being cooped up in a house alone save for the hired staff. I was in much the same predicament until Papa finally let me go to a real school when I turned ten. He was worried about me hurting people with my powers on accident." His phone chirped, it was a text from his father. "Speak of the devil" he said, sending a quick reply. "A few days isn't very specific, when is your birthday? I admit you've set the bar fairly high for me to follow up on. And who's Ren? A childhood friend perhaps? As for the insomnia and water, well, my door is always open for you if you would like company and I can help you with the fear if you like. Swimming is a hobby of mine, so I've no fear of it." I never did understand how I can like swimming so much while having an ability that could accidentally electrocute someone. The world is full of oddities I suppose. As for a gift....I've got just the idea.

Candice blushed softly as she was swept up close to her dance partner. "I don't even know your name, do I?" She giggled softly, her hair tickling the cheek of the girl opposite her. "I'm Candice, by the by..."

Feeling a tad bit emboldened by the close embrace, she moved her free hand forward to get a better grip around Sarah's waist. Allowing her eyes to close, she savored the physical contact and hummed softly along with the music. "This is..." She let her words drag on purpose, stringing them along with a lilting cadence to tease her chosen dance partner. "Quite a bit of fun, isn't it sugar? I wonder what I should offer you for another?"

Pulling her head back a bit, she let her face drift in front of Sarah's, catching her gaze with a grin that reached her eyes. "Better yet... What can I offer to have you all to myself tonight?"
It was an interesting dance. Cadence held Sarah the way a man, the lead would hold their partner. Sarah took the female role, but on their footwork the doll sized Cinderella-post midnight was the lead. But somewhere, halfway through the song she noticed Candice had taken charge. It did bring a genuine and not formal smile on the girl's face.

"You've done this before. My name is Sarah." All of her suiters had been boys the past two months, she had not minded. One of the main reasons she was very liberal when someone was this forward with her was because of her lack of control with powers.

If she truly wanted to care for someone when she was an adult, she would need to learn to control her emotions while physical contact happened. SHe could not get lost in kisses, or let dopamine levels take over with sexual exploration. She could, quite literally, kill her partner.

Their eyes locked as Candice asked her what she would do to keep her the entire night. After a moment, she turned and saw Lisa Turner walk into the gymnasium. THe song ended and she unlocked her arms from around the girl's neck. "Unfortunately, a reporter's job is never done. I need to explore a few individuals for a story I am working on." she went into her purse and grabbed her steno pad, writing her email and room number and of course Sarah Lance. "I don't have a cell phone, but this is how you can contact me for another time." She placed the sheet of paper, folded in her hand and closed Candice's fingers on it.

She started to walk away, but turned around. "But I might find you later tonight, I have a Principal to bribe who has a certain sweet tooth for skittles. You single handedly saved my night, Ms. Candice."


(Derp, i will work on James when I'm not on a notepad at work scribbling what I can he has to explain Sarah and it will take me some thought for that one)


Kyle, one of James's friends was handling the punch bowl after their first one got dunked. He watched as Aidan Turner, the world's fucking easiest target walked up to pour two drinks.

"Saw you finally got some sweet action, Turner. Nice little red head. Didn't think someone like you could get a girl."

Dick was ignoring him. THeir freshman year they dunked this kid in the toilet several times and he fucking never once grew pissed about it. To get this kid angry, well...no one figured it out yet. When he turned around to look at the redhead in the emerald dress. The one the whole school was fucking talking about now. (Wait he could see now? dafuq) He dropped two white pills in the drink, they dissolved instantly.

"You did a great job with the obstacle course," Aidan said. Motherfucker was giving him a compliment after he tried rubbing something in his nose. "I hope one of the recruiters talks to you before the night ends. Your senior year right?"

"Maybe I'll just take the tail you got."

"I don't have a tail. That's a weird thing to say." Aidan looked genuinely confused and left the table.

"O-oh." Candice paused, glancing down at the scrap of paper in her hand. That hand't been expected at all. Usually she adored the unexpected, but right now... Right now it was a bit of a let down. Like opening an empty pinata. "Of course. You do what you need to do."

