• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

Golden. He was golden. He snorted a laugh at the word play, laughing even more realizing that she didn't see the colors, she wouldn't know how funny that was....it was like his own personal secret joke he could keep to himself. Like a pet. A pet joke. Did he have to feed the pets? How do you feed something that didn't have a stomach? He'd have to find Leon, he'd know how this was possible. But Leon was fighting an evil twin brother....Jean needed one of those twirly mustaches and some evil catch phrase or something. Tying Min to the train tracks and Leon rides in on his white horse to save the girl before the train comes.


Aidan went red in the face, his eyes glazing over as Candice brought up kissing. He placed a hand on his chest. "When we kiss I feel her heart beat. Right her. I can feel it because of my powers....and its a vibrator. It hums. She hums. It's like we're linked...the same person when I hold her. She's beautiful, and brave....and smart...I just want her to have confidence in herself. She feels broken and lost and I just want hold her close and let her know she doesn't have to be scared but...I gotta let her fly," He was now cupping his hands as if he was holding a bird.

"are we standing on a boat. I feel like we're standing on a boat." He laughed feeling the ground sway like a big wave went under them. "No...NO! You can't. Lexi gets very jealous. Rachel. She broke her shoulder. She didn't mean to. She doesn't understand her strength, but she did. And you're very very nice....and I don't want anyone with broken bones now. My friend's in a coma...my mom's dead...you don't need broken bones. Shhhhhhhhh" He placed his index finger on her lips, both their eyes began glowing gold.

Candy would see the memory through Lexi's eyes of Rachel forming into the beast after she broke her shoulder and Aidan coaxing her out of it. Aidan would see something of her past (Up to @SassyWobuffet what that is)

The colors were bleeding into eachother. Were people melting or was this just him. He took a step or two forward only to stagger forward. It was a miracle he didn't fall over and land on his face, teetering back and forth until he got his balance. He laughed even harder. "What if you made....giant marshmellows that were like trampolines! That would be amazing!" He paused. "Candy...the drinks...what was in the drinks...." he fell forward landing on the floor and couldn't stop laughing.
"Comeon, Lexi. You mean you don't recognize the broadcast crew of Ridgeview?" Erin mocked hurt in her voice. They weren't the only two in the team, of course. They had two announcers who brought up the week's events, reminders, and the like, and they also had Mr. Darke double check and make sure there was nothing inappropriate in the material, but all of the background stuff was done by them.

After a moment of awkward silence, filled by Salve faking a cough to erase said silence, Erin explained. "Remember last year, the video with highlights of the tournament and dance? That was done by the broadcast crew. This time, we're doing something a little different. We are getting interviews from some of the most memorable people involved in the tournament, and we are trying to honor the losses of our friends who lost their lives. Last year was about the high of winning, this time it's going to be a little bit more thoughtful." All of that was Salve's idea, and Erin was really just spitting out what Salve had told her an hour earlier when she came up with the plan on her bed. It required a ton of last minute changes to the (still missing) script, but it was going to be deep.

"Anyway, thank you for the interview, and could you do us a favor? We need to find Moe, the guy who I guess wins the tournament by default. If you see him, can you point him our way? Either him or Clara Turner. Thanks!" Erin wasn't really asking, more pressuring Lexi into finding either of those people for her.
Homage said:
"Comeon, Lexi. You mean you don't recognize the broadcast crew of Ridgeview?" Erin mocked hurt in her voice. They weren't the only two in the team, of course. They had two announcers who brought up the week's events, reminders, and the like, and they also had Mr. Darke double check and make sure there was nothing inappropriate in the material, but all of the background stuff was done by them.
After a moment of awkward silence, filled by Salve faking a cough to erase said silence, Erin explained. "Remember last year, the video with highlights of the tournament and dance? That was done by the broadcast crew. This time, we're doing something a little different. We are getting interviews from some of the most memorable people involved in the tournament, and we are trying to honor the losses of our friends who lost their lives. Last year was about the high of winning, this time it's going to be a little bit more thoughtful." All of that was Salve's idea, and Erin was really just spitting out what Salve had told her an hour earlier when she came up with the plan on her bed. It required a ton of last minute changes to the (still missing) script, but it was going to be deep.

"Anyway, thank you for the interview, and could you do us a favor? We need to find Moe, the guy who I guess wins the tournament by default. If you see him, can you point him our way? Either him or Clara Turner. Thanks!" Erin wasn't really asking, more pressuring Lexi into finding either of those people for her.
"umm...I didn't develop super powers until this August. I wasn't enrolled here my freshman year. I don't know what happened at last years tournament," She said a little confused. Lexi had next to nothing on knowledge about the super world, between pure blood families, mutts like Nia, the random outliers like Clara and Elastic. What she said was an oddity and the level of skill and power she displayed in less than six months of actually having powers was...well...

Unheard of.

Erin wasn't even done with her sentence as Lexi flickered out of sight and Moe and his...well date appeared infront of them. Erin would find a sticky note on her reading. Done, Ms. Turner is dancing with Dr. Kane. I didn't want to ruin their dance. - Lexi.

Lexi flickered back into view infront of Aidan and the girl with the candy made clothes. She bent down to pick him up as he was laughing. He wrapped his arm around her, their eyes glowing gold. "This is my sad panda. She's beautiful." Lexi was beat red in the face as Aidan called her the animal she loved the most.

"Ok...what's going on here?"

@Homage @Brinni @SassyWobuffet

"I don't... H-hey..." Candice mumbled, crossing her eyes to glance at the finger on her lips. "Hehe... Hahaha... Your girlfriend is a vibrator... Tough break!" She giggled, breaking into a snort as her vision swirled around her.

There was something there. A girl... A monster... Something violent. It was like something out of a horror movie, but with better special effects. She shuddered at the thought, feelings, mostly fear, washing over her.

At the mention of broken bones, memories rushed unbidden into Aiden's head. Memories of being alone, high upon a hill in a terrible storm. Memories of a castle made of candy, crashing down around her as the rain washed everything away. Memories of kneeling in the mud, clutching a broken wrist to her chest, and wishing the sun would just come out already.

It wasn't a happy memory. There was pain, both the physical pain of falling as her lofty six-year-old ambitions crumbled and her wrist snapped, and the emotional pain of being truly alone. The castle was to be a gift, yet no one but her had ever seen it before its untimely destruction. She had stayed there, desperately trying to hide from the rain, until her mother found her some time later, cold, muddy, wet and without the use of her powers.

It wasn't a happy memory.

