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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

Brinni said:
Leaning into her hand, Leon smiled. "Now that I'm with you, I feel no pain. In fact, I feel as if I could fly if you asked me to. Hearing you say that makes me happy, now more than it ever would." A look of worry crossed his face as he recalled what Aidan had said, that Jean wanted to ruin his life. More than anything, he worried for Min. If he wanted to ruin someone's life, their partner would be the first thing they went for.Shaking his head, he stepped back and moved around Min, admiring her outfit. "Even the goddess Aphrodite would envy you this night Min." @The Suspicious Eye
Blushing a soft rosy red she smiled and looked up at him. "T-Thank you." She placed a hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. Whispering in his ear, "You look handsome tonight, just like a prince from a fairy tale." She slid her hand down his arm and took his hand, intertwining her fingers with his. Resting her head against his shoulder looking into his eyes she felt content. She was happy in this moment, and she wanted more than anything to hold onto it forever. Having a idea she smiled at him, "before we go to the dance I want to do something for you." She gently lead him to the west garden where they had been praticing dancing for the past two weeks. There underneath one of the blooming trees was a round table and two chairs. Sitting in the center a small cake with a candle flickering amidst the icing.

Min lead him to the table and they both sat down. Taking both of his hands she looked at him lovingly before she closed her eyes. Her powers were stronger, so she wanted to do something nice for Leon. She could feel the scenery around them shifting and altering until they no longer were sitting underneath a tree at school, but sitting in a rooftop cafe in Paris overlooking the beautiful city around them. Opening her eyes, they had a soft crimson glow as she spoke. "I've noticed that you've seemed a bit homesick recently. So since we couldn't go to Paris, I thought I'd bring Paris to you. Happy birthday Leon." She blushed now thinking it might have been a bad idea, the candle between them flickered as a breeze cam by, the smells of freshly baked bread and flowers complimented eachother. "I hope you like it."


CosmicChangeling said:
(Short because subway)
Arnold was won over. Oisin was two steps in the door when the pheonix flew to the tray investigating the mango. He walked on the man's arms, rubbing his head against oisins neck which for a bird was one of the ultimate sign of affection. One talon went for the mango.

Out of all the men his Clara had brought into Arnold's life this one right now was his favorite as he began eating, making his way to the doctors shoulder.

Clara looked up at him, wiping her face as she noticed Oisin walk in. "You might have made a new best friendeal, doctor kane." She smiled. Her hair was bloody and she still looked like Carrie from King. "No....yes....I will be. Halloween is never one of my favorite days. Your ceremony was ruined today. I'm sorry you had that happen."

Dr. Kane smiled at the pheonix, always thinking of them as a an amazing and legendary creatures. At any other time he would have gone into full animal researcher mode. Taking extensive notes regarding the pheonix's eating habits and unnatural higher intelligence. However, his attention was focused on Clara. Shaking his head he smiled and handed her his hankerchief. "There's no need to apologize Ms. Turner. I'm just relieved that everyone is safe." He plucked a piece of brain matter out of her hair and placed it into the trash can.

He looked at her with soft eyes. Even covered in blood and guts she was still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Looking into her blue eyes he could feel himself being pulled in. Seeing the scratches on her face underneath the blood his brow furrowed. The thought of her being injured pained him. "How are your wounds?" He asked heistantly. Dr. Kane wished there was more he could do for her. However, Dr. Kane has never been able to heal serious wounds. I should have been there for her. She shouldn't have to handle all of this on her own.

CosmicChangeling said:
Sarah was standing up barefoot (her other heel left in jeans bathroom) half of her hair was up while the rest down and messy her face smudged with dirt from crawling through.
Her dress not as clean as it should have been.

Hearing bran she turned and was filled with relief and irritation all at once. Her cheeks burning red that he would see her this way.

But she was too proud to show it bothered her. That she destroyed one boy, escaped another only to run into her arch nemesis (she labelled him that while he took the bullet out, he was hiding information and she knew it)

"Knight. You seem to have impeccable timing." She smiled standing tall as if she didn't look like she had gotten in some sort of fight Club fight. "You seem to know where I will be before I know it myself. You look dashing as always."
Bran saw how disheveled she looked. Dress filthy, hair a mess holding only one shoe. He could help but think of her as Cinderella. Slowly changing back as she ran from the ball. Glancing over to the ventilation grate on the floor, he could only guess that she had crawled out of it. Not surprised in the slightest regarding her natural investigate ability. He was more impressed at how she kept calm in this awkward situation. Noticing the crimson red of her cheeks he kept their interaction cordial for her sake. "Thank you. I like to think I have good timing Ms. Lane. Bumping into you is hardly ever a dull moment."

He looked at her, keeping steady eye contact. Giving a slight grin he spoke, "I assume I will see at the dance at a later time. I do still owe you a dance afterall." He didn't make fun of her or try any line, he had more respect for her more than anything else. She was ineligent, tenacious and even covered in dirt, quite beautiful. He had nothing but respect for the girl, although with her constant ability to get into danger without knowing it she was also somewhat of a hassle. He wondered what motivated her so deeply to discover the truth. However, to find that out he'd have to make sure she survived the year.
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I should apologize for some of the things I said, I really didn’t mean them. I guess my pride got in the way. Jean thought approaching the door. He was about to knock as he heard a slight tap of metal She really is a clever one, I’ll give her this one for now, but this isn’t even close to the last she has heard from me. Jean waited until he could no longer hear her moving knowing that she was escaping from the ventilation system before he opened the door. He would play along, speaking just loud enough to make sure she could her him on the other side he spoke “Oh, what a clever girl. I wish I had thought of this like she did” he spotted the note she had left him “Ah, a note! Clever journalist was even polite enough to leave me a goodbye. Au revoir ma chérie (Goodbye sweetheart), it was fun while it lasted. He chuckled. Thank god she left me a map he thought as he made his way to the gymnasium. As he was just outside he stopped to make a phone call to a dear friend of his father. “Bonjour Antonio, I need you to do me a favor. A girl, Sarah Lane” He knew her name from the newspaper, even though he wasn’t quite sure it was her until he had read her note. “Yes a dress, exactly like my mother’s, you can take the money from my account. Yes I will have more than enough. Be sure to get it here by tonight. Thank you Antonio, I owe you.” He hung his phone up proud of his deed. The game never ends my beautiful princess. He thought smiling as he entered the gymnasium, he looked around looking for another person the newspaper would have. It’s pretty obvious that that boy is, that is a pretty professional camera for any regular citizen to have he walked to Ryan and tapped him on the shoulder “Excuse me my good sir, I can only assume you work for the newspaper, no? The name’s Jean and I think I have something from one of your friends.” He said presenting the diamond sandals because he only had one of her original heels, the necklace he made her although it had been changed to be rose colored, and a note.
For a moment, Natalie was tempted to tell the truth. It only took her a few minutes to piece together what happened between Morgan, Tim, Ben, and the rest of the team after she left. Morgan knew something was coming, and as a favor forced her out of the team though a series of lies, in a convoluted way to save her life. Whatever happened, happened, and Darke took the fall. Maybe he knew Tim wouldn't go as berserk if he thought his best friend was the one responsible. He'd been right, but it cost them years of their friendship. Tim still hadn't figured it out after so long, but that was Darke's story to tell. "I don't know. Morgan wasn't always the most stable. Maybe he thought I was doing something wrong."

When Tim brought up Nialla again, Natalie spent a moment thinking of what he meant, before coming up with too many guesses to be reliable. Eventually, Nat just agreed with him. "You're right. We'll both need to be here for her recovery." Nat could rent an apartment for awhile, stay in town to make sure Nialla recovered. It wouldn't be too expensive.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Blushing a soft rosy red she smiled and looked up at him. "T-Thank you." She placed a hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. Whispering in his ear, "You look handsome tonight, just like a prince from a fairy tale." She slid her hand down his arm and took his hand, intertwining her fingers with his. Resting her head asinst his shoulder looking into his eyes. She was happy in this moment, and she wanted more than anything to hold onto it forever. Having a idea she smiled at him, "before we go to the dance I want to do something for you." She gently lead him to the west garden where they had been praticing dancing for the past two weeks. There underneath one of the blooming trees was a round table and two chairs. Sitting in the center a small cake with a candle flickering in the center.
Min lead him to the table and they both sat down. Taking both of his hands she lover at him lovingly before she closed her eyes. Her powers were stronger, so she wAntes to do something nice for Leon. She could feel the scenery around them shifting and altering until they no longer were sitting underneath a tree at school, but sitting in a rooftop cafe in Paris overlooking the beautiful city around them. Opening her eyes they had a soft crimson glow as she spoke. "I've noticed that you've seemed a bit homesick recently. So since we couldn't go to Paris, I thought I'd bring Paris to you. Happy birthday Leon." She blushed now thinking it might have been a bad idea, the candle between them flickered as a breeze cam by, the smells of freshly baked bread and flowers complimented eachother. "I hope you like it."