She wanted to do something grand, make a present, something spectacular to win the girl over. Not out of any misguided affection or adoration, she'd just met the girl and they'd barely spoken, but simply... Because she wanted to make her happy. It was one of those universal truths that Candice had stumbled across at an early age. When you feel at your worst, at your most worthless and useless, and you can't bring yourself to make yourself happy... Those were the times where reaching out and doing a kindness for others can bring meaning back, and with meaning and purpose came happiness.

Even though Candice wasn't feeling quite as depressed or morose about the recent events as many of the students, it still warmed her heart to fill others with joy, and she didn't want that warmth to leave. Still, the night was young, and the dance was still going. There were other people who's nights she could light up.

"I understand completely." Candice smiled, a wide and honest smile, and gave a conspiratorial wink. "After all, you'll rot your teeth if you eat Candy every night."

She paused as the words echoed in her own ear, the implications steadily settling into her brain as blood rushed to her face. "I-I mean eat my candy... I mean Cake, eat my Cake... I mean... Oh fudge..." She stammered, feeling the sheer embarrassment making her sway on her feet. Was it suddenly so hot in there? Was everyone staring at her? "H-have a nice night."

With that she spun in place, nearly slamming into a boy coming her own direction with two drinks in hand. Just what she needed. "Sorry," she gasped, snatching up a glass of punch and chugging the contents in one go, "But I really need this. Can I make it up to you?" Her fingers twitched, a gummy rose forming between them.
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Brinni said:
Leon listened intently, trying to absorb every word. Trying to etch it into his mind. "Not interesting? Min, you are spellbinding. I understand what you mean, being cooped up in a house alone save for the hired staff. I was in much the same predicament until Papa finally let me go to a real school when I turned ten. He was worried about me hurting people with my powers on accident." His phone chirped, it was a text from his father. "Speak of the devil" he said, sending a quick reply. "A few days isn't very specific, when is your birthday? I admit you've set the bar fairly high for me to follow up on. And who's Ren? A childhood friend perhaps? As for the insomnia and water, well, my door is always open for you if you would like company and I can help you with the fear if you like. Swimming is a hobby of mine, so I've no fear of it." I never did understand how I can like swimming so much while having an ability that could accidentally electrocute someone. The world is full of oddities I suppose. As for a gift....I've got just the idea.
Min blushed when he called her spellbinding. She was so nervous about taking about her life. There was so much she couldn't say. It was relief that she felt after telling someone a bit about herself. Until recently she's been a woman of mystery. There isn't much known about her, she didn't really talk about her life. Even Lexi and Nia didn't know everything about her. Although they did know her birthday. "It's November 11th (I think? I actually don't remember what date I picked), b-but you don't have to do anything. I haven't had a party in such a long time, I don't need one." She said with her hands up as if to affirm that he didn't need to do anything. She didn't want to admit it, but over the years she's gotten used to celebrating alone. She didn't even cry anymore.

At the mention of Ren, Min froze for a moment. Did I mention him? I must have... Thinking about her older brother she paced a finger against her lips thinking about what to say. Tilting her head and giving a soft smile she spoke. "Thank you Leon. I may take you up on your offers. Although I'm surprised that swimming is your hobby since your powers are electricity. But I have no doubt that you are wonderful. As for Ren...No he's not a childhood friend...Ren is...well...was my older brother. He's...not here." On this earth, she wanted to add. However, that would open up a can of worms that Min really shouldn't open. Trying to steer the conversation away from her family. "We did used to have an indoor pool, but mother put mirror atop of it so it could be used as a ballroom floor. It was beautiful, because the ceiling was painted to look like the stars. At twilight I'd dance there and felt like i was dancing through the cosmos."

CosmicChangeling said:
"Clara, you can call me Clara," never letting go of their hold, lacing her fingers with his, it was just the two of them and his big green emerald pools. She gently moved a strand of his hair from his face with her free hand. She did not say anything for a long time until she heard the coo of her bird. "Don't encourage him, he can be very fresh when he wants to be."
As if on cew, he flew to the door whipping the light switch so it would go off, leaving the two in the dark. Clara stepped in closer to Oisin startled by the pitch black of the classroom only to see a warm firey glow emitting from Arnold as he perched himself on Clara's desk, creating mood lighting as the boom box played. She was too distracted and entranced to notice what her bird was doing.

