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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

Ember Brook

Ember simply nodded, letting out a pained sigh. She couldn't particularly say anything to Nialla about her planned apology, as she didn't quite know how she felt about it either. "I surrendered," she mumbled, turning her gaze away, to look towards the fire door. She didn't want to start a confrontation, but if one began she'd handle it. After all we felt quite fired up enough. She smirked to herself at her own pun, and considered telling it to her fellows, when she saw bullets tear through her wall of fire. She flinched, only to realize they hadn't hit her. As she saw Nialla raise her barrier, Ember let flames burst to life in her hands, as she stepped forward. She froze however, seeing Louise's wide eyed look. She turned, to see Nialla bleeding heavily from where the bullets had ravaged her stomach. Ember didn't waste time, throwing herself forward through the fire wall, the fire moving out of position to join her, forming around her fist as she swung it towards the closest of the two gunmen, only to stop, her fiery fist an inch away from Lexi's face. Ember pulled back, looking quite upset as she let her flames dissipate. She let out a sigh, calling out, "We need someone with medical capabilities here, and not the Nurse. She isn't all there right now. Can you do that?" She asked, and turned right back around, heading back inside. She picked up Nialla, and carried her to a bed, setting her down on it.
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Every body that fell, that died around him, the aura would turn into small little orbs and go into his own. He had no control and if it wasn't for his father pulling him along during the chaos he probably would still be screaming. The beast was ripping out auras and consuming their energy in front of him earlier in the gymnasium. He was no better than the very monster Rachel was afraid of. Between scenes of naked Asians in Marriott hotel sheets licking and biting him places he did not want to be licked and bitten and doing something truly atrocious like quite possibly stealing souls...Aidan was not doing alright.

Robert pulled them into an empty classroom, locking the door. "We need to talk about how much you can see."

"Dad, Mom's still out there. We need to find the rest of the school-"

"I thought God answered my prayers when he made you blind, kiddo....but we need to have the talk."

Aidan just stared confused at the copper glow in the shape of his father. "My friends are dying...and you want to...can we do this later?"

Robert placed a hand on his kid's shoulder pushing him down so they were both sitting on the floor and would not be seen through the windows or the classroom door window. "Aidan, you have no athletic ability, you're accident prone and if I let you out there you will die. Not maybe...will. I have no powers to protect you and you get your clutz from me. No. We are sitting here until your teachers come...and we are going to talk about your grandfather. And you're going to sit down and listen...or I'm going to show you the sex talk through my personal experience. What's it going to be?"

Aidan twitched.
Bran gave a quaint chuckle between the two of them. They were both so innocent. Pulling a kit out of his pocket and a knife he placed it to her wound. Making two small incisions around the room and one across the injury. There would be mild discomfort, but Bran cut quickly so there wasn't prolonged pain.

He flicked the blade on revving up the heat to a hot poker. The blade began to heat up quickly turning red. Placing it beside him he pulled out some tweezers. Looking to Sarah he spoke softly. "I'm going to go quickly, but precise. It'll hurt a lot. Just pray that the bullet hasn't shattered."

With that he opened the wound and dug for the bullet. Burrowing deep he found it and clamped on tightly. Quickly pulling it out he inspected it for any broken pieces. Not seeing any he sighed and placed it next to them. "I can bandage it now with some cloth, or cauterize it. Your choice." He started tearing pieces of cloth off his shirt. If she didn't want them he's use them for late. As he tore his suit was visible underneath his clothing. The black suit fitting to his abs and muscles like a second skin. He looked up at her and slowly pulled the notepad out of her mouth "Which will it be?"

@Brinni @CosmicChangeling

Brinni said:
Hare shook her head. "No but I haven't looked everywhere yet. I'm on my way to the gym to see if there's any stragglers there. He could be there. I haven't seen a lot of people since this all started, come to think of it. Moe, Sarah, Ryan, Aiden, Leon, Nick, Lux, several of the teachers. It's no surprise given how hectic everything is, but I know Sarah is alive at least. I'll escort you back. If he's not there, I'll find Leon for you...whether he's alive or not, I'll bring him back to you." @The Suspicious Eye

"Pull it out? Right here?" Ryan squeaked. "I suppose I should stand watch then right?" he asked, peeking out the window. He watched as a soldier's gun misfired and shot his comrade in the foot. His idea was changed as he felt Sarah take his hand. His face went red. She's holding my hand? No. Wait. She just needs an anchor or something for the pain. That's all it is. It could have been anyone else here and she would have done the same. I'm not special. No sense getting flustered over it. He sighed, a little disheartened realizing the truth.@CosmicChangeling
Min's heart stopped as Harriet said or not. Or not? She hand't thought of the possibility that Leon could be lying dead somewhere. A larger crack formed underneath her feet. Her eyes glowed a fearsome red, but fear was found underneath them. She grabbed Harriet's hands a bit too tightly. Her voice pleading, the last thing she wanted was to loose someone. "Please Harriet...Hare, please help me find him. He can't be dead. He can't be." Cracks began to form on the walls as she grew more worried.


Oisin lead Lux to the nurse's office with little to no hassle the soldier ranks seem to be diminishing quickly. He hoped that everyone was alright. Especially the students and Clara. He blushed at the thought of her, she was so brave today. Not like she isn't brave everyday. She's always wonderful. He looked up in a daze not noticing that they were already in the Nurse's office. Oisin was off in his own Clara filled world.
The shadow of the teacher's desk in the classroom began to twist and shape as a figure rose from the ground. Bran would notice that Sarah was unusually still as he pulled the bullet that was mangled in her shoulder and tendons out with ease and effeciency. The reason why, James Lane had placed a foot on his sister's shadow making her immobile.

He was never a Knight fan. Corbin was....well...he didn't have titties so there really was no reason to love Corbin during their school days together. But James had seen enough that this small fry was trying to help his sister. (For now).

"Don't cauterize it. your fourteen. I doubt you know what the fuck you're doing and you're not experimenting on my sister." He said, finally introducing his presence. He released his foot.