Leon looked around, astonished. "Min.." he whispered, awestruck "this is incredible." A single tear rolled down his cheek. He hadn't realized just how much he had missed his home. He took her hands in his, and looked at her. "It's even better with you by my side. If it weren't for you I'd be miserable back at school. I'm not sure what I'd have done if I hadn't met you." He got up and walked to the edge of the sitting area. He looked out over his home, the place where part of his heart was. He managed to forget, in those moments, all about Jean and the revelation of supposedly having a twin he didn't know about. He walked back to the table and leaned over it. Thinking, he took a breath and blew out the candle. He heard a street performer start playing. "My wish, is to have my first dance with you here. Would you do me the honour ma déesse?" ((T: My goddess)) he asked, as bowed and extended his hand.

[QUOTE="My Pet Poro]
I should apologize for some of the things I said, I really didn’t mean them. I guess my pride got in the way. Jean thought approaching the door. He was about to knock as he heard a slight tap of metal She really is a clever one, I’ll give her this one for now, but this isn’t even close to the last she has heard from me. Jean waited until he could no longer hear her moving knowing that she was escaping from the ventilation system before he opened the door. He would play along, speaking just loud enough to make sure she could her him on the other side he spoke “Oh, what a clever girl. I wish I had thought of this like she did” he spotted the note she had left him “Ah, a note! Clever journalist was even polite enough to leave me a goodbye. Au revoir ma chérie (Goodbye sweetheart), it was fun while it lasted. He chuckled. Thank god she left me a map he thought as he made his way to the gymnasium. As he was just outside he stopped to make a phone call to a dear friend of his father. “Bonjour Antonio, I need you to do me a favor. A girl, Sarah Lane” He knew her name from the newspaper, even though he wasn’t quite sure it was her until he had read her note. “Yes a dress, exactly like my mother’s, you can take the money from my account. Yes I will have more than enough. Be sure to get it here by tonight. Thank you Antonio, I owe you.” He hung his phone up proud of his deed. The game never ends my beautiful princess. He thought smiling as he entered the gymnasium, he looked around looking for another person the newspaper would have. It’s pretty obvious that that boy is, that is a pretty professional camera for any regular citizen to have he walked to Ryan and tapped him on the shoulder “Excuse me my good sir, I can only assume you work for the newspaper, no? The name’s Jean and I think I have something from one of your friends.” He said presenting the diamond sandals because he only had one of her original heels, the necklace he made her although it had been changed to be rose colored, and a note.

"Hmm?" Ryan said, reading the note. "I think you must be mistaken on those shoes and the necklace. You see, not only are they not her style but I saw her earlier and she wasn't wearing anything close to those. The handwriting is hers though. I'm sorry, but I haven't seen her in a while. John right? I'll hold on to them and let her know you were looking for her when I see her." Another person trying to woo her with gifts? When will anybody learn that it won't work. If you're extremely lucky you might get a second date. But flashy gifts like this are a definite no. If she hasn't earned it, she won't take it Ryan thought to himself. He was approached by a couple of girls just then asking for pictures. "Of course! And if you'll just leave me some contact information, I'll let you know as soon as they're done"
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Jean chuckled at the pronunciation of his name "Close enough my friend, but I can't say I got your name? As for the shoes and necklace, they're not hers. You'll understand why I left them when you see her." Jean said remembering that her broken heel was still in his room. "Oh! Also I need you to give her this" Jean pulled a small envelope sealed with his family crest "it's imperative that she reads this, it will explain everything to her, and no peaking" Jean chuckled as a group of girls came by asking for pictures clever man, the picture business must be nice for him he thought as he began to walk away "Au revoir me garçon d'honnor" (T: goodbye, trustworthy gentleman) Jean found a spot on the wall and began to look around now I have to find her, them. He thought beginning to scan the room for his twin and Min. It was only a matter of time.

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Sarah began undoing her once braided hair, giving the illusions of wave and volume instead of its nearly straight and combed appearance. She used the fake rhinestone clips and began piecing the tear from the tunic down getting halways. Oddly enough it didn't look bad.

"You do owe me a dance," She mused removing her ripped tights. If she was going to look like a mess, she was going to look like an organized mess as if she had pre-planned it.

She couldn't help but give bran a curious look as he didn't take the opportunity to shoot her down or point out her obvious pitfalls. She understood he clearly knew, but respected her enough to let her fix this on her own.

"If it's not too forward to ask, would you accompany me to the gymnasium?"


Mr. Savolt as a chaperone was probably the.stupidest idea the school had. It was incredibly easy to spike the punch with a shit ton of alcohol while the man slept by the dj table.

Easy wasn't fun, but James still did it. Other students probably spiked it with their own favored drinks.

What caught his attention though was the fire red head creating her own decorations.

Ember would feel a tap on her shoulder from behind. "Nice addition, you nervous you might set off the sprinklers?"


Clara looked up at him, her round blue eyes of innocence was a contradiction to the furiosity she displayed earlier. She felt lost in his emerald orbs as they just looked at her she had forgotten what he asked.

Arnold looked at her like a friend watching their friend fail at getting the date

He made a cooing sound that sounded aggravated.

"Oh...yes...I'm ok." She winced lifting her shirt and the wound was puffy and open. The bleeding had stopped but it would scar, she was lucky her organs were fine. She struggled to sit up, placing her hand on his. "I have some rubbing cremes in myour drawer. I never really thanked you for saving me...if you hadn't shown up....I wouldn't get to hold your hand right now."

Arnold flew off her shoulder and sat on the boom box. He clicked it....several times until a slow song was playing.
Ryan looked at the girls, then at the stuff John had dropped off. Anyone who tries to buy her, isn't worth her time. "I picture you as an outdoors photo" he said to one of the girls. Let me gather my stuff and we'll walk outside for a couple pictures. As the walked by a trash can, Ryan made sure a crowd would be blocking Jean's view, he put the necklace, sandals and the note in the barrel. Sorry lover boy. I won't be the only one she hurts tonight. After the girls squeaked their approval at the digital image for their pictures, he walked back in with a smile on his face. This is what I live for. A good picture, and people that appreciate both it and me. He set his stuff back up over by the entrance to the gym, so any late comers would see it
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He looked at her when he heard 'we'. Shepherd raised a browser, and maybe it was inappropriate timing and he would botch whatever progress he made. But these two needed even just a moment where the crushing reality didn't poutdoor on their souls.

"We?" He asked. "Does that mean I earned father privileges?" Smiling at her. It was like she hadn't really aged, not really. "Does that mean I get the whole world's best dad mug or are am I stucknow with world's biggest jackass? I've had thst one for awhile."

In all seriousness, he almost offered his home but stopped himself. Nat would never accept it, and it would most likely end whatever civil behavior they had. "I'd talk to the teachers here. Some of them have extra rooms to rent. The ones that don't live at this place. Wouldn't go for Clara turnerror. Too many weird ass animals. Loretta would be fair and you'd be left alone....but you'd be around fucking Hapswell whenever he popped by."
The two sat in silence for quite sometime. Lexi rested her head on Aidan's shoulder as he rubbed his thumb against her hand. For someone who showed the world she was tough as nails, her skin was soft to the touch, comforting and warm. The vibrating hum that was her heartbeat synced with his own and it was a hard feeling to describe, but in those moments he felt whole, a complete person. Gold and silver auras intertwined he had to wonder...was this what love felt like.

Aidan was sad, downright miserable, but he didn't feel as if he was drowning in these moments. He turned to her and gave a smile, she shown brighter than most of the people he saw. "I don't think you're lexi," He said.

She lifted her head up and just looked at him, He didn't see her brow arched but he could feel the vibration of her change just slightly, she was probably sporting her irritated look. "Aidan what are you even talking about?"

"Well you see," He placed one hand on her knee, feeling the warmth and baby smooth leg. "Lexi only wears cargo pants. So you can't be her. You have to be some sort of impostor."

She snorted, like a pig, he could imagine her nose wrinkling as she was attempting to restrain her laugh. "An impostor? Really?..." she then smiled. "Clever boy, you've caught on to my ruse," she placed both hands onto his chest, pushing him down on his bed. "But it's too late, you're all mine and there's nothing you can do about it. Mua ha ha ha ha." Leaning down she kissed him feeling his arms wrap around her. Every touch they felt the other's emotions, a drug of euphoria for teens, it was hard enough to handle your own let alone feel another's and feel how intensely they felt for you too.

It fed off each other.

Clothes were still on, but eventually they had come up for air, he brushed some of the strand hair from her face. "I'm not going anywhere, you don't have to be scared of me leaving, Lex...it won't ever happen."

"Don't make promises you can't keep."