Pimping her out for mangos.

She coughed, clearing her throat. "Would you care to dance with me, Oisin?" her cheeks brazen red. "What I mean is...I can't go to the dance tonight, but maybe we can have one here...if that would be alright with you.
Oisin blushed, "A-Aliright...C-C-Clara." It felt odd for him to say it when she was right here. He used to whisper it to himself, but has never said it while looking out her. Looking into her deep blue eyes he felt lost within them. He smiled as she moved a strand of hair from his face. Her touch on his skin was simply electrifying. "He's independent, that's all."

As the lights suddenly went out he instinctively wrapped his arm around Clara's waist. His first thought always was to protect her. He looked down at her, relieved that there was little light, because his face was tomato red. She looks so beautiful even in the dark. He stood there with her, fingers intertwined, arm around her waist, so close he could feel her breath against his skin. He was too lost in her eyes to say or do anything other than look at her.

When she spoke he startled just a bit, before nodding. "Oh! O-Of course Clara." He took a deep breath and spoke again more calmly. "It would be my honor to dance with you." With that he began to slowly sway back and froth with her to the rhythm of the music. Taking caution not to move her too much since she was still recovering. Looking into her eyes it took everything he had not to pull her close and kiss her. He knew that his feelings were unprofessional, and doubted she'd ever feel the same way about a fool like him. For right now I'm happy.
"I remember that year," James laughed. "That was the year some seniorsort got in a prank war during the tournament and the whole gymnasium flooded with that green slime trapping people like we were some jelly tin or something."

Truth was he was a sophomore, saw the prank war and did it himself letting those kids take the fall. It was great.

Leaning back against the wall he nodded. "So that was you at the dance? They moved everything outside. Probably the best shindig they had here honestly. Be proud of that. But....believe it or not I understand what not controlling your power feels like."

He pointed to a girl with curly wavy hair, dress ripped and torn but done on a way it looked like it was on purpose with candy shoes waltzing with another girl. He'd have to talk to her on why she decided to try and look provocative tonight but he'd do that later. "See that kid? She's my baby sister. Her power is misfortune. Whenever she feels any general emotion it pops out like a cloud, the radius of it has only expanded over the years. When she was five it just affected her. Little things like breaking her arm doing the macarona. A puppy jumped on her and she fell down a flight of stairs. Ripped pants when she bent down. Harmless but a big deal for a little kid growing up. It got bigger. When she was seven, a kid yanked her ponytail at school during lunch. She cried telling him to stop and he choked on his sandwich. Died right there. Apparently he had a peanut allergy that was never treated and the bread he ate came from a factory laced with nuts. But....my family we knew what really happened. That day she resigned from feeling. She still strives for her dreams but, her power has been her biggest fear and burden. I try looking out for her when I can. Point is...I guess I don't personally know what you're going through. But I get it. I see what that does to people. It takes a strong person to still want to try. So don't beat yourself up about it."
Aidan's first two years at Ridgview were not ideal. He was practically tormented from any group you could imagine. He had the deadly combination of being an optimistic idealist and gullible as fuck. This led to people tripping him, stealing his books from his backs, downright humiliating him and more. He would smile, wish them luck with whatever they had going on and continued along his way.

He was the stupid blind kid and he was ok with this.

But, that all changed the day he had met Lexi Clark. She was annoyed with him, but she was honest. One of the first people to be honest with him. she pulled him out of trouble, she lectured him that he needed to take better care of himself. He could tell there were days that he drove her up the wall, but despite it all, she was there, she supported him...and she introduced him to a world where he actually had friends. Hearing Kyle talk to him that way reminded Aidan what his life had been like before a grumpy little redhead had changed everything for him.

Maybe he was hanging around Leon too long, he actually didn't mean what he said when he wished the boy luck with the leagues. He didn't deserve to have anything good happen his way.