Sarah's eyes had watered and if her brother had not been stepping on her, she might have screamed in agony and twitched, figiting during this whole process. It wasn't like they had anesthesia. She tightened her grip on Ryan's hand when she felt she had control of her movement again. "Cauterize it. I'd rather get this done so we can be safe, where I'm not a liability physically and....well...I'm working on the bigger liability. I will be alright, James I promise."

"Or...I can just take you now to the parking lot. One of the parents was apparently a hero back in the day, has a pheonix with her. She's probably made it to the parkinglot and instead of giving you a fucking scar...that's the best plan."

"No." she said firmly. "Your powers will malfunction. Placing me with the entire student body right now is wrong. Cauterize it. I can handle it."
"Min, it'll be ok. Given what he showed his fight I'm fairly certain he's alive. Just be prepared. And if he is alive, he'd probably hurt me if I started dragging you around the school putting you in harms way." Harriet chuckled. "So come on, we'll head to the nurse's. If nothing else I'm sure Nia wants to see you." Harriet began walking back towards the nurse, pulling on Min's hand. @The Suspicious Eye


"I mean...I'm not particularly skilled in medicine, but I can give it a shot? I understand anatomy at least. Why isn't Nurse-" Leon stopped short as he saw her unconscious. "Uh..." he was going to ask but thought better. "So who got shot?" he looked around and saw Nia lying on the bed. He rushed over to her, looking at the wound on her leg. Four in the left leg. Two in her thigh, one looks like it went right through the dead center of the knee, and one went through her ankle. She might never walk again on that leg, especially if we pull the bullets out. We could do more harm than good since none of us can heal. Unless.... he glanced at the nurse. He walked over, and jump started her system, waking her up. Grabbing her by the hair he said quietly in her ear, once she was aware enough of her surroundings. "You're going to help me make sure my friend can walk after we draw those bullets out. Otherwise, I'm going to do my damndest to use my power to overload your body and stop your heart right here. If I can start one, I can stop one. My friends, well they're more important to me than you are. So? You're gonna help me right?"
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Lost twice in a row?! Jean wanted to scream, maybe he should have accepted his twin brother’s invitation. Twirling the necklace he made Min during their conversation between his fingers I should have given this to her he thought maybe next time, hopefully when we’re alone he heard the way that Nia beat Ember in passing. “Using her powers against her? She must be pretty clever” he said at the crowd talking about the fight. He was ignored but it was nothing new to him, he had always been the quiet kid that no one noticed. Much cleverer than I could ever be he thought to himself hell to win a basic fencing competition I had to use my powers down on himself he just kept wandering the school lost in his thought. He heard a large thud and a lot of screaming he ducked into the nearest room. He looked around and he appeared to be on a stage of some sort. He didn’t recognize they had a theater here. For someone who had been here for months he was almost sure he would know where he was, but now he felt even worse. He left through the back entrance to the stage. He had no idea where he was now.

Lost again. Never lucky. Jean’s luck seemed worse than usual but he didn’t know why.

He saw a soldier as he peeked around the corner, a mere two feet down the hall the soldier’s back to his position. Great looks like I’ve got no other choice, I guess I have to fight he thought, drawing his rapier and flicking open the sides of the scabbard with his wrist, creating his great-shield. He looked once more, assessing the situation. 5’6, about 185 pounds, carrying a UMP. 33 seconds, 54 milliseconds. That’s all it will take to eliminate the threat. He took a breath, centering his thoughts. Creeping forward around the corner he lunged sheathing his blade in the man’s throat simultaneously cutting the man’s trachea to prevent him from alerting his friends to his whereabouts.

He miscalculated. Something like this hadn’t happened since the French National Open where he managed to send his best friend to the hospital during practice spars. This time was worse. He cut the man’s carotid in the process, the blood gushed. He screamed at the sight.Too much blood. It’s everywhere. He was disgusted by the sight; for a swordsman Jean didn’t like seeing a lot of blood. A cut was fine, but when it pooled it made him sick.

He heard footsteps and ran. I can’t win today he thought, slightly annoyed by his luck for the day. He took a corner, and hit a pool of blood. He slipped and slid, getting the ichor over the front of his clothes. He was so horrified that he lost his grip on his sword. He finally fell and landed on his tailbone. Ouch the last place he wanted bruised in the morning.

He heard soldiers coming behind him. He brought his shield up and empowered it, just in time to reflect a hailstorm of bullets, the impact pushing him another two feet into an intersection. All of the bullets ricochet back at one of the soldiers killing him. The next thing he knew, he was surrounded on three sides by soldiers.

This is it? I’m going to die here. I’ve only just found him and it’s already over? He was terrified, sure that his life was going to end when his body seemed to surge with a great amount of energy. It was an odd but familiar feeling as his powers capitalized on this energy. The soldiers readied and aimed their UMPs all pointed at Jeans head I’m not ready to die, not now. I’ve just met him again, and that girl. I want to know more about her. He felt the energy surging through his veins once again this time much stronger than he has ever felt it. Then his power started acting on its own, or at least he thought.

Four glowing portals appeared in thin air behind each soldier and weapons of all sorts spawned out of each portal. Right as the soldiers went to pull the trigger the weapons launched at the speed of light impaling all three of the soldiers and killing them instantly. Blood spewing everywhere across Jean’s front of his body and shield.

So much blood. Jean couldn’t take the amount of blood he was seeing anymore and mixing it with the feeling he got from using that much power. He hunched over, vomiting everywhere. At least I didn’t get that on myself he thought. He needed to get somewhere to clean up. He stumbled his way into the nearest classroom and sat down against the wall.

I have to get these clothes off
he thought taking his shirt off. I wonder if any of these bags has clothes in them… Bingo. He took the gym shorts out of a bag to his left, there were no shirts but he took whatever he could get. Sitting back against the wall he blacked out from the sheer exhaustion his power brought to him.