"I don't like boats." Candice blurted, reaching a hand up to awkwardly cover her mouth as she giggled again. "I'm a terrible swimmer, and... Water's no good, you know? I mean it's good for you..." Stumbling backwards, she cast out a hand and absentmindedly covered the ground in a thick layer of marshmallow, making a makeshift mattress to fall back on. "What if... What if I made a dance floor in the sky? We could dance among the clouds-No! We could dance with the stars!"

Glancing over as Lexi made her appearance, Candice forced herself up on her elbows, blinking owlishly. "Someone... Had better pick up the phone." She grinned a lopsided grin, eyeing Lexi from top to bottom. "Because I fucking called it! You are gorgeous!"

She threw her head back, all but cackling at her own joke. "Forget sharing Aiden... Aiden can we share her? Sharing is fun, isn't it? I'll give you... I'll give you... Wait! Where's my present?" She ranted, turning about and diving head first towards the marshmallow mattress. "Quick! Help me eat this so I can find my present!"
Aidan grinned up like a love sick puppy while Lexi narrowed her grey eyes at the candy girl. "What did you do to him?" She asked ignoring the gorgeous part. Ignoring the flirting. Aidan was taken advantage of by something or someone and right now it was locked on this candy stranger...who was eating marshmellows.

"No. No. Red, shhh." He grabbed her cheeks. "Your aura...its so shiny. Its the shiniest one here." He paused. "I needed to say something. I'm really tired...i should probably..." aidan rested his chest on her breasts. "You won something...I forget.....YES. No. Candy did nothing. She's all sugar and gumdrops...can you make dancing gummie bears candy? No. Focus. Focus aidan. Ok. Got it. I drugged Candy. It's my fault...she took the drink I was giving to you." He laughed, trying hard not to cry. "Our first date and I was going to DRUG you.....I'm so sorry."

"Where did you get the drink Aidan?"

He was too gone to stop her pointing at where kyle was. He flickered appearing on the mattress bed. A post it note was left as well. Thank you for looking out for Aidan, Lexi.

Across the floor where the punch bowl had been, they could hear a senior bitching pissed off that Ms. Clark had all the the leagues fighting over her even if she was a sophomore. Someone was thrown across the table aa Lex dumped the punch on his head as she walked back. There was a lot of screaming and gap sin between.

Aidan was lying on the mattress trying to stay away, "I'm sorry about your hand," He said after them having giggle fits trying to eat the mattress to no avail. "How's your wrist doing? That was a beautiful castle....dancing in clouds bad idea...."

Lexi blipped sitting betweenn them she wedged herself in so the new girl understool how to manipulate the situation. She wedged inthere like a wall protecting her from his hand....that made syes, let's go with that. Lexi felt pride take over. "Who wants to go to bed...in the dorms!"'

"Feel her vibrate," Aidan placed lexi's hand on Candy's face. It took all her will-power to not snap at the two of them for doing this. Lexi did vibbrate, not intentionally eve ise tried it wouldn't work. Lexi's face bright red only making it worse as her body's "We aren't actually doing this. We are not sharing me!" she protested!

Her attempt to make a wall between the man she wanted and a stranger had turned into a SPEEDSTER sandwich.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Min blushed when he called her spellbinding. She was so nervous about taking about her life. There was so much she couldn't say. It was relief that she felt after telling someone a bit about herself. Until recently she's been a woman of mystery. There isn't much known about her, she didn't really talk about her life. Even Lexi and Nia didn't know everything about her. Although they did know her birthday. "It's November 11th (I think? I actually don't remember what date I picked), b-but you don't have to do anything. I haven't had a party in such a long time, I don't need one." She said with her hands up as if to affirm that he didn't need to do anything. She didn't want to admit it, but over the years she's gotten used to celebrating alone. She didn't even cry anymore.
At the mention of Ren, Min froze for a moment. Did I mention him? I must have... Thinking about her older brother she paced a finger against her lips thinking about what to say. Tilting her head and giving a soft smile she spoke. "Thank you Leon. I may take you up on your offers. Although I'm surprised that swimming is your hobby since your powers are electricity. But I have no doubt that you are wonderful. As for Ren...No he's not a childhood friend...Ren is...well...was my older brother. He's...not here." On this earth, she wanted to add. However, that would open up a can of worms that Min really shouldn't open. Trying to steer the conversation away from her family. "We did used to have an indoor pool, but mother put mirror atop of it so it could be used as a ballroom floor. It was beautiful, because the ceiling was painted to look like the stars. At twilight I'd dance there and felt like i was dancing through the cosmos."

Oisin blushed, "A-Aliright...C-C-Clara." It felt odd for him to say it when she was right here. He used to whisper it to himself, but has never said it while looking out her. Looking into her deep blue eyes he felt lost within them. He smiled as she moved a strand of hair from his face. Her touch on his skin was simply electrifying. "He's independent, that's all."

As the lights suddenly went out he instinctively wrapped his arm around Clara's waist. His first thought always was to protect her. He looked down at her, relieved that there was little light, because his face was tomato red. She looks so beautiful even in the dark. He stood there with her, fingers intertwined, arm around her waist, so close he could feel her breath against his skin. He was too lost in her eyes to say or do anything other than look at her.

When she spoke he startled just a bit, before nodding. "Oh! O-Of course Clara." He took a deep breath and spoke again more calmly. "It would be my honor to dance with you." With that he began to slowly sway back and froth with her to the rhythm of the music. Taking caution not to move her too much since she was still recovering. Looking into her eyes it took everything he had not to pull her close and kiss her. He knew that his feelings were unprofessional, and doubted she'd ever feel the same way about a fool like him. For right now I'm happy.

"After everything you've done for me? Of course I do!" Leon said. He looked upwards through the canopy of leaves to see the stars, thinking. "I guess I do have one more wish, but this one you can't help me with. I wish I could have the power to control time instead of what I've got. I'd make tonight last forever. I'd gladly live in these moments with you forever. Here you are, this kind and beautiful woman, who saw a kid from another country alone and a little afraid, and your first thought is to befriend him. And then, only two weeks later, when you hardly know him, you do something incredible for his birthday. You bring his home to him, even temporarily, and it's probably the greatest gift he's ever received. And then you expect nothing in return. How does someone like you even exist in this world? You're too perfect to be real. I keep waiting to wake up, thinking it'll be the first day of school and I'll be alone again." He stopped suddenly. Pouring his heart out like that was unlike him. But he wasn't going to back track. Instead, he got up and moved his chair next to hers.He took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers, and put his head on her shoulder. Leon let out a sigh of content. Even if this is all a dream, I want it to last as long as possible.
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(I wanted to get this out before gym and stuff)

From the beating Louise had given him and the energy auras he accidently absorbed during the crisis today, Aidan was supercharged on power. He had never sent memories to individuals before and now he was. It would not last more than a day or two, but it did put everything at an interesting perspective for the night.