A girl with the aura of cotton candy almost collided into him. If Louise hadn't beaten him half to death, he would have collided right into her, but he was able to jump back in time. She grabbed the cup from his hand and he didn't see the cup, or anything just the motion of her drinking something. Life was forever going to look like an impromtu show with no props. "Wait don't!....that was for my date...."

She offered him something, her hand extended out but he didn't see anything. "I'm sorry, miss. I'm blind...I don't know what you're holding out."




Suessical was one of Clara's favorite plays and as this song played from her boom box, it was a song that connected to her very soul and how she felt. Not just that, but what she had longed for as well. She closed her eyes as he held her so close. She rested her head on his chest and waited for him to wrap his arms around her and hold her close. She imagined him telling her that she was safe here and with him. She did not have to worry about the students reminding her daily that she was nothing. She did not have to worry about the teachers taking advantage of her abilities. Not once when Elastic, Hapswell or any of them had asked...no demanded...she stand guard ask what she thought about it. (She would still go out there and do everything she did....but it was just a reminder that she wasn't on the same level as them. She was a small dust spec drifting alone in the universe)

She knew he would do none of these things. He saw her as a colleague and a teacher. It was not professional and someone as intelligent and kind as him would never think to see past the bird brain that everyone else saw. Maybe it was seeing her sister again, maybe it was feeling weak, but she caved to her own desires and stayed resting on his chest, hugging him tightly.

He smelled like the forest. He smelled like safe...like home.
Erin very nearly jumped with joy at Lexi's answer in the affirmative, before moving her camera with Lexi in the center of the shot, pinning a small microphone to the girl's dress, and beginning, by lifting up her clipboard and...

It was empty. The pages, with all of her questions, everything she needed for each interview, was gone. Erin's eyes widened for a moment, before turning to Salve. "Where are they?" She wasn't accusing her sister of anything, but Erin was hoping Salve had the clipboard, or at least some indication of where it went.

"I unno." Salve shrugged, turning back to make a few more adjustments to the camera. Erin didn't bother trying to stop her, Salve probably recognized something wrong with it and worked on whatever was incorrect instinctively. Anyone who didn't know Salve's powers probably thought that girl had powers related to tech, but that wasn't anything close. Wait, crap, back to the issue at hand.

"Then where could they be!?" Erin was starting to lose her control, and more than likely was beginning to look like a child dressed as an adult. She knew she had to calm down, but that was so much work, pages upon pages of potential questions she and Salve had spent hours writing during and leading up to the tournament.

After another minute and a half of searching, Erin sighed, turned to Lexi, and cleared her throat. "Ahem. Sorry about that. Guess we'll be doing this the old fashioned way." With a nod from Salve, and the sound of the camera beginning its recording, Erin began. "So, Lexi Clark, many of our fans across campus want to know, what made you decide to fight so hard for the downtrodden of the school, against bullies like-" With the sound of Salve clearing her throat in Erin's ear, she stopped, and corrected herself. "Against bullies."
Lexi blinked. Jeeze. Loaded question. Right out of the gates. As the camera focused on her she looked sheepishly at it.

Bullies suck. You don't take a stand against bullies you let them walk all over you. Someone needs to do it so everyone else knows they can too. Fuck the bullies. You and everyone else here deserve to be whoever they are. We are people. We have a goddamn basic right to be a frikken human being.

"I was bullied as a kid," Lexi finally said. "The whole gingers have no souls...I probably saw that youtube video more time than I've seen anything else." she wished she had pockets to shove her hands in right now, this was awkward. "Kids played games called "Shove Alex against the wall." Not creative name. I got thrown in dumpsters, locked in lockers, told I was dirt and all I'd ever be was dirt. But I smiled, and I acted like I was happy, wished them good luck on things and tried being a sunshine happy person. But it never ended. One day in six grade we were on a boating trip. Christina, the biggest girl in my grade....kid was over five feet and this is sixth grade, put a fish in my hand and it cut my palm open, split it and my mom took me to the hospital to get stitches that night. The next day at gym class it was bandaged up and I made a few jokes about the stupid fish. Christina spins me around to punch me. How dare I make fun of Bob...a fish. As she clenched her fist and was about to deck my face I realized something. Who I was as a person...was lower ranked than a stupid ass random fish probably becoming fisherman food. I was going to get a black eye all because of something so stupid. I don't even remember what happened really, I snapped. I punched her in the throat so hard she couldn't speak. I got suspended. But...no one ever touched me again. People were afraid of me. So...whenever I saw a kid getting picked on I stepped in. I didn't have to do much I just had to stand there and it would end. I learned a lot from that day."