"I haven't. But you weren't cut out to be a villain, that laughter was awful."

"You're the biggest dork right now." she nestled herself into him as they lied in his bed together.

"It got me you, so it can't be that bad."

She couldn't control the smile bubbling on her face as her chin was on his chest looking into his glowing gold eyes. he looked back and each shared an almost identical lopsided smile. She knew he was still miserable, there wasn't much she could say or do for him right now but be here. And even still, he was still thinking about her feelings and her insecurities during all of this. She didn't deserve him.

"You do."

She snorted. "Ok, seriously, we need to work on boundaries. You're not allowed to be that in my head anymore."
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Brinni said:
Leon looked around, astonished. "Min.." he whispered, awestruck "this is incredible." A single tear rolled down his cheek. He hadn't realized just how much he had missed his home. He took her hands in his, and looked at her. "It's even better with you by my side. If it weren't for you I'd be miserable back at school. I'm not sure what I'd have done if I hadn't met you." He got up and walked to the edge of the sitting area. He looked out over his home, the place where part of his heart was. He managed to forget, in those moments, all about Jean and the revelation of supposedly having a twin he didn't know about. He walked back to the table and leaned over it. Thinking, he took a breath and blew out the candle. He heard a street performer start playing. "My wish, is to have my first dance with you here. Would you do me the honour ma déesse?" ((T: My goddess)) he asked, as bowed and extended his hand.
Min smiled as he took his hands. Relieved that he enjoyed his gift. She waned his birthday to be a happy one and was glad that she could at least do that. Min watched as he looked out at the Paris she had made. She still want sure how exactly she did it. Min has never been able to make scenery before. It surprised her as much as him. This Paris was not from Min's memory. I've never been to Paris before, so if this is truly Paris I must be connected to Leon's memories. Somewhat afraid of this realization she looked up at the stars. My powers truly seem to be growing.... If they keeps growing at this rate I won't be able to catch up.The problem was serious, but she ignored it for now. Right now she wanted to be with Leon completely. She watched him lookout over at his home, it truly was beautiful.

As he blew out the candle an asked her to dance Min's heart nearly melted. Sliding off the chair she took his hand and nodded. "Of course, Leon."

(To anyone looking outside of Min's Range it would look like the two of them are in a luminescent snow globe. And anyone/thing can enter or exit. @My Pet Poro )

CosmicChangeling said:
Sarah began undoing her once braided hair, giving the illusions of wave and volume instead of its nearly straight and combed appearance. She used the fake rhinestone clips and began piecing the tear from the tunic down getting halways. Oddly enough it didn't look bad.
"You do owe me a dance," She mused removing her ripped tights. If she was going to look like a mess, she was going to look like an organized mess as if she had pre-planned it.

She couldn't help but give bran a curious look as he didn't take the opportunity to shoot her down or point out her obvious pitfalls. She understood he clearly knew, but respected her enough to let her fix this on her own.

"If it's not too forward to ask, would you accompany me to the gymnasium?"
Putting the whole handsome as always thing aside, he focused on what was going on. Bran ran his fingers through his hair. Hiding a smile he shook his head, Sarah was certainly one of a kind. No one has intrigued him as much as this girl has. He knew he had to remain calm and collected. Returning to his stoic face he raised an eyebrow as he watched her tear into her dress. He didn't know what to think about it, but she did look good. Needless to say she knew how to get what she wanted, and how to handle herself in a situation.

As she asked him to accompany he walked over to her and nodded. "Not at all, Ms. Lane." He gave her his arm. "It would be my pleasure."

CosmicChangeling said:
Clara looked up at him, her round blue eyes of innocence was a contradiction to the furiosity she displayed earlier. She felt lost in his emerald orbs as they just looked at her she had forgotten what he asked.
Arnold looked at her like a friend watching their friend fail at getting the date

He made a cooing sound that sounded aggravated.

"Oh...yes...I'm ok." She winced lifting her shirt and the wound was puffy and open. The bleeding had stopped but it would scar, she was lucky her organs were fine. She struggled to sit up, placing her hand on his. "I have some rubbing cremes in myour drawer. I never really thanked you for saving me...if you hadn't shown up....I wouldn't get to hold your hand right now."

Arnold flew off her shoulder and sat on the boom box. He clicked it....several times until a slow song was playing.
Dr. Kane stared back at her, himself getting lost in her beauty. He was also snapped back to the sound of Arnold's cooing. Looking down at the wound his face saddened. Her wound looked so painful, he knew it would scar. He had plenty of scars like that upon his own body, but to see them on Clara hurt his soul. She was so kind and intelligent, she didn't deserve to be injured.

His heart raced as she put her hand atop of his. He held it gently, but firmly wanting her to know he was there for her. Tilting his head he gave a soft smile. Focusing the magic energy in his other hand he looked at her. It began to pulse a glowing green magic. "Clara...I can try my best to heal you so it doesn't leave a scar. I hate to admit it, but I'm not the best at it." He moved his hand over her wound it trembled before he gently placed it over the wound. There would be a warmth and the pain would ease from her wound as is closed. It wasn't completely healed, but it was all he could truly do. Looking up at her he spoke in a soft voice. "did that help at all?"
@My Pet Poro[/URL] )
As Leon twirled her around, Leon smiled. Leaning in close, he whispered to her "I have a confession to make. I lied to you. I lied to you about not being able to dance. I just wanted an excuse to be near you." To emphasize his point he did something more advanced than what she had taught him. The song came to an end and so did their dance. He gave her a long kiss before he stepped back and bowed. "I do hope you'll forgive me for lying to you. Also, with everything that's happened in the past few hours since the attack I was hoping I could make a selfish request, if it wouldn't be too much trouble. Would you mind if it was just me and you out here for the rest of the night? Any other day I would think that a flower as beautiful as you should be shared with the world, but tonight I want to keep you to myself. I'd like to spend more time with you, getting to know you better, and, this is where the selfishness comes in, keep my mind off something that is worrying me."

Arnold turned up the volume with one talon watching the two of them look at each other and the Mango Man heal his Clara's wounds. He had seen her with the rubbery one who tried to throw him. The teleporter. The sleepy one. Parents. Strangers. He didn't like any of them, they tried petting him before he could establish whether or not they were trustworthy or tried getting rid of him. The mango man knew his place. He was a good perch too. The human mating dance was something he would never understand, for some it took years. Humans were perculiar and odd creatures. But, he had faith that his Clara would take one for the team....for the mangos.

Always for the mangos.


He looked scared, like she was fragile and she would break in his touch. This only made Clara give a warm smile imagining the tall druid she had seen today. Did he see himself as that majestic creature walking around the halls here? She could only imagine what that felt like, to be connected to another world and this one as well. Before he began, she laced her fingers with his. "I trust you, Oisin."

And she did. Not once had he looked at her like she was stupid or a nuisance. Or, some mutt to use as a guard dog of sorts. She had no idea what he really thought of her, but she pretended when he looked at her the way he did, that he saw her as just Clara and nothing more. And that's all she needed to be. It was most likely in her head, and that was ok. Fantasies were better than the actual reality as they say.

The wound no longer festered, a thin white scar in its place, but it would have been a very jagged thick one the width of three fingers together if he had not done anything, now the thickness of five papers stapled together. He asked if she felt better, she straightened herself from her slump, she wrapped her arms around his neck resting her chin on his shoulder. "You're too modest, that was far better than any remedy I've ever made. Arnold can't do that," She heard a squack of protest behind her. her eyes widening realizing she was still bloody and gross. Clara pulled away, seeing she had ruined his clothes. "I....I'm so sorry. I might have something to take that stain...and that one...those ones...hold on."

She began rummaging through her drawer dropping knick knacks without meaning to. Keep it together, Clara.


You create your own luck in life, and Sarah refused to let a hiccup with a boy...well two boys now...ruin the night for her. The tights needed to go away, the tears were repaired as much as she could with rhinestones to help cover most of the damage. She went in her purse, pulled out a small package of wet naps (you'd be surprised how handy this came in when you had misfortune as a super power) wiping her cheeks, neck, elbows, knees and wherever she could find dirt on her. The shoe, the tights, the used wetnaps, tossed in the trash as she saw Bran extend his arm.

"Wonderful," she smiled, linking her arm with his. She would never admit this to Bran as they had walked down, but she was more than relieved that it was him that had shown up as she crawled out of the vent and not her new friend Jean.

Jean had gone out of his way to help a stranger, wisking her off to his room. It was noble and honorable, but his solution nuetered her. She had hated her powers, truly, but knowing she was cut off from them when he was a boy that refused to the word no made her feel small. She felt cornered, angered and scared. Desperate. She knew next to nothing and not a soul knew where she was. She didn't even own a cell phone to call anyone or text them what was going on.

