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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

"Why are you lying to me?" Aidan looked at him trying to calm down. This wasn't funny. None of this was funny. From what his father told him about himself, to losing his mother to all of this. He stood up feeling his legs again. "Jean touched me. I saw it. Memories don't lie. You're supposed to be my best friend. Why are you doing this? What does getting me involved in your fight do for any of you?"

He slapped the hand away. Aidan's eyes glowed, the whites dissappearing as leon's glowed as well. Aidan was lost in Paris seeing Leon's life without a mother or brother...while...Leon...Leon saw....

A dark room with a red carpet and a fireplace. The fire in the fireplace was burning bright and right in front of the fireplace he is there. The young Léon that Jean had missed so much. Beginning to approach the boy you hear “Hey big bro, what are you doing here?” “Léon, there is something I need to tell you, I’m leaving today” “Leaving? Where are you going, to the store? Can you and Dad get me some chocolate while you are there?” “No Léon, I’m leaving and I won’t be coming back. Mom is taking me with her and we are going to live in a different house. I don’t want to leave here, we have so much fun playing together but Mama isn’t letting me stay.” “Why are you leaving?” “I don’t know, Mama said that her and Dad have been fighting a lot lately and so we are going to live with her friend William” ((OOC: the father’s name is Guillome, that translates directly to William in English and I don’t have the effort in me to not translate just the name)) Blackness. A slight fade in. A new room this time, it seems much brighter. In the distance you see two adults screaming. One storms off getting closer to you. It’s the twin’s mother, Anna, approaching Jean very quickly. You straighten up to greet your mother “Mama…” *Smack* Falling to the ground you can feel the sting from the memory, “You bastard, you did this to us. Why couldn’t you just be like Léon for once in your life” things get blurry from the tears in your eyes. “I’m sorry” you shriek over and over as your mother grabs your wrist and drags you out of the house. Shoved into the back seat of a black car you feel it speed off away from the mansion you once lived “Léon…” you say under your breath “don’t leave me alone with her, I need you to keep me safe” Blackness once again. Fading back in you see a bedroom the size any mansion you can imagine would have, it seems to be about 4 years later by the size of Jean. “Good morning” you say to the air you look at yourself bruised all over and wrapped up in medical tape. The abuse had done a number on you over the years. “Today is the day of the funeral, I should get ready” You move down the stairs, limping, and make it into the dining area. “Good morning Papa” you say to your father who has his nose buried in his paper “Good morning Jean, Eat your breakfast. We need to get going soon” “Will Dad or Léon be there at the funeral?” William moved the paper down, “Son we need to talk, you see. The reason your mother died that night was because of Léon. He lost control of his powers and he killed your mother instantly.” Betrayal. That is all Jean could feel even remembering this day. “No… that can’t be true, Léon would never” “His father. Your father, made him do it, I’m sorry Jean” “No… I can’t” Blackness. That is all Jean could remember about his twin brother. But it is what drove him to try ruining his life so often. If he had anything to do say about it Léon would be dead right now.

Aidan gasped pulling back. "I...sorry...I...my powers are acting up and I don't know what's wrong with me." Unaware what he had just done to his friend. "Maybe I am seeing things wrong..." He fell back on his bed looking lost in thought and lost in himself. "I'm sorry I snapped at you...."


Her emotional wall cracked as Ryan dropped the bomb on her. She was trying to think, trying to figure out what to say as she realized what she had done.

Sarah tried grabbing his hand but he was already halfway down the hall. Her laptop had short circuited in her room ruining every file she had saved on it. "Ryan wait!" She took off after him, but the heel of her shoe snapped, she sprained her ankle hitting the floor, her dress ripping.
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Natalie eventually managed to recover from her shock, and spent whatever time she could helping to make Nialla as comfortable as possible. Their daughter now had a cold wet cloth on her head to help fight her fever, was wearing a new, less bloody shirt, and had a water on the nightstand next to her if she woke up and needed it. Natalie didn't lie to herself, it didn't look good. She'd seen people in similar situations in terms of post-injury illness, and they rarely survived. She had hope for Nialla, but she was being realistic about her hope.

When Tim finally spoke, Nat began to smile as she thought of her daughter's childhood. "She loved trying to emulate me. She always said 'I'll be the next Great Detective!' and did anything she could to get there. I guess that seems a little conceited, that the memory of our daughter I bring up first is that of her trying to be me, but that goal filled her childhood. The only things she liked doing were playing soccer, playing with Vi, and solving mysteries." Nat felt a tear slide down her cheek, and smiled, trying to keep thinking of happy memories. If she was going to cry, she was going to do it with a smile.

"It's not conceited," His hand stretched to the nurse's desk, grabbing a box of tissues. Holding it out for her when he saw tears in her eyes. She was just like her father. It brought him back to the days when he could barely even talk and he'd run around with a construction paper mask and a towel wrapped around his neck to make him fly. His parents had a wild child on their hand, his rubbery powers in affect right from birth. Arms dangling on the floor and legs unable to really control it to being four months and his mother finding him on top of the fridge because he stretched himself there. "I was like that as a kid. Probably was more than just a handful for you," he gave a sad smile.

"What was the biggest mystery she solved, Nat?"

He had a vague idea who Vi was. Only from google searching Nia when he found out he had a kid. He googled Nat from time to time over the years but a kid was never in stories about detective work.
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"Vi. That case was her biggest accomplishment. I... I can't talk about that. I'm sorry." Natalie didn't like changing the subject so vaguely, but Nialla made that request when she caught Vi. She'd finally solved her first case, but wanted nobody to know she solved it. Natalie gave her credit for catching Vi, but to this day everybody assumed it was Nat, not Nialla, who finally figured out who Vi was.