There were moments where when Lexi and Aidan held hands together, they would feel and see what the other was feeling in that exact moment. It allowed them to feel the other's heartbeat in their chest along with an overwhelming amount of teenage euphoria.

Candy's blood was most likely made of sugar, aidan was supercharged. Anyone who has ever taken heavy narcotics knows that there is a threshold you need to cross. Once you cross that threshold of not passing out the high you get is very unique and different. It was the same with qualudes. But between Candy and Aidan having so much energy in their system they skipped that and went straight to the giggle fest.

Lexi, however, as Aidan was holding her....was not so lucky. She tried squirming from the Speedster sandwich only to mentally feel she had crashed into a wall. Her eyes enlarged as she lost feeling in her entire body.

"We need to get to the rooms," She tried to say but what came out was.

"wee neeebldh........."as she stared off at nothing. Her body tried slipping right into hyperspeed, she had no control of it anymore, but Aidan holding her yoyoed her to normal speed where she fell in the middle. Her enetire body vibrating, she looked like a mirage and well....

for right now she was zonked. Gone. and quite literally a human vibrator unable to turn off. She had been roofied...roofied hard and as long as her boyfriend was holding her she was completely useless. Atleast until the threshold was crossed if she managed to stay awake.

"Oh... Oh!" Candice's eyes widened as Lexi began to vibrate. "Oh my god... That's... Wow, she really..." Her words mumbled together, slurring as she clung to the speedster, holding her closely as her gaze unfocused. "Hahaha oh wow... I'm keeping her 'kay Aiden? You'll share with me right? I'll... Anyone who doesn't wanna share, I'll wrestle them in a tub of chocolate pudding. Right here and now."

Her eyes closed, Candice threw her arms out with abandon, wrapping them around both Aiden and Lexi, snuggling in close as the entire mattress of marshmallow quivered beneath them. "Oh... I should have made a jello bed..." Candice mumbled, her voice lost as her mouth buried itself in Lexi's shoulder. "Can I? Can I make a jello bed? Someone take me to a room, with space for a jello bed."

"Melting... I'm melting... It's too hot in here for candy..." The sugar queen sing-songed, gigging as she threw a hand up into the air. "If I melt, will you pick me up with the chocolate sponge? Before the vegetable woman gets me? I don't wanna be stabbed with an asparagus again..." She rambled, letting streams of technicolor cotton candy slowly start drifting into the air, ignoring the rather incredulous attention the trio was gathering.
She stared up at the blackness, people were just colors, bleeding into eachother and swirling. Lexi felt like she was in a night club, glow in the dark paint and blue lighting just put through a blender, but her body was sinking further into something soft, marshmellows.

Until she broke through the marshmellows and just was falling through the abyss.

"Hmm?" aidan looked up, his arm still holding onto her, lifting his head from her chest. Everything was so heavy and hard to move. candy was speaking but it all felt like slowmotion. Sharing? he was confused.

"Sharing...no. I don't want to share Lexi...share as friends friends is ok...not other stuff...I still need to figure out how to ask her to date me...Lexi are you ok?"

The speedster tried lifting her head and it rolled, she was a blur in one place, the vibrations making the entire pillow mattress vibrate as well.

She fell into an ocean. Drowning, she struggled to swim to the top gasping for air as iron filled her mouth. The ocean was red, she was swimming in blood. She felt something grab her leg and pull her back down.

Alexandra Clark, you will give everything you have...sweat and blood.

Aidan was trying to stay focused he forced himself up, but was drooped his head, he was attempting to grab her face to bring her back. "Candy we need to....I don't think she's ok."

Lexi crashed on the ground, dripping in blood. Everything was black. She looked up and saw Min staring at her, crimson eyes. She walked over, caressed her cheek to let her know she wasn't alone as she shoved her hand through her chest yanking her heart right out.

The red head shot up gasping, she was scraching her chest, her body covered in sweat. No hole, everything was in tact. she looked around unfocused seeing herself on pillows and she began to laugh, it turned into snorting. She snorted like a pig, tears coming down her eyes. "We...are...on...marshmellows. Marshmellows. Aidaaaaaaan" She cusped his face and but fell backwards landing in candice's lap, vibrating. "We need to....you smell very good.


"Whaaaaaat?" Candice yawned, her face reddening further as Lexi's vibrating head landed in her lap. "What, what, wot?" She giggled, swiveling her head about like a bird. "How could you... How can you... How dare you not be dating this lovely lady! Must I do everything?"

"Lexi... Lexi? Was it Lexi?" Candice murmured, glancing down with glazed eyes and squirming in place. "This fine young gentleman would like to be your girlfriend." She paused, blinking owlishly and giggling to herself. "Rather, you should be his boyfriend. Whichever one works, I won't judge. The most important thing, is..." She shifted a bit, her gaze glazing over once again. "Is... Is that cloud shaped like a capybara? I love those... Who doesn't? Aside from the Vegetarian, but she's evil and hates all animals..."

"I should let you two be love birds, and go find myself a beautiful boy or handsome girl to share my company with..." She paused, running a tongue over her lips absently. "But that's silly... I'm being silly aren't I? I don't even have a company! But I have to get off before I get off, so I'm getting off to avoid getting off, you see? No off-Eeep!"

Sliding out from under Lexi, Candice found herself toppling off of the squishy mattress and falling out over empty space. Her hand reached out and barely snagged one of the cotton candy clouds from earlier, and she quickly bolstered it to become a seat. "Ta ta... Ta ta ta lalalala... La la... Why am I singing when you two are the birds?" She giggled, letting the cloud float upwards a few feet. A sloppy movement had a candy replica of her familiar umbrella appear in her hand, resting delicately over her shoulder.
CosmicChangeling said:
Suessical was one of Clara's favorite plays and as this song played from her boom box, it was a song that connected to her very soul and how she felt. Not just that, but what she had longed for as well. She closed her eyes as he held her so close. She rested her head on his chest and waited for him to wrap his arms around her and hold her close. She imagined him telling her that she was safe here and with him. She did not have to worry about the students reminding her daily that she was nothing. She did not have to worry about the teachers taking advantage of her abilities. Not once when Elastic, Hapswell or any of them had asked...no demanded...she stand guard ask what she thought about it. (She would still go out there and do everything she did....but it was just a reminder that she wasn't on the same level as them. She was a small dust spec drifting alone in the universe)
She knew he would do none of these things. He saw her as a colleague and a teacher. It was not professional and someone as intelligent and kind as him would never think to see past the bird brain that everyone else saw. Maybe it was seeing her sister again, maybe it was feeling weak, but she caved to her own desires and stayed resting on his chest, hugging him tightly.