She had been scared, to feel that helpless, loss of control and powerless was not something she liked. And she knew he new companion had not meant to do any of those things but she still felt that way...and having Bran or someone she knew walk with her helped buffer her confidence as they made their way to the gymnasium. Letting Bran or anyone ever know she was comforted not being alone right now as never going to be an option.

"Do you believe you'll win the tournament next year, Knight?" she asked wanting to keep a conversation going so she wasn't lost in her thoughts. "If you did, it would put me in a very peculiar position of having to write a feature about you for the paper."
Brinni said:
As Leon twirled her around, Leon smiled. Leaning in close, he whispered to her "I have a confession to make. I lied to you. I lied to you about not being able to dance. I just wanted an excuse to be near you." To emphasize his point he did something more advanced than what she had taught him. The song came to an end and so did their dance. He gave her a long kiss before he stepped back and bowed. "I do hope you'll forgive me for lying to you. Also, with everything that's happened in the past few hours since the attack I was hoping I could make a selfish request, if it wouldn't be too much trouble. Would you mind if it was just me and you out here for the rest of the night? Any other day I would think that a flower as beautiful as you should be shared with the world, but tonight I want to keep you to myself. I'd like to spend more time with you, getting to know you better, and, this is where the selfishness comes in, keep my mind off something that is worrying me."
Min smiled as she danced with him. It had been so long since she had danced with someone. It was a nice feeling. Some of the flower petals from the tree outside her range fell from the tree and on top of them. It felt magical, she wished this would never end. As he pulled her close and whispered into her hear she smiled. She knew from their first lesson that he knew how to dance. Smiling she let him lead her through the more advanced moves.

As the music ended and he kissed her she didn't want him to break away. As he bowed and apologized she smiled. He was so sweet, a true prince. She took a step forward and extended her arm out. Touching his head, her fingers trailed down his jawline to his chin. She lifted his head up and smiled. "Leon today is your birthday. If there is anything I can do to make you happy it would be my pleasure." She leaned down and kissed him. A soft peck that would leave him wanting more, she stood back up and spoke with a smile. "As for the whole lying thing, there's no need to apologize. I knew after the first practice that you already knew how to dance. I didn't say anything, because...well... I wanted to spend more time with you as well." Blushing she looked at him lovingly. She wanted to tell him that if anything was troubling him that she was happy to talk to her about it. However, she didn't since he wanted to keep his mind off of the subject.

CosmicChangeling said:
He looked scared, like she was fragile and she would break in his touch. This only made Clara give a warm smile imagining the tall druid she had seen today. Did he see himself as that majestic creature walking around the halls here? She could only imagine what that felt like, to be connected to another world and this one as well. Before he began, she laced her fingers with his. "I trust you, Oisin."
And she did. Not once had he looked at her like she was stupid or a nuisance. Or, some mutt to use as a guard dog of sorts. She had no idea what he really thought of her, but she pretended when he looked at her the way he did, that he saw her as just Clara and nothing more. And that's all she needed to be. It was most likely in her head, and that was ok. Fantasies were better than the actual reality as they say.

The wound no longer festered, a thin white scar in its place, but it would have been a very jagged thick one the width of three fingers together if he had not done anything, now the thickness of five papers stapled together. He asked if she felt better, she straightened herself from her slump, she wrapped her arms around his neck resting her chin on his shoulder. "You're too modest, that was far better than any remedy I've ever made. Arnold can't do that," She heard a squack of protest behind her. her eyes widening realizing she was still bloody and gross. Clara pulled away, seeing she had ruined his clothes. "I....I'm so sorry. I might have something to take that stain...and that one...those ones...hold on."

She began rummaging through her drawer dropping knick knacks without meaning to. Keep it together, Clara.
Dr. Kane's heart nearly stopped as she laced her fingers with his. He put all of his remaining energy into healing her. He may feel weak tomorrow, but it was worth it for her. Oisin has been enamored with Clara before he even got the job here. When he was applying for the job she was the one who answered the office phone that day. She sounded so sweet and intelligent that he made it his goal to get the teaching position there. Wanting nothing more than to mold the minds of the future and meet her face to face. When he did he couldn't believe his eyes. How beautiful she was. He had loved his late bride with all his heart, and when she passed he thought he'd never feel that love again. Until he saw Clara.

As her arms wrapped around him, his face flushed a burning crimson. He gently wrapped his hands around into a soft hug as she spoke. He was so happy he didn't ever want to let go. Feeling her slowly pull away he loosened his hug to let her. As she mentioned his stained clothes Kane looked down to see that he had a bloody imprint of Clara on his shirt. He gave a bashful smile and laughed lightly, "Oh you don't have to worry about it Ms. Turner. It's fine." He followed behind her and tried his best to pick up the knick knacks that Clara was dropping around her. "Truly, it is alright Ms. Turner. I assure you I have had much worse upon my person when I was out on safari" He had two handfuls as another one fell on his head. "Oui!" He chuckled "or in the fae realm when dealing with Imps." Accidentally touching a recently used condom he quickly retracted his hand. Pulling out his handkerchief he picked it up and placed it into the trashcan. He could feel his heart sink a slit as he realized that a woman so intelligent, and kind as Clara must already have someone in her life.


(I'll write bran's tomorrow)
"Both." Nat said, offering a genuine smile. She saw what the fart was doing. He was successfully attempting to cheer her up, to get her out of her melancholy attitude. It wasn't working, and likely wouldn't while Nialla was lying almost dead in a bed, but it was a kind attempt. "What about your place? If my guess is right it's probably one hell of a mess, I can pay rent by helping you clean." Natalie wasn't about to impose on anyone she didn't know, and she had no doubt Tim would suspect some sort of relationship if she stuck with Darke.

As long as she didn't stay with him after Nialla finished recovering, it wouldn't be awkward. It was just a temporary place of living for the time being. That's all it was, for sure.


Hours had passed, and Erin still couldn't believe the miracle they received. Lexi Clark, the blur that she was, had saved Salve's life by moving them to an annoyed Hapswell. Erin couldn't thank him enough for saving Salve, but he seemed to be more interested in whatever game he was playing. She had to find Lexi and thank her, too, for her part in saving Salve. That was later, though, and for the moment Erin and Salve had to prepare for the dance.

Neither would be dancing if they could help it, Salve in particular since walking for any period of time longer than a few minutes seemed to make her woozy. Erin would be well dressed in a suit her mother had purchased for the dance, and Salve would be wearing a simple blue dress, almost an identical copy of the one she wore during the last school event.

Salve, since she was still recovering, would be sitting just on the edge of the dance hall with the camera and mic equipment, while Erin did her best to grab those singled out as heroes during the battle for the school for interviews, as well as the two uninjured tournament finalists, Moe and Isabel. Nobody had seen Isabel since she had saved Erin and Salve late into the battle, but the girl was good at disappearing. She'd attend the dance, she'd have to. And if not, that was fine, Moe was still around.

Her list of potential interviewees wasn't long, but it offered loads of content for the announcements and weekly recap video, later in the week. In order of most to least preferred, it was:

Lexi Clark - Note: Not Alexis Clarkson, Lexi Clark. The Redhead, if you need the help - E

Clara Turner - She's a freaking dragon!? - E

Moe - He's a must, don't let me forget him. - E

Ember - Is there fire around? That's her - E

Isabel - Still missing? - S

Nurse (Random Scribbles over the name) - Still out cold. - S

Nialla - Still in the Nurse's office, no go. - S

Louise - Only if we're desperate for footage! - E

After that were a few random people thrown in, like an attempt to get Bran and Leon in for a double interview to see how they felt after their fight, or maybe Aiden Turner to see if he had fully recovered from his.
Brinni said:
Leon gasped as the memory ended. That was his house alright. He even remembered that day where his supposed brother left a little bit. But it was just him and his dad there. What he had just seen was wrong. "I..I think I just saw the memory you saw from Jean. But it wasn't right. At least...not that first part. I remember that day. It was the first time Papa had left me alone in the house. The other two I wouldn't even know about....but...that was my mother. At least, I think it was. I've only ever seen pictures from when her and my father were younger so I'm not 100% sure." Leon held out his hand once more, his arm against his chest from the pain of his ribs. "Don't worry about snapping. It's been a rough day for you. Anyways, let me show you what I mean....just in case you send me another memory, think of something nice?"
A dark room with a red carpet and a fireplace. The fire in the fireplace was burning bright and right in front of the fireplace a young Leon, aged 7, was sitting playing with his favorite giant stuffed polar bear. A blonde man, Leon's father, walks up. “Léon, there is something I need to tell you, I’m leaving." “Leaving? Where are you going, to the store? Can you get me some chocolate while you are there?” "Of course my little lion. Just behave. It's just you in the house, outside of Armand (their butler), right now so I'm counting on you to be responsible." "Of course Papa!" came Leon's response eagerly. He was always happy to try and make his dad proud.