He woke up hearing “or I'm going to show you the sex talk through my personal experience. What's it going to be?" He didn’t recognize the voice that said the words but he didn’t sound like the soldiers from before. Jean peaked beneath one of the desks he was hiding behind and he saw an older man with his old roommate Aidan. He walked towards the others in the room “Hey Aidan, what’s going on?” He reached out and grabbed Aidan’s hand without thinking to pull him up. Shit he thought now he can see everything. Trying to change the subject he quickly asked “Uh, So Aidan, who is this?” knowing it was already too late he could feel the worried frown make its appearance on his face.
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Mr. Elastic had remembered the forest, had assembled the teams and even picked the spot that was safe to place the parents. He had done everything he could think of....

Except for send a team to clear the parking lot.

Tim had taken two students from the ones he had assigned to Nat and scouted ahead. Savolt was taking his sweet time walking slowly with the crowd, but maybe that was strategic. Hypnotizing hundreds of kids and parents to be complacent and calm probably took a large amount of effort.

Fucking dick took a lot of effort to yawn let alone do this, so screaming at the bastard to pick up the pace wasn't the brightest idea. Scouting was his only option.

And that's when he saw it...them...waiting. He was behind a tree. "Nat they have tanks. I didn't fucking think to clear the parking lot...fifty that I can estimate. Less than 2 minutes before it's a fucking slaughter house with the group. Ben WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU." he growled knowing that fucker was still in their communication link. So angry...he actually used Darke's real name.

One of his students was not that stealthy. A rain of gunfire was shot thirty feet from him, he rolled himself into a ball, bouncing himself in that direction and expanding himself like a drive in screen to shield what he could.

Nat and Ben would hear the gunfire.


"Heh......hahahaha......hahahahahaha" The nurse twitched on the ground. "Blood tastes like iron...the ones you enjoy the taste are the monsters forged with steel." her voice cracked, her teeth sharp. Number 2. Pencil for the SATs sharp.

Her hands pressed on the cold floor as Leon grabbed her hair and yanked her like a dog. Her blue eyes were no longer blue, glowing gold just like Aidan's. "Little pup....little pup.....oh you should never yank me like I'm your bitch."

She grabbed his face, her hands sparking red squishing his cheeks. "You threaten me by offering to release me from my mortal chains?" She started laughing again. She kissed him, pain shooting through his body as she kissed his lips, biting hard. When she pulled away, her mouth dripped with his blood. "Take me to dinner first sweetheart."

One hand to the chest he would feel his ribs breaking even if they weren't. It pushed Leon off as she looked at all of them unhinged. "THIS IS MY PLAYROOM KIDDIES. LETS ALL HAVE SOME FUN!"
Bran looked over his shoulder as Sarah didn't say anything. He looked at him and stood up. Slightly offended that he didn't think bran knew proper medical training. He knows enough to stop a man's heart with a piece of chalk. He's fought real villains alongside his father and brothers. People who could kill you in a instant with a twitch of their eye. Bran was no amateur. However, how were they supposed to know any of that. He kept to himself for a reason. Unlike his older siblings his size, regrettably, made him unintimidating. So he had to rely on others underestimating him, until he bared his teeth.

Remembering his older brother mentioning him. Bran had some tricks to take him down. However, as he wasn't posing a threat to him now he stood down. James no matter how rude was simply looking out for his sister. Bran knew that James was just worried for her safety, but he didn't take orders from her. Bran looked into Sarah's eyes and gave her a soft smile. "As you wish." Picking up the heated knife went to work on closing Sarah's wounds. It was quick and clean work there would hardly be a scar by the end of it. This wasn't Bran's first wound to close and it wouldn't be his last. With that he gently bandaged her arm so it wouldn't get infected.



"A-Alright, thank you Hare. I...I appreciate it." Min held back the tears as she nodded and weakly let Hare lead her back to Nia and the others. She was floating off the ground so to be easily pulled along. Min was too stunned to walk. Behind her trailed a row of black roses that vanished as they left her radius. Be prepared...I don't think I can... he can't be dead. He can't... She closed her eyes. She couldn't let a tear fall yet she didn't know if it was true. Still the sinking feeling was overwhelming. Then the darkness whispered. Don't fret yet sweet child. There is nothing in this world we cannot change together. Stand tall child, for we will soon be a God. Min opened her eyes and looked forward. She didn't know what she would face but she'd do it with her head held high.

"50 tanks?!?" Nat and Darke screamed into the comms simultaneously. How in the hell were there fifty tanks, were they facing the entirety of the United fucking States? Nat asked as much. "Tim, are you sure it's that many? There were barely two hundred attackers within the school." Nat was hoping the number of tanks was much lower, and that Tim was exaggerating. Maybe it was only thirty. Or one. One sounded good. "Darke, get me there now." In an instant, Natalie felt a familiar hand grasp hers, and felt the wind on her face. They were outside.

Nat switched her dart gun to her final and most destructive form of ammunition - explosives. They wouldn't do too much damage to them, but if she got off a few lucky shots she could disable a couple. She almost laughed. The situation reminded her of their only mission to Israel, back in the day. It was twenty three tanks and hundreds of attackers against Elastic, Natalie, Darke, Morgan, and Invisible Girl, with the rest of the team on vacation. It took them four hours to clear the field.

Hopefully the three of them could get rid of fifty in less time.

Nat never looked beyond the flames in the infirmary, never saw her daughter dying on a medical bed.


Louise may have been one handed, but with her strength that was all it took. She struggled for a moment, instinctively wanting to attack with her right hand, but after a second she rolled behind the Nurse and began choking her with her left arm, instead. It would take a second, Louise's strength didn't translate well to choking someone out, but she could handle whatever the Nurse threw at them. "There's a damn good reason why I knocked her out, dumbass!" Louise said to Leon, struggling to keep her arm in position.


Ryan looked between the two, confused. I never knew she had a brother. As the blade went into Sarah, he winced.



Leon spat the blood out of his mouth, gasping at the pain. "How could I....possibly have known that? For all I knew.....she....passed out due to....exhaustion....trying to keep you....alive." he wheezed through the pain of his ribs. Arrogant bitch. We aren't all good under pressure like you seem to be. How could I have known it wouldn't work. "Flame girl, can you....cauterize Nia's wounds? We're not getting to them anytime soon. It'd be.....safer to leave the bullets in.....for now and stop....the bleeding." He turned his head towards Louise and the nurse.