"What about you? What made you want to teach here?" She didn't ask about his family. She didn't talk about their team. Natalie stayed as far from that subject as she could.
"It was safe here, you know how the world is. You have the few ones that people worship. The heroes...but most of us are treated like dirt, like animals. After what happened...I didn't want to be around anyone I thought I could put myself back together here." He said after thinking about it. "But it also reminded me this place didn't prepare us for what was out there. I beat on them, and whale on them. I'm the biggest asshole in this place. But they learn fast that its cruel out there and people will hurt them. Least this way they have four years to build up their drive and ability to defend."

It wasn't the best answer. He was an absolute dick. He knew it. Maybe Ben was right, one day he'd go too far and a student would die to his actions. Watching their daughter sleeping he realized...maybe he needed to start doing things differently.

"She's making good friends here, Nat. I'm not sure how it'll go down in the next four years or what will happen but at least for the first two months I wasn't worried as much. I just hope it doesn't end like ours did. I don't know how to prepare for it. It's not like us out in the field on missions for a day or even a week tops. It's like you're trying to strategically plan years in advance and...I don't know how you do it."
Leon gasped as the memory ended. That was his house alright. He even remembered that day where his supposed brother left a little bit. But it was just him and his dad there. What he had just seen was wrong. "I..I think I just saw the memory you saw from Jean. But it wasn't right. At least...not that first part. I remember that day. It was the first time Papa had left me alone in the house. The other two I wouldn't even know about....but...that was my mother. At least, I think it was. I've only ever seen pictures from when her and my father were younger so I'm not 100% sure." Leon held out his hand once more, his arm against his chest from the pain of his ribs. "Don't worry about snapping. It's been a rough day for you. Anyways, let me show you what I mean....just in case you send me another memory, think of something nice?"

A dark room with a red carpet and a fireplace. The fire in the fireplace was burning bright and right in front of the fireplace a young Leon, aged 7, was sitting playing with his favorite giant stuffed polar bear. A blonde man, Leon's father, walks up. “Léon, there is something I need to tell you, I’m leaving." “Leaving? Where are you going, to the store? Can you get me some chocolate while you are there?” "Of course my little lion. Just behave. It's just you in the house, outside of Armand (their butler), right now so I'm counting on you to be responsible." "Of course Papa!" came Leon's response eagerly. He was always happy to try and make his dad proud.

"See? It was just me. And Papa went out and got me chocolate. I don't understand why Jean's is so wrong"



Ryan had heard Sarah call out, but ignored her. He needed to relax. He went to his room and grabbed his camera, and an extra roll of film just in case. I could make some money tonight, offering to take professional quality picures of people in their best. I think I will. He quickly made a sign out of paper (Professional Quality Photos. $10) and some markers, put them in his pocket and headed down to the Gym. He set up his sign on a table near the center. He had already made $40 and had just finished taking Hare's photos (for free, she was a good friend) when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw Sarah.


Moe looked around the gym and thought. It was good of them to keep this on given everything that happened. I suppose I should dance too. Scanning the sidelines he saw a girl with green eyes and red hair standing by herself. I know her, at least by reputation.I think her name's Allysia. Walking up Moe bowed. "Excuse me miss, would you do me the honor of a dance?" @SirDerpingtonIV


Harriet loved dances. The atmosphere, the dresses, all of it. She danced with anyone that asked. She curtsied to her latest dance partner at the end of the song, and went off to find Moe. She figured he'd be on the sidelines somewhere by himself. Instead, she saw him talking to a rather pretty girl. Good for you Moe. Seeing Ryan sitting at a table she walked up. She looked at the sign and gave him a high-five. "Nice! That's one way to spend the evening. You wouldn't want to take my picture for free would you?" She gave him a hug in thanks as he agreed.
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Leon would feel the heartbeat of someone alongside his own. The rhythm fast like a vibrator attempting to slow down seeing nothing but blackness. He could feel his hands holding the face, the body vibrating normal as two young kids kissed at the stadium. Aidan's feelings for Lexi's along with Lexi's feelings for Aidan would flood into his system on overdrive as Leon touched his friend. His eyes were glowing, the whites gone. This experience for Aidan when he first felt it, the first time not getting lost in someone's world had been incredibly overwhelming for a boy who had dealt with this for sixteen years. For Leon....lord could only tell what was happening.

Aidan watched the scene seeing Leon as a small boy. He looked around the office and saw himself in his Recall costume. Himself. In the reflection of one of the mirrors in this room he saw himself and tilted his head. This wasn't right. It didn't feel right. He should be in Leon's shoes right now, feeling whatever that boy was feeling but he felt like an outsider intruding.

He let go of his friend and just stared up at him. "That's not real." The door knocked but Aidan just stared at Leon. "That wasn't real. I don't know what that was but that's not what happened. Leon...who's Jean. Are you in trouble?"