"See? It was just me. And Papa went out and got me chocolate. I don't understand why Jean's is so wrong"



Ryan had heard Sarah call out, but ignored her. He needed to relax. He went to his room and grabbed his camera, and an extra roll of film just in case. I could make some money tonight, offering to take professional quality picures of people in their best. I think I will. He quickly made a sign out of paper (Professional Quality Photos. $10) and some markers, put them in his pocket and headed down to the Gym. He set up his sign on a table near the center. He had already made $40 and had just finished taking Hare's photos (for free, she was a good friend) when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw Sarah.


Moe looked around the gym and thought. It was good of them to keep this on given everything that happened. I suppose I should dance too. Scanning the sidelines he saw a girl with green eyes and red hair standing by herself. I know her, at least by reputation.I think her name's Allysia. Walking up Moe bowed. "Excuse me miss, would you do me the honor of a dance?" @SirDerpingtonIV


Harriet loved dances. The atmosphere, the dresses, all of it. She danced with anyone that asked. She curtsied to her latest dance partner at the end of the song, and went off to find Moe. She figured he'd be on the sidelines somewhere by himself. Instead, she saw him talking to a rather pretty girl. Good for you Moe. Seeing Ryan sitting at a table she walked up. She looked at the sign and gave him a high-five. "Nice! That's one way to spend the evening. You wouldn't want to take my picture for free would you?" She gave him a hug in thanks as he agreed.

Allysia Le'Marr

Allysia was pulled out of her thoughts by someone asking her for a dance. She looked over this new comer, an eyebrow raised slightly at his blue hair, although ahe offered him a smile. "Of course, Moe, is it?," she answered, holding her hand out to him, wondering why on Earrth he would have chosen to talk to her. It had already been a risky move to use her real face at the dance, but she didn't expect anyone to want to talk with her, or dance of all things. She reached out to him with her powers, trying to find which girl she could take the appearance of, only to realize he didn't seem to be attracted to anyone. In her eyes it was a bit worrying really.

Ember Brook

Ember chuckled at the boy's words, patting the ground beside her in a gesture that obviously told him to sit with her. She was a little surprised that he was coming out of the wall she was leaning on, but she supposed he could do that with his powers. "I'm not too worried about setting off the sprinklers, really," she admitted, gesturing upwards towards the ceiling. One of the tiny lines of flame came down, beginning to twirl around James as he stood in front of her. "I already know all too well what will set them off and what won't," she continued, shrugging her shoulders lightly. "It was an unfortunate freshman year."
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Nat would soon find out that his office was spotless compared to his home. Mr. Elastic was a toy and pop culture hoarder.

Tim pretended to be aggravated and pissed at the idea. "If....IF you stay....you can't fucking touch my shit. My personal space. I might have a pull out couch or something."

She'd obviously get a room, he had a spare. And they both knew she'd touch his shit....and most likely get rid of it.

(Nat should donate all his toys and comics to Hapswell that would be funny.)


Clara frowned when oisin picked up the condom and dropped it. He probably assumed she brought multiple men here and...she came off looking like her sister. "Oisin, that's not-"

"There you are," Lisa's voice was heard and Clara physically stiffened in her seat as she looked at her twin. Lisa leaned against the door frame looking at the two. "I wanted to see my good old sister before I parted."

"Lisa....you had no right coming into my office and-"

"You're right, I'm here for another reason," ignoring bloody Mary over there. "You put on a show, something you are good at. The league wanted to resend their offers. The union even offered you privileges to whatever exotic rare animal you wanted as a pet since....well all it took was a stupid bird to get you to teach here. It's a good opportunity. Something you always get. Funny. But you can choose to be Hapswells dog....mess around with whatever mutt you find that gives you the time of day."

"Oisin is not a mutt. He is a kind decent person and deserves better respect!" Her body trembled as she yelled trying to find the courage to stand up to her sister. "I am not you. I don't take advantage of students in my sisters office violating her space. My space.....you have no right to do thst. Or to come in and taunt my friend for talking to me!"

She usually turned into that pathetic kitten and ran off. She looked at the scrawny looking man next to her. Noted. Very noted.

"Take the offer with one of the leagues....sis....do us both a favor and stop pretending you're an innocent saint. Got bit of bone coming out of your nose."
A Girl and her Punching Bag

Sarah was a prideful girl, some might say fearless to an extent. Walking into the gymnasium doors with Bran Knight by her side she should have felt her her heart slow down instead of smashing against her rib cage. Barefoot the music played, people danced and her fear of the music abruptly stopping and everyone staring at her did not happen.

"I need to see a friend, you can find me later tonight for our dance." She unlinked her arm and straightened her composure to the proper lady she had felt comfortable being. Her hands behind her back she looked around until she spotted the booth of photographs, Ryan was there, taking pictures of couples.

He even had quite a line. He looked confident up there.

She took a deep breath and walked over. "Ryan, do you have a minute?" she asked. Her throat felt dry, but she needed to do this. She needed to make things right.

He had just finished snapping photos of one couple when he saw Sarah enter out of the corner of his eye. He watched as he unlinked her arm from him. Oh. I see. She didn't forget, she just didn't want to tell me she found someone better to go with. As she walked over he started taking pictures of a girl in a dress obviously inspired by some fairy tale princess.

"Ryan, do you have a minute?" she asked.

"Sure I can spare you a minute. Wouldn't want to keep your date waiting." he said. "Which reminds me, another one of you suitors showed up. Some blond kid with an accent. He wanted me to say that he was glad about, and enjoyed the time you two spent together and tried to give me diamond sandals, a necklace, and some note for you. I trashed them over there if you want them." He pointed to a barrel in a corner, one Ryan knew wouldn't be used often in case she actually wanted the stuff. "I know trinkets aren't your thing but perhaps you collect love letters? It seemed very important, sealed with wax and everything. Might want to read that. He also mentioned he’d love to see you again sometime."

He didn't take the no as an answer. He didn't even read her note about having this on her terms. Sarah's jaw tensed as she glared at Ryan, a rage in her belly she couldn't quell down.

Some of James' friends would pick up the punch bowl to play with it in wild shenanigans. It had spilled out of their hands and splashed on several people, including Jean as Sarah felt the anger burn towards one individual. It was probably the first time Ryan had ever seen her livid.

"I do not want his gifts. I do not want to see him right now. I had sprained my ankle trying to catch up to you to apologize and he had found me on the ground, took me too his room. He took a kind gesture of repairing my ankle and went too far. I had to crawl through a venting system to leave his room."

She closed her eyes taking a deep breath and calming her breath down. "I'm not here to talk about Jean. I'm here hoping my best friend will listen to me while I apologize. I would understand if he did not, since I did not pay the same courtesy earlier today."

"I...I didn't know. I'm sorry. Hold on." He gathered his stuff up and said that he'd be back shortly to the people that were waiting. "Come on. I could use some air anyways." He walked outside, plucking the envelope from the top of the trash. She may not have wanted to talk to the blond kid, but it was only read a note he wrote. With what she said, it may even be a note of apology. Once they were outside. "I want to be mad at you. I really do. You ignored me, forgot me, and then showed up with somebody else. But I can't. I can't be mad at you. And yes, I will listen to you. I will always listen to you. You're one of my best friends too. What you did today hurt, but I'll get past it. No matter what you're stuck with me for at least the next four years. Whether it be as friends, co-workers, whatever, I've got your back. I'm your photographer after all. It's part of my job, and I couldn't pick a better reporter to work with."

Sarah had watched him pluck the envelope from the trash and was not thinking clearly. she snatched it from him and ripped it in half, took those two pieces and ripped it in half, did it again until it was large confetti, putting it back in the trash. No meant no. She saw the shoes glistening back at her, looking at her own barefeet and she wanted to scream.

No meant bloody no you bloody wanker!

"Knight found me as I crawled out." she said but stopped herself from rambling and explaining further as he talked. "i'm sorry Ryan. You and Hare are my best friends. I can be a tad....distant and self absorbed, but you two are very important to me. I did not mean to hurt you. I should not have ignored you and I will work on it in the future. I don't need a photographer, I need a friend. The photography is just a welcome bonus." She hugged him tightly.

Not having much place else, he put his arms around her neck and hugged her back. "I meant to say it earlier, but you look beautiful tonight. If you'll let me, I'd like to take your picture out here."

He asked to take a picture and Sarah pulled away letting out a laugh. "I have my pride but I have my limits ryan. It's one thing to show up to the dance looking like I am attending one of my brother's....nightcaps...."she wiggled her toes. "It's another entirely to leave evidence that this actually happened."