She paused, turning her head to see Aidan talking to a girl who looked like a video game character from Wreck it Ralph. She looked back at the camera. "But...uh...how I handled the situation today was very wrong. I let ego get in my head and I started a chain of events that led to someone I really care about getting hurt....and another boy to missing his limbs. The real hero on how to handle bullies is Aidan Turner. He truly has that optimistic view I pretended to have when I was little to get by. He believes the best in people. I've seen him single handedly take down a beast by just showing a few kind words and as for....what happened....he put an end to the whole Brick vs. Rush by actually talking to the girl, something I was too proud and stubborn to do. No one deserves to get bullied. We're all people and we have a basic right to be ourselves....who we really are...and you take that away you make us lower than animals. But...there's a better way to do it than what I did...I became a monster myself."

She looked awkwardly at the two of them. "That answer what you wanted? I'm not...I don't think cameras really agree with....if that was awkward we could do another take or something."

"Eh, blind?" Candice blinked, glancing between the boy and the empty cup. "Huh, sorry... I wasn't trying to pick on you sugar." Come to think of it, the guy was kind of a cutie. "Hmm... But you said you have a date? Doesn't surprise me at all really."

Taking a moment to circle the boy, she quickly nodded and made her decision. "Yep, that settles it. I'll have to apologize in person. This won't do at all." Glancing down at the candy flower, she shrugged before biting the flower-head off of it easily dissolving the stem. "What was I thinking, right? Stealing a drink from a poor defenseless cutie... Oh I must look like an absolute villain."

Granted, there was good reason at the time to drink away her own shame. To think, she had used such lewd innuendo, completely by accident. Just thinking of it now made her blush. "So, your date... Is she cute? Pretty? Drop-dead gorgeous?" She paused, frowning to herself as she realized the boy couldn't really answer the question. "Huh... I suppose you're one of the few boys that can honestly say personality matters more, no? I'll just do your half of the present now then..."

Glancing down, Candice cupped her hands together and began forming a structure of rather sturdy spun sugar. It was something she usually used for long term art, rather than something meant to be eatable, denser and sturdier than anything you'd find as a garnish even. "No peeking now." She teased, shooting a wink towards Aiden, before realizing how silly she sounded.
"I mean...I can see people in bright colors now...that happened today. You look like cotton candy. I think you smell like cotton candy too." She mentioned how it wasn't surprising he had a date and his cheeks went a nice rosy red. A lopsided smile formed on his face as he looked at the bright silver sillohette of her off in the black abyss distance. "I dropped a bag of limes infront of her and she agreed to go with me." I'm not good at pick-up limes, he was still confused how Leon knew that would work.

He tugged at his collar feeling hot as she called him cute again, letting out a nervous laugh. It was getting very hot in here. Definitely very hot in here. He didn't think about it, but drank the punch so he wouldn't stammer or look like a fool as this girl talked to him. Her last sentence confused him, he almost did a spit take but dropped the empty cups instead. "Wait...villains have a certain look to them....I didn't know that," he looked a little lost in thought as she circled around him. He pointed in Lexi's direction as she was being filmed on camera. (of course he didn't see the cameras or anything at the dance really if you think about it.) "Her name is Lexi...she uh...she's very special and she's got the biggest heart I've ever met...she just doesn't believe its big."

Of course, most humor went over Aidan's head. She said no peeking and he didn't get it was just a joke. He put his hands up like he was surrendering. "Long as you don't touch me, I won't see anything I promise." He'd probably see a memory that was special and private. "Memory that is...sometimes...i see through the person its weird. I'm rambling....my name is Aidan. Look....I can just grab another punch drink you don't owe me anything, it's really sweet you want to though."