He smelled like the forest. He smelled like safe...like home.
Dr. Kane smiled as he rocked with her. He could feel her warmth against his body. Underneath the fading smell of blood there was the soft scent of Caesalpina and Larkspur flowers floated off of her. It was a soft and gentle smell. Larkspur meaning a beautiful soul and Caesalpinia meaning very pretty. They suit her. He couldn't help himself as he slowly wrapped his arm further around her body and pulled her close, taking the scent in. Holding her tightly his hear began to beat even faster than before. He wanted her to know that he cared, that he was here for her no matter what. He wanted to tell her that he loved her. However, he kept all of that to himself. For now, he could be content with holding him close.

Still swaying to the music he closed his eyes and placed his lips to her head, being drifted off into the moment. Pulling back he looks down at Ms. Tur...no Clara and smiled. Their foreheads resting against each other he whispered softly as if for only her to hear. "I am so glad that you are here, Clara."

Brinni said:
"After everything you've done for me? Of course I do!" Leon said. He looked upwards through the canopy of leaves to see the stars, thinking. "I guess I do have one more wish, but this one you can't help me with. I wish I could have the power to control time instead of what I've got. I'd make tonight last forever. I'd gladly live in these moments with you forever. Here you are, this kind and beautiful woman, who saw a kid from another country alone and a little afraid, and your first thought is to befriend him. And then, only two weeks later, when you hardly know him, you do something incredible for his birthday. You bring his home to him, even temporarily, and it's probably the greatest gift he's ever received. And then you expect nothing in return. How does someone like you even exist in this world? You're too perfect to be real. I keep waiting to wake up, thinking it'll be the first day of school and I'll be alone again." He stopped suddenly. Pouring his heart out like that was unlike him. But he wasn't going to back track. Instead, he got up and moved his chair next to hers.He took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers, and put his head on her shoulder. Leon let out a sigh of content. Even if this is all a dream, I want it to last as long as possible.
How does someone like you even exist in this world? You're too perfect to be real. He didn't know how right those words are. Min's cheeks turned a deep crimson red as he spoke. The view of the forest around them rising above the trees and into the sky. Stars danced around them shining in the cosmos. She felt her heart race as he moved over and took her hand. A crackle of energy flowing between the two as their fingers intertwined. Her heart raced when he rested his head on her shoulder.

Turning her head to him, she scanned his face. Inspecting each detail, engraving it into her mind. She didn't want to forget him, or this moment right now. Looking at him she couldn't resist him any longer. She leaned in looking deep into his golden eyes. A hair's breath between them, as she whispered softly, "This is real, Leon." Smiling softly she closed her eyes and pressed her lips against his. Moving slowly she kissed him lovingly with every movement opening his mouth just a little bit more.
(It's too god damn adorable here.)

James patted Ember lightly on her right knee. "Like I said, it takes a brave person to go out every day with destructive powers. Maybe I will catch you later," He took her hand and kissed it lightly standing up.

He extended one step, letting his body fall into his own shadow. He was in the mood to dance, let loose.

And find out what the actual fuck happened to his sister.

A shadow grew in front of the woman made of candy the figure with no face pressed it's black hands on the clouds formation that the girl who danced with his sister sat upon like a cotton candy thrown.

James, in a rather dashing tux took the formula replacing the shadow. His ice blue eyes were locked on hers. Taking a step back he extended his hand out. "I couldn't help but notice a sweet thing like you with no dance partner, would you care to join me?"

And maybe answer a question or two he had.


"The league. That's fascinating," Sarah feigned excitement. She placed an act letting her eyes enlarge with wonder when she felt absolutely nothing.

1. Always make your subject feel they are in control.

2. Flattery was an excellent distraction for the vein. 85% of people were vain even if they claimed not to be.

Sarah pulled out her stenopad. "A recruiters life....that would make an excellent story. You single handedly shape the future of supers." Fork in the eye if she had to write a fluff piece that boring.

But Lisa smirked. "You're a persistent little bugger, aren't you kid? You want to write about me in the paper?"

"Of course! This whole tournament is for the leagues. You're very important. Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Sure go for it."

So Sarah didoesn't. The basic lame oens. How long have you worked there. Favorite recruit, what does she look for. All of it Sarah didn't care but she played the act writing everything down until...

"Do large corporations fund the leagues?"

She had lulled her prospect into answering that she had not noticed Sarah's shift in tone from bubbly to serious.

"Well of course, the super and villains gI've to the community philanthropists want to give back."

"Can you name me a few?"

The woman did. None were Briggs Corp, but Sarah was 95% that these companies....well Briggs Corp or Tech would be the parent company. And that was the real nugget she was after.
Brinni said:
"Leaving so soon? The night's barely begun. And if I were to simply let you go back to being alone, the gentleman in me would never forgive myself. That is of course, unless you are expecting another?" Moe said, a half-smile on his lips. She's beautiful, and if the rumors about her powers are true she'd make a valuable ally. I won't push too hard, but it'd be a shame not to at least try to win her over even as a friend.

Leon listened intently, trying to absorb every word. Trying to etch it into his mind. "Not interesting? Min, you are spellbinding. I understand what you mean, being cooped up in a house alone save for the hired staff. I was in much the same predicament until Papa finally let me go to a real school when I turned ten. He was worried about me hurting people with my powers on accident." His phone chirped, it was a text from his father. "Speak of the devil" he said, sending a quick reply. "A few days isn't very specific, when is your birthday? I admit you've set the bar fairly high for me to follow up on. And who's Ren? A childhood friend perhaps? As for the insomnia and water, well, my door is always open for you if you would like company and I can help you with the fear if you like. Swimming is a hobby of mine, so I've no fear of it." I never did understand how I can like swimming so much while having an ability that could accidentally electrocute someone. The world is full of oddities I suppose. As for a gift....I've got just the idea.

Allysia Le'More

She only laughed, shaking her head. "No no, I didn't plan on leaving the dance just yet." She kept her emerald eyes on his, wondering what exactly made the freshman hero want to spend time with her so much. "And I am waiting for another. Someone who isn't a freshman maybe?" She suggested with a teasing grin. She stepped back from him, moving out towards the center of the room, giving a friendly wave goodbye. However, in the center of the gymnasium, she paused to gaze at the ceiling, watching the shifting, glowing patterns of flames that lived there, created by Ember. She was unable to contain her jealousy at the display of power and control, and her smile was quick to leave her lips.