@SirDerpingtonIV @Homage


They made their way to the Nurses office without further incident. Our luck must be changing. She peeked around the door, oddly flame free. If their attackers had taken over the office she didn't want to be caught unawares. Seeing the crowd gathered she turned to Min. Good news is, he's alive and well. Bad news is, it looks like the nurse has gone bad. Nobody can stop her."

@The Suspicious Eye
"Fuck no. Ten tanks and about fifty people I can see but I got hundreds of civilians behind me and fucking kids who don't know what the fuck they are doing!" He yelled as his rubbery body was riddled with machine bullets, they bounced back into the crowd. "I can't do this alo-"

Some fucker shot a bazooka right into him as the bullets ricocheted back into the attackers. The color seemed to fade out of his eyes as the bazooka had him travelling over 60mph breaking trees and anything else that stood in the way.


50 tanks? Lexi looked at Nat and back at Ember who almost decked her face. "Is Mr. Elastic ok?" She asked but Nat was teleported away.

Leon ran in, she bit her lip. "I need to see if he's ok, keep Turner's bird to help if you need it."

Elastic defended her weeks ago and took her under her wing...if there were 50 tanks. Fuck. She flickered, slipping into the void. Sprinting through the quiet halls, if she saw a soldier, she stopped, disarmed them and tied them up and then continued the sprint. She ran past hundreds of parents and noticed broken trees.

The broken trees led to a bazooka missile in her coach sparking as if it was seconds from blowing up. Seconds....days and weeks for Lexi. She ran over and picked the missile up and ran as far as she could with it.

Was that Mrs. Turner covered in blood?! What the holy fuck...


Elastic threw up sitting on the grass his back against a tree. He felt his stomach looking confused. Where the fuck did the- there was Speedy just looking down at him. "Jesus fuck Speedy...you...and...come on, we need to get to that fucking parking lot."

"....your welcome."

"Oh shut up, heroes get to work they don't seek fucking validation."

"....citizen's class...."

This continued as lexi followed the bouncing ball through the woods.
Sarah would have cringed if her brother was not stepping on her shadow keeping her still as Bran placed the hot blade on her arm. The four of them could hear a missile going off far deep in the woods from a distance (Rush had to put the bazooka missile somewhere)

"Thank you, Bran," She said giving the boy a soft smile. She adjusted her hat, her shoulder still sore and she wouldn't be able to use it not for awhile.

James crossed his arms looking at the three of them. "Alright, scooby doo gang. Follow me to the parking lot if you want to live. That's where everyone is going."

"James....I appreciate you looking out for us, but you're not in charge."

"Elastic seems to think so, put me on a special team to escort the families, but I saw you were in trouble. I'm your best shot out of here."


The nurse cackled a laughter similar to an animal, it didn't sound human at all as Louise strong armed her around the neck and tried holding her down.

Both hands were placed on the arm, Louise's veins would begin to turn black as pain would course through her blood. "KINKY. BUT LET ME SHOW YOU HOW I PLAY!"
As Min an Hare arrived she looked at her curious as they moved towards the crowd. Pushing through it Min witnessed the events of the Nurse's mental breakdown. Min looked onward in horror as she saw Leon get his ribs crushed. She ran over to him an kept him up trying her best to heal his wounds. Not strong enough to hold him up she staggered to stay up. Her eyes empty, she wouldn't cry. "Leon...Leon. are you okay? Please tell me you're alright." Holding onto him she healed his wounds for the moment. She hated that this happened to him. She should have never left his side. She shall pay for what she has done. Kill her, burn her, kill her, slit her throat, kill her, tear the flesh off her skin, kill her. For once Min didn't ignore the voices of the darkness.

Turning her head to the nurse her eyes looked at her with nothing but hate. The red glow of her eyes grew clouded with a black darkness. Her Aura glowed so intensely that others could see it too. Min hadn't been able to tap into this power since she first discovered it. Pockets of air in her range began to solidify and conversed them into tiny red glowing marbles of power. They pulsated with energy each one ready to combust upon contact. "How...dare...you." Gravity began to shift upwards as Min's power only grew. She pointed to the nurse and growled. "You're supposed to heal... not harm the students of this school. Have you no shame." Without a single shift in movement three of the hundreds of tiny explosive marbles shot out at the nurse. Flying in a straight line they would combust with anything they come in contact with. With Louise in the way Min was more than ecstatic. She would be able to kill two birds with one stone this way.


Bran twirled the knife around in his hand and smiled at Sarah. "It was nothing Ms. Lane. Your arm should be back to it's normal self within the day." Putting the knife and equipment back he looked to Ryan. "You did a great job supporting her Ryan." He put a friendly hand on the boys shoulder. Bran was never good at interacting with men. He was the type that had a target on his back when surrounded by guys. Everyone goes for the short kid, no matter how well dressed or toned he is. He gave one more glance at Sara h before his attention was taken away by James.

CosmicChangeling said:
"Alright, scooby doo gang. Follow me to the parking lot if you want to live. That's where everyone is going."
Bran raised and eyebrow. The Scooby Doo Gang? First of all I think they are called Mystery Incorporated.Secondly we are more like a incompetent Sherlock and Watson against a far superior Moriarty. However, he didn't voice these statements for putting him on the man's bad side. Corbin told Bran about his attitude and use of powers. Corbin always worried about the guys o he made sure to set as much safety measure against him as possible. Having these countermeasures at least may him safe. For the time being.

As James tried to lull the other students off to the parking lot Btan hung back. He had s one unfinished business that he needed to take care of in shock. More importantly the dorms. As he hung back the seemingly vanished from thin air. Meanwhile He had quickly made his way on top of the roof. Looking around at the destruction,

bran felt empty. He shook his head and made his way over dormitories to place bugs in every one of their rooms.