The doorknob slowly turned Lexi had popped her head in. She was wearing an emerald green dress, cut at the knees with fake rhinestones cutting the hip. She had always wore baggy pants and baggy tangtops that hung on her body. It made her look like a young boy, but in that dress she had a figure underneath all along. She wore green flats a clip in her red hair to keep it out of her face. "Hey...I know you wanted space but l wanted to let you know I'm still here for you...hey leon. Min should be getting ready...so..."She was confused why he was wearing sweats.
The shock of all the emotions and regaining his sight sent him reeling. "What do you mean not real? How can my own memories not be real? I don't know who he is Aidan. But with the anger he feels towards me...I might be in trouble." As the door opened and he saw Lexi his heart skipped a beat. Given what he just experienced it should be no surprise, but still Leon noticed and it surprised him. His response to Lexi's look was delayed. "Oh um this?" Leon asked her. "See my ribs haven't exactly healed so changing, much less going downstairs and dancing isn't really in my best interests right now. Even doing this much hurt me. I hate to bail on her like this, especially at the last second, but what can I do? It's not like I can go down there looking like this. And even if I could it'd probably just ruin her night just sitting by me while everyone else has fun. "
"I don't know," Aidan said. "I just know it's not real. I don't know a lot of things...and I don't understand a lot of things...but I understand slipping into memories. That's not your memory." He looked over and saw the silver sillohette of Lexi and didn't realize that at the same time both him and Leon's hearts skipped. But he didn't smile, it was hard to with everything that happened.

How was he supposed to tell her? Could he even? Dad made it clear it was a family secret...

Lexi had the makeup, the clothes, but her permanent frown and Eeyore like expression was still there. She crossed her arms. "Nia's in the infirmary and I can't do anything to help her. Min's my best friend too and she loves you," Lexi said. "Where's your suit or whatever?" When Leon pointed she let out a breathe as the world went silent.

He wouldn't have time to protest. Both boys frozen as she was in the void. In this time, she took the tux...a tux? She didn't realize this was supposed to be incredibly fancy. But whatever, she laid it on the bed as she undressed Leon, his chest was black and blue from the events from earlier, she gave a sympathetic touch realizing many people were still recovering from this, and here she was perfectly fine. Instant healing....something you wished you could share but couldn't.

It didn't matter. She stripped him to his undies and put on the tux, she wasn't the best with ties let alone bowties but she did it decent enough. Boutineer, she combed his hair, looked around and grabbed Aidan's cologne since she didn't know where Leon's was and going through his stuff felt like a violation of privacy.

She smirked at herself as the sound came back. "There you're the prettiest gal in the room, Leon. I'll get you to Min. Just try to enjoy yourself ok. Lots of awful shit happened...but we're alive....let's try to make the most of it."

"Lexi, Leon might be in trouble with Jean."

"Who the fuck is that?"
With Aidan in the room there was no way he was going to bring up the fact that Lexi had just undressed him. He'd have to say something later. "You're right Lexi. We should try to make the most of it. As for Jean....apparently I have a twin that goes here who wants to ruin my life because he thinks I killed his mother." He fixed his tie and grabbed the corsage. "You got yours Aidan?"
Lexi looked at Leon and then Aidan and paused for a good minute. "You two realize the school was just attacked....by a large group of people who hate anyone with powers. Now we're talking about twins and mom conspiracies and....Maybe I did die that day and all of this is just a fever dream before I wind up in hell or heaven....because this is a soap opera."

She shook her head. "Sorry. Insensitive. Uh...look you're my friend. Aidan's best friend. If you need my help in any way in this just let me know. I'll get you to Min before you can respond back." She was about to say what was the worst thing this Jean...must have been the other blonde that blocked her view when she was trying to see where Aidan went...but she remembered Louise and what she had done just by Lexi being snarky...then there was Rachel who beasted out because she accidently broke the girl's shoulder.

Lexi wasn't the best to give advice on how to avoid drama. "Just....uhh...Aidan would suggest talking it out but I'm going to tell you stand your ground."

"Lexi, maybe he should talk it....you left." Aidan nodded to himself and sighed. He rubbed the temple of his head and wasn't sure how to process this. The memory was weird, his powers were acting up, his father told him about the origins of his powers, his mother was gone. He didn't want to go to the dance, he just wanted to pretend the day didn't happen.

(Wherever Min was at the school @The Suspicious Eye, Leon would appear dressed for success beside her with a post it note in her hand reading 'Go easy on Sparky, bruised ribs. Have fun you two! - Lexi)

His eyes began glowing brighter when he felt Lexi's hand on his. Lexi was seeing the memory of Leon explaining to him how dropping a bag of limes would work. Aidan was watching save Elastic from the bazooka missle. He closed his eyes and concentrated on her heartbeat, feeling at ease when they both stopped. He could hear Lexi gasp as it ended for her two, but appreciated she didn't talk about it. Rubbing his thumb on her hand, she rested her head on his shoulder. "It was simpler when I didn't know these things happened. Lexi...what if it all just gets worse?"

"We're a team....it'll probably get worse. But you won't have to do it alone. Whatever you need to do tonight...I want to be here."
Jean came back to at the wrong time, he saw briefly as he lifted his eyes an older woman removing the dying girl’s shirt. He blushed instantly looking down at the ground and exited the room without making any noise so that no one knew he was still there that was close, too close he thought and he made his way back to his room. He got into the shower to clean himself up to the fullest, it wasn’t too hard, taking his shirt off kept the blood from getting on his body. He stepped out of the shower, dried off and made his hair look as nice as he could. A clean comb over that he gelled to make sure it didn’t move anywhere while he was dancing. After fixing his hair he opened his closet and saw the suit he had hung there at the beginning of the year. He had only worn it once, at his grandfather’s funeral but today was a special occasion. He would never admit it but he was incredibly excited for the dance and better than that, he now had a girl to impress. He put the Gray Armani suit on, making sure there wasn’t a single wrinkle or crease and he made his way out of his room making sure he grabbed the necklace he made for Min This might be my chance to give her this he thought at he put the necklace in his pocket I could even change its color to match her dress He smiled at his own genius. I think they said this was going to be in the gym, I wonder how I am going to approach her. Jean got lost in thought thinking about how he was going to give Min the gift when suddenly he saw a girl laying on the floor with a broken heel and a ripped dress. She didn’t look like she could get back up “Excuse me miss, I don’t mean to Impose but … oh! Your ankle, that doesn’t look good at all. I can fix that, I’m just going to need you to come with me” Jean proceeded to completely invade the new girl’s space by picking her up in a wedding hold and started running back to his room, he was surprised at how fast he made it back, all that fencing kept him in surprisingly good shape “I know this is pretty intrusive, but I promise I mean no harm. I have something in here fix this, you don’t have to join me in coming in, but this is my room. If you would join me, I promise I can fix your ankle in no time.” He said with a smile. She was clearly in a lot of pain, he wasn’t quite sure if it was all physical either. He was just trying to be nice, that and he didn’t like seeing girls cry.
Just brilliant. Sarah pressed her hands into the carpet floor of the dormitory hall watching Ryan walk away. Her misfortune had ruined her one opportunity to try and fix what she had done to Ryan.