“Do you doubt my abilities Ms. Lane?” Ryan asked, mock hurt in his voice. “I will make you look stunning. Do you know what makes a picture beautiful? It isn't the subject itself. It's the soul the subject gives off in relation to its surroundings. Right now, you'd make for the most beautiful picture I've taken all night." He stopped and blushed before trying to explain. "W-what I mean is...um...that you have this drive and air of determination about you. It's inspiring. Coupled with the look you have going on it says that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goal. And between the stars and the lights from the gym it’ll show that you do have a soft side to you.”

Sarah’s cheeks colored slightly at Ryan’s praise. “Well…I suppose so then. But you better make me look good Mr. Kent. And afterwards, will you do me the favour of a dance? I did agree to go with you after all.”

“Nothing would make me happier.” He said. He pulled out his camera, carefully selecting the right lens for what he had in mind. When he was done with this picture the lights would be softly framing her face, with the stars twinkling in the background. Everything behind her would be slightly out of focus, making her appearance more pronounced. After he was done he smiled. “This one, you don’t get to see until it’s developed.” Packing his things, he offered his arm to lead his “date” back inside. Their dance was nice. The two of them secure in their friendship, knowing that everything between them was back to normal.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Min smiled as she danced with him. It had been so long since she had danced with someone. It was a nice feeling. Some of the flower petals from the tree outside her range fell from the tree and on top of them. It felt magical, she wished this would never end. As he pulled her close and whispered into her hear she smiled. She knew from their first lesson that he knew how to dance. Smiling she let him lead her through the more advanced moves.
As the music ended and he kissed her she didn't want him to break away. As he bowed and apologized she smiled. He was so sweet, a true prince. She took a step forward and extended her arm out. Touching his head, her fingers trailed down his jawline to his chin. She lifted his head up and smiled. "Leon today is your birthday. If there is anything I can do to make you happy it would be my pleasure." She leaned down and kissed him. A soft peck that would leave him wanting more, she stood back up and spoke with a smile. "As for the whole lying thing, there's no need to apologize. I knew after the first practice that you already knew how to dance. I didn't say anything, because...well... I wanted to spend more time with you as well." Blushing she looked at him lovingly. She wanted to tell him that if anything was troubling him that she was happy to talk to her about it. However, she didn't since he wanted to keep his mind off of the subject.

"Tomorrow" he promised. "I'll tell you what it is that's bothering me tomorrow. For now though," he waved at the surroundings "you know my home. What was yours like before coming here? I want to know all about you. Likes, dislikes, favorite colors, flowers, etc. I don't know nearly enough about you for my tastes."

SirDerpingtonIV said:

Allysia Le'Marr

Allysia was pulled out of her thoughts by someone asking her for a dance. She looked over this new comer, an eyebrow raised slightly at his blue hair, although ahe offered him a smile. "Of course, Moe, is it?," she answered, holding her hand out to him, wondering why on Earrth he would have chosen to talk to her. It had already been a risky move to use her real face at the dance, but she didn't expect anyone to want to talk with her, or dance of all things. She reached out to him with her powers, trying to find which girl she could take the appearance of, only to realize he didn't seem to be attracted to anyone. In her eyes it was a bit worrying really.

Ember Brook

Ember chuckled at the boy's words, patting the ground beside her in a gesture that obviously told him to sit with her. She was a little surprised that he was coming out of the wall she was leaning on, but she supposed he could do that with his powers. "I'm not too worried about setting off the sprinklers, really," she admitted, gesturing upwards towards the ceiling. One of the tiny lines of flame came down, beginning to twirl around James as he stood in front of her. "I already know all too well what will set them off and what won't," she continued, shrugging her shoulders lightly. "It was an unfortunate freshman year."
"I'm honored that a junior as beautiful as yourself knows of a plain old freshman like me. Tell me, do you have a particular dance you favor? Waltz? Tango? Foxtrot? I admit I'm no expert, but I'm passable in all three. Or would you prefer the standard high school slow dance of swaying in a circle?" he asked, smiling. That's another good thing my father taught me. Manners and knowing the basics of a few dances. He always thought I'd grow up to be some kind of lady killer for some reason.
Brinni said:
"Tomorrow" he promised. "I'll tell you what it is that's bothering me tomorrow. For now though," he waved at the surroundings "you know my home. What was yours like before coming here? I want to know all about you. Likes, dislikes, favorite colors, flowers, etc. I don't know nearly enough about you for my tastes."
"I'm honored that a junior as beautiful as yourself knows of a plain old freshman like me. Tell me, do you have a particular dance you favor? Waltz? Tango? Foxtrot? I admit I'm no expert, but I'm passable in all three. Or would you prefer the standard high school slow dance of swaying in a circle?" he asked, smiling. That's another good thing my father taught me. Manners and knowing the basics of a few dances. He always thought I'd grow up to be some kind of lady killer for some reason.
"The honor is all mine," she answered, continuing to grin, even though the manners were a bit foreign to her. She tried to ignore his comment about beauty. It didn't mean that much. She wasn't beautiful, most of all. "The standard high school slow dance is good enough," she admitted with a grin. "I'm afraid I don't actually know any other dances." She took his hand and led him out to the dance floor, where she set her hands upon his shoulders.
Candice took a long, slowing breath as she looked into the mirror of the lady's room, inspecting her appearance with a clinical air. There were bags under her eyes, just barely visible, and a slight pallor to her skin. Eye shadow and blush would be mandatory then.

Exhaling slowly, she rose to her full height and stepped back from the sink. No one was around to witness her rather embarrassing habit, at least. Thankful for small mercies, she began to slowly spin, one hand raised up to the ceiling as she hummed a familiar tune to herself. After all, what girl with powers didn't pretend to do transformation sequences once in a while? It was completely normal as far as she was concerned. The fact that she hummed the intro song to one of her favorite shows as a child was of some amusement to her, though she doubted anyone would recognize the tune.

As she spun slowly in place, the air around her rippled like liquid, becoming wax-like in texture as it took on pastel hues. It wobbled and twisted, shaping itself around her body in a rough approximation of clothing as it layered itself over the simple outfit beneath. Seconds later, with a muted 'pop', the wax-like mass vanished into a cloud of sparkling sugar, leaving behind an elegant gothic dress and wide-brimmed hat.

It was bubblegum pink of course, her favorite color despite many efforts by others to get her to appreciate less gaudy shades, and layered like a cake all the way down to her high heeled shoes. A pair of dainty gloves covered her slender fingers, stretching up to her elbows as she once more picked up her red and white striped umbrella.

"Sugar..." Her voice came out with a soft drawl as she leaned towards the mirror, reaching up to run a hand through her pre-styled dark hair. "You look good enough to eat." Smiling at her own reflection, she reached up with one finger to run it across her soft pink lips, applying a generous layer of bubblegum lip gloss.

With a childish giggle of glee she swept towards the sound of music in the distance, eager to join in the festivities that awaited her. Some people may find it silly, having a dance after what had recently transpired, but it made perfect sense to her. People needed time to get back into the swing of things, to relax and unwind, to get back to their old selves. A dance was just what the school needed.

Sweeping into the dance hall without a care for poise or propriety, Candice quickly swept towards one of the empty spaced by the wall. A wave of her hands sent out more of the waxy substance, creating a solid candy table with an ornate fondant tablecloth over top. "Candy Cane's free catering, at your service." She mused, smiling brightly as the table topped itself with sweets of all types. Steaming pies, mountains of sundaes, jiggling jellos and delicate crepes filled with sweet custards.

Throwing caution to the wind, she began to experiment with more esoteric deserts. Clouds of cotton candy floated lazily in the air about the table, fastened down by thin strands of licorice. Gummy roses on candy stems filled vases of spun sugar, glittering softly in the light. Satisfied, at least for the moment, she took a moment to step back and admire her work, idly placing a single lollipop between her lips.

If anyone asked why there wasn't going to be any cake, well... She'd have to tell them quite honestly. There would be no more Tiers on campus for quite a while, if she could help it.
Friendship in tact. Sarah finished her dance with Ryan and caught a glimpse at the girl with the candy stand. Everything seemed made by herself. She had seen this girl. Had even written a fluff piece or two about her catering business her first few days here at the paper. But what caught Sarah's eye was the dress, the table...

Everything was made of candy.

She checked her purse, seven dollars to her name. Walking over she gave a pleasent smile to the girl. "Do you do custom made treats? And if you do, how much would a pair of shoes made of candy size five and a half cost?"

If she was lucky, her dainty little feet might not be so barefoot for long.




"Well, you can't just start a tale like that and end it there." he mused taking a seat next to the girl. "Finish the story. What happened?"