Ember Brook

"When this is over Leon, I am going to hit you," she casually informed him, her hands bursting into flame. "How could you he so immensely stupid!?" She yelled, angry from his immense idiocy and the unfairness of the whole attack. She was angry and losing a bit of her edge but she needed to take care of Nia. She moved over to the girl where she slept. Leon told her to keep the bullets in but that would make removing them harder later, plus she would prefer if Nia didn't get lead poisoning. She hardly payed attention as the Nurse began to fight everyone, as she begun her own work. She moved along the girl's body, using a pair of tweezers to pull out the bullets, one by one, using a scalpel to make the bullet more accessible. Her mother was a nurse, and had taught Ember a few things so she wouldn't be standing by helplessly if someone was injured in front of her. Ember had learned quickly and remembered much. However as she went, she discovered that two of the bullets, one in the left thigh and one in the lower right leg, had shattered while inside Nia. Ember winced as she set back to work, having to make the wound deeper to get the bullets out. Once Nia was bullet-free, She set her red-hot palms to the girl's wounds, closing them up with steady streams of heat.

She looked up as Min came in, a frown crossing the fire girl's face. As Min activated her powers she stood up, taking a step away from the bed. "Min..." She called out, having alreast heard the girl's name before, "Stop this," she warned, smothering herself in flame, trying to prevent a full-scale power fight. "She is not the enemy, Leon just provoked her." She said as she continued to take a few steps forward, ready to fight if need be. She warily eyed the marbles as they formed, Min's eyes glowing red. She knew fully well what was going to happen, based off the anger in the white-haired girl's eyes, and she couldn't help but wonder how much it was going to hurt. "I'm not going to let you do this." She knew her words were futile, and that she might aswell have been speaking to a brick wall. She let out a sigh, muttering, "The things I do," before Min threw her destructive marbles forward, and Ember stepped straight into their path, raising her arms to atleat try and shelter her face, her fire throwing itself forward to try and destroy whatever of the marbles she could.
Leon ignored Ember. He had no idea what had happened with the nurse. Sure he threatened her, but he was in panic mode. He wasn't brave like Lexi, or even strong like Louise. Maybe they could handle the fear of dealing with what was essentially a war zone outside these walls, but not him. Leon watched as Ember pulled the bullets out of Nia's leg. Maybe if we get Arnold's tears into them we can minimize the damage- the thought was cut short as she sealed up the wounds. He watched as Min's marbles collided with Ember and exploded. "Min...stop" he said, talking around the pain. "You're not even hitting the nurse. There's no need to go this far. We just need to knock her out right? If I can get close, I think I could knock her out, like I did with Bran."


Harriet over hear Leon talking. "You need her immobilized right? I can do that." She tackled the nurse, changing her mass getting increasingly heavier until the nurse hit the ground and couldn't move her off. "Whatever you're gonna do, do it fast."
(I'm at work can't post anything really until after 8pm tonight this was written last night. @My Pet Poro )

Aidan had never been more relieved to hear another person's voice than he was in this moment. Robert, however, thought it was the shittiest of shitty timings. Aidan knew this voice too, an old roommate which meant this was someone he knew that wasn't dead. Someone he wasn't accidentally collecting their color vibe or whatever it was he was seeing.

Until Jean touched him and he twitched. He turned and looked at the blue aura with yellow concentrated swirls in his body.

"This is my dad, Jean." He said looking right at where the eyes would be. He was tense trying to bottle up what he had saw. Leon was his bestfriend. His bestfriend. "Its....its crazy out there. I'm glad you're ok."

Memories were an invasion of privacy, he knew that....but...damn.
The small marbles gave off a strong and hot explosion as they hit Ember. Each one a resounding pop of pressurized air expanding rapidly. Seeing as the girl was flame resistant the attack would only blow her back a few feet towards the tussling Louise and Nurse. Min glared at her, "Get out of my way." The small marbles spun around and formed into six sharp blades. Each blade protruded sharp spikes and began to spin aimed for Ember's major organs and muscles. "Or the next ones won't just sting." She growled Ember wasn't her target, she wasn't going to kill anyone just maiming a bit of torture. Yes... Pain is the first step...Pain...then blood...then glorious death. You're learning.

Images of the bloody death of Ember Louise and the nurse flooded her mind. Two of the blades drilling deep into Ember's skull shredding her eyes and brain matter into a bloody slush of red, white and grey. The Two blades stabbing into Louise head burrowing deep, until the tip of the blade could be seen from her mouth. the other piercing though her heart with ease. The silent gurgle of her last breath choking on the blade. The nurse was last The blade breaking into pieces and stabbing them into her body instantly. Freezing her she let the blade pieces run through the nurses body till they reached her heart. The second the pieces convened the blade burst out of her heart forming a metallic flower. Artistic in a form. However, Min only saw it, none of the attack actually happened.

Some of the tension in her body was released as Leon spoke. She still didn't let the weapons go. She glared past Ember to the nurse. She took a step towards the nurse inching closer to putting her into her range. "Leon you need to rest. I can take care of her and keep you healed." Under her cloak her left hand began to shake. Her fingers slowly turning from pale white to a dark black the color spreading up her right hand. She looked at the nurse angrily the darkness was swirling in her eyes as she sensed something off about the nurse. Her heartbeat started to go tacky as her vision grew blurry. Taking another step Min collapsed to the ground curing up as her body shut down and her breaths coming in staggered as she struggled to breathe. Her powers completely collapsed upon itself the blades shattering and falling around her. Her eyes retiring to their normal red. Sliding her left hand underneath the rest of her body she waited, prayed that it would return to normal.