Why didn't she listen? What was so important that she didn't hear what her friend was actually saying? She did not know he felt that way, and if he had asked, she would have decided to go with him as a friend. You wanted to stay emotionally distant from the ones that actually showed they really cared about you. Those people were dangerous. Those were the ones where she risked a higher amount of losing control of her powers. Case in point, she had sprained her ankle at the thought of hurting Ryan.

Not the best thing to do.

A boy in a grey tailored suit, an accent not American just like her own had picked her up and held her bridal style. Her doe eyes looked at him curiously as he talked and carried her off. He stopped at his dorm, inviting her in, saying he could help but ironically said he didn't want to intrude on her.

She smiled calmly. "We might be past pleasantries and politeness on inviting me in your room, sir. You carried me away, I am in no position to walk so the options are only really one. My name is Sarah, do you often save women in the hallways?"

He brought up fixing her ankle. "It's a sprain, do you know how to bandage and wrap an ankle? I would be very grateful."
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Jean blushed, not even noticing that he didn’t introduce himself before he swept her up and brought her to his room “My apologies, I got a bit carried away seeing that you were hurt. My name is Jean, and you could say that I don’t do a lot of damsel rescuing often. I usually stay quiet. I don’t know what came over me here.” He laughed and opened his door propping it open with a chair. He picked Sarah up again in the same way. “I’m sorry that this is how we had to meet Sarah, and your accent it’s British, no?” He said as he placed her on his bed and examined the ankle. “This doesn’t look good at all, it probably would be hard for you to go anywhere, even with it wrapped. That’s quite unlucky, but I think I can help you.” Jean was a pretty lucky person if he actually thought about it, he just got lost a lot. Now where is it? He thought to himself, searching for the jar of medicine his grandfather gave him before he passed. “Ah, there it is!” he exclaimed as he picked up the jar from the hidden compartment in his dresser. “You’ve seemed to hit a stroke of good luck, this is a medicine made by my grandfather. He gave it to me before he passed away. You see, that was his power, he could manifest his dreams into an odd goo-like substance. This one is his master’s work. It doesn’t take a lot, just a fingerprint of it but it will fix your ankle, and give you and others around you some good luck for a little bit. I have been using it for, let’s see, five years now? It really works. I just wish it could fix my sense of direction” He laughed and applied it to Sarah’s ankle. “Now we just have to fix your dress” He sat down beginning to think “You know what” he said as he walked to his closet. Reaching all the way to the back he pulled out a beautiful white ball gown that was paired with silver, diamond accented sandals. “I think this is just your size, it was my mother’s but I keep it with me so I can remember her. I want you to use it for the dance, a pretty girl like you should be able to pull it off nicely. Please use it, I insist. If you need any accessories” Jean used his power to make a gorgeous diamond necklace that easily would have cost thousands in a store. “Well, let’s not worry about those” he said as he winked at Sarah and smiled. He had just met her, but for some reason he felt like he wanted to help her. At least for now he could trust that he was doing the right thing.

"It seems I have, haven't I? It's nice to meet you, Jean. Yes, my home is in Brighton. But you are not American yourself. What brought you to the state famous for potatoes?" She said crossing her leg like a lady as he pulled the dress out of the closet. She watched seeing the necklace looking at it and then back at her own.

She felt like Cinderella, the scene where the step sisters had torn pink dress to shreds and the damsel was found crying at the well until her fairy godmother. The dress was beautiful, one fitting a princess.

"The dress and the necklace give me the impression you've been a Prince Charming to many. Or, if I am wrong, when you are ready, you're more than equipped to have a woman swoon."

She looked at her ankle and flexed her foot rotating it. The sprain was gone, just like that. "My mother could produce good luck. She would create objects for people, it was her trade. Luck, whatever direction tends to run in the family. I think I might stay with my dress, you should save something that sentimental for someone special and not a stranger."

Deep down, she felt she wasn't worth wearing something that extravagant, it was something she hadn't earned. She stood up pushing the wrinkles off her ripped dress. "You mentioned you were turned around. Let me return the kind favor, how can I help you get to where you need to go?"
“Ah, Brighton. I actually have family there, on my stepfather’s side that is. As for me, I come from Paris, born and raised. My stepfather is a world class Magician and set out for a world tour this year. I came to live with him in California at first for a while but before he left for Asia he enrolled me here.” Jean sighed at the memory, even though he was glad he had been enrolled in this school. He handed Sarah the dress, shoes, and necklace even though she declined “Please, just try it on for me. As thank you for the ankle at least. I haven’t seen anyone wear this in almost nine years and I would love to see how it looks on a pretty lady again. As for Prince Charming, I’m not quite there yet, just helping a girl who looked like she needed it” Jean smiled at Sarah and for a moment he was lost in her eyes, She is pretty in her own right, but even so, Min is the one I want. A little harmless flirting never hurt anyone, though. “As for directions, I might just take you up on those. You are going to need that dress on to match me though. You can decide if you want to keep it on, but let’s at least see it on you first.” Jean smiled at Sarah once again. He really wanted to see what she looked like in that dress, although it was expensive he didn’t seem to mind letting her wear it. It seemed like she needed a bit of a confidence booster with what she wore. No harm done if she wears it to the dance, I can always get it back after anyway.