CosmicChangeling said:
"I remember that year," James laughed. "That was the year some seniorsort got in a prank war during the tournament and the whole gymnasium flooded with that green slime trapping people like we were some jelly tin or something."
Truth was he was a sophomore, saw the prank war and did it himself letting those kids take the fall. It was great.

Leaning back against the wall he nodded. "So that was you at the dance? They moved everything outside. Probably the best shindig they had here honestly. Be proud of that. But....believe it or not I understand what not controlling your power feels like."

He pointed to a girl with curly wavy hair, dress ripped and torn but done on a way it looked like it was on purpose with candy shoes waltzing with another girl. He'd have to talk to her on why she decided to try and look provocative tonight but he'd do that later. "See that kid? She's my baby sister. Her power is misfortune. Whenever she feels any general emotion it pops out like a cloud, the radius of it has only expanded over the years. When she was five it just affected her. Little things like breaking her arm doing the macarona. A puppy jumped on her and she fell down a flight of stairs. Ripped pants when she bent down. Harmless but a big deal for a little kid growing up. It got bigger. When she was seven, a kid yanked her ponytail at school during lunch. She cried telling him to stop and he choked on his sandwich. Died right there. Apparently he had a peanut allergy that was never treated and the bread he ate came from a factory laced with nuts. But....my family we knew what really happened. That day she resigned from feeling. She still strives for her dreams but, her power has been her biggest fear and burden. I try looking out for her when I can. Point is...I guess I don't personally know what you're going through. But I get it. I see what that does to people. It takes a strong person to still want to try. So don't beat yourself up about it."

Ember Brook

Ember laughed, face breaking out into a wide smile. "I remember that!" she admitted, taking in the old memories. "The gym smelled for a week," she signed, continuing to chuckle. "I tried to stay out of that whole prank war thing. It is fun and all but I don't want to accidentally hurt anyone," she admitted, a slight frown appearing from her lips. "Speaking of that.." She sighed as he mentioned the dance. "I shouldn't be proud of that! Some people got burned!" She protested, giving him the harshest frown she could manage. "How could I have had fun?" She questioned.

She listened to him speak, looking over at the girl he was speaking of. She was interested, having never really heard of someone with dis fortune as a power. For a moment, she doubted that he was even telling the truth to her, until he got into detail. "Oh my.." She murmured. "I am sorry... I don't..." She let out a sigh, continuing to frown. She was about to speak up again, when James kissed her hand, before disappearing into shadows. She chuckled and sighed, before continuing her light show on the ceiling.

SirDerpingtonIV said:

Allysia Le'More

She only laughed, shaking her head. "No no, I didn't plan on leaving the dance just yet." She kept her emerald eyes on his, wondering what exactly made the freshman hero want to spend time with her so much. "And I am waiting for another. Someone who isn't a freshman maybe?" She suggested with a teasing grin. She stepped back from him, moving out towards the center of the room, giving a friendly wave goodbye. However, in the center of the gymnasium, she paused to gaze at the ceiling, watching the shifting, glowing patterns of flames that lived there, created by Ember. She was unable to contain her jealousy at the display of power and control, and her smile was quick to leave her lips.
"Very well. Until next time Allysia." he said with a bow. Next thing he knew he was in front of two girls. As nausea set in he dropped to a knee. What on earth was that? He looked at the girls with the camera equipment and smiled. "Hello there. I'm Moe. I'm sorry about this, I just felt extremely nauseous all of a sudden." @Homage
He kissed her.

Clara looked up at Oisin with her round goose eggs for eyes feeling her heart rise up in her chest. It was just her forehead, but he had kissed her. Dried blood stained on his lips but as he looked down at her she just saw how captivating he was. He rested his forehead on hers and she imagined herself taking the punge and kissing him right then and there.

Arnold cooed, Clara's face went three shades red with how brazen and forward it was. No, that was far too forward. How did he learn any of that!? When he cooed it again she looked at him mortified, turning back to, her nose bumping into Oisin's in the process, she blushed harder. "W-would yo-you escort me to m-my ap-apartment tonight? I...I...do-don't think I wo-would make it..." it was a lie, she could but she didn't want to.

If...if he said yes, she would then ask him to stay...just in case she was too hurt to get up to go to the bathroom or basic things she would make up on the spot.
Bran had been inspecting the area around him the whole time. Dances whether it was a school dance or a socialite gala, were of no interest to him. He spent his time near the punch bowl, obviously not drinking the libations it smelled of something he knew too well from his brother's childhood pranks. Drink in hand he watched the crowd, reading everyone's lips. It was a fascinating ability that he quickly picked up at around four. He caught up on a few conversations that peaked his interest. Especially the one regarding Sarah.

Moving towards her he saw the agent coming near. He had read their conversation so he knew that over time. Pretending to seem as drunk as Lexi and her friends. Bran bumped into the agent, slipping a bug onto his person. "S-s-s-or *hic*" Bran stammered as he moved past the agent. Pretending to stumble he spilled his drink on the floor. He had lot of practice pretending to be drunk. As the agent stopped looking at him Bran straightened up and put the drink aside.

Making his way over to Sarah he could hear their conversation now. As Lisa Turner was talking about technology companies he smiled and walked over. "And Knight Technologies as well. Our company fully supports registered (and unregistered) leagues." He smiled and gave a polite bow to the woman. "Ms. Turner, if you would excuse us for a moment I owe this young lady a dance." He turned to Sarah and gave her a bow. "May I have this dance Ms. Lane?"

Brinni said:
As Leon realized Min was opening his mouth with hers, his surprise caused a small shock to leap from his lips to hers. He pulled back with a sheepish grin. "Sorry" he whispered before kissing her again, cupping her face with his free hand, stroking her cheek with his thumb. This time he opened his mouth on his own. Hesitantly he brought his tongue across her lips, moving his hand to the back of her head interlacing his fingers in her hair. As a way to let her know that he wanted to go further but wasn't going to push it. I don't want to push too far lest I do something to ruin this moment.
Min gave a soft girlish giggle as he shocked her mouth. It was an amazing energy, one she had never felt before. Looking up at him she smiled, her eyes sparkling with the reflection of the stars. She melted into his hand as he touched her. Stepping closer. with her free hand she placed it against his cheek. Her heartbeat nearly stopped as he kissed her softly. If time stopped right at this moment she would be happy for all eternity. There was a crackle of energy as she felt his fingers intertwine with her hair. She could feel his energy overtake her and she succumbed to it. She was truly starting to fall deeply for Leon. Although her mother warned her about falling in love, she didn't care. This right now was perfect.