@Brinni @CosmicChangeling @SirDerpingtonIV @Homage


Oision had left the nurse's office quickly as he went to go back looking for any other students. Besides our nurse office is one of the most safest places our students could be at. Still in druid mode Dr. Kane looked at the destroyed school he knew a quick way to throw out any unwanted soldiers still in the school. I'm certain they won't mind if I do something simplistic. Of course the floors will need to be replaced. Dr. Kane placed his hand to the ground and sensed for all the living things within the school. Sending out a pulse of sentience through the school. Finding all the soldiers Kane brought the roots underneath the ground. Each root sprouted underneath the soldiers and wrapped around them tightly. Pulling them down into the ground they all appeared in a wooden cage inside the middle of the courtyard. The cage condensed around the soldiers immobilizing them. Standing up Dr. Kane's body returned back to human as he made his way into the courtyard. He crossed his arms and looked at the mass of soldiers. "Now what to do with them." He knew that there must be more coming, suppose I hold them as hostages. Deep in thought he contemplated what to do.
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(Rush, Elastic, Darke and Nat are off fighting tanks we can pretty much guess how this goes right? right...)

Louise was fifteen seconds from having her entire insides turned into jelly where she would choke on her own blood and die. But because of Hare, using her massive body weight crushing her while Louise was strong holding her...the Nurse had passed out. One burst of gold energy as everything grew black in her world. (It wouldn't completely heal the giant amazonian of what the nurse did to her, but it would keep her alive and functional.

Arnold walked into the room from the hallway, his wings were folded on their sides and he walked in like he was a person. The pheonix glanced up at the Darkness child, golden eyes gleaming back as the beautiful bird flew on a chair, looking contently at everyone.
Jean shook a little about what Aidan could see, his defenses were down and he was still relatively weak from the fighting he had done earlier. He began to think of all the memories that he could have seen

The Past: Roughly 9 years ago (Completely translated for your convenience)

A dark room with a red carpet and a fireplace. The fire in the fireplace was burning bright and right in front of the fireplace he is there. The young Léon that Jean had missed so much. Beginning to approach the boy you hear “Hey big bro, what are you doing here?” “Léon, there is something I need to tell you, I’m leaving today” “Leaving? Where are you going, to the store? Can you and Dad get me some chocolate while you are there?” “No Léon, I’m leaving and I won’t be coming back. Mom is taking me with her and we are going to live in a different house. I don’t want to leave here, we have so much fun playing together but Mama isn’t letting me stay.” “Why are you leaving?” “I don’t know, Mama said that her and Dad have been fighting a lot lately and so we are going to live with her friend William” ((OOC: the father’s name is Guillome, that translates directly to William in English and I don’t have the effort in me to not translate just the name)) Blackness. A slight fade in. A new room this time, it seems much brighter. In the distance you see two adults screaming. One storms off getting closer to you. It’s the twin’s mother, Anna, approaching Jean very quickly. You straighten up to greet your mother “Mama…” *Smack* Falling to the ground you can feel the sting from the memory, “You bastard, you did this to us. Why couldn’t you just be like Léon for once in your life” things get blurry from the tears in your eyes. “I’m sorry” you shriek over and over as your mother grabs your wrist and drags you out of the house. Shoved into the back seat of a black car you feel it speed off away from the mansion you once lived “Léon…” you say under your breath “don’t leave me alone with her, I need you to keep me safe” Blackness once again. Fading back in you see a bedroom the size any mansion you can imagine would have, it seems to be about 4 years later by the size of Jean. “Good morning” you say to the air you look at yourself bruised all over and wrapped up in medical tape. The abuse had done a number on you over the years. “Today is the day of the funeral, I should get ready” You move down the stairs, limping, and make it into the dining area. “Good morning Papa” you say to your father who has his nose buried in his paper “Good morning Jean, Eat your breakfast. We need to get going soon” “Will Dad or Léon be there at the funeral?” William moved the paper down, “Son we need to talk, you see. The reason your mother died that night was because of Léon. He lost control of his powers and he killed your mother instantly.” Betrayal. That is all Jean could feel even remembering this day. “No… that can’t be true, Léon would never” “His father. Your father, made him do it, I’m sorry Jean” “No… I can’t” Blackness. That is all Jean could remember about his twin brother. But it is what drove him to try ruining his life so often. If he had anything to do say about it Léon would be dead right now.

“I’m sorry Aidan, I have to go. You will be safe in here. Take this to keep you safe.” He said handing Aidan his shield this should be empowered until tomorrow with the amount of power I used “I will clear the area for you two. Stay behind this and if anyone I missed comes in just press the button in your hand. It will keep you two safe.” His shield could get just big enough to cover the both of them so that they couldn’t get hurt. Good he thought at least that’s two less people to worry about. Now I have to find the others. He ran through the halls swiftly and precisely killing any soldiers he found and before he knew it found himself stopping by the nurse’s office when he smelt fire. Someone’s in there he thought I should see who He peaked through the door just in time to see Min fall to the ground and the nurse dabble in unconsciousness. I guess now is as good a time as any to go in. He went in silently and gave everyone a soft smile and went over to Min. “Looks like you’ve worn yourself out” he said under his breath to min, laughing at himself, he turned to Léon who looked pretty beat up “you should be more careful, she’s not going to like you if you can’t protect her” he laughed silently to himself at his calmness and confidence. He picked Min up off the middle of the floor and sat down resting her head in his lap, he knew what it was like to black out from his powers and he didn’t want Min waking up anywhere else. “So, can anybody tell me what the heck is going on?” He looked into the group of super-teens as he asked this hopeful for an answer but he could see the despair on all of their faces. He didn’t know what was happening but things didn’t look so good.

@Brinni @CosmicChangeling @The Suspicious Eye
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@Brinni[/URL] @CosmicChangeling @SirDerpingtonIV @Homage


Oision had left the nurse's office quickly as he went to go back looking for any other students. Besides our nurse office is one of the most safest places our students could be at. Still in druid mode Dr. Kane looked at the destroyed school he knew a quick way to throw out any unwanted soldiers still in the school. I'm certain they won't mind if I do something simplistic. Of course the floors will need to be replaced. Dr. Kane placed his hand to the ground and sensed for all the living things within the school. Sending out a pulse of sentience through the school. Finding all the soldiers Kane brought the roots underneath the ground. Each root sprouted underneath the soldiers and wrapped around them tightly. Pulling them down into the ground they all appeared in a wooden cage inside the middle of the courtyard. The cage condensed around the soldiers immobilizing them. Standing up Dr. Kane's body returned back to human as he made his way into the courtyard. He crossed his arms and looked at the mass of soldiers. "Now what to do with them." He knew that there must be more coming, suppose I hold them as hostages. Deep in thought he contemplated what to do.