A world traveler, but she had the sense that there was more to his travelled explanation than what was said. The dress was placed in her hands, the fabric felt more expensive than her entire wardrobe back him. Her thumb moved across feeling it as she contemplated what he had suggested.

She knew in that moment, if she put this on, she would not take it off. She would not want to return it either. She saw herself stepping inside the gymnasium, the lights on her like Cinderella entering the ball for the first time. It would just be a fantasy she would not live out.

Sara stepped closer, the dress draped on her arm she looked up into his golden yellow eyes. She kissed him lightly on the lips. "A prince deserves a kiss as a thank you, instead of providing me another gift."

She sidestepped around him, going to his closet and placed the dress back, setting the necklace on the top shelf. The kiss was strategic. A kiss would, in her mind, be enough to quell his need to see her put on something she could never afford.

Her hands were folded behind her back as she held herself like a noblewoman. "I am sure you can make a pink rose dress match, just by your confidence. We can save this for another time, in the mean time, let's get you to the dance."
Jean was a little surprised by the girls approach, kissing him would have been a good way to get away from a situation like this with anyone normal. Unfortunately Jean was not a normal boy, he was about as stubborn as anyone could get. He needed to see her in that dress, and he wasn’t about to give her another option. He grabbed Sarah’s hand and spun her in close “You’re clever, I like that. However, I refuse to let either of us leave until you can see how stunning you would be in that dress. The bathroom is that way” he gently kissed her, mostly to buy time as he picked her up ever so slightly off the ground and walked her to the door. “Take as much time as you need to change. I will be waiting out here when you are done” He handed Sarah the dress and shoes once more keeping the necklace in his hand. “This is the opportunity for you to be the star of the ball, I won’t let you pass this opportunity up. As a bonus, I will take you there. Just in case you were worried about us being even. You can give me the directions, and don’t worry about the money it’s no big deal. You see I come from money, both old and new so don’t worry yourself too much with the formalities in that. Try the dress on, I have many other things to remember my mother by and I would hate to see this go to waste. Unfortunately I don’t think I would be so flattering in it so please do me the honor.” He opened the bathroom door and gestured her in while cleverly blocking her path out. He was going to get her to wear that dress, even if it took all night.

"We used to be those heroes, you know." Nat said, forcing a smile. Despite how those old days ended, Nat had loved her life then. It was liberation, she wasn't settled down, she had limitless free time nine days out of ten, and the only cost was a little bit of danger every now and then. They did good work, back in the day. The crime rate for most of the major Southern States was minuscule, at least in terms of major villainy. They still had to deal with things like Hero contracts and the Five Families that plagued the system, but it was a nice life.

Now, fourteen years after her retirement, she was looking at the body of the daughter she left that life for. Her attacks and coughing had slowed, at least for the moment, but Nialla was still far from safe. "How I do what? Ever since Nia was born I did the only thing I knew well, and managed to avoid raising her six days out of the week. Her ending up a good person was luck." It was the truth, or at least mostly. Nat wanted to spend time with Nialla in her childhood, but there was always more work to be done. The sayings were true: Hindsight is a cocky piece of shit.



Vi was impressed. The compound was actually fairly well hidden. It was under a cabin in the middle of the woods, and the files she'd seen were pointing to connections to the US military. It had taken her almost two hours to find the hidden entrance within the massive cabin (Calling it a cabin was a bit of an overstatement, in fact. The building was more of a small mansion. Vi'd counted six bedrooms, four bathrooms, a massive kitchen and dining area, and a garage that could hold four cars.). It ended up being under a 1998 Explorer, which Vi had to throw through the garage and outside. It was loud, but Vi had no doubt that the people she'd be meeting with would be making a bit more noise by day's end.

After crushing the door in on itself, Vi walked down the brightly lit stairs and into the underground without a care in the world. Unless her search through the mansion and woods had somehow missed one of the defending soldiers, Vi had no doubt that the only way bullets could fly at her was through the front, meaning she'd see them first. That was assuming they even believed they would be found and attacked so quickly. Maybe they were expecting to greet some returning saviors, come home from massacring some powered parents and children.

Whatever they were expecting, Vi prepared to be one large bowl of disappointment.


"You big, stupid idiot." Erin said through tear filled eyes. Salve was one of the last to take any injuries. One of the stragglers had stayed hidden when the fighting looked to turn against her, and only showed up when Erin and Salve were making sure the other was okay. Without the Nurse to heal her, Hapswell to use the Nurse's powers, or a professional doctor to do something, her sister's fate seemed almost assured.

Salve took a bullet meant for Erin, before the woman's gun jammed and Loretta took her away. Erin couldn't even remember the woman's description. Whatever Loretta did, it was like she was gone from Erin's memory. All she knew was that their attacker was gone, and Salve was lying on a dirty bed in the girl's dorms with a bullet that very well might have hit her heart.