CosmicChangeling said:
He kissed her.
Clara looked up at Oisin with her round goose eggs for eyes feeling her heart rise up in her chest. It was just her forehead, but he had kissed her. Dried blood stained on his lips but as he looked down at her she just saw how captivating he was. He rested his forehead on hers and she imagined herself taking the punge and kissing him right then and there.

Arnold cooed, Clara's face went three shades red with how brazen and forward it was. No, that was far too forward. How did he learn any of that!? When he cooed it again she looked at him mortified, turning back to, her nose bumping into Oisin's in the process, she blushed harder. "W-would yo-you escort me to m-my ap-apartment tonight? I...I...do-don't think I wo-would make it..." it was a lie, she could but she didn't want to.

If...if he said yes, she would then ask him to stay...just in case she was too hurt to get up to go to the bathroom or basic things she would make up on the spot.
Looking at the sudden change in her face he realized what he had done. His eyes widened and his entire face turned redder than he had ever been before. He couldn't believe he had acted so rashly. He wasn't thinking, just moving on instinct alone. Oh gods I've ruined it. He thought worried that she'd reject him fully now. Taking a deep breath, he would just have to wait for her rejection. It would be heartbreaking but understandable.

As Arnold spoke up, Oisin's face grew an even deeper shade of red. The thought of doing that would be, certainly way too forward. He looked at her as their nose touched and nearly melted. His heart stopped as she asked him to escort her. Stammering nervously, "...Y-y-y..yes....i-i-it would b-be my honor, C-C...Clara..." He didn't know what this meant. Did Clara actually like him? Or was he just reading into it? Still doubting that such a wonderful woman like her could ever like such a ordinary man like himself, he decided it was the latter. Still holding her close he didn't want to let go, but he knew it was necessary. Slowly he let his arm loosen as moved his hand to her waist.
She didn't what? Erin thought, meaning to ask Lexi for clarification. Really? That was so late for a super, it was almost unheard of. Erin herself couldn't think of anyone who didn't develop their powers before high school. Then again, the only people she knew well enough to know when they gained their powers were either related to her, or went to school with her. She shrugged at the new information, and recieved a confirmation nod as Salve angled the camera just to the left of Moe, giving him room to recover and Erin time to attach his mic.

"Hello, Mr. Moe! Don't worry about it, Lexi kinda does that to all of us at some point." For a second Erin shuddered as she thought of gym class, with Lexi constantly doing almost as much damage speeding them to the Nurse as Elastic did with his attacks. Them together led to a combination most masochists would love. "Whenever you're ready and if you're okay with it, we'd like to ask you a few questions, including how you feel about being to first freshman ever to win the tournament." Her mic was in hand, waiting for Moe's response. If he decided he didn't want to be interviewed, that would be fine, but Erin was hoping for his insight. It wasn't every day someone won two rounds of the tournament by default, in a row. That, along with the fact that he was the first freshman ever to win the tournament, gave Erin more than enough reason to hype it up.

All of this went down the drain if Isabel was found before the winner was announced, or if Nialla woke up, but Erin wasn't thinking about that. All she cared about was what was right in front of her.

Homage said:
She didn't what? Erin thought, meaning to ask Lexi for clarification. Really? That was so late for a super, it was almost unheard of. Erin herself couldn't think of anyone who didn't develop their powers before high school. Then again, the only people she knew well enough to know when they gained their powers were either related to her, or went to school with her. She shrugged at the new information, and recieved a confirmation nod as Salve angled the camera just to the left of Moe, giving him room to recover and Erin time to attach his mic.
"Hello, Mr. Moe! Don't worry about it, Lexi kinda does that to all of us at some point." For a second Erin shuddered as she thought of gym class, with Lexi constantly doing almost as much damage speeding them to the Nurse as Elastic did with his attacks. Them together led to a combination most masochists would love. "Whenever you're ready and if you're okay with it, we'd like to ask you a few questions, including how you feel about being to first freshman ever to win the tournament." Her mic was in hand, waiting for Moe's response. If he decided he didn't want to be interviewed, that would be fine, but Erin was hoping for his insight. It wasn't every day someone won two rounds of the tournament by default, in a row. That, along with the fact that he was the first freshman ever to win the tournament, gave Erin more than enough reason to hype it up.

All of this went down the drain if Isabel was found before the winner was announced, or if Nialla woke up, but Erin wasn't thinking about that. All she cared about was what was right in front of her.

"How I feel about....huh? I know Miss Blake is out, but Crush too? Wow. To be honest I'm a bit flabbergasted. I owe at least part of it to Pockets. I don't think I would have made it past the obstacle course without him. And between you and me if my second opponent hadn't forfeited I would have. I'm not much of an offensive person, and to be honest I prefer not to hit women. So really, I guess I just feel lucky. I'm sorry if that's not really exciting enough for you. Although, I can't say I'm not phased with the results."
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Aidan pulled the human vibrator onto his lap when Candice had said her peace floating on a cloud throne singing like Mary Poppins. Maybe she was Mary Poppins, escaping from the book deciding a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.

The medicine go down. The medicine go dooooown.

Unable to hold her head up, it dropped on his shoulder, nuzzling into his neck as she closed her eyes. Her vibrations still jiggled the mattress and sent feelings in Aidan's lower regions where typical parents have to sit and talk with their children about the birds and the bees.



"Will you be my boyfriend?"

She nodded into him falling asleep. Aidan rested his chin on her head closing her eyes as well unable to stay awake.

To be fair, Lexi would have agreed to anything at this state. A complete stranger could ask the same question, ask her to strip, ask her for blood, ask her to dress up at the school mascot and let people wail on her. Hell, if Rachel asked if she could steal Aidan away for herself....she was too far gone to fight it or know what was going on.

As the two of them fell asleep at the dance, it was obvious that none of them would remember this conversation.


It was seeing the boy walk in and say Knight Technologies that it clicked in Lisa's mind that she had seen these children before. They were the ones that had fallen from the venting system during the chaos of ....it was a little fuzzy on what exactly happened earlier today.

When she (And everyone for that matter) tried to think back, they would remember something awful happened but the details would be lost, faces and bodies except for the ones that were lost would not come to mind no matter how hard they tried. Lisa felt like she should know...but she stared at the two of them, side glancing and seeing the shrimp with the camera not too far off.