Ember Brook

Ember grunted as she was pushed back across the ground, the balls having been something she wasn't expecting. She fell onto her rear with the sudden force of the hot air balls. She winced, getting back to her feet. Ember frowned, seeing the hating look in the other girl's strangely discolored eyes as the marbles turned to blades. There was only a sigh to Min's words, and a clear-spoken "No. You know quite well I am not going to let you hurt anyone in here." As she said this, her fires grew hotter, swirling violently around he hands. She watched spikes appear on the blades, and had to admit she was rather disgusted with the violence this girl was showing. As the girl stepped forward, Ember raised her flame-covered hands. "Step back," she warned.... Until Min collapsed onto the ground. Ember blinked in surprise as the blades disappeared. She let her own flames go out, so she could lean down to scoop the girl up, only for someone completely random to walk in and put Min in their lap. She only shrugged, muttered a few words to herself, before seeing that Lux boy from earlier sitting in the corner, looking shocked by all of this, and she really couldn't blame him.

She turned her gaze to the Phoenix, seated on a chair, and an idea struck her. She stepped over to it, gesturing to Nia. "Phoenix, could you try and use your tears to heal Nia's wounds? I am not sure I did the best job wihen I removed the bullets."
Leon's breath was still ragged from his injuries, he was having difficulty returning to a normal breathing pattern. He was grateful as Harriet tackled the nurse and knocked her out. Good, maybe I can finally rest. He fell to his knees, the events of the day finally catching up to him. His ribs may be healed, at least for now, but the use of his powers was exhausting.

“you should be more careful, she’s not going to like you if you can’t protect her”

He looked at the stranger, the other Parisian. He's right. I couldn't protect her in all this. I could barely protect myself. Why would she ever go for someone like me when there are plenty of people here strong enough to keep her safe. But still, I need to do something. She's still my girlfriend after all. He struggled to his knees. Walking over towards Min he bent over, picked her up it's a good thing she's so light and put her on an empty cot, before he passed out from exhaustion next to her, his arm draped across her chest.


As Leon carried Min to a bed, Harriet turned to Moe. "I'm glad you're okay slowpoke. And congrats on making it to the finals....although I don't know if they'll still have them after all this."

"Eh it's fine," he replied. "I'm not sure how well I would have done given who I was up against anyways. Maybe if it was just Nia I would have been fine. It's Crush that had me shaking."

Harriet nodded. She couldn't blame him after seeing her fight against Louise. "The school was under attack. Based on what little I've overheard them saying, it seems like they're a group against people that have powers. It seems to have calmed down some though. I'm not sure why, it's not like we chose to have them."


Baylee watched as his son threatened the nurse, concerned. His friend may be hurt, but this is a little far. His eyes widened at the scene that happened next. This generation is quite strong. I'm impressed. His lost son walked into the room and taunted his brother. I need to tell him soon. If Heureuse wipes my memory, so be it.


Ryan felt the tiniest shred of pride as Bran complimented him. It felt good to have someone acknowledge his efforts, even if it wasn't anything major. He watched as Sarah and her brother argued. Looking down he realized he was still holding her hand. He knew he should let go, there was no reason for it anymore. Instead, doing something for himself for a change, he held on. The longer he could feel like he was supporting her, the better. It wasn't often he got to actually be useful to somebody outside of his picture taking.Plus, he liked the feeling of her hand in his, the bit of warmth he could feel where their palms were connected.
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Louise wanted to scream as the Nurse held onto her arm, the attack making Louise feel like her body was trying to explode. Every second it went on she felt more and more lightheaded, more and more likely to let go and unleash the Nurse onto the group. Finally, it mercifully ended, thanks in no small part to Harriet crushing the Nurse. "Thanks." She managed, still feeling out of breath, still feeling like she had been closer to death than she'd ever been before.

Louise was too busy trying not to die to notice what went down between Ember and Min, but she noticed that the situation was a lot less chaotic. Good, maybe the fighting was over. Louise ignored the sounds of distant explosives and kept hoping the fighting had ended. "You, and you." She pointed to Harriet, then Ember. They seemed the least likely to go insane or give up on life. "Help me move some of these desks and filing cabinets in front of the door. We can't risk any other attackers getting in. And you." She then pointed to Moe. "Don't know how your powers work, can you use them just on Nialla? We need to buy as much time as possible for real doctors to arrive."

"And Frenchy, stop standing there, you got medical experience? Girl's dying over there and the Nurse is fucked up. You don't? Leave and find someone who does." Louise didn't ask the new boy any questions, she gave orders. Conveniently, she also gave a brief but helpful bit of information as to what the fuck was going on.

@My Pet Poro




Nialla was losing too much blood. If things continued as they were, she was going to die on that medical bed, with a Nurse not even ten feet away. Even Arnold the Phoenix's tears alone weren't going to heal all of the wounds in time, and that was before the bullets that were still in her body. She needed professional, medical help as soon as possible. If she didn't get that in minutes, she'd need a miracle.


Natalie watched Tim get shot away with a rocket, and responded to that group by firing her last explosive dart. She'd taken down two tanks and over a dozen people, but there were just too many. "Tim! I've got two shots left, after that I'm out of the fight. Two of my team were shot, we need medical immediately."
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Ember Brook

Embed nodded, moving into position at Louise's command. She grabbed hold of a filing cabinet, beginning to push it across the floor, grunting in effort. Halfway to the door, she paused. "But what if someone needs to get in?" She asked Louise, turning her gaze to the older girl, a note of concern apparent in her face and tone of voice. She waited for Jean to make his choice for a few moments. Once he had, to insure their safety, she continued pushing the cabinet, getting it in front of the door successfully. It wasn't that large so she presumed it wouldn't help all that much, sending her back to fetch another. She took hold of it, only to find it was much heavier. "Hey," she called out, "Can someone help me with this?"
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Elastic stretched his arm and grabbed Lexi by the shoulder. "Speedy. Grab the nurse, the pheonix or someone with medical attention. Back to the parking lot as soon as you can. Ok?"