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Erin's mouth was agape as Lexi revealed her life story to her and Salve. Erin had been prepared for an arrogant, overdramatic girl with an eye for the camera. She expected some half assed lecture on how bullying was wrong, and it did turn into that, but it felt more personal. It felt wrong that they'd have to cut any of it to fit the rest of the interviews. "Salve, how much of that do we want to keep?" Erin asked, actually moved.

"Yeah, uh... Maybe the part about no bullying?" She sounded unsure, like she didn't know what to pick. "We need to cut most of it for the rest of the interview." It was so disappointing, Lexi poured her soul into that answer, and it couldn't be kept in, unless...

"Special interview, then?" Erin said, as if it explained itself. After seeing Salve's confused look, she elaborated. "For Lexi, we just do the one answer. It gives more time, and let's us keep all of the footage." Erin didn't add that it meant her forgetting the list wouldn't hurt their footage. Lexi didn't need to know that, and Salve already knew.
The two of them just stared at her and in that awkward silence Lexi went red in the face. It was like being in the middle school lockers again with Jill and her group of popular girls whipping open the changing curtains and mocking her relentlessly when they caught her in her underwear. This was stupid. All of it was stupid. She should have just said some two sentence sound bite as RUSH and went back to Aidan. They looked like their jaws were about to hit the floor.

She didn't realize at the time that she had unwittingly revealed she didn't grow up super. That her powers did not develop for a long time. Ten years old was rather old for someone to develop their gifts, and even then, there were small inklings that they had powers. Lexi was twelve, not a speedster with stitches in that story. If Sarah Lane had been there, she would have smelled the blood and jumped on that immediately.

But Ms. Lane was currently walking up to Ms. Turner pretending she was the teacher and apologizing for a missing homework assignment when Ms. Lane had zero classes with Turner, but the twin sister did not know this. And she counted on the woman's narcism to not pick up that earlier when they met sarah would remember the clothes, or just assume she was a stupid child. Lisa assumed both playing right into a child's hands.

Lexi watched the two of them talk, her shoulders easing up as she rubbed her hands together. "So....that was ok? That was what you two needed to do whatever you're going to do with it? This is why people wear masks, its fucking easier to be infront of that," She looked at the camera like it was her enemy. but then back at them. She ran her fingers through her short dark red hair. "Whats this for anyways?"

"Awww, you're not a weather changer either?" Candice frowned softly, glancing up from her top secret project for a brief moment. "Come to think of it, I never asked that cutie from earlier either... That could have been a golden opportunity. I need to step up my game."

Stepping forwards, she snapped the fingers on her free hand and whirled towards Aiden. "Oh, I'm Candice. I can conjure candy. Don't laugh, I'm a force to be reckoned with when I put my mind to something." She momentarily puffed herself up, even though Aiden couldn't see it. "But! If you can see memories, then you can tell what your girl looks like! You just need to like... See her memory of making out with you! Then you can tell if you're a good kisser or not! It's a win-win."

Nodding seriously, she once more returned to her work. "And don't worry about the gift. This is going to be awesome! Totally worth making. 100% guaranteed to get you on her sweet side. She'll forget all about that drink." Pausing for a moment, Candice wobbled in place, blinking a few times. "Huh... Wow, I felt a bit woozy there for a second."

"Oh hey, I'm guessing your gal is a total hottie right? Gotta be like, top tier hero, snagging a heart-warming cutie like you..." Candice beamed, blinking a few times as her lips refused to cooperate properly. "Heh, I'm babbling. But anyways, if you want, we could totally play up the jealousy angle, see? Like, I can hang off of you and fawn over you, and she'll be all like 'Who back off!' and be all over you for the rest of the night!"

"But! Even better! If she's not the jealous type... Think of all the fun we could have together!" Candice giggled, her face steadily turning redder. "I mean, like... Three's the best number right? I mean, it's up there, as far as numbers go. The more the merrier! Oh man, can she dance? Can you dance? I want to dance."

Suddenly, both Candice's rambling and her motion came to an abrupt halt. "Hot. Fudge. I have an idea! I'll make my own dance floor!" Her eyes widened at the thought, and she immediately burst into a fit of giggles.

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