It wasn't fair! They had already come close to death before Isabel saved them. Why did Salve have to get hurt for real? She was the younger one, it was her job to stay alive, not get killed protecting her older sister. Now her life might end, and there was nothing Erin could do to save her.
Sarah Lane was no average girl. Since the tender age of five, she had learned that emotions were trouble, and had spent years learning how to control them. She was not swept up by his charm or his devilish good looks. As he spun her in close and they looked into each other's eyes, Sarah realized she was dealing with someone that caught onto games. Her usual tricks to keep her distance from people did not work. A boy was generally flustered by something so forward it took them until their next meeting to try and progress whatever it was that was happening between them.

Not this one. This one would spell danger to everything. He had little trinkets and tricks to keep her powers at bay but to rely on that was foolish. Refuse. I won't let you pass up this opportunity. Do not worry about the money.

....don’t worry about the money it’s no big deal. You see I come from money, both old and new so don’t worry yourself too much with the formalities in that.

He led her to the bathroom, the dress and shoes back in her possession and he was standing between her and her exit. Sarah looked up at him and the bathroom door. Her expression unreadible that he couldn't see the anger in her eyes that money was once again brought to her attention and the lack of it that she had. In this moment she would put on a potatoe sack and hold her head up proud out of pure stubbornness that money was not important to her. (It was in the end, wasn't it? Money was always important.)

She did not know this boy's powers. Just his name. She had no effective means to fight or even get out. He was stronger than her, knew more than her in this situation and she was utterly alone. She had one option, one option only...she was check mated. She smiled at him, "It seems we are at an impasse then," she said. "I will be right out."

Shutting the door, the dress was hung on the shower curtain pipe as she stared at it. Why did it have to be nice? Why did it have to look like this in the first place. She looked at her own, the tear was up to the tunic and back at the dress. The only thing holding her back was that this boy, Jean, had cornered her into this decision. She had felt like she had been in control right up until now. Sarah sat on the toilet, her hands in her face as she felt trapped. Ryan was off at the dance, Hare was off at the dance. James was off at the dance. Not a soul knew where she was...she had no...

A vent caught her eye just above her head next to the toilet. She grinned wildly as she opened her purse grabbed her stenopad and began to write.


Jean would hear little to no commotion. The bathroom would be silent for some time. When he would go in to check how Sarah was doing, he would see the dress still hung on the shower pipe, a note on the sink as the vent cover just above the toilet had been placed neatly down.

Prince Charming,

Though I appreciate your hospitality and your generous nature, I am not comfortable wearing something so personal on a first encounter. I think we let our interesting meet/cute sweep us both up in the moment. I've drawn a map to help find your way to the gymnasium. I apologize for the abrupt goodbye but we both know you were more than set on this. I look forward to us meeting in the future, but...on my terms and what I am comfortable with. Until we meet again.


- Sarah

As Sarah crawled through the venting system of the dormitory, the second time today crawling through something like this, her dress and tights would begin to get dust on them. Control was the most important asset Ms. Lane had....you take it away and she would crawl through hell to get it back. She would leave the vents by the time she made it to the end of the hall where the stairs were, pushing her way out, her neatly done hair beginning to become undone as she kicked the vent cover off. She didn't bother to place it back as she walked down the stairs and out the door.


Erin and Salve's adventures were three and a half approaching four hours before Ryan was crushed and Sarah had met a charming French man. Erin would see red hair and a hand on her shoulder before she would find herself and her sister with the rest of the medically needed people. The nurse was still passed out and Hapswell begrudgingly had to begin using her powers to heal people as his daughter was cleaning up the mess.

Salve would get medical attention from WHOEVER rushed in at the last second...but Jonathan Hapswell looked at the line of people waiting for it and grumbled. "I need to hire more nurses. This is a problem."

This wasn't a problem of 'oh we need to take care of people'. No. this was a problem because it kept him from doing what he actually wanted to do. Like catch up on 30 Rock. That Tina Fey was HILARIOUS. Mean Girls the Broadway Musical was going to be fabulous when it came out.
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Rolling towards the window she breathed in the soft smell of the bleeding hearts she had growing there. A soft smile on her face her eyes fluttered open. Min woke up in her room groggy and tired. She yawned and got up. Instantly the room began to spin and she rested against the wall. Looking down she was in one of her long black shirts she slept in. I don't remember falling asleep. She rubbed her eyes and let her hair fall around her as her feet touched the ground. She tried to think back to the events that had happened earlier. She remembered the tournament, and Nia's outburst, and the attack..."Leon..." She looked around for him, not noticing the black rose vanishing as her range moved. She assumed that he'd carried her here. Her face flushed a bright crimson, as she wondered if he got her into these pajamas. I don't know what to think if that happened. It didn't occur to her that while asleep, the darkness had taken over without her knowledge.

After the others had left, the darkness woke up and skipped out from Leon's arm. Gently caressing his cheek before it left the nurse's office. Walking down the halls the darkness watched as it was slowly repaired. Avoiding social contact with any student the darkness bent the light in it's ranger to hide Min from the others. Making its way back to her room the darkness slid out of her clothing and went to shower. It left a cryptic message to a certain annoying memory reader before drying off and getting into bed. The black rose forming being her as the darkness drifted back into Min's subconscious. Leaving Min to wake a few minutes later.

Looking over at her clock she realized that the dance would start soon. "Oh my gosh! I'm going to be late!!" She quickly rushed into the bathroom to get ready. Flinging the door open she stopped and stared at the site dress leaning over the bathroom door. It was breathtaking. "Where...? Where did this come from?" Min touched the delicate white dress it was soft as freshly cleaned wool. Gently Min pulled the dress off the door and smiled as she went to the bathroom and changed. She set her hair up and found a tiara next to the sink. She smiled and picked it up. Holding it gently in her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled softly. "Thank you..." She didn't know who was doing this, but she thought it was best to thank them. She felt a warmth take over. Closing her eyes she placed a hand on her heart.