"But you almost died, what if you-"


Lexi flickered out of his sight as he bounced back to the parking lot. Another tank shot a bazooka at him, but he was prepared, catching it in mid air and firing it back with his rubbery flexible arms. Men, body parts and other debris went everywhere. It was fucking time to show these twats who ran this school and not to fuck with people like them. They had powers. They had a right to live.


Lexi slipped into hyperspeed running back to the school. The world was silent, immobile and still like a picture frame. This was something, no matter how often she would allow herself to go to her natural body state now, that she would never get used to. Making it to the nurse's room, she noticed it was locked. she shoved her body weight against it but it wouldn't budge.

Fuck it.

Running two miles out over to the obstacle course she concentrated on slowing back down to normal speed but stopped somewhere halfway inbetween as she sprinted as fast as her legs could carry her. She was a blur, wind picking up at her movements, objects breaking out of her way. She ran INTO the door, the hinges breaking off.

"Nurse-" her name cut off from the clatter of the door falling. "Mr. Elastic sent me to...." she saw Nia lying on the bed and flickered out of sight. Before anyone could respond Hapswell appeared with Lexi besides Nia's bedside. He was still playing his gameboy and looked at everyone confused as Lexi was putting pressure with her bloody dripping hands onto one of Nia's most noticeable open wounds trying to keep the blood in as much as possible.

"You better have a good excuse, Ms. Clark I'm on the last pokemon and I'm about to win this thing."

"My friend's dying. The nurse is on the floor. Everyone here looks hurt. You can use other people's powers. Can you use the nurse's to heal Nia?"

"When I finish-" he gasped as Lexi kicked him in the stomach.


"Fuck you."

"Aggressive...but you and Brick did bring in 50 million with your obstacle battle show...so...if I have to." He pushed Lexi out of the way and placed his hands on Nia, hands glowing gold as the girl began to heal.

Lexi saw her friend nearly dying and looked at everyone. She needed to stay with her friend. She needed to help at the parking lot. She needed to find Aidan. Her eyes welled with tears as she grabbed the pheonix. "tell Nia I'm sorry.....I want to be here...."

She flickered out with the bird.

What Lexi hadn't realized at the time....her blood was already in Nia's system, Nia's cells were changing as Hapswell began her work.


Sarah hadn't realized she was still holding Ryan's hand. She just looked at her brother as he berated her. "I am safe here. Go do your duty, James. You bring me to the parking lot everyone will have misfortune and there will be more deaths. I have Ryan here with me and the two of us can handle ourselves."

"Is he one of you-"

"I live my life how I choose to. You have no right to pass judgement. If Ryan and I were to court eachother you have no say in this. Or any other person I date. Go to the parking lot. I am fine."

James gave a stare at Ryan, pointing at him. "Watch your back. I catch you doing anything to her I'll kill you."

As he dissapeared Sarah looked at Ryan, noticing their hands and pulled it away, placing both on her lap. "He says that to anyone of the opposite gender. I wouldn't be threatened. I think I have my power under control. What we need to figure out is Ms. Turner and who Louis Briggs is, what that connection would be. That's a story."
Bran wasn't one to run for a situation he stayed to help. Apparently he got this from his family. Bran was in the hallway escorting some stragglers out of the building as he heard his name called out. He turned to see his brother, Corbin, helping out another group of stragglers. He smirked at his baby brother and grinned. "Baby bro!! How are you? Long time no see. You did great at the tournament."

Bran rolled his eyes and went to his brother."It could have gone better, although honestly this attack is much more interesting." He crossed his arms and smiled, "I took out twenty men." He and his brother were alway having fun counting the henchmen they took down when they were kids.

Corbin smiled "awww sorry baby bro. Twenty eight. Better luck next time shorty." He knew that this would get a rile out him. He loved to poke at his little brother.

Bran frowned and went to punch his brother. The attacks were easily blocked. His bother outmatched him in skill, for now. He noticed that his brother has gotten a bit sloppy over the years, each one he spent playing the playboy he was getting weaker. It was a sacrifice he knew that Corbin needed to take, but it was still sad to see. "I'm not short you douche. I'm just a late bloomer. I'll get taller than you just see." He stopped fighting and pulled back.

Corbin didn't break a sweat as his brother finished his attacks. Looking at his brother he saw the small increment of sadness in his face. Corbin ruffled his hair and smiled, "I know." He didn't mean the height, and Bran knew it to.

The brothers made their way into the school for the last group of stragglers. The school looked awful, but honestly it isn't the worst it has been. Corbin remembered when the school literally was nothing but ash. Hearing the commotion down the hall the two looked at each other before heading to the nurse's office. Arriving on the scene they went to Nia first.

Thinking back to the people who were in the gym he placed her to the woman who had been leading the outside defense. Nat I think it was. Corbin actually having a Ph.D and a classified surgeon helped some of the kids minor injuries. Bran looked at the other students. He was curious as to why most of them looked like the'd seen a monster, but decided not to mention it. Instead he spoke out, "the halls are cleared and the outside attacks are being subdued. If you can fight you should get out there. Recruiters are still watching."


Min's attack was mild she her hear was lucky well enough to keep pumping blood. Her nervous system was weaker, but hand't . She was vaguely conscious as she gave a soft exhale as she felt someone's warmth. She couldn't tell who, just who it wasn't. Memories of the past flowed in all the familiar body temperatures she had known. There weren't many, her mind ran through them until she found a memory that wasn't her own.

It was cold really cold and wet. She could feel her blood pouring out of her body and into the cold water submerging her. It was a dark feeling a suffocating and cold one. Everything was stripped away, until there was nothing but darkness. Then a strange feeling of rebirth. A sense of attachment to something someone motivated her to reach out. Her hand reached out and wrapped around Leon's arm. Her body slightly regained color as she let out a soft sigh.

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