CosmicChangeling said:
You create your own luck in life, and Sarah refused to let a hiccup with a boy...well two boys now...ruin the night for her. The tights needed to go away, the tears were repaired as much as she could with rhinestones to help cover most of the damage. She went in her purse, pulled out a small package of wet naps (you'd be surprised how handy this came in when you had misfortune as a super power) wiping her cheeks, neck, elbows, knees and wherever she could find dirt on her. The shoe, the tights, the used wetnaps, tossed in the trash as she saw Bran extend his arm.
"Wonderful," she smiled, linking her arm with his. She would never admit this to Bran as they had walked down, but she was more than relieved that it was him that had shown up as she crawled out of the vent and not her new friend Jean.

Jean had gone out of his way to help a stranger, wisking her off to his room. It was noble and honorable, but his solution nuetered her. She had hated her powers, truly, but knowing she was cut off from them when he was a boy that refused to the word no made her feel small. She felt cornered, angered and scared. Desperate. She knew next to nothing and not a soul knew where she was. She didn't even own a cell phone to call anyone or text them what was going on.

She had been scared, to feel that helpless, loss of control and powerless was not something she liked. And she knew he new companion had not meant to do any of those things but she still felt that way...and having Bran or someone she knew walk with her helped buffer her confidence as they made their way to the gymnasium. Letting Bran or anyone ever know she was comforted not being alone right now as never going to be an option.

"Do you believe you'll win the tournament next year, Knight?" she asked wanting to keep a conversation going so she wasn't lost in her thoughts. "If you did, it would put me in a very peculiar position of having to write a feature about you for the paper."
Luck favors the prepared. Bran smiled thinking of the saying as he watched her pull out a series of wet naps. He couldn't believe that she was so prepared for the situation. Although in retrospect it was completely reasonable, considering her powers. He smiled at her as she linked arms with her, as he began to lead her back into the gymnasium. He didn't have to pry out any answers to where she was or what she was doing tonight. He knew that it had nothing to do with her investigation otherwise he would have caught word of it. Instead he focused on the moment, it was odd escorting someone. Of course he'd had done it before with multiple woman at their company's parties and fundraisers. However, this time it felt different for some reason. Glancing over at Sara he thought, maybe it's the company I'm with. I've never walked with someone as fastinating as Sarah before.

As she tried to start up a conversation he leaned back and thought for a moment. Of course with his actual crime fighting skills and gadgets he'd certainly win against anyone. Bran preferred to see what he is made of without his weapons and focus on simply pushing his body beyond it's limits. Honestly, (thank's to his creators bad luck at dice rolls xD ) he doubt he ever would win the tournament on skill alone. However, he would learn a much more valuable things by loosing than winning. Looking to Sarah he tilted his head and looked off at the other students in the gymnasium, "Is this on the record of off?" He asked jokingly. "In all honesty, I do not know what will happen next year. I guess I'll we'll have to wait and see." He looked back at her and smiled. Giving a polite nod as she said she had to go he watched her leave and head over to Ryan. Bran gave the boy a friendly wave before walking off in search of Rachel and Lux.



CosmicChangeling said:
Clara frowned when oisin picked up the condom and dropped it. He probably assumed she brought multiple men here and...she came off looking like her sister. "Oisin, that's not-"
"There you are," Lisa's voice was heard and Clara physically stiffened in her seat as she looked at her twin. Lisa leaned against the door frame looking at the two. "I wanted to see my good old sister before I parted."

"Lisa....you had no right coming into my office and-"

"You're right, I'm here for another reason," ignoring bloody Mary over there. "You put on a show, something you are good at. The league wanted to resend their offers. The union even offered you privileges to whatever exotic rare animal you wanted as a pet since....well all it took was a stupid bird to get you to teach here. It's a good opportunity. Something you always get. Funny. But you can choose to be Hapswells dog....mess around with whatever mutt you find that gives you the time of day."

"Oisin is not a mutt. He is a kind decent person and deserves better respect!" Her body trembled as she yelled trying to find the courage to stand up to her sister. "I am not you. I don't take advantage of students in my sisters office violating her space. My space.....you have no right to do thst. Or to come in and taunt my friend for talking to me!"

She usually turned into that pathetic kitten and ran off. She looked at the scrawny looking man next to her. Noted. Very noted.

"Take the offer with one of the leagues....sis....do us both a favor and stop pretending you're an innocent saint. Got bit of bone coming out of your nose."
Oisin looked up at her as clara was about to say something. However she was interrupted by someone who looked similar to Clara came in. Listing to their conversation he realized that they must be twin sisters and that she was the one who ruined Clara's office. A small part of him was relieved that the mess wasn't her's, but to trash someone's room like this is simply cruel. Looking at the woman she looked less and less like Clara as she spoke. She was nothing like Clara, because unlike Clara's pure heart, her sister's was tainted with envy.

Oisin took a step forward as Clara shouted at her sister. He was proud of her, although she didn't need to defend him. In fact I should be the one defending her, Clara is the one who deserves respect. She is her sister and teacher after all. Dr. Kane placed a gentle hand on her arm and looked at her, with a consoling smile. Not wanting her to take a league offer, his eyes had a worried look. It was indeed a great opportunity for Clara, but he would be heartbroken if he couldn't see her again. Wanting to tell her he wished for her to stay he opened his mouth. He knew he should have said "Clara don't go I love you," but instead he whispered. "Hey are you alright?"


(I think I'll put Min's story in IC2)
@The Suspicious Eye

He stood up for her. Clara looked up at him, feeling her heart pound further in her chest. Technically he was standing infront of her, placing a hand on her arm and asking if she was ok. Most people wouldn't leap to the conclusion that this was an act of heroism and bravery, a knight out of the enchanted forest to protect the broken damsel.

But this was Clara....and this was exactly, 100% what she was thinking. She opened her mouth 'I think I love you,' but she even knew that was too forward. And she would scare him away. "I'm ok, Oisin." She said instead.

Lisa went from the door frame to one of the desks, sitting provocatively infront of Oisin, she could see Clara's eyes narrow as she was sitting straighter. She didn't care what the other person thought, dorky little pleeb and low on the food chain, what she cared was how this affected her oh-so-special sister.

"I am not accepting," She said.

"So we continue this song and dance again next year? I hate to tell yah, I don't like coming here as much as you don't like it. But sucks to be loved and adored doesn't it? If you really want me out of your hair, you'd take the deal." That was a lie. Taking the deal meant her sister was essentially her bitch. She wanted nothing more than to get her enrolled and to shove her so far down in paperwork and legalities that saving a fucking kitten would land her thousands of dollars in fees.

And if things went according to plan this year....well...Lisa had plans for the fucking unions she worked for. People with powers tended to treat the average joe like dirt....karma was a bitch and after seeing Lexi Clark alive and speeding off with all that power in her...she was close. The world would be coming up Lisa in the next few months.

Then we'll see who was the better twin.

Clara stood up, she grabbed Oisin's hand, linking with him out of solidarity. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for whatever I did that made you hate me. That did this to us. I want to fix this but I'm not fixing it when you're like this. I'm not joining. No means no. It will always be a no. Can you stop ruining my office every year. Can you stop this...I don't understand how any of this will get me to join. All you're doing is hurting me."

Lisa smiled. "You're not sorry." She stood up. "You don't even understand what that means. But we'll talk when you do. You might even find out this year, sister. It was nice meeting you-"

"He's not part of this." Clara snapped, her voice wavering, her eyes were watering but the tears didn't fall down.

"Right. They are never part of it are they Clara?" she mused walking out. "I'll see you soon."

As her sister left Clara let the tears roll down, she looked up at him. "I'm sorry....we have a long history. I hurt her a long time ago but I don't know what I did...it's probably best you stay away from this."

Arnold cooed.

"She will, Arnold an you know it." Cooing. "Who taught you that word?! I did not teach you that!" Cooing. "He's not a perch he's a person, even if you call him the best one you have better manners young man."

Candice glanced up as she was approached, ready and willing to inform whoever it was that the food was on the house for the evening, as she had several times before. Instead, she found herself glancing up at a rather shy-looking brunette. Returning the smile, though with a good deal more enthusiasm, she gave an elegant curtsy.

"Sugar..." Candice purred, her usual drawl rising to the surface once more. "What on earth happened to your shoes?" Peering downwards, her hands all but blurred into motion, pulling and stretching sugar between them. "No, no, no... This won't do at all. You can't expect to be the bell of the ball in bare feet can you? I'm more than willing to be the fairy god mother tonight, free of charge. What kind of hero would turn down the chance to fight a crime of fashion, no?"

Smiling to herself, Candice glanced down at her work, pulling and shaping the candy like molten glass, moving it into a shoe-like shape. "Hmm... What do you think sweetie? I won't go with wintergreen, in case it gives you cold feet..." She hummed thoughtfully, giving a playful wink. "But there we are. I added a layer of marshmallow to the inside, for comfort. Just don't go stepping in any puddles." Leaning in conspiratorially, she lowered her voice to a stage whisper. "There's a reason I only make swimsuits for close friends."