Looking out she whispered to herself. "Now what kind of shoes would I even wear with this?" Lifting the hem up a bit to move she went over to her closet. She couldn't find anything that matches this strange dress. She sighed and got up thinking about any shoes that would match this dress. Then she heard a soft clink near the window. Turning around she saw a pair of slippers made of glass. Min covered her mouth and smiled, "this is too bizarre." She began to walk over to them and gave a playful sigh, "first the gown, then the tiara and now glass slippers. If I didn't know better I'd say I have a fairy godmother somewhere nearby." Picking up the slippers and looked at them. "They don't look very comfortable though." Placing the slippers down on the ground Min slipped one foot into them. Leaning into the shoe it was oddly enough quite comfortable, like standing on a soft fur carpet. Slipping her other foot into the slipper she made her way to the door opening it slightly she

About to slip her foot into the second slipper Min suddenly see's Leon standing in front of her. Surprised she didn't expect it whatsoever. Looking down she read the note and smiled, shaking her head. Looking to Leon she smiled at him and gently draped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. She used her powers to ease any pain he was in, she pulled back and looked into his eyes. Placing a gentle hand to his cheek her brow furrowed in worry. "I heard you're still in some pain." Her eyes glided across his face as she felt horrible for not being there for him. "I'm so sorry I could't be there for you, Leon. I want you to know that I will always be here for you."



There was a soft grin on his face as the professor's hair bobbed up and down. He was ecstatic he had finally completed the spell he used to turn the soldiers into small stone figurines. He had to admit it was the shrinking that was the hardest. He had to mix the two spells together which was never a safe thing to do. Luckily he found a way to do it safely, or at least he hoped. Dr. Oisin Kane carried a box of tiny stone soldiers in his hands as he walked down the halls. Dr. Kane didn't really know what to do with the men, he didn't really want to kill them, but he couldn't let them go. He was happy to have found a happy resolution. Looking down at the box he thought about what to do with them. Well first I'll put them in my office, maybe create a diorama for them. He made his way to his classroom and placed the box on the table as she did.

His ears perked up as he heard the music begin to play. Looking over out to the room across from his he saw Clara in her room. His eyes scanned her face, she looks so sad. I wish...I want to do something for her. He noticed Arnold and smiled having an idea. Going over to a small mango tree that he owned, he closed his eyes and prayed. The plant began to grow taller and the sweet fruit began to form. As it grew he fixed some tea and placed the dishes on a tray. He plucked the mango's and placed it into a spare bowl.

Putting it all on a tray he walked over to Clara's room and gave a soft knock. "Ms. Turner? I've brought Arnold some fresh mango's and some tea." He noticed how trashed her room was and placed the tray and bowl on the desk. Moving over to her he placed a hand upon her shoulder and kneeled down to her eye level. "Ms. Turner are you alright?" He wanted to pull her close, hold her tight and tell her that he was there for her. However, he kept his distance knowing that it wasn't his place to be so intimate. For now being here for her is all he really needs.



Bran's phone pinged as his phone picked up on someone typing in Briggs's name. Pulling out his phone he scanned through it to realize it was Sarah investigating Briggs on Google none the less. Face palming he sighed, really? Why didn't I think of that? He watched her scroll through the articles and shook his head. Glad that someone at least had the brains to look something up before starting countermeasures. Just one of the many things that make Ms. Lane so intriguing. He couldn't help but give a soft smirk as he memorized every article he could.

Corbin noticed his brother smirking and grinned. After everything had called down to the best it could, Corbin confronted Bran. Snatching the phone from his brother he inspected it and laughed. "You're using our spewer to spy on a girl? You must be whipped baby brother."

Bran rolled his eyes and spoke in a stern voice. "I'm not whipped, she's getting herself in too deep. I'm just trying to keep her safely on the surface so Briggs and his men can't find her or their target."

Corbin scanned through all the information and scratched his head. "I think you're focusing on the smaller fry here. Some time it's best to leave the person you want to save alone to fight your own enemies. If you want to intrude on this's school's endorsements and figure out what they want with Alexandra Clark, then go ahead. Otherwise if not, you can focus on stopping the girl who trashed Hapswell's room. She's dangerous and a mole here in the school. Who knows who trust's her." Corbin always prioritized the villain over the civilian. He believes deeply that if he can stop the villain than all civilians will be safer even if he looses one. Bran cares more about the civilian in peril rather than the overall villain. Having two opposing views is why Bran and Corbin make such a great team. Having both sides work together to save everyone.

Bran always liked to keep to his morals, but in this case his brother was right. He'd spent so much time trying to monitor those in danger that he'd stopped trying to prevent the danger altogether. He nodded and held his hand out for his phone back. "I'll do that. I don't always agree with you Corbin, but in this case you are right. I should focus on the mole in school and keeping the civilians safe. I can do both with your help."

Corbin raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "My help?"

Bran sighed, "I need someone to help me outside of school You need to get a location for an Agent Briggs in prison. Also can you run this girl's face through your data bases. See what comes up."

Corbin nodded. Handing his brother's phone back he playfully ruffled his brother's hair. Still with a sly grin on his face he spoke, "You got it baby brother. And don't worry I'll help you filter the schools internet to limit any FBI agent information finding it's way to your girlfriend."