She was played. "Ms. Sarah Lane?" she mused as Bran stepped in holding out her hand. Whatever this little bitch was up to, well...she was going to regret manipulating her. The child grabbed her hand and shook it. "I look forward to reading the article, do tell my sister to send it to me.

Sarah had not noticed Turner's recognition when Bran walked up, she was too busy looking at Knight as he seemed to once again know exactly where to be at the night. After shaking hands with Ms. Turner's sister. (It was hard to believe that someone was more easy to manipulate and fool than THE CLARA TURNER...but good for Clara being the more clever twin)

"Impeccible timing as always, Knight," She politely smiled taking his hand as he led her to the dance floor. "Shame, you would have made an excellent reporter if you were actually interested in the field. If I did not already know better," She took his hands for a waltz and not your typical teenager style dance. "I'd start believing you have this entire place under your watchful eye."

Allysia Le'More

Suddenly, Allysia found herself standing beside Moe and in front of two girls she didn't recognize. Before she could question who they were or how she had gotten there, she felt her stomach turn, and she gagged, feeling bile rise in her throat as the overwhelming feeling of nausea came over her. She ran away from Moe and the two girls, running over to a trash can in the corner of the room to vomit. She had always hated vomitting. The feeling of acid crawling up her throat, the way she couldn't stop it, and the feeling of all the eyes, watching her. She could almost hear the other's mocking words, their snickering laughter. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. She turned away from the trash can, not looking up to see if anyone was watching her, to nervous. She just wanted to stop being that embarrassing girl for once, who everyone laughed at. She had brought the real Allysia out for one night, to see how it could go, that maybe just maybe someone would want to talk to her. To be friends. She had been stupid and she knew it. For a few moments she could hear the voice of her mother in her head, screeching about how she was an abomination. She stormed off towards the bathroom, where she transformed into her normal form, the blonde, popular girl who did not vomit at the dance and go hiding into the bathroom.
Candice jolted, snapping out of her daydream as a figure sprung into existence on the cloud behind her. "Lord Sunday! You've come to visit?" She giggled, leaning towards him and blowing a kiss with a wink. "Come to see the lively living, living life lively?"

Swaying a bit, almost precariously on her perch, she momentarily shook her head. "Do you, per chance, know the weather man? I find some people can only cry while raining, but rain and tears both tend to destroy anything of meaning I make." She paused, pursing her lips. "Either candy or happy moments."

"I find it's horrendously lonely here, you know?" She pointed, poking the young man in the chest. "There's a lot less love and affection and all that stuff... Less family too. But my mother, she has so much love that she left none for me!" She snorted, collapsing into a fit of giggles. "Not that she doesn't love me a ton, but it's everyone else. How am I to find love, when my mother loves the parents of everyone I love? I'm confusing, am I not? Am I knot? I feel all tangled up, and tightly wound. I'm afraid I may become a-frayed!"

"Hmm... But I've been trying to be a good witch. I've met a tin-girl, and a lion-man with no courage... But does that mean my best friend will be green, like vegetables?" She remarked. "Can the man behind the curtain give me what I want?"

Wobbling, she closed her eyes and yawned loudly.

James caught the candyland girl as she wobbled to and fro, losing her own balance. Whatever she said was utter nonsense and gibberish, but he held her bridal style, looking over seeing two kids asleep on eachother on a marshmallow mattress in a sitting position.

Kyle's handiwork.

Probably how the kid expected to get laid tonight.

"Well shit, you're in no condition to interrogate or even play with." He mused. The guy was an absolute bastard, but you don't take advantage of people on drugs. That's just a tad lower than he was willing to go.

Whatever the fuck she was saying, even if she was smiling, was laced with sadness and loneliness. He'd find out what she wanted with his sister at another time, and if she even knew why Sarah looked that disheveled. Right now, he figured it was in her best interest to get out of here before she gave this lonely speech to someone like kyle.

Douchebag would jump on this in a heartbeat like a dog in heat who knew he was getting fixed the next morning.

He held her bridal style, taking one step as the two fell into the shadow of a student. James couldn't 'teleport' to his room, just appear to the furthest shadow he could see. He popped up at the gym entrance, then one step to fall in again to go to the end of the hall. The end of the hall to the outside of the building, to the long stretch of forest trees to the entrance of the senior apartments.

Eventually to his own bedroom. "I don't know where you live and you're just going to tell me its somewhere in Oz, we traveled the shadow-brick wall to get here Mayor of Munchkin land....right now you're going to sleep whatever you took off." He placed her on the bed and went to his closet to find one of his sleeping bags or the air mattress. Maybe he was lucky and it wasn't popped from the wild game of beer pong they had the other night. If not he was sleeping on the floor.

The door to Oisin Kane's door opened, but no human footstep was seen. Waddling in was Arnold the phoenix. A letter was in his mouth as he stopped and stared at the teacher. The bird was contemplating whether or not it was polite to shut the door.

He decided he gave no shits.

Arnold walked until he was infront of the desk, opening his wings to fly and sit there. He dropped the letter on the table, OISIN was written in cursive, his Clara had used ink and a quill to write the note. Birds were, well, interesting creatures. If a bird stayed on your hand, they viewed you as the superior in the room. They respected you and would listen to your command. A bird on your shoulder, meant you two were equals. He did not have to listen to you but there was respect. A bird on your head, you were nothing but a perch in their eyes and they made it clear to you with talons an their beak.

Arnold climbed on his and and walked up to the shoulder, to fly up on Oisin's head. He nestled himself in his long golden locks of nest and got cozy.

Dear Oisin,

Words cannot express how greatful I am that you took care of me all weekend while I recovered from the events on Halloween, but I will try my best. Not only were you there when I needed you, but you put me at ease letting me know I was not alone. I have saved your tea recipis and look forward to trying them in the future. I would love to look at the reseach papers you talked about as well.


- Clara

P.S My home makes creaks and sounds around three in the morning. I am afraid this startles me from time to time. You are an expert in the fae and other worldy creatures. If it is not too much to ask, could you stay over for the night to help me solve this problem?

P.P.S What foods do you like?

P.P.P.S You looked dashing on your way to work this morning.

Arnold let out a coo when Oisin finished.


(Saving Mr. Elastic until Nia and what he went through because that heavilly impacts my post)

Aidan was down in South Caolina with his father to attend the wake of his mother tonight, and the funeral of her the next morning. During the weekend Bran Knight had kicked his ass relentlessly in training, but every moment he threw up and Lexi thought he would quit or should quit he asked for more. She was impressed and scared for him all at the same time as the weekend rolled by to the point Aidan told her she couldn't watch him train she kept trying to save him, so she resorted to slinking around where she wasn't seen to watch them.