Stepping back with a giggle, she turned back towards the table for a brief moment, snatching up a candy rose to offer to her 'customer' along with the pair of ruby-colored slippers. "Do let me know if there's anything else I can do for you sugar."
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Le Pied d'Un Lapin n’est pas Bonne Chance Toujours

(A Rabbit’s Foot Isn’t Always Lucky)

Wonderful. His luck seemed to hit rock bottom at the punch splashed across his face and new suit. I probably deserved that for everything wrong I have done today. I can’t seem to win and I keep messing things up. Jean sighed as he took off his glasses trying to clean them but, with his wet suit, he seemed to get nowhere.

Harriet had just finished a "dance" with some stranger. Really it was just swaying in a circle to a slow song. She didn't know how to actually dance. She walked over to the punch bowl to get a drink when she watched it get spilled on a blond kid in an expensive looking suit.I'd know that handsome face anywhere, and he's delightfully Min free. “Ohmygosh! Leon, are you ok?"

Jean looked up and saw a blurry brown-haired girl about average height wearing a long half-black, half-white dress. Or at least as far as he could tell, everything was blurry for now, he needed to wait for his eyes to adjust to not having his glasses on. “I think you have the wrong guy, princess.” Jean said with a chuckle “The one you’re looking for is my twin brother. As for being okay, I don’t quite know. Hopefully I will be, I’ve just made a lot of bad decisions today” ((totally not a heroin addict I swear)) he smiled at the blurry image, she was finally coming into focus She’s pretty, he thought, Leon must get all the pretty ones, typical.

“A twin? That must be exciting. I’ve got six siblings myself. Four sisters and two brothers. Sometimes I wish I only had one, it’d be a whole lot less stressful. But they’re my best friends. As it should be with siblings. Reenacting the trope of Gatorade dumping aside, are you enjoying the night so far?” she spat out.

“You could say it is exciting, unfortunately I didn’t get to live with him for long. I live with my stepfather and he lives with our real father. My night’s been a bit rough. I made some mistakes and kind of messed up my night, I’d rather not worry about it for now. Would you like to dance?” Jean smiled and held out his hand to the girl, He could see her clearly now, she was cute but not quite as attractive as Min was. This couldn’t hurt, besides I haven’t been able to dance all night anyway. I may as well enjoy myself a little bit.

“I thought you’d never ask~” she said, pulling him to the floor. “I’m not the greatest dancer, but I can be very light on my feet when the situation calls for it” she said with a wink, decreasing her weight so she weighed about 70 pounds.

Jean was a good dancer. It was something he was proud of because he had been practicing it for years. “I’m not the greatest dancer, but I can be very light on my feet when the situation calls for it” Jean laughed to himself “That’s okay princess, I haven’t had a problem leading anyone yet, but I don’t think I ever got your name?” He bowed to the girl and pulled her into closed position.

“That’s because I never gave it. You’ve got to earn it first.” She replied with a curtsy before getting pulled in.

The two began their dance, it was a Viennese Waltz although because of the speed of the dance Jean tried to keep everything simple. “You weren’t lying, you are quite light on your feet” Jean laughed, but as he took his next step he twisted his ankle and fell pulling Hare down with him.

She laughed as they hit the ground. “Well, Prince Charming, aren’t you forward? I hate to break it to you, but not only are we still in public but it takes more than fancy feet to woo me. Though I will admit you managed to sweep me off mine. And for that, you get a name. I’m Harriet.”

Jean felt a sharp pain in his ankle as they sat on the ground. Damn I think it’s sprained. I probably won’t be able to stay here now, I’ve got to wrap it so it doesn’t get worse He listened to the girl as she spoke “Harriet, it’s an honor to meet you. However it seems I have hit a large stroke of bad luck, I likely deserve it based on what I have done today, however, I might have to make our meeting short”

“Shame. I was beginning to enjoy myself. What did you do? Break the heart of one girl too many?”

“Not quite. If you wouldn’t mind helping me back I can explain the whole thing. I’m not sure how well I can walk on my ankle” Jean put pressure on the ankle and winced at the pain “Yeah, I don’t think I would be going anywhere alone on this”

Harriet sighed. Sometimes it’s such a pain being a good person….more importantly, I want to dance some more. “Yeah, I guess I can help. I suppose it’s off to the dorms right?”

“Yeah, that’s right, thank you. I’m sorry to bother you with this. We don’t even have to go all the way to the dorms if you don’t want to, I just don’t know how long I will last walking on my ankle” Jean smiled as Harriet helped him up “I really am sorry to bring all of this on you”

“Given everything that’s happened today, something as laid back as this makes for a welcome change to be honest.” She said with a smile, making her feet as heavy as concrete she offered Jean a hand and pulled him up with a surprising amount of strength for a girl of her build.

Jean half-walked, half-limped his way out of the Gymnasium one arm draped over Harriet’s shoulders. They got halfway there when he guided the two of them to a bench just outside of the main entrance to the school. The night was beautiful out for a night at the end of October. “You know, it’s kind of funny.” He said laughing at his own faults “I’m not as good with girls as you might think” Jean said with a sigh “breaking too many hearts is not even close to the problem” He felt himself begin to get emotional over the situation, he wasn’t completely sure why. Mostly disappointment in himself. “You see, I had the ability to help that girl earlier, the one in the nurse’s office. I just…” He sighed “I froze up. After that I blacked out and now that girl might be hurt for good.” Jean felt tears well up in his eyes, he wasn’t sure why he felt so bad for that girl. He didn’t even know her. “After that, when I was on my way to the dance I found a girl who had sprained her ankle pretty bad. Sarah was her name, Sarah Lane, from the newspaper.” He shook his head “I fixed her up easily, but I got carried away with how much I wanted to help. I tried giving her gifts to help her replace her damaged clothing. She didn’t want them, but I let my pride get in the way. She eventually escaped from a vent in my bathroom. I remembered after she had escaped that I still had one of her heels. It was broken and I didn’t know how to fix it, so I brought the shoes I had offered her. It was probably really dumb of me to do that, but it wasn’t the only thing I brought. I also brought the necklace I made her and an envelope with a note in it. I forgot to write on the note though. I just wanted her to know I was sorry. I realized too late how dumb I was being and now I have the worst luck I have had in my entire life. I just don’t get people, you know? I always used to stay in the back so being in that position I- I really didn’t know what to do. I only keep making things worse and I don’t know how to make it better.” A typical boy. Gets himself into trouble and needs a girl to give him advice on how to fix it. “Sorry, I just needed to get that out. You can forget everything I said.” Jean rested his head in his hands, he was glad that someone knew what his problems were, but this was a stranger. He didn’t want to force her to listen to it. But she did.

Rolling her eyes she looked at him. “First off...” she said before smacking him upside the head, “that was for pushing my friend into doing something she wasn’t comfortable doing. If a woman says no, you listen to her. That’s like…rule one or something. Sarah doesn’t do gifts. Ever. Not my place to say why, but she doesn’t. Right now, give her some space and don’t do anything else that might upset her. For at least…let’s see with her… at least a week. Then I’ll approach her about all this stuff. Maybe, if I remember. Memory isn’t my strong suit. When we get to your room, give me her heel and I’ll get it back to her. After tonight, she’s probably livid with you…which explains your rotten luck. So, just to drive it in to make sure you actually get it. No more gifts, a week’s avoidance, and then come find me at the classroom for the newspaper. Then maybe she’ll be willing to listen to your apology. Now, let’s get back to your room and get you patched up.”

Jean took the first hit and braced himself for another, but it never came. Hare wasn’t his mother, but he was conditioned that one hit was never enough to get a point across. “I understand. I will never let my pride get in the way again. It was dumb of me to, and Harriet, thank you. For everything, even though she was your friend you still are willing to help me. I don’t think I will ever be able to repay you.” They walked the rest of the way to his room in silence. He opened his door, grabbed the broken heel, and handed it to Harriet holding the door for support “Thank you again. I hope once all of this is over we can be friends” He smiled “and thank you for the dance, for someone who says they can’t dance you did quite well.” Jean bowed to Harriet and shut the door. He wrapped his ankle, changed out of his suit and into his pajamas and slipped into bed. He grabbed his phone and sent a quick text “Antonio, send the order to me instead. I expect it by Wednesday or I don’t want it at all” He knew that it wouldn’t be done by Friday, it was a polite way to say he didn’t want the dress at all. He laid in his bed staring at the ceiling, I really made myself an ass today Papa. One day I will make you proud, but she did steal my first kiss, and she was pretty one too. If you’re watching I hope you saw because I am counting on you to show me the right thing to do next time. If there is a next time. Jean worried at the thought, he trusted Harriet, though he wasn’t sure why. And so ends this crazy day, I need to sleep. Not long after, he said a prayer and went to bed for the night, he was done making a fool of himself for the day.
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