Bran fixed his hair and looked up at his brother angrily. "She isn't my girlfriend, Corbin and stop calling me baby brother!!" He growled at his brother before trudging down the hall and vanishing from sight. He reappeared a few minutes later in his dorm room. He put on one of the many suits and ties he owned, keeping the suit underneath just in case something goes wrong at the party. Bran was always cautious and knew it was better to be prepared than unprepared. Taking a deep breath he made his way back to the school. Making his way up the stairs he notices someone coming out and looked up. There standing in front of him was none other than the infamous Ms. Lane. He gave her a polite nod of recognition, "good evening, Ms. Lane."

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Leaning into her hand, Leon smiled. "Now that I'm with you, I feel no pain. In fact, I feel as if I could fly if you asked me to. Hearing you say that makes me happy, now more than it ever would." A look of worry crossed his face as he recalled what Aidan had said, that Jean wanted to ruin his life. More than anything, he worried for Min. If he wanted to ruin someone's life, their partner would be the first thing they went for.Shaking his head, he stepped back and moved around Min, admiring her outfit. "Even the goddess Aphrodite would envy you this night Min." @The Suspicious Eye
(Short because subway)

Arnold was won over. Oisin was two steps in the door when the pheonix flew to the tray investigating the mango. He walked on the man's arms, rubbing his head against oisins neck which for a bird was one of the ultimate sign of affection. One talon went for the mango.

Out of all the men his Clara had brought into Arnold's life this one right now was his favorite as he began eating, making his way to the doctors shoulder.

Clara looked up at him, wiping her face as she noticed Oisin walk in. "You might have made a new best friendeal, doctor kane." She smiled. Her hair was bloody and she still looked like Carrie from King. "No....yes....I will be. Halloween is never one of my favorite days. Your ceremony was ruined today. I'm sorry you had that happen."


Sarah was standing up barefoot (her other heel left in jeans bathroom) half of her hair was up while the rest down and messy her face smudged with dirt from crawling through.

Her dress not as clean as it should have been.

Hearing bran she turned and was filled with relief and irritation all at once. Her cheeks burning red that he would see her this way.

But she was too proud to show it bothered her. That she destroyed one boy, escaped another only to run into her arch nemesis (she labelled him that while he took the bullet out, he was hiding information and she knew it)

"Knight. You seem to have impeccable timing." She smiled standing tall as if she didn't look like she had gotten in some sort of fight Club fight. "You seem to know where I will be before I know it myself. You look dashing as always."

Ember Brook

Ember sat down on her bed, unable to shake the guilt and sorrow she felt over the day's events. No one deserved to have their lives end this way. It was terrible, truly terrible. Ember stood up, moving to pull open a drawer. Inside was a neatly folded dress. It was orange in color, although its color had become a little faded, and there was a stain, ketchup her mother told her, right over where her belly-button would be. The dress had belonged to the daughter of one of the nurses at the hospital, a friend of Ember's, who had been talking about throwing the old thing away, when Ember spoke up, saying that she had desperately needed a dress of her own for the coming Dance, and couldn't afford one herself. She had felt a sting on her pride about it, but then again, she did every time she has to borrow like this. She didn't believe that any of the actually successful super heroes ever had to ask some girl they barely knew for a dress to the dance. But, this was how life worked, she supposed. Both her and her mom worked, and her dad used to, but they just couldn't come up with enough money between them. All of the money Ember had, mostly gathered from whatever summer job she could find, went back home, where it only held off the inevitable.

She pulled on the dress, gazing at herself in her roommate's mirror. The dress was tight on her, and a bit more scandalous than she had hoped for. And judging by the look of the fabric, it would go up in flames far too easily. She ripped her gaze away from the mirror, looking around the dorm room. In comparison, their sides of the dorm could not be any more different. Ember's was plain and rather unadorned, with quite a few candles, while Allysia's was devoted to the girl's vanity. Ember let out a sigh, breathing in the candle smoke, letting the scent of cinnamon wash over her and calm her down. She was nervous about the dance and guilty about the day and she just wanted to shake those feelings for a few hours. Was that so much to ask for? Apparerently so.

She made her way out of her dorm room and into the hallway, making her way to the gym where the dance was taking place. She made her way inside, letting herself smile at the sight of all the decorations. She walked over to a wall, sitting down against it, letting her powers activate, but only slightly, as to avoid damaging the dress. She raised her hands upwards, so trickles of flame leapt from her fingers, moving up into the air where they danced around like fireworks. Living decorations of a sort.
They were heroes back then. It was easier then. The leagues of organizations had systems. You worked a certain amount of hours, were only allowed to solve a limited amount of crimes and there was just a handful of villains you could work with, any villain outside your legal paperwork bullshit and it was not ok. Tim found a loophole. If a villain was labeled your arch nemesis the amount of crimes you could stop had no cap, as long as it was caused by your arch nemesis.

It sucked putting Ben in that spot, but he was for it. Ben got cozy with the villain leagues, would figure out when horrible shit would go down...get involved in it which allowed Tim, Nat, Izzy, and Morgan to hop in. It was their way of saying 'fuck you' to the rigged system in place. There should be no system, there should be no unions or any of that bullshit...but that was the world. You either fought it and got erased by both hero and villain leagues...or you got creative.

He just never fucking thought Darke would betray him that way. It didn't make sense and it was probably one of the worst blows Tim had ever received. He didn't want anything to do with leagues, the actual heroing and going back to civilian life he'd be ostracized based on the pure fact he was different. The school was the safest place for him.

"You're selling yourself short," he said. "What I'm trying to understand is why Morgan did what he did. You were...are the the better fighter. Always were. You saved his ass so many fucking times why cut you out of the team like that?" If his friend wasn't dead he'd probably beat the fucking living shit out of him. But it was hard to be pissed at a man who had been dead for ten years. "She's going to pull through this....she has to. I just have to figure out how to help her afterwards."


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