Today, Lexi was sitting on the bleachers of Mr. Elastic's class. She was wearing a black dress, flats, a headband to keep her hair out of her face. She planned on going to the wake after classes ended today and was uncomfortable as it was to be in a dress, so it was either get it over with at the beginning of the day or not at all. She had black cargo pants and a black tang top which was her alternative if she chickened out.

But she didn't. She looked at Elastic, who was not wearing his usual colorful suspenders. His shirt was untucked, but he had a poka dotted bow-tie on, his glasses thick. He didn't have a clipboard in hand but a notebook....that had sticky notes coming of it like there were actual notes in there. He looked bored waiting for the rest of the class to show up.
Many students were not at Ridgeview today. Students, like Aidan were out to see their dead parents, or students were out to go to the funerals of their fallen friends. The next week would be a week of teachers giving students studies and free passes.

Sarah had walked out of the Ridgeview Review's classroom pissed. A student dropped his coffee over his pants and cried out in pain since it was still hot as Sarah walked down the hall. She looked calm, collected and her usual self, her knit hat still on but she wanted to hit her editor square in the jaw. Denied. Her story she pitched about Thompson, Ms. Turner and Louis Briggs was denied. Anderson believed her talents would be better utilized to write about school spirit and what the school could do to raise that after the events. The seniors would handle the more tactiful engaging stories.

He even took away the story about school violence and tacked it to a senior. The features on Rush, Crush and Brick were thrown away to do an exclusive on Moe, the first freshman ever to win the tournament. She watched the tournament. That boy did nothing. There was underlying tension between students where they leveraged romantic ties, connections to try and kill one another but no...apparently the freshman was the more compelling story.

Bad luck filled the hall as Sarah walked to her next class trying to calm her breath and regain control. She decided that she would write the story anyway, with or without her editor's approval.
Natalie Blake felt awful. Nialla was alive, yes, but in her worry she'd managed to keep herself distracted by doing anything she could to get her mind off of her daughter. Every second she sat in the much-altered living room of Tim Sheppard, the worse Natalie felt. All of his collectibles, any of the junk he'd been hoarding, almost all of the things he seemed to treasure so much were out of the house or placed in her bedroom, in new trophy shelves she'd spent hours over the weekend working on.

She hated that she'd gone out of control and took over Tim's house so easily, so callously, but it was her only way to avoid thinking of Nialla. When her daughter came up in Natalie's mind again, she immediately walked outside and started pulling garbage bags along the driveway and into her car. On the bright side, maybe Hapswell could keep most of these safe for Tim after she left. It wasn't throwing it out, more like lending. The only downside was that Natalie would be forced to think more on Hapswell's offer.

After she struggled to force the last bag into the back of her Cavalier, Natalie sighed, turned the ignition, and began the short drive to Ridgeview, not remotely prepared to face her demons.


"Hey Sari, wait u- woah!" Erin tripped over the doorframe as she exited the classroom behind Sarah, feeling mild pain all over. She'd been in the room when Sarah was discussing what she felt the newspaper should have focused on, and had agreed with her friend on most of her points. Erin only disagreed on the timing of it all. Some mysterious group of murderers killed and hurt dozens of their friends, it wasn't the right time to bring up conspiracy theories.

But from Sarah's mood, she didn't need to hear that. Erin had to be a good friend to her, and that was her goal. Getting herself up and dusting off, Erin walked at a brisk pace to Sarah, until she was just beside her friend. It was when she looked at her friend up close that Erin got an idea. "I think I've got something that'll cheer ya up." Erin said, pulling out, dropping, and picking up her flash drive. Inside was hours of work editing the footage of the fights in the tournament, and every last interview with the students. It was all on there, cut and condensed into one slightly longer than usual broadcast show.



Vi took another drink of her water and wiped the sweat off her brow, still out of breath. She didn't know if it was the news she received, some greater passion from Leon, or a combination of both, but Vi was not fighting at her best. She was hit by attacks she normally should have dodged, and missed or poorly hit attacks that should have been spot on. She needed a break, just for a minute. Making a 'T' with her hands, Vi leaned against the pool gym wall (the main gym was being used for class), and took a breath. "You're doing well today, Leon." She said. It felt awkward, but of course it would be. Vi wasn't in the right mind normally, and her outburst the day of the attack only intensified that.



Darke sat in his office with Louise and DuValt, who sat in a wheelchair beside Louise, still unsure. DuValt was a genius with tech, that was true, but what they proposed... It was a risk. Darke had to approve of their idea since it was technology related and required a hefty amount of the school's budget. He didn't know what came over them, but Louise's passion alone was enough to make him think about it somewhat in depth. She seemed completely different from the bully he saw fighting Lexi less than a month earlier.

"Are you sure about this? Such a major commitment, you may not get much sleep. And the costs would be enormous if you failed." Darke made a last ditch attempt to convince them, and himself, not to go through with the idea. Even so, he knew he was going to cave. Darke knew where the budget request file was located, and Hapswell owed Louise for using her likeness so willy nilly. That man profited so much off the backs of others that Darke wondered if he was a pharaoh in another life.

When Louise and DuValt both nodded their heads, Darke sighed, pulled out one form for all of them (All three were legally adults, so there were no parents needed for consent), and filled out his own. It was going to be a long winter.


The doctor's words rung out in Nialla's head for hours since she'd woken up. She sat, alone in the Nurse's Office with the exception of the grunts made by the Nurse in the room over. Her friends were busy doing their own things, and that was understandable. She'd only woken up a few hours earlier, and the only person Nialla was familiar with who had seen her was Elastic, who barely seemed there. The irony that the man who abandoned her and never tried to find her was the first to comfort her after the news.

She'd never walk normally again. The bullets that pierced her right leg had completely ruined it beyond repair. Even the Nurse's four attempts, her leg was completely nonfunctional. Her left leg hadn't escaped being hit, but Nialla could move it without too much pain. At best it'd take months of therapy to be able to walk at all for even a few minutes. At worst, she'd never be able to adapt to having only one completely functional leg, and be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

Nialla didn't even cry. She just nodded her head at the woman's words, and promised she'd get her mom to pick up the prescribed painkillers. It was so shocking, so unbelievable, that Nialla didn't know what she could do. There was nothing to do, really, except sit in bed and wait for her mom to visit. Elastic told her mother already, Nialla figured that much. It was just a matter of